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S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)glutathione, a chemically-reactive glutathione conjugate, has been isolated from the bile of rats administered methyl isocyanate and characterized, as its N-benzyloxycarbonyl dimethylester derivative, by tandem mass spectrometry. The ability of this glutathione adduct to donate an N-methylcarbamoyl moiety to the free -SH group of cysteine was evaluated in vitro with the aid of a highly specific thermospray LC/MS assay procedure. The glutathione adduct reacted readily with cysteine in buffered aqueous media (pH 7.4, 37 degrees C) and after 2 hr, 42.5% of the substrate existed in the form of S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)cysteine. The reverse reaction, i.e. between the cysteine adduct and free glutathione, also took place readily under these conditions. It is concluded that conjugation of methyl isocyanate with glutathione in vivo affords a reactive S-linked product which displays the potential to carbamoylate nucleophilic amino acids. The various systemic toxicities associated with exposure of animals or humans to methyl isocyanate could therefore be due to release of the isocyanate from its glutathione conjugate, which thus may serve as a vehicle for the transport of methyl isocyanate in vivo.  相似文献   

The structure and the mechanism for proteinase inhibition of the egg white protein ovostatin (ovomacroglobulin) are similar to those of plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin, but previous studies have shown that chicken ovostatin lacks a reactive thiol ester (Nagase, H., and Harris, E. D., Jr. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 7490-7498). Here we show that duck ovostatin has conserved such a thiol ester and is capable of inhibiting both metallo- and serine proteinases stoichiometrically. Evidence for thiol esters was established by the following results with duck ovostatin: 1) autolysis into fragments of Mr = 123,000 and 60,000 occurred by heating in sodium dodecyl sulfate, but was prevented by treatment with CH3NH2; 2) covalent linkages were formed with proteinases on complex formation; 3) reaction with CH3NH2 generated 3.6 SH groups/mol, and 3.9 mol of [14C]CH3NH2 were incorporated per mol of protein; and 4) saturation with a proteinase liberated 3.8 SH groups/mol of the inhibitor. Conformational rearrangement of duck ovostatin upon reacting with CH3NH2 or proteinases was demonstrated by an increased mobility of the protein in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. CH3NH2-treated duck ovostatin was able to bind and inhibit proteinases without forming covalent bonds, but, unlike unmodified ovostatin, its inhibitory activity was destroyed by freezing and thawing. Complexes formed between CH3NH2-treated duck ovostatin and a proteinase were not dissociable except under denaturing conditions. These results and other evidence indicate that covalent bond formation through reaction with a thiol ester is a separate process from the trapping and inhibition of proteinases by this family of proteins.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effects of soil moisture content, planting density, plant age, and the growth of multiple generations on the bioconcentration of weathered p,p'-DDE by the plant Cucurbita pepo. As soil moisture content increased from 7.4% to 29.9% (by weight), rates of contaminant accumulation by plant roots were increased by more than a factor of 2. Higher planting density also led to higher uptake, as the root bioconcentration factor (BCF, dry-weight ratio of contaminant concentration in the tissue to that in the soil) increased by 15-fold as the number of plants per pot was raised from 1 to 3. Concentrations of the compound in plant roots were inversely related to plant age, with root BCF declining by approximately a factor of 3 as plants aged from 14 to 28 d. Finally, no change in the bioavailability of the compound was observed in successive generations of plants grown in the same contaminated soil. The results suggest that phytoremediation is influenced by a number of factors and that the cleanup of contaminated soil can be enhanced by an understanding of environmental and other conditions affecting plant growth and bioconcentration.  相似文献   

The tight binding of Meisenheimer intermediate with octopus digestive gland glutathione transferase was analyzed with 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, which forms a trapped Meisenheimer complex with glutathione because there is no leaving group at the ipso carbon. By steady-state enzyme kinetic analysis, an inhibition constant of 1.89 ± 0.17 M was found for the transient formed, S-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) glutathione. The above inhibition constant is 407-fold smaller than the K m value for the substrate (2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene). Thus, S-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) glutathione is considered to be a transition-state analog. The tight binding of this inhibitor to the enzyme provides an explanation for the involvement of the biological binding effect on the rate enhancement in the glutathione transferase-catalyzed SNAr mechanism.  相似文献   

Batch kinetic and inhibition studies were performed for the aerobic cometabolism of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE), and 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) by a butane-grown mixed culture. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) are often found together as cocontaminants in groundwater. The maximum degradation rates (k(max)) and half-saturation coefficients (K(s)) were determined in single compound kinetic tests. The highest k(max) was obtained for butane (2.6 micromol/mg TSS/h) followed by 1,1-DCE (1.3 micromol/mg TSS/h), 1,1-DCA (0.49 micromol/mg TSS/h), and 1,1,1-TCA (0.19 micromol/mg TSS/h), while the order of K(s) from the highest to lowest was 1,1-DCA (19 microM), butane (19 microM), 1,1,1-TCA (12 microM) and 1,1-DCE (1.5 microM). The inhibition types were determined using direct linear plots, while inhibition coefficients (K(ic) and K(iu)) were estimated by nonlinear least squares regression (NLSR) fits to the kinetic model of the identified inhibition type. Two different inhibition types were observed among the compounds. Competitive inhibition among CAHs was indicated from direct linear plots, and the CAHs also competitively inhibited butane utilization. 1,1-DCE was a stronger inhibitor than the other CAHs. Mixed inhibition of 1,1,1-TCA, 1,1-DCA, and 1,1-DCE transformations by butane was observed. Thus, both competitive and mixed inhibitions are important in cometabolism of CAHs by this butane culture. For competitive inhibition between CAHs, the ratio of the K(s) values was a reasonable indicator of competitive inhibition observed. Butane was a strong inhibitor of CAH transformation, having a much lower inhibition coefficient than the K(s) value of butane, while the CAHs were weak inhibitors of butane utilization. Model simulations of reactor systems where both the growth substrate and the CAHs are present indicate that reactor performance is significantly affected by inhibition type and inhibition coefficients. Thus, determining inhibition type and measuring inhibition coefficients is important in designing CAH treatment systems.  相似文献   

S-(1,2-Dichlorovinyl)glutathione (DCVG) and S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (DCVC) produced time- and concentration-dependent cell death in isolated rat kidney proximal tubular cells. AT-125 blocked and glycylglycine potentiated DCVG toxicity, indicating that metabolism by gamma-glutamyltransferase is required. S-(1,2-Dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteinylglycine, a putative metabolite of DCVG, also produced cell death, which was prevented by 1,10-phenanthroline, phenylalanylglycine, and aminooxyacetic acid, inhibitors of aminopeptidase M, cysteinylglycine dipeptidase, and cysteine conjugate beta-lyase, respectively. Aminooxyacetic acid and probenecid protected against DCVC toxicity, indicating a role for metabolism by cysteine conjugate beta-lyase and organic anion transport, respectively. DCVC produced a small decrease in cellular glutathione concentrations and did not change cellular glutathione disulfide concentrations or initiate lipid peroxidation. DCVC caused a large decrease in cellular glutamate and ATP concentrations with a parallel decrease in the total adenine nucleotide pool; these changes were partially prevented by aminooxyacetic acid. Both DCVG and DCVC inhibited succinate-dependent oxygen consumption, but DCVC had no effect when glutamate + malate or ascorbate + N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine were the electron donors. DCVC inhibited mitochondrial, but not microsomal, Ca2+ sequestration. These alterations in mitochondrial function were partially prevented by inhibition of DCVG and DCVC metabolism and were strongly correlated with decreases in cell viability, indicating that mitochondria may be the primary targets of nephrotoxic cysteine S-conjugates.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferase omega 1-1 (GSTO1-1) catalyzes the biotransformation of arsenic and is implicated as a factor influencing the age-at-onset of Alzheimer’s disease and the posttranslational activation of interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Investigation of the biological role of GSTO1-1 variants has been hampered by the lack of a specific assay for GSTO1-1 activity in tissue samples that contain other GSTs and other enzymes with similar catalytic specificities. Previous studies (P. G. Board and M. W. Anders, Chem. Res. Toxicol. 20 (2007) 149-154) have shown that GSTO1-1 catalyzes the reduction of S-(phenacyl)glutathiones to acetophenones. A new substrate, S-(4-nitrophenacyl)glutathione (4NPG), has been prepared and found to have a high turnover with GSTO1-1 but negligible activity with GSTO2-2 and other members of the glutathione transferase superfamily. A spectrophotometric assay with 4NPG as a substrate has been used to determine GSTO1-1 activity in several human breast cancer cell lines and in mouse liver and brain tissues.  相似文献   

Hepatic microsomal protein, cytochrome P450, aniline hydroxylase and N-ethylmorphine demethylase as well as tissue residues were measured following the feeding of low levels of 1,1-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylene (DDE) or 1,1-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2-chloroethylene (DDMU) to rats and Japanese quail. DDMU caused considerable elevation of the levels of most of the parameters measured in the quail even by comparison to the potent inducer, DDE, which gave greater tissue residues. In the rat where tissue residues of both DDE and DDMU were lower than those in quail, DDE caused greater changes in the measured enzyme levels than DDMU. Most of the changes caused by DDMU in the quail were larger than those observed following the ingestion of comparable levels of any other 1,1-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane (DDT) metabolite in the rat or the quail. In the light of these and other published results it is suggested that the metabolic pathway for DDT in birds differs from that in mammals and probably gives rise through a pathway involving DDMU to a highly active liver inducer.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1978,8(4):263-265
The excretion, distribution and metabolism of S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) glutathione was investigated in adult American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (L.).One day after administration 50% of the injected dose was excreted as the glutathione conjugate and its mercapturic acid. Three days after treatment about 40% of the initial dose was still present in the roaches, primarily in the abdomen.The metabolites identified in the roach suggest mercapturic acid synthesis, as in higher organisms.  相似文献   

In order to covalently bind the hydrolyzed thiol ester groups of the human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) transformed by methylamine, the phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a small enzyme (M(r) = 13,000) from Naja nigricollis snake venom was activated by succinimidyl 4-(maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (SMCC). Average images determined from electron micrographs of the methylamine-transformed alpha 2M, with and without activated PLA2, were determined by image processing and compared. A localization of the PLA2 was achieved by subtracting the average image of alpha 2M transformed by methylamine from that containing PLA2. The results are consistent with previous work showing the central localization of chymotrypsin trapped in alpha 2M. They also suggest that the four thiol esters are located near the center of the alpha 2M molecule.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of 1,2-dibromoethane is highly dependent upon its conjugation to glutathione by the enzyme glutathione S-transferase. The conjugates thus formed can react with DNA and yield almost exclusively N7-guanyl adducts. We have synthesized the S-haloethyl conjugates of cysteine and glutathione, as well as selected methyl ester and N-acetyl derivatives, and compared them for ability to produce N7-guanyl adducts with calf thymus DNA. The cysteine compounds were found to be more reactive toward calf thymus DNA and yielded higher adduct levels than did the glutathione compounds. Adduct levels tended to be suppressed when there was a net charge on the compound and were not affected by substitution of bromine for chlorine, as expected for a mechanism known to involve an intermediate episulfonium ion. Sequence-selective alkylation of fragments of pBR322 DNA was investigated. The compounds produced qualitatively similar patterns of alkylation, with higher levels of alkylation at runs of guanines. The compounds were also tested for their ability to act as direct mutagens in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100. None of the compounds caused mutations in the TA98 frameshift mutagenesis assay. In the strain TA100, where mutation of a specific guanine by base-pair substitution produces reversion, all compounds were found to produce mutations, but the levels of mutagenicity did not correlate at all with the levels of DNA alkylation. The ratio of mutations to adducts varied at least 14-fold among the various N7-guanyl adducts examined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The major DNA adduct (greater than 95% total) resulting from the bioactivation of ethylene dibromide by conjugation with GSH is S-(2-(N7-guanyl)ethyl)GSH. The mutagenic potential of this adduct has been uncertain, however, because the observed mutagenicity might be caused by other adducts present at much lower levels, e.g. S-(2-N1-adenyl)ethyl)GSH. To assess the formation of other potential adducts, S-(2-(N3-deoxycytidyl)ethyl)GSH, S-(2-(O6-deoxyguanosyl)ethyl)GSH, and S-(2-(N2-deoxyguanosyl)ethyl)GSH were prepared and used as standards in the analysis of calf thymus DNA modified by treatment with [1,2-14C]ethylene dibromide and GSH in the presence of rat liver cytosol; only minor amounts (less than 0.2%) were found. A forward mutation assay in (repair-deficient) Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and sequence analysis were utilized to determine the type, site, and frequency of mutations in a portion of the lacZ gene resulting from in vitro modification of bacteriophage M13mp18 DNA with S-(2-chloroethyl)GSH, an analog of the ethylene dibromide-GSH conjugate. An adduct level of approximately 8 nmol (mg DNA)-1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in mutation frequency relative to the spontaneous level. The spectrum of spontaneous mutations was quite varied, but the spectrum of S-(2-chloroethyl)GSH-induced mutations consisted primarily of base substitutions of which G:C to A:T transitions accounted for 75% (70% of the total mutations). All available evidence implicates S-(2-(N7-guanyl)ethyl)GSH as the cause of these mutations inasmuch as the levels of the minor adducts are not consistent with the mutation frequency observed in this system. The sequence selectivity of alkylation was determined by treatment of end-labeled lac DNA fragments with S-(2-chloroethyl)GSH, cleavage of the DNA at adduct sites, and electrophoretic analysis. Comparison of the sequence selectivity with the mutation spectrum revealed no obligate relationship between the extent of adduct formation and the number of mutations which resulted at different sites. We suggest that the mechanism of mutagenesis involves DNA sequence-dependent alterations in the interaction of the polymerase with the (modified) template and incoming nucleotide.  相似文献   

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