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研究了不同温度、光照条件下大型藻类龙须菜 (Gracilaria lemaneiformis)的生长和光合作用特性,及其对扇贝排泄氮、磷的吸收作用。结果表明温度与龙须菜的生长和光合作用显著相关,在本实验条件下,15~25℃都适宜龙须菜生长,其中20℃龙须菜具有较高的生长率(SGR),为2.8%/d;光合作用速率随温度升高和光照的增加而升高,30℃和120 μmol/(m•s)时最高,最大光合作用速率(Pmax)为5.0 mg O2/(g dw•h)。龙须菜对扇贝排泄氮、磷有较强的吸收作用,其吸收率和去除效率与放养密度和养殖时间有关。对NH4-N和PO4-P的最大去除效率分别为83.7%和70.4%,最大吸收率分别为9.9 μmol/(g ww•h)和4.3 μmol/(g ww•h)。实验证明龙须菜生长温度范围和光照范围适合中国北方海区养殖,并且能有效吸收和去除扇贝排泄氮、磷,可以作为生物滤器与贝类及其他养殖动物进行综合养殖。  相似文献   

氮磷水平对龙须菜生长和光合特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究不同营养盐条件对龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)的生理效应, 对深入了解龙须菜与近海环境的相互作用具有重要意义。在低氮低磷(LNLP)、低氮高磷(LNHP)、高氮低磷(HNLP)和高氮高磷(HNHP) 4种营养盐条件下培养龙须菜15 d, 以探讨不同氮、磷水平对龙须菜生长和光合特性的影响。结果表明: 1) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理促进了龙须菜的生长, 其中HNHP处理下龙须菜具有最大的相对生长速率和生物量; 2) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理提高了龙须菜的光合无机碳利用能力, 其中HNHP处理下龙须菜具有最大的无机碳饱和光合速率和表观半饱和常数, 比LNLP处理分别提高了118%倍和48.71%; 3) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理显著影响龙须菜的光化学效率, 与LNLP处理相比, LNHP处理提高了龙须菜的光化学效率, 而HNLP和HNHP处理降低了龙须菜的光化学效率。研究结果表明, HNHP处理条件下, 龙须菜的生长和光合无机碳利用能力最高, 光化学效率最低。  相似文献   

为了探讨大气CO2和海水硝氮浓度升高对龙须菜生理特性的影响,在实验室条件下把藻体于CoNo、C No、CoN 和C N 4种不同CO2和硝氮供应水平的处理中进行培养,15d后,分别测定各种不同培养条件下藻体的生长、色素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和营养盐吸收速率.结果表明:CO2或硝氮浓度增加都会使藻体生长加快,但当二者同时加富时对生长的促进作用没有表现出协同效应.不管是高氮还是低氮的培养条件,高浓度CO2都能使藻体的色素和可溶性蛋白的含量降低,而使硝酸还原酶活性升高;同时,在硝氮加富的条件下,高浓度CO2培养能够显著提高藻体的营养盐吸收速率.不管是高还是低的CO2浓度培养条件下,硝氮浓度增加都会使藻体的色素和可溶性蛋白含量以及营养盐吸收速率得到显著提高.这些结果说明,在大气CO2浓度升高或海水富营养化条件下,龙须菜的生长、硝酸还原酶活性和营养盐吸收速率都可能得到促进,而色素和可溶性蛋白的含量也会受到影响.  相似文献   

龙须菜对海水氮磷富营养化的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)是红藻门江蓠属大型海藻,已从山东青岛引种到广东省南澳岛等地栽培多年。深入了解其光合作用与环境条件的关系,对龙须菜的合理栽培及其在环境生态中的生物学作用和扩大其开发利用价值,具有重要的理论和现实意义。该文利用人为配置的不同程度N、P污染海水处理龙须菜,研究其生理生态特性对海水氮磷富营养化的响应。结果表明: 处理6 d后,龙须菜叶绿素a及3种藻胆蛋白含量和总抗氧化能力在轻度P(P 0.2 mg·L-1)及重度N、P复合污染(P 10 mg·L-1,N 55 mg·L-1)情况下降低。叶绿素荧光参数的变化也表明上述处理对叶绿体PSⅡ造成不利影响,而在轻度N(N 0.9 mg·L-1)和轻度N、P复合污染(P 0.2 mg·L-1,N 0.9 mg·L-1)海水中上述参数则变化不大,表现出龙须菜对轻度N及轻度N、P复合污染的耐受性。该实验条件下,轻度污染处理后,藻体中不因环境N、P浓度升高而富集N、P。表明龙须菜可以作为轻度富营养化海水水体的净化藻类。  相似文献   

以大型海藻龙须菜(Gracilaria lemanensis)为实验材料,设置不同CO2浓度(400μL·L–1和1000μL·L–1)和磷浓度(0.5和30μmol·L-1)实验,探讨大气CO2浓度升高对不同磷浓度培养下龙须菜生长、光合作用及ATPase活性的影响.结果显示大气CO2下,磷加富导致龙须菜的相对生长速率...  相似文献   

以龙须菜和蛎菜两种大型海藻为试验材料,在室外自然条件下培养,设置常规CO2浓度(390μL·L-1)和高CO2浓度(800μL·L-1)空气两种通气条件、以及10和150μmol·L-1两种氮营养盐供应水平,以探讨大气CO2浓度升高对不同氮营养盐生长条件下海藻生长与光合特性的影响。结果表明:不管是高氮还是低氮的培养条件,大气CO2浓度升高都能促进这两种海藻的生长;在龙须菜中,这种生长促进作用在低氮培养条件下更高,而在蛎菜中这种生长促进作用在高氮培养条件下较高;短期海水中高CO2浓度能促进蛎菜和龙须菜的光合作用;长期高CO2浓度生长环境依然能维持龙须菜高的光合作用,但抑制蛎菜的光合作用。另外,不管培养液中CO2供应条件如何,氮加富均促进了龙须菜和蛎菜这两种海藻的光全和呼吸作用。  相似文献   

气候变化对海藻龙须菜生长与光合作用耐热特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁柳丽  邹定辉  刘露  邓亚运 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3267-3277
为探讨大气CO2升高和温室效应对龙须菜生长及生理生化特性的影响,在4种条件下培养龙须菜:1)对照组(390μL/L CO2+20℃),2)CO2升高组(700μL/L CO2+20℃),3)温度升高组(390μL/L CO2+24℃),4)温室效应组(700μL/L CO2+24℃),测定藻体生长和生化组分以及高温胁迫下的最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)和光能利用效率(α)、光合速率(Pn)和呼吸速率(Rd)。结果表明,CO2升高、温度升高以及温室效应均促进龙须菜的生长,温室效应下的促进作用更明显。温室效应使龙须菜具较高的Pn和Rd以及较低的可溶性蛋白(SP)和可溶性碳水化合物(SC)含量。高浓度CO2对叶绿素(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量没有显著影响,而高温使其上升;藻红蛋白(PE)和藻蓝蛋白(PC)含量不受CO2浓度和温度的影响。龙须菜Fv/Fm、α、Pn和Rd值,在32℃处理3 h后略有上升,在36℃处理3 h后下降,而在40℃处理20 min后降到极低水平。正常温度(20℃)生长的龙须菜最高耐受温度在32—36℃之间,而较高温(24℃)生长的龙须菜在36—40℃之间;生长温度对光合作用和呼吸作用耐热性能的影响比CO2浓度的影响更大;而温室效应生长条件下的龙须菜光合作用表现出更突出的耐热性能。  相似文献   

龙须菜海藻场构建及其对水环境因子的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年2月~2010年5月,在汕头南澳岛海域,通过设计不同的主绳间距和苗绳间距研究了龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneifomis)海藻场的构建模式及其对养殖附近海域环境的影响。结果表明,在不同的筏式养殖密度中,主绳间距在0.3~0.4m,苗绳间距在0.1~0.2m之间,龙须菜的生长速率较高。龙须菜海藻场构建后,养殖海域的无机氮(IN)平均值为133.40±15.18μg·L-1,对照海域的无机氮平均值为153.81±11.97μg·L-1,养殖海域显著低于对照海域(p<0.05);养殖海域的无机磷(IP)平均值为13.16±1.38μg·L-1,对照海域的平均值为15.55±1.05μg·L-1,养殖海域的显著低于对照海域的(p<0.05)。养殖海域叶绿素(Chl-a)的平均值为1.86±0.23mg·m-3,对照海域的平均值为2.44±0.30mg·m-3,养殖海域显著低于对照海域(p<0.05);养殖海域的透明度平均值为1.76±0.09m,对照海域的透明度为1.41±0.15m,养殖海域显著高于对照海域(p<0.05):养殖海域的溶解氧(DO)平均值为9.55±0.46mg·L-1,对照海域的平均值为8.90±0.37mg·L-1,养殖海域显著高于对照海域(p<0.05)。研究表明,构建龙须菜海藻场可以显著增加海水中DO浓度,抑制微藻生长繁殖,吸收水体营养盐,改善水质质量。  相似文献   

龙须菜对富营养化海水的生物修复   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
于2002年至2004年期间,在福建省东山岛的八尺门鱼类网箱养殖区、西埔湾对虾养殖区、乌礁湾鲍鱼养殖区等进行了龙须菜(G racilaria lem aneaf orm is)对动物海水养殖造成的富营养化的生物修复研究。结果表明,从围隔实验到小面积的海区实验到大面积的海区推广试点,龙须菜对富营养化的海水均有良好的修复效果。围隔实验中,龙须菜能使网箱养殖区缺氧的海水达到过饱和状态,对无机氮(IN)、无机磷(IP)的去除率达80%以上;实验海区,修复区的溶解氧(DO)浓度明显高于非修复区,IN、IP、叶绿素(Ch l-a)浓度低于非修复区;推广海区,鲍鱼养殖污水流经龙须菜养殖区后,IN、IP得到有效的吸收,DO浓度得到提高。因此,大面积养殖龙须菜对减轻养殖污水对海区的污染,防止水体富营养化,抑制赤潮的发生有积极作用。  相似文献   

郑伟  钟志海  杨梓  刘雅萌  徐军田 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7293-7299
为了探讨未来大气CO2升高对不同生长光强下大型海藻的影响,选取经济红藻龙须菜为实验材料,研究了其生长速率、光合作用、呼吸作用、叶绿素荧光参数以及光合色素对CO2和光强的响应。实验设置两个CO2浓度,正常空气水平CO2浓度(390μL/L)和高CO2浓度(1000μL/L);两个光强梯度,高光(300μmol m-2s-1)和低光(100μmol m-2s-1)。结果表明,CO2和光强对龙须菜的生长和光合作用有明显的交互作用。大气CO2升高并没有显著影响龙须菜的生长速率,但在不同CO2处理下,龙须菜对光强的响应不同。在空气水平下,光强的变化对其生长速率影响不显著。而在高CO2作用下,高光处理下的藻体有更高的生长速率。CO2显著促进高光生长下龙须菜的呼吸作用速率,但是在低光下作用不明显。而对于光合作用速率来说,低光培养下的藻体CO2表现为负面效应,但对高光下生长的藻体作用不明显。CO2增加没有改变龙须菜生长状态下的电子传递速率,但在高光下,CO2表现为一定的抑制作用。CO2显著降低了龙须菜天线色素藻红蛋白和叶绿素a的含量。这些CO2与光强的结合效应表明,大气CO2的升高对龙须菜光合生理特性的影响随着光强的变化而呈现不同的效应,在未来评估CO2的增加对大型海藻的影响时,要充分考虑其他环境因子的耦合效应。  相似文献   

It is well known that light and nutrients are essential to plants; however, there are few investigations in which these have been studied in combination on macroalgae, especially when solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is concerned. We cultured the red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) at different nitrate concentrations and light levels with or without UVR for 24 days. The results showed that nitrate supply markedly enhanced the growth and photosynthesis, increased the absorptivity of UV‐absorbing compounds (UVACs), and decreased photoinhibition in the presence of UVR. The thalli that received photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) treatment exhibited higher growth rates than those that received PAR + UVR at ambient or enhanced nitrate concentrations. However, under PAR + UVR treatment, the absorptivity of UVACs was higher than that of PAR and fluctuated with light levels. UVR was found to reduce the maximal net photosynthetic rate, apparent photosynthetic efficiency and light‐saturating irradiance while increasing the dark respiration rate, and inducing higher inhibition of growth and photosynthesis under high light versus under low light. Ultraviolet B significantly induced the synthesis of UVACs but led to higher inhibition on growth and photosynthesis than ultraviolet A.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir seedlings were grown in containers in peat-vermiculite or mineral soil each amended with different levels of concentrated superphosphate (CSP) or a granulated North Carolina phosphate rock (RP). Media dilute acid-fluoride extractable phosphorus (DAP), seedling photosynthesis, weights, and tissue P concentrations were measured at 65±3 and 105±3 days. DAP was highly correlated with soluble fertilizer P (but not total P) added at the beginning of the experiment. Considerable soluble P was lost from peat-vermiculite but not from the mineral soil. Seedling total P content was proportional to the amount of soluble P per container at both harvests, but was greater for a given level of soluble P in the organicversus the mineral medium. Added soluble P increased foliar P concentrations, plant P content, and dry weight. Net carbon uptake was highly correlated with added levels of soluble P, foliar P concentrations, and with total P content. The internal efficiency of P from the RP source was less than P from CSP with respect to P contentversus growth, net CO2 uptake, and net photosynthesis rates. At the end of the experiment, seedling P content plus DAP remaining in the media for the higher fertilizer rates accounted for 75% of the originally added soluble P in the mineral soils, but only 15% of the originally added soluble P in the organic media.  相似文献   

Mixotrophy (i.e. combined use of photosynthesis and food uptake for growth) is widespread among marine dinoflagellates. Species with permanent chloroplasts generally display a growth response towards irradiance like an ordinary autotrophic alga. However, some species cannot grow in the light on a standard inorganic nutrient medium, because they require the ingestion of prey for sustained growth. This includes species with various types of chloroplast origin. Only a few species have been shown to be able to grow in the dark if supplied prey. About half of the studied species were primarily phototrophic species, and food uptake marginally increased their growth rates at low irradiances. In the remaining species, food uptake increases to a large degree their growth rate when light is limiting and in some cases even when irradiance is not limiting growth. Some of these species grow relatively fast at high irradiances without food, while other species only grow slowly or cannot even maintain themselves at high irradiances without food. Dinoflagellates, which form symbioses with endo- and ectosymbionts are a very heterogeneous group, which have been studied only sporadically. Some species are clearly primarily phototrophs, while others rely heavily on food uptake for growth.  相似文献   

1. Three common species of freshwater phytoplankton, the diatom Nitzschia sp., green alga Sphaerocystis schroeteri and cyanobacterium Phormidium luridum, were grown under contrasting daylengths [18 : 6 h light : dark cycles (LD) versus 6 : 18 h LD] and phosphorus (P) regimes (P‐sufficient versus 1 μm P). The rates of growth and photosynthesis, as well as growth efficiencies and pigment concentrations, were compared among treatments. 2. The growth and photosynthetic parameters of the three species depended on both P status and daylength in a species‐specific way. The responses to P limitation depended on daylength and, conversely, the responses to daylength depended on P status. 3. Growth rates and the maximum rates of photosynthesis (Pmax) of all species decreased under P limitation under both light regimes. However, the decrease of Pmax because of P limitation was greater under long daylength. The Pmax of the green alga S. schroeteri decreased the most (ca. sixfold) under P limitation compared with the other two species. The photosynthesis saturation parameter Ik also decreased under P limitation; the decline was significant in Nitzschia and Sphaerocystis. P‐limitation significantly increased photoinhibition (β) in Nitzschia and Sphaerocystis, but not in Phormidium. The excess photochemical capacity (the ratio of the maximum photosynthesis rate to the photosynthesis rate at the growth irradiance), characterising the ability to utilise fluctuating light, was significantly lower under P limitation. 4. The growth efficiency (growth rate normalised to daylength) declined with increasing daylength in all species. Under short daylength the cyanobacterium Phormidium had the lowest growth efficiency of the three species. 5. The cellular chlorophyll a concentration in both Nitzschia and Sphaerocystis was significantly higher under short daylength, but only under P‐sufficient conditions. In Nitzschia, under short daylength, P‐limitation significantly decreased cellular chlorophyll concentration. In contrast, P‐limitation increased cellular chlorophyll concentration in Sphaerocystis, but under long daylength only. The ratio of chlorophyll a to b in the green alga also declined under short daylength and under P‐limited conditions.  相似文献   

为探究施盐和磷对重要海防林树种台湾相思幼苗叶光合作用与养分特征的影响,该研究设置0%(B0)、0.2%(B1)、0.4%(B2)、0.6%(B3)、0.8%(B4)的NaCl溶液和0 (P0)、0.5 (P1)、1.5 (P2)g·kg-1 3个供磷水平的过磷酸钙磷肥,在此基础上设置盐磷6个耦合处理,测定幼苗光合作用和养分特征指标。结果表明:(1)盐胁迫显著抑制台湾相思幼苗的生长发育,盐含量越高影响程度越大;低盐施磷对台湾相思幼苗生长不利,中高盐施磷显著减缓盐对幼苗生长的抑制作用。(2)台湾相思幼苗光合作用受盐胁迫影响显著;中低盐施磷后气孔关闭程度上升会加剧盐胁迫对幼苗光合作用的影响,高盐适当施磷可显著提高台湾相思幼苗光合能力。(3)盐胁迫显著降低叶绿素含量且对光系统Ⅱ造成危害;低盐胁迫施磷对台湾相思幼苗叶绿素合成不利,高盐适当施磷可以提高叶绿素合成量、稳定细胞膜结构以及提高叶片潜在光合能力...  相似文献   

营养盐因子对细基江蓠繁枝变种氮、磷吸收速率的影响   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
在实验室条件下,研究了营养盐因子对细基江蓠繁枝变种的氮、磷吸收速率的影响。分别进行了营养盐浓度与温度双因子试验,氮磷比与荧 浓度双因子试验肽不同化合态氮比例单因子试验。(1)氮、磷的吸收速率随营养盐浓度的升高而增大,氮的吸收速率在21℃,总氮浓度为100μmol/L时最大,达2.58μmol/(g.h);磷的吸收速率在31℃,总磷为6.3μmol/L时最大,达0.17μmol/(g.h),温度与营养盐浓度有显著的交互作用效应。(2)当氮浓度一定时,环境氮磷比对氮的吸收率无显著影响,但对磷的吸收速率有显著影响,藻中收的氮磷比随环境氮磷比的不同而变化,(3)对3种不同化合态氮的吸收速率与培养液中各种氮占总无机氮的比例呈正相关,当三比例相同时,对NH4^ -N、NO3^--N格NO2^-析吸收分别占总吸收氮的40.7%、28.5%和30.8%。  相似文献   

The Pup1 locus confers tolerance to phosphorus (P) deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Transferring the Pup1 locus to an intolerant genotype increased P uptake by a factor 3 to 4. Lines with the Pup1 locus maintained higher root growth rates under P deficiency, but only as they started to diverge from intolerant lines in P uptake. It was thus not possible to determine if differences in root growth preceded and caused differences in P uptake or whether high root growth was the result of higher external P uptake efficiency (P influx per root size). The purpose of this paper is to review experimental evidence on the effect of Pup1 in light of recent results in modelling cause-and-effect relations between root growth, external efficiency and P uptake. Model simulations suggested that only very small changes in factors enhancing root growth were needed to explain the effect of Pup1 on P uptake. A 22% increase in root fineness or in internal P utilization efficiency (root dry matter per root P) was sufficient to triple P uptake . External root efficiency had to increase by 33 to account for the effect of Pup1. However, the most noticeable effect of increases in external efficiency was a subsequent stimulation of root growth that contributed eight times more to final P uptake compared to the change in external efficiency. Comparisons of model simulations with empirical data suggested that measured differences in external efficiency between Nipponbare and NIL-Pup1 were sufficiently large to account for the increase in P uptake. A segregation analysis using several pairs of contrasting NILs (at the Pup1 locus) further confirmed this as Pup1 co-segregated with external efficiency but not with seedling root growth or internal efficiency.  相似文献   

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