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Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 from the untreated coastal marine fish scup, Stenotomus chrysops, was solubilized and resolved into five fractions by ion-exchange chromatography. The major fraction, cytochrome P-450E (Mr = 54,300), was further purified to a specific content of 11.7 nmol heme/mg protein and contained a chromophore absorbing at 447 nm in the CO-ligated, reduced difference spectrum. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of cytochrome P-450E by Edman degradation revealed no homology with any known cytochrome P-450 isozyme in the first nine residues. S. chrysops liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, purified 225-fold (Mr = 82,600), had a specific activity of 45–60 U/mg with cytochrome c, contained both FAD and FMN, and was isolated as the one-electron reduced semiquinone.Purified cytochrome P-450E metabolized several substrates including 7-ethoxycoumarin, acetanilide, and benzo[a]pyrene when reconstituted with lipid and hepatic NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from either S. chrysops or rat. The purified, reconstituted monooxygenase system was sensitive to inhibition by 100 μM 7,8-benzoflavone, and analysis of products in reconstitutions with purified rat epoxide hydrolase indicated a preference for oxidation on the benzo-ring of benzo[a]pyrene consistent with the primary features of benzo[a]pyrene metabolism in microsomes. Cytochrome P-450E is identical to the major microsomal aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible cytochrome P-450 by the criteria of molecular weight, optical properties, and catalytic profile. It is suggested that substantial quantities of this aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible isozyme exist in the hepatic microsomes of some untreated S. chrysops. The characterization of this aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase extends our understanding of the metabolism patterns observed in hepatic microsomes isolated from untreated fish.  相似文献   

Hybridomas were prepared from myeloma cells and spleen cells of BALB/c female mice immunized with hepatic cytochrome P-450E purified from the marine fish, Stenotomus chrysops (scup). Nine independent hybrid clones produced MAbs, either IgG1, IgG2b, or IgM, that bound to purified cytochrome P-450E in radioimmunoassay. Antibodies from one clone MAb (1-12-3), also strongly recognized rat cytochrome P-450MC-B (P-450BNF-B; P-450c). The nine antibodies inhibited reconstituted aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase of scup cytochrome P-450E to varying degrees, and inhibited AHH activity of beta-naphthoflavone-induced scup liver microsomes in a pattern similar to that in reconstitutions, indicating that cytochrome P-450E is identical to the AHH catalyst induced in this fish by beta-naphthoflavone. MAb 1-12-3 also inhibited the reconstituted AHH activity of the major BNF-induced rat isozyme. Conversely, MAb 1-7-1 to rat cytochrome P-450MC-B had little effect on AHH activity of scup cytochrome P-450E, and did not recognize cytochrome P-450E in radioimmunoassay nor in an immunoblot. Scup cytochrome P-450E and rat cytochrome P-450MC-B thus have at least one common epitope recognized by MAb 1-12-3, but the epitope recognized by Mab 1-7-1 is absent or recognized with low affinity in cytochrome P-450E. The various assays indicate that the nine MAbs against cytochrome P-450E are directed to different epitopes of the molecule. These MAbs should be useful in determining phylogenetic relationships of the BNF- or MC-inducible isozymes and their regulation by other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Because the mass-specific power generated by myotomal muscle during swimming varies along the length of the fish, a realistic assessment of total power generation by the musculature requires integrating the product of mass-specific power and muscle mass at each position over the length of the fish. As a first step toward this goal, we examined the distribution of red, pink, and white muscle along the length of Stenotomus chrysops (scup) using histochemical and image analysis techniques. The largest cross-sectional area of red fibers occurs at 60% of total fish length and declines both anteriorly and posteriorly. By contrast, white fibers have the largest cross-sectional area in the anterior and decline dramatically moving posteriorly. The proportion of the fishes' cross-section occupied by red fibers increases from 1.37% to 8.42% moving posteriorly along the length of the fish. In contrast, the proportion of cross-sectional area occupied by pink fibers is constant (1.19%), while the proportional cross-sectional area of white fibers falls from 82.5% to 66.3%. The red, pink, and white fibers comprise 2.09, 0.73, and 51.1%, respectively, of total fish weight. We also compared the distribution of muscle in 10°C-and 200°C-acclimated animals. The value for red fiber volume, though slightly higher (13%) in cold-acclimated fish, is not statistically different. No difference was found in pink or white fibers. Finally, the finding that most of the red muscle is in the posterior half of the fish further supports the notion that most power for steady swimming at moderate speeds comes from posterior rather than anterior musculature. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two new cytochrome P-450 forms were purified from liver microsomes of the marine fish Stenotomus chrysops (scup). Cytochrome P-450A (Mr = 52.5K) had a CO-ligated, reduced difference spectrum lambda max at 447.5 nm, and reconstituted modest benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activity (0.16 nmol/min/nmol P-450) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase activity (0.42 nmol/min/nmol P-450). Cytochrome P-450A reconstituted under optimal conditions catalyzed hydroxylation of testosterone almost exclusively at the 6 beta position (0.8 nmol/min/nmol P-450) and also catalyzed 2-hydroxylation of estradiol. Cytochrome P-450A is active toward steroid substrates and we propose that it is a major contributor to microsomal testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity. Cytochrome P-450A had a requirement for conspecific (scup) NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and all reconstituted activities examined were stimulated by the addition of purified scup cytochrome b5. Cytochrome P-450B (Mr = 45.9K) had a CO-ligated, reduced difference spectrum lambda max at 449.5 nm and displayed low rates of reconstituted catalytic activities. However, cytochrome P-450B oxidized testosterone at several different sites including the 15 alpha position (0.07 nmol/min/nmol P-450). Both cytochromes P-450A and P-450B were distinct from the major benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylating form, cytochrome P-450E, by the criteria of spectroscopic properties, substrate profiles, minimum molecular weights on NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gels, peptide mapping and lack of cross-reaction with antibody raised against cytochrome P-450E. Cytochrome P-450E shares epitopes with rat cytochrome P-450c indicating it is the equivalent enzyme, but possible homology between scup cytochromes P-450A or P-450B and known P-450 isozymes in other vertebrate groups is uncertain, although functional analogs exist.  相似文献   

Increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from human industrial activities are causing changes in global ocean carbonate chemistry, resulting in a reduction in pH, a process termed “ocean acidification.” It is important to determine which species are sensitive to elevated levels of CO2 because of potential impacts to ecosystems, marine resources, biodiversity, food webs, populations, and effects on economies. Previous studies with marine fish have documented that exposure to elevated levels of CO2 caused increased growth and larger otoliths in some species. This study was conducted to determine whether the elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) would have an effect on growth, otolith (ear bone) condition, survival, or the skeleton of juvenile scup, Stenotomus chrysops, a species that supports both important commercial and recreational fisheries. Elevated levels of pCO2 (1200–2600 μatm) had no statistically significant effect on growth, survival, or otolith condition after 8 weeks of rearing. Field data show that in Long Island Sound, where scup spawn, in situ levels of pCO2 are already at levels ranging from 689 to 1828 μatm due to primary productivity, microbial activity, and anthropogenic inputs. These results demonstrate that ocean acidification is not likely to cause adverse effects on the growth and survivability of every species of marine fish. X‐ray analysis of the fish revealed a slightly higher incidence of hyperossification in the vertebrae of a few scup from the highest treatments compared to fish from the control treatments. Our results show that juvenile scup are tolerant to increases in seawater pCO2, possibly due to conditions this species encounters in their naturally variable environment and their well‐developed pH control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Fishes power steady, undulatory swimming using both red andpink muscle. In this study we examined the roles of the twofiber types in generating power for swimming by using two-steptechnique. First, in vivo data is collected from swimming fish,and second, the electrical activity and muscle length changeconditions recorded in vivo are recreated in vitro with isolatedmuscle bundles. Force production and power generation by muscleduring swimming can then be estimated. In scup, both red andpink muscle are recruited to power swimming at the maximum sustainedswimming speed. For both fiber types, the duration of electricalactivity decreases from anterior to posterior. However, theamplitude of muscle length change increases anterior to posterior.Mass-specific power production increases posteriorly for bothmuscle types. The faster contraction kinetics of pink muscletranslate to higher power production pink muscle relative tored muscle for all longitudinal positions of the fish. Determinationof absolute power production, based on mass-specific power andmuscle mass, shows that the posterior regions of the fish generatethe most power for swimming. At 20°C, red muscle generatesmore absolute power than pink due to its higher muscle mass.However, at 10°C, pink muscle generates more absolute powerthan red, because red muscle produces little or no positivepower for all longitudinal positions.  相似文献   

The red and pink aerobic muscle fibers are used to power steady swimming in fishes. We examined red and pink muscle recruitment and function during swimming in scup, Stenotomus chrysops, through electromyography and high-speed ciné. Computer analysis of electromyograms (EMGs) allowed determination of initial speed of muscle recruitment and duty cycle and phase of muscle electromyographic activity for both fiber types. This analysis was carried out for three longitudinal positions over a range of swimming speeds. Fiber type and longitudinal position both affected swimming speed of initial recruitment. Posterior muscle is recruited at the lowest swimming speed, whereas more anterior muscle is not initially recruited until higher speeds. At more anterior positions, the initial recruitment of pink muscle occurs at a higher swimming speed than the recruitment of red muscle. The duty cycle of pink muscle EMG activity is significantly shorter than that of red muscle, reflecting a difference in the onset time of activation during each cycle of length change: pink muscle onset time follows that of red. The different patterns of usage of red and pink muscle reflect differences in their contraction kinetics. Because pink muscle generates force more rapidly than red muscle, it can be activated later in each tailbeat cycle. Pink muscle is used to augment red muscle power production at higher swimming speeds, allowing a higher aerobically based steady swimming speed than that possible by red muscle alone.  相似文献   

Specimens of mullet (Mugil cephalus), a marine fish, were given single doses of 3-methylcholanthrene intraperitoneally and the activity of the microsomal mixed-function oxygenase system in the liver was measured by the metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene. The enzyme system was found to be inducible with concomitant ultrastructural changes in the hepatocytes. The specific activity and the metabolic profile approximate those of the rat.  相似文献   

When a buffered anaerobic cell suspension of Methanococcoides methylutens was maintained under methanol-limited conditions, intracellular glycogen and hexose phosphates were consumed rapidly and a very small amount of methane formed at 4 h of a starvation period. When methanol was supplemented after a total of 20 h of starvation, a reverse pattern was observed: the glycogen level and the hexose phosphate pool increased, and formation of methane took place after a lag period of 90 min. A considerable amount of methane was formed in 120 min after its detection with a rate of 0.18 micromol mg(-1) protein min(-1). When methane formation decreased after 270 min of incubation and finally came to a halt, probably due to complete assimilation of supplemented methanol, the levels of glycogen and hexose monophosphates decreased once again. However fructose 1,6-diphosphate levels showed a continuous increase even after exhaustion of methane formation. In contrast to the hexose phosphate pool, levels of other metabolites showed a small increase after addition of methanol. The enzyme profile of glycogen metabolism showed relatively high levels of triose phosphate isomerase. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase reacted with NADPH with a three-fold higher activity as compared to that with NADH.  相似文献   

1. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (C), peroxidase (P) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were estimated in the erythrocytes and liver of the carp, the tench and the crucian carp during a two-years period, 1983-1984 (autumn). 2. The lipid peroxidation (LP) of the erythrocytes and liver homogenates was also compared. 3. The activities of the enzymes examined showed significant interspecies variations. 4. Significant differences were observed between enzyme activities (except for SOD in the liver) and lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and liver of investigated fish species. 5. The very high values of peroxide enzyme activities in fish erythrocytes and SOD in fish liver suggest the predominant role of these enzymes in protection of polyunsaturated acids against uncontrolled oxidative processes.  相似文献   

Specific features of the morphohistochemical and ultrastructural organization of the secretory system of olfactory organs in marine fish from the Pacific region were studied. Multicellular alveolar and tubular glands were revealed in the olfactory epithelium of Pleurogrammus azonus, Myoxocephalus yaok, Enophrys diceraus, Alcichthys elongatus, Gymnocanthus pistilliger, Hemilepidotus gilberti, Hemitripterus villosus, Podothecus veternus, Liparis dubius, Clupea pallasi, as well as in salmonids (Oncorhynchus nerka, O. keta, O. gorbuscha, O. masou, O. kisutch, O. tschawytscha) and in tetraodontids (Takifugu rubripes). The morphofunctional characteristic of the described glands is close to the Bowman’s glands of land animals. The structure, localization, and density of location of olfactory glands are determined by specific features of the ecology of the species. These structures are most numerous in bottom and near-bottom representatives of marine ichthyofauna.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Comparative studies on the possible origin of extremely high contents of vitamin D3 in some kinds of fish liver were performed.
  • 2.2. Neither photochemical formation of vitamin D3 in fish skin by solar radiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) nor nonphotochemical enzymatic formation of vitamin D3 from 7-DHC in fish liver was demonstrated as the origin of vitamin D3.
  • 3.3. On the other hand, when bastard halibuts and carps were farmed from fingerlings to adults with feedstuff's containing vitamin D2 or D3, significant amounts of the vitamins were accumulated in the fish liver.
  • 4.4. The contents of vitamins D2 and D3 in bastard halibut liver increased according to the duration of farming and dose responses of the vitamins in carp liver were observed.
  • 5.5. Significant amounts of vitamins D2 and D3 in phytoplankton and vitamin D3 in Zooplankton and small fish were detected.
  • 6.6. Therefore, we have concluded that the most probable origin of vitamin D3 in fish liver is a result of food chains from plankton.

Carnivorous juveniles (<16 mm LS) of pinfish Lagodon rhomboides apparently lacked gastric glands in the stomach while larger fish, intermediates (30-33 mm LS) and herbivorous adults (>80 mm LS) had numerous gastric glands. Two cell types were identified in the gastric glands of larger fish: mucous secreting cells and secretory cells which had ultrastructure features typical of digestive enzymes and acid secretion. Lipid absorption occurred throughout the caeca and intestine in all sizes of fish. Microvilli found on the rectal epithelial cells of the intermediate and adult pinfish occurred on stalks and were possibly associated with water reabsorption. Liver enzyme activities changed in small fish (26–39 mm LS) compared to the adult fish. Alanine amino transferase (ALT) and fructose diphosphotase (FDP) activities declined while pyruvate kinase (PK) activities increased significantly. These changes were consistent with a change in diet from a carnivorous (high protein) diet in juveniles to an omnivorous (lower protein) diet determined by stomach content analyses.  相似文献   

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