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Objective: To investigate whether there is a difference in sensitivity to a serotonin agonist, meta‐chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), or cholecystokinin (CCK‐8), an intestinal hormone that inhibits food intake, between the Osborne‐Mendel (OM) rat, which becomes obese eating a high‐fat diet, and the S5B/Pl (S5B) rat, which is resistant to dietary‐induced obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: OM and S5B rats were adapted to either a high‐saturated‐fat diet (56% energy as fat) or a low‐fat diet (10% energy as fat) or to both for 14 days and then treated with several doses of mCPP or CCK‐8. Results: Treatment with mCPP reduced food intake in both strains of rats. The dose‐response curve showed that the OM rats had an increased sensitivity to the serotonergic agonist. Animals eating the high‐fat diet had less response to mCPP; and in the S5B rats, the response was significantly reduced. After treatment with CCK‐8, there was a similar dose‐related suppression of food intake in both the OM and S5B rats. Discussion: These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the serotonin system in the S5B rat has a greater activity that could act to inhibit fat intake. The response to CCK was not significantly affected by strain or diet.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a peptide identified as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Studies have shown that ghrelin stimulates growth hormone, promotes food intake and decreases energy expenditure. Furthermore, feeding status seems to influence plasma ghrelin levels, as these are increased during fasting, whereas feeding and oral glucose intake reduce plasma ghrelin. This study examined whether standardized obesity and fasting affect cellular expression of ghrelin. Specimens from the gastrointestinal tract of fed or 18-h fasted, low-fat or high-fat fed (10 weeks on diet) C57BL/6J mice were studied by immunocytochemistry (ICC) for ghrelin and in situ hybridization (ISH) for ghrelin mRNA. Ghrelin was expressed in especially the corpus but also the antrum of the stomach of all groups studied. Cells positive for ghrelin and ghrelin mRNA in the stomach were reduced in high-fat fed mice. In contrast, ghrelin expression was not affected by fasting. The reduction in ghrelin expression in the high-fat fed mice was associated with a reduction in plasma levels of ghrelin, whereas after fasting, when expression rate was not altered, there was an increase in plasma ghrelin. In conclusion, ghrelin is highly expressed in the corpus and antrum of the stomach of C57BL/6J mice. This expression is reduced in obesity, whereas fasting has no effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate (i) the cholecystokinin, somatostatin and apelin mRNA levels, (ii) the changes in levels and localization of these peptides, (iii) relation between these peptides, (iv) antiapoptotic effects and (v) antioxidant effects of ghrelin. The rats were divided into four groups second day after birth. These groups were respectively treated with physiological saline, ghrelin (100μg/kg/day), streptozotocin (100mg/kg), ghrelin and streptozotocin. After four weeks, small intestine and blood samples were taken from rats. Cholecystokinin mRNA and peptide, somatostatin mRNA, release to duodenal lumen of apelin peptide and apelin mRNA signals decreased in ghrelin-treated diabetic rats compared to the diabetic group. There was no statistically significant difference among the four groups for somatostatin and apelin peptides. Caspase-3 signals were not observed only in diabetic group treated with ghrelin. Caspase-8 signals were increased while PCNA signals were decreased in diabetic group given ghrelin compared to diabetic group. Small intestine CAT, SOD, GP(x) and GST activities and GSH levels were decreased and LPO, PC levels were increased in diabetic rats. Administration of ghrelin to diabetic rats caused an increase in intestinal CAT, SOD, GP(x) and GST activities and GSH levels, while PC levels decreased. As a result, we observed positive changes in diabetic rats treated with ghrelin in both microscopic and biochemical studies. We can suggest that ghrelin may be an important hormone for the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

Normal anxiety is an adaptive emotional response. However, when anxiety appears to lack adaptive value, it might be defined as pathological. Adaptation in animals can be assessed for example by changes in behavioural responses over time, i.e. habituation. We hypothesize that non-adaptive anxiety might be reflected by impaired habituation. To test our hypothesis, we repeatedly exposed male mice from two inbred strains to a novel environment, the modified hole board. BALB/cJ mice were found to be initially highly anxious, but subsequently habituated to the test environment. In contrast, 129P3/J mice initially showed less anxiety-related behaviour compared with the BALB/cJ mice but no habituation in anxiety-related behaviour was observed. Notably, anxiety-related behaviour even increased during the experimental period. Complementary, 129P3/J mice did not show habituation in other parameters such as locomotor and exploratory activity, whereas significant changes appeared in these behaviours in BALB/c mice. Finally, the expression of the immediate early gene c-fos differed between the two strains in distinct brain areas, known to regulate the integration of emotional and cognitive processes. These results suggest that 129P3/J mice might be a promising (neuro)-behavioural animal model for non-adaptive, i.e. pathological anxiety.  相似文献   

Ghrelin, a peptide hormone which stimulates growth hormone (GH) release, appetite and adiposity in mammals, was recently identified in fish. In this study, the roles of ghrelin in regulating food intake and the growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) system of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were investigated in three experiments: 1) Pre- and postprandial plasma levels of ghrelin were measured in relation to dietary composition and food intake through dietary inclusion of radio-dense lead-glass beads, 2) the effect of a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection with rainbow trout ghrelin on short-term voluntary food intake was examined and 3) the effect of one to three weeks fasting on circulating ghrelin levels and the correlation with plasma GH and IGF-I levels, growth and lipid content in the liver and muscle was studied. There was no postprandial change in plasma ghrelin levels. Fish fed a normal-protein/high-lipid (31.4%) diet tended to have higher plasma ghrelin levels than those fed a high-protein/low-lipid (14.1%) diet. Plasma ghrelin levels decreased during fasting and correlated positively with specific growth rates, condition factor, liver and muscle lipid content, and negatively with plasma GH and IGF-I levels. An i.p. ghrelin injection did not affect food intake during 12-hours post-injection. It is concluded that ghrelin release in rainbow trout may be influenced by long-term energy status, and possibly by diet composition. Further, in rainbow trout, ghrelin seems to be linked to growth and metabolism, but does not seem to stimulate short-term appetite through a peripheral action.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of voluntary exercise in an obese animal model were investigated in relation to the rhythm of daily activity and ghrelin production. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were fed either a high fat diet (HFD) or a chow diet (CD) from four to 16 weeks old. They were further subdivided into either an exercise group (HFD-Ex, CD-Ex) with a running wheel for three days of every other week or sedentary group (HFD-Se, CD-Se). At 16 weeks old, marked increases in body weight and visceral fat were observed in the HFD-Se group, together with disrupted rhythms of feeding and locomotor activity. The induction of voluntary exercise brought about an effective reduction of weight and fat, and ameliorated abnormal rhythms of activity and feeding in the HFD-Ex rats. Wheel counts as voluntary exercise was greater in HFD-Ex rats than those in CD-Ex rats. The HFD-obese had exhibited a deterioration of ghrelin production, which was restored by the induction of voluntary exercise. These findings demonstrated that abnormal rhythms of feeding and locomotor activity in HFD-obese rats were restored by infrequent voluntary exercise with a concomitant amelioration of the ghrelin production and weight reduction. Because ghrelin is related to food anticipatory activity, it is plausible that ghrelin participates in the circadian rhythm of daily activity including eating behavior. A beneficial effect of voluntary exercise has now been confirmed in terms of the amelioration of the daily rhythms in eating behavior and physical activity in an animal model of obesity.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses about monoamine neurotransmitters in two strains of rats that differ in their sensitivity to obesity when eating a high-fat diet; 1) that the concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin and of their metabolites differ in the extracellular fluid of tlie ventromedial hypothalamus of conscious, unrestrained Osborne-Mendel and S 5B/PI rats, and 2) that these monoamines are altered differently between strains by a high-fat diet. The monoamines were measured by HPLC in dialysate collected by in vivo microdialysis in rats eating a semisyntlietic low-fat diet (10% of kcal as fat) and again after either two or seven days of eating a high-fat diet (56 % of kcal as fat). Norepinephrine, serotonin (5-HT), and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA) were lower in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5BR1 rats eating the low-fat diet. Norepinephrine and serotonin both increased in Osborne-Mendel rats with the onset of tlie high-fat diet so that Osborne-Mendel and S 5B/PI rats no longer differed in these neurotransmitters. By day 7 of high-fat feeding, the concentrations of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyplienylglycol (MHPG), 5-HIAA and the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio rose in both strains. Ambient extracellular monoamines in the medial hypothalamus are lower in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5B/PI rats and the response of these catecholamines to dietary fat was greater in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5B/PI rats.  相似文献   

Adán  C.  Grasa  M.M.  Cabot  C.  Esteve  M.  Vilà  R.  Masanés  R.  Estruch  J.  Fernández-López  J.A.  Remesar  X.  Alemany  M. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1999,197(1-2):109-115
Young female Zucker fa/fa rats of 370-430 g were implanted with osmotic minipumps releasing 3.5 mol/dayúkg of estrone oleate in liposomes (Merlin-2) into the bloodstream for up to 14 days. Merlin-2 induced a sustained loss of appetite, and a decrease in body weight of 3.5%, which contrasts with the 8.2% increase in controls during the period studied. Plasma insulin, glucose and urea decreased, and liver glycogen increased with Merlin-2 treatment. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone increased to a maximum at the end of the experiment. The expression of the ob gene in adipose tissue was unchanged, and plasma leptin levels were also unchanged by treatment. Estrone levels increased more than 1500-fold, and estrone oleate rose 100-fold during treatment. The fact that estrone oleate had no effect on the leptin levels or expression in obese rats, in contrast with the marked inhibition observed in the lean suggests that the functionality of the leptin receptor is essential for estrone oleate inhibition of the ob gene. This also suggests that leptin may control ob gene expression in white adipose tissue and that estrone oleate may activate this process. The slimming effect of estrone oleate is, thus, not directly dependent on leptin, since both normoleptinemic and hyperleptinemic animals lose fat following treatment nor are the effects on appetite and energy expenditure mediated by leptin. However, leptin levels and the expression of the ob gene are directly linked with estrone oleate function. A possible involvement of leptin in estrone oleate action is postulated. The results support the participation of estrone oleate in the control of body weight and hint at the complexity of its regulation by leptin and glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

S100A1 and S100B are members of a family of 20 kDa Ca2++-binding homodimers that play a role in signal transduction in mammalian cells. S100A1 is the major isoform in normal heart and S100B, normally a brain protein, is induced in hypertrophic myocardium and functions as an intrinsic negative modulator of the hypertrophic response. In order to examine the function of S100A1, we first showed that, in contrast to S100B, S100A1 was downregulated in rat experimental models of myocardial hypertrophy following myocardial infarction or pressure overload. Second, in co-transfection experiments in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, S100A1 inhibited the 1-adrenergic activation of promoters of genes induced during the hypertrophic response including the fetal genes skeletal actin (skACT), and -myosin heavy chain (MHC) and S100B, but not the triiodothyronine (T3) activation of the promoter of the -MHC gene, that is normally expressed in adult myocardium. These results suggest that S100A1 is involved in the maintenance of the genetic program that defines normal myocardial function and that its downregulation is permissive for the induction of genes that underlie myocardial hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Male and female hamsters and gerbils were randomly assigned to one of three groups. The animals were tested under ad lib feeding conditions or food deprived until they had lost either 10% or 20% of their predeprivation body weight. They were given a 30-min. hoarding test for three consecutive days. The results indicated that although food-deprived gerbils ate more than control gerbils, deprivation had no significant effect on the food intake of hamsters. A sex difference was also evident in the food intake of gerbils; males ate more than did females. Although there was a sex and species difference in the amount of hoarding, deprivation had no significant effect on the amount of hoarding. The implications of these results for of different models of hoarding are discussed. These models contrast hoarding as a defensive response in the regulation of body weight or as an anticipatory activity that is influenced by other selection pressures.  相似文献   

Amphetamine (AMPH) and cocaine are indirect dopamine agonists that activate multiple signaling cascades in the striatum. Each cascade has a different subcellular location and duration of action that depend on the strength of the drug stimulus. In addition to activating D1 dopamine-Gs-coupled-protein kinase A signaling, acute psychostimulant administration activates extracellular-regulated kinase transiently in striatal cells; conversely, inhibition of extracellular-regulated kinase phosphorylation decreases the ability of psychostimulants to elevate locomotor behavior and opioid peptide gene expression. Moreover, a drug challenge in rats with a drug history augments and prolongs striatal extracellular-regulated kinase phosphorylation, possibly contributing to behavioral sensitization. In contrast, AMPH activates phosphoinositide-3 kinase substrates, like protein kinase B/Akt, only in the nuclei of striatal cells but this transient increase induced by AMPH is followed by a delayed decrease in protein kinase B/Akt phosphorylation whether or not the rats have a drug history, suggesting that the phosphoinositide-3 kinase pathway is not essential for AMPH-induced behavioral sensitization. Chronic AMPH or cocaine also alters the regulation of inhibitory G protein-coupled receptors in the striatum, as evident by a prolonged decrease in the level of regulator of G protein signaling 4 after non-contingent or contingent (self-administered) drug exposure. This decrease is exacerbated in behaviorally sensitized rats and reversed by re-exposure to a cocaine-paired environment. A decrease in regulator of G protein signaling 4 levels may weaken its interactions with metabotropic glutamate receptor 5, Galphaq, and phospholipase C beta that may enhance drug-induced signaling. Alteration of these protein-protein interactions suggests that the striatum responds to psychostimulants with a complex molecular repertoire that both modulates psychomotor effects and leads to long-term neuroadaptations.  相似文献   

Xu J  Ji C  Wang L  Cao Y  Dai J  Ye X  Zeng L  Dai J  Wu Q  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Molecular biology reports》2003,30(1):47-52
We report here cloning and characterization of a novel human gene, termed C5orf12, which is a putative membrane protein belonging to the TMS_TDE family. The cDNA encodes 42 animo acid with a putative molecular weight of about 47 KDa. Secondary structure prediction showed that C5orf12 contained 10 putative transmembrane helices, which has high identity with other family members. We performed RT-PCR to examine its expression pattern. The result showed that C5orf12 was highly expressed in placenta, skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, testis and peripheral leukocyte while expressed weakly in heart and liver. C5orf12 has high identity with the rat TPO1, so we speculate that C5orf12 may also have a role in the brain development.  相似文献   

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