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The DNA-stimulated 75000-Mr ATPase described in the preceding paper is shown to be a further catalytic DNA unwinding principle (DNA unwinding enzyme II) made in Escherichia coli cells (the first being the 180000-Mr ATPase of the cells: DNA unwinding enzyme I). Unwinding depends strictly, on the supply of ATP. It occurs only under conditions permitting ATP dephosphorylation and it proceeds as long as enzyme molecules are permitted to enter the enzyme - DNA complex. The enzyme binds specifically to single-stranded DNA yielding a complex of only limited stability. These results are interpreted in terms of a distributive mode of action of the enzyme. It is argued that chain separation starts near a single-stranded DNA region and that, forced by continued adsorption of enzyme molecules to the DNA, it develops along the duplex. This mechanism is different from that deduced previously for DNA unwinding enzyme I. Complicated results were obtained using ATPase prepared from rep3 mutant cells.  相似文献   

Helicase I has been purified to greater than 95% homogeneity from an F+ strain of Escherichia coli, and characterized as a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and a helicase. The duplex DNA unwinding reaction requires a region of ssDNA for enzyme binding and concomitant nucleoside 5'-triphosphate hydrolysis. All eight predominant nucleoside 5'-triphosphates can satisfy this requirement. Unwinding is unidirectional in the 5' to 3' direction. The length of duplex DNA unwound is independent of protein concentration suggesting that the unwinding reaction is highly processive. Kinetic analysis of the unwinding reaction indicates that the enzyme turns over very slowly from one DNA substrate molecule to another. The ATP hydrolysis reaction is continuous when circular partial duplex DNA substrates are used as DNA effectors. When linear partial duplex substrates are used ATP hydrolysis is barely detectable, although the kinetics of the unwinding reaction on linear partial duplex substrates are identical to those observed using a circular partial duplex DNA substrate. This suggests that ATP hydrolysis fuels continuous translocation of helicase I on circular single-stranded DNA while on linear single stranded DNA the enzyme translocates to the end of the DNA molecule where it must slowly dissociate from the substrate molecule and/or slowly associate with a new substrate molecule, thus resulting in a very low rate of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

UvrA, UvrB, and UvrC initiate nucleotide excision repair by incising a damaged DNA strand on each side of the damaged nucleotide. This incision reaction is substoichiometric with regard to UvrB and UvrC, suggesting that both proteins remain bound following incision and do not "turn over." The addition of only helicase II to such reaction mixtures turns over UvrC; UvrB turnover requires the addition of helicase II, DNA polymerase I, and deoxynucleoside triphosphates. Column chromatography and psoralen photocross-linking experiments show that following incision, the damaged oligomer remains associated with the undamaged strand, UvrB, and UvrC in a post-incision complex. Helicase II releases the damaged oligomer and UvrC from this complex, making repair synthesis possible; DNase I footprinting experiments show that UvrB remains bound to the resulting gapped DNA until displaced by DNA polymerase I. The specific binding of UvrB to a psoralen adduct in DNA inhibits psoralen-mediated DNA-DNA cross-linking, yet promotes the formation of UrvB-psoralen-DNA cross-links. The discovery of psoralen-UvrB photocross-linking offers the potential of active-site labeling.  相似文献   

A DNA-stimulated ATP-gamma-phosphohydrolase of molecular weight 75000 was purified from Escherichia coli cells. The ATPase, a globular molecule (identical probably with an ATPase described previously by Richet and Kohiyama in 1976) shows specificity for adenine nucleotides, it prefers single-stranded DNA as the cofactor, it exhibits a complicated mode of response to variations of the cofacter concentration and it is devoid of nuclease activity. Preparations derived from rep3 mutant cells yield widely varying amounts of an apparently normal ATPase.  相似文献   

The direction of the DNA-unwinding reaction catalysed by Escherichia coli DNA helicase II was studied using gapped linear DNA molecules with short duplex ends as substrate. The results suggest that DNA helicase II unwinds with 3'-5' polarity relative to the single strand of the DNA partial duplex. At high enzyme DNA ratio the enzyme also unwinds the duplex connected to the 3' end of the single strand and, as further studies show, fully duplex linear DNA. The fraction of DNA unwound decreases as the length of the duplex substrate increases. The preference of DNA helicase II for a short duplex can obscure the fact that the typical substrate is duplex connected to the 5' end of a single strand.  相似文献   

The gene for Escherichia coli rep helicase (rep protein) was subcloned in a pBR plasmid and the protein overproduced in cells transformed with the hybrid DNA. The effect of purified enzyme on strand unwinding and DNA replication was investigated by electron microscopy. The templates used were partial duplexes of viral DNA from bacteriophage fd::Tn5 and reannealed DNA from bacteriophage Mu. The experiments with the two DNA species show DNA unwinding uncoupled from replication. The single-stranded phage fd::Tn5 DNA with the inverted repeat of transposon Tn5 could be completely replicated in the presence of the E. coli enzymes rep helicase, DNA binding protein I, RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. A block in the unwinding step increases secondary initiation events in single-stranded parts of the template, as DNA polymerase III holoenzyme cannot switch across the stem structure of the transposon.  相似文献   

Human DNA helicase II (HDH II) is a novel ATP-dependent DNA unwinding enzyme, purified to apparent homogeneity from HeLa cells, which (i) unwinds exclusively DNA duplexes, (ii) prefers partially unwound substrates and (iii) proceeds in the 3' to 5' direction on the bound strand. HDH II is a heterodimer of 72 and 87 kDa polypeptides. It shows single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, as well as double-stranded DNA binding capacity. All these activities comigrate in gel filtration and glycerol gradients, giving a sedimentation coefficient of 7.4S and a Stokes radius of approximately 46 A, corresponding to a native molecular weight of 158 kDa. The antibodies raised in rabbit against either polypeptide can remove from the solution all the activities of HDH II. Photoaffinity labelling with [alpha-32P]ATP labelled both polypeptides. Microsequencing of the separate polypeptides of HDH II and cross-reaction with specific antibodies showed that this enzyme is identical to Ku, an autoantigen recognized by the sera of scleroderma and lupus erythematosus patients, which binds specifically to duplex DNA ends and is regulator of a DNA-dependent protein kinase. Recombinant HDH II/Ku protein expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli cells showed DNA binding and helicase activities indistinguishable from those of the isolated protein. The exclusively nuclear location of HDH II/Ku antigen, its highly specific affinity for double-stranded DNA, its abundance and its newly demonstrated ability to unwind exclusively DNA duplexes, point to an additional, if still unclear, role for this molecule in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

A fluorescence assay was used to measure the processivity of Escherichia coli recBCD enzyme helicase activity. Under standard conditions, recBCD enzyme unwinds an average of 30 +/- 3.2 kilobase pairs (kb)/DNA end before dissociating. The average processivity (P obs) of DNA unwinding under these conditions is 0.99997, indicating that the probability of unwinding another base pair is 30,000-fold greater than the probability of dissociating from the double-stranded DNA. The average number of base pairs unwound per binding event (N) is sensitive to both mono- and divalent salt concentration and ranges from 36 kb at 80 mM NaCl to 15 kb at 280 mM NaCl. The processivity of unwinding increases in a hyperbolic manner with increasing ATP concentration, yielding a KN value for ATP of 41 +/- 9 microM and a limiting value of 32 +/- 1.8 kb/end for the number of base pairs unwound. The importance of the processivity of recBCD enzyme helicase activity to the recBCD enzyme-dependent stimulation of recombination at Chi sites observed in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

A L Lu 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1254-1259
The effect of the number and position of DNA adenine methylation (dam) sites, i.e., d(GATC) sequences, on mismatch repair in Escherichia coli was investigated. The efficiency of repair was measured in an in vitro assay which used an f1 heteroduplex containing a G/T mismatch within the single EcoRI site. Both an increase in the number of dam sites and a shortened distance between dam site and mismatched site increased the efficiency of mismatch repair. The sequences adjacent to d(GATC) also affected the efficiency of methylation-directed mismatch repair. Furthermore, heteroduplexes with one extra dam site located close to either the 5' or 3' end of the excised base increased the repair efficiency to about the same extent. The findings suggest that the mismatch repair pathway has no preferred polarity.  相似文献   

Aziz Sancar  W.Dean Rupp 《Cell》1983,33(1):249-260
The uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC proteins of Escherichia coli were purified from strains that greatly overproduce these proteins. Using the purified proteins, the UVRABC nuclease was reconstituted in vitro. The reconstituted enzyme acted specifically on DNA damaged with UV, cis-platinum, and psoralen plus near UV. When UV-irradiated DNA was used as substrate, the enzyme made two cuts on the damaged DNA strand, one on each side of the damaged region. The enzyme hydrolyzed the eighth phosphodiester bond on the 5′ side of pyrimidine dimers. On the 3′ side of pyrimidine dimers, the UVRABC nuclease cut the fourth or the fifth phosphodiester bond 3′ to pyrimidine dimers. The oligonucleotide with the damaged bases that is generated by these two cuts was released during treatment with the enzyme. We have also obtained evidence suggesting that the enzyme acts by the same mechanism on PydC photoproducts which are thought to be of primary importance in UV-induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Some phages survive irradiation much better upon multiple than upon single infection, a phenomenon known as multiplicity reactivation (MR). Long ago MR of UV-irradiated lambda red phage in E. coli cells was shown to be a manifestation of recA-dependent recombinational DNA repair. We used this experimental model to assess the influence of helicase II on the type of recombinational repair responsible for MR. Since helicase II is encoded by the SOS-inducible uvrD gene, SOS-inducing treatments such as irradiating recA(+) or heating recA441 cells were used. We found: i) that MR was abolished by the SOS-inducing treatments; ii) that in uvrD background these treatments did not affect MR; and iii) that the presence of a high-copy plasmid vector carrying the uvrD(+) allele together with its natural promoter region was sufficient to block MR. From these results we infer that helicase II is able to antagonize the type of recA-dependent recombinational repair acting on multiple copies of UV-damaged lambda DNA and that its anti-recombinogenic activity is operative at elevated levels only.  相似文献   

GATC sequence and mismatch repair in Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The Escherichia coli mismatch repair system greatly improves DNA replication fidelity by repairing single mispaired and unpaired bases in newly synthesized DNA strands. Transient undermethylation of the GATC sequences makes the newly synthesized strands susceptible to mismatch repair enzymes. The role of unmethylated GATC sequences in mismatch repair was tested in transfection experiments with heteroduplex DNA of phage phi 174 without any GATC sequence or with two GATC sequences, containing in addition either a G:T mismatch (Eam+/Eam3) or a G:A mismatch (Bam+/Bam16). It appears that only DNA containing GATC sequences is subject to efficient mismatch repair dependent on E. coli mutH, mutL, mutS and mutU genes; however, also in the absence of GATC sequence some mut-dependent mismatch repair can be observed. These observations suggest that the mismatch repair enzymes recognize both the mismatch and the unmethylated GATC sequence in DNA over long distances. The presence of GATC sequence(s) in the substrate appears to be required for full mismatch repair activity and not only for its strand specificity according to the GATC methylation state.  相似文献   

The T4 dam+ gene has been cloned (S. L. Schlagman and S. Hattman, Gene 22:139-156, 1983) and transferred into an Escherichia coli dam-host. In this host, the T4 Dam DNA methyltransferase methylates mainly, if not exclusively, the sequence 5'-GATC-3'; this sequence specificity is the same as that of the E. coli Dam enzyme. Expression of the cloned T4 dam+ gene suppresses almost all the phenotypic traits associated with E. coli dam mutants, with the exception of hypermutability. In wild-type hosts, 20- to 500-fold overproduction of the E. coli Dam methylase by plasmids containing the cloned E. coli dam+ gene results in a hypermutability phenotype (G.E. Herman and P. Modrich, J. Bacteriol. 145:644-646, 1981; M.G. Marinus, A. Poteete, and J.A. Arraj, Gene 28:123-125, 1984). In contrast, the same high level of T4 Dam methylase activity, produced by plasmids containing the cloned T4 dam+ gene, does not result in hypermutability. To account for these results we propose that the E. coli Dam methylase may be directly involved in the process of methylation-instructed mismatch repair and that the T4 Dam methylase is unable to substitute for the E. coli enzyme.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel approach to the analysis of DNA repair in Escherichia coli was employed which allowed the first direct determination of the mechanisms by which endogenous DNA repair enzymes encounter target sites in vivo. An in vivo plasmid DNA repair analysis was employed to discriminate between two possible mechanisms of target site location: a processive DNA scanning mechanism or a distributive random diffusion mechanism. The results demonstrate that photolyase acts by a distributive mechanism within E. coli. In contrast, UvrABC-initiated excision repair occurs by a limited processive DNA scanning mechanism. A majority of the dimer sites on a given plasmid molecule were repaired prior to the dissociation of the UvrABC complex. Furthermore, plasmid DNA repair catalyzed by the UvrABC complex occurs without a detectable accumulation of nicked plasmid intermediates despite the fact that the UvrABC complex generates dual incisions in the DNA at the site of a pyrimidine dimer. Therefore, the binding or assembly of the UvrABC complex on DNA at the site of a pyrimidine dimer represents the rate-limiting step in the overall process of UvrABC-initiated excision repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Circular heteroduplex DNAs of bacteriophage phi X174 have been constructed carrying either a G:T (Eam+/Eam3) or a G:A (Bam+/Bam16) mismatch and containing either two, one or no GATC sequences. Mismatches were efficiently repaired in wild-type Escherichia coli transfected with phi X174 heteroduplexes only when two unmethylated GATC sequences were present in phi X174 DNA. The requirements for GATC sequences in substrate DNA and for the E. coli MutH function in E. coli mismatch repair can be alleviated by the presence of a persistent nick (transfection with nicked heteroduplex DNA in ligase temperature-sensitive mutant at 40 degrees C). A persistent nick in the GATC sequence is as effective in stimulating mutL- and mutS-dependent mismatch repair as a nick distant from the GATC sequence and from the mismatch. These observations suggest that the MutH protein participates in methyl-directed mismatch repair by recognizing unmethylated DNA GATC sequences and/or stimulating the nicking of unmethylated strands.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to investigate the involvement of the cell membrane in the excision DNA repair process in Escherichia coli. Two membrane-binding drugs, procaine and phenethyl alcohol (PEA), inhibited liquid-holding recovery (LHR) in u.v.-irradiated E. coli wild-type and recA strains. In uvrB and polA strains where, after u.v.-irradiation, LHR was absent the two drugs had no effect. Both drugs markedly reduced the removal of u.v.-induced thymine dimers in the DNA of wild-type cells (H/r30). Analysis by alkaline sucrose gradients revealed that PEA inhibited the incision step in excision repair. In contrast, procaine had no effect on incision but apparently inhibited the late steps in excision repair. PEA dissociated DNA from the cell membrane, whereas procaine did not. The results suggest that the two drugs PEA and procaine inhibit LHR and the excision repair process operating on u.v.-induced damage in E. coli by at least two different mechanisms each of which may involve the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Identification of the gene for DNA helicase II of Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Using a modification of the solid-phase radioimmune assay of Broome and Gilbert [Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 75, 2746 (1978)] to screen the plaques of lambda recombinant phages for the presence of an elevated level of helicase-II-specific antigen, we have identified the gene for helicase II in a library of Escherichia coli DNA. The DNA selected was subcloned from lambda into plasmid vectors; restriction analysis located the DNA region encoding helicase II in a PvuII fragment identical in size (2900 base pairs) and restriction pattern to that which contains the uvrD gene. Plasmids carrying this DNA fragment complemented the increased sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation and the mutator phenotype of uvrD mutants. Furthermore, uvrD502 mutant cells were found to liberate no helicase II activity upon extraction. Following transformation with the cloned DNA, active helicase II was recovered from the mutant cells. These results support the view that helicase II is encoded by uvrD.  相似文献   

Mismatch uracil DNA glycosylase (Mug) from Escherichia coli is an initiating enzyme in the base-excision repair pathway. As with other DNA glycosylases, the abasic product is potentially more harmful than the initial lesion. Since Mug is known to bind its product tightly, inhibiting enzyme turnover, understanding how Mug binds DNA is of significance when considering how Mug interacts with downstream enzymes in the base-excision repair pathway. We have demonstrated differential binding modes of Mug between its substrate and abasic DNA product using both band shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Mug binds its product cooperatively, and a stoichiometric analysis of DNA binding, catalytic activity and salt-dependence indicates that dimer formation is of functional significance in both catalytic activity and product binding. This is the first report of cooperativity in the uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily of enzymes, and forms the basis of product inhibition in Mug. It therefore provides a new perspective on abasic site protection and the findings are discussed in the context of downstream lesion processing and enzyme communication in the base excision repair pathway.  相似文献   

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