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The ability of filamentous fungi to form hyphae requires the establishment and maintenance of a stable polarity axis. Based on studies in yeasts and animals, the GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 are presumed to play a central role in organizing the morphogenetic machinery to enable axis formation and stabilization. Here, we report that Cdc42 (ModA) and Rac1 (RacA) share an overlapping function required for polarity establishment in Aspergillus nidulans. Nevertheless, Cdc42 appears to have a more important role in hyphal morphogenesis in that it alone is required for the timely formation of lateral branches. In addition, we provide genetic evidence suggesting that the polarisome components SepA and SpaA function downstream of Cdc42 in a pathway that may regulate microfilament formation. Finally, we show that microtubules become essential for the establishment of hyphal polarity when the function of either Cdc42 or SepA is compromised. Our results are consistent with the action of parallel Cdc42 and microtubule-based pathways in regulating the formation of a stable axis of hyphal polarity in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

Rho family G proteins, including Rac and Cdc42, regulate a variety of cellular functions such as morphology, motility, and gene expression. We developed fluorescent resonance energy transfer-based probes which monitored the local balance between the activities of guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins for Rac1 and Cdc42 at the membrane. These probes, named Raichu-Rac and Raichu-Cdc42, consisted of a Cdc42- and Rac-binding domain of Pak, Rac1 or Cdc42, a pair of green fluorescent protein mutants, and a CAAX box of Ki-Ras. With these probes, we video imaged the Rac and Cdc42 activities. In motile HT1080 cells, activities of both Rac and Cdc42 gradually increased toward the leading edge and decreased rapidly when cells changed direction. Under a higher magnification, we observed that Rac activity was highest immediately behind the leading edge, whereas Cdc42 activity was most prominent at the tip of the leading edge. Raichu-Rac and Raichu-Cdc42 were also applied to a rapid and simple assay for the analysis of putative guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in living cells. Among six putative GEFs and GAPs, we identified KIAA0362/DBS as a GEF for Rac and Cdc42, KIAA1256 as a GEF for Cdc42, KIAA0053 as a GAP for Rac and Cdc42, and KIAA1204 as a GAP for Cdc42. In conclusion, use of these single-molecule probes to determine Rac and Cdc42 activity will accelerate the analysis of the spatiotemporal regulation of Rac and Cdc42 in a living cell.  相似文献   

Matriptase is an epithelial-derived, integral membrane serine protease. The enzyme was initially isolated from human breast cancer cells and has been implicated in breast cancer invasion and metastasis. In the current study, using active matriptase isolated from human milk, we demonstrate that matriptase is able to cleave various synthetic substrates with arginine or lysine as their P1 sites and prefers small side chain amino acids, such as Ala and Gly, at P2 sites. For the most reactive substrates, N-tert-butoxycarbonyl (N-t-Boc)-gamma-benzyl-Glu-Ala-Arg-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) and N-t-Boc-Gln-Ala-Arg-AMC, the K(m) values were determined to be 3. 81 and 4.89 microm, respectively. We further demonstrated that matriptase can convert hepatocyte growth factor/scattering factor to its active form, which can induce scatter of Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells and can activate c-Met tyrosine phosphorylation in A549 human lung carcinoma cells. In addition, we noted that matriptase can activate urokinase plasminogen activator but has no affect on plasminogen. These results suggest that matriptase could act as an epithelial, upstream membrane activator to recruit and activate stromal-derived downstream effectors important for extracellular matrix degradation and epithelial migration, two major events of tissue remodeling, cancer invasion, and metastasis.  相似文献   

Proliferation of bronchial epithelial cells is an important biological process in physiological conditions and various lung diseases. The objective of this study was to determine how bronchial fibroblasts influence bronchial epithelial cell proliferation. The proliferative activity in cocultures was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and direct cells counts. Concentration of cytokines was measured in cell culture supernatants by means of ELISA. In primary cell cocultures, fibroblasts or fibroblast-conditioned medium enhanced 1.85-fold the proliferation of primary bronchial epithelial cells (P < 0.02) compared with bronchial epithelial cells cultured alone. The proliferative activity in cocultures and in fibroblast-conditioned medium was reduced by neutralizing antibody to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and HGF receptor c-met. Neutralizing antibodies to FGF-7 and IGF-1 had no effect. Treatment of fibroblast-epithelial cocultures with anti-IL-6 and anti-TNF-alpha neutralizing antibodies and with indomethacin decreased production of HGF. These results indicate that cytokines and PGE(2) may indirectly mediate epithelial cell proliferation via the regulation of HGF in bronchial stromal cells and that HGF plays a crucial role in proinflammatory cytokine-induced proliferation in the experimental system studied.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts represent one of the in vivo sites of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) production. In this study rat dermal fibroblasts in culture were used as a model system to assess the effect of activation of protein kinase-C on the levels of the mRNAs encoding IGF-I and another growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). IGF-I and bFGF mRNA levels were determined using a solution hybridization/RNase protection assay. Treatment of cells in serum-free medium containing 0.25% BSA (MEM + BSA) with the tumor-promoting phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) decreased IGF-I and increased bFGF mRNA levels in a time- and dose-dependent fashion. The peak effect of 100 nM PMA on IGF-I mRNA levels occurred at 9 h, whereas the peak effect on bFGF mRNA levels occurred after 3 h of incubation. In dose-response studies, half-maximal inhibition of IGF-I mRNA levels was achieved with approximately 0.08 nM PMA, while half-maximal stimulation of bFGF mRNA levels was achieved with approximately 3 nM PMA. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide abrogated the effect of PMA on bFGF mRNA levels, but only partially inhibited the effect of PMA on IGF-I mRNA levels. Studies employing sphingosine or staurosporine to inhibit protein kinase-C or preincubation in high doses of PMA to down-regulate protein kinase-C suggested that the effect of PMA on IGF-I and bFGF mRNA levels was mediated by activation of protein kinase-C, although both staurosporine and sphingosine had independent effects on the levels of these mRNAs and down-regulation of protein kinase-C had a sustained effect on IGF-I mRNA levels. Ligands known to activate protein kinase-C were then tested. Treatment of cells with 100 micrograms/ml of the synthetic diacylglycerol 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol decreased IGF-I mRNA levels to 25% and increased bFGF mRNA levels to 520% of the level present in cells maintained in MEM + BSA. Treatment of cells with thrombin or bradykinin also decreased IGF-I mRNA levels and increased bFGF mRNA levels, but whereas the effect of thrombin on IGF-I mRNA levels was marked, the effect of bradykinin was minimal, and whereas the effect of thrombin on bFGF mRNA levels was sustained, the effect of bradykinin was transient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Superficial wounds in the gastrointestinal tract rapidly reseal by coordinated epithelial cell migration facilitated by cytokines such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/scatter factor released in the wound vicinity. However, the mechanisms by which HGF promotes physiological and pathophysiologic epithelial migration are incompletely understood. Using in vitro models of polarized T84 and Caco-2 intestinal epithelia, we report that HGF promoted epithelial spreading and RhoA GTPase activation in a time-dependent manner. Inducible expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged dominant-negative RhoA significantly attenuated HGF-induced spreading. HGF expanded a zone of partially flattened cells behind the wound edge containing basal F-actin fibers aligned in the direction of spreading. Concomitantly, plaques positive for the focal adhesion protein paxillin were enhanced. HGF induced an increase in the translation of paxillin and, to a lesser extent, beta1-integrin. This was independent of cell-matrix adhesion through beta1-integrin. Subcellular fractionation revealed increased cosedimentation of paxillin with plasma membrane-containing fractions following HGF stimulation, without corresponding enhancements in paxillin coassociation with beta1 integrin or actin. Tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin was reduced by HGF and was sensitive to the Src kinase inhibitor PP2. With these taken together, we propose that HGF upregulates a free cytosolic pool of paxillin that is unaffiliated with either the cytoskeleton or focal cell-matrix contacts. Thus early spreading responses to HGF may partly relate to increased paxillin availability for incorporation into, and turnover within, dynamic cytoskeletal/membrane complexes whose rapid and transient adhesion to the matrix drives migration.  相似文献   

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an emergency of the newborn that often requires surgery. Growth factors from stem cells may aid in decreasing intestinal damage while also promoting restitution. We hypothesized that 1) TNF, LPS, or hypoxia would alter bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell (BMSC) TNF, IGF-1, IL-6, and VEGF production, and 2) TNF receptor type 1 (TNFR1) or type 2 (TNFR2) ablation would result in changes to the patterns of cytokines and growth factors produced. BMSCs were harvested from female wild-type (WT), TNFR1 knockout (KO), and TNFR2KO mice. Cells were stimulated with TNF, LPS, or hypoxia. After 24 h, cell supernatants were assayed via ELISA. Production of TNF and IGF-1 was decreased in both knockouts compared with WT regardless of the stimulus utilized, whereas IL-6 and VEGF levels appeared to be cooperatively regulated by both the activated TNF receptor and the initial stimulus. IL-6 was increased compared with WT in both knockouts following TNF stimulation but was significantly decreased with LPS. Compared with WT, hypoxia increased IL-6 in TNFR1KO but not TNFR2KO cells. TNF stimulation decreased VEGF in TNFR2KO cells, whereas TNFR1 ablation resulted in no change in VEGF compared with WT. TNFR1 ablation resulted in a decrease in VEGF following LPS stimulation compared with WT; no change was noted in TNFR2KO cells. With hypoxia, TNFR1KO cells expressed more VEGF compared with WT, whereas no difference was noted between WT and TNFR2KO cells. TNF receptor ablation modifies BMSC cytokine production. Identifying the proper stimulus and signaling cascades for the production of desired growth factors may be beneficial in maximizing the therapeutic potential of stem cells.  相似文献   

Lenses in organ culture permit an analysis of factors acting on epithelial cell growth, while keeping the normal steric constraints of the cell population. By employing this technique with radioautography of epithelial whole mounts, we showed that the DNA synthesis found in the epithelia of cultured bovine lenses follows an organized spatial and temporal pattern during culture. Within the first 48 h, active cells were located at the preequatorial region ("germinative zone"), a distribution consistent with the in vivo spatial organization of multiplying cells. Starting at about 48 h, cells from the central region of the epithelium--a nonproliferating population--were triggered to synthesize DNA in the presence of eye-derived growth factor (EDGF). When cultured in serum-free medium, only a small fraction of the cells was labeled, but when a low serum concentration was present, this fraction reached 50% of the cell population. The stimulatory effect of EDGF required a lag period, but its effect reached a maximum exceeding that found for serum. However, the cells from the germinative region, having a cell density three- to four-fold higher than the central region, were not stimulated to proliferate. This occurred irrespective of the presence of EDGF or serum. If this growth-stimulatory activity derived from the retina were the actual factor controlling cell proliferation in the lens in vivo, then the results presented here would point to the presence of a regulatory mechanism similar to that known for some other hormones.  相似文献   

The addition of exogenous hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/scatter factor (SF) to MDCK epithelial cells results in fibroblastic morphology and cell motility. We generated HGF/SF producing MDCK cells by transfection with an expression plasmid containing human HGF/SF cDNA. Production of HGF/SF by these cells induced a change from an epithelial to a fibroblastic morphology and increased cell motility. In addition, the HGF/SF producing cells acquired efficient anchorage-independent growth in soft agar but did not form tumors in nude mice. The morphological change and the stimulation of the anchorage-independent growth were prevented by anti-HGF/SF antibody, suggesting that the factor is secreted and then exerts its effects through cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies show that macrophages, lung fibroblasts, and their soluble mediators are responsible for the onset and development of pulmonary fibrosis. This study was conducted to determine whether airway epithelial cells are also directly involved in response to fibrogenic agents and consequently in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis. To verify the hypothesis, we determined whether silica acts directly on human bronchial epithelial cells by stimulating cytokine and growth factor release and by modifying matrix production. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An SV40 large T antigen-transformed human airway epithelial cell line, 16HBE14o (16HBE), was used. The expression profile of some proinflammatory interleukins (ILs), such as IL-1alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6 and their modulation by silica, were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) mRNA levels were tested by Northern blotting in the presence and in the absence of silica. The silica- and/or bFGF-induced effects on matrix components (total proteins, collagen, and fibronectin) were also evaluated using radio-labeled precursors. RESULTS: The results demonstrated 16HBE internalized silica particles. Silica induced a little IL-6 secretion, without affecting IL-1 and TGFbeta isoform production and strongly stimulated bFGF mRNA level and bFGF protein secretion. Silica also induced changes in 16HBE production of total proteins, collagen, and fibronectin production. When added in combination with the growth factor, it strengthened bFGF stimulation of matrix component secretion. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the hypothesis that the changes in matrix components are due to a direct effect of silica on bronchial epithelial cells. Silica-induced over-secretion of bFGF suggests that autocrine and paracrine differentiation loops for bFGF may also be operative and that these mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. In the future, cytokine-directed therapeutic strategies might find a place in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The integrin family is composed of a large number of heterodimers, each one mediating distinct interactions with extracellular matrix and/or cell surface ligands. The expression of integrins appears to be tightly regulated in vivo, but the mechanisms by which cells control the formation and surface expression of specific pairs of subunits have not been well characterized. Two integrin subunits, the alpha subunit alpha v, and the beta subunit beta 1, could pose special problems in regulation because of their capacity to associate with multiple partners. In the present study, we have examined the effects of the cytokine transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) on the expression of alpha v- and beta 1-containing integrins in primary cultures of guinea pig airway epithelial cells, e.g. cells that we have previously found to express multiple potential partners for both alpha v and beta 1. TGF-beta 1 increased the surface expression of both alpha v- and beta 1-containing heterodimers after periods of stimulation from 24 to 72 h. These increases in surface expression were associated with significant increases in the concentrations of mRNA encoding each of the partners of alpha v and beta 1, but with only minimal increases in mRNA encoding alpha v and beta 1 themselves. Airway epithelial cells metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine during stimulation with TGF-beta 1 demonstrated only a minimal increase in the synthesis of new alpha v protein at a time when synthesis of alpha v's beta subunit partners and surface expression of alpha v-containing heterodimers were dramatically increased. These data suggest that, at least in some cells, promiscuous integrin subunits (both alpha and beta) may normally be synthesized in excess. Thus, the surface expression of specific integrin heterodimers can be regulated primarily through regulation of the synthesis of the specific partners of these subunits.  相似文献   

During peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelination, Schwann cells must interpret extracellular cues to sense their environment and regulate their intrinsic developmental program accordingly. The pathways and mechanisms involved in this process are only partially understood. We use tissue-specific conditional gene targeting to show that members of the Rho GTPases, cdc42 and rac1, have different and essential roles in axon sorting by Schwann cells. Our results indicate that although cdc42 is required for normal Schwann cell proliferation, rac1 regulates Schwann cell process extension and stabilization, allowing efficient radial sorting of axon bundles.  相似文献   

The different behaviors of colonies of two cell lines, ARO (thyroid carcinoma-derived cells) and MLP-29 (mouse liver progenitor cells), in response to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are described deducing suitable cellular Potts models (CPM). It is shown how increased motility and decreased adhesiveness are responsible for cell–cell dissociation and tissue invasion in the ARO cells. On the other hand, it is shown that, in addition to the biological mechanisms above, it is necessary to include directional persistence in cell motility and HGF diffusion to describe the scattering and the branching processes characteristic of MLP-29 cells.  相似文献   

A major function of Rac2 in neutrophils is the regulation of oxidant production important in bacterial killing. Rac and the related GTPase Cdc42 also regulate the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, necessary for leukocyte chemotaxis and phagocytosis of microorganisms. Although these GTPases appear to be critical downstream components of chemoattractant receptor signaling in human neutrophils, the pathways involved in direct control of Rac/Cdc42 activation remain to be determined. We describe an assay that measures the formation of Rac-GTP and Cdc42-GTP based on their specific binding to the p21-binding domain of p21-activated kinase 1. A p21-binding domain glutathione S-transferase fusion protein specifically binds Rac and Cdc42 in their GTP-bound forms both in vitro and in cell samples. Binding is selective for Rac and Cdc42 versus RhoA. Using this assay, we investigated Rac and Cdc42 activation in neutrophils and differentiated HL-60 cells. The chemoattractant fMet-Leu-Phe and the phorbol ester phorbol myristate acetate stimulate formation of Rac-GTP and Cdc42-GTP with distinct time courses that parallel cell activation. We also show that the signaling pathways leading to Rac and Cdc42 activation in HL-60 cells involve G proteins sensitive to pertussis toxin, as well as tyrosine kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activities.  相似文献   

During cortical development, newly generated neurons migrate radially toward their final positions. Although several candidate genes essential for this radial migration have been reported, the signaling pathways regulating it are largely unclear. Here we studied the role of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase and its downstream signaling molecules in the radial migration of cortical neurons in vivo and in vitro. The expression of constitutively active and dominant-negative PI 3-kinases markedly inhibited radial migration. In the neocortical slice culture, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor suppressed the formation of GTP-bound Rac1 and Cdc42 and radial migration. Constitutively active and dominant-negative forms of Rac1 and Cdc42 but not Akt also significantly inhibited radial migration. In migrating neurons, wild-type Rac1 and Cdc42 showed different localizations; Rac1 localized to the plasma membrane and Cdc42 to the perinuclear region on the side of the leading processes. These results suggest that both the PI 3-kinase/Rac1 and Cdc42 pathways are involved in the radial migration of cortical neurons and that they have different roles.  相似文献   

Melanoma chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (MCSP) is a cell-surface antigen that has been implicated in the growth and invasion of melanoma tumours. Although this antigen is expressed early in melanoma progression, its biological function is unknown. MCSP can stimulate the integrin-alpha4 beta1-mediated adhesion and spreading of melanoma cells. Here we show that stimulated MCSP recruits tyrosine-phosphorylated p130 cas, an adaptor protein important in tumour cell motility and invasion. MCSP stimulation also results in a pronounced activation and recruitment of the Rho-family GTPase Cdc42. MCSP-induced spreading of melanoma cells is dependent upon active Cdc42, a Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase (Ack-1) and tyrosine phosphorylation of p130cas. Furthermore, vectors inhibiting Ack-1 or Cdc42 expression and/or function abrogate MCSP-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and recruitment of p130cas. Our findings indicate that MCSP may modify tumour growth or invasion by a unique signal-transduction pathway that links Cdc42 activation to downstream tyrosine phosphorylation and subsequent cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

Calcium mobilization can regulate a wide range of essential functions of respiratory epithelium, including ion transport, ciliary beat frequency, and secretion of mucus, all of which are modified in cystic fibrosis (CF). SERCA2, an important controller of calcium signaling, is deficient in CF epithelium. We conducted this study to determine whether SERCA2 deficiency can modulate airway epithelial responses to environmental oxidants such as ozone. This could contribute to the pathogenesis of pulmonary exacerbations, which are important and frequent clinical events in CF. To address this, we used air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures of non-CF and CF cell lines, as well as differentiated cultures of cells derived from non-CF and CF patients. We found that ozone exposure caused enhanced membrane damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptotic cell death in CF airway epithelial cell lines relative to non-CF. Ozone exposure caused increased proinflammatory cytokine production in CF airway epithelial cell lines. Elevated proinflammatory cytokine production also was observed in shRNA-mediated SERCA2 knockdown cells. Overexpression of SERCA2 reversed ozone-induced proinflammatory cytokine production. Ozone-induced proinflammatory cytokine production was NF-κB- dependent. In a stable NF-κB reporter cell line, SERCA2 inhibition and knockdown both upregulated cytomix-induced NF-κB activity, indicating importance of SERCA2 in modulating NF-κB activity. In this system, increased NF-κB activity was also accompanied by increased IL-8 production. Ozone also induced NF-κB activity and IL-8 release, an effect that was greater in SERCA2-silenced NF-κB-reporter cells. SERCA2 overexpression reversed cytomix-induced increased IL-8 release and total nuclear p65 in CFTR-deficient (16HBE-AS) cells. These studies suggest that SERCA2 is an important regulator of the proinflammatory response of airway epithelial cells and could be a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

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