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Exposure to light brings about a fall in the plasmolyticallydetermined osmotic pressure of the cells of the plumular hookof Vicia to about half the ‘dark’ value. Analysesand conductivity measurements show that light causes a smallrise in osmotically active solutes, which is confirmed by cryoscopicmeasurements. The contradiction lies in an abnormally high ‘dark’plasmolytic value, which is not attributable to entry of theplasmolysing solute; it is tentatively suggested that this isan imbibition phenomenon, and that the effect of light is todecrease the affinity for water by promoting a rise in molecularweight of the cell proteins.  相似文献   

Prior papers have dealt with the range of the growth responsesof carrot explants to the composition of the ambient media andhow these affected the solute concentration and compositionof the tissue. They have also dealt with the sequential eventsalong the time course of growth of the tissue explant. Thispaper presents results and conclusions derived from experimentswhich exploit changes in the growing explants when their normalcourse of growth and solute uptake is interrupted by exposingthem sequentially to different ambient media. After explants were induced to grow during an initial 6 days,they were placed in a minimal nutrient medium which lacked growthstimuli and salts, notably potassium ions. Thus the internalsalt concentrations of the cells declined as they continuedto divide and enlarge at a reduced rate and their osmotic valuewas maintained by storage of organic solutes (sugar). The subsequentresponses of these ‘low salt’ cells to differentnutrient regimes were studied. When salts were resupplied, growth was stimulated somewhat andthe osmotic value of the cells increased as salts were accumulated;with a renewed full nutrient medium and a full complement ofgrowth substances, the cultures re-embark upon their growthand attain the average cell size and composition as if theyhad not been reversibly arrested. Thus reversible trends insolute composition of cells may be superimposed upon their normaldevelopmental course by alternately withholding and restoringthe stimuli to their growth and by changing the balance betweenorganic and inorganic solutes supplied in the medium. The emphasis is on the control of osmotic value in the cellsas they enlarge and mature and this over-rides the changes inthe solutes they receive (salts or sugars) via the ambient medium.The effects here observed were induced by sequential changesin the culture medium, but these obviously relate to similarresponses of cells in the intact plant body as their growthand solute supply is modified through interactions between organsas the plant grows.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [U-14C]sucrose in suspension culturesof Catharanthus roseus cells was monitored for 96 h after thecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or to phosphate-deficient Murashige and Skoog (‘–Pi’)medium. Sucrose was hydrolysed extracellularly to glucose andfructose. The rate of uptake of sugars by the cells was 1.5–3times higher in ‘+Pi’ culture than in ‘–Pi’culture. Little difference in the rate of incorporation of radioactivityinto the ethanol-soluble fraction was found between the ‘+Pi’and ‘– Pi’ cultures during the initial 24h of culture, but after 48 h the rate in ‘ +Pi’cultures was higher than that in ‘–Pi’ cultures.Incorporation of radioactivity into ethanol-insoluble macromoleculeswas always significantly higher in the cells in ‘+Pi’cultures than in those in ‘–Pi’ cultures.The results suggest that Pi strongly affects the utilizationof sugars by cultured plant cells through the stimulation oftransport of sugars as well as through the activation of metabolism. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, sucrose, transport, metabolism  相似文献   

THOMAS  HENRY 《Annals of botany》1990,66(5):521-530
Plants derived from Lolium perenne L. cv. ‘Melle’were selected on the basis of extreme high or low lamina solutepotential (s) and pair-crossed to produce divergent G2 lines.The high and low lines had mean lamina s values significantlydifferent from each other and from ‘Melle’, andshowed an enhanced range of phenotypic expression of s duringdrought. Both mature lamina s and meristem s values of droughtedplants were highly heritable. Extreme G2 genotypes were selectedand clonally replicated for further study. During drought mean 2 values fell from –1·21 to–1·80 MPa. Fructans of large molecular weight,and total free amino acids, especially proline, all accumulatedwhen estimated on a dry-matter (DM) or plant-water (PW) basis.Oligosaccharide content was largely unchanged. Minerals declinedwhen estimated on a DM basis but accumulated on a PW basis becausehydration (g water in turgid tissue per g DM) declined morerapidly. In comparison with genotypes having high constitutive s, low-sgenotypes (a) were larger, had faster leaf extension rate, hadfewer tillers, and were proportionally more affected by drought,(b) showed greater osmotic adjustment, (c) contained and accumulatedmuch more fructan (but not oligosaccharides), and amino acids,especially proline, and (d) accumulated more mineral ions ona PW basis, but less on a DM basis. The relatively high repeatabilitiesfor organic solutes in particular show that further divergentselection for individual solutes would not be difficult. Solutes accumulated, probably because they were not consumedin growth. There was no evidence of ‘competition’between growth and osmotic adjustment for metabolites, or thatplants which accumulated more solutes were better able to recoverwhen water deficits were relieved. Perennial ryegrass, drought, genetic variation, carbohydrate, amino acids, proline, mineral uptake, Lolium perenne L. cv. ‘Melle’  相似文献   

Fiskeby V soya bean was grown from seed germination to seedmaturation with two contrasting patterns of nitrogen metabolism:either wholly dependent on dinitrogen fixation, or with an abundantsupply of nitrate nitrogen, but lacking root nodules. The carbonand nitrogen economies of the plants were assessed at frequentintervals by measurements of photosynthesis, shoot and rootrespiration, and organic and inorganic nitrogen contents. Plantsfixing atmospheric nitrogen assimilated only 25–30 percent as much nitrogen as equivalent plants given nitrate nitrogen:c. 40 per cent of the nitrogen of ‘nitrate’ plantswas assimilated after dinitrogen fixation had ceased in ‘nodulated’plants. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration of the shootsof soya bean were not markedly affected by source of nitrogen;in contrast, the roots of ‘nodulated’ plants respiredtwice as rapidly during intense dinitrogen fixation as thoseof ‘nitrate’ plants. The magnitude of this respiratoryburden was calculated to increase the daily whole-plant respiratory loss of assimilate by 10–15 per cent over thatof plants receiving abundant nitrate. It is concluded that ‘nodulated’plants grew more slowly than ‘nitrate’ plants inthese experiments for at least two reasons: firstly, the symbioticassociation fixed insufficient nitrogen for optimum growth and,secondly, the assimila tion of the nitrogen which was fixedin the root nodules was more energy-demanding in terms of assimilatethan that of plants which assimilated nitrogen by reducing nitratein their leaves.  相似文献   

Histochemical investigations on the Prosopis juliflora seedcoat indicate the occurrence of a hydrophobic ‘strip’as the primary water barrier. Its position and the structureand histochemistry of the palisade cells of the seed coat differaccording to their location on the seed. These differences maybe responsible for differences in the water permeability ofvarious parts of the seed coat. In particular, parts of theseed coat in which the hydrophobic ‘strip’ is locatedmore superficially tend to be more water impermeable than partslike the chalaza, in which the ‘strip’ is more deeplylocated within the palisade cells. Prosopis juliflora, seed coat impermeability, palisade cells, hydrophobic ‘strip’  相似文献   

This review compares new developmental models on flowering andother vascular plants with evolutionary hypotheses formulatedby Agnes Arber (1879–1960) and like-minded botanists.Special emphasis is laid on philosophical basics such as perspectivism,pluralism about evolutionary modelling, continuum way of thinking,and fuzzy logic. Arber's perspective is best labelled as F uzzyA rberian M orphology (FAM Approach). Its proponents (‘FAMmers’)treat structural categories (e.g. ‘roots’, ‘shoots’,‘stems’, ‘leaves’, ‘stipules’)in vascular plants as concepts with fuzzy borderlines allowingintermediates (including transitional forms, developmental mosaics).The FAM Approach complements Cla ssical Plant M orphology (ClaMApproach), which is the traditional approach in botany. ClaMproponents (‘ClaMmers’) postulate that the structuralcategories of vascular plants are regarded as concepts withclear-cut borderlines and without intermediates. However, duringthe evolution of vascular plants, the root-shoot distinctionand the stem-leaf distinction have become blurred several timesdue to developmental changes, resulting in organs with uniquecombinations of features. This happened, for example, in thebladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae). When focusingon the ‘leaf’, the FAM Approach is identical toArber's ‘partial-shoot theory of the leaf’ and Sinha's‘leaf shoot continuum model’. A compound leaf canrepeat the developmental pathway of the whole shoot, at leastto some degree. For example, compound leaves of Chisocheton(Meliaceae)with indeterminate apical growth and three-dimensional branchingmay be seen as developmental mosaics sharing some growth processeswith whole shoots! We focus here on the FAM Approach becausethis perspective is especially promising for developmental geneticistsstudying flowering and other vascular plants. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Review, body plan, developmental mosaics, leaf development, history of botany, homeosis, homeotic genes, Lentibulariaceae, morphological evolution, process morphology, stipules, Utricularia, flowering plants  相似文献   

The levels of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in suspensioncultures of Catharanthus roseus were determined 24 h after stationary-phasecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or phosphate-deficient (‘–Pi’) Murashige-Skoogmedium. The levels of ATP, GTP, UTP and CTP were from approx.3 to 5-fold greater in the cells grown in ‘+Pi’medium than in the cells grown in ‘–Pi’ medium.The levels of almost all other nucleotides were slightly higherin the cells in ‘+Pi’ medium. The rates of de novoand salvage biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotideswere estimated from the rates of incorporation of radioactivityfrom [14C]formate, [2–14C]glycine, NaH14CO3, [6–14C]orotate,[8–14C]adenine, [8–14C]adenosine, [2–14C]uraciland [2–14C]uridine. The results indicated that the activityof both the de novo and the salvage pathway was higher in thecells in ‘+Pi’ medium than in the cells in ‘–Pi’medium. The rate of degradation estimated from the rate of releaseof 14CO2 from labelled purines and pyrimidines indicated thatdegradation of uridine was significantly reduced in the cellsin ‘+Pi’ medium, but no significant difference wasfound in the degradation of adenine, adenosine and uracil. Thepossible role of Pi in the control of the biosynthesis of nucleotidesand in the degradation of uridine is discussed. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, nucleotides, purines, pyrimidines, biosynthesis, degradation  相似文献   

MOORE  R. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(3):447-452
Callus cells of pear (Pyrus communis cv. ‘Bartlett’)underwent lethal cellular senescence in response to graftingwith callus cells of quince (Cydonia oblonga cv. ‘VanDeman’). Similar responses occurred when the cells werein direct contact and when they were separated by a porous membranefilter. These results indicate that direct cellular contactis not necessary to elicit graft incompatibility between pearand quince. Cydonia oblonga, grafting, incompatibility, pear, Pyrus communis, quince  相似文献   

Changes in the major alcohol-soluble, low molecular weight carbohydratesof P. purpurea, O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-2)-glycerol (‘floridoside’)and O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-1)-glycerol (‘isofloridoside’),have been examined in response to salinity variation. ‘Floridoside’is shown to vary in absolute amount, increasing in hypersalineand decreasing in hyposaline media. ‘Isofloridoside’content per cell does not change in a similar manner. Responsesare almost identical under light or dark conditions, ‘floridoside’changes being complete within 24 h. Decreasing the externalwater potential using ionic and non-ionic solutes has the sameeffect upon galactosyl-glycerol content. The amount of ‘floridoside’synthesized, and degraded under hypersaline and hyposaline conditionsrespectively is shown to be insufficient to restore cell volumeto its original value. It is therefore suggested that the primaryfunction of ‘floridoside’ increases in concentratedsea-waters is that of a compatible solute, serving to protectthe cell during periods when the external salt content is increaseddramatically.  相似文献   

Investigations revealed that the anatomy of the primary radicularroot of yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus L.) was typically dicotyledonousexcept that the xylem was not completely developed centripetally.Most of the roots had tetrarch xylem, although a few triarchand pentarch roots were also observed. In both tuberous andnon-tuberous roots, secondary thickening occurred by the formationof the meristematic vascular cambium which formed secondarytissues in a normal fashion. Subsequently, tuberization wasinitiated in the secondary xylem by the development of anomalous‘secondary’ cambia from parenchyma cells surroundingvessel elements. Anomalous ‘secondary’ cambia alsodeveloped from parenchyma cells not associated with vessels.Subsequently, anomalous ‘tertiary’ cambia differentiatedfrom tissues produced by the anomalous ‘secondary’cambia. Activities of these anomalous cambia resulted in theproduction of parenchyma storage cells and were chiefly responsiblefor the growth of the mature tuber. Pachyrhizus erosus L., yam bean, tuberous root, anatomy, anomalous ‘secondary’ cambia, anomalous ‘tertiary’ cambia, centripetal xylem development  相似文献   

Diurnal laminar reorientation was followed in solar-trackingleaves of Lavatera cretica L. under simulated conditions. Asimulated ‘sun’ was moved over the lamina in a 180?arc in the vertical plane of the mid-vein, at an angular velocityof 15? h–1 in a regime of 12-h photoperiods. In one groupof plants the petioles of the experimental leaves were arrangedto face ‘sunrise’, while in the other they werearranged to face ‘sunset’. At ‘sunrise’,the laminae in both groups, which were inclined towards theanticipated direction of ‘sunrise’, changed theirelevation towards the rising ‘sun’, resulting inprogressive reduction in the angle of incidence (AI) of lighton the laminar surface (AI= differential between laminar and‘solar’ elevation). As a result, laminar and ‘solar’elevation converged, and laminar reorientation gradually ceased,until the ‘solar’ elevation had passed the normalto the laminar surface (AI=0?). laminar reorientation was thenresumed, but its direction was reversed to follow the directionof ‘solar’ reorientation. During most of the remaining‘day’, laminar elevation (LE) trailed that of the‘sun’ by an average of 11?-14?. Laminar reorientationthen anticipated ‘sunset’ by starting to slow down60 to 90min in advance. During the 12-h dark period, the laminareoriented towards the anticipated direction of the subsequent‘sunrise’. The time-course of nocturnal reorientationwas qualitatively different in the two groups of experimentalplants. The time-course of diurnal phototropism under naturaland simulated conditions is analysed and compared and differencesand similarities between them are discussed. Key words: Diurnal phototropism, solar-tracking, vectorial excitation  相似文献   

Guard cell protoplasts were prepared from young leaves of peaplants. Under hypertonic conditions they shrink and large numbersof endocytotic (‘osmocytotic’) vacuoles are formedby invagination of the plasma membrane. In thin section theseare indistinguishable from other small vacuoles (‘mini-vacuoles’)which are formed by fragmentation of the large central vacuole.However, the two types of vacuole can be individually recognizedby labelling the central vacuole with neutral red and by performingthe osmotic shrinkage with fluorochromes such as Lucifer Yellow-CHor Cascade Blue present in the extracellular medium. Osmocytoticvacuoles do not fuse with the plasma membrane nor with the mini-vacuolesduring a subsequent swelling phase. After several hours, osmocytosedLucifer Yellow gradually leaks out of the endocytotic vacuoleswhen protoplasts are returned to hypotonic conditions. Thisleakage is not prevented by probenecid at concentrations (20–50mmol m–3) which do not give rise to pathological changesin protoplast ultrastructure. In order to determine the relevanceof these observations to the situation in planta, intact guardcells in epidermal strips were first allowed to accumulate neutralred in their vacuoles and then subjected to osmotic shrinkagein the presence of external Lucifer Yellow. Osmocytotic vacuoleswere not formed, although the production of mini-vacuoles wasfrequently observed. Key words: Guard cell protoplasts, fluid phase markers, Pisum sativum, probenecid, osmocytosis, shrinkage-swelling cycles  相似文献   

The Permeability of the Guard Cell Plasma Membrane and Tonoplast   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Uptake experiments and efflux compartmental analysis of planthormones, osmotica and toxins using ‘isolated’ guardcells of Valerianella locusta and guard cell protoplasts (GCP)of Vicia faba were performed in order to study the permeabilityproperties of guard cell plasma membrane and tonoplast. Theplasma membrane of guard cells exhibits a higher permeabilitythan plasma membranes of mesophyll cells for most solutes investigated.The permeability coefficients (Ps calculated for the guard cellplasma membranes are also significantly higher than the Ps valuesfor the guard cell tonoplast. This applies also for protonatedABA. We suppose that the high permeability for ABAH could bepart of the target cell properties. A Collander analysis demonstratesa linear correlation between Ps, values and the ratio Kr/Mr1,5for both plasma membrane (r = 0.87) and for the tonoplast (r=0.93). Because of deviations from the observed correlations,the permeation of some solutes (ABA, GA, IAA through the tonoplast;methylamine through the plasma membrane) seems to be facilitatedby an additional transport mechanism. The Collander analysisof the plasma membrane of GCP shows very similar results tothe analysis of the plasma membrane of ‘isolated’guard cells, indicating that isolation of protoplasts does notalter the permeability of the guard cell plasma membrane. Key words: Permeability coefficient, guard cells, plasma membrane, tonoplast  相似文献   

Extracts of small and mature-size lupin pods yielded four substancesaffecting the growth of wheat-coleoptile sections: one acidpromotor (A), two acid inhibitors(B and X), and one neutralinhibitor(Y). Inhibitor B was extremely active, however, coleoptile sectionsshowed no signs of toxic effects; they resumed growth at a rapidrate after rinsing them and adding ß-indolylaceticand (IAA) to the medium. 1 µg of IAA was required to counteractthe effect of ‘B’ extracted from 230 mg. Of tissue.On an equal fresh weight basis the inhibiting action of ‘B’in lupin pods was 500–1,500 times more potent than thatof ‘inhibitor ß’ in etiolated pea seedlings. Small pods of plants infected with pea-mosaic virus yielded3 times the amount of ‘A’ of healthy plants (equivalentto 1 µg. IAA 0.3 µg. IAA per 25 g. of tissue respectively),and approximately the amount of ‘B’. Mature podsof virus-infected plants again yielded more‘A’,but also 2? times more ‘B’ than pods of healthyplants. Healthy pods yielded more ‘A’ than virus-infectedpods, and there was no difference in ‘X’. A lupin abscission test was developed and the effects of proximaland distal application of -naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) are presented,and discussed with respect to results of other abscission tests. ‘A’ accelerated abscission when applied proximally,and delayed or prevented it when applied distally. ‘B’strongly accelerated abscission when applied in either way.A possible mechanism explaining the abscission-inducing effectof developing pods on later flowers is discussed in terms ofthe substances ‘A’ and ‘B’. The partlyprevented abscission observed on virus-infected plants was foundto agree well with the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Marked changes in the activity of the ‘de novo’and ‘salvage’ pathways of pyrimidine biosynthesisduring growth of Vinca rosea cells in a batch suspension culturewere observed. The activity of these pathways was investigated by determiningthe contribution of 14C of [2-14Cluracil, 12-14Cluridine. and[6-14Clorotate to the cell constituents and by measuring theactivity of the several enzymes of these pathways. During the lag phase of the culture, ‘uracil-’ and‘uridine-salvage’ pathways made the predominantcontribution to nucleotide biosynthesis, but, following theinitiation of cell division, the ‘de novo’ pathwayfor nucleotide biosynthesis operated appreciably. These results suggest that nucleotide synthesis during cellgrowth in a suspension culture can be divided into two stages:a ‘turnover stage’, during the lag phase of cellgrowth, and a ‘true biosynthetic stage’, which isinitiated in the cell division phase.  相似文献   

Kutschera U 《Annals of botany》2008,101(5):615-621
Background: The cells of growing plant organs secrete an extracellular fibrouscomposite (the primary wall) that allows the turgid protoplaststo expand irreversibly via wall-yielding events, which are regulatedby processes within the cytoplasm. The role of the epidermisin the control of stem elongation is described with specialreference to the outer epidermal wall (OEW), which forms a ‘tensileskin’. Novel Facts: The OEW is much thicker and less extensible than the walls ofthe inner tissues. Moreover, in the OEW the amount of celluloseper unit wall mass is considerably greater than in the innertissues. Ultrastructural studies have shown that the expandingOEW is composed of a highly ordered internal and a diffuse outerhalf, with helicoidally organized cellulose microfibrils inthe inner (load-bearing) region of this tension-stressed organwall. The structural and mechanical backbone of the wall consistsof helicoids, i.e. layers of parallel, inextensible cellulosemicrofibrils. These ‘plywood laminates’ containcrystalline ‘cables’ orientated in all directionswith respect to the axis of elongation (isotropic material).Cessation of cell elongation is accompanied by a loss of order,i.e. the OEW is a dynamic structure. Helicoidally arranged extracellularpolymers have also been found in certain bacteria, algae, fungiand animals. In the insect cuticle crystalline cutin nanofibrilsform characteristic ‘OEW-like’ herringbone patterns. Conclusions: Theoretical considerations, in vitro studies and computer simulationssuggest that extracellular biological helicoids form by directedself-assembly of the crystalline biopolymers. This spontaneousgeneration of complex design ‘without an intelligent designer’evolved independently in the protective ‘skin’ ofplants, animals and many other organisms.  相似文献   

Part 1, under the frontispiece portrait of Dr. N. B. Eales,the words ‘President 1948–1951’ should havebeen added. Page 103, line 49, for ‘Newton Collection’ read‘Norman Collection (Canon Norman)’. 185, line 37, for ‘capillaris’ read ‘capillacca’. 188, Table 1, for ‘bemoralis’. read ‘nemoralis’. 188, Table 2, for ‘Cochlicella acuta (Müll)? ventrosa(Fér.)’ read ‘Cochlicella ventrosa (Fér.)’. 191, line 24, for ‘araheo-’ read ‘archeo-’.  相似文献   

Crop phenology is one of the most important characters influencingproductivity in a given environment. Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinusangustifolius L.) is a major grain legume crop in southern Australiawith general phenological adaptation to this Mediterranean-typeenvironment. However, it is an indeterminate crop with severalassociated limitations to productivity, such as overlappingvegetative and reproductive growth, late grain filling and sometimesexcessive vegetative growth. Here we studied two novel typesof narrow-leafed lupin with restricted branching, which mightbe useful for overcoming these problems. These restricted branchinglupins arose spontaneously within a breeding population, inthe case of ‘Tallerack’, and within a farmer's cropin the case of ‘ Hurst’ and we compared them withthe ‘Merrit’, which is widely grown and has thenormal indeterminate branching habit. The morphology and developmentof the main shoot of these genotypes were similar. However,‘Hurst’ had much larger leaves. There were alsostriking differences in the lateral branches of the restrictedbranching types; they had fewer leaves than ‘Merrit’and flowered earlier. These differences were most marked in‘ Hurst’, where the upper main stem branches werereduced to a single floret in the axil of main stem leaves,and these flowers often exhibited abnormal morphology. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius L., narrow-leafed lupin, adaptation, development, morphology, branching, leaves, mutant, plastochron, phyllochron, floral initiation, flowering.  相似文献   

Ovules of the raspberry, Rubus idaeus L., resembled those ofother Rubus species in being unitegmic, crassinucellate, andanatropous. In one cultivar, ‘M. 69/139’, both eggcell and embryo were inserted slightly laterally to the micropyle.Of the tetraploid forms, 4n M. 69/139 showed a proportion ofembryo sacs with delayed differentiation, and 4n ‘M. Jewel’some with four antipodal cells. Embryo development showed littleuniformity in timing, but followed the Asterad type. Occasional delayed endosperm development seemed to be a varietalpeculiarity of M. 69/139. At maturity, the ergastic materialin healthy endosperms consisted of oil globules and aleurongrains. The hypostase formed a projecting pedestal below theendosperm at 8 days. The inner epidermal layer of the testaappeared specialized, both in the early stages of seed growth,when it is suggested that it functioned as an endodermis, andat maturity, when it appeared to form an osmotic barrier.  相似文献   

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