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Mouse spermatozoa were exposed in vitro to various X-ray doses and added to a medium containing superovulated oocytes. The percentage of fertilized oocytes was determined 24 h after sperm addition and 2-cell embryos were investigated for micronucleus formation. The fertilization rate was drastically decreased after exposure to 470 cGy whereas smaller doses had no effect. The dose-response relationship for micronucleus formation per embryo was linear-quadratic and the number of embryos with micronuclei increased linearly with dose. The distribution of micronuclei among 2-cell embryos showed a significant overdispersion relative to the Poisson distribution after sperm irradiation for doses above 188 cGy.  相似文献   

目的探讨小鼠电激活孤雌胚胎的早期体内、外发育能力。方法 利用不同电脉冲参数和激活液对小鼠卵母细胞进行活化,观察激活后的小鼠孤雌胚体外发育状况和移植后的发育能力。结果非电解质激活液优于电解质液,脉冲强度、脉冲宽度和脉冲次数3个参数各自处于某一范围内时,他们之间存在某种相关性,降低其中1个参数可通过升高另外2个参数得到补偿,经筛选较适宜的电脉冲参数为:1.0 kV/cm、40μs、2 p,或者1.5kV/cm、30/μs、2 p,分别为74.65%和71.19%,体外囊胚发育率分别为43.40%和47.62%。电激活孤雌胚体外发育时序比正常胚胎慢,但囊胚细胞数与对照组差异不显著。它们经胚胎移植后,其中的一部分能够着床,但着床率仅为3.6%,极显著低于对照组(67%,P〈0.01)。结论电刺激能够较好地模拟正常受精过程激活小鼠卵母细胞,但激活后的多数小鼠孤雌胚胎着床能力较低,不能够顺利着床。  相似文献   

Tan JH  Zhou Q  Xu LB  Zhang QM  Qin PC 《Theriogenology》1994,42(1):173-181
Parameters of electrofusion of 2-cell mouse embryos were optimized for application as a model for nuclear transplantation. There was considerable lysis of embryos with M(2) as the medium for fusion; however, 100% fusion (n = 58) was obtained with a single 0.31-kv / cm, 1280-musec pulse. With mannitol and sucrose solutions as the medium, a wide range of field strengths (0.31-1.41 kv / cm for 0.26 M sucrose solution and 0.31 to 2.04 kv / cm for 0.3 M mannitol solution) and durations of the electrical pulse (10-1280 musec) resulted in high rates of fusion (often 100%). Likewise, osmolarity of sucrose and mannitol solutions did not affect the rate of fusion using a 0.47-kv / cm pulse. With a field strength of 2.04 kv / cm, the proportion of embryos that fused in mannitol solution increased (P<0.05) and the proportion that were lysed decreased (P<0.05) as osmolarity increased. Both fused (162 642 , 25%) and control embryos (32 72 , 44%) continued to develop in culture for 48 h, after which they began to compact. Fused embryos were only at the 4-cell stage by this time, while control embryos were at the 8-cell stage. Optimal pulse durations are plotted for field strengths between 0.31 and 1.41 kv / cm with 0.26 M sucrose as fusion medium.  相似文献   

Summary Two-cell mouse ova, which were centrifuged for l h at 70 000–90 000xg, showed a precise stratification of the cytoplasm and an elongation of the nucleus. The ova were fixed at different times and observed by light and electron microscopy using cytochemical methods and detergent extractions. Within 40 min after centrifugation the normal-looking morphology was recovered except for the persisting lipid caps at the centripetal poles of the blastomeres. Cleavage, compaction and blastulation were not prevented by centrifugation. Treatments with colcemid or cytochalasin D delayed but did not impair recovery. These results suggest that a resilient cytoskeletal structure may be involved in this kind of embryonic regulation.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos at the 2-cell stage were cultured in the presence of cytochalasin B (CB), cytochalasin D (CD), colchicine (COL) or colcemid (COM) for up to 72 h. Cleavage was arrested in the 2-cell and 8-cell embryos cultured in CB or CD but the blastomeres continued to differentiate, since chromosome replication occurred in the blastomeres at approximately the same time as control embryos underwent cleavage; an increase in the incorporation of [3H]uridine into RNA was also detected. Furthermore, the cleavage-arrested embryos acquired the necessary information to undergo morphogenesis; these embryos when explanted to fresh medium after 48 h culture in CB or CD underwent compaction within 15–60 min and started to cavitate to produce trophoblastic vesicles within 5–6 h at the same time as when the control embryos were undergoing compaction and beginning to form blastocoelic cavities. In contrast, the embryos arrested in the presence of COM or COL showed none of these differentiative, biochemical or morphogenetic changes. Hence, differentiation of blastomeres and morphogenesis is apparently coupled with nuclear divisions and the information does not reside within the blastomeres at the 2-cell or 8-cell stage. The trophoblastic vesicles produced after cleavage arrest subsequently gave rise to only trophoblast giant cells and no embryonic derivatives were detected.  相似文献   

The objectives of these experiments were: 1) to determine an effective culture method for production of transferable bovine embryos following exogenous DNA microinjection; 2) to determine the effect of these methods on the ability of the injected zygotes and 2-cell embryos to develop in vivo; and, 3) to compare development of embryos microinjected as zygotes or 2-cell embryos. DNA fragments encoding bovine growth hormone (bGH), bGH-10Delta6, and a bGH antagonist, bGH-M8 (5) were used. A total of 639 zygotes and 153 2-cell embryos were injected. Zygotes and 2-cell embryos microinjected with bGH-M8 were incubated for 6 days in oviducts of intermediate recipients (rabbits or sheep) or co-cultured in vitro with bovine oviduct epithelial cells. Zygotes and 2-cell embryos microinjected with bGH-10Delta6 were co-cultured in vitro only. The most effective method for the production of transferable bovine embryos following exogenous DNA microinjection was via in vitro co-culturing with bovine epithelial cells. For example, 32.3% of the bGH-M8 and 33.5% of the bGH-10Delta6 microinjected zygotes reached the morula/blastocyst stage while 48.4% and 63.0% of the 2-cell embryos injected with bGH-M8 and bGH-10Delta6, respectively, developed to the morula/blastocyst stage. The percentage of blastocysts obtained for control, non-injected zygotes and 2-cell embryos was 34.5% and 69.6%, respectively. The developmental rate to the morula/blastocyst stage was approximately 20% greater for embryos obtained from microinjected 2-cell embryos relative to microinjected zygotes. However, there was no significant difference in pregnancy rates following transfer of these blastocysts to cow uteri.  相似文献   

作为胚胎冷冻保存的基础性研究,冷冻保护剂的渗透性和毒性研究非常重要.本试验选用1,2-丙二醇、甘油、乙二醇和二甲基亚砜4种常用冷冻保护剂,对小鼠2-细胞胚胎进行渗透性和毒性研究.结果显示:1.5 mol/L的1,2-丙二醇、乙二醇和二甲基亚砜冷冻保护剂对2-细胞胚胎的渗透性显著高于甘油保护剂;4种冷冻保护剂对细胞膜的完整性没有影响;1.5 mol/L的乙二醇、1,2-丙二醇和甘油保护剂处理后的2-细胞胚胎的囊胚发育率和孵化率与对照组胚胎比较差异不显著(P>0.05),但显著高于二甲基亚砜处理后的2-细胞囊胚发育率和孵化率(P<0.01).结果表明:在4种冷冻保护剂中,乙二醇和1,2-丙二醇适合于小鼠2-细胞胚胎冷冻保存  相似文献   

以CZB为基础培养液,培养小鼠2、4、8-细胞胚胎的卵裂球,研究葡萄糖、牛磺酸和胰岛素对1/2卵裂球体外发育的影响及1/4、1/8和2/8卵裂球的体外发育规律。2-细胞胚胎卵裂球在CZB中和在添加牛磺酸的CZB中培养,其囊胚发育率(分别为92%、89%)无显差异(P>0.05)。胰岛素在少量葡萄糖存在的情况下,不影响卵裂球的囊胚发育率;在无葡萄糖时,卵裂球的囊胚发育率(38%)显降低。牛磺酸在  相似文献   

乙二醇(ETG)和1,2-丙二醇(PROH)具有高细胞渗透性和低毒性特点,常被用于人及多种哺乳动物早期胚胎冷冻保存。为了比较ETG和PROH对小鼠2-细胞胚的冷冻保护效果,本试验分别采用这两种冷冻保护剂,对小鼠2-细胞胚进行冷冻保存,并采用冻后体外培养和囊胚移植进行冷冻效果检测。结果表明,PROH组胚胎解冻后胚胎存活率与ETG组无显著差异,但PROH组4-细胞胚发育率和囊胚发育率显著高于ETG组(82.7%vs.64.6%,61.2%vs.29.1%,P〈0.01)。囊胚移植结果表明,2-细胞胚胎冻存后能够发育为正常的后代,PROH组和ETG组的囊胚移植后妊娠产仔率无统计学差异(P〉0.05),但均显著低于对照组(P〈0.05)。为了分析两组胚胎冻存后损伤情况,埘解冻后的胚胎细胞微丝进行检测,结果显示ETG组微丝受损的胚胎数高于PROH组。本研究结果证明采用PROH作为冷冻保护剂冷冻保存小鼠2-细胞胚的冻存效果优于ETG[动物学报54(6):1098—1105,2008]。  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine causes a 2-cell block in random-bred mouse embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ham's F-10, a chemically defined, complex culture medium, commonly used for in vitro fertilization of human as well as animal oocytes, blocked development at the 2-cell stage of greater than 92% of embryos from random-bred Swiss mice (CD-1), but did not block development of embryos from hybrid-inbred mice (BDF1). In contrast, BWW, a simple, modified Kreb's-Ringer bicarbonate medium, supported development to blastocysts of 85% and 100% of 2-cell embryos from CD1 and BDF1 females, respectively. As little as 15% (v/v) Ham's F-10 added to the BWW blocked the development of the random-bred embryos. Supplementing the BWW with Ham's F-10 components revealed that hypoxanthine (6-30 microM) was responsible for the developmental block to the random-bred embryos. The hypoxanthine block was partially (40%) reversed by adding the chelating agent, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Breeding experiments showed that the hypoxanthine sensitivity of embryos from CD-1 mothers was not affected by the paternal genome.  相似文献   

Delay of ZGA initiation occurred in 2-cell blocked mouse embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qiu JJ  Zhang WW  Wu ZL  Wang YH  Qian M  Li YP 《Cell research》2003,13(3):179-185
One-cell mouse embryos from KM strain and B6C3F1 strain were cultured in M16 medium, in which2-cell block generally occurs. Embryos of KM strain exhibited 2-cell block, whereas B6C3F1 embryos,which are regarded as a nonblocking strain, proceeded to the 4-cell stage in our culture condition. It is oftenassumed that the block of early development is due to the failure of zygotic gene activation (ZGA) in culturedembryos. In this study we examined protein synthesis patterns by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of[35^S] methionine radiolabeled 2-cell embryos. Embryos from the blocking strain and the nonblocking strainwere compared in their development both in vitro and in vivo. The detection of TRC expression, a markerof ZGA, at 42 h post hCG in KM embryos developed in vitro suggested that ZGA was also initiated even inthe 2-cell arrested embryos. Nevertheless, a significant delay of ZGA was observed in KM strain as comparedwith normally developed B6C3F1 embryos. At the very beginning of major ZGA as early as 36 h post hCG,TRC has already been expressed in B6C3F1 embryos developed in vitro and KM embryos developed in vivo.But for 2-cell blocked KM embryos, TRC was still not detectable even at 38 h post hCG. These evidences suggest that 2-cell-blocked embryos do initiate ZGA, and that 2-cell block phenomenon is due not to the disability in initiating ZGA, but to a delay of ZGA.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a key role in embryo development by providing energy. However, vitrification often causes mitochondrion damage of embryo, which further impairs embryo development. Therefore, the efficiency of embryo development after vitrification could be improved by protecting mitochondrial function from vitrification injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resveratrol on mitochondrial damage after vitrification. The results showed that vitrification induced the abnormal mitochondrial distribution and damage mitochondrial function of mouse 2-cell embryos. However, co-culturing with resveratrol for 2 h could repair the abnormal mitochondrial distribution and mitochondrial dysfunction of embryos after vitrification. More than anything, the subsequent development ability of vitrified-thawed 2-cell embryos was significantly higher than that with no resveratrol treatment. In conclusion, resveratrol could protect the mitochondrial from injury caused by vitrification.  相似文献   

目的检验小鼠休眠胚胎冻融后的质量及体内外发育潜力,为胚胎休眠技术的生产应用提供必要的参考。方法采用常规冷冻方法将正常孵化期胚胎和休眠胚胎进行冷冻,之后分别进行体外复苏培养实验和胚胎移植实验。随后利用双重荧光染色的方法分别对冻融前后的小鼠休眠胚胎与正常孵化期胚胎进行细胞计数,观察两种胚胎冻融前后的质量变化。结果休眠胚胎的冷冻解冻回收率、发育率均极显著高于孵化期胚胎(72.1%vs 50.2%,P<0.01;94.2%vs 73.9%,P<0.01)。休眠胚胎的移植妊娠率显著高于孵化期胚胎(40.8%vs 30.1%,P<0.05)。休眠胚胎的内细胞团细胞数显著高于孵化期胚胎(27.83 vs 19.53,P<0.05),滋养层细胞数差异不显著。冻融培养后休眠胚胎的内细胞团数,滋养层细胞数均显著高于孵化期胚胎(25.18 vs 14.68,P<0.05;114.09 vs 73.88,P<0.05)。结论小鼠休眠胚胎冻融后胚胎质量及体内外发育潜力均优于小鼠正常孵化期胚胎。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the developmental arrest at the 2-cell stage of 1-cell embryos from some mouse strains during in vitro culture is known as the 2-cell block. We investigated the specific factors involved in the 2-cell block of AKR embryos by means of a modified culture system, the production of reconstructed embryos by pronuclear exchange and a cross experiment. In a culture medium with phosphate, 94.6% of 1-cell embryos from the C57BL mouse strain developed to the blastocyst stage, but 95.7% of embryos from the AKR mouse strain showed 2-cell block. Phosphate-free culture medium rescued the 2-cell block of AKR embryos and accelerated the first cell cycle of the embryos. Co-culture with BRL cells and a BRL-conditioned medium fractionated below 30 kDa also rescued the 2-cell block of AKR embryos. Examinations of in vitro development of reconstructed embryos and of embryos from F1 females between AKR and C57BL strains clearly demonstrated that the AKR cytoplast caused the 2-cell block. In the backcrossed female progeny between (AKR x C57BL) F1 males and AKR females, about three-quarters of the embryos were of the 2-cell blocking phenotype and about one-quarter were of the non-blocking phenotype. These results suggest that two genes are responsible for the 2-cell block of AKR embryos.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the developmental importance of cell surface glycoconjugates of preimplantation mouse embryos. This was done by incubating early embryos in various lectins and analyzing subsequent development. If specific cell surface glycoconjugates (lectin receptors) are linked to specific developmental processes, such as cell division, compaction, and blastocyst formation, then different lectins should block these different developmental processes. The results show that wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-specific) at 50 μg/ml prevents the cell division of four-cell embryos. However, this effect of WGA occurs only in embryos with intact zonae pellucidae. Concanavalin A (Con A; α-D-glucose and α-D-mannose-specific) treatment, 20 μg/ml, of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos prevents compaction, the first major change in cell shape in early mouse embryogenesis. Divalent succinly Con A does not affect development, suggesting that the Con A effect is due to crosslinking of cell surface glycoconjugates. Exposure of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos to 10 μg/ml Lotus Tetragonolobus puprureas agglutinin (LTA; α-L-fucose-specific) or 25 μg/ml Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA; sialic acid-specific) allows compaction or development to the morula stage, but blocks blastocyst formation. All lectins tested retard cell division to some extent. Late morulae and early blastocysts are more resistant than earlier stages to all of the lectins studied. This study demonstrates that very low concentrations of these lectins affect different developmental processes, presumably based upon their sugar specificities.  相似文献   

One-cell CF-1 x B6SJLF1/J embryos, which usually exhibit a 2-cell block to development in vitro, have been cultured to the blastocyst stage using CZB medium and a glucose washing procedure. CZB medium is a further modification of modified BMOC-2 containing an increased lactate/pyruvate ratio of 116, 1 mM-glutamine and 0.1 mM-EDTA but lacking glucose. Continuous culture of one-cell embryos in CZB medium allowed 83% of embryos to develop beyond the 2-cell stage of which 63% were morulae at 72 h of culture, but blastocysts did not develop. However, washing embryos into CZB medium containing glucose after 48 h of culture (3-4-cell stage) was sufficient to allow development to proceed, with 48% of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage by 96 h of culture. Exposure of embryos to glucose was only necessary from the 3-4-cell stage through the early morula stage since washing back into medium CZB without glucose at 72 h of culture still promoted the development of 50% of embryos to the blastocyst stage. The presence of glucose in this medium for the first 48 h of culture (1-cell to 4-cell stage) was detrimental to embryo development. Glutamine, however, exerted a beneficial effect on embryo development from the 1-cell to the 4-cell stage although its presence was not required for development to proceed during the final 48 h of culture. Blastocysts which developed under optimum conditions contained an average of 33.7 total cells. The in-vitro development of 1-cell embryos beyond the 2-cell stage in response to the removal of glucose and the addition of glutamine to the culture medium suggests that glucose may block some essential metabolic process, and that glutamine may be a preferred energy substrate during early development for these mouse embryos.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of hyaluronic acid to improve the development of 1- and 2-cell porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage in a simple medium. In Experiment 1, we confirmed the ability of Whitten's medium supplemented with 15 mg/ml BSA to support the development of porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage under our experimental conditions. Embryos collected from oviducts were cultured at 38.5 degrees C in an atmosphere of 5% CO(2) in humidified air up to 6 d. After 2 d of culture, 82 and 78% of embryos reached the 4-cell stage or beyond in TCM199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and in Whitten's medium with BSA, respectively. However, no embryo developed to the morula stage in TCM199 after 6 d of culture. On the other hand, 26 and 15% of embryos developed to the morula and the blastocyst stage in Whitten's medium, respectively. In Experiment 2, we determined whether supplementation of hyaluronic acid in Whitten's medium would improve the development of porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage. After 6 d of culture, development of the embryos to the blastocyst stage was best supported in Whitten's medium with 4 mg/ml BSA and 0.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid (70%). The proportion of degenerated embryos was lower in the presence than in the absence of hyaluronic acid. These results indicate that the supplementation of Whitten's medium with hyaluronic acid improves the development of 1- and 2-cell porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Summary Replicated divergent selection was conducted for two generations in ICR mice for in vitro developmental capacity (IVDC; percentage of fertilized one-cell zygotes developing to blastocysts in vitro per female donor). Realized heritabilities based on high and low selection were 0.03±0.08 and –0.11±0.09 in replicate 1, and 0.10±0.11 and 0.08±0.10 in replicate 2. No differences were detected between selection lines (P>0.2) or replicates (P>0.1). Estimate of heritability in the base population based on 332 daughter-dam pairs was 0.14±0.18. These results indicate that additive genetic variance contributes little to the phenotypic variance in this trait. Considerable phenotypic variation in IVDC was observed (mean=49.3; SD=31.0), with a range of IVDC from 0%–100%. Utilization of donor female as a blocking factor is suggested for designs of experiments with preimplantation embryos to increase precision and power of statistical analyses.  相似文献   

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