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Phylogenetic relationships of eight species of Saintpaulia H. Wendl., 19 species of Streptocarpus Lindl. (representing all major growth forms within the genus), and two outgroups (Haberlea rhodopensis Friv., Chirita spadiciformis W. T. Wang) were examined using comparative nucleotide sequences from the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The length of the ITS 1 region ranged from 228 to 249 base pairs (bp) and the ITS 2 region from 196 to 245 bp. Pairwise sequence divergence across both spacers for ingroup and outgroup species ranged from 0 to 29%. Streptocarpus is not monophyletic, and Saintpaulia is nested within Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella. Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpus is monophyletic. The ITS sequence data demonstrate that the unifoliate Streptocarpus species form a clade, and are also characterized by a unique 47-bp deletion in ITS 2. The results strongly support the monophyly of (1) Saintpaulia, and (2) Saintpaulia plus the African members of the subgenus Streptocarpella of Streptocarpus. The data suggest the evolution of Saintpaulia from Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella. The differences in flower and vegetative characters are probably due to ecological adaptation leading to a relatively rapid radiation of Saintpaulia.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) of nuclear ribosomal DNA have been sequenced for 20 species of Gentiana. By incorporating previously released sequence data of eight species, phylogenelic analyses using Fitch parsimony and character-state weighted parsimony were carried out. The length of ITS 1 in the taxa surveyed ranged from 223 to 238 bp and ITS2 from 216 to 234 bp. Sequence divergence between pairs of species ranged from 5.0% to 48.9% in ITS1, from 1.1% to 45.3% in ITS2, and from 3.2% to 46.1% in combined data of ITS1 and ITS2. The ITS phylogeny was generally congruent with morphological classifications except that G. asclepiadea was revealed to be closely related to section Gentiana instead of section Pneumonanthe and section Stenogyne was shown to be a paraphyletic group of the genus Gentiana that would be better excluded from the genus. A divergence among the three European endemic sections and the remaining sections of the genus other than section Stenogyne was revealed. Thus the European species of the genus together do not form a monophyletic group. A close relationship between the sections Chondrophyllae s. l. (including section Dolichocarpa), Cruciata and Pneumonanthe was suggested. The section Frigidae s. l. (including sections Monopodiae, Isomeria, Microsperma, and Phyllocalyx) contained two well-supported clades: section Frigidae s. str. and all others together. The monophyly of the typically dysploid group section Chondrophyllae s. l. was confirmed. Optimization of chromosome numbers on the ITS phylogeny suggested that 2/1 = 26 is a plesiomorphic state for the clade comprising sections Frigidae s. l., Cruciata, Pneumonanthe, and Chondrophyllae s. l., and probably 2n = 20 is a plesiomorphic state for the dysploid group, section Chondrophyllae s. l.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Ptychostomum was first spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA DNA rps4 sequences. Maximum parsimony, maximum undertaken based on analysis of the internal transcribed and by combining data from nrDNA ITS and chloroplast likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all support the conclusion that the reinstated genus Ptychostomum is not monophyletic. Ptychostomum funkii (Schwagr.) J. R. Spence (≡ Bryum funkii Schwaigr.) is placed within a clade containing the type species of Bryum, B. argenteum Hedw. The remaining members of Ptychostomum investigated in the present study constitute another well-supported clade. The results are congruent with previous molecular analyses. On the basis of phylogenetic evidence, we agree with transferring B. amblyodon Mull. Hal. (≡ B. inclinatum (Brid.) Turton≡ Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp.), Bryum lonchocaulon Mull. Hal., Bryum pallescens Schleich. ex Schwaigr., and Bryum pallens Sw. to Ptychostomum.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships of Coffea species were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS 2) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The ITS 2 region of 37 accessions belonging to 26 Coffea taxa and to three Psilanthus species was directly sequenced from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA fragments. The level of variation was high enough to make the ITS 2 a useful tool for phylogenetic reconstruction. However, an unusual level of intraspecific variation was observed leading to some difficulty in interpreting rDNA sequence divergences. Sequences were analysed using Wagner parsimony as well as the neighbour-joining distance method. Coffea taxa were divided into several major groups which present a strong geographical correspondence (i.e. Madagascar, East Africa, Central Africa and West Africa). This organisation is well supported by cytogenetic evidence. On the other hand, the results were in contradiction with the present classification of coffee-tree taxa into two genera, namely Coffea and Psilanthus. Furthermore, additivity of parental rDNA types was not observed in the allotetraploid species C. arabica. Received: 25 July 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships among members of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) tribe Scandiceae and representatives of all major lineages of Apioideae (including putatively allied Caucalideae) identified in earlier molecular studies were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. In all, 134 accessions representing 18 genera commonly treated in Scandiceae were analyzed. Phylogenies estimated using maximum parsimony and distance methods were generally similar and suggest that: (1) Scandiceae form a well-supported clade, consisting of the genera Anthriscus, Athamanta (in part), Balansaea, Chaerophyllum, Conopodium, Geocaryum, Kozlovia, Krasnovia, Myrrhis, Myrrhoides, Neoconopodium, Osmorhiza, Scandix, Sphallerocarpus, and Tinguarra; (2) Athamanta is polyphyletic, with A. della-cellae allied with Daucus and A. macedonica placed close to Pimpinella; and (3) Rhabdosciadium and Grammosciadium find affinity with the Aegopodium group of umbellifers, whereas the placement of the monotypic Molopospermum cannot be inferred because of its high sequence divergence. The genus Bubon has been restored with two new combinations, B. macedonicum subsp. albanicum and B. macedonicum subsp. arachnoideum. Scandiceae arise within paraphyletic Caucalideae, the latter comprising two major lineages whose relationships to Scandiceae are not clear. Therefore, a broad treatment of Scandiceae is proposed, with subtribes Scandicinae, Daucinae, and Torilidinae (the latter two representing the Daucus and Torilis subgroups, respectively, of recent molecular systematic investigations).  相似文献   

 The genus Hippophae comprises 7 species and 8 subspecies according to the latest classification, and has shown enormous ecological, nutrient and medicinal values. Here we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships among 15 taxa of the genus by comparing sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). ITS sequences in Hippophae varied in length from 651 bp to 666 bp. The aligned sequences were 690 bp in length and 269 (39.0%) were variable sites with 150 being parsimony-informative. The amount of polymorphism observed within a taxon was extremely low in most taxa except for two putative hybrid species. The aligned sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods. In the strict consensus trees of parsimony analysis, the monophyly of Hippophae was supported by 100% bootstrap value. H. tibetana was at the basal position of the genus, and the remaining taxa formed two clades with high bootstrap support. The first clade included subspecies of H.␣rhamnoides and the other one consisted of remaining species. Parsimony analysis also suggested that the species H. tibetana, H. neurocarpa and H.␣salicifolia were all distinct. Although the sequence divergence among subspecies of H. rhamnoides was also remarkably high, the molecular data supported the monophyly of H. rhamnoides when H. rhamnoides subsp. gyantsensis Rousi was excxluded. The NJ trees showed essentially the same topology. The taxonomical arrangement that divided the genus into two sections was not supported based on the ITS sequences. However, the hybrid origin of H. goniocarpa and H. litangensis proposed previously was supported by the present ITS data. Received January 7, 2002; accepted May 10, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Kun Sun, Xuelin Chen, Ruijun Ma, Qin Wang, Institute of Botany, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China. Changbao Li, Song Ge (e-mail: gesong@ns.ibcas.ac.cn or song_ge@hotmail.com), Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China.  相似文献   

Forty-five sequences from members of all genera of Asteraceae indigenous to New Zealand and 50 published sequences representing the tribal diversity in the family were analyzed to assess the utility of ITS sequences to resolve phylogenetic relationships. Previous studies using chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology provided support for several clades in the Asteraceae, yet the relationships among some of these were uncertain. The results from ITS analysis were largely consistent with these earlier studies. The New Zealand species are included in at least six clades, most of these corresponding to recognized tribes. Our results have also clarified the tribal affinities of a few anomalous genera. Haastia, previously aligned with the Gnaphalieae or the Astereae, is nested in the Senecioneae. Centipeda, previously included in the Astereae or Anthemideae, emerges near the Heliantheae. The relationships of Abrotanella remain unresolved. Received August 8, 2001 Accepted November 6, 2001  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 18 Thlaspi s.l. species were inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. These species represent all sections of the basic classification system of Schulz primarily based on fruit characters. The molecular phylogeny supported six clades that are largely congruent with species groups recognized by Meyer on the basis of differences in seed coat anatomy, i.e. Thlaspi s. s., Thlaspkeras, Moccaea {Raparia included), Microthhspi, Vania and Neurotropy. Some of these lineages include species which are morphologically diverse in fruit shape (e.g. Thlaspi s. s.: T. arvense - fruits broadly winged, T. ceratocarpum - fruits with prominent horns at apex, T. alliaceum - fruits very narrowly winged). Furthermore, the same fruit shape type is distributed among different clades. For instance, fruits with prominent horns at apex are found in Thlaspi s. s. ( T. ceratocarpum) and Thlaspiceras (T oxyceras). These results clearly indicate convergence in fruit characters previously used for sectional classification in Thlaspi s. l.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences place Austrian Herbertus sendtneri in a well bootstrap supported clade with Herbertus azoricus and Neotropical accessions which were alternatively assigned to Herbertus subdentatus or Herbertus dicranus. Asian and African Herbertus dicranus form a separate lineage which is placed sister to several European Herbertus taxa. Herbertus borealis from the British Isles is placed sister to H. stramineus in a robust sister relationship, indicating that the species does not belong in the synonymy of H. dicranus. As a result of the molecular investigation, the range of Herbertus sendtneri is extended to the Neotropics and H. azoricus is placed into the synonymy of H. sendtneri. Without much doubt, Herbertus dicranus does not occur in tropical America. Morphologically, H. sendtneri and H. dicranus can at most be separated by weak tendencies. Herbertus sendtneri is characterized by the frequent occurrence of coarse appendages at the leaf margins and often completely papillose leaves. H. dicranus often has small appendages and a nearly smooth basal leaf half. Herbertus borealis, which is nonmonophyletic with H. dicranus in the molecular trees, cannot be separated morphologically from forms of H. dicranus with small appendages. Herbertus subdentatus is not identical with H. sendtneri. Morphological homoplasy and cryptic speciation are obviously common in Herbertus.We thank the owners and curators of the herbaria cited in the text for the loan of specimens, P. Schwartz for assistance with SEM techniques, and M. Lindner for help with laboratory work. M. Schmull, S.R. Gradstein, F.A. Hartmann, and R.-L. Zhu helped to collect Herbertus sendtneri. D.S. Rycroft (Glasgow) collected H. borealis. G. Gärtner and D. Miller kindly organized authorizations. Parts of this study were supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG grant HE 3584/1).  相似文献   

 The inflorescence development in Whytockia has been studied in order to explore the developmental basis for inflorescence architecture. The developmental pattern of the pair-flowered cyme in Whytockia basically conforms to that of most members in Gesneriaceae. However, the additional flower beside the terminal one in Whytockia is not equivalent to the frontal flower as in other Gesneriaceae because the former is located in the front-lateral position while the latter is in the front-median position. Also, the zigzag monochasial branching system in Whytockia represents the consecutive front-lateral branches rather than the lateral branches as in other Gesneriaceae. The inflorescence in Whytockia is flowering in a basipetal sequence, and its seemingly acropetal flowering sequence is due to the vigorous development of the consecutive front-lateral branches. In addition, the inflorescence of Whytockia does not represent the basic unit of the inflorescence in Epithemateae, and it is derived as compared to that of Rhynchoglossum. The development relationships of the inflorescence between Whytockia and its allies in Epithemateae are discussed on the basis of developmental and comparative evidence. Received February 15, 2002; accepted September 17, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 40 New World and Old World members of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae, representing seven of the eight tribes and eight of the ten subtribes commonly recognized in the subfamily, were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of 18-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA. Although the sequences are alignable, with only 11% of sites excluded from the analyses because of alignment ambiguity, divergence values in pairwise comparisons of unambiguous positions among all taxa were high and ranged from 0.5 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 1 and from 0 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 2. Average sequence divergence across both spacer regions was 18.4% of nucleotides. Phylogenies derived from ITS sequences estimated using neighbor-joining analysis of substitution rates, and maximum likelihood and parsimony methods give trees of essentially similar topology and indicate that: (1) there is little support for any existing system of classification of the subfamily that is based largely on morphological and anatomical features of the mericarp; (2) there is a major phylogenetic division within the subfamily, with one clade comprising the genus Smyrnium and those taxa belonging to Drude's tribes Dauceae, Scandiceae, and Laserpitieae and the other clade comprising all other examined taxa; and (3) the genera Arracacia, Coaxana, Coulterophytum, Enantiophylla, Myrrhidendron, Prionosciadium, and Rhodosciadium, all endemic to Mexico and Central America, comprise a clade but their relationships to other New World taxa are equivocal. A phylogeny derived from parsimony analysis of chloroplast DNA rpoC1 intron sequences is consistent with, but considerably less resolved than, relationships derived from these ITS regions. This study affirms that ITS sequences are useful for phylogenetic inference among closely related members of Apioideae but, owing to high rates of nucleotide substitution, are less useful in resolving relationships among the more ancestral nodes of the phylogeny.  相似文献   

 The phylogenetic position of Parasitaxus (Podocarpaceae) has been inferred from a cladistic analysis of molecular characters from chloroplast and nuclear genomes including all genera of Podocarpaceae. In all 24 most parsimonious trees, based on combined datasets, Phyllocladus resided outside Podocarpaceae s. str. while Lepidothamnus was basal to the latter. Most other genera were arranged in two major clades. The evidence confirms previous studies, which have suggested a relationship between Lagarostrobos, Manoao and Parasitaxus. Parasitaxus is not directly related to its host Falcatifolium taxoides. Instead it appears to be most closely related to Manoao and Lagarostrobos. No other members of this group now occur on New Caledonia. However, if the evolution of Parasitaxus were autochthonous, a free-living member of this group must once have occurred there. An accelerated evolutionary rate of the chloroplast sequence analysed was suggested, indicating that the plant behaves like a holoparasite. Received January 4, 2002; accepted April 3, 2002 Published online: September 13, 2002  相似文献   

利用核核糖体DNA ITS序列,探讨了苔藓植物广义羽藓科的系统发育,摸索出适于扩增ITS片段的最适反应条件。实验共得到广义羽藓科6个种的ITS序列,它们分别是:Abieti-nela abietina(AJ417494),Anomodon minar(AJ344145),Chaopodium aciculum(AJ315968),Tuidium pristocalyx(AJ416443),Thuidium assimile(AJ416442),Herpetineuron toccoae(AJ315967),其中后5个种是国际上首次得到的。本文利用ITS序列构建羽藓科7属、11种植物的系统发育树,据Bootstrap严格一致树表明:广义的羽藓科为并系发育,可分为两个主要的分支,牛舌藓属Anomodon,羊角藓属Herpetineuron和多枝藓属Happohymenium等为一支,而山羽藓属Abietinella,羽藓属Thuuidium,沼羽藓属Helodium和麻羽藓属Claopodium等为另一主要分支,从分子水平上支持了据形态特征把原牛舌藓亚科的牛舌藓属,羊角藓属,多枝藓属提升为牛舌藓科的结论。  相似文献   

In order to develop better insights into biogeographic patterns of eastern Asian and North American disjunct plant genera, sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nr DNA ITS) region were used to estimate interspecific relationships of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae) and infer its biogeography based on the phylogeny. According to the phylogenetic analysis, two clades were recognized. The first clade included Thuja plicata D. Don (western North America) and T. koraiensis Nakai (northeastern Asia), and the second one contained T. occidentalis (Gord.) Carr. (Japan). The ancestral area of Thuja was inferred to be eastern Asia, and two dispersal events were responsible for the modern distribution of Thuja in North America. Both the North Atlantic land bridge and Bering land bridge were possible routes for the migration of ancestral populations to North America.  相似文献   

In order to develop better insights into biogeographic patterns of eastern Asian and North American disjunct plant genera, sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nr DNAITS) region were used to estimate interspecific relationships of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae) and infer its biogeography based on the phylogeny. According to the phylogenetic analysis, two clades were recognized. The first clade included Thuja plicata D. Don (western North America) and T. koraiensis Nakai (northeastern Asia), and the second one contained T. occidentalis (Gord.) Cart. (Japan). The ancestral area of Thuja was inferred to be eastern Asia, and two dispersal events were responsible for the modern distribution of Thuja in North America. Both the North Atlantic land bridge and Bering land bridge were possible routes for the migration of ancestral populations to North America.  相似文献   

Sequences from the two ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) were compared among five species of Fucus. Based on the present taxon sampling, parsimony analysis showed that Fucus serratus is the sister-group of the remaining Fucus species when Ascophyllum nodosum was used as an outgroup. The topology of the tree was (Fucus serratus (F. lutarius (F. vesiculosus (F. spiralis+F. ceranoides)))). The extremely low variation observed suggests a very recent radiation of the genus which supports the view widely accepted that the Fucales are among the most evolutionarily advanced of the brown algae. We further note that sequence differences between Fucus and Ascophyllum were 28%: this does not rule out the utility of ITS sequences within the Fucaceae. The very low number of informative positions allows to demonstrate empirically that distance matrix methods group on the basis of symplesiomorphies. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 17 April 1997  相似文献   

Plagiochila dubia Lindenb. & Gottsche is reduced to a synonym of the Neotropical P. patula (Sw.) Lindenb. Specimens from the Canary Islands and Madeira proved to belong to the eastern North American P. virginica A.Evans, new to Europe. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA of ten Plagiochila species produced four independent lineages that are well supported by all bootstrap analyses (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and distance). These lineages correspond with the Plagiochila sections Arrectae, Contiguae, Cucullatae and Glaucescentes. Spruce's “Ramiflorae” and “Cauliflorae” may no longer be regarded as monophyletic units of Plagiochila. Received August 19, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

Lens includes L. culinaris subsp. culinaris (the cultivated lentil) and several wild species distributed from the Mediterranean region to western Asia. We compared sequence variation in the ITS region among species of Lens in an effort to end persisting uncertainty regarding the phylogeny of the genus. The parsimony analysis revealed a single minimum-length tree with a topology congruent with patterns derived by previous studies of nuclear and chloroplast DNA RFLPs. The basal and highly divergent status of the L. nigricans clade is depicted, and the progenitor-derivative relationship between L. culinaris subsp. orientalis and L. culinaris subsp. culinaris is reaffirmed. Resolution in the tree was improved by combining the ITS data set with a pre-existing set of chloroplast DNA restriction site data obtained from the same group of samples. Received May 8, 2000 Accepted October 26, 2001  相似文献   

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