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《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):115-117
This study was conducted to determine the effects of six different leguminous seeds (cowpea, white kidney bean, soybean cultivars Cheongja and Daepung, mung bean, and azuki bean) on the life history traits of the bean bug Riptortus pedestris (F.) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). The total developmental time from the first instar nymph to adult ranged from 18 to 25 d; R. pedestris fed with white kidney beans were the slowest to develop. In addition, bugs fed with white kidney beans had the highest mortality (93%) and the shortest longevity (18 d). R. pedestris fed with cowpeas, soybeans, or azuki beans had high reproductive success, with the highest egg hatching success recorded in bugs fed cowpeas. The results suggest that cowpea may be a beneficial food source for the development and reproduction of bean bugs.  相似文献   

In many insects, mating is affected by the day–night cycle, i.e., diurnal rhythm. Although there are many reports that mating and other reproductive behaviors are controlled by daily rhythms in various taxonomic insect species, little attention has been paid to the effect of daily rhythms on male fighting behavior. Here, we investigate whether the frequency and escalation of male–male aggressive interaction exhibit diurnal rhythms under a long‐day condition in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris. Despite the fact that male aggressive behaviors were most often observed in the middle of the later half of light periods, no interaction was found between escalation of fighting and the time period. The results, at least, suggest that male aggressive behaviors are influenced by diurnal rhythms like other reproductive behaviors in R. pedestris.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic response is crucial for many insects to adapt to seasonal changes in temperate regions. It was recently shown that the circadian clock genes period (per) and cycle (cyc) are involved in the photoperiodic regulation of reproductive diapause in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris females. Here, we investigated the involvement of per and cyc both in the circadian rhythm of cuticle deposition and in the photoperiodic diapause of R. pedestris males using RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi of per and cyc disrupted the cuticle deposition rhythm and resulted in distinct cuticle layers. RNAi of per induced development of the male reproductive organs even under diapause-inducing short-day conditions, whereas RNAi of cyc suppressed development of the reproductive organs even under diapause-averting long-day conditions. Thus, the present study suggests that the circadian clock operated by per and cyc governs photoperiodism of males as that of females.  相似文献   

Effects of the pars intercerebralis (PI) on the rate of oviposition were examined in adult females of Riptortus pedestris (F.) under long-day conditions that promote reproduction. When the neurosecretory cells in the PI were surgically removed from the females, they laid significantly fewer eggs than control females. When the PI from reproductive females was transplanted to PI-removed females, the number of eggs was significantly greater than that in PI-removed females without transplantation. Therefore, we suggest that the PI neurons promote fecundity or oviposition in R. pedestris.  相似文献   

In 2022, researchers from around the world entered the BMC Ecology and Evolution photography competition. The contest produced a spectacular collection of photographs that capture the wonder of the natural world and the growing need to protect it as the human impact on the planet intensifies. This editorial celebrates the winning images selected by the Editor of BMC Ecology and Evolution and senior members of the journal’s editorial board.  相似文献   

Effects of RNA interference (RNAi) targeted against circadian clock genes on two distinct types of photoperiodic responses – ovarian development and lipid accumulation – were investigated in a bean bug Riptortus pedestris, to explore which physiological process in the photoperiodic response involved the circadian clock. Ovarian development and lipid accumulation are known to be regulated by distinct output pathways. Control insects showed clear photoperiodic responses; i.e. induction of ovarian development and suppression of lipid accumulation under long-day conditions, whereas opposite characteristics under short-day conditions. We found that RNAi directed against period, a negative element of the circadian clock, produced a long-day effect for both the ovarian development and lipid accumulation, while RNAi directed against Clock, a positive element of the circadian clock, produced a short-day effect for both, irrespective of photoperiod. These results indicate that the circadian clock comprised of these genes regulates a process governing both distinct photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

Bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Alydidae), is an economically important pest of soybean and tree fruit. Behavioral responses of R. pedestris to olfactory cues from insecticide‐treated foliage were assessed in a Y‐tube olfactometer. Ten insecticides were applied to kidney bean plants at the recommended dosage, and then bug avoidance was assessed at 0, 3, 5, 7 and 13 days after treatment (DAT). Each bug was allowed 5 min to choose one of the olfactometer's arms. Even though the degree of avoidance was variable to the insecticides tested, bean bugs significantly avoided the insecticide‐treated leaf. The pyrethroid bifenthrin was the most avoided of the insecticides tested. In all treatments, avoidance decreased as DAT increased. Also, the movement speed was higher to the untreated leaf than to the insecticide‐treated leaf. The degree of avoidance was positively correlated to the vapor pressure of the chemical; this finding implies the interaction of the treated chemicals and plant volatiles may be used as cues for bean bug selection of the host‐plant.  相似文献   

Current concepts of sexual selection suggest that male reproductive success is determined by multiple sexual traits. As expression and production of multiple sexual traits are frequently associated with each other, positive or negative correlations among multiple sexual traits ensue. These relationships among traits associated with male reproductive success may be crucial in the evolution of male reproductive strategies. Here, we investigate phenotypic relationships among sexually selected traits in the armed bean bug Riptortus pedestris. In this insect, males with a larger body and weapon are more likely to win male–male competitions, and males with a larger weapon or higher courtship rate are more attractive to females. There was a significant positive correlation between body size and weapon size, whereas the courtship rate had significant negative correlations with body size and weapon size. Our results suggested that there was a phenotypic trade‐off between courtship rate and male morphology. In this insect, smaller males may make more effort in courtship behavior as an alternative mating tactic.  相似文献   

The function of “cuticular hydrocarbons” (CHCs) in insects is to protect the body as well as chemical communication and recognition between species. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to compare the composition of CHCs in eggs, all nymph instars, and male and female adults of the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae). CHC carbon chain numbers of each developmental stage ranged from 14 to 19 in eggs to the fourth nymph and were 24 in the last nymph. CHCs' carbon chain numbers in male and female adults increased from 16 to 23 and 16 to 27 until 6 days of age, respectively. Major components consisted of n-nonacosane in the larval stages, which changed to n-hentriacontane, n-heptacosane and 13,17-;15,19-demethyltritriacontane in adults. The major component from eggs was not identified. The major component from newly emerged adults was n-heptacosane. CHCs in different developmental stages of the bean bug consisted of n-alkanes with saturated hydrocarbons (27–63%), followed by mono or di-methyl alkanes. However, the CHCs of newly emerged female and male adults consisted mostly of methyl-alkanes. The major constituents of CHCs in the developmental stages of R. pedestris were proportionally different but showed only slight differences in composition.  相似文献   

The nymphal locomotion ability (walking distance) of the stenophagous bean bug Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) was studied in each instar. We measured the walking distance using two systems. The walking distance in photophase was measured for 6 h using a tracking system with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera and computer software. The daily activity of nymphs was measured by an actograph system counting the number of infrared beam intercepts. The actograph data were converted to distance using a linear regression against the data of the tracking system. The longevity of nymphs without food was also studied to estimate the potential walking distance. Using both the tracking and actograph systems, it was determined that first instars walked less than the other instars (only 10.7 m within 6 h). The second to fifth instars could move 20-25 m within 6 h, and this distance did not differ among instar. This indicates that first instars seldom move after hatching in the field. The walking distance for 24 h varied and was greatest for the third instars (80.8 m). The potential longevity of nymphs was found to increase with instar age. Potential locomotion ability (walking distance for 24 hxpotential longevity) was high in the third to fifth instars (approximately 340 m). The potential locomotion ability for the second instars was relatively low compared with the elder instars (approximately 180 m). From these results, nymphs of R. pedestris seem to adapt by identifying feeding site locations after hatching and elder instars may be able to find a novel feeding site after the degradation of previous habitat.  相似文献   

  The bean bug, Riptortus clavatus shows a long-day photoperiodic response with respect to the control of adult diapause. The location of photoreceptors for photoperiodism was examined in this species by complete or partial removal of photoreceptor organs. Even after one compound eye or both ocelli were removed, the insects were sensitive to photoperiod. After both compound eyes were removed, however, the insects became reproductive regardless of the photoperiod. Therefore, photoreceptors for photoperiodism were not in the ocelli but in the compound eyes. To clarify whether ommatidia in compound eyes have a regional difference in reception of photoperiod, sensitivity to photoperiod was examined after one compound eye and a part of the contralateral one were removed. Only when the central region of compound eyes was removed did the insects lose sensitivity to photoperiod. It is concluded that the ommatidia in the central region of compound eyes play a principal role in the reception of photoperiod. Accepted: 23 September 1996  相似文献   

【目的】铁蛋白(Ferritin)在维持生物铁稳态中起着重要作用。通过分析点蜂缘蝽Riptortus pedestris铁蛋白基因,揭示其对点蜂缘蝽的生物学影响,为进一步探究铁蛋白功能以及点蜂缘蝽防治提供参考。【方法】利用转录组和基因组数据鉴定点蜂缘蝽铁蛋白基因;通过转录组测序分析铁蛋白基因在不同龄期和不同组织的表达水平;对点蜂缘蝽若虫分别注射铁蛋白基因dsRNA进行基因沉默。【结果】本研究鉴定到了3个点蜂缘蝽铁蛋白基因,分别是铁蛋白重链亚基(RpFer1)、铁蛋白轻链亚基(RpFer2)和体铁蛋白(Rpsoma-Fer)。3种铁蛋白基因在各个龄期均有表达,RpFer1和RpFer2的表达随昆虫蜕皮呈周期性变化,而Rpsoma-Fer的表达与昆虫蜕皮无明显相关性。组织特异性分析表明,3种铁蛋白在肠道、肌肉以及表皮组织中表达较高,而在唾液腺、精巢、卵巢的表达较低。RNA干扰结果表明,抑制RpFer1和RpFer2会导致点蜂缘蝽若虫蜕皮受阻,进而表现出高致死率,但抑制Rpsoma-Fer没有出现明显的表型变化。【结论】铁蛋白RpFer1和RpFer2在点蜂缘蝽的发育过程中不可或缺,可能在蜕皮过程中起重要作用,未来可以将其作为RNA干扰技术防治点蜂缘蝽的靶基因。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1089-1095
Because environments are full of diverse microorganisms including parasites and pathogens, how to select and maintain a beneficial microbial partner is a critical issue for host organisms. The bean bug Riptortus pedestris (Heteroptera: Alydidae) acquires a specific gut symbiont, Burkholderia insecticola, from environmental soil in the second instar stage and houses it in a crypt-bearing midgut region called M4. To sort the Burkholderia symbiont from a wide variety of soil microbes, R. pedestris develops a specialized organ named “constricted region (CR)”. The CR, located in front of the crypt-bearing symbiotic region, is immediately closed after colonization of M4 by the Burkholderia symbiont to block any contamination of microbes ingested with food. By using a food coloring and a red fluorescent protein (RFP)-expressing Burkholderia symbiont, we here revealed that the closed CR is re-opened at a later developmental stage of R. pedestris. Although the CR was re-opened at the late phase of the fifth instar, oral administration of food coloring and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing symbiont demonstrated that ingested food and bacteria were stopped at the M4B despite the opened CR. Observations using confocal microscopy revealed reverse flow of gut content from M4 to M3 through the opened CR, the flow pressure of which seemed to prevent any contamination of the symbiotic M4 region. The morphological change of the CR with aging may cause a risk of contamination, but another mechanism, the reverse flow, plausibly maintains the specificity of gut symbiont in R. pedestris.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study characterized larvicidal activity against the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus (Hem., Alydidae), associated with a strain of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar morrisoni (H8ab). Purified crystals and solubilized crystal proteins exhibited only low-level activities, while the supernatant of broth culture contained rapid and strong larvicidal activity. Heating at 100°C for 10 min destroyed the activity. Two extracellular vegetative proteins, with molecular masses of 40 and 45 kDa, were obtained by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose column chromatography from the bacterial culture fluid. Both proteins were related to the known haemolysins of Bacillus cereus , showing strong cytolytic activity against sheep erythrocytes. The bean bug-killing activity was not associated with individual proteins; however, strong activity was induced when two proteins were combined. The combined proteins were toxic to larvae in the early stage of first instar but not against larvae of later instars and adults. Larvae of the diamondbackmoth, Plutella xylostella , were not killed by these proteins.  相似文献   

In the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, allatectomy suppressed reproduction in adults reared under nondiapause-inducing long-day conditions, and transection of the nervi corporis allati induced reproduction in adults reared under diapause-inducing short-day conditions. These effects of allatectomy and denervation were observed both in the morphology of reproductive organs and in the electrophoresis pattern of hemolymph proteins in both sexes. These results indicate that, in diapause adults, the brain suppresses the activity of the corpus allatum to secrete juvenile hormone through nervous pathways. The removal of the corpora cardiaca–corpus allatum complex in females not only inhibited ovarian development, as allatectomy did, but also prevented mature eggs in the oviduct from being laid. Therefore, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca release an oviposition-stimulating substance. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:347–355, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies related to the flight behavior of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, an insect pest of soybean, provide information, which can aid the development of management tactics. R. clavatus flight activities were determined using the tethered flight technique in the laboratory and a field study. We compared the flight parameters (flight distance, duration, speed and frequency) of laboratory-reared mated or unmated females and males of different adult age groups, and field-collected females and males from different seasons in a year. Mating effect was only significant for flight frequency, which was higher for unmated adults. Only the flight frequency was different between females and males. Among age groups, 25 d old individuals were shown to have higher flight parameters while the 35 or 45 d old groups showed the lower flight. Among the season, flight activities decreased as the season progressed. The flight distance of R. clavatus in a day was estimated to be 1.6–5.1 km with an average speed of 0.8 m/s from the laboratory data. However, from the field study, it was shown that bean bugs flew a 45–54 m distance with a flight speed of 3.0–3.6 m/s for the first single flight. The second flight was much shorter and slower. We discuss the possible difference of flight parameters between the laboratory and field studies with features of flight mill, variable field conditions and host plant finding behaviors. Further study on flight behavior may provide a better understanding of R. clavatus biology which may guide proper management.  相似文献   

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