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1. We evaluated the effect of clone (one susceptible and one resistant clone), shoot length, crown level, and gallicola density on post‐gall induction performance of Adelges abietis. Galls that had been successfully induced by one fundatrix on a range of shoot sizes were selected, and the number of gallicolae that could colonise the gall was manipulated. 2. Post‐induction gall development success was inversely related to shoot length and was higher on the susceptible clone than on the resistant clone. As gallicola density did not influence the proportion of galls that successfully completed development, reduced post‐induction gall development on large shoots was not likely to be result of an insufficient stimulus from gallicolae. 3. Clone was the only factor that significantly influenced gall volume and galls were larger on the susceptible clone than on the resistant clone. As gall volume did not increase when more gallicolae attempted to colonise a gall, competition within a gall increased. Gallicola survival was inversely related to the number of colonising gallicolae. Our results suggest that gall size may be limiting at natural densities. 4. Previous studies report positive relationships between gall induction success and fundatrix density, and between gall size and fundatrix density. As each fundatrix produces one egg mass of gallicolae, this study suggests that there may be a trade‐off between the successful induction of a large gall and subsequent survival of gallicolae. 5. In the present study, clone influenced all measures of post‐gall induction performance. Performance was always higher on the susceptible than on the resistant clone.  相似文献   

1. The abundance and performance of the Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid, Adelges abietis , was evaluated on young, open-grown trees of White Spruce, Picea glauca , whose growth rates had been increased through fertilization or decreased through root-pruning.
2. In general, gall densities were highest on control trees and on mid-crown branches. Reduced galling success on fertilized trees was largely due to higher overwintering mortality of first-generation nymphs. Foliar magnesium, total tannin and total phenol contents were positively, and nitrogen and total monoterpene contents negatively, related to gall density and/or galling success.
3. Although short shoots were more abundant, shoot length was parabolically related to gall density. There was a non-significant parabolic trend between shoot size and galling success and volume. The number and average size of A. abietis females emerging from galls were positively related to gall volume, and realized fecundity was positively correlated to female size. Consequently, fitness was approximately twice as high for nymphs colonizing intermediate-sized than small or large shoots.
4. These results do not support the plant vigour or plant stress hypotheses. The results do, however, agree with predictions of the modified plant stress hypothesis for sucking insects. It is speculated that Adelges abietis lacks the necessary resources for successful gall formation on small shoots and is unable to produce a stimulus large enough to induce gall formation on large shoots.  相似文献   

1. Defoliation-induced changes in the budbreak phenology of Mountain Birches ( Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa (Ledeb.) Nyman), and their effects on herbivore performance, were investigated during an outbreak of the spring-feeding geometrid, Epirrita autumnata (Bkh.).
2. Total defoliation (followed by refoliation) by E. autumnata larvae was required to achieve significant delaying of budbreak of Mountain Birch one year after damage.
3. Delayed budbreak has potentially deleterious effects on herbivore performance. However, E. autumnata larvae show phenotypic responses that increase the synchrony between larvae and leaves: high larval density, a prerequisite for severe defoliation, delays egg hatch in the following year.
4. Late hatching larvae performed as well on birches with delayed budbreak due to the previous year's total defoliation as did early hatching larvae on birches with earlier budbreak.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellites were isolated from the barley stem gall midge, Mayetiola hordei. Polymorphism at each locus was tested on 40 individual midges, among which 34 were collected on barley and six on wheat crops in Tunisia. Six loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from two to seven. The observed heterozygosity varied between 0.025 and 0.2. These microsatellite loci revealed a strong effect of host plant on the population genetic structure of M. hordei.  相似文献   

1.  There are myriad ways in which pollinators and herbivores can interact via the evolutionary and behavioural responses of their host plants.
2.  Given that both herbivores and pollinators consume and are dependent upon plant-derived nutrients and secondary metabolites, and utilize plant signals, plant chemistry should be one of the major factors mediating these interactions.
3.  Here we build upon a conceptual framework for understanding plant-mediated interactions of pollinators and herbivores. We focus on plant chemistry, in particular plant volatiles and aim to unify hypotheses for plant defence and pollination. We make predictions for the evolutionary outcomes of these interactions by hypothesizing that conflicting selection pressures from herbivores and pollinators arise from the constraints imposed by plant chemistry.
4.  We further hypothesize that plants could avoid conflicts between pollinator attraction and herbivore defence through tissue-specific regulation of pollinator reward chemistry, as well as herbivore-induced changes in flower chemistry and morphology.
5.  Finally, we test aspects of our predictions in a case study using a wild tomato species, Solanum peruvianum , to illustrate the diversity of tissue-specific and herbivore-induced differences in plant chemistry that could influence herbivore and pollinator behaviour, and plant fitness.  相似文献   

昆虫唾液成分在昆虫与植物关系中的作用   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
近年来,人们对于植食性昆虫唾液的深入研究,揭示出其在昆虫与植物的相互关系和协同进化中起到非常重要的作用。植食性昆虫唾液中含有的酶类和各种有机成分,能诱导植物的一系列生化反应,而且这些反应有很强的特异性,与为害的昆虫种类甚至龄期有关。鳞翅目幼虫口腔分泌物(或反吐液)中含有的β-葡糖苷酶、葡萄糖氧化酶等酶类和挥发物诱导素等有机成分,已经证明可以诱导植物的反应; 刺吸式昆虫的取食也可以刺激植物产生反应,但其唾液内的酶类,如烟粉虱的碱性磷酸酶, 蚜虫的酚氧化酶、果胶酶和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶, 蝽类的寡聚半乳糖醛酸酶等是否发挥作用,目前还没有直接的证据。寄主植物对昆虫的唾液成分也有很大的影响,可能是昆虫对不同植物营养成分和毒性成分的适应方式。对昆虫唾液蛋白的分析表明,具有同样类型口器、食物类型接近的昆虫,唾液成分有更多的相似性。研究植食性昆虫的唾液成分,对于阐明昆虫和植物的协同进化关系、昆虫生物型的形成机理、害虫的致害机理,以及指导害虫防治等,有着一定的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

暗褐网柄牛肝菌Phlebopus portentosus与介壳虫形成的菌腔虫瘿是该菌营养机制研究的关键环节。本研究先后在云南、四川和广西3省区暗褐网柄牛肝菌产区的16个地点,对菌腔虫瘿的生态和生物学进行了大量的野外调查。发现根部着生菌腔虫瘿的寄主植物有31种,涉及16个科的28个属。与暗褐网柄牛肝菌形成菌腔虫瘿的介壳虫种类有12种,其中10种隶属粉蚧科Pseudococcidae、绵蚧科Monophlebidae、蚧科Coccidae各1种。在不同的寄主植物上菌腔虫瘿的寄生位置和形状会有所不同,与暗褐网柄牛肝菌菌丝形成菌腔虫瘿的寄主植物和介壳虫之间不存在专一性。上述研究结果为暗褐网柄牛肝菌的仿生栽培奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Three Kunitz trypsin inhibitor genes were isolated from trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) by PCR and cDNA screening. Based on sequence similarity, they were grouped into two classes. Southern blots showed complex banding patterns and a high level of restriction fragment polymorphism between different aspen genotypes, suggesting that these trypsin inhibitors are members of a large, rapidly evolving gene family. One of the trypsin inhibitor genes, PtTI2. was over-expressed in Escherichia coli and its product shown to inhibit bovine trypsin in vitro. Both classes of PtTI genes are induced by wounding and herbivory, permitting rapid adaptive responses to herbivore pressure. The response appears to be mediated by an octadecanoid-based signaling pathway, as methyl jasmonate treatments induced the trypsin inhibitors. Wound-induced accumulation of trypsin inhibitor protein was also observed by western blot analysis. The pattern of expression, the apparent rapid evolution of TI genes, and the in vitro trypsin inhibitory activity are consistent with a role in herbivore defense. This work establishes the presence of a functional protein-based inducible defense system in trembling aspen.  相似文献   

1. Silicon (Si) is a beneficial nutrient that has been reported to ameliorate many abiotic and biotic stresses in plants, including insect herbivory. Insect herbivory has been shown to induce Si defences in plants, although the magnitude and nature of induction remain largely ambiguous. In particular, it is unclear whether herbivore induction of Si defences is confined to attacked tissues (local) or occurs elsewhere in the plant (systemic). 2. We grew cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. plants (var. Burpless F1 and Beit Alpha), an intermediate Si accumulator, hydroponically under Si-supplemented or Si-free conditions and measured the level of Si induction caused by a polyphagous chewing insect, the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). We also examined the impacts of Si on insect performance by conducting in vitro feeding assays on excised leaves (ex situ) and intact leaves on plants (in situ). 3. Herbivory significantly increased Si accumulation both locally in attacked leaves (21% increase in Beit Alpha and 17% in Burpless F1) and systemically in non-attacked leaves (19% increase in Beit Alpha and 10% in Burpless F1). Si supplementation significantly increased % foliar Si and C:N ratio, while significantly decreasing larval relative consumption (RC) and relative growth rate (RGR) in the in situ assays. In ex situ assays, however, Si only reduced larval RGR when fed on Beit Alpha plants. 4. Our results confirm that Si-based defences can also operate in moderate Si-accumulating plants and, for the first time, that insect herbivory induces systemic Si accumulation equivalently between plant varieties.  相似文献   

Stem galls affect oak foliage with potential consequences for herbivory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.   1. On two dates, foliar characteristics of pin oak, Quercus palustris , infested with stem galls caused by the horned oak gall, Callirhytis cornigera , were investigated, and the consequences for subsequent herbivory assessed.
2. Second-instar caterpillars of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar , preferred foliage from ungalled trees.
3. Ungalled trees broke bud earlier than their galled counterparts.
4. Galled trees produced denser leaves with higher nitrogen and tannin concentrations, but foliar carbohydrates did not differ among galled and ungalled trees.
5. Concentrations of foliar carbohydrates in both galled and ungalled trees increased uniformly between the two assay dates. Nitrogen concentrations were greater in leaves from galled trees, and decreased uniformly in galled and ungalled trees over time. Foliar tannins were also greater in foliage from galled trees early in the season; however, foliar tannins declined seasonally in galled tissue so that by the second assay date there was no difference in tannin concentrations between galled and ungalled foliage.
6. In spite of differences in foliar characteristics, performance of older, fourth instar gypsy moth caterpillars did not differ between galled and ungalled trees.  相似文献   

Leaf buds, a factor in host selection by Battus philenor butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Field and laboratory experiments identified a character intrinsic to Aristolochia reticulata Nutt. host plants, the terminal leaf bud, that is involved in host-selection behaviour by female pipevine swallowtail butterflies (Battus philenor L.) searching for oviposition sites.
  • 2 In the field, the frequency with which females landed on non-host buds declined seasonally as the proportion of host foliage that consisted of buds decreased. Female butterflies did not land on non-host species in proportion to their abundance; rather, females landed on those non-host species whose buds resembled those of A.reticulata.
  • 3 A.reticulata plants whose terminal leaf bud was concealed by plastic tape were less susceptible to oviposition in the field than were control plants.
  • 4 Female butterflies released in a large, outdoor enclosure were conditioned to search for leaf buds only when exposed to a host species bearing a prominent terminal leaf bud.
  • 5 The significance of conditioning of leaf-bud searching behaviour is discussed with respect to discrimination between hosts and non-hosts, between host species, and among plants within a host species.

Current methods for measuring similarity among phytophagous insect communities fail to consider the phylogenetic relationship between host plants. We analysed this relation based on 3580 host observations of 1174 beetle species associated with 100 species of angiosperms in two different forest types in Panama. We quantified the significance of genetic distance as well as taxonomic rank among angiosperms in relation to species overlap in beetle assemblages. A logarithmic model describing the decrease in beetle species similarity between host-plant species of increasing phylogenetic distance explains 35% of the variation. Applied to taxonomic rank categories the results imply that except for the ancient branching of monocots from dicots, only adaptive radiations of plants on the family and genus level are important for host utilization among phytophagous beetles. These findings enable improvements in estimating host specificity and species richness through correction for phylogenetic relatedness between hosts and consideration of the host-specific fauna associated with monocots.  相似文献   

The cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringiBaly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a serious pest of crucifers in China, undergoing an imaginal summer and winter diapause in the soil. The effects of host plants on diapause incidence were tested in the beetle. The ratio of adults entering diapause was significantly low when they fed on the mature leaves of Chinese cabbage Shanghaiqin (Brassica chinesis var communis) than those feeding on Chinese cabbage Suzhouqin (Brassica chinesis var communis), radish (Raphanus sativus var longipinnatus) and stem mustard (Brassicajuncea vat tumida) at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. Fewer adults entered diapause on young leaves compared to physiologically aged and mature radish leaves at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. The effect of host plant species on diapause induction was also evident under continuously dark rearing conditions or at different photoperiods. These experimental results demonstrate that host plant mediation of diapause induction exists in the cabbage beetle. However, at temperatures ≤20℃ or photoperiods of 16:8 (L: D) h combined with 25℃, all individuals entered diapause regardless of the host plants, indicating that the effects of host plants on diapause induction could be expressed only within a limited range of temperatures and photoperiods.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. As herbivory often elicits systemic changes in plant traits, indirect interactions via induced plant responses may be a pervasive feature structuring herbivore communities. Although the importance of this phenomenon has been emphasised for herbivorous insects, it is unknown if and how induced responses contribute to the organisation of other major phytoparasitic taxa. 2. Survey and experimental field studies were used to investigate the role of plants in linking the dynamics of foliar‐feeding insects and root‐feeding nematodes on tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. 3. Plant‐mediated interactions between insects and nematodes could largely be differentiated by insect feeding guild, with positive insect–nematode interactions predominating with leaf‐chewing insects (caterpillars) and negative interactions occurring with sap‐feeding insects (aphids). For example, insect defoliation was positively correlated with the abundance of root‐feeding nematodes, but aphids and nematodes were negatively correlated. Experimental field manipulations of foliar insect and nematode root herbivory also tended to support this outcome. 4. Overall, these results suggest that plants indirectly link the dynamics of divergent consumer taxa in spatially distinct ecosystems. This lends support to the growing perception that plants play a critical role in propagating indirect effects among a diverse assemblage of consumers.  相似文献   

Defense against natural enemies constitutes an important driver of herbivore host range evolution in the wild. Populations of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae), have recently incorporated an exotic plant, Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), into their dietary range. To understand the tritrophic consequences of utilizing this exotic host plant, we examined immune performance, chemical defense, and interactions with a natural entomopathogen (Junonia coenia densovirus, Parvoviridae) across wild populations of this specialist herbivore. We measured three immune parameters, sequestration of defensive iridoid glycosides (IGs), and viral infection load in field‐collected caterpillars using either P. lanceolata or a native plant, Chelone glabra (Plantaginaceae). We found that larvae using the exotic plant exhibited reduced immunocompetence, compositional differences in IG sequestration, and higher in situ viral burdens compared to those using the native plant. On both host plants, high IG sequestration was associated with reduced hemocyte concentration in the larval hemolymph, providing the first evidence of incompatibility between sequestered chemical defenses and the immune response (i.e., the “vulnerable host” hypothesis) from a field‐based study. However, despite this negative relationship between IG sequestration and cellular immunity, caterpillars with greater sequestration harbored lower viral loads. While survival of virus‐infected individuals decreased with increasing viral burden, it ultimately did not differ between the exotic and native plants. These results provide evidence that: (1) phytochemical sequestration may contribute to defense against pathogens even when immunity is compromised and (2) herbivore persistence on exotic plant species may be facilitated by sequestration and its role in defense against natural enemies.  相似文献   

New Perspectives is intended to allow the communication of comments, viewpoints, and speculative interpretation of issues in ecology pertinent to entomology. Comments, viewpoints, or suggestions arising from published papers intended to fuel discussion and debate are also welcome. Contributions should be as concise as possible, normally not exceeding two thousand words. Formal research reports will not be acceptable, but summarised novel data, suitably supported by statistics, may be allowed.  相似文献   

The life history of the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), was studied via laboratory assays on Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV)-infected and non-infected transgenic and non-transformed wheat [ Triticum aestivum L. (Poaceae)]. Although R. padi is not a WSMV vector, it is known to colonize WSMV-infected wheat plants. Two transgenic soft white winter wheat genotypes, 366-D03 and 366-D8, that express the WSMV coat protein gene, and the WSMV-susceptible non-transformed cultivar Daws were tested. All genotypes showed disease symptoms when infected with WSMV. Whereas plant height was significantly reduced on virus-infected compared to non-infected plants of all genotypes, virus-infected transgenic plants exhibited lower virus titer and lower disease rating scores than Daws. No significant effects of WSMV infection or genotypes were observed on the length of R. padi nymphal development period, nor on their pre-, and post-reproductive periods. Rhopalosiphum padi reproductive period was significantly longer on Daws infected with WSMV than on non-infected plants of this cultivar. In contrast, there were no significant differences in length of R. padi reproductive period between virus-infected and non-infected transgenic plants within a genotype. Rhopalosiphum padi daily fecundity was significantly lower and adult longevity significantly longer on virus-infected than on non-infected plants of all genotypes. Total aphid fecundity and intrinsic rate of increase were not significantly different among treatments. The percentage of winged aphids that developed was greater on WSMV-infected compared to non-infected plants within a genotype. Results indicate that both virus infection status of plants and wheat genotype influence the life history of R. padi.  相似文献   

1. Silicon (Si) has received increased attention as a nutrient capable of providing some measure of defence for plants against fungal pathogens, and insect and mammalian herbivores. 2. On the basis of a study including two generalist insect folivores and a phloem feeder, Massey, Ennos & Hartley (2006; Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 595-603) have drawn attention to a putative distinction between the effects of plant Si in defending against folivorous and phloem-feeding insects. On the basis of their results they imply that phloem feeders are less likely to be adversely affected by increased plant Si than folivores. 3. However, in making this suggestion, Massey et al. have ignored many previous studies demonstrating a clear effect of plant Si on a range of phloem-feeding and some xylem-feeding insects, and that this effect stems not only from leaf mechanical properties based on opaline silica, but also from induced chemical defences seemingly mediated by soluble Si. 4. Furthermore, Massey et al. cannot claim that their study was the first demonstration of a direct effect of Si on insect herbivore preference and performance; there have been numerous earlier studies demonstrating this from folivores, stem borers, and phloem and xylem feeders. 5. We contend that current evidence indicates that Si is likely to be involved to a similar extent in enhancing resistance to all four insect feeding guilds and that any conclusion to the contrary is, at this stage, premature.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Anagrus nigriventris Girault is an important natural enemy of the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) which has a broad host range that includes cultivated sugar beets and the weed, Russian thistle. When parasitoids were reared on leafhopper eggs deposited in sugar beets, females were attracted to sugar beet volatiles and preferred them over a blank control and over Russian thistle volatiles in Y- tube olfactometer tests. No preference was detected for either plant by female wasps that were reared on Russian thistle. Wasps reared on Russian thistle and allowed an oviposition experience on sugar beet showed a strong attraction to sugar beet volatiles; however, wasps reared on sugar beets and allowed oviposition experience on Russian thistle demonstrated no preference between the two plants. The implications of parasitoid response towards plant volatiles and their importance in biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

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