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The phylogenetic relationships of the genera in the geometrid tribe Scopulini (Lepidoptera: Sterrhinae) were examined using 141 characters of adult morphology and ecology. The study material included 92 species, representing all previously recognized genera and covering the morphological variation and full geographical range of the tribe. The cladistic analysis resulted in 20 equally parsimonious trees and a strict consensus cladogram based on these was well resolved. A majority of the recovered synapomorphic characters have been used previously in the taxonomy of the tribe. However, many novel characters were found in the sclerotized structures of the thorax. Many previously recognized genera were found to be nonmonophyletic and based on the present revised, synapomorphy-based classification, the number of recovered genera is reduced considerably. Twenty new generic synonyms and 90 new or revived species combinations are proposed. Seven genera are considered valid, with the large genus Scopula Schrank including over 85% of all species in the tribe. The taxonomic history of the tribe is reviewed and the problems of earlier classifications are discussed. A key to the genera is presented, although an informal diagnosis is preferred. All recognized genera are illustrated and a revised world checklist of the Scopulini is presented.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 473−530.  相似文献   


Helastia Guenée, 1868 is redefined and redescribed. New Zealand species previously placed in that genus but not congeneric with the type species are reassigned to either the available genera Epyaxa Meyrick, 1883, Asaphodes Meyrick, 1885 and Xanthorhoe Hübner, [1825] or placed in a newly described genus, Gingidiobora. Six Australian species placed in Xanthorhoe are shown to be congeneric with three New Zealand species, previously placed in Helastia and here transferred to Epyaxa.

Eight new species are described in Helastia: Helastia alba n. sp.; H. angusta n. sp.; H. christinae n. sp.; H. cryptica n. sp.; H. mutabilis n. sp.; H. ohauensis n. sp.; H. salmoni n. sp.; H. scissa n. sp. The following new combinations and synonymies are proposed: Asaphodes chlorocapna (Meyrick, 1925) n. comb.; A. citroena (Clark, 1934) n. comb.; A. glaciata (Hudson, 1925) n. comb.; A. ida (Clark, 1926) n. comb; Epyaxa agelasta (Turner, 1904) n. comb.; E. centroneura (Meyrick, 1890) n. comb.;

E. epia (Turner, 1922) n. comb.; E. hyperythra (Lower, 1892) n. comb.; E. lucidata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. sodaliata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. subidaria (Guenée, 1857) n. comb.; E. venipunctata (Walker, 1863) n. comb.; Gingidiobora nebulosa (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; G. subobscurata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; Helastia clandestina (Philpott, 1921) n. comb.; H. corcularia (Guenée, 1868) n. comb. (= Larentia infantaria Guenée, 1868 n. syn.); H. expolita (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; H. siris (Hawthorne, 1897) n. comb.; H. triphragma (Meyrick, 1883) n. comb.  相似文献   

Abstract  The Australasian genus Scotocyma Turner is revised, containing the species S. albinotata (Walker), S. legalis (Warren), S. asiatica Holloway, S. scotopepla Prout, stat. n., S. manusensis Prout, stat. n., S. mimula (Warren), stat. n. and S. miscix Prout. Scotocyma euryochra Turner, syn. n., S. idioschema Turner, syn. n., S. ischnophrica Turner, syn. n. and S. transfixa Turner, syn. n. are regarded as synonyms of S. albinotata . Four species are described as new: S. samoensis , sp. n., S. sumatrensis , sp. n., S. rutilimixta , sp. n. and S. longiuncus , sp. n. Lectotypes are designated for S. scotopepla , S. manusensis and S. miscix . All species are illustrated, and keys to species and distribution maps are provided. A phylogenetic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of the genus and to examine distribution patterns of the species. A biogeographical discussion is included. The tribal position of the genus is clarified and relationships to closely related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The Brassoline genus Selenophanes is revised: three new subspecies are described and three lectotypes designated. The nine known holotypes and two of the three lectotypes are figured. Along the Andes there is a fairly close agreement in the distribution of some of the species and subspecies of Selenophanes with the recently recognized endemic centres. East of the Andes there is no close correspondence between subspecies and endemic centres; each subspecies has, in general, a distribution across several centres. A similar distribution has been noted previously in the Brassoline genus Catoblepia.  相似文献   

A new species of Cephalocarida belonging to the genus Lightiella is described. Like all known species of Lightiella , the new species is characterized by reduction of trunk segment 8, which also lacks both pleura and thoracopods. The diagnostic characters of the species are: (1) one seta on the inner distal corner of the penultimate endopodal segment of second maxilla and thoracopods 1–5; (2) only one claw on the distal segment of the endopod of thoracopod 6. A cladistic analysis of 27 morphological characters was used to estimate the phylogeny of all species of Lightiella , with all other cephalocarid species used as outgroups. The discovery of this species in the Mediterranean fills a gap in the distribution of the genus and of the entire class.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 209–220.  相似文献   

The morphology of the male terminalia of 16 species belonging to 12 tribes of Larentiinae was studied; for 12 species and 4 tribes it was done for the first time. No clear diagnosis of Larentiinae based on the features of the male genital musculature can be given since the apomorphic position of M1, M4, and M7 muscles may originate independently in different tribes. The primitive Larentiinae retain the pattern of genital musculature plesiomorphic for Geometridae. Muscles M11 (Melanthiini: Anticollix sparsata) and M22 (Asthenini: Euchoeca nebulata and Hydrelia flammeolaria) are described for the first time for the family Geometridae.  相似文献   

本文详细地记述了波尺蛾亚科Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Staudinger, E. spadix Inoue 及Telenomeuta punctimarginaria (Leech) 幼虫的形态特征.  相似文献   

The tribe Lythriini is a small group of diurnally active geometrid moths consisting of a single Palaearctic genus Lythria with five species. The systematic placement of Lythriini has remained controversial: though traditionally it has been placed into the subfamily Larentiinae, a number of morphological characters link this tribe with the subfamily Sterrhinae. A molecular phylogenetic study was conducted to verify the systematic position of Lythriini, using sequences of both mitochondrial and nuclear genes: elongation factor 1α ( EF-1α ), wingless ( wgl ), 28S rRNA expansion segment D2 ( 28S D2 ), cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND1 ) (a total of 3784 bp). Phylogenetic analysis reliably demonstrated that Lythriini belong to the subfamily Sterrhinae. Therefore, we propose to remove tribe Lythriini from Larentiinae and unite it with Sterrhinae. Moreover, our analysis supports the monophyly of both Sterrhinae and Larentiinae. However, although both morphological data and interspecific genetic distances insinuated that Lythria cruentaria and L. sanguinaria are sister species, the latter formed a clade of sister taxa together with L. purpuraria .  相似文献   

Gunnar Brehm 《ZooKeys》2015,(537):131-156
Three new Hagnagora Druce species (Geometridae, Larentiinae) are described: Hagnagora richardi Brehm, sp. n. from Ecuador, Hagnagora hedwigae Brehm, sp. n. from Ecuador, and Hagnagora mirandahenrichae Brehm, sp. n. from Costa Rica. A checklist of taxa assigned to Hagnagora is provided. Hagnagora is provisionally divided into six clades: the anicata clade (6 species), the buckleyi clade (3 species), the croceitincta clade (3 species), the ephestris clade (3 species), the mortipax clade (4 species) and Hagnagora subrosea (1 species). Two taxa are revived from synonymy: Hagnagora catagrammina Druce, stat. rev. and Hagnagora luteoradiata Thierry-Mieg, stat. rev. Two taxa are reinstated from subspecies to species level: Hagnagora acothysta Schaus, stat. rev. and Hagnagora jamaicensis Schaus, stat. rev. Four taxa are provisionally removed from Hagnagora: Hagnagoraignipennis, Hagnagoramesenata, Hagnagoravittata, and Hagnagoraceraria. After these changes, the genus Hagnagora now comprises 20 valid species.  相似文献   

Larentiinae are the second largest subfamily of Geometridae, with more than 6200 described species. Despite recent advances in molecular systematics of geometrid moths, phylogenetic relationships between the numerous subgroups of Larentiinae are poorly known. In this study we present the most comprehensive attempt to date to resolve the phylogeny of Larentiinae, having sampled at least one species from all currently recognized 23 tribes. Fragments of one mitochondrial (COI) and eight nuclear (EF‐1α, WGL, GAPDH, RPS5, IDH, MDH, CAD and 28S) genes were sequenced, for a total of 6939 bp. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses resulted in identical well‐resolved phylogenetic trees, which had maximum or near‐maximum support values at most nodes. Almost all conventionally recognized tribes represented by more than one genus were found to be monophyletic. Close to the root of Larentiinae, six tribes branch off the main lineage one after another, with Dyspteridini being sister to all other members of the subfamily. The rest of larentiines are divided into two very diverse lineages, comprising eight and at least ten tribes, respectively. There were just three findings incongruent with the conventional tribal subdivision of the subfamily. First, the genera Collix Guenée and Anticollix Prout formed a separate, previously unrecognized but well‐supported clade at the tribe level. Second, the Palaearctic genus Pelurga Hübner was placed apart from Larentia Treitschke and Mesoleuca Hübner, which were the other members of Larentiini in this analysis. Third, Cataclysmini appeared together with genera belonging to Xanthorhoini, leaving the latter paraphyletic. The Neotropic genus Oligopleura Herrich‐Schäffer is shown to belong to the tribe Euphyiini ( comb.n. ) according to both molecular data and male genital morphology. The results and the tribal classification of Larentiinae are discussed with reference to the principal publications since the end of the 19th Century. We conclude that the current tribal classification of Larentiinae is not controversial from the phylogenetic point of view and that its increasing complexity has merely reflected the accumulation of information, mainly through different methods of biosystematic study having become available for researchers. Our results indicate that diurnal lifestyle, accompanied by conspicuous coloration, has evolved independently in several subgroups of Larentiinae.  相似文献   

Hexabathynella is the only cosmopolitan genus of the order Bathynellacea (Crustacea). The known species number 18, found in Europe (9), Africa (1), South America (2), North America (3) and Australia and New Zealand (3). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the least derived species are those from South America and the most derived those from the Iberian Peninsula, North America and Australia. The five species with the most plesiomorphic characters occur in salt or brackish water, which supports a marine origin for the genus. Phylogenetic and biogeographical analyses suggest that the distribution of the genus can be explained by dispersion and a double vicariant biogeographical model based on plate tectonics and the evolution of the Tethys during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 457–466.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudostegania Butler is revised. In addition to the two species known, four species are described as new: P. lijiangensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, P. qinlingensis sp. nov. from Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces, P. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan Province (China) and P. burmaensis sp. nov. from Burma (Myanmar); two species are newly combined with Pseudostegania: P. distinctaria (Leech, 1897), comb. nov. and P. yargongaria (Oberthür, 1916), comb. nov. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for P. defectata (Christoph, 1881), P. distinctaria and P. yargongaria. The generic characters, based on all species, are summarized. The tribal placement of Pseudostegania is discussed. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

Cladistic analyses of plastid DNA sequences rbcL and trnL-F are presented separately and combined for 48 genera of Amaryllidaceae and 29 genera of related asparagalean families. The combined analysis is the most highly resolved of the three and provides good support for the monophyly of Amaryllidaceae and indicates Agapanthaceae as its sister family. Alliaceae are in turn sister to the Amaryllidaceae/Agapanthaceae clade. The origins of the family appear to be western Gondwanaland (Africa), and infrafamilial relationships are resolved along biogeographic lines. Tribe Amaryllideae, primarily South African, is sister to the rest of Amaryllidaceae; this tribe is supported by numerous morphological synapomorphies as well. The remaining two African tribes of the family, Haemantheae and Cyrtantheae, are well supported, but their position relative to the Australasian Calostemmateae and a large clade comprising the Eurasian and American genera, is not yet clear. The Eurasian and American elements of the family are each monophyletic sister clades. Internal resolution of the Eurasian clade only partially supports currently accepted tribal concepts, and few conclusions can be drawn on the relationships of the genera based on these data. A monophyletic Lycorideae (Central and East Asian) is weakly supported. Galanthus and Leucojum (Galantheae pro parte) are supported as sister genera by the bootstrap. The American clade shows a higher degree of internal resolution. Hippeastreae (minus Griffinia and Worsleya) are well supported, and Zephyranthinae are resolved as a distinct subtribe. An Andean clade marked by a chromosome number of 2n = 46 (and derivatives thereof) is resolved with weak support. The plastid DNA phylogenies are discussed in the context of biogeography and character evolution in the family.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of forty-one species, belonging to ten genera, of the Cidariini sensu Herbulot from the Holarctic and the Indo-Australian areas, was performed using seventy-seven characters including larval and pupal data. Eight most parsimonious cladograms were found (length 398, CI 0.30, RI 0.70). The monophyly of the Cidariini is demonstrated, using selected species of Xanthorhoini sensu Herbulot as the outgroup. The relationships among the genera are as follows: ( Ecliptopera ( Eulithis ( Cidaria (( Plemyria ( Chloroclysta , Dysstroma ))(( Thera , Pennithera ) ( Heterothera ))))). This result suggests some taxonomic changes: Dysstroma Hübner, stat. rev. and Chloroclysta Hübner stat. rev. are sister taxa; Heterothera Inoue stat. rev. includes Viidaleppia Inoue, syn.n., Heterothera firmata (Hübner) comb.n. is transferred from Pennithera Viidalepp to Heterothera sensu lato . The results of confirmation and incongruence tests suggest that the characters from adult and immature stages exhibit the same evolutionary pattern. Thus the phylogeny derived from the combined data matrix does not give a misleading conclusion, even though there are many missing states in the larval data set.  相似文献   

Ferris CD 《ZooKeys》2010,(71):49-70
Based on genitalic studies, the new genus Pionenta is established for two taxa formerly placed under Antepione. The taxa hewesata and ochreata (and previously associated synonyms) are now synonomized as Pionenta ochreata. Three species of Antepione are now recognized: Antepione thisoaria, Antepione imitata, Antepione tiselaaria with the taxa comstocki, constans, and indiscretata synonomized under Antepione imitata. No new species are described. Adults and genitalia are illustrated, including type specimens.  相似文献   

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