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The effects of erythromycin on the formation of ribosomal subunits were examined in wild-type Escherichia coli cells and in an RNase E mutant strain. Pulse-chase labelling kinetics revealed a reduced rate of 50S subunit formation in both strains compared with 30S synthesis, which was unaffected by the antibiotic. Growth of cells in the presence of [14C]-erythromycin showed drug binding to 50S particles and to a 50S subunit precursor sedimenting at about 30S in sucrose gradients. Antibiotic binding to the precursor correlated with the decline in 50S formation in both strains. Erythromycin binding to the precursor showed the same 1:1 stoichiometry as binding to the 50S particle. Gel electrophoresis of rRNA from antibiotic-treated organisms revealed the presence of both 23S and 5S rRNAs in the 30S region of sucrose gradients. Hybridization with a 23S rRNA-specific probe confirmed the presence of this species of rRNA in the precursor. Eighteen 50S ribosomal proteins were associated with the precursor particle. A model is presented to account for erythromycin inhibition of 50S formation.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of resistance to erythromycin in Escherichia coli, caused by an altered L4 protein in the 50S ribosomal subunit, can be masked when two additional ribosomal mutations affecting the 30S proteins S5 and S12 are introduced into the strain (Saltzman, Brown, and Apirion, 1974). Ribosomes from such strains bind erythromycin to the same extent as ribosomes from erythromycin sensitive parental strains (Apirion and Saltzman, 1974).Among mutants isolated for the reappearance of erythromycin resistance, kasugamycin resistant mutants were found. One such mutant was analysed and found to be due to undermethylation of the rRNA. The ribosomes of this strain do not bind erythromycin, thus there is a complete correlation between phenotype of cells with respect to erythromycin resistance and binding of erythromycin to ribosomes.Furthermore, by separating the ribosomal subunits we showed that 50S ribosomes bind or do not bind erythromycin according to their L4 protein; 50S with normal L4 bind and 50S with altered L4 do not bind erythromycin. However, the 30s ribosomes with altered S5 and S12 can restore binding in resistant 50S ribosomes while the 30S ribosomes in which the rRNA also became undermethylated did not allow erythromycin binding to occur.Thus, evidence for an intimate functional relationship between 30S and 50S ribosomal elements in the function of the ribosome could be demonstrated. These functional interrelationships concerns four ribosomal components, two proteins from the 30S ribosomal subunit, S5, and S12, one protein from the 50S subunit L4, and 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

It was previously reported that unlike the other obg/cgtA GTPases, the Vibrio harveyi cgtAV is not essential. Here we show that cgtAV was not disrupted in these studies and is, in fact, essential for viability. Depletion of CgtAV did not result in cell elongation. CgtAV is associated with the large ribosomal particle. In light of our results, we predict that the V. harveyi CgtAV protein plays a similar essential role to that seen for Obg/CgtA proteins in other bacteria.  相似文献   

Macrolide antibiotics like erythromycin can induce the synthesis of a specific 23S rRNA methyltransferase which confers resistance to cells containing the erm gene. Erythromycin inhibits both protein synthesis and the formation of 50S subunits in bacterial cells. We have tested the idea that the 50S precursor particle that accumulates in antibiotic-treated Staphylococcus aureus cells is a substrate for the methyltransferase enzyme. Pulse-chase labeling studies were conducted to examine the rates of ribosomal subunit formation in control and erythromycin-induced cells. Erythromycin binding to 50S subunits was examined under the same conditions. The rate of 50S subunit formation was reduced for up to 30 min after antibiotic addition, and erythromycin binding was substantial at this time. A nuclease protection assay was used to examine the methylation of adenine 2085 in 23S rRNA after induction. A methyl-labeled protected RNA sequence was found to appear in cells 30 min after induction. This protected sequence was found in both 50S subunits and in a subunit precursor particle sedimenting at about 30S in sucrose gradients. 23S rRNA isolated from 50S subunits of cells could be labeled by a ribosome-associated methlytransferase activity, with (3)H-S-adenosylmethionine as a substrate. 50S subunits were not a substrate for the enzyme, but the 30S gradient region from erythromycin-treated cells contained a substrate for this activity. These findings are consistent with a model that suggests that antibiotic inhibition of 50S formation leads to the accumulation of a precursor whose 23S rRNA becomes methylated by the induced enzyme. The methylated rRNA will preclude erythromycin binding; thus, assembly of the particle and translation become insensitive to the inhibitory effects of the drug.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L9 consists of two globular alpha/beta domains separated by a nine-turn alpha-helix. We examined the rRNA environment of L9 by chemical footprinting and directed hydroxyl radical probing. We reconstituted L9, or individual domains of L9, with L9-deficient 50 S subunits, or with deproteinized 23 S rRNA. A footprint was identified in domain V of 23 S rRNA that was mainly attributable to N-domain binding. Fe(II) was tethered to L9 via cysteine residues introduced at positions along the alpha-helix and in the C-domain, and derivatized proteins were reconstituted with L9-deficient subunits. Directed hydroxyl radical probing targeted regions of domains I, III, IV, and V of 23 S rRNA, reinforcing the view that 50 S subunit architecture is typified by interwoven rRNA domains. There was a striking correlation between the cleavage patterns from the Fe(II) probes attached to the alpha-helix and their predicted orientations, constraining both the position and orientation of L9, as well as the arrangement of specific elements of 23 S rRNA, in the 50 S subunit.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase KsgA modifies two adjacent adenosines in 16S rRNA by adding two methyl groups to the N(6) position of each nucleotide. Unlike nearly all other rRNA modifications, these modifications and the responsible enzyme are highly conserved phylogenetically, suggesting that the modification system has an important role in ribosome biogenesis. It has been known for some time that KsgA recognizes a complex pre-30S substrate in vitro, but there is disagreement in the literature as to what that substrate can be. That disagreement is resolved in this report; KsgA is unable to methylate 30S subunits in the translationally active conformation, but rather can modify 30S when in an experimentally well established translationally inactive conformation. Recent 30S crystal structures provide some basis for explaining why it is impossible for KsgA to methylate 30S in the translationally active conformation. Previous work identified one set of ribosomal proteins important for efficient methylation by KsgA and another set refractory methylation. With the exception of S21 the recent crystal structures of 30S also instructs that the proteins important for KsgA activity all exert their influence indirectly. Unfortunately, S21, which is inhibitory to KsgA activity, has not had its position determined by X-ray crystallography. A reevaluation of published biophysical data on the location also suggests that the refractory nature of S21 is also indirect. Therefore, it appears that KsgA solely senses the conformation 16S rRNA when carrying out its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The sarcin–ricin loop (SRL) of 23S rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit is a factor-binding site that is essential for GTP-catalyzed steps in translation, but its precise functional role is thus far unknown. Here, we replaced the 15-nucleotide SRL with a GAAA tetraloop and affinity purified the mutant 50S subunits for functional and structural analysis in vitro. The SRL deletion caused defects in elongation-factor-dependent steps of translation and, unexpectedly, loss of EF-Tu-independent A-site tRNA binding. Detailed chemical probing analysis showed disruption of a network of rRNA tertiary interactions that hold together the 23S rRNA elements of the functional core of the 50S subunit, accompanied by loss of ribosomal protein L16. Our results reveal an influence of the SRL on the higher-order structure of the 50S subunit, with implications for its role in translation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 (eIF6), a monomeric protein of about 26 kDa, can bind to the 60S ribosomal subunit and prevent its association with the 40S ribosomal subunit. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, eIF6 is encoded by a single-copy essential gene. To understand the function of eIF6 in yeast cells, we constructed a conditional mutant haploid yeast strain in which a functional but a rapidly degradable form of eIF6 fusion protein was synthesized from a repressible GAL10 promoter. Depletion of eIF6 from yeast cells resulted in a selective reduction in the level of 60S ribosomal subunits, causing a stoichiometric imbalance in 60S-to-40S subunit ratio and inhibition of the rate of in vivo protein synthesis. Further analysis indicated that eIF6 is not required for the stability of 60S ribosomal subunits. Rather, eIF6-depleted cells showed defective pre-rRNA processing, resulting in accumulation of 35S pre-rRNA precursor, formation of a 23S aberrant pre-rRNA, decreased 20S pre-rRNA levels, and accumulation of 27SB pre-rRNA. The defect in the processing of 27S pre-rRNA resulted in the reduced formation of mature 25S and 5.8S rRNAs relative to 18S rRNA, which may account for the selective deficit of 60S ribosomal subunits in these cells. Cell fractionation as well as indirect immunofluorescence studies showed that c-Myc or hemagglutinin epitope-tagged eIF6 was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and the nuclei of yeast cells.  相似文献   

Ribosomes are composed of RNA and protein molecules that associate together to form a supramolecular machine responsible for protein biosynthesis. Detailed information about the structure of the ribosome has come from the recent X-ray crystal structures of the ribosome and the ribosomal subunits. However, the molecular interactions between the rRNAs and the r-proteins that occur during the intermediate steps of ribosome assembly are poorly understood. Here we describe a modification-interference approach to identify nonbridging phosphate oxygens within 16S rRNA that are important for the in vitro assembly of the Escherichia coli 30S small ribosomal subunit and for its association with the 50S large ribosomal subunit. The 30S small subunit was reconstituted from phosphorothioate-substituted 16S rRNA and small subunit proteins. Active 30S subunits were selected by their ability to bind to the 50S large subunit and form 70S ribosomes. Analysis of the selected population shows that phosphate oxygens at specific positions in the 16S rRNA are important for either subunit assembly or for binding to the 50S subunit. The X-ray crystallographic structures of the 30S subunit suggest that some of these phosphate oxygens participate in r-protein binding, coordination of metal ions, or for the formation of intersubunit bridges in the mature 30S subunit. Interestingly, however, several of the phosphate oxygens identified in this study do not participate in any interaction in the mature 30S subunit, suggesting that they play a role in the early steps of the 30S subunit assembly.  相似文献   

CsdA, a DEAD-box protein from Escherichia coli, has been proposed to participate in a variety of processes, such as translation initiation, gene regulation after cold-shock, mRNA decay and biogenesis of the small ribosomal subunit. Whether the protein really plays a direct role in these multiple processes is however, not clear. Here, we show that CsdA is involved in the biogenesis of the large rather than the small ribosomal subunit. Deletion of the csdA gene leads to a deficit in free 50S subunits at low temperatures and to the accumulation of a new particle sedimenting around 40S. Analysis of the RNA and protein contents of this particle indicates that it corresponds to a mis-assembled large subunit. Sucrose gradient fractionation shows that in wild-type cells CsdA associates mainly with a pre50S particle. Presumably the RNA helicase activity of CsdA permits a structural rearrangement during 50S biogenesis at low temperature. We showed previously that SrmB, another DEAD-box RNA helicase, is also involved in 50S assembly in E.coli. Our results suggest that CsdA is required at a later step than SrmB. However, over-expression of CsdA corrects the ribosome defect of the srmB-deleted strain, indicating that some functional overlap exists between the two proteins.  相似文献   

In the present work, ribosomes assembled in bacterial cells in the absence of essential ribosomal protein L5 were obtained. After arresting L5 synthesis, Escherichia coli cells divide a limited number of times. During this time, accumulation of defective large ribosomal subunits occurs. These 45S particles lack most of the central protuberance (CP) components (5S rRNA and proteins L5, L16, L18, L25, L27, L31, L33 and L35) and are not able to associate with the small ribosomal subunit. At the same time, 5S rRNA is found in the cytoplasm in complex with ribosomal proteins L18 and L25 at quantities equal to the amount of ribosomes. Thus, it is the first demonstration that protein L5 plays a key role in formation of the CP during assembly of the large ribosomal subunit in the bacterial cell. A possible model for the CP assembly in vivo is discussed in view of the data obtained.  相似文献   

In electron micrographs of 50 S (large) subunits from Escherichia coli ribosomes, the highly preferred crown view is inferred to represent the roughly hemispherical particle lying with its flat or concave face against the carbon film. Single particle averaging allows the reproducible details of the crown view particle to be recognized. Multivariate image analysis shows the most variable morphological features of this view to be the two side protrusions, the L7/L12 stalk and the L1 ridge, both of which show apparent positional variations. The invariance of the features of the particle body implies that the movements of the side protrusions are not merely a result of perspective changes produced by major rotations of the particle body out of its quasistable, flat-lying position. A bending point localized on the L7/L12 stalk is conjectured to represent a functional "hinge" that may be related to the secondary/tertiary structure of the L7/L12 dimeric protein.  相似文献   

Vaccination is the most promising strategy to reduce the incidence of pneumococcal infection. Although there are vaccines available, all of them are based on polysaccharide antigens (conjugated or not). In addition to their high cost, those vaccines do not cover all serotypes. To overcome these hindrances, we evaluated the immunogenicity and the protective efficacy of the S9 ribosomal protein of Streptococcus pneumoniae with the aim of developing a protein-based vaccine in the future. The gene encoding the S9 ribosomal protein was cloned in pET21-a expression vector, and the recombinant S9 protein was used to immunize mice. Significantly higher levels of anti-S9 immunoglobulin G were achieved (with predominance of immunoglobulin G1) in comparison with the control. Antibodies elicited against S.?pneumoniae protein extract in rabbit recognized the recombinant S9 protein by Western blot, thus demonstrating its immunogenicity. Moreover, mice immunized with recombinant S9 protein and challenged with a virulent strain of S.?pneumoniae presented a significant reduction of bacteremia after 24?h of infection as compared with the control. However, in the S9-immunized mice the onset of death was insignificantly delayed, but all of them died by the fourth day postinfection.  相似文献   

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