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The widespread production of cash crops can result in the decline of forests, peatlands, rice fields and local community land. Such unwanted land‐use and land‐cover (LULC) change can lead to decreased carbon stocks, diminished biodiversity, displaced communities and reduced local food production. In this study, we analysed to what extent four main commodities, namely, palm oil, pulpwood, rice and rubber, can be produced in North and East Kalimantan in Indonesia without such unwanted LULC change. We investigated the technical potential of four measures to mitigate unwanted LULC change between 2008 and 2020 under low, medium and high scenarios, referring to the intensities of the mitigation measures compared with those implemented in 2008. These measures are related to land sparing through (i) the improvements of yields, (ii) chain efficiencies, (iii) chain integration and (iv) the steering of any expansion of these commodities to suitable and available underutilised (potentially degraded) lands. Our analyses resulted in a land‐sparing potential of 0.4–1.2 Mha (i.e. 24–62% of the total land demand of the commodities) between 2008 and 2020, depending on the land‐use projection of the four commodities and the scenario for implementing the mitigation measures. Additional expansion on underutilised land is the most important mitigation measure (45–62% of the total potential), followed by yield improvements as the second most important mitigation measure (32–46% of the total potential). Our study shows that reconciling the production of palm oil, pulpwood, rice and rubber with the maintenance of existing agricultural lands, forests and peatlands is technically possible only (i) under a scenario of limited agricultural expansion, (ii) if responsible land zoning is applied and enforced and (iii) if the yields and chain efficiencies are strongly improved.  相似文献   

In this paper, the link between traditional rights of access to land and water and present day practices is established and illustrated. Data collected during various studies in the Zamfara Forest Reserve, northwest Nigeria, provided information on the different resources utilized (land, pastures, water) and the views and practices of different user-groups and stakeholders. The findings are discussed with a view to improving existing common property resource management (CPRM) in the area.  相似文献   

Plantations of native‐tree species are often recommended for ecological restoration, but the understanding of how these techniques catalyze natural ecological processes is limited. We investigated natural regeneration in five plantations of native trees in the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve (PABR) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The plantations were 9–11 years old, and contained 8–14 native‐tree species with different compositions and relative density of species. We analyzed floristic composition, structure (density and basal area) of overstory and understory strata, as well as other ecological attributes (dispersal syndromes, fruit or seed size, and the availability of fruit for frugivores). Zoochorous species comprised 77% of the community, with a prevalence of the two smallest size classes of propagules (< 0.6 and 0.6–1.6 cm) in natural regeneration. The density of zoochorous plants in the understory was positively correlated with their density in the overstory, indicating their influence on natural regeneration (r2 = 0.36; p < 0.0002). Fruit availability for frugivores (density and richness of plants fruiting during the year) was also positively correlated with the density of stems in the understory. Therefore, attributes such as dispersal syndrome and fruiting season should be considered in selecting species to be planted. The differences in natural regeneration observed in each of the native‐tree plantations indicated that the performance of plantations as a restoration strategy may differ, depending on initial species composition, planting density, and site conditions.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is considered as one of the most significant forms of land degradation that affects sustained productivity of agricultural land use and water quality. It is influenced by a considerable number of factors (including climate, soil, topography, land use and types of land management), so that the information on the spatial distribution of soil erosion rate and its related effects can be effectively employed as a baseline data for land use development and water protection. The principal aim of this study is three-fold: (i) to map existing land use; (ii) to assess and map the spatial distribution of average annual rate of soil losses in the study area; (iii) to evaluate spatial matching between existing and proposed land use including a distance analysis from the water body (the Bili-Bili Dam). An analytical procedures used, respectively, include supervised classification of satellite imagery, application of RUSLE (Revised USLE), and overlay analysis in a raster GIS environment, utilising available information in the region covering some parts of Jeneberang catchment, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results suggest that the outputs of this study can be used for the identification of land units on a cell-basis with different land use types, rate of soil loss, inconsistency between proposed and planned land use, as well as the threat of land degradation to the main river and the dam. The analytical procedures developed in this research may be useful in other areas, particularly in the studies related to the assessment and mapping of land use and erosion for the importance of sustainable land use at a relatively large area.  相似文献   

The spatial prioritization of biodiversity restoration sites on a national scale lags behind that of protected areas. We present a simple framework for spatial restoration prioritization using complementarity analysis based on the differences between past and present species distributions and restoration feasibility. In the framework, sites that were not only diverse or unique in the past (high restoration potential), but also have high restoration feasibility (e.g. low anthropogenic pressures) are ranked higher. We applied the framework to endangered bird species that breed in Japan for which distribution data were available from nationwide distribution censuses conducted in 1978 and 1998. The data were compiled in a 20‐km grid resolution across Japan. We incorporated the degree of urbanization and number of farmers as a cost to optimize the sets of cells with regard to restoration feasibility. We successfully identified candidate sets of restoration cells, in which at most six can be allocated for each species under the constraint that the total area selected does not exceed 15% of the degraded cells. At most, 11 cells were allocated for each species under the constraint that restoration cells were within 15% of all ecosystem types. Comparison with the distribution of existing nature restoration sites revealed that only 9.3 or 9.7% (depended on the constraint) of high‐priority cells overlapped cells including existing restoration sites. Our framework provides an objective, efficient method to obtain a testable plan for biodiversity restoration, which might contribute to the attainment of the 2020 target set by the Convention on Biological Diversity .  相似文献   

In this ethnographic account, I attempt to write an anthropological narrative of my own university located in a district town of the West Bengal state in India about 130 kilometres from Kolkata, the capital of the state. My account does not come under the sub-discipline of ‘Educational Anthropology’ in which formal education is studied by the anthropologists as yet another process of the transmission of culture. My point of departure entails viewing the physical and the cultural space named ‘university campus’ by situating the case study of Vidyasagar University in a theoretical and global context. The anthropological subjects in the cultural space labelled as ‘campus’ range from the Vice-Chancellors to the indigenous tribal people who were viewed as ‘encroachers’ by the university community, while the latter looked at the campus as part of their traditional village common land. Ironically, the aims and objectives of my university was to build up research and teaching towards the development of the tribal and the underprivileged people of the region in which the university is located. The case of my university and comparative cases of Columbia, Pennsylvania and Marquette Universities definitely differ in scale, but they also share one common point: expansion of a campus and its effect on the local community in the context of the ideals and objectives of university as a social institution. The empirical scenario demands the emergence of the new sub-discipline named ‘campus anthropology’.  相似文献   

In many areas of the northern Mediterranean Basin the abundance of forest and scrubland vegetation is increasing, commensurate with decreases in agricultural land use(s). Much of the land use/cover change (LUCC) in this region is associated with the marginalization of traditional agricultural practices due to ongoing socioeconomic shifts and subsequent ecological change. Regression-based models of LUCC have two purposes: (i) to aid explanation of the processes driving change and/or (ii) spatial projection of the changes themselves. The independent variables contained in the single ‘best’ regression model (that is, that which minimizes variation in the dependent variable) cannot be inferred as providing the strongest causal relationship with the dependent variable. Here, we examine the utility of hierarchical partitioning and multinomial regression models for, respectively, explanation and prediction of LUCC in EU Special Protection Area 56, ‘Encinares del río Alberche y Cofio’ (SPA 56) near Madrid, Spain. Hierarchical partitioning estimates the contribution of regression model variables, both independently and in conjunction with other variables in a model, to the total variance explained by that model and is a tool to isolate important causal variables. By using hierarchical partitioning we find that the combined effects of factors driving land cover transitions varies with land cover classification, with a coarser classification reducing explained variance in LUCC. We use multinomial logistic regression models solely for projecting change, finding that accuracies of maps produced vary by land cover classification and are influenced by differing spatial resolutions of socioeconomic and biophysical data. When examining LUCC in human-dominated landscapes such as those of the Mediterranean Basin, the availability and analysis of spatial data at scales that match causal processes is vital to the performance of the statistical modelling techniques used here.  相似文献   

Common property arrangements govern the subsistence harvest of berries in the Gwich’in region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Some of these arrangements, including rules for resource access, sharing information and harvest sharing, enable the Gwich’in to deal with ecological variability. The rules change in response to year-to-year variations in the abundance and distribution of the species, spatially and temporally across the region. This paper illustrates the interrelationships between ecosystem dynamics and local institutions, a neglected area of commons research.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

低碳导向下土地覆被演变模拟——以深圳市为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何海珊  赵宇豪  吴健生 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8352-8363
全球碳排放水平的不断增加引起的全球变暖越发严重,导致了严重的自然灾害和经济损失,这种失衡发展的态势促使着各个国家开始探索低碳环保的发展模式。为了探究何种土地利用组成可以更好的为低碳城市服务,以深圳市为研究区,结合2020年土地利用现状结构和2020年土地利用规划结构分别估算出碳汇最大化情景和碳排放量最小化情景下2020年各土地利用类型的数量结构,并运用FLUS模型模拟出深圳市土地利用类型在这两种情景下的空间分布特征。最后,从碳密度和碳排放视角对比这两种情景的低碳效益。研究结果如下:①碳汇最大化和碳排放最小化情景下土地利用总碳盈余均比2020年少,且碳汇最大化情景下土地利用总碳盈余最小。碳汇最大化情景下耕地、园地和林地面积增加而水域和建设用地减少,碳排放最小化情景下园地和林地面积增加来源于草地、水域和建设用地的减少,这两种低碳情景的碳汇能力增强而碳排放量减少;②碳汇最大化和碳排放最小化情景下林地明显增加故而土地利用总碳盈余均比实际情景小,而园地和草地的缩减和扩张是引起两种低碳情景碳密度和碳排放量有差异的主要原因。碳汇最大化和碳排放最小化情景下,西部和东南部主要是碳密度增加和碳排放减少的区域,而中部是碳密度减少和碳排放增加的区域。因此对中部区域进行重点调控,有利于深圳市碳中和和碳达峰的实现。研究可以为深圳的低碳发展提供规划建议,同时给其他区域的低碳规划提供参考意见。  相似文献   

气候变化引起的海平面上升以及人口快速增长引起的土地利用变化为新时期全球沿海低洼地区的土地利用规划带来了新的挑战。有别于传统的土地利用规划理念与方法,引入韧性城市的概念,以美国佛罗里达州马坦萨斯河入海口地区应对气候变化和人口快速增长的韧性土地利用规划为例,通过构建基于地理信息系统的综合模型,整合海平面上升影响模型、物种栖息地模型和土地利用预测模型来预测适应海平面上升的土地利用规划方案。研究的结果可为中国沿海地区特别是三角洲地区应对气候变化提供借鉴。  相似文献   



Canine rabies is one of the most important and feared zoonotic diseases in the world. In some regions rabies elimination is being successfully coordinated, whereas in others rabies is endemic and continues to spread to uninfected areas. As epidemics emerge, both accepted and contentious control methods are used, as questions remain over the most effective strategy to eliminate rabies. The Indonesian island of Bali was rabies-free until 2008 when an epidemic in domestic dogs began, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people. Here we analyze data from the epidemic and compare the effectiveness of control methods at eliminating rabies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using data from Bali, we estimated the basic reproductive number, R 0, of rabies in dogs, to be ∼1·2, almost identical to that obtained in ten–fold less dense dog populations and suggesting rabies will not be effectively controlled by reducing dog density. We then developed a model to compare options for mass dog vaccination. Comprehensive high coverage was the single most important factor for achieving elimination, with omission of even small areas (<0.5% of the dog population) jeopardizing success. Parameterizing the model with data from the 2010 and 2011 vaccination campaigns, we show that a comprehensive high coverage campaign in 2012 would likely result in elimination, saving ∼550 human lives and ∼$15 million in prophylaxis costs over the next ten years.


The elimination of rabies from Bali will not be achieved through achievable reductions in dog density. To ensure elimination, concerted high coverage, repeated, mass dog vaccination campaigns are necessary and the cooperation of all regions of the island is critical. Momentum is building towards development of a strategy for the global elimination of canine rabies, and this study offers valuable new insights about the dynamics and control of this disease, with immediate practical relevance.  相似文献   

This landscape-scale study combines analysis of multitemporal satellite imagery spanning 30 years and information from field studies extending over 25 years to assess the extent and causes of land use and land cover change in the Loitokitok area, southeast Kajiado District, Kenya. Rain fed and irrigated agriculture, livestock herding, and wildlife and tourism have all experienced rapid change in their structure, extent, and interactions over the past 30 years in response to a variety of economic, cultural, political, institutional, and demographic processes. Land use patterns and processes are explored through a complementary application of interpretation of satellite imagery and case study analysis that explicitly addresses the local–national spatial scale over a time frame appropriate to the identification of fundamental causal processes. The results illustrate that this combination provides an effective basis for describing and explaining patterns of land use and land cover change and their root causes.  相似文献   

Agriculture, particularly pasture, is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from tropical regions. Silvopastoral systems may increase carbon pools in pastures while maintaining productivity. Adding trees to pasture provides carbon sinks in woody biomass, and may improve degraded soils and increase the stability of soil carbon pools. In this study we quantified the biomass carbon stored in spontaneous silvopastoral systems in southeastern Ecuador. We compared the stem density, basal area, aboveground biomass, and organic carbon in the top 20 cm of soil in 100 pastures, ranging from 3 to 250 hectares, in four different communities. Aboveground live woody biomass, calculated using allometric equations and two different wood densities, varied from 10.99 to 66.1 Mg per hectare. Soil organic carbon pools ranged from 85.0 to 97.6 Mg per hectare. Stem density, basal area, and aboveground live biomass all positively correlated with pasture age. We found no relationship between pasture age or stem density and soil organic carbon pools. We measured live woody biomass carbon pools of 34–1070 Mg of carbon per farm in these silvopastoral systems. We found no effects on productivity of the herbaceous layer, suggesting that having a low density of trees in pastures could substantially increase the number of trees and the associated carbon sequestration without affecting cattle production.  相似文献   

How to assort with the relationship between the urban construction and the maintenance of ecological security is a hot issue during the process of urbanization. The purpose of this study is to identify the key ecological land maintaining ecological security and to put forward some measures for environmental management. Based on the GIS technology, from the view of water security, biodiversity conservation, disaster protection, natural recreation security, and human disturbance, an integrated index is put forward to evaluate the ecological importance of regional space. Then, a GIS-based approach for evaluating ecological importance was created, with Xingguo county of China as a case study. The results show that the area of core eco-space in the study area accounts for 30% of the total area. These areas mainly consist of the core areas of regional river systems, wetlands, nature reserves, forest parks, and scenic spots and the endangered and protected zone of geological hazards. According to the spatial characteristics of ecological importance for different regions, this study proposes some zoning regulations and measures for environmental management.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the effects of land use change in West Jilin on ecosystem services value (ESV) in a long time scales (1976–2013) based on Pay Index. The results showed that the main characteristic of land use change in study area was area reduction in grassland and marsh, and area increase in arable land and alkali-land. However, land use change in Period 1 (1976–2000) got a faster rate than in Period 2 (2000–2013). The ESV in West Jilin mostly contributed by marsh, farmland, water, and grassland. The total value of ecosystem services increased from 21.65 billion yuan to 64.28 billion yuan during 1976–2013. Based on the Pay Index in 2013, ESV had an average annual reduction of 170.4 million yuan in Period 1, mainly caused by the conversion of marsh and woodland to other land use types. ESV in West Jilin lost about 115.02 million yuan per year in Period 2; the most important reason was that marsh converted to other types of land use. From the point of view of ecological service type, value of supporting service, regulating service, and cultural service was sustained or reduced both in Period 1 and in Period 2. However, the change of provisioning service value showed a slight upward trend during 1976–2013. Overall, land use change in West Jilin in recent 37 years lead to a continuous reduction in regional ESV, especially in Period 1.  相似文献   

Farm intensification options in pasture‐based dairy systems are generally associated with increased stocking rates coupled with the increased use of off‐farm inputs to support the additional feed demand of animals. However, as well as increasing milk production per hectare, intensification can also exacerbate adverse impacts on the environment. The objective of the present study was to investigate environmental trade‐offs associated with potential intensification methods for pasture‐based dairy farming systems in the Waikato region, New Zealand. The intensification scenarios selected were (1) increased pasture utilization efficiency (PUE scenario), (2) increased use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer to boost on‐farm pasture production (N fertilizer scenario), and (3) increased use of brought‐in feed as maize silage (MS) (MS scenario). Twelve impact categories were assessed. The PUE scenario was the environmentally preferred intensification method, and the preferred choice between the N fertilizer and MS scenarios depended upon trade‐offs between different environmental impacts. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to test the effects of choice associated with: (1) the approaches used to account for indirect land‐use change (ILUC) and (2) the competing product systems (conventional beef systems) used to handle the co‐product dairy meat for the climate change (CC) indicator. Results showed that the magnitude of the CC indicator results was influenced by the ILUC accounting approaches and the choice associated with a global marginal beef mix, but the relative CC indicator results for the three intensification scenarios remained unchanged.  相似文献   

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