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Background and Aims

Root architectural phenes enhancing topsoil foraging are important for phosphorus acquisition. In this study, the utility of a novel phene is described, basal root whorl number (BRWN), that has significant effects on topsoil foraging in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).


Whorls are defined as distinct tiers of basal roots that emerge in a tetrarch fashion along the base of the hypocotyl. Wild and domesticated bean taxa as well as two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations were screened for BRWN and basal root number (BRN). A set of six RILs contrasting for BRWN was evaluated for performance under low phosphorus availability in the greenhouse and in the field. In the greenhouse, plants were grown in a sand–soil media with low or high phosphorus availability. In the field, plants were grown in an Oxisol in Mozambique under low and moderate phosphorus availability.

Key Results

Wild bean accessions tended to have a BRWN of one or two, whereas cultivated accessions had BRWN reaching four and sometimes five. BRWN and BRN did not vary with phosphorus availability, i.e. BRWN was not a plastic trait in these genotypes. Greater BRWN was beneficial for phosphorus acquisition in low phosphorus soil. Genotypes with three whorls had almost twice the shoot biomass, greater root length and greater leaf area than related genotypes with two whorls. In low phosphorus soil, shoot phosphorus content was strongly correlated with BRWN (R2 = 0·64 in the greenhouse and R2 = 0·88 in the field). Genotypes with three whorls had shallower root systems with a greater range of basal root growth angles (from 10 to 45 ° from horizontal) than genotypes with two whorls (angles ranged from 60 to 85 ° from horizontal).


The results indicate that BRWN is associated with increased phosphorus acquisition and that this trait may have value for selection of genotypes with better performance in low phosphorus soils.  相似文献   

The involvement of ethylene in root architectural responses to phosphorus availability was investigated in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants grown with sufficient and deficient phosphorus. Although phosphorus deficiency reduced root mass and lateral root number, main root length was unchanged by phosphorus treatment. This resulted in decreased lateral root density in phosphorus-deficient plants. The possible involvement of ethylene in growth responses to phosphorus deficiency was investigated by inhibiting endogenous ethylene production with amino-ethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and aerating the root system with various concentrations of ethylene. Phosphorus deficiency doubled the root-to-shoot ratio, an effect which was suppressed by AVG and partially restored by exogenous ethylene. AVG increased lateral root density in phosphorus- deficient plants but reduced it in phosphorus-sufficient plants. These responses could be reversed by exogenous ethylene, suggesting ethylene involvement in the regulation of main root extension and lateral root spacing. Phosphorus-deficient roots produced twice as much ethylene per g dry matter as phosphorus-sufficient roots. Enhanced ethylene production and altered ethylene sensitivity in phosphorus-deficient plants may be responsible for root responses to phosphorus deficiency.  相似文献   

An obstacle to the study of root architecture is the difficulty of measuring and quantifying the three-dimensional configuration of roots in soil. The objective of this work was to determine if fractal geometry might be useful in estimating the three-dimensional complexity of root architecture from more accessible measurements. A set of results called projection theorems predict that the fractal dimension (FD) of a projection of a root system should be identical to the FD of roots in three-dimensional space (three-dimensional FD). To test this prediction we employed SimRoot, an explicit geometric simulation model of root growth derived from empirical measurements of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). We computed the three-dimensional FD, FD of horizontal plane intercepts (planar FD), FD of vertical line intercepts (linear FD), and FD of orthogonal projections onto planes (projected FD). Three-dimensional FD was found to differ from corresponding projected FD, suggesting that the analysis of roots grown in a narrow space or excavated and flattened prior to analysis is problematic. A log-linear relationship was found between FD of roots and spatial dimension. This log-linear relationship suggests that the three-dimensional FD of root systems may be accurately estimated from excavations and tracing of root intersections on exposed planes.  相似文献   

H. M. Helal 《Plant and Soil》1990,123(2):161-163
This paper presents results of a comparative study of phosphorus utilization from inositol hexaphosphate by various varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris in relation to the activity and characteristics of their root phosphatases. Bean varieties show significant differences in their uptake of phosphorus from inositol hexaphosphate with a clear dependency on the phosphatase activity of their roots at pH 5. The results which are discussed in connection with the phosphorus turnover in the rhizosphere suggest that root phosphatase activity is a significant factor of nutritional efficiency under limited mineral phosphorus supply.  相似文献   

Most existing water and nutrient uptake models are based on the assumption that roots are evenly distributed in the soil volume. This assumption is not realistic for field conditions, and significantly alters water or nutrient uptake calculations. Therefore, development of models of root system growth that account for the spatial distribution of roots is necessary.The objective of this work was to test a three dimensional architectural model of the maize root system by comparing simulated horizontal root maps with observed root maps obtained from the field. The model was built using the current knowledge on maize root system morphogenesis and parameters obtained under field conditions. Simulated root maps (0.45 × 0.75 m) of horizontal cross sections at 3 depths and 3 dates were obtained by using the model for a plant population. Actual root maps were obtained in a deep, barrier-free clay-loamy soil by digging pits, preparing selected horizontal planes and recording root contacts on plastic sheets.Results showed that both the number of cross-sections of axile roots, and their spatial distribution characterized with the R-index value of Clark and Evans (1954), were correctly accounted for by the model at all dates and depths. The number of cross-sections of laterals was also correctly predicted. However, laterals were more clustered around axile roots on simulated root maps than on observed root maps. Although slight discrepancies appeared between simulated and observed root maps in this respect, it was concluded that the model correctly accounted for the general colonization pattern of the soil volume by roots under a maize crop.  相似文献   

In order to study the nutrient and water uptake of rootsin situ, we need a quantitative three-dimensional dynamic model of the root system architecture. The present model takes into account current observations on the morphogenesis of the maize root system. It describes the root system as a set of root axes, characterised by their orders and their inter-node of origin. The evolution of the simulated pattern is achieved by three processes, occuring at each time step: emission of new primary root axes from the shoot, growth and branching of existing root axes. The elongation of an axis depends on its order, inter-node and local growing conditions. Branches appear acropetally at a specified distance from the apex and from former branches, along ranks facing xylem poles, with a branching angle specific to their order and inter-node. From the three-dimensional branched patterns simulated by the model, various outputs, such as root profiles or cross-section maps can be computed, compared to observed data and used as inputs in uptake models. A number of examples of such possible outputs are presented.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen-fixing legumes are frequently assumed to be less water-use efficient than plants utilizing soil mineral N, because of the high respiratory requirements for driving N2 fixation. However, since respiration is assumed not to discriminate against 13C, any differences in water-use efficiency exclusively due to respiration should not be apparent in carbon isotope discrimination () values. Our objective was to determine if the source of N (N2 fixation versus soil N) had any effect on of field-grown grain legumes grown at different elevations. Four legume species, Glycine max, Phaseolus lunatus, P. vulgaris, and Vigna unguiculata, were grown on five field sites spanning a 633 m elevational gradient on the island of Maui, Hawaii. The legumes were either inoculated with a mixture of three effective strains of rhizobia or fertilized weekly with urea at 100 kg N ha-1 in an attempt to completely suppress symbiotic N2-fixing activity. In 14 of 20 analyses of stover and 12 of 15 analyses of seed values were significantly higher (p=0.10) in the inoculated plants than the N-fertilized plants. Nitrogen concentrations were generally higher in the fertilized treatments than the inoculated treatments. The different values obtained depending on N-source may have implications in using as an indicator of water-use efficiency or yield potential of legumes.  相似文献   

Nielsen  Kai L.  Miller  Carter R.  Beck  Douglas  Lynch  Jonathan P. 《Plant and Soil》1999,206(2):181-190
Root growth and architecture are important for phosphorus acquisition due to the relative immobility of P in the soil. Fractal geometry is a potential new approach to the analysis of root architecture. Substantial genetic variation in root growth and architecture has been observed in common bean. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes with contrasting root architecture were grown under moderate and low P conditions in a field experiment. Linear and planar fractal dimension were measured by tracing root intercepts with vertical planes. Linear fractal dimension increased over time in efficient genotypes, but remained fairly constant over time in inefficient genotypes. Planar fractal dimension increased over time for all genotypes, but was higher in efficient than inefficient genotypes at the end of the experiment. Planar fractal dimension of medium P plants was found to correlate with shoot P content indicating fractal dimension to be a possible indicator for root P uptake. The increasing fractal dimension over time indicates that fractal analysis is a sensitive measure of root branching intensity. A less destructive method for acquisition of data that allows for continuous analysis of fractal geometry and thereby screening for more P efficient genotypes in the field is suggested. This method will allow the researcher to conduct fractal analysis and still complete field trials with final yield evaluation.  相似文献   

Summary Two genomic libraries were established to provide markers to develop an integrated map combining molecular markers and genes for qualitative and quantitative morpho-agronomic traits in common bean. Contrasting characteristics were observed for the two libraries. While 89% of the PstI clones were classified as single-copy sequences, only 21% of the EcoRIBamHI clones belonged in that category. Clones of these two libraries were hybridized against genomic DNA of nine genotypes chosen according to their divergent evolutionary origin and contrasting agronomic traits. Eight restriction enzymes were used in this study. PstI clones revealed 80–90% polymorphism between the Andean and Middle American gene pools and 50–60% polymorphism within these gene pools. However, under the same conditions only 30% of the EcoRI-BamHI clones showed polymorphism between the Middle American and Andean gene pools. Hybridization with PstI clones to EcoRI-, EcoRV-, or HindIII-digested genomic DNA resulted in a cumulative frequency of polymorphism of approximately 80%. Hybridizations to BamHI-, HaeIII-, HinfI-, PstI-, and XbaI-digested genomic DNA detected no additional polymorphisms not revealed by the former three enzymes. In the PstI library, a positive correlation was observed between the average size of hybridizing restriction fragments and the frequency of polymorphism detected by each restriction enzyme. This relationship is consistent with the higher proportion of insertion/deletion events compared with the frequency of nucleotide substitutions observed in that library.  相似文献   

Summary Ion uptake by dry bean root systems was examined during a three day treatment period. Three aeration treatments were applied to split root systems where both halves were aerated, both halves were nonaerated and one half aerated and the remaining half nonaerated (localized anoxia). Ion absorption was similar for the aerated control and localized anoxia treatments. The nonaerated control absorbed 2, 40, and 60 percent of the aerated control for K+, Ca++, and NO3 , respectively. Ion absorption by stressed plants appeared to increase directly with root growth in the aerated portions of the localized anoxia treatments. Localized anoxia resulted in greater potassium ion uptake per unit root weight and in greater root respiration rates of the aerated half of the Pinto III cultivar root system. Transpiration rates of Seafarer subjected to localized anoxia were 135% of the aerated control. The additional water use may have contributed to greater ion uptake, by mass flow, in the nonaerated portion of the localized anoxia treatment. Nutrient solutions of the nonaerated controls became more alkaline during stress than did the nonaerated portions of the localized anoxia treatments, indicating a possible direct or indirect effect of the aerated portions of the localized anoxia treatments on the corresponding nonaerated half. Compensation in ion uptake by dry bean roots subjected to localized anoxia appeared to be the result of increased root growth, greater respiration rates, greater transpiration rates and, for Pinto III, an increase in the ion uptake rate per unit root weight. This compensatory uptake of water and nutrients by the root system may be one mechanism by which roots overcome localized stress within a soil profile.  相似文献   

He  Yong  Liao  Hong  Yan  Xiaolong 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):247-256
A localized supply of phosphorus may affect root morphology and architecture, and thereby affect phosphorus uptake by rice plants. In the present study, we attempted to test this hypothesis using two rice cultivars representing upland and lowland ecotypes grown in specially designed split and stratified soil cultures with a low-phosphorus red soil. Our data indicate that a localized supply of phosphorus increased both total root length and root fineness, particularly in the high-phosphorus zone. In split culture, plants roots tended to preferentially grow on the high-phosphorus zone, with about 70–75% of the total root length allocated to the high-phosphorus compartment. The total root length on the high-phosphorus side in the split-phosphorus treatment was significantly longer than that in the homogenously high-phosphorus treatment, implying that a phosphorus-deficiency signal from the low-phosphorus side may stimulate the growth of the roots located in the high-phosphorus zone. In stratified soil culture, changes in root morphology and architecture were also observed as indicated by increased total root length, root fineness and relative root allocation in the high-phosphorus layers, again suggesting altered root morphology and preferential root proliferation in the high-phosphorus regions. The induced changes in root morphology and architecture by localized phosphorus supply may have both physiological significance and practical implications in that plants can meet the demand for phosphorus with parts of the roots reaching the high-phosphorus zone, hence localized fertilization methods such as side dressing or banded application of phosphorus fertilizers may both minimize phosphorus fixation by the soil and increase phosphorus uptake efficiency from the fertilizers.  相似文献   

The extent of rooting in cuttings of Phaseolus vulgaris L., and Vigna radiata Wilcz. was affected by 4-chlororesorcinol, a polyphenol oxidase inhibitor. More root primordia and more roots were formed after 4-chlororesorcinol treatment both with and without 10-5M Indole butyric acid. Promotion of rooting was observed also in cuttings of Elaeagnus pungens, Gypsophilia elegans and Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. The enhancement in bean and mung bean was accompanied by a concomitant wider spatial distribution of the primordia and the resulting adventitious roots. The formation of primordia in the treated cuttings was delayed by 12–24 hours, compared to untreated cuttings. The treatment was effective only when given during the first hours after the preparation of the cutting of bean and mung bean, suggesting involvement in the initiation stage. Hypocotyl extracts of mung bean cuttings, pretreated with 4-chlororesorcinol, exhibited reduced polyphenol oxidase activity. The inhibition was not reversed by washing of the treated extract in 50% acetone or by an overnight dialysis, suggesting tight or maybe even irreversible binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme.Abbreviations 4-CR 4-chlororesorcinol - IBA Indole butyric acid - PPO polyphenol oxidase  相似文献   

A rootbox is described which allows observation of an intact, entire root system. Roots are sandwiched against a plexiglass surface by a nylon mesh that is impermeable to roots, but permeable to water and nutrients. To quantify root growth non-destructively, roots of different size classes are traced onto acetate sheets using different color pens, and root lengths determined by digital image analysis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the changes occurring in the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of taxa belonging to thePhaseolus vulgaris complex to help clarify relationships among species of this complex. Two restriction maps for 11 restriction enzymes comprising the whole chloroplast genome from a wildP. vulgaris and a wildP. coccineus accession were constructed. These maps allowed us to compare a total of 330 restriction sites between the two genomes in order to identify polymorphisms, assess the type of mutations detected, and identify regions of high variability. A region, located in the large single-copy region near the borders with the inverted repeats, accounted for a large portion of the variation. Most of the mutations detected were due to restriction sites gains or losses. Variable and conserved regions were then evaluated in 30 accessions belonging to taxa of theP. vulgaris complex. Phylogenetic analyses were made using parsimony methods. Conclusions obtained from such analyses were the following: (1) there was high cpDNA variability withinP. coccineus but not inP. vulgaris. (2)P. coccineus subsp.glabellus showed a very distinct cpDNA type that strongly suggests that it actually belongs to a different but as yet undetermined section of the genus. Our cpDNA observations are supported by distinctive morphological traits and reproductive biology of this taxon. (3) InP. coccineus subsp.darwinianus (also classified asP. polyanthus), the cpDNA lineage was in disagreement with data obtained from nuclear markers and suggested a reticulated origin by hybridization betweenP. coccineus as the male parent and an ancestralP. polyanthus type, closely allied toP. vulgaris, as the seed parent. This initial cross was presumably followed by repeated backcrossing toP. coccineus. Our cpDNA studies illustrate the importance of molecular markers in elucidating phylogenetic relationships. They also indicate that accurate phylogenies will require analyses of both nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes.  相似文献   

Breeding for yield in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) should consider the efficiency of biomass and nutrient partitioning to grains. In field experiments, 9 and 18 bean cultivars were cultivated in 1998 and 1999, respectively, to identify the genotypic variability of harvest index (HI) and N and P harvest indices (NHI and PHI), and to evaluate the relationships between these indices and grain yield. Cultivars differed for grain yield, HI, NHI and PHI in both years, but these indices varied less than grain yield. Growth habit markedly influenced HI, with prostrate cultivars possessing higher HI, NHI and PHI than erect cultivars; hence selection for HI should be performed within each phenological group. Grain yield was strongly associated with grain N and P contents, and positively but weakly correlated to HI, NHI and PHI; the indices were highly correlated among themselves. Multiple-regression analysis showed that most genotypic variation of grain yield was associated with the amount of N and P accumulated by the crop at maturity, and some yield variation was associated with seed nutrient concentration, particularly P concentration, whereas NHI and PHI had a minor role. Combined analysis of both experiments showed that grain yield diminished by 57% from 1998 to 1999, whereas HI remained almost stable and NHI and PHI decreased slightly, but the significant year × cultivar interaction revealed different degrees of phenotypic plasticity of biomass partitioning among cultivars. Selection solely for increased HI would scarcely result in improved grain yield, raising concomitantly NHI and PHI and probably reducing grain P concentration.  相似文献   

Paclobutrazol (PB), a triazole growth retardant and an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, reduced at 17 μM concentration the adventitious root formation of bean primary leaf cuttings. Treatments with 5 μM ABA or 4 μM Ethrel, an ethylenereleasing compound, restored the rooting of PB-treated cuttings. Ethylene production and the content of the precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) were enhanced in root-forming tissues of PB-treated petioles 48 h after ABA application. The effect of ABA could be abolished by 10 μM CoCl2, an inhibitor of ACC oxidase. Thus, ABA might stimulate rooting through its effect on ethylene release. 2 mM silver thiosulphate, an inhibitor of ethylene action, decreased the rooting of PB-treated cuttings similarly to Co2+, but failed to negate the ABA effect. These data indicate that the effect of PB on rhizogenesis is not associated directly with the inhibition of the biosynthesis of gibberellins Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Gabriella Biró. This work was supported by the Hungarian National Science Research Foundation (OTKA), Project No. 462.  相似文献   

Eighty bacterial isolates from root nodules of the leguminous plants Phaseolus vulgaris, Campylotropis spp. and Cassia spp. grown in China were classified into five groups by phenotypic analyses, SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins, PCR-based 16S rRNA gene restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism and sequencing. Thirty-three isolates from the three plant genera were identified as Agrobacterium tumefaciens because they are closely related to the type strain of A. tumefaciens. Fourteen isolates from P. vulgaris grown in Yunnan and Inner Mongolia were classified as R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli based on their close relationship with the type strain in numerical taxonomy and in 16S rDNA phylogeny. Twenty-seven isolates from Campylotropis delavayi, P. vulgaris and four species of Cassia grown in the central zones of China were classified into three groups within the genus Bradyrhizobium. One of these three groups could be defined as Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Our results demonstrated that P. vulgaris and the species of Campylotropis and Cassia could form nodules with diverse rhizobia in Chinese soils, including novel lineages associated with P. vulgaris. These results also offered information about the convergent evolution between rhizobia and legumes since the rhizobial populations associated with P. vulgaris in Chinese soils were completely different from those in Mexico, the original cite of this plant. Some rhizobial species could be found in all of the three leguminous genera.  相似文献   

Uridine strongly stimulated adventitious root formation in stem cuttings of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A dose response curve of uridine induced rooting showed that the optimum concentration of uridine was 0.1 µM. At all concentrations employed, uridine had no significant effect on root elongation. The rooting response of stem cuttings to the optimal concentration of indole-3-butyric acid (10 µM) in combination with 0.1 µM uridine did not significantly differ from their response to either of these compounds when applied alone. However, the rooting response of the cuttings to sub-optimal IBA (0.01 µM) was significantly stimulated by uridine. These findings suggested that uridine may have stimulated rooting by increasing the sensitivity of the rooting tissue to auxin.  相似文献   

Postma JA  Lynch JP 《Annals of botany》2011,107(5):829-841

Background and Aims

The formation of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) reduces root respiration and nutrient content by converting living tissue to air volume. It was hypothesized that RCA increases soil resource acquisition by reducing the metabolic and phosphorus cost of soil exploration.


To test the quantitative logic of the hypothesis, SimRoot, a functional–structural plant model with emphasis on root architecture and nutrient acquisition, was employed. Sensitivity analyses for the effects of RCA on the initial 40 d of growth of maize (Zea mays) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) were conducted in soils with varying degrees of phosphorus availability. With reference to future climates, the benefit of having RCA in high CO2 environments was simulated.

Key Results

The model shows that RCA may increase the growth of plants faced with suboptimal phosphorus availability up to 70 % for maize and 14 % for bean after 40 d of growth. Maximum increases were obtained at low phosphorus availability (3 µm). Remobilization of phosphorus from dying cells had a larger effect on plant growth than reduced root respiration. The benefit of both these functions was additive and increased over time. Larger benefits may be expected for mature plants. Sensitivity analysis for light-use efficiency showed that the benefit of having RCA is relatively stable, suggesting that elevated CO2 in future climates will not significantly effect the benefits of having RCA.


The results support the hypothesis that RCA is an adaptive trait for phosphorus acquisition by remobilizing phosphorus from the root cortex and reducing the metabolic costs of soil exploration. The benefit of having RCA in low-phosphorus soils is larger for maize than for bean, as maize is more sensitive to low phosphorus availability while it has a more ‘expensive’ root system. Genetic variation in RCA may be useful for breeding phosphorus-efficient crop cultivars, which is important for improving global food security.  相似文献   

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