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The isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone from Zea mays coding for a novel glycine-rich protein (GRP) is described. The corresponding 1.4 kb mRNA accumulates exclusively in roots (primary, lateral seminal and crown roots) of young maize seedlings, following developmentally specific patterns. In agreement with previously described GRPs from other plant species the derived protein sequence exhibits a hydrophobic domain at the N-terminal region followed by repeated glycine-rich motifs. Genomic Southern analysis indicates that the zmGRP3 gene is present in the maize genome as one or two copies or at a low copy number.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli endoribonuclease RNase E is an essential enzyme having key roles in mRNA turnover and the processing of several structured RNA precursors, and it provides the scaffold to assemble the multienzyme RNA degradosome. The activity of RNase E is inhibited by the protein RraA, which can interact with the ribonuclease''s degradosome-scaffolding domain. Here, we report that RraA can bind to the RNA helicase component of the degradosome (RhlB) and the two RNA-binding sites in the degradosome-scaffolding domain of RNase E. In the presence of ATP, the helicase can facilitate the exchange of RraA for RNA stably bound to the degradosome. Our data suggest that RraA can affect multiple components of the RNA degradosome in a dynamic, energy-dependent equilibrium. The multidentate interactions of RraA impede the RNA-binding and ribonuclease activities of the degradosome and may result in complex modulation and rerouting of degradosome activity.  相似文献   

RNA helicase II/Gu (RH-II/Gu) is a nucleolar RNA helicase of the DEAD-box superfamily. In this study, the functional domains of RH-II/Gu molecule were mapped by fusing the protein or its deletion mutants with a green fluorescence protein and subsequently transfecting or microinjecting the recombinant constructs into HeLa cells. In addition to the identification of a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminus and a nucleolar targeting signal in the central helicase domain, a hidden NLS and a nucleolar targeting signal were found in the C-terminal arginine/glycine-rich domain. RH-II/Gu colocalized with fibrillarin, a component of the dense fibrillar region of the nucleolus. Overexpression of the entire RH-II/Gu protein or specific domains of the protein in HeLa cells did not interfere with the normal distribution of fibrillarin. However, when the helicase domain was truncated, the distribution pattern of fibrillarin was distorted. Microinjection of the wild-type RH-II/Gu cDNA into the nucleus of HeLa cells did not disrupt normal cell growth. However, when cells were injected with mutant DNA, only a small percentage of HeLa cells progressed through the cell cycle. Analysis of centrosomes in transfected cells demonstrated that most of the mutant-expressing cells were arrested early in the cell cycle. The results suggest that each of the structural domains of RH-II/Gu is necessary for cell growth and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

We previously reported ATPase, RNA unwinding, and RNA-binding activities of recombinant p68 RNA helicase that was expressed in Escherichia coli. Huang et al. The recombinant protein bound both single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) RNAs. To further characterize the substrate RNA binding by p68 RNA helicase, we expressed and purified the recombinant N-terminal and C-terminal domains of the protein. RNA-binding property and protein phosphorylation of the recombinant domains of p68 were analyzed. Our data demonstrated that the C-terminal domain of p68 RNA helicase bound ssRNA. More interestingly, the C-terminal domain was a target of protein kinase C (PKC). Phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of p68 abolished its RNA binding. Based on our observations, we propose that the C-terminal domain is an RNA substrate binding site for p68. The protein phosphorylation by PKC regulates the RNA binding of p68 RNA helicase, which consequently controls the enzymatic activities of the protein.  相似文献   

玉米DEAD-box RNA解旋酶基因的克隆及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DEAD-box RNA解旋酶参与RNA转录、前体mRNA剪切、核糖体发生、核质运输、蛋白质翻译、RNA降解等重要的生命活动.根据本室在S-Mo17Rf3Rf3cDNA芯片研究中,检测到花粉发育后期RNA解旋酶上调表达的结果,应用RACE技术从S-Mo17Rf3Rf3花粉中克隆得到该RNA解旋酶基因全长cDNA,命名为ZmRH2并在GenBank注册登记 (DQ327709).序列分析表明:该cDNA全长1 652bp,从第163 bp开始到1 386bp含有一个开放阅读框,编码407个氨基酸.其编码的蛋白质具有DEAD-box RNA解旋酶特有的9个保守模体,与水稻、拟南芥和豌豆中的DEAD-box RNA解旋酶的氨基酸序列存在着很高的同源性.RT-PCR分析表明,该基因在近等基因系S-Mo17Rf3Rf3和S-Mo17rf3rf3的叶、根、和雌穗中的表达没有差异,但在花丝和花粉中有明显差异.  相似文献   

Human RNA helicase II/Gu alpha (RH-II/Gu alpha) and RNA helicase II/Gu beta (RH-II/Gu beta) are paralogues that share the same domain structure, consisting of the DEAD box helicase domain (DEAD), the helicase conserved C-terminal domain (helicase_C), and the GUCT domain. The N-terminal regions of the RH-II/Gu proteins, including the DEAD domain and the helicase_C domain, unwind double-stranded RNAs. The C-terminal tail of RH-II/Gu alpha, which follows the GUCT domain, folds a single RNA strand, while that of RH-II/Gu beta does not, and the GUCT domain is not essential for either the RNA helicase or foldase activity. Thus, little is known about the GUCT domain. In this study, we have determined the solution structure of the RH-II/Gu beta GUCT domain. Structural calculations using NOE-based distance restraints and residual dipolar coupling-based angular restraints yielded a well-defined structure with beta-alpha-alpha-beta-beta-alpha-beta topology in the region for K585-A659, while the Pfam HMM algorithm defined the GUCT domain as G571-E666. This structure-based domain boundary revealed false positives in the sequence homologue search using the HMM definition. A structural homology search revealed that the GUCT domain has the RRM fold, which is typically found in RNA-interacting proteins. However, it lacks the surface-exposed aromatic residues and basic residues on the beta-sheet that are important for the RNA recognition in the canonical RRM domains. In addition, the overall surface of the GUCT domain is fairly acidic, and thus the GUCT domain is unlikely to interact with RNA molecules. Instead, it may interact with proteins via its hydrophobic surface around the surface-exposed tryptophan.  相似文献   

We describe a screen to isolate cDNAs encoding Drosophila mitosis inhibitors capable of suppressing the mitotic catastrophe phenotype resulting in Schizosaccharomyces pombe from the combination of the weel-50 mutation with either a deletion allele of mil1, or with overexpression of cdc25 +. One plasmid was isolated which could suppress the temperature sensitive lethality of both these strains. The cDNA in this plasmid encodes a protein highly homologous to the DEAD-box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases, rather than to protein kinases as might be expected. It is possible that the RNA helicase described here may regulate entry into mitosis by down regulating the expression of other genes whose activity may be rate-limiting for entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

An important group of splicing factors involved in constitutive and alternative splicing contain an arginine/serine (RS)-rich domain. We have previously demonstrated the existence of such factors in plants and report now on a new family of splicing factors (termed the RSZ family) from Arabidopsis thaliana which additionally harbor a Zn knuckle motif similar to the human splicing factor 9G8. Although only around 20 kDa in size, members of this family possess a multi-domain structure. In addition to the N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM), a Zn finger motif of the CCHC-type is inserted in an RGG-rich region; all three motifs are known to contribute to RNA binding. The C-terminal domain has a characteristic repeated structure which is very arginine-rich and centered around an SP dipeptide. One member of this family, atRSZp22, has been shown to be a phosphoprotein with properties similar to SR proteins. Furthermore, atRSZp22 was able to complement efficiently splicing deficient mammalian S100 as well as h9G8-depleted extracts. RNA binding assays to selected RNA sequences indicate an RNA binding specificity similar to the human splicing factors 9G8 and SRp20. Taken together, these result show that atRSZp22 is a true plant splicing factor which combines structural and functional features of both h9G8 and hSRp20.  相似文献   

Poxviruses have evolved numerous strategies to evade host innate immunity. Vaccinia virus K7 is a 149-residue protein with previously unknown structure that is highly conserved in the orthopoxvirus family. K7 bears sequence and functional similarities to A52, which interacts with interleukin receptor-associated kinase 2 and tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 to suppress nuclear factor κB activation and to stimulate the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10. In contrast to A52, K7 forms a complex with DEAD box RNA helicase DDX3, thereby suppressing DDX3-mediated ifnb promoter induction. We determined the NMR solution structure of K7 to provide insight into the structural basis for poxvirus antagonism of innate immune signaling. The structure reveals an α-helical fold belonging to the Bcl-2 family despite an unrelated primary sequence. NMR chemical-shift mapping studies have localized the binding surface for DDX3 on a negatively charged face of K7. Furthermore, thermodynamic studies have mapped the K7-binding region to a 30-residue N-terminal fragment of DDX3, ahead of the core RNA helicase domains.  相似文献   

The survival of motor neurons (SMN) gene is the disease gene of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a common motor neuron degenerative disease. The SMN protein is part of a complex containing several proteins, of which one, SIP1 (SMN interacting protein 1), has been characterized so far. The SMN complex is found in both the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, where it is concentrated in bodies called gems. In the cytoplasm, SMN and SIP1 interact with the Sm core proteins of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), and they play a critical role in snRNP assembly. In the nucleus, SMN is required for pre-mRNA splicing, likely by serving in the regeneration of snRNPs. Here, we report the identification of another component of the SMN complex, a novel DEAD box putative RNA helicase, named Gemin3. Gemin3 interacts directly with SMN, as well as with SmB, SmD2, and SmD3. Immunolocalization studies using mAbs to Gemin3 show that it colocalizes with SMN in gems. Gemin3 binds SMN via its unique COOH-terminal domain, and SMN mutations found in some SMA patients strongly reduce this interaction. The presence of a DEAD box motif in Gemin3 suggests that it may provide the catalytic activity that plays a critical role in the function of the SMN complex on RNPs.  相似文献   

Proteins that contain two or more copies of the RNA-binding domain [ribonucleoprotein (RNP) domain or RNA recognition motif (RRM)] are considered to be involved in the recognition of single-stranded RNA, but the mechanisms of this recognition are poorly understood at the molecular level. For an NMR analysis of a single-stranded RNA complexed with a multi-RBD protein, residue-selective stable-isotope labeling techniques are necessary, rather than common assignment methods based on the secondary structure of RNA. In the present study, we analyzed the interaction of a Drosophila Sex-lethal (Sxl) protein fragment, consisting of two RBDs (RBD1–RBD2), with two distinct target RNAs derived from the tra and Sxl mRNA precursors with guanosine and adenosine, respectively, in a position near the 5-terminus of a uridine stretch. First, we prepared a [5-2H]uridine phosphoramidite, and synthesized a series of 2H-labeled RNAs, in which all of the uridine residues except one were replaced by [5-2H]uridine in the target sequence, GU8C. By observing the H5-H6 TOCSY cross peaks of the series of 2H-labeled RNAs complexed with the Sxl RBD1–RBD2, all of the base H5-H6 proton resonances of the target RNA were unambiguously assigned. Then, the H5-H6 cross peaks of other target RNAs, GU2GU8, AU8, and UAU8, were assigned by comparison with those of GU8C. We found that the uridine residue prior to the G or A residue is essential for proper interaction with the protein, and that the interaction is tighter for A than for G. Moreover, the H1 resonance assignments were achieved from the H5-H6 assignments. The results revealed that all of the protein-bound nucleotide residues, except for only two, are in the unusual C2-endo ribose conformation in the complex.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing greatly enhances the diversity of proteins encoded by eukaryotic genomes, and is also important in gene expression control. In contrast to the great depth of knowledge as to molecular mechanisms in the splicing pathway itself, relatively little is known about the regulatory events behind this process. The 5′-UTR and 3′-UTR in pre-mRNAs play a variety of roles in controlling eukaryotic gene expression, including translational modulation, and nearly 4000 of the roughly 14,000 protein coding genes in Drosophila contain introns of unknown functional significance in their 5′-UTR. Here we report the results of an RNA electrophoretic mobility shift analysis of Drosophila rnp-4f 5′-UTR intron 0 splicing regulatory proteins. The pre-mRNA potential regulatory element consists of an evolutionarily-conserved 177-nt stem-loop arising from pairing of intron 0 with part of adjacent exon 2. Incubation of in vitro transcribed probe with embryo protein extract is shown to result in two shifted RNA–protein bands, and protein extract from a dADAR null mutant fly line results in only one shifted band. A mutated stem-loop in which the conserved exon 2 primary sequence is changed but secondary structure maintained by introducing compensatory base changes results in diminished band shifts. To test the hypothesis that dADAR plays a role in intron splicing regulation in vivo, levels of unspliced rnp-4f mRNA in dADAR mutant were compared to wild-type via real-time qRT-PCR. The results show that during embryogenesis unspliced rnp-4f mRNA levels fall by up to 85% in the mutant, in support of the hypothesis. Taken together, these results demonstrate a novel role for dADAR protein in rnp-4f 5′-UTR alternative intron splicing regulation which is consistent with a previously proposed model.  相似文献   

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