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Pine, eucalyptus, and switchgrass were evaluated for the production of fermentable sugars via ionic liquid and dilute acid pretreatments and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. The results show that among the three feedstocks, switchgrass has the highest sugar yields and faster hydrolysis rates for both pretreatment technologies by achieving 48 % (dilute acid) and 96 % (ionic liquid) sugar yields after 24 h. Of the two wood species, eucalyptus has a higher and faster sugar recovery after ionic liquid pretreatment than pine (93 vs. 62 % in 24 h) under 160 °C for 3 h with [C2mim][OAc]. Pretreatment of pine and eucalyptus is observed to be ineffective under 1.2 % dilute acid condition and 160 °C for 15 min, indicating that further enhancement of reaction temperature or acid concentration is necessary to increase the digestibility of pretreated materials. Raman spectroscopy data show that the extent of lignin depolymerization that occurs during pretreatment also varies for the three different feedstocks. Under similar hemicellulose removal conditions, lignin removal in ionic liquid pretreatment can help improve cellulose conversion. This finding may help explain the observed variation in the saccharification yields and kinetics. These results indicate that ionic liquid pretreatment not only improved saccharification over dilute acid for all three feedstocks but also better dealt with the differences among them, suggesting better tolerance to feedstock variability.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) has emerged as a priority biofuel feedstock. The bulk of switchgrass biomass is in the vegetative portion of the plant; therefore, increasing the length of vegetative growth will lead to an increase in overall biomass yield. The goal of this study was to gain insight into the control of flowering time in switchgrass that would assist in development of cultivars with longer vegetative phases through delayed flowering. RNA sequencing was used to assess genome-wide expression profiles across a developmental series between switchgrass genotypes belonging to the two main ecotypes: upland, typically early flowering, and lowland, typically late flowering. Leaf blades and tissues enriched for the shoot apical meristem (SAM) were collected in a developmental series from emergence through anthesis for RNA extraction. RNA from samples that flanked the SAM transition stage was sequenced for expression analyses. The analyses revealed differential expression patterns between early- and late-flowering genotypes for known flowering time orthologs. Namely, genes shown to play roles in photoperiod response and the circadian clock in other species were identified as potential candidates for regulating flowering time in the switchgrass genotypes analyzed. Based on their expression patterns, many of the differentially expressed genes could also be classified as putative promoters or repressors of flowering. The candidate genes presented here may be used to guide switchgrass improvement through marker-assisted breeding and/or transgenic or gene editing approaches.  相似文献   

Several fungal pathogens have been identified on ornamental and native stands of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Diseases of switchgrass, particularly rust, have been largely neglected and are likely to become the major limiting factor to biomass yield and quality, especially when monocultured over a large acreage. Based on teliospore morphology and internal transcribed spacer-based diagnostic primers, the rust pathogen collected from switchgrass research fields in Oklahoma was identified as Puccinia emaculata. Furthermore, to identify genetically diverse source(s) of rust resistance, several switchgrass genotypes from both upland (cv. ‘Summer’ and ‘Cave-in-Rock’) and lowland (cv. ‘Alamo’ and ‘Kanlow’) ecotypes were evaluated in Ardmore, Oklahoma during 2008 and 2009 and in growth chamber assays. Field and growth chamber evaluations revealed a high degree of genetic variation within and among switchgrass cultivars. In general, Alamo and Kanlow showed moderate resistance to P. emaculata, while Summer was highly susceptible. Distinct ecotypic variations for reactions to rust were also prevalent with the lowlands maintaining a high level of resistance. These results suggest the potential for improvement of rust resistance via the selection of resistant individuals from currently available cultivars. Further, the selection pressure on the pathogen would also be reduced by employing several rust resistant cultivars in production-scale situations.  相似文献   

The switchgrass variety Alamo has been chosen for genome sequencing, genetic breeding, and genetic engineering by the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and the US Department of Energy BioEnergy Science Center. Lignin has been considered as a major obstacle for cellulosic biofuel production from switchgrass biomass. The purpose of this study was to provide baseline information on cell wall development in different parts of developing internodes of tillers of switchgrass cultivar Alamo and evaluate the effect of cell wall properties on biomass saccharification. Cell wall structure, soluble and wall-bound phenolics, and lignin content were analyzed from the top, middle, and bottom parts of internodes at different developmental stages using ultraviolet autofluorescence microscopy, histological staining methods, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The examination of different parts of the developing internodes revealed differences in the stem structure during development, in the levels of free and well-bound phenolic compounds and lignin content, and in lignin pathway-related gene expression, indicating that the monolignol biosynthetic pathway in switchgrass is under complex spatial and temporal control. Our data clearly show that there was a strong negative correlation between overall lignin content and biomass saccharification efficiency. The ester-linked p-CA/FA ratio showed a positive correlation with lignin content and a negative correlation with sugar release. Our data provide baseline information to facilitate genetic modification of switchgrass recalcitrance traits for biofuel production.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a native North American prairie grass being developed for bioenergy production in the central and eastern USA. The objective of this study was to identify the impacts of harvest time and switchgrass cultivar had on sugar release variables determined through enzymatic hydrolysis. Previously, we reported that delaying harvest of switchgrass until after frost and until after winter resulted in decreased yields of switchgrass but it reduced the amount of ash and nutrients in the biomass. The current study used near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to broaden an existing set of calibration equations designed to predict composition and sugar release variables of switchgrass. These updated calibrations were then applied to the full set of samples from a multi-year and multi-location switchgrass harvest-management study. Composition and processor sugar yields were significantly affected by location, year, cultivar, and harvest time, of which the time of harvest was the most important. Delaying the time of harvest until after frost or post-winter increased the concentration of structural carbohydrates from 500 to over 570 g kg?1 in the biomass and lignin content from 160 to over 200 g kg?1. Conversely, delaying harvest time lowered the amounts of ash and soluble sugars. The later harvest times also yielded more sugars following processing with yields increasing over 20% from the first harvest. Increased sugar yields are attributable to both increased concentration of sugars in the biomass upon harvest and reduced biomass recalcitrance. Based upon processed sugar yields, it is estimated that a biorefinery producing 76 million liters of ethanol per year would require 229–373 km2 of land cultivated with switchgrass.  相似文献   

Identifying the physiological and genetic basis of stress tolerance in plants has proven to be critical to understanding adaptation in both agricultural and natural systems. However, many discoveries were initially made in the controlled conditions of greenhouses or laboratories, not in the field. To test the comparability of drought responses across field and greenhouse environments, we undertook three independent experiments using the switchgrass reference genotype Alamo AP13. We analyzed physiological and gene expression variation across four locations, two sampling times, and three years. Relatively similar physiological responses and expression coefficients of variation across experiments masked highly dissimilar gene expression responses to drought. Critically, a drought experiment utilizing small pots in the greenhouse elicited nearly identical physiological changes as an experiment conducted in the field, but an order of magnitude more differentially expressed genes. However, we were able to define a suite of several hundred genes that were differentially expressed across all experiments. This list was strongly enriched in photosynthesis, water status, and reactive oxygen species responsive genes. The strong across-experiment correlations between physiological plasticity—but not differential gene expression—highlight the complex and diverse genetic mechanisms that can produce phenotypically similar responses to various soil water deficits.Crop productivity and wild plant distributions are governed by the availability of soil moisture (Axelrod, 1972; Boyer, 1982; Ciais et al., 2005). The impact of drought and soil water deficit in agriculture is estimated to be the largest abiotic determinant of yield (Boyer, 1982; Araus et al., 2002), while drought is also considered a primary cause of speciation and adaptation in nature (Stebbins, 1952). Dehydration avoidance and other drought adaptive strategies permit plants to survive or maintain growth during periodic droughts (Blum, 1996; Chaves et al., 2003; Chaves and Oliveira, 2004). Specifically, phenotypic plasticity of stomatal conductance, water foraging, and growth traits (among many others) may effectively maintain homeostasis of leaf water potential despite soil water deficits.Leaf water potential is a bellwether of the physiological impact of water deficit (Jones, 2007). Under drought, decreasing water availability results in reduced leaf water potentials and a sequence of physiological responses including reduced photosynthesis, growth rate, and ultimately, fitness (Taiz and Zeiger, 2014). Plants therefore seek to maintain homeostasis of leaf water potential, with the highest (least negative) values supporting the most efficient functioning of photosynthesis and other metabolic processes in most species (Lawlor and Fock, 1978; Turner and Begg, 1981; Kramer and Boyer, 1995; Cornic and Massacci, 1996; Jones, 2007). Plants that exhibit dehydration avoidance strategies compensate for soil water deficit through phenotypic plasticity of gene expression (Verslues et al., 2006; DesMarais and Juenger, 2010; DesMarais et al., 2013; Lovell et al., 2015) and downstream physiological phenotypes (Levitt, 1980), among others.To understand plant stress responses, it is critical to determine the physiological and genetic underpinnings of drought adaptation in both field and laboratory conditions (Travers et al., 2007; Gaudin et al., 2013). A common finding among such studies is that physiological and gene expression responses to drought vary considerably depending on the severity and temporal dynamics of drying soil (Chaves et al., 2003; Barker et al., 2005; Malmberg et al., 2005; Mittler, 2006; Mishra et al., 2012). Natural soil moisture variation, which has shaped adaptive responses to drought in wild populations, is not necessarily recapitulated by controlled (often, “shock”) laboratory experiments. For example, single abiotic stresses rarely occur in isolation in the field (Mittler, 2006). Instead, wild and crop plants respond to the combination of diverse stressors such as drought, heat, and salinity, simultaneously and at both molecular (e.g. Rizhsky et al., 2002; Rizhsky et al., 2004; Suzuki et al., 2005) and physiological (e.g. Heyne and Brunson, 1940; Craufurd and Peacock, 1993; Machado and Paulsen, 2001) levels. Therefore, inquiries into evolved plant stress responses are perhaps best served by experimental conditions that emulate selective agents in the field. Given that the extent and severity of stress causes qualitatively different physiological responses, it is not surprising that several studies have found relatively weak genetic correlations between laboratory phenotypes and those collected in the field (e.g. Weinig et al., 2002; Malmberg et al., 2005; Anderson et al., 2011; Mishra et al., 2012).Soil properties and biota can also affect plant growth and physiology (Meisner et al., 2013; Schweitzer et al., 2014), which may be exacerbated by contrasts between growth in potting mix or in native soil (Rowe et al., 2007; Heinze et al., 2016). The observation that field-grown plants have different root systems and greater total water storage than those in greenhouse pots is of particular importance to water relations (Poorter et al., 2012a). Short-term drought stress in the field may be buffered by access to larger volumes of soil and more complex root-soil-water dynamics, conditions poorly represented in most controlled settings.The field of experimental design has been fundamentally shaped by a central problem of biology: that it is notoriously difficult to control environmental factors in the field (Jones, 2013). A classic solution is to increase biological replication, but this is generally not feasible with costly and time-sensitive physiological and genetic assays (Poorter et al., 2012b; Marchand et al., 2013). Despite these difficulties, understanding the effects of drought in field conditions is necessary because it is in these settings that yield is impacted and selection is acting to shape adaptive responses to stress. Here, we determine how the interplay between drought severity, planting condition (e.g. field, potted, greenhouse) and sampling timing impacts physiological and genomic responses to drought in the C4 perennial grass, Panicum virgatum (switchgrass). To accomplish this, we used observations collected from clonally replicated individuals of the “AP13” switchgrass genotype (derived from the Alamo cultivar), which is the genome reference for this important biofuel crop and dominant member of mesic tall grass prairie ecosystems. The Alamo cultivar is a southern lowland accession that has high vigor and performance across a variety of climatic conditions. Replicates were grown in three separate soil moisture manipulation experiments with distinct rooting environments: in medium sized pots in a greenhouse, in large containers in a field setting, and in native soil under rainout shelters. In all three of these experiments, we collected leaf-level physiological and whole-genome gene expression data from droughted and control plants.Combined, the three experiments represent contrasts in drought experimental manipulations (i.e. the extent, timing, and duration of drought), plant characteristics (i.e. age, maturity, and size), and broadly fit with the concepts of best practice for physiological analysis of drought responses (Poorter et al., 2012b). Contrasting these experimental design considerations allows us to address how edaphic and climactic conditions impact links between gene expression and physiological phenotypic plasticity. Specifically, we assessed three fundamental questions pertaining to physiological genomics in the field: (1) How consistent is phenotypic plasticity to drought across experiments? (2) Which soil moisture deficit responses vary across sites, years, and timing of sampling? (3) How does plasticity of physiological and gene expression phenotypes covary within and across experiments? To assess these questions, we tested how leaf physiology and whole-genome gene expression responded to the effects of drought treatments, leaf water potential, and sampling time (midday and predawn). These analyses permitted inference of the number, relative effect size, and identity of differentially expressed (plastic) genes. Overall, our results suggested that differences in leaf water potential and diurnal patterns were the major drivers of gene expression variation. Furthermore, we observed consistent physiological plasticity across greenhouse dry-down and field precipitation manipulation experiments, but extreme variability in the number of differentially expressed genes.  相似文献   

Although upgrading bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of biomass is an attractive pathway for biofuel production, nitrogen (N) and mineral matter carried over from the feedstock to the bio-oil represents a serious contaminant in the process. Reducing the N and ash content of biomass feedstocks would improve process reliability and reduce production costs of pyrolytic biofuels. This study investigated: (1) How does switchgrass harvest date influence the yield, N concentration ([N]), and ash concentration of biomass and fast pyrolysis products? and (2) Is there a predictive relationship between [N] of switchgrass biomass and [N] of fast pyrolysis products? Switchgrass from five harvest dates and varying [N] from central Iowa were pyrolyzed using a free-fall reactor. Harvestable biomass peaked in August (8.6 Mg ha?1), dropping significantly by November (6.7 Mg ha?1, P?=?0.0027). Production of bio-oil per unit area mirrored that of harvested biomass at each harvest date; however, bio-oil yield per unit dry biomass increased from 46.6 % to 56.7 % during the season (P?=?0.0018). Allowing switchgrass to senesce lowered biomass [N] dramatically, by as much as 68 % from June to November (P?<?0.0001). Concurrently, bio-oil [N] declined from 0.51 % in June to 0.17 % by November (P?<?0.0001). Significant reductions in ash concentration were also observed in biomass and char. Finally, we show for the first time that the [N] of switchgrass biomass is a strong predictor of the [N] of bio-oil, char, and non-condensable gas with R 2 values of 0.89, 0.94, and 0.88, respectively.  相似文献   

Recalcitrance in clonal propagation,in particular of conifers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite major advances in forest biotechnology, clonal regeneration by somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis is still difficult for many woody species and is often limited to the use of juvenile explants. Adventitious regeneration of plants from gymnosperms older than zygotic embryos, and frequently even from highly immature zygotic embryos, is often difficult or has not yet been achieved. A number of experimental approaches that could eventually lead to overcoming recalcitrance are suggested in this review. When cloning trees of various ages, it is important to determine first which part of the individual contains the most responsive cells and at what time of the year these cells are in the most responsive state. This allows selection of the most useful explants. In hardwood trees and a few gymnosperms, responsive tissues are found in root or stump sprouts and in tissues near the site of meiosis at about the time that meiosis takes place. Another potentially active area is the shoot apex with most or all of its leaf or needle primordia removed. Apomixis is a natural form of clonal regeneration but occurs naturally in only one gymnosperm species. As the genetic mechanism of apomixis has been in part elucidated, the induction of apomixis by experimental means may soon be possible. The cytoplasm plays a major role in the expression or repression of nuclear genes that control embryogenesis. Expression of nuclear genes can be manipulated by nuclear transfer into de-nucleated cells (e.g., the cytoplasm of egg cells). Cytoplasmic control also plays a role in regeneration by androgenesis, asymmetric cell division and cell isolation. A short overview is presented of the genetic mechanisms involved in embryo initiation, maturation and germination and how manipulation of these mechanisms by genetic transformation could help in overcoming recalcitrance. It is expected that rapid development in the fields of research areas discussed in this review will over time eliminate the problem of recalcitrance in many instances where it is currently prevalent.  相似文献   

研究了寡糖素在诱导感病小麦品种辉县红系统抗条锈性中的作用,同时利用ESR测定了系统获得抗性(SAR)中一氧化氮(NO)的时间进程,结果表明寡糖素可以诱导辉县红对条锈菌毒性小种CY29-1的系统抗性,此系统抗性与内源NO信号启动的时间及强度有关.  相似文献   

Alfalfa Stem Tissues: Cell-wall Development and Lignification   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Alfalfa stems contain a variety of tissues with different patternsof cell-wall development. Development of alfalfa cell wallswas investigated after histochemical staining and with polarizedlight using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.Samples of the seventh internode, from the base of stems grownon cut stems, were harvested at five defined stages of developmentfrom early internode elongation through to late maturity. Internodeseven was elongating up to the third sample harvest and internodediameter increased throughout the entire sampling period. Chlorenchyma,cambium, secondary phloem, primary xylem parenchyma and pithparenchyma stem tissues all had thin primary cell walls. Pithparenchyma underwent a small amount of cell-wall thickeningand lignification during maturation. Collenchyma and primaryphloem tissues developed partially thickened primary walls.In contrast to a recent report, the formation of a ring shaped,lignified portion of the primary wall in a number of cells inthe exterior part of the primary phloem was found to precedethe deposition of a thick, non-lignified secondary wall whichwas degradable by rumen microbes. In numerous xylem fibres fromthe fourth harvest date onwards, an additional highly degradablesecondary wall layer was deposited against a previously depositedlignified and undegradable secondary wall. The pattern of lignificationobserved in alfalfa stem tissues suggests that polymerizationof monolignols by peroxidases at the luminal border of the primarycell wall creates an impermeable zone which restricts lignificationof the middle lamella region of tissues with thick primary walls.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Alfalfa,Medicago sativaL., stem tissue, cell wall, development, lignification, degradation.  相似文献   

Lignin is a critical structural component of plants, providing vascular integrity and mechanical strength. Lignin precursors (monolignols) must be exported to the extracellular matrix where random oxidative coupling produces a complex lignin polymer. The objectives of this study were twofold: to determine the timing of lignification with respect to programmed cell death and to test if nonlignifying xylary parenchyma cells can contribute to the lignification of tracheary elements and fibers. This study demonstrates that lignin deposition is not exclusively a postmortem event, but also occurs prior to programmed cell death. Radiolabeled monolignols were not detected in the cytoplasm or vacuoles of tracheary elements or neighbors. To experimentally define which cells in lignifying tissues contribute to lignification in intact plants, a microRNA against CINNAMOYL CoA-REDUCTASE1 driven by the promoter from CELLULOSE SYNTHASE7 (ProCESA7:miRNA CCR1) was used to silence monolignol biosynthesis specifically in cells developing lignified secondary cell walls. When monolignol biosynthesis in ProCESA7:miRNA CCR1 lines was silenced in the lignifying cells themselves, but not in the neighboring cells, lignin was still deposited in the xylem secondary cell walls. Surprisingly, a dramatic reduction in cell wall lignification of extraxylary fiber cells demonstrates that extraxylary fibers undergo cell autonomous lignification.  相似文献   

The study of the effects of harvest time on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass and bioenergy production reported herein encompasses a large study evaluating the harvest of six switchgrass cultivars grown at three northern US locations over 3 years, harvested at upland peak crop (anthesis), post-frost, and post-winter. Delaying harvest of switchgrass until after frost and until after winter has resulted in decreased yields of switchgrass and reduced amounts of minerals in the biomass. This report examines how changes in biomass composition as a result of varying harvest time and other factors affect the distribution of products formed via fast pyrolysis. A subset (50) of the population (n = 864) was analyzed for fast pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis (zeolite catalyst) product yields using a pyrolysis-GC/MS system. The subset was used to build calibrations that were successful in predicting the pyrolysis product yield using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), and partial least squares predictive models were applied to the entire sample set. The pyrolysis product yield was significantly affected by the field trial location, year of harvest, cultivar, and harvest time. Delaying harvest time of the switchgrass crop led to greater production of deoxygenated aromatics improving the efficiency of the catalytic fast pyrolysis and bio-oil quality. The changes in the pyrolysis product yield were related to biomass compositional changes, and key relationships between cell wall polymers, potassium concentration in the biomass, and pyrolysis products were identified. The findings show that the loss of minerals in the biomass as harvest time is delayed combined with the greater proportion in cellulose and lignin in the biomass has significant positive influences on conversion through fast pyrolysis.  相似文献   



Fluoroquinolones have been used broadly since the end of the 1980s and have been recommended for Neisseria meningitidis prophylaxis since 2005 in China. The aim of this study was to determine whether and how N. meningitidis antimicrobial susceptibility, serogroup prevalence, and clonal complex (CC) prevalence shifted in association with the introduction and expanding use of quinolones in Shanghai, a region with a traditionally high incidence of invasive disease due to N. meningitidis.

Methods and Findings

A total of 374 N. meningitidis isolates collected by the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention between 1965 and 2013 were studied. Shifts in the serogroups and CCs were observed, from predominantly serogroup A CC5 (84%) in 1965–1973 to serogroup A CC1 (58%) in 1974–1985, then to serogroup C or B CC4821 (62%) in 2005–2013. The rates of ciprofloxacin nonsusceptibility in N. meningitidis disease isolates increased from 0% in 1965–1985 to 84% (31/37) in 2005–2013 (p < 0.001). Among the ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible isolates, 87% (27/31) were assigned to either CC4821 (n = 20) or CC5 (n = 7). The two predominant ciprofloxacin-resistant clones were designated ChinaCC4821-R1-C/B and ChinaCC5-R14-A. The ChinaCC4821-R1-C/B clone acquired ciprofloxacin resistance by a point mutation, and was present in 52% (16/31) of the ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible disease isolates. The ChinaCC5-R14-A clone acquired ciprofloxacin resistance by horizontal gene transfer, and was found in 23% (7/31) of the ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible disease isolates. The ciprofloxacin nonsusceptibility rate was 47% (7/15) among isolates from asymptomatic carriers, and nonsusceptibility was associated with diverse multi-locus sequence typing profiles and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. As detected after 2005, ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible strains were shared between some of the patients and their close contacts. A limitation of this study is that isolates from 1986–2004 were not available and that only a small sample of convenience isolates from 1965–1985 were available.


The increasing prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance since 2005 in Shanghai was associated with the spread of hypervirulent lineages CC4821 and CC5. Two resistant meningococcal clones ChinaCC4821-R1-C/B and ChinaCC5-R14-A have emerged in Shanghai during the quinolone era. Ciprofloxacin should be utilized with caution for the chemoprophylaxis of N. meningitidis in China.  相似文献   

The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels, chemicals, and other commodities has been explored as one possible pathway toward reductions in the use of non-renewable energy sources. In order to identify which plants, out of a diverse pool, have the desired chemical traits for downstream applications, attributes, such as cellulose and lignin content, or monomeric sugar release following an enzymatic saccharification, must be compared. The experimental and data analysis protocols of the standard methods of analysis can be time-consuming, thereby limiting the number of samples that can be measured. High-throughput (HTP) methods alleviate the shortcomings of the standard methods, and permit the rapid screening of available samples to isolate those possessing the desired traits. This study illustrates the HTP sugar release and pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry pipelines employed at the National Renewable Energy Lab. These pipelines have enabled the efficient assessment of thousands of plants while decreasing experimental time and costs through reductions in labor and consumables.  相似文献   

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