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We identify instances of parallel morphological evolution in North American scincid lizards of the Eumeces skiltonianus species group and provide evidence that this system is consistent with a model of ecological speciation. The group consists of three putative species divided among two morphotypes, the small-bodied and striped E. skiltonianus and E. lagunensis versus the large-bodied and typically uniform-colored E. gilberti. Members of the group pass through markedly similar phenotypic stages during early development, but differ with respect to where terminal morphology occurs along the developmental sequence. The morphotypes also differ in habitat preference, with the large-bodied gilberti form generally inhabiting lower elevations and drier environments than the smaller, striped morphs. We inferred the phylogenetic relationships of 53 skiltonianus group populations using mtDNA sequence data from the ND4 protein-coding gene and three flanking tRNAs (900 bp total). Sampling encompassed nearly the entire geographic range of the group, and all currently recognized species and subspecies were included. Our results provide strong evidence for parallel origins of three clades characterized by the gilberti morphotype, two of which are nested within the more geographically widespread E. skiltonianus. Eumeces lagunensis was also nested among populations of E. skiltonianus. Comparative analyses using independent contrasts show that evolutionary changes in body size are correlated with differences in adult color pattern. The independently derived association of gilberti morphology with warm, arid environments suggests that phenotypic divergence is the result of adaptation to contrasting selection regimes. We provide evidence that body size was likely the target of natural selection, and that divergences in color pattern and mate recognition are probable secondary consequences of evolving large body size.  相似文献   

The brush and tree lizards (Urosaurus) are a small clade of phrynosomatid lizards native to western North America. Though not as well known as their diverse sister clade, the spiny lizards (Sceloporus), some Urosaurus have nonetheless become model organisms in integrative biology. In particular, dramatic phenotypic and behavioral differences associated with specific mating strategies have been exploited to address a range of ecological and evolutionary questions. However, only two phylogenies have been proposed for the group, one of which is pre-cladistic and both based principally on morphological characters that might not provide robust support for relationships within the group. To help provide investigators working on Urosaurus with a robust phylogeny in which to frame ecological and evolutionary questions, we establish a molecular phylogeny for the group. We sampled three mitochondrial and three nuclear loci, and estimated phylogenetic relationships within Urosaurus using both maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI), as well as a coalescent-based species tree approach. Finally, we used two methods of ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) to gain insight into the evolution of microhabitat preference and male display signals, traits that have been the focus of studies on Urosaurus. All reconstruction methods yield nearly the same ingroup topology that is concordant in most respects with the previous cladistic analysis of the group but with some significant differences; our data suggest the primary divergence in Urosaurus occurs between a clade endemic to the Pacific versant of Mexico and the lineages of Baja California and the southwestern US, rather than placing Urosaurus graciosus as the basal taxon and linking the Baja and Mexican endemics. We find support for a single transition to a saxicolous lifestyle within the group, and either the independent gain or loss of arboreality. The evolution of throat color patterns (i.e. dewlaps) appears complex, with multiple color morphs likely involving orange reconstructed as ancestral to the group and to most lineages, followed by a single transition to a fixed blue-throated morph in one clade. These results should provide a useful framework for additional comparative work with Urosaurus, and establish the phylogenetic context in which Urosaurus diversity arose.  相似文献   

Speciation is generally viewed as an irreversible process, although habitat alterations can erase reproductive barriers if divergence between ecologically differentiated species is recent. Reversed speciation might also occur if geographical contact is established between species that have evolved the same reproductive isolating barrier in parallel. Here, we demonstrate a loss of intrinsic reproductive isolation in a clade of scincid lizards as a result of parallel body size evolution, which has allowed for gene flow where large-bodied lineages are in secondary contact. An mtDNA phylogeny confirms the monophyly of the Plestiodon skiltonianus species complex, but rejects that of two size-differentiated ecomorphs. Mate compatibility experiments show that the high degree of body size divergence imposes a strong reproductive barrier between the two morphs; however, the strength of the barrier is greatly diminished between parallel-evolved forms. Since two large-bodied lineages are in geographical contact in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, we were also able to test for postzygotic isolation under natural conditions. Analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphisms show that extensive gene exchange is occurring across the contact zone, resulting in an overall pattern consistent with isolation by distance. These results provide evidence of reversed speciation between clades that diverged from a common ancestor more than 12Myr ago.  相似文献   

Avian acoustic communication has resulted from evolutionary pressures and ecological constraints. We therefore expect that auditory detectability in birds might be predictable by species traits and phylogenetic relatedness. We evaluated the relationship between phylogeny, species traits, and field‐based estimates of the two processes that determine species detectability (singing rate and detection distance) for 141 bird species breeding in boreal North America. We used phylogenetic mixed models and cross‐validation to compare the relative merits of using trait data only, phylogeny only, or the combination of both to predict detectability. We found a strong phylogenetic signal in both singing rates and detection distances; however the strength of phylogenetic effects was less than expected under Brownian motion evolution. The evolution of behavioural traits that determine singing rates was found to be more labile, leaving more room for species to evolve independently, whereas detection distance was mostly determined by anatomy (i.e. body size) and thus the laws of physics. Our findings can help in disentangling how complex ecological and evolutionary mechanisms have shaped different aspects of detectability in boreal birds. Such information can greatly inform single‐ and multi‐species models but more work is required to better understand how to best correct possible biases in phylogenetic diversity and other community metrics.  相似文献   

One of the most persistent questions in comparative developmental biology concerns whether there are general rules by which ontogeny and phylogeny are related. Answering this question requires conceptual and analytic approaches that allow biologists to examine a wide range of developmental events in well-structured phylogenetic contexts. For evolutionary biologists, one of the most dominant approaches to comparative developmental biology has centered around the concept of heterochrony. However, in recent years the focus of studies of heterochrony largely has been limited to one aspect, changes in size and shape. I argue that this focus has restricted the kinds of questions that have been asked about the patterns of developmental change in phylogeny, which has narrowed our ability to address some of the most fundamental questions about development and evolution. Here I contrast the approaches of growth heterochrony with a broader view of heterochrony that concentrates on changes in developmental sequence. I discuss a general approach to sequence heterochrony and summarize newly emerging methods to analyze a variety of kinds of developmental change in explicit phylogenetic contexts. Finally, I summarize a series of studies on the evolution of development in mammals that use these new approaches.  相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstruction is a method used to study the evolutionary trajectories of quantitative characters on phylogenies. Although efficient methods for univariate ancestral state reconstruction under a Brownian motion model have been described for at least 25 years, to date no generalization has been described to allow more complex evolutionary models, such as multivariate trait evolution, non‐Brownian models, missing data, and within‐species variation. Furthermore, even for simple univariate Brownian motion models, most phylogenetic comparative R packages compute ancestral states via inefficient tree rerooting and full tree traversals at each tree node, making ancestral state reconstruction extremely time‐consuming for large phylogenies. Here, a computationally efficient method for fast maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction of continuous characters is described. The algorithm has linear complexity relative to the number of species and outperforms the fastest existing R implementations by several orders of magnitude. The described algorithm is capable of performing ancestral state reconstruction on a 1,000,000‐species phylogeny in fewer than 2 s using a standard laptop, whereas the next fastest R implementation would take several days to complete. The method is generalizable to more complex evolutionary models, such as phylogenetic regression, within‐species variation, non‐Brownian evolutionary models, and multivariate trait evolution. Because this method enables fast repeated computations on phylogenies of virtually any size, implementation of the described algorithm can drastically alleviate the computational burden of many otherwise prohibitively time‐consuming tasks requiring reconstruction of ancestral states, such as phylogenetic imputation of missing data, bootstrapping procedures, Expectation‐Maximization algorithms, and Bayesian estimation. The described ancestral state reconstruction algorithm is implemented in the Rphylopars functions anc.recon and phylopars.  相似文献   

Relative embryo size (E : S, the ratio of embryo to seed) is a key trait related to germination ecology and seed plant evolution. A small, underdeveloped embryo is a primitive feature of angiosperms, which has led to the hypothesis that an evolutionary trend towards increasing E : S has occurred. Here, I examine first the tempo and mode of E : S evolution in angiosperms; then I test for phylogenetic associations of E : S with traits hypothetically related to anagenetic (germination time) and cladogenetic (number of species per family and differential speciation) change, and finally I test the existence of a directional increasing trend in E : S. The analysis of the evolutionary tempo suggests that E : S changed very fast early in evolutionary time and remained stable later, which is consistent with early radiations and fits well with the history of angiosperms consisting of rapid spread associated with great diversification rates soon after their origin. E : S evolution in angiosperms has not followed a punctuational mode of evolution but a scaled-gradualism evolution in which stasis has occurred in longer branches of the phylogeny. An evolutionary trend towards increasing E : S has not been actively driven by anagenesis nor cladogenesis, although large E : S is associated with high levels of diversification (i.e. number of species per family). This rapid ecological diversification occurring in the early radiation probably produced an increasing phenotypic variance in the E : S. Because the ancestral embryo was so small, an increase in variance might have produced a passive trend towards the only direction allowed for the ancestral embryo to evolve. Thus, a passive diffusion away from a lower bound may explain the average increase in E : S.  相似文献   

Hypothesized relationships between ontogenetic and phylogenetic change in morphological characters were empirically tested in centrarchid fishes by comparing observed patterns of character development with patterns of character evolution as inferred from a representative phylogenetic hypothesis. This phylogeny was based on 56–61 morphological characters that were polarized by outgroup comparison. Through these comparisons, evolutionary changes in character ontogeny were categorized in one of eight classes (terminal addition, terminal deletion, terminal substitution, non-terminal addition, non-terminal deletion, non-terminal substitution, ontogenetic reversal and substitution). The relative frequencies of each of these classes provided an empirical basis from which assumptions underlying hypothesized relationships between ontogeny and phylogeny were tested. In order to test hypothesized relationships between ontogeny and phylogeny that involve assumptions about the relative frequencies of terminal change (e.g. the use of ontogeny as a homology criterion), two additional phylogenies were generated in which terminal addition and terminal deletion were maximized and minimized for all characters. Character state change interpreted from these phylogenies thus represents the maxima and minima of the frequency range of terminal addition and terminal deletion for the 8.7 × 1036 trees possible for centrarchids. It was found for these data that terminal change accounts for c. 75% of the character state change. This suggests either that early ontogeny is conserved in evolution or that interpretation and classification of evolutionary changes in ontogeny is biased in part by the way that characters are recognized, delimited and coded. It was found that ontogenetic interpretation is influenced by two levels of homology decision: an initial decision involving delimitation of the character (the ontogenetic sequence), and the subsequent recognition of homologous components of developmental sequences. Recognition of phylogenetic homology among individual components of developmental sequences is necessary for interpretation of evolutionary changes in ontogeny as either terminal or non-terminal. If development is the primary criterion applied in recognizing individual homologies among parts of ontogenetic sequences, the only possible interpretation of phylogenetic differences is that of terminal change. If homologies of the components cannot be ascertained, recognition of the homology of the developmental sequence as a whole will result in the interpretation of evolutionary differences as substitutions. Particularly when the objective of a study is to discover how ontogeny has evolved, criteria in addition to ontogeny must be used to recognize homology. Interpretation is also dependent upon delimitation within an ontogenetic sequence. This is in part a function of the way that an investigator ‘sees’ and codes characters. Binary and multistate characters influence interpretation differently and predictably. The use of ontogeny for determining phylogenetic polarity as previously proposed rests on the assumptions that ancestral ontogenies are conserved and that character evolution occurs predominantly through terminal addition. It was found for these data that terminal addition may comprise a maximum of 51.9% of the total character state change. It is concluded that the ontogenetic criterion is not a reliable indicator of phylogenetic polarity. Process and pattern data are collected simultaneously by those engaged in comparative morphological studies of development. The set of alternative explanatory processes is limited in the process of observing development. These form necessary starting points for the research of developmental biologists. Separating ‘empirical’ results from interpretational influences requires awareness of potential biases in the course of character selection, coding and interpretation. Consideration of the interpretational problems involved in identifying and classifying phylogenetic changes in ontogeny leads to a re-evaluation of the purpose, usefulness and information conveyed by the current classification system. It is recommended that alternative classification schemes be pursued.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present review is to draw attention to growing problems in the modern systematics and phylogenetics which are presently underestimated by the professional community. The dramatic reduction of the importance of ontogeny and morphology in phylogenetic studies of the second part of the 20th century is considered among the major factors of the modern taxonomic and evolutionary paradigm. The deep contradiction of modern approaches, which either merely consider systematics and phylogeny as genealogy or even in a neotypolgical manner irrespective of the evolutionary idea, is demonstrated. Thus, despite the widespread opinion that the evolutionary theory is the major basis for taxonomy, the processes, which in fact caused the origin and formation of the systematic hierarchy are often considered as redundant for the procedure of classification. In this respect, the classical, but well forgotten statement that evolution is a modification of ontogeny is specially highlighted. Tight relationships between evolution, ontogeny, systematics, and phylogenetics are prima facie obvious, but also presently underestimated, although the field of the evo-devo is continuously growing. Paradoxically, even despite the outburst of various molecular ontogenetic approaches, the commonly accepted evolutionary paradigm still lacks a general theory for changes in the shape of organisms. As a step towards the development of such a theory, a synthesis (or more exactly, resynthesis) of still largely independently developing major biological fields, i.e., ontogenetic and evolutionary studies, on the one hand, and traditional taxonomy, on the other hand, a new concept of ontogenetic systematics is proposed. The new concept is intended for integration of supposedly ??immobile?? traditional taxonomy with the dynamics, but predominantly considered as hypothetical, evolutionary field based on the process of ontogeny, which, in contrast to the evolution itself, can be observed in the real time. Therefore, it is concluded that, for instance, the evolution of the main group of living organisms Metazoa, is primarily the evolution of a very limited number of ontogenetic cycles that were formed as early as the Early Cambrian. A significant underestimation of cyclic properties of ontogeny in the evolution and systematics is shown. Using two model groups, echinoderms of the class Ophiuroidea and dorid nudibranch mollusks (Gastropoda: Doridacea), practical importance of the integrative approach developed here is demonstrated. The ??disruption?? of the ancestral ontogenetic cycle and further formation of a new descendant cycle (which implies some continuity of ancestral and descendant characters) is considered to be a major evolutionary pattern. The model proposed implies either progressive (addition of stages and characters) or regressive (reduction of already existing stages and structures) modification of ancestral taxon, the diagnosis of which corresponds to the model of its ontogenetic cycle. In the extreme cases of disruption of the ancestral ontogenetic cycle, adult characters of descendants are substituted by juvenile ancestral features, demonstrating paedomorphoses in the narrow sense. Within the framework of the approach proposed, the evolutionary and ontogenetic models of ancestral ontogenetic cycles of brittle stars and dorid nudibranchs are developed and discussed. Based on the original material of the extinct Paleozoic ophiuroid group Oegophiurida, the origin of key evolutionary novelties is discussed. A major conclusion of the present review is the high necessity of integration of new molecular data with already well-established taxonomic hierarchy and ontogenetic information as a basis for the development of the general theory of transformations of organisms, i.e., the theory of evolution in its true sense.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal reorganization of growth rates in the evolution of ontogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Heterochrony, evolutionary changes in rate or timing of development producing parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny, is viewed as the most common type of evolutionary change in development. Alternative hypotheses such as heterotopy, evolutionary change in the spatial patterning of development, are rarely entertained. We examine the evidence for heterochrony and heterotopy in the evolution of body shape in two clades of piranhas. One of these is the sole case of heterochrony previously reported in the group; the others were previously interpreted as cases of heterotopy. To compare ontogenies of shape, we computed ontogenetic trajectories of shape by multivariate regression of geometric shape variables (i.e., partial warp scores and shape coordinates) on centroid size. Rates of development relative to developmental age and angles between the trajectories were compared statistically. We found a significant difference in developmental rate between species of Serrasalmus , suggesting that heterochrony is a partial explanation for the evolution of body shape, but we also found a significant difference between their ontogenetic transformations; the direction of the difference between them suggests that heterotopy also plays a role in this group. In Pygocentrus we found no difference in developmental rate among species, but we did find a difference in the ontogenies, suggesting that heterotopy, but not heterochrony, is the developmental basis for shape diversification in this group. The prevalence of heterotopy as a source of evolutionary novelty remains largely unexplored and will not become clear until the search for developmental explanations looks beyond heterochrony.  相似文献   

Balfour, Garstang and de Beer: The First Century of Evolutionary Embryology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evolution has been integrated with embryology during two greatperiods: the latter half of the 19th C as evolutionary morphology/embryology,and the latter third of the 20th C as evolutionary developmentalbiology. My mandate was to use the contributions of three embryologists/morphologists:Francis (Frank) Balfour (1851–1882), Walter Garstang (1868–1949)and Gavin de Beer (1899–1972) to discuss the foundationsof evolutionary embryology in the UK from 1870 (when "everyaspiring zoologist was an embryologist, and the one topic ofprofessional conversation was evolution," Bateson, 1922, p.56), through the 1920s ("ontogeny does not recapitulate phylogeny,it creates it," Garstang, 1922, p. 81) to the 1970s ("homologyof phenotypes does not imply similarity in genotypes," de Beer,1971, p. 15). Evolutionary embryology was driven by a comparativeembryological approach that sought homology of adult structuresin germ layers and ancestry in embryos, and sought to differentiatelarval adaptations from retained ancestral characters. An initialemphasis on a phylogenetic mechanism (recapitulation) slowlygave way to more mechanistic approaches that included heterochronyand the integration of embryology with physiological genetics.Germ layers, homology, larval evolution, larval origins of thevertebrates, paedomorphosis and heterochrony underpinned theorigins of evolutionary embryology, and so I discuss each ofthese topics.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The American bulb-bearing Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) have diverse heterostylous breeding systems and are distributed in mountainous areas from Patagonia to the northeastern United States. To study the evolutionary processes leading to this diversity, we constructed the first molecular phylogeny for the American bulb-bearing Oxalis and used it to infer biogeographic history and breeding system evolution. ? Methods: We used DNA sequence data (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, trnL-trnL-trnF, trnT-trnL, and psbJ-petA) to infer phylogenetic history via parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. We used Bayes Multistate to infer ancestral geographic distributions at well-supported nodes of the phylogeny. The Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) test distinguished among hypotheses of single or multiple transitions from South America to North America, and tristyly to distyly. ? Key results: The American bulb-bearing Oxalis include sampled members of sections Ionoxalis and Pseudobulbosae and are derived from a larger clade that includes members of sections Palmatifoliae, Articulatae, and the African species. The American bulb-bearing Oxalis comprise two clades: one distributed in SE South America and the other in the Andes and North America. An SH test supports multiple dispersals to North America. Most sampled distylous species form a single clade, but at least two other independent distylous lineages are supported by the topologies and SH tests. ? Conclusions: Phylogenetic results suggest the American bulb-bearing Oxalis originated in southern South America, dispersed repeatedly to North America, and had multiple transitions from tristyly to distyly. This study adds to our understanding of biogeographic history and breeding system evolution and provides a foundation for more precise inferences about the study group.  相似文献   

Lamb T  Beamer DA 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37544
Change in digit number, particularly digit loss, has occurred repeatedly over the evolutionary history of tetrapods. Although digit loss has been documented among distantly related species of salamanders, it is relatively uncommon in this amphibian order. For example, reduction from five to four toes appears to have evolved just three times in the morphologically and ecologically diverse family Plethodontidae. Here we report a molecular phylogenetic analysis for one of these four-toed lineages--the Eurycea quadridigitata complex (dwarf salamanders)--emphasizing relationships to other species in the genus. A multilocus phylogeny reveals that dwarf salamanders are paraphyletic with respect to a complex of five-toed, paedomorphic Eurycea from the Edwards Plateau in Texas. We use this phylogeny to examine evolution of digit number within the dwarf-Edwards Plateau clade, testing contrasting hypotheses of digit loss (parallelism among dwarf salamanders) versus digit gain (re-evolution in the Edwards Plateau complex). Bayes factors analysis provides statistical support for a five-toed common ancestor at the dwarf-Edwards node, favoring, slightly, the parallelism hypothesis for digit loss. More importantly, our phylogenetic results pinpoint a rare event in the pedal evolution of plethodontid salamanders.  相似文献   

Blue‐tailed skinks (genus Plestiodon) are a common component of the terrestrial herpetofauna throughout their range in eastern Eurasia and North and Middle America. Plestiodon species are also frequent subjects of ecological and evolutionary research, yet a comprehensive, well‐supported phylogenetic framework does not yet exist for this genus. We construct a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Plestiodon using Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of a nine‐locus data set comprising 8308 base pairs of DNA, sampled from 38 of the 43 species in the genus. We evaluate potential gene tree/species tree discordance by conducting phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated and individual locus data sets, as well as employing coalescent‐based methods. Specifically, we address the placement of Plestiodon within the evolutionary tree of Scincidae, as well as the phylogenetic relationships between Plestiodon species, and their taxonomy. Given our sampling of major Scincidae lineages, we also re‐evaluate ‘deep’ relationships within the family, with the goal of resolving relationships that have been ambiguous in recent molecular phylogenetic analyses. We infer strong support for several scincid relationships, including a major clade of ‘scincines’ and the inter‐relationships of major Mediterranean and southern African genera. Although we could not estimate the precise phylogenetic affinities of Plestiodon with statistically significant support, we nonetheless infer significant support for its inclusion in a large ‘scincine’ clade exclusive of Acontinae, Lygosominae, Brachymeles, and Ophiomorus. Plestiodon comprises three major geographically cohesive clades. One of these clades is composed of mostly large‐bodied species inhabiting northern Indochina, south‐eastern China (including Taiwan), and the southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan. The second clade comprises species inhabiting central China (including Taiwan) and the entire Japanese archipelago. The third clade exclusively inhabits North and Middle America and the island of Bermuda. A vast majority of interspecific relationships are strongly supported in the concatenated data analysis, but there is nonetheless significant conflict amongst the individual gene trees. Coalescent‐based gene tree/species tree analyses indicate that incongruence amongst the nuclear loci may severely obscure the phylogenetic inter‐relationships of the primarily small‐bodied Plestiodon species that inhabit the central Mexican highlands. These same analyses do support the sister relationship between Plestiodon marginatus Hallowell, 1861 and Plestiodon stimpsonii (Thompson, 1912), and differ with the mitochondrial DNA analysis that supports Plestiodon elegans (Boulenger, 1887) + P. stimpsonii. Finally, because the existing Plestiodon taxonomy is a poor representation of evolutionary relationships, we replace the existing supraspecific taxonomy with one congruent with our phylogenetic results. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 163–189.  相似文献   

The use of phylogenetic comparative methods in ecological research has advanced during the last twenty years, mainly due to accurate phylogenetic reconstructions based on molecular data and computational and statistical advances. We used phylogenetic correlograms and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) to model body size evolution in 35 worldwide Felidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) species using two alternative phylogenies and published body size data. The purpose was not to contrast the phylogenetic hypotheses but to evaluate how analyses of body size evolution patterns can be affected by the phylogeny used for comparative analyses (CA). Both phylogenies produced a strong phylogenetic pattern, with closely related species having similar body sizes and the similarity decreasing with increasing distances in time. The PVR explained 65% to 67% of body size variation and all Moran's I values for the PVR residuals were non-significant, indicating that both these models explained phylogenetic structures in trait variation. Even though our results did not suggest that any phylogeny can be used for CA with the same power, or that "good" phylogenies are unnecessary for the correct interpretation of the evolutionary dynamics of ecological, biogeographical, physiological or behavioral patterns, it does suggest that developments in CA can, and indeed should, proceed without waiting for perfect and fully resolved phylogenies.  相似文献   

Advances in the understanding of biological radiations along tropical mountains depend on the knowledge of phylogenetic relationships among species. Here we present a species-level molecular phylogeny based on a multilocus dataset for the Andean hummingbird genus Coeligena. We compare this phylogeny to previous hypotheses of evolutionary relationships and use it as a framework to understand patterns in the evolution of sexual dichromatism and in the biogeography of speciation within the Andes. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based mostly on similarities in coloration conflicted with our molecular phylogeny, emphasizing the unreliability of color characters for phylogenetic inference. Two major clades, one monochromatic and the other dichromatic, were found in Coeligena. Closely related species were either allopatric or parapatric on opposite mountain slopes. No sister lineages replaced each other along an elevational gradient. Our results indicate the importance of geographic isolation for speciation in this group and the potential interaction between isolation and sexual selection to promote diversification.  相似文献   

Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes. However, little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages. To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns, we used flow cytometry to measure the genomes of 240 species (255 samples) of extant ferns and lycophytes comprising 27 families and 72 genera, of which 228 species (242 samples) represent new reports. We analyzed correlations among genome size, spore size, chromosomal features, phylogeny, and habitat type preference within a phylogenetic framework. We also applied ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analysis to preference of habitat type and genome size. Using the phylogeny, we conducted ancestral character reconstruction for habitat types and tested whether genome size changes simultaneously with shifts in habitat preference. We found that 2C values had weak phylogenetic signal, whereas the base number of chromosomes (x) had a strong phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, our analyses revealed a positive correlation between genome size and chromosome traits, indicating that the base number of chromosomes (x), chromosome size, and polyploidization may be primary contributors to genome expansion in ferns and lycophytes. Genome sizes in different habitat types varied significantly and were significantly correlated with habitat types; specifically, multinomial logistic regression indicated that species with larger 2C values were more likely to be epiphytes. Terrestrial habitat is inferred to be ancestral for both extant ferns and lycophytes, whereas transitions to other habitat types occurred as the major clades emerged. Shifts in habitat types appear be followed by periods of genomic stability. Based on these results, we inferred that habitat type changes and multiple whole-genome duplications have contributed to the formation of large genomes of ferns and their allies during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

In an endeavor to contribute to the comprehension of the evolution of transposable elements (TEs) in the genome of host species, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of sequences homologous to the retrotransposon gypsy of Drosophila melanogaster in 19 species of Drosophila, in Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis, and in Zaprionus indianus. This phylogenetic study was based on approximately 500 base pairs of the env gene. Our analyses showed considerable discrepancy between the phylogeny of gypsy elements and the relationship of their host species, and they allow us to infer a complex evolutionary pattern that could include ancestral polymorphism, vertical transmission, and several cases of horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

Quantification of mammalian skull development has received much attention in the recent literature. Previous results in different lineages have shown an effect of historical legacy on patterns of skull growth. In marsupials, the skull of adults exhibits high variation across species, principally along a size axis. The development keys of the marsupial skull are fundamental to understanding the evolution of skull function in this clade. Its generally well-resolved phylogeny makes the group ideal for studying macroevolution of skull ontogeny. Here, we tested the hypothesis that ontogenetic similarity is correlated with phylogeny in New World marsupials, so that developmental patterns are expected to be conserved from ancestral opossums. We concatenated our previously published ontogenetic cranial data from several opossum species with new ontogenetic sequences and constructed an allometric space on the basis of a set of comparable cranial linear measurements. In this ontogenetic space, we determined the degree of correspondence of developmental patterns and the phylogeny of the group. In addition, we mapped ontogenetic trajectories onto the opossum phylogeny, treating the trajectories as composite, continuously varying characters. Didelphids differed widely in the magnitude of skull allometry across species. Splanchnocranial components exhibited all possible patterns of inter-specific variation, whereas mandibular variables were predominantly allometrically “positive” and neurocranial components were predominantly allometrically “negative.” The distribution of species in allometric space reflected the compounded effect of phylogeny and size variation characteristic of didelphids. The terminal morphology of related species differed in shape, so their ontogenetic trajectories deviated with respect to that of reconstructed common ancestors in varying degree. Phylogeny was the main factor structuring the allometric space of New World marsupials. Didelphids inherited an ancestral constellation of allometry coefficients without change and retained much of it throughout their lineage history. Conserved allometric values on the nodes splitting placental outgroups and marsupials suggest a developmental basis common to all therians.  相似文献   

Abstract Cordyceps is an endoparasite ascomycetous genus containing approximately 450 species with a diversity of insect hosts, traditionally included in the family Clavicipitaceae of Ascomycota. Establishing the relationships among species with a varied range of morphologies and hosts is of importance to our understanding of the phylogeny and co‐evolution of parasites and hosts in entomopathogenic ascomycetes. To this end, we used a combination of molecular index and morphological characters from 40 representative species to carry out comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses. Based on the phylogenetic tree, we used the program DISCRETE for inferring the rates of evolution and finding ancestral states of morphological character. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two important points. (i) Types of perithecia attached to stroma reflected an evolutionary trend in Cordyceps. The vertically immersed perithecia form was the ancestral state, superficial and obliquely immersed perithecia were derived characters, obliquely immersed was irreversible. Species with obliquely immersed perithecia were in a closely related group and were the derived group. (ii) A strong correlation between fungal relatedness and the microhabitat supported the hypothesis that the host jumps through commingling in soil microhabitats. Based on the results of these analyses, host switching explains the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps.  相似文献   

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