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对颚毛虫兆属Crossodonthina Yosii, 1954做了简要介绍,提供了该属的鉴别特征,记述了采自中国湖南省东安县舜皇山的颚毛虫兆属1新种——周氏颚毛疣虫兆Crossodonthina choui,这是该属在华中地区(湖南)的新记录。新种的正模标本(♂)和2个副模标本(2♂)保存在中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Deharveng L  Bedos A  Weiner WM 《ZooKeys》2011,(115):39-52
Leenurina khualazasp. n. and Leenurina pomorskiisp. n., two new species from East Russia (Primorskij Kraj) are described. They are closely related to Leenurina jasii Najt & Weiner, 1992 from North Korea, from which they differ mainly in the number of tibiotarsal chaetae (19, 19, 18 in the new species versus 18, 18, 17 in Leenurina jasii), several chaetotaxic features and organization of dorsal granulation. The two new species may be separated by tertiary granulation (large areas fringed with large secondary granules in Leenurina pomorskii, small rounded or hexagonal areas with smaller secondary granules in Leenurina khualaza), coloration (light blue in Leenurina khualaza versus white in Leenurina pomorskii) and number of eyes (2+2 eyes in Leenurina khualaza versus 3+3 eyes in Leenurina pomorskii). An updated diagnosis of the genus Leenurina Najt & Weiner, 1992 and a key to species of Caputanurininae are given.  相似文献   

A new species of Tullbergia from Argentina is described and illustrated; it is differentiated from Tullbergia paranensis by the number of vesicles of postantennal organ, pseudocelli shape and its formulae and the number of dorsal sensilla on Ant. IV. In addition a key for the identification of the members of the family from Argentina is included.  相似文献   

The new genus Mexicaphorura, and its type species Mexicaphorura guerrerensissp. n. are described from marine littoral sand. The new genus is similar to Sensilatullbergia Thibaud & Ndiaye, 2006 in having very big sensilla on sensorial organ of antennal segment III, but of different shape, the kind of postantennal organ, with simple vesicles in Mexicaphorura versus composed vesicles in Sensilatullbergia and formulae of the pseudocelli.  相似文献   

Two new species, Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. and Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov., of the tribe Hymenaphorurini are described and illustrated based on materials from South Korea. Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. belongs to the oriental species-group of the genus Heteraphorura, because of compound vesicles in the postantennal organ. This new species shares the same number of PAO with Heteraphorura pseudoseolagensis (Martynova, 1981) from Russia, but differs in pso dorsal formula and lateral teeth of claw. Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov. is similar to Psyllaphorura sensillifera.(Martynova, 1981) from the Russian Far East, but can be distinguished by shape of vesicles in PAO, dorsal s-chaetae on head and ratio AS/unguis. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F854CBFD-06D0-4396-B8D9-62468B427111.  相似文献   

Samples collected in “restinga” areas of two conservation units in Rio de Janeiro state revealed the presence of two new species of Neanuridae family. The first, Pseudachorutes solaris sp. nov., from Parque Estadual da Costa do Sol and from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 34–50 vesicles in the postantennal organ, and the second, Friesea jurubatiba sp. nov. from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 8 clavate chaetae in the abdominal segment VI.  相似文献   

A new species of Psychodidae, Syntomoza amaliae is described from Nicaragua and compared to all the type material of this genus. Besides head and wing structures, the subgenital plates provide taxonomic characters by which the ♀ ♀ can be determined. Drawings of the respective details are presented for 4 neotropical Syntomoza species.  相似文献   

In order to assess the phylogenetic structure of the springtail genus Palmanura, as well as to test the monophyly of the tribe Sensillanurini (Neanuridae: Neanurinae), a data matrix of morphological (chaetotactic and other) characters of members of this group was assembled and analysed in the light of Wagner parsimony. The data matrix included all the known members of the Neotropical genus Palmanura, plus representatives of Sensillanura and Americanura. Although not all the clades obtained were highly supported by bootstrap resampling, some structures were relatively constant under different approaches. Alternative analyses (unordered and ordered character states, rescaled weighting procedure) were applied. While alternative solutions were obtained, a number of structures were shared by the results irrespective of the method used. On this basis, the results suggest that some further reassessment is required to confirm formally the monophyly of the tribe Sensillanurini. The genera Palmanura and Americanura are mutually poly/paraphyletic; we thus suggest that Palmanura should be considered as a synonym of Americanura, although some character reassessment and more varied outgroup species may be necessary before a formal generic redefinition can be proposed. Finally, a comparison of the performance of the characters under Wagner parsimony analysis indicated that differences in the characters’ retention indexes are due not to the topological (tagmal) position of the traits involved, but to character coding: the characters describing quantitative features (generally numbers of setae) generally performed worse than other types of characters under parsimony. An updated list of the known members of the Sensillanurini (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) is presented.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

The genus Monobellu Cassagnau, 1979 (Collembola) is redefined. Four new species and one new subspecies are described from Pyrenees and Cevennes (France) on the basis of labrum morphology, tubercle arrangement on tergites and chaetotaxy of somites: Monobellu culvu sp. n., Monobellu eduphica sp. n., Monobellu grussei minor ssp. n., Monobellu juu sp. n., and Monobellu rousseti sp. n. The subspecies Monobellu grussei dubiu Deharveng, 1986 is reassigned to specific level. A key to the 14 species and subspecies of Monobellu is given. Except M. g. minor ssp. n. which is present in the Pyrenees and the Massif Central and the widespread M. g. grussei (Denis, 1923), all Monobellu species and subspecies are narrow endemics of the Pyrenean range; their distribution is mapped in details. A phylogenetic analysis is performed, taking into account the high level of polymorphism of some characters and the incomplete genetic isolation between certain subspecies, indicated in the field by the presence of narrow hybrid zones. Though obtained under different assumptions and constraints, the most parsimonious cladograms exhibit only slight differences, and the proposed phyletic reconstruction can be considered as robust. It adequately reflects the known distribution of the species in the Pyrenees, it confirms the monophyly of the species M. grussei and supports, in agreement with field distribution data, the idea that reticulate evolution might have occurred in this taxon. © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省青城山的维特疣虫兆属Vitronura1新种:青城维特疣V. qingchengensis,sp. nov.,这是该属在四川的新纪录。新种与韩国分布的V. acuta Deharvenget Weiner,1984在身体背面的疣和毛的分布上大部分相似,但是新种头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有17根毛,爪有内齿,上颚有5齿,而V. acuta头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上只有9–11根毛,爪无内齿,上颚3齿可将二者区分。新种与韩国分布的V. dentata Deharveng et Weiner,1984也较相似,这2个种头部的OC,Fr和De疣上都分别有3根毛,爪都有内齿。但是新种上颚5齿,体毛光滑,腹部第5节的De+Dl疣上5根毛,腹部第5节L疣上有4–5根毛,头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有17根毛等特征不同于后者。后者上颚3齿,身体大毛具细齿,腹部第5节的De+Dl疣上4根毛,腹部第5节L疣上有2–3根毛,头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有12根毛。新种与该属已知种类的区别见检索表。新种的正模标本和3个副模标本保存在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫标本室,其余5个副模标本(2雄3雌)保存在湖南文理学院动物标本室。  相似文献   

Three species of interstitial Collembola in Entomobryidae were identified from South Korean coast. One of them, Sinella (Coecobrya) maritima, is new to science. So far 21 halophilous species in 10 families of Collembola, including the new species in this paper, were reported from the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

A new species of Batillipedidae, Batillipes spinicauda, has been found in subtidal sand sediments collected in Orosei Gulf (Sardinia, Tyrrhenian Sea). The most important peculiarities of the new species are the shape of the primary clavae, lateral processes and caudal apparatus. In the same samples, B. littoralis Renaud-Debyser, 1959 and Orzeliscus belopus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1952 were found.  相似文献   

CRISP, M. D. & TAYLOR, J. M., 1990. A new species of Bentleya E. Bennett (Pittosporaceae) from southern Western Australia. Hitherto Bentleya has been a monotypic genus known from a restricted area in south-west Western Australia. This paper describes a second species which was discovered recently in the same region. The new species differs from B. spinescens in its remarkable habit but shares with it several floral characters which are unique within the family.  相似文献   

Xin Sun  Donghui Wu 《ZooKeys》2014,(425):99-111
A checklist of onychiurid species from the Wanda Mountains in China is presented. Eighteen species belonging to twelve genera have been found, including two new species. Bionychiurus qinglongensissp. n. can be easily distinguished from other known species of the genus by the absence of pseudocelli on Th. I tergum and fewer number of vesicles in postantennal organ. Onychiurus heilongjiangensissp. n. is diagnosed by pseudocellar formulae as 32/133/33352 dorsally and 3/011/31120 ventrally, parapseudocellar formula as 0/000/111001+1m, ratio of anal spine/unguis as 0.6, unguiculus without inner basal lamella, and male ventral organ absent.  相似文献   

Abstract. Songhaica nigeriana gen. et sp.n. is described from tropical rain forest in Nieria. Sminthurus stylifer Murphy from wooded Savanna and cultivated soils in Gambia also belongs in this new genus.  相似文献   

This work is a study of the giant salivary chromosomes of a Collembolan species of the family Neanuridae, Bilobella massoudi, recently discovered in North Jugoslavia. The salivary glands of this species have a great number of nuclei (from 100 to 140) containing polytene chromosomes which are very short and easy to spread. Their number is diploid (2n=14), with sometimes partial pairing of the homologues and they are characterized by the presence of broad heterochromatic zones. Chromosomes VI and VII produce ringlike nucleoli. Differences of structure are observed in these chromosomes according to ecological conditions which influence the animal's life.
Zusammenfassung Wir studieren in dieser Arbeit die Riesenchromosomen eines im Norden Yugoslaviens kürzlich entdeckten Collembolen der Neanuridae-Familie, Bilobella massoudi. Die Speicheldrüsen dieser Art besitzen zahlreiche Kerne (100–140), deren polytäne Chromosomen besonders kurz und leicht ausbreitbar sind. Ihre Zahl ist diploid (2n=14), und sie sind charakterisiert durch die Anwesenheit breiter, Scheiben- oder schärpenförmiger Zonen von negativem Heterochromatin. Zwei dieser Chromosomen (VI und VII) haben ringförmige Nukleolen.Strukturveränderungen wurden bei diesen Chromosomen bemerkt, je nach den ökologischen Bedingungen, denen diese Tiere unterworfen sind.

Chlorencoelia collections from different regions of China were examined. A new species is discovered and named as C. macrospora. The most significant features to distinguish the new species from any other known species of the genus are its very large acsi and ascospores. Three of the five known species of the genus are found from China.  相似文献   

Xin Sun  Yu Li 《ZooKeys》2014,(439):19-26
A new collembolan species is described, Spinonychiurus sinensis sp. n., which has seven chaetae in the distal row of the tibiotarsi. It is placed in the genus Spinonychiurus due to two important characters: the two subsegments on Abd. III sternum and the absence of d0 on the head. This is the first report of the genus Spinonychiurus in China. The diagnosis of Spinonychiurus is broadened and the key to the world species is provided.  相似文献   

Lu Chen  Shuqiang Li  Zhe Zhao 《ZooKeys》2015,(541):41-56
One new genus of the spider subfamily Coelotinae, Flexicoelotesgen. n., with five new species is described from southern China: Flexicoeloteshuyunensissp. n. (female), Flexicoelotesjiaohanyanensissp. n. (male and female), Flexicoelotesjinlongyanensissp. n. (male and female), Flexicoelotespingzhaiensissp. n. (female), Flexicoelotesxingwangensissp. n. (male and female).  相似文献   

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