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Wetland rehabilitation planning needs to take into account many different aspects of the wetland and its context. In South Africa, much emphasis is placed on the delivery of ecosystem services, poverty relief and skills development for those involved in labour-intensive rehabilitation measures. A framework is presented that facilitates decision-making with regards to wetland rehabilitation planning. This starts with prioritizing which wetlands need attention within a catchment. This is followed by decisions regarding which rehabilitation measures would be effective in improving certain ecosystem services based upon the aims of rehabilitation and the social context of the surrounding catchment. The functional unit that is most suitable to work with for rehabilitation is the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Unit, defined as a section of a wetland with more or less uniform hydrological and geomorphological characteristics. An individual wetland may comprise several HGM units, and a HGM Unit itself can be sub-divided into several smaller habitat or vegetation units. Different rehabilitation measures have been identified which are appropriate for the different scales in this spatial framework. Two case studies are presented as examples of how this spatial framework impacts upon the decisions made by the rehabilitation practitioner.  相似文献   

Summary Over the last two decades, recovery plans have emerged as one of the most widespread policy and management responses for endangered species. Often these plans include public and private lands, and the associated government departments and private landholders. Toolibin Lake, in the West Australian (WA) wheatbelt, is a case in point, with a recovery plan focused on an internationally recognized wetland on public land within a predominantly privately owned, agricultural catchment. This paper draws on recent questionnaire and interview‐based research with landholders, to evaluate the influence of the recovery plan on conservation activities. Almost all landholders in the Catchment (93%) are involved in revegetation activities, with the availability of subsidies from the WA Government playing a strong role in adoption and its extent. The main constraints to adopting conservation actions, such as revegetation and fencing remnant vegetation, were cost and logistics. Correspondingly, the greatest incentive was financial inducement. Strengths of the recovery plan were identified as increasing awareness, demonstrating government effectiveness, and making funding available to landholders. The communication efforts by the WA Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), the agency leading the recovery process, were lauded while at the same time the need for improved liaison was noted. Weaknesses were the lack of information and direction from CALM, bureaucracy, limited funding for CALM, and variable adoption across the Catchment. Recovery planning in this Catchment and other similar settings could be improved by a continuing commitment to two‐way communication between all those involved, ongoing recognition of the complexities of the government–community interface in recovery planning, and continuing subsidies for conservation actions on private lands where high biodiversity values are at stake.  相似文献   

The subalpine lake, Øvre Heimdalsvatn and its catchment, situated in the mountains of southern Norway, has been the subject of extensive ecosystem studies over the last 50 years covering a wide range of disciplines. The lake is located at 1,088 m a.s.l., has an area of 0.78 km2, a maximum depth of 13 m, and a catchment area of 23.6 km2. It lies more or less on the limit of the birch forest, while the catchment extends up over 1,800 m a.s.l. and into the high alpine zone. The valley is little influenced by human activity and there is no permanent habitation, although the area is used for grazing of domestic livestock during summer. Otherwise the lake and its catchment have always been important for fish and game. The catchment also received major radionuclide fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The studies include Quaternary history, the development of algorithms for remote sensing of snow conditions, long-term changes in lake ice cover and temperature, the zooplankton and benthic communities, as well as the uptake of Chernobyl radionuclides and mercury by the biota. The consequences of the introduction of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) on the benthos, zooplankton and the brown trout (Salmo trutta) have also been investigated. The lake and its catchment are widely used in university teaching and thesis work. On account of the substantial knowledge base, Øvre Heimdalsvatn is well suited to long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

Despite extensive interest in natural wetlands and their use in waste-water technology, little is known about how effective they are for the control of diffuse agricultural pollution. The impact of a small upland wetland located along a drainage line on different storm generated discharge events and resultant downstream nutrient loads over a two year period was assessed. Results for individual events indicated that the relationship between this wetland and its catchment was variable. An annual nutrient budget was determined for this wetland for the period March 1994 to February 1995. The wetland retained 9.7 kg yr−1 (20.5 kg yr−1) of nitrogen and 1.5 kg yrl (±0.1 kg yr−1) of phosphorus which represented 23% of the nitrogen and 38% of the phosphorus that flowed from this catchment. It is concluded that this form of wetland has a role in strategic catchment management for the interception of nutrients flowing from diffuse agricultural sources.  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytic vegetation constituting the wetlands situated along the coast of Lake Victoria provides valuable services to both local and regional communities as well as an important ecological function through the transition between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The wetland vegetation is typically rooted in the substrate on the landward side of the lake, but forms a floating mat towards the middle of the wetland and at the wetland/lake interface. Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum vegetation typically dominate the permanently inundated wetland areas along most of the shores of Lake Victoria. Due to the prevailing climatic and hydrological catchment conditions, these macrophytic plants (papyrus in particular) tend to exhibit high net productivity and nutrient uptake which strongly influences both wetland status and lake water quality. In addition, these wetlands provide important economic livelihoods for the local populations. The integrity and physical structure of these wetlands strongly influences their associated mass transport mechanisms (water, nutrients and carbon) and ecosystem processes. Wetland degradation in Africa is an increasing problem, as these ecosystems are relied upon to attenuate industrial, urban and agricultural pollution and supply numerous services and resources. In an integrated project focused on the wetlands of Lake Victoria, the ecological and economic aspects of littoral wetlands were examined and new instruments developed for their sustainable management.  相似文献   

The Long‐Term Vision for the Schelde estuary was determined as “the development of a healthy and multifunctional estuarine water system that can be utilized in a sustainable way for human needs.” This Dutch–Flemish managerial plan sets quality targets for the condition of the estuary by the year 2030 and the management measures to achieve them. Targets were developed and integrated from three central perspectives: accessibility of the ports, safety against floods in the densely populated catchment, and ecosystem health. This study focuses on the ecological rehabilitation of the estuary and the creation of sustainable nature, seeking possible alliances with security measures against floods, navigation requisites for port activities, and enhancement of the estuary's educational and recreational values. The estuary and its valley were subdivided into ecologically relevant zones. Key parameters were identified, and a conceptual rehabilitation model was developed, based on a problem analysis. Goals were set in a semiquantified way for most attributes of the estuarine functioning and prioritized for each zone. Rehabilitation measures with maximal contribution to the priority goals were identified for each zone. Spatial analysis of the study area indicated optimal areas for the implementation of these measures. To exemplify the array of possibilities on an ecosystem level, two different rehabilitation plans were proposed, each from a different approach. The potential contribution to the rehabilitation of the estuary was compared for both alternatives.  相似文献   

Soft water lakes possess a highly characteristic vegetation adapted to limitation of carbon. Based upon hydrology, vegetation and geographic distribution, boreal and Atlantic lake types can be distinguished. Reducing the input of nutrients or liming, or both, the stream or its catchment is generally sufficient to restore typical soft water vegetation of boreal soft water lakes. The vegetation of Atlantic soft water lakes is subject to many anthropogenic degradation processes. Therefore, spontaneous recovery in the near future is not expected and restoration is urgently required. Removal of nutrient-rich, anoxic, organic sediments is a prerequisite for restoration of these lakes. In acidified or acid-sensitive lakes, additional measures against acidification are required. Controlled supply of calcareous, nutrient-poor water is much better than direct liming. The effects of these restoration measures strongly depend on the detrimental effects of processes such as atmospheric deposition, drainage, catchment acidification, eutrophication and reduced colonisation rates.  相似文献   

Dayat-er-Roumi is a small lake (73 ha) located in the sub-humid region of NE Morocco. Lake sediment and catchment soils are examined to identify areas of sediment supply to the lake. Magnetic measurements and clay mineralogy are used to show that recent lake sediment is derived predominantly from eroded topsoil. 210Pb dating of one sediment core provided a chronology for the calculation of sediment accumulation rates. The rate of sediment accumulation increased slowly throughout the earlier part of the 20th century and then rapidly in the mid-1970's. These increases are attributed to human disturbances in the catchment, initially by olive planting and then by drainage of a wetland area.  相似文献   

黄淮海地区跨流域湿地生态系统保护网络体系优化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
运用系统保护规划方法,以集水区为保护规划单元,综合考虑三维(3D)连接性(横向、纵向、垂向)和跨流域调水工程,通过不可替代性分析和保护空缺识别,对黄淮海地区跨流域湿地生态系统保护网络体系优化进行研究,并通过与已有保护体系对比,评估了优化体系的效用.结果表明: 依据不可替代性大小和连接性原则,湿地保护空缺可分为优先保护空缺和一般保护空缺;黄淮海地区湿地生态系统保护体系经过优化后,湿地保护状况整体上有较大改观,其中所有湿地类型受保护比重由初始的20%左右增长到46.8%,且各湿地类型保护状况都有不同程度的改善,优化体系中的受保护比重大多在40%以上.无论是从近期还是长远来看,湖泊湿地保护都应给予较多关注.生态系统服务价值和生物多样性相整合、保护和恢复相结合是未来湿地生态系统保护规划研究中应关注的方面.  相似文献   

In Africa, the direct use of wetlands has long contributed to livelihoods, but use may lead to the degradation of wetlands. In order to better understand how the biophysical features of a wetland influence the sustainability of its use, an investigation was undertaken of the ecological condition and use of three wetlands in the Kasungu District, Malawi, where human pressures on wetlands are high. The first wetland, at the head of the catchment, had sandy soils and a gentle longitudinal slope, the second wetland, lower in the catchment, had clay soils and a steeper longitudinal slope, and the third wetland was intermediate. A framework was applied to score five functional components of ecological condition: hydrology, geomorphology, soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation, nutrient cycling and vegetation composition in terms of human impact, based on pre-defined field indicators. The framework highlighted particular vulnerabilities of individual wetlands in the face of human pressure. Vulnerability varied greatly across the wetlands in terms of: recovery of native vegetation composition following cultivation, geomorphic change through gully erosion and depletion of SOM. The framework is recommended for wider application in Africa as a means of highlighting the specific vulnerabilities of individual wetlands and for the improved focus of organizations which promote the ecologically sustainable use of wetlands.  相似文献   

洱海低污染水处理湿地中应用海菜花的可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工湿地因其成本低、效率高、地区适宜性强等特点,成为洱海低污染水处理的优先考虑手段之一。人工湿地的建设及运行不仅仅是技术问题,而是要充分考虑当地的实际,挖掘其资源(植物产品)价值。从技术、环境、生态以及经济角度论证了将乡土经济植物海菜花应用于湿地系统中的可行性,结果表明:1)海菜花人工种植技术较为成熟,能为洱海低污染水处理湿地中海菜花的存活和丰产提供保障;2)洱海气候适宜应用湿地系统,低污染水营养足以保证海菜花生长。而海菜花四季生长旺盛,具有一定的净水能力。就环境可行性来讲,海菜花完全可以应用到洱海低污染水湿地净水系统中去;3)将海菜花应用到洱海低污染水湿地净水系统中,有助于增加洱海的生态景观效益,不仅可以规避外来物种入侵风险,而且有利于濒危物种的恢复,生态可行性较好;4)将海菜花应用到湿地净水系统中,可以充分利用来水中营养盐,变废为宝,同时持续稳定地产生较好地经济效益,为因湿地建设而失地的农民提供生活保障。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯遗鸥保护区植被-水资源模拟及其调控   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
梁犁丽  王芳 《生态学报》2010,30(1):109-119
鄂尔多斯遗鸥保护区是典型的半干旱区内陆湖泊湿地,2002年被列为国际重要湿地,但是近年来湖泊面积急剧萎缩,一级保护动物遗鸥在此基本消失。为了查清湿地缺水的原因,并寻找解决的途径,基于SWAT模型,模拟了集水区的生态水文过程,结合气候演变规律,分析出该湿地缺水1004.3万m3。其中气候因素综合影响的水量为593.4万m3,饲草料基地建设共增加用水377.7万m3,植被封育减少径流24万m3,大口井和截伏流工程耗水9.2万m3。同时,计算了尾闾湿地的生态需水,从资源利用的角度调控集水区的生态水文过程,提出饲料地发展规模以不超过692hm2为宜、适当放牧以减少封育影响并节省饲料地用水、合理布设水利工程等措施,从而实现集水区坡面生态、尾闾湿地以及经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Sediments from Xinyun Lake in central Yunnan, southwest China, provide a record of environmental history since the Holocene. With the application of multi-proxy indicators (total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), δ13C and δ15N isotopes, C/N ratio, grain size, magnetic susceptibility (MS) and CaCO3 content), as well as accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C datings, four major climatic stages during the Holocene have been identified in Xingyun′s catchment. A marked increase in lacustrine palaeoproductivity occurred from 11.06 to 9.98 cal. ka BP, which likely resulted from an enhanced Asian southwest monsoon and warm-humid climate. Between 9.98 and 5.93 cal. ka BP, a gradually increased lake level might have reached the optimum water depth, causing a marked decline in coverage by aquatic plants and lake productivity of the lake. This was caused by strong Asian southwest monsoon, and coincided with the global Holocene Optimum. During the period of 5.60–1.35 cal. ka BP, it resulted in a warm and dry climate at this stage, which is comparable to the aridification of India during the mid- and late Holocene. The intensifying human activity and land-use in the lake catchment since the early Tang Dynasty (∼1.35 cal. ka BP) were associated with the ancient Dian culture within Xingyun’s catchment. The extensive deforestation and development of agriculture in the lake catchment caused heavy soil loss. Our study clearly shows that long-term human activities and land-use change have strongly impacted the evolution of the lake environment and therefore modulated the sediment records of the regional climate in central Yunnan for more than one thousand years.  相似文献   

1. For north temperate lakes, the well‐studied empirical relationship between phosphorus (as measured by total phosphorus, TP), the most commonly limiting nutrient and algal biomass (as measured by chlorophyll a, CHL) has been found to vary across a wide range of landscape settings. Variation in the parameters of these TP–CHL regressions has been attributed to such lake variables as nitrogen/phosphorus ratios, organic carbon and alkalinity, all of which are strongly related to catchment characteristics (e.g. natural land cover and human land use). Although this suggests that landscape setting can help to explain much of the variation in ecoregional TP–CHL regression parameters, few studies have attempted to quantify relationships at an ecoregional spatial scale. 2. We tested the hypothesis that lake algal biomass and its predicted response to changes in phosphorus are related to both local‐scale features (e.g. lake and catchment) and ecoregional‐scale features, all of which affect the availability and transport of covarying solutes such as nitrogen, organic carbon and alkalinity. Specifically, we expected that land use and cover, acting at both local and ecoregional scales, would partially explain the spatial pattern in parameters of the TP–CHL regression. 3. We used a multilevel modelling framework and data from 2105 inland lakes spanning 35 ecoregions in six US states to test our hypothesis and identify specific local and ecoregional features that explain spatial heterogeneity in TP–CHL relationships. We include variables such as lake depth, natural land cover (for instance, wetland cover in the catchment of lakes and in the ecoregions) and human land use (for instance, agricultural land use in the catchment of lakes and in the ecoregions). 4. There was substantial heterogeneity in TP–CHL relationships across the 35 ecoregions. At the local scale, CHL was negatively and positively related to lake mean depth and percentage of wooded wetlands in the catchment, respectively. At the ecoregional scale, the slope parameter was positively related to the percentage of pasture in an ecoregion, indicating that CHL tends to respond more rapidly to changes in TP where there are high levels of agricultural pasture than where there is little. The intercept (i.e. the ecoregion‐average CHL) was negatively related to the percentage of wooded wetlands in the ecoregion. 5. By explicitly accounting for the hierarchical nature of lake–landscape interactions, we quantified the effects of landscape characteristics on the response of CHL to TP at two spatial scales. We provide new insight into ecoregional drivers of the rate at which algal biomass responds to changes in nutrient concentrations. Our results also indicate that the direction and magnitude of the effects of certain land use and cover characteristics on lake nutrient dynamics may be scale dependent and thus likely to represent different underlying mechanisms regulating lake productivity.  相似文献   

Three elements of wetland biodiversity (aquatic invertebrates, waterbirds and overstorey vegetation of the wetland edge) have been monitored since 1998 at Lake Eganu and Paperbark Swamp in the Western Australian Wheatbelt to provide information about the changes occurring in wetland biodiversity in a landscape that is severely affected by dryland salinization. Changes in extent of wetland vegetation since the 1960s were examined using historical aerial photographs and waterbird use of Lake Eganu during the early 1980s was compared with recent waterbird survey results. Lake Eganu, which is within a major drainage line, started to become salinized in the mid-1960s, about 70 years after land clearing began in the catchment, and its salinity has increased an order of magnitude. The extent of wetland overstorey vegetation and the richness of freshwater aquatic invertebrates have both declined about 80%. Waterbird richness has also declined over the past 20 years, with changes in species composition. Salinization has not occurred at Paperbark Swamp, which is in a small catchment off the main drainage line, and there has been no consistent change in the biodiversity elements monitored.  相似文献   

Assessments of wetland condition are generally based on measures of variables related to plants or large animals (birds, fish), and catchment or landscape features. This approach ignores the considerable biodiversity and functional values of small aquatic organisms. The aim of this study was to assess the correspondence between landscape-based indices of wetland condition and the community composition of both aquatic invertebrates and diatoms across a broad range of wetlands in the West Coast region of New Zealand. Aquatic invertebrates and diatoms were sampled from 29 lowland wetlands subject to varying degrees of catchment modification. Wetland condition was assessed independently using two methods: a field-based method to give the Wetland Condition Index, and a GIS-based method that gave an Index of Ecological Integrity. Strong relationships existed between community composition and pH, so we partitioned the community data into groups according to wetland pH. We found only weak relationships between wetland condition scores and invertebrate and diatom communities within each pH group. In most cases, data describing the nutrient status of the water had the strongest influence on invertebrate and diatom communities. Lack of strong associations between measured wetland condition indices and either diatom or invertebrate community composition suggests that neither index was dominated by variables directly influencing the aquatic component of wetland biota. The challenges now are to identify the critical variables, and to develop complementary wetland scoring systems that better reflect the status of small aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Wang F  Liang L L  Zhang Y S  Gao R H 《农业工程》2009,29(5):307-313
Erdos Larus Relictus Nature Reserve is the only wetland of international importance to protect Larus Relictus in China. From the early part of this century, the impact of water use, vegetation construction and the climate of the catchment area increasing on the wetland of this Nature Reserve has brought about severe water shortage. Until now, no eco-hydrological model at home or abroad integrates the wetland ecological and hydrological processes. This paper considers the relationship between the food chains of the Larus Relictus and environmental elements, and establishes the eco-hydrological processes from Larus Relictus to damselfly + Chironomidae and the salinity and the area of Bojiang Lake. It also establishes a relationship among Larus Relictus breeding, the area of islands outcropped in the levels of the lake and hydrological season based on the relationship between Larus Relictus breeding and environmental elements. The eco-hydrological model is then constructed according to these relationships. In virtue of the constraints of the lake salinity, the suitable area of the lake is 9.01 km2, and 4.88 km2 for the smallest area. While in accordance with the area of islands outcropped needed for Larus Relictus breeding, the lake area is 11.02 km2 in breeding season corresponding to critical high level.  相似文献   

Erdos Larus Relictus Nature Reserve is the only wetland of international importance to protect Larus Relictus in China. From the early part of this century, the impact of water use, vegetation construction and the climate of the catchment area increasing on the wetland of this Nature Reserve has brought about severe water shortage. Until now, no eco-hydrological model at home or abroad integrates the wetland ecological and hydrological processes. This paper considers the relationship between the food chains of the Larus Relictus and environmental elements, and establishes the eco-hydrological processes from Larus Relictus to damselfly + Chironomidae and the salinity and the area of Bojiang Lake. It also establishes a relationship among Larus Relictus breeding, the area of islands outcropped in the levels of the lake and hydrological season based on the relationship between Larus Relictus breeding and environmental elements. The eco-hydrological model is then constructed according to these relationships. In virtue of the constraints of the lake salinity, the suitable area of the lake is 9.01 km2, and 4.88 km2 for the smallest area. While in accordance with the area of islands outcropped needed for Larus Relictus breeding, the lake area is 11.02 km2 in breeding season corresponding to critical high level.  相似文献   

Ecological rehabilitation of the lowland basin of the river Rhine (NW Europe)   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
Nienhuis  P.H.  Buijse  A.D.  Leuven  R.S.E.W.  Smits  A.J.M.  de Nooij  R.J.W.  Samborska  E.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,478(1-3):53-72
In this paper, the status of ecological rehabilitation of the Dutch lowland basin of the river Rhine has been reviewed. The historical perspective, mainly with regard to river regulation measures in the past, is given. The lower river Rhine comprises a man-dominated, strongly regulated catchment, polluted water and sediments, and annihilated and deteriorated ecosystems. During the past 25 years, the water quality and, to a lesser extent, the sediment quality, has improved considerably, hence leading to improvement of biotic diversity. The rehabilitation of lost and disturbed ecosystems started some 15 years ago. The non-refutable boundary conditions for restoration projects are protection against flooding and transport by cargo ships. Holistic ecological theories to promote river catchment management are available, but the rehabilitation projects dominantly rely on local and regional planning policies. The use and application of ecological criteria are increasingly playing a role in rehabilitation schemes. Ecological rehabilitation mainly focuses on nature conservation and restoration strategies, i.e. exploiting the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic potentials of the flowing river, and introducing a semi-natural grazing regime by large herbivores. Particularly the creation of new secondary channels contributes to the restoration of riverine habitat diversity and heterogeneity, and hence to the species diversity. The assessment of a number of rehabilitation projects has led to the conclusion that no general statement can be given concerning `success' or `failure' of specific restoration measures. The overall balance of 14 assessed projects out of approximately 30 running projects is positive. The highly dynamic river Waal offers the best possibilities for the restoration of natural sandy levees and back swamps. It will be very difficult to rehabilitate the hardwood floodplain forests under the present management conditions. Further recovery of the river biota depends on continued decrease of pollution, an increase of morphological dynamics, and the development of the original natural habitats.  相似文献   

1. Within a few decades of European disturbance in the mid-nineteenth century, river character and behaviour were transformed in Bega catchment on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia. Ecological impacts of geomorphic changes to river structure and function throughout the catchment are assessed. 2. At the time of European settlement, many water courses in Bega catchment were discontinuous, with extensive swamps along middle and upper courses. Following a series of direct and indirect human impacts, channels became continuous in the middle and upper parts of the catchment, as extensive valley fills at the base of the escarpment were incised. Along the lowland plain, the channel widened by over 300%, fundamentally altering the relationship between the channel and its adjacent floodplain. 3. Geomorphic changes to river structure have modified habitat availability throughout Bega catchment. The impacts have been least pronounced in headwater streams, but have been dramatic along virtually all river courses beyond the base of the escarpment. 4. Changes in river structure have been directly related to altered riparian vegetation cover, and vice versa. As a consequence of changes to river structure, bed substrate calibre (and supply volume/rate) has been modified along most streams. 5. A series of indirect, secondary impacts have modified habitat viability along river courses. Lateral, longitudinal and vertical linkages within the river system have been altered, affecting the transfer of water, sediment, organic matter, nutrients and other biotic interactions. 6. These direct and indirect consequences of geomorphic changes in river structure suggest that ecologists need to adopt a longer-term, catchment-framed view of human disturbance to river ecosystems. 7. Effective, sustainable ecological rehabilitation of river courses is dependent on an understanding of geomorphic processes and determination of appropriate river structure at differing positions in catchments.  相似文献   

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