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外生菌根缓解植物酸雨胁迫的机理研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,是酸雨污染的主要受体,酸雨对生态系统产生着巨大的影响。菌根是菌根真菌与植物营养根的共生体。外生菌根真菌与宿主植物间互惠互利,在森林生态系统中,外生菌根在维持生态系统的养分平衡和改善树木营养等方面有重要的作用。本文综述了国内外关于菌根和酸雨关系的研究,酸雨能抑制外生菌根的形成,降低其活力;但另一方面,外生菌根能够缓解酸雨造成的植物危害,提高植株对酸雨的耐受力。外生菌根主要通过以下几方面缓解酸雨胁迫:(1)菌根形态结构的物理屏蔽作用;(2)增加养分吸收,增加御酸能力;(3)增强酶活性,提高植物生存能力;(4)产生有机酸或其他物质。 相似文献
外生菌根对干旱胁迫的响应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从外生菌根真菌、外生菌根共生体以及外生菌根的间接作用等方面阐述外生菌根如何抵制干旱胁迫,并对未来我国外生菌根的研究提出了建议。干旱可以抑制外生菌根真菌的生长并降低其群落中真菌的多样性,干旱胁迫下外生菌根真菌子实体可以利用深度30cm以下的土壤水,子实体的表面积和体积比可作为筛选抗旱真菌的一个重要因子;在遭受干旱胁迫时,外生菌根共生体可以发生形态变化来应对干旱,同时增加了植株水分的吸收并改善了植物的光合作用、活性氧以及激素等相关代谢;外生菌根对植物生长的促进作用、增加土壤碳汇以及对其他根际微生物生长的促进作用等对宿主植物应对干旱胁迫有利。未来我国外生菌根研究应加强对干旱区优良菌-树组合的筛选工作,同时加大对乡土外生菌根真菌资源的调查力度,未来研究应重点向分子生物学领域推进。 相似文献
植物根资源捕获塑性是地下生态学研究的重点之一, 在过去二三十年间有长足的进步。菌根塑性是根资源捕获塑性的重要方面, 但由于研究手段的限制, 目前仅有概念上的探讨。缺乏菌根塑性的根塑性研究至少是不全面的。菌根生物学的迅速发展, 尤其是分子生物学手段的介入, 使对菌根塑性进行深入研究成为可能。该文对外生菌根塑性进行讨论, 在简要介绍了外生菌根的生物学基本知识后, 着重讨论了外生菌根形态塑性和生理塑性的定义与内涵。通过文献综述, 分析讨论了外生菌根塑性的研究现状: 很少有研究聚焦在菌根塑性本身, 现有的材料多为其他研究的隐示或研究结果的引申, 并多在形态塑性方面。外生菌根的生理塑性未见有直接的实验数据。该文还对外生菌根研究中发展的、可用于菌根塑性研究的方法进行了综述。由于外生菌根塑性的复杂性, 对菌根塑性的研究会较植物根本身塑性的研究复杂得多, 问题也会相对复杂, 比如植物和外生菌根菌之间的营养需求关系、植物外生菌根塑性的生态意义、实验方法的缺陷等等。对今后外生菌根塑性研究的方向进行了探讨。 相似文献
外生菌根的生理学特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国外生菌根的出现和分布大都集中于暖热性针叶林、温凉性阔叶林、暖性阔叶林、暖性针叶林以及温凉性针叶林等森林中。外生菌根在林业生产、环境保护和引种驯化等领域内具有广泛应用价值和综合意义。本文仅就外生菌根的生理学特征进行概述。1侵染过程中的生理特征分布于... 相似文献
外生菌根菌与森林树木的相互关系 总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23
生态系统的每个过程都伴随着各种微生物的活动,其中最重要的功能群之一是菌根真菌(菌根菌)。一般认为,菌根菌是自然界多数植物生存最基本的组成部分,陆地上约90%以上的高等植物都具有菌根菌。这些菌类的菌丝体与植物根系结合形成菌根,使植物生长成为可能,使不同种类植物的根系联在一起。根据菌根菌入侵植物根系的方式及菌根的形态特征,菌根可分为外生菌根、内生菌根和内外生菌根3组共7种类型。外生菌根主要出现在松科、桦木科、壳斗科等树种的森林生态系统中,在根系表面形成菌丝鞘,部分菌丝进入根系皮层细胞间隙形成哈氏网表面。菌根菌剂在森林经营中得到广泛地应用。外生菌根菌对森林树木的作用可归纳为:1)促进造林或育苗成活与生长;2)提高森林生态系统中植物的多样性、稳定性和生产力;3)对森林生态系统的综合效应,主要表现在增加植物一土壤联结,改善土壤结构,促进土壤微生物,增强植物器官的功能;4)抗拮植物根部病害病原菌等。树木与菌根菌相互关系研究主要包括:1)菌根共生的机理;2)菌根菌在退化森林生态系统恢复与改造中的作用;3)菌根菌的分布格局与森林生态系统服务功能的关系;4)菌根菌对森林生态系统的综合效应,如菌根菌与森林植物群落结构、物种多样性以及森林系统稳定性和生产力的研究。 相似文献
乳菇属真菌与松属植物形成的外生菌根 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
描述了两种乳菇属真菌在湿地松上形成菌根的形态学和组织学特征,结果表明两种真菌形成菌根在形态学和组织学上基本相似,其区别在菌根的颜色及受伤后产生的乳汁颜色,与文献报道的该属真菌形成的菌根的形态特征比较,表明具有乳汁菌丝是本属真菌形成菌根的共同特征,根据目前已有资料给出了乳菇属真菌所形成菌根的检索表。 相似文献
庐山外生菌根真菌的分布 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
早在一个世纪以前,人们就发现自然界中许多高等植物与真菌存在共生关系,并把这种共生体叫做菌根(Mycorrhiza),最常见的菌根分为内生菌根(Endotrophicmycorrhiza)和外生菌根(Entotrophicmycorrhiza)。据Trppe的调查[1],能够形成菌根的真菌很多,与木本植物形成外生菌根的真菌多属于伞菌、多孔菌、腹菌等计有11目30科90多个属;在植物界除了水生植物和极少数陆生植物种属外都能形成菌根。我国已报道能形成外生菌根的真菌约28个科63个属[2.4]。庐山是… 相似文献
Inhibition of photosynthesis by heavy metals 总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36
Inhibition of photosynthesis by heavy metals is well documented. In this review the results are compared between in vitro experiments on isolated systems (chloroplasts, enzymes .), experiments on excised leaves and intact plants and algae in vivo. In vitro experiments suggest potential sites of heavy metal interaction with photosynthesis at several levels of organisation, which are not necessarily confirmed in vivo. Analytical data on subcellular heavy metal level are generally missing to discuss their mechanism of action in the intact organism. In the field factors such as soil characteristics and air pollution have to be taken into account for assessing the mechanism of action of heavy metals on photosynthesis in plants, growing in a polluted erea.paper presented at the FESPP meeting in Strasbourg (1984) 相似文献
Biosensors for heavy metals 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A biosensor is an analytical device that consists of an immobilized biocomponent in conjunction with a transducer, and represents a synergistic combination of biotechnology and microelectronics. This review summarizes the use of biosensors for detecting and quantifying heavy metal ions. Heavy metal contamination is of serious concern to human health since these substances are non-biodegradable and retained by the ecological system. Conventional analytical techniques for heavy metals (such as cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) are precise but suffer from the disadvantages of high cost, the need for trained personnel and the fact that they are mostly laboratory bound. Biosensors have the advantages of specificity, low cost, ease of use, portability and the ability to furnish continuous real time signals. The analysis of heavy metal ions can be carried out with biosensors by using both protein (enzyme, metal-binding protein and antibody)-based and whole-cell (natural and genetically engineered microorganism)-based approaches.Published online: March 2005 相似文献
本文测定了野生采集和人工培育冬虫夏草、人工培育冬虫夏草子实体、冬虫夏草发酵菌液、冬虫夏草寄主蝙蝠蛾昆虫食物(蕨麻Potentilla anserine和珠芽蓼Polygonum viviparum),以及野生冬虫夏草产地土壤中5种重金属元素(铜Cu、铅Pb、砷As、镉Cd、汞Hg)的含量。结果表明,人工培育冬虫夏草、人工培育冬虫夏草子实体、冬虫夏草发酵菌液、蕨麻块根、珠芽蓼种子的5种重金属元素含量符合《中医药-中药材重金属限量》ISO国际标准;而野生冬虫夏草,除砷含量(6.170 mg/kg)超标外,铜、铅、镉、汞元素含量均符合要求。按国家标准《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 1516-2018),四川产地土壤(KDX)与青海产地土壤(GD、HN)的5种重金属含量均低于农用土壤污染风险筛选值;而四川产地土壤(KDT),除镉含量(0.923 mg/kg)高于风险筛选值而低于风险管制值外,其余4种元素含量均低于风险筛选值。结果为人工培育冬虫夏草的质量控制提供了参考。 相似文献
Effect of simultaneous establishment of Sedum alfredii and Zea mays on heavy metal accumulation in plants 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Land application of biosolids to improve agricultural productivity is a cost-effective approach for resource recovery. Unfortunately, municipal biosolids often contain high concentrations of heavy metals, including zinc and copper. In this study, a co-cropping technique was investigated using a known zinc hyperaccumulator, Sedum alfredii with a grain crop, Zea mays. After a 3-mo growth trial, the results indicate that when Z. mays is co-cropped with S. alfredii, heavy metals accumulated in the grains were significantly reduced when compared to monoculture cropping. Co-cropping improved the growth of both plant species. In addition, the biosolids maintained stable pH, N-P-K concentrations, germination potential, and water content after the plant treatment, regardless of the plant species used in the trial. In conclusion, co-cropping with hyperaccumulators may be an effective approach to reducing the risk of contaminant uptake in edible crops. 相似文献
Kochian Leon V. Pence Nicole S. Letham Deborah L.D. Pineros Miguel A. Magalhaes Jurandir V. Hoekenga Owen A. Garvin David F. 《Plant and Soil》2002,247(1):109-119
Plants have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to deal with toxic levels of metals in the soil. In this paper, an overview of recent progress with regards to understanding fundamental molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying plant resistance to both aluminum (Al) and heavy metals is presented. The discussion of plant Al resistance will focus on recent advances in our understanding of a mechanism based on Al exclusion from the root apex, which is facilitated by Al-activated exudation of organic acid anions. The consideration of heavy metal resistance will focus on research into a metal hyperaccumulating plant species, the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens, as an example for plant heavy metal research. Based on the specific cases considered in this paper, it appears that quite different strategies are used for Al and heavy metal resistance. For Al, our current understanding of a resistance mechanism based on excluding soil-borne Al from the root apex is presented. For heavy metals, a totally different strategy based on extreme tolerance and metal hyperaccumulation is described for a hyperaccumulator plant species that has evolved on naturally metalliferous soils. The reason these two strategies are the focus of this paper is that, currently, they are the best understood mechanisms of metal resistance in terrestrial plants. However, it is likely that other mechanisms of Al and/or heavy metal resistance are also operating in certain plant species, and there may be common features shared for dealing with Al and heavy resistance. Future research may uncover a number of novel metal resistance mechanisms in plants. Certainly the complex genetics of Al resistance in some crop plant species, such as rice and maize, suggests that a number of presently unidentified mechanisms are part of an overall strategy of metal resistance in crop plants. 相似文献
Pinus banksiana andPicea glauca inoculated or not with the ectomycorrhizal fungusSuillus luteus were grown in a sandy loam soil containing a range of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations. Ectomycorrhizal colonization
rates were significantly reduced on Pinus and Picea seedlings by the heavy metals, particularly Cd and Ni. Needle tissue metal
concentrations were lower in ectomycorrhizal seedlings at low soil metal concentrations. However, at higher soil concentrations,
heavy metal concentrations of needle tissue were similar in ectomycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. The growth of nonmycorrhizal
seedlings exposed to heavy metals was reduced compared to those inoculated withSuillus luteus. Apparently ectomycorrhizal colonization can protect Pinus and Picea seedlings from heavy metal toxicity at low or intermediate
soil concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. 相似文献
攀钢冶炼渣堆土壤与优势植物的重金属含量 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用原子吸收分光光度法测定攀钢西渣场冶炼渣堆土壤和6科12种优势植物中Mn、Pb、 Ni、 Cu、Cd等5种重金属含量,并计算优势植物对重金属的富积系数和转移系数.结果表明:渣堆土壤中重金属含量Mn最高(3869.14 mg/kg),次后顺序为Pb>Ni>Cu>Cd;植物与土壤的重金属分布基本一致;所测优势植物中,多数植物对重金属的富积系数较低,而转移系数却较高,如天名精对Cu的转移系数为5.1,羽芒菊对Pb转移系数为3.3,五月艾对Cd的转移系数为6.0,其中8种植物(天名精、羽芒菊等)对Mn的转移系数均大于1.该结果为重金属污染土壤的植物修复提供了参考物种,同时也为植物重金属耐受机制的研究提供了筛选对象. 相似文献
Soyoung Park Daeseok Kang Youngyun Kim Suk Mo Lee Yonghyun Chung Kijune Sung 《Engineering in Life Science》2011,11(1):84-93
The potential of wetland plants as an onsite biosorbent and a biomonitor for combined pollution of arsenic and four heavy metals from non‐point sources was investigated in this study. Ceratophyllum demersum, Hydrilla verticillata, Hydrocharis dubia, and Salvinia natans were exposed to a water containing mixture of As, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn. Growth inhibition and biosorption potential of the wetland plants in artificially contaminated conditions were studied. These contaminants significantly reduced the growth of the plants. The tested wetland plants accumulated appreciable amounts of the contaminants in the following order: Pb>Cr>Cu>Zn>As. H. verticillata showed distinct visual change and a high biosorption factor (BSF) rank for As and heavy metals among the plants used in the study. As an unspecific collector of contaminants, it might be useful as a biomonitor and biosorbent in the As and heavy metal‐contaminated aquatic system. 相似文献
The present study demonstrated the growth of two species of cyanobacteria on wastewater isolated from sewage plant in Aswan, Egypt. We evaluated their efficiency for eliminating nitrogen, phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and heavy metals (Fe2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, and Mn2+). The growth of Cyanosarcina fontana has supported wastewater as a growth medium than Anabaena oryzae compared to standard medium. The nutrients concentration such as COD, NO3–N and PO4–P were decreased by the growth of A. oryzae and C. fontana in the wastewater after primary settling and centrate. However, the reduction of COD was less efficient than the other nutrients. The reduction percentage of COD, NO3–N and PO4–P reached 39.3, 84.1 and 90.7% as well as 54.6, 83.1, and 89.8%, in cultures of A. oryzae and C. fontana grown in the wastewater after primary settling, respectively. The reduction amounted to 10.1, 76.8, and 63.0% by A. oryzae and 43.2, 62.1, and 74.8% by C. fontana, grown in the centrate, respectively. Cyanobacteria species have the ability to accumulate the heavy metals from the wastewater to level far than the exceeding metal level in the water. Whereas, the heavy metals biosorption performance of C. fontana was higher in accumulating Fe2+ (93.95%), Pb2+ (81.21%), Cu2+ (63.9%), and Mn2+ (48.49%) compared to A. oryzae. The biosorption ability is dependent on the nature of the adsorbent studied and the type of wastewater treated. Therefore, removal of heavy metals and nutrients by the tested algae is strongly recommended as a powerful technique for the removal of pollutants from wastewater. 相似文献