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The variability of microsatellites BM224 and Bcal7 was studied for the first time in three species of the diploid-polyploid complex of Bufo viridis (B. viridis, B. oblongus, and B. pewzowi). The locus Bcal7 was established to be monomorphic in all samples studied. In microsatellite BM224, three allele variants were found. Among tetraploid toads, the western Asiatic species B. oblongus was characterized by one allele only, the eastern B. pewzowi, by the two other alleles. A similar distribution was also revealed in triploid individuals on the borders of range between tetraploid and diploid species. Among the diploid species B. viridis samples, all three allele variants of microsatellite BM224 were observed. Their distribution in the area proved to be geographically determined. In diploid toads, a similarity was revealed between the distribution of microsatellite BM224 alleles and variability of the nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

Significant differences were found between diploid (Bufo viridis) and tetraploid (B. danatensis) toad species in their skeletal muscle thermostability. The lower muscle thermostability in tetraploids may be associated with the adaptation of B. danatensis to colder conditions of arid mountain area in the Middle Asia.  相似文献   

We studied variation of microsatellites BM224 and Bcal7 in three species of the Bufo viridis diploid-polyploid complex. We found that locus Bcal7 in all examined samples was monomorphic. Three alleles of microsatellite BM224 were found. Among tetraploid toads, the western species B. oblongus had only one allele variant, whereas the eastern species B. pewzowi had two other alleles. Similar distribution of alleles was observed in triploid specimens, collected in the area borders of tetraploid and diploid species. Among samples of diploid toad B. viridis, we found all three allele variants of microsatellite BM224. Their distribution was geographically determined. A comparison of allele distribution with genome size variation in diploid toads showed very similar patterns.  相似文献   

Taxa involving three bisexually reproducing ploidy levels make green toads a unique amphibian system. We put a cytogenetic dataset from Central Asia in a molecular framework and apply phylogenetic and demographic methods to data from the entire Palearctic range. We study the mitochondrial relationships of diploids to infer their phylogeography and the maternal ancestry of polyploids. Control regions (and tRNAs between ND1 and ND2 in representatives) characterize a deeply branched assemblage of twelve haplotype groups, diverged since the Lower Miocene. Polyploidy has evolved several times: Central Asian tetraploids (B. oblongus, B. pewzowi) have at least two maternal origins. Intriguingly, the mitochondrial ancestor of morphologically distinctive, sexually reproducing triploid taxa (B. pseudoraddei) from Karakoram and Hindukush represents a different lineage. We report another potential case of bisexual triploid toads (B. zugmayeri). Identical d-loops in diploids and tetraploids from Iran and Turkmenistan, which differ in morphology, karyotypes and calls, suggest multiple origins and retained polymorphism and/or hybridization. A similar system involves diploids, triploids and tetraploids from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan where green toads exemplify vertebrate genomic plasticity. A new form from Sicily and its African sister species (B. boulengeri) allow internal calibration and divergence time estimates for major clades. The subgroup may have originated in Eurasia rather than Africa since the earliest diverged lineages (B. latastii, B. surdus) and earliest fossils occur in Asia. We delineate ranges, contact and hybrid zones. Phylogeography, including one of the first non-avian datasets from Central Asian high mountains, reflects Quaternary climate and glaciation.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals for mating are important traits that could drive population differentiation and speciation. Ecology may play a role in acoustic divergence through direct selection (e.g., local adaptation to abiotic environment), constraint of correlated traits (e.g., acoustic traits linked to another trait under selection), and/or interspecific competition (e.g., character displacement). However, genetic drift alone can also drive acoustic divergence. It is not always easy to differentiate the role of ecology versus drift in acoustic divergence. In this study, we tested the role of ecology and drift in shaping geographic variation in the advertisement calls of Microhyla fissipes. We examined three predictions based on ecological processes: (1) the correlation between temperature and call properties across M. fissipes populations; (2) the correlation between call properties and body size across M. fissipes populations; and (3) reproductive character displacement (RCD) in call properties between M. fissipes populations that are sympatric with and allopatric to a congener M. heymonsi. To test genetic drift, we examined correlations among call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance across M. fissipes populations. We recorded the advertisement calls from 11 populations of M. fissipes in Taiwan, five of which are sympatrically distributed with M. heymonsi. We found geographic variation in both temporal and spectral properties of the advertisement calls of M. fissipes. However, the call properties were not correlated with local temperature or the callers' body size. Furthermore, we did not detect RCD. By contrast, call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance between M. fissipes populations were all positively correlated. The comparisons between phenotypic Qst (Pst) and Fst values did not show significant differences, suggesting a role of drift. We concluded that genetic drift, rather than ecological processes, is the more likely driver for the geographic variation in the advertisement calls of M. fissipes.  相似文献   

Reproductive character displacement is the adaptive evolution of traits that minimize deleterious reproductive interactions between species. When arising from selection to avoid hybridization, this process is referred to as reinforcement. Reproductive character displacement generates divergence not only between interacting species, but also between conspecific populations that are sympatric with heterospecifics versus those that are allopatric. Consequently, such conspecific populations can become reproductively isolated. We compared female mate preferences in, and evaluated gene flow between, neighbouring populations of spadefoot toads that did and did not occur with heterospecifics (mixed- and pure-species populations, respectively). We found that in mixed-species populations females significantly preferred conspecifics. Such females also tended to prefer a conspecific call character that was dissimilar from heterospecifics. By contrast, females from pure-species populations did not discriminate conspecific from heterospecific calls. They also preferred a more exaggerated conspecific call character that resembles heterospecific males. Moreover, gene flow was significantly reduced between mixed- and pure-species population types. Thus, character displacement (and, more specifically, reinforcement) may initiate reproductive isolation between conspecific populations that differ in interactions with heterospecifics.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation between lineages is expected to accumulate with divergence time, but the time taken to speciate may strongly vary between different groups of organisms. In anuran amphibians, laboratory crosses can still produce viable hybrid offspring >20 My after separation, but the speed of speciation in closely related anuran lineages under natural conditions is poorly studied. Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) offer an excellent system to address this question, comprising several lineages that arose at different times and form secondary contact zones. Using mitochondrial and nuclear markers, we previously demonstrated that in Sicily, B. siculus and B. balearicus developed advanced reproductive isolation after Plio-Pleistocene divergence (2.6 My, 3.3–1.9), with limited historic mtDNA introgression, scarce nuclear admixture, but low, if any, current gene flow. Here, we study genetic interactions between younger lineages of early Pleistocene divergence (1.9 My, 2.5–1.3) in northeastern Italy (B. balearicus, B. viridis). We find significantly more, asymmetric nuclear and wider, differential mtDNA introgression. The population structure seems to be molded by geographic distance and barriers (rivers), much more than by intrinsic genomic incompatibilities. These differences of hybridization between zones may be partly explained by differences in the duration of previous isolation. Scattered research on other anurans suggests that wide hybrid zones with strong introgression may develop when secondary contacts occur <2 My after divergence, whereas narrower zones with restricted gene flow form when divergence exceeds 3 My. Our study strengthens support for this rule of thumb by comparing lineages with different divergence times within the same radiation.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial pattern of variation of morphometric characters and call acoustic properties of tetraploid green toads [Bufo viridis complex) from eight populations in Central Asia, and we analyse the causal agents responsible for the patterns observed, by means of partial Mantel tests. Populations significantly differ with respect to both body size and body shape. Since animals inhabiting the driest regions are smaller, but not younger, man animals from less dry areas, we suggest that their small body size is due to the limiting effect of arid climate on growth rate. Differences in body shape are positively associated only with geographic distances, and we suggest that isolation by distance might have played an important role in determining the pattern of variation. Populations significantly differ also with respect to the acoustic properties of the call, in particular, with respect to temperature-adjusted pulse rate and body size-adjusted fundamental frequency; that is, with respect to those properties which are under the strongest morphological or physiological constraints, and that show the lowest variability within individuals (static properties). The pattern of variation of calls shows positive association with geographic distances, but not with climatic distances. Calls do vary, and in this region the main causal agent responsible for call variation might have been the isolation by distance. The evolutionary implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement—trait evolution stemming from selection to lessen resource competition between species—is most often inferred from a pattern in which species differ in resource-use traits in sympatry but not in allopatry, and in which sympatric populations within each species differ from conspecific allopatric populations. Yet, without information on population history, the presence of a divergent phenotype in multiple sympatric populations does not necessarily imply that there has been repeated evolution of character displacement. Instead, such a pattern may arise if there has been character displacement in a single ancestral population, followed by gene flow carrying the divergent phenotype into multiple, derived, sympatric populations. Here, we evaluate the likelihood of such historical events versus ongoing ecological selection in generating divergence in trophic morphology between multiple populations of spadefoot toad (Spea multiplicata) tadpoles that are in sympatry with a heterospecific and those that are in allopatry. We present both phylogenetic and population genetic evidence indicating that the same divergent trait, which minimizes resource competition with the heterospecific, has arisen independently in multiple sympatric populations. These data, therefore, provide strong indirect support for competition''s role in divergent trait evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Osmoregulation in the terrestrial toad,Bufo viridis, was studied under burrowing conditions in the laboratory. The toads can live for over 3 months burrowed in soil containing 9–10% moisture, maintaining constant body volume due to a large increase in the plasma osmolality, contributed mainly by urea. Water content of the tissues remains constant. Relatively large volumes of urine are stored in the urinary bladder during water restriction. The osmolality of the urine does not exceed that of the plasma. Urea uptake across the skin was measured in vitro and was greatly elevated in skins from the burrowed toads. The increase in plasma osmolality enables greater water absorption from the soil under water restricted conditions while the water content of the tissues is maintained constant since cell membranes are highly permeable to urea. It is concluded that the urea accumulating ability and urea tolerance form the basis for both the terrestriality and salt adaptability of this and other amphibian species.  相似文献   

The primary immune response of the green toad (Bufo viridis) following immunization with Crithidia fasciculata choanomastigotes was studied. Lysins, agglutinins, and antibodies detectable by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were first detected in the sera of immunized animals one week after injection. The antibody titers increased to significant levels (P less than 0.01) and maximum values were reached seven weeks post-immunization. The stimulated immunoglobulins were antigen-specific, partially heat-labile, sensitive to the reducing agent dithiothreitol, possessed precipitin activity, effectively fixed complement and exhibited an electrophoretic mobility similar to the gamma-globulins of human serum. On this basis, it is probable that the antibody produced during the primary response in green toads is high molecular weight IgM. Increases in serum lysozyme levels paralleled the rise of antibody titers. Overall, the lysozyme concentration increased two-fold compared to the appropriate controls. This is the first report of the immune response in amphibians to experimental injection with protozoan parasites and the use of the ELISA technique to detect antibodies in amphibian sera.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids and total protein contents in hepatocytes and erythrocytes of diploid (Bufo viridis, 2n = 22) and tetraploid (B. danatensis, 2n = 44) green toads were measured cytophotometrically. The RNA (table 1) and protein (table 2) contents in the tetraploid cells are twice as much as that in diploid ones. According to these results tetraploidy in green toads may have a recent origin. The relation between structural and functional polyploidization in tetraploid amphibian species is discussed.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls of the cricket frog, Acris crepitans , show statistically significant variation among populations in all call variables measured. Call variables show strong clinal variation resulting in calls of lower frequency, longer duration and slower call rates produced by A. c. blanchardi in open habitat in the west of the range, and calls of higher frequency, shorter calls and faster call rates produced by A. c. crepitans in the pine forests in the eastern part of the range. This clinal variation does not result from pleiotropic effects of body size or any other morphological characters we measured.
The two subspecies usually reside in different habitats, but some A. c. blanchardi reside in an isolated pine forest in central Texas. By comparing the calls of this subspecies in open and forest habitat, and by statistically removing the effects of clinal variation for all populations, we determined that habitat explains some of the variation in call structure; this is not true of subspecies.
Our data reject several hypotheses that purport to explain the evolution of mate recognition signals. (1) We reject the notion of Paterson and others that there is strong stabilizing selection on species-specific mate recognition signals. (2) There is no support for the hypothesis that call variation is primarily due to pleiotropic effects of body size or other morphological characters over the geographic range we examined. (3) There is no evidence for reproductive character displacement. (4) Our data, as well as experimental studies of habitat acoustics, support the hypothesis that some differences in calls among habitats result from environmental selection on call structure to enhance call transmission. We suggest that the latter hypothesis does not explain the strong clinal component of call variation. This might result from the passive effects of gene flow between populations at the extremes of the range under selection generated by habitat acoustics.  相似文献   

In most pan-Eurasiatic species complexes, two phenomena have been traditionally considered key processes of their cladogenesis and biogeography. First, it is hypothesized that the origin and development of the Central Asian Deserts generated a biogeographic barrier that fragmented past continuous distributions in Eastern and Western domains. Second, Pleistocene glaciations have been proposed as the main process driving the regional diversification within each of these domains. The European common toad and its closest relatives provide an interesting opportunity to examine the relative contributions of these paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events to the phylogeny and biogeography of a widespread Eurasiatic group. We investigate this issue by applying a multiproxy approach combining information from molecular phylogenies, a multiple correspondence analysis of allozyme data and species distribution models. Our study includes 304 specimens from 164 populations, covering most of the distributional range of the Bufo bufo species complex in the Western Palearctic. The phylogenies (ML and Bayesian analyses) were based on a total of 1988 bp of mitochondrial DNA encompassing three genes (tRNAval, 16S and ND1). A dataset with 173 species of the family Bufonidae was assembled to estimate the separation of the two pan-Eurasiatic species complexes of Bufo and to date the main biogeographic events within the Bufo bufo species complex. The allozyme study included sixteen protein systems, corresponding to 21 presumptive loci. Finally, the distribution models were based on maximum entropy. Our distribution models show that Eastern and Western species complexes are greatly isolated by the Central Asian Deserts, and our dating estimates place this divergence during the Middle Miocene, a moment in which different sources of evidence document a major upturn of the aridification rate of Central Asia. This climate-driven process likely separated the Eastern and Western species. At the level of the Western Palearctic, our dating estimates place most of the deepest phylogenetic structure before the Pleistocene, indicating that Pleistocene glaciations did not have a major role in splitting the major lineages. At a shallow level, the glacial dynamics contributed unevenly to the genetic structuring of populations, with a strong influence in the European-Caucasian populations, and a more relaxed effect in the Iberian populations.  相似文献   

Anurans emit advertisement calls with the purpose of attracting mates and repelling conspecific competitors. The evolution of call traits is expected to be associated with the evolution of anatomical and behavioural traits due to the physics of call emission and transmission. The evolution of vocalizations might imply trade‐offs with other energetically costly behaviours, such as parental care. Here, we investigated the association between body size, calling site, parental care and call properties (call duration, number of notes, peak frequency, frequency bandwidth and call structure) of the advertisement calls of glassfrogs (Centrolenidae)—a family of Neotropical, leaf‐dwelling anurans—using phylogenetic comparative methods. We also explored the tempo and mode of evolution of these traits and compared them with those of three morphological traits associated with body size, locomotion and feeding. We generated and compiled acoustic data for 72 glassfrog species (46% of total species richness), including representatives of all genera. We found that almost all acoustic traits have significant, but generally modest, phylogenetic signal. Peak frequency of calls is significantly associated with body size, whereas call structure is significantly associated with calling site and paternal care. Thus, the evolution of body size, calling site and paternal care could constrain call evolution. The estimated disparity of acoustic traits was larger than that of morphological traits and the peak in disparity of acoustic traits generally occurred later in the evolution of glassfrogs, indicating a historically recent outset of the acoustic divergence in this clade.  相似文献   

Although invasive species are viewed as major threats to ecosystems worldwide, few such species have been studied in enough detail to identify the pathways, magnitudes, and timescales of their impact on native fauna. One of the most intensively studied invasive taxa in this respect is the cane toad (Bufo marinus), which was introduced to Australia in 1935. A review of these studies suggests that a single pathway-lethal toxic ingestion of toads by frog-eating predators-is the major mechanism of impact, but that the magnitude of impact varies dramatically among predator taxa, as well as through space and time. Populations of large predators (e.g., varanid and scincid lizards, elapid snakes, freshwater crocodiles, and dasyurid marsupials) may be imperilled by toad invasion, but impacts vary spatially even within the same predator species. Some of the taxa severely impacted by toad invasion recover within a few decades, via aversion learning and longer-term adaptive changes. No native species have gone extinct as a result of toad invasion, and many native taxa widely imagined to be at risk are not affected, largely as a result of their physiological ability to tolerate toad toxins (e.g., as found in many birds and rodents), as well as the reluctance of many native anuran-eating predators to consume toads, either innately or as a learned response. Indirect effects of cane toads as mediated through trophic webs are likely as important as direct effects, but they are more difficult to study. Overall, some Australian native species (mostly large predators) have declined due to cane toads; others, especially species formerly consumed by those predators, have benefited. For yet others, effects have been minor or have been mediated indirectly rather than through direct interactions with the invasive toads. Factors that increase a predator's vulnerability to toad invasion include habitat overlap with toads, anurophagy, large body size, inability to develop rapid behavioral aversion to toads as prey items, and physiological vulnerability to bufotoxins as a result of a lack of coevolutionary history of exposure to other bufonid taxa.  相似文献   

In theory, pheromones important in specific mate recognition should evolve via large shifts in composition (saltational changes) at speciation events. However, where other mechanisms exist to ensure reproductive isolation, no such selection for rapid divergence is expected. In Bactrocera fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), males produce volatile chemicals to attract females for mating. Bactrocera species exhibit great ecological diversity, with a wide range of geographical locations and host plants used. They also have other mechanisms, including temporal and behavioural differences, which ensure reproductive isolation. Therefore, we predicted that their sex pheromones would not exhibit rapid divergence at speciation events. In the present study, we tested this idea by combining data on male sex pheromone composition for 19 species of Bactrocera with a phylogeny constructed from DNA sequence data. Analyses of the combined data revealed positive correlations between pheromone differences and nucleotide divergence between species, and between the number of pheromone changes along the phylogeny and the branch lengths associated with these changes. These results suggest a gradual rather than saltational mode of evolution. However, remarkable differences in sex pheromones composition exist, even between closely-related species. It appears therefore that the mode of evolution of sex pheromones in Bactrocera is best described by rapid saltational changes associated with speciation, followed by gradual divergence thereafter. Furthermore, species that do not overlap ecologically are just as different pheromonally as species that do. Thus, large changes in pheromone composition appear to be achieved, even in cases where other mechanisms to ensure reproductive isolation exist. We suggest that these differences are closely associated with rapid changes in host plant use, which is a characteristic feature of Bactrocera speciation. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97 , 594–603.  相似文献   

Abstract Interactions between species can affect the evolution of their sexual signals, receiver selectivity, or both. One commonly expected outcome is reproductive character displacement, whereby adverse consequences of mismating select for greater differentiation of communication systems in areas of sympatry than in areas of allopatry. We found evidence of reproductive character displacement in the acoustic communication system of green tree frogs ( Hyla cinerea ). The strength of female preferences for the spectral properties of calls that distinguish conspecific calls from those of a closely related congener, H. gratiosa , was greater in areas of sympatry with H. gratiosa than in areas of allopatry. We also found subtle differences in advertisement calls and in the heights of male calling perches when we restricted our comparisons to localities in which H. gratiosa was also breeding (syntopy) with localities where this species was absent. Hyla cinerea and H. gratiosa show only weak genetic incompatibility, but the calls representative of interspecific hybrids were unattractive to females of both parental species. Hybrids might also be at an ecological disadvantage because of different habitat preferences of the two taxa. Thus, selection against production of less fit or less attractive hybrid or backcross offspring are probably the main causes responsible for the differences documented in this paper.  相似文献   

J. Hoffman  U. Katz 《Oecologia》1989,81(4):510-513
Summary The burrowing behaviour of the toad Bufo viridis was studied in the laboratory on soil containing 11–13% moisture. These toads usually excavate shallow, temporary burrows from which they emerge intermittently. Time spent subsurface increases with rising ambient temperature in the range of 18–30° C. In these conditions, water loss is effectively reduced and a new water balance is achieved. On return to water access, after two months on soil, the toads rapidly regain only that amount of water lost previously. It is concluded that this temperature-sensitive burrowing behaviour is an important factor in these animals' successful survival in semi-arid conditions.  相似文献   

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