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Within-individual variation in floral advertising and reward traits is a feature experienced by pollinators that visit different flowers of the same plant. Pollinators can use advertising traits to gather information about the quality and amount of rewards, leading to the evolution of signal–reward correlations. As long as plants differ in the reliability of their signals and pollinators base their foraging decisions on this information, natural selection should act on within-individual correlations between signals and rewards. Because birds and bees differ in their cognitive capabilities, and use different floral traits as signals, we tested the occurrence of adaptive divergence of the within-individual signal–reward correlations among Salvia species that are pollinated either by bees or by hummingbirds. They are expected to use different floral advertising traits: frontal traits in the case of bees and side traits in the case of hummingbirds. We confirmed this expectation as bee- and hummingbird-pollinated species differed in which specific traits are predominantly associated with nectar reward at the within-individual level. Our findings highlight the adaptive value of within-individual variation and covariation patterns, commonly disregarded as ‘environmental noise’, and are consistent with the hypothesis that pollinator-mediated selection affects the correlation pattern among floral traits.  相似文献   

The evolution of monogamy has been a central question in biological anthropology. An important avenue of research has been comparisons across “socially monogamous” mammals, but such comparisons are inappropriate for understanding human behavior because humans are not “pair living” and are only sometimes “monogamous.” It is the “pair bond” between reproductive partners that is characteristic of humans and has been considered unique to our lineage. I argue that pair bonds have been overlooked in one of our closest living relatives, chimpanzees. These pair bonds are not between mates but between male “friends” who exhibit enduring and emotional social bonds. The presence of such bonds in male–male chimpanzees raises the possibility that pair bonds emerged earlier in our evolutionary history. I suggest pair bonds first arose as “friendships” and only later, in the human lineage, were present between mates. The mechanisms for these bonds were co-opted for male-female bonds in humans.  相似文献   

Cota D  Barrera JG  Seeley RJ 《Neuron》2006,51(6):678-680
Leptin receptors are expressed on mesolimbic dopamine neurons, yet little is known about the functional significance of this anatomical relationship. In this issue of Neuron, Hommel et al. reveal a novel site for leptin's regulation of feeding. In turn, Fulton et al. propose a novel role for leptin in regulating non-feeding-related motivated behaviors.  相似文献   

F. Despa   《Biophysical chemistry》2009,140(1-3):115-121
Insulin regulates the energy homeostasis of the human body. This is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of pancreatic beta cells from proinsulin. Chronic hyperglycemia increases considerably the proinsulin secretion, overcrowding the ER. Recent experimental evidence demonstrates that such states favor the proinsulin denaturation. The biophysical mechanism of this cellular dysfunction remains largely unknown. We use basic molecular principles and numerical simulations of time-dependent crowding conditions in the ER to show that crowding effects enhance the propensity of proinsulin molecules to (mis)fold in compressed, nonnative structures. Present results suggest: i) misfolding events and toxic accumulations increase dramatically if the proinsulin load exceeds 50% of the available space and ii) insufficient lag time for the relaxation of the ER between consecutive proinsulin uploads can cause irreversible alterations of folding capabilities. Present study may prove useful in generating new testable statements on circumstances leading to the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

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Based on the assumption that the ancestral proto-eukaryote evolved from an ameboid prokarybte I propose the hypothesis that nuclear division of the proto-eukaryote was effected by the same system of contractile filaments it used for ameboid movement and cytosis. When the nuclear membranes evolved from the cell membrane, contractile filaments remained associated with them. The attachment site of the genome in the nuclear envelope was linked to the cell membrane by specialized contractile filaments. During protomitosis, i.e., nuclear and cell division of the proto-eukaryote, these filaments performed segregation of the chromosomes, whereas others constricted and cleaved the nucleus and the mother cell. When microtubules (MTs) had evolved in the cytoplasm, they also became engaged in nuclear division. Initially, an extranuolear bundle of MTs assisted chromosome segregation by establishing a defined axis. The evolutionary tendency then was towards an increasingly important role for MTs. Spindle pole bodies (SPBs) developed from the chromosomal attachment sites in the nuclear envelope and organized an extranuclear central spindle. The chromosomes remained attached to the SPBs during nuclear division. In a subsequent step the spindle became permanently lodged inside the nucleus. Chromosomes detached from the SPBs and acquired kinetochores and kinetochore-MTs. At first, this spindle segregated chromosomes by elongation, the kinetochore-MTs playing the role of static anchors. Later, spindle elongation was supplemented by poleward movement of the chromosomes. When dissolution of the nuclear envelope at the beginning of mitosis became a permanent feature, the open spindle of higher eukaryotes was born.  相似文献   

Evolutionary changes of the dentition in tetrapods can be associated with major events in the history of terrestrial vertebrates. Dental occlusion, the process by which teeth from the upper jaw come in contact with those in the lower jaw, appears first in the fossil record in amniotes and their close relatives near the Permo-Carboniferous boundary approximately 300 million years ago. This evolutionary innovation permitted a dramatic increase in the level of oral processing of food in these early tetrapods, and has been generally associated with herbivory. Whereas herbivory in extinct vertebrates is based on circumstantial evidence, dental occlusion provides direct evidence about feeding strategies because jaw movements can be reconstructed from the wear patterns of the teeth. Examination of the evolution of dental occlusion in Paleozoic tetrapods within a phylogenetic framework reveals that this innovation developed independently in several lineages of amniotes, and is represented by a wide range of dental and mandibular morphologies. Dental occlusion also developed within diadectomorphs, the sister taxon of amniotes. The independent, multiple acquisition of this feeding strategy represents an important signal in the evolution of complex terrestrial vertebrate communities, and the first steps in the profound changes in the pattern of trophic interactions in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

History and evolution of the arctic flora: in the footsteps of Eric Hultén   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A major contribution to our initial understanding of the origin, history and biogeography of the present-day arctic flora was made by Eric Hultén in his landmark book Outline of the History of Arctic and Boreal Biota during the Quarternary Period, published in 1937. Here we review recent molecular and fossil evidence that has tested some of Hultén's proposals. There is now excellent fossil, molecular and phytogeographical evidence to support Hultén's proposal that Beringia was a major northern refugium for arctic plants throughout the Quaternary. In contrast, most molecular evidence fails to support his proposal that contemporary east and west Atlantic populations of circumarctic and amphi-Atlantic species have been separated throughout the Quaternary. In fact, populations of these species from opposite sides of the Atlantic are normally genetically very similar, thus the North Atlantic does not appear to have been a strong barrier to their dispersal during the Quaternary. Hultén made no detailed proposals on mechanisms of speciation in the Arctic; however, molecular studies have confirmed that many arctic plants are allopolyploid, and some of them most probably originated during the Holocene. Recurrent formation of polyploids from differentiated diploid or more low-ploid populations provides one explanation for the intriguing taxonomic complexity of the arctic flora, also noted by Hultén. In addition, population fragmentation during glacial periods may have lead to the formation of new sibling species at the diploid level. Despite the progress made since Hultén wrote his book, there remain large gaps in our knowledge of the history of the arctic flora, especially about the origins of the founding stocks of this flora which first appeared in the Arctic at the end of the Pliocene (approximately 3 Ma). Comprehensive analyses of the molecular phylogeography of arctic taxa and their relatives together with detailed fossil studies are required to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

Summary We have analysed the distribution of the ΔF508 mutation and the haplotypes of cystic fibrosis (CF) bearing chromosomes among the Israeli CF population. The population was classified according to its ethnic origin and included 3 groups, Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic/Oriental Jews and Arabs. Haplotype B (KM19 allele 2, XV2c allele 1) was found to be the predominant haplotype in all groups but in each of them the haplotype distribution was different. The ΔF508 mutation was present in all groups and accounts for 32% of the CF mutations. It was mainly associated with the B haplotype but only one third of the CF chromosomes with this haplotype carry the ΔF508 mutation. This work is dedicated to Dr. Ruth Voss who initiated the CF study in Israel and was tragically killed in a car accident on 7 August 1988  相似文献   

Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is characterized by the development of probably reversible, progressive dysfunction of vital systems in two or more organs, directly undamaged by surgery or other trauma. The organs which have the most common potential dysfunction are lungs, liver, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract. The small intestine is the source of production of proinflammatory mediators leading and contributing to multiorgan failure. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), after ischemia and post-ischemic reperfusion, is significantly involved in the activation of enterocyte apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the stage of apoptosis in the lungs, initiated through inflammatory response from the small intestine. We analyzed changes in mRNA levels of pro-apoptotic genes Gadd153 (Chop) and anti-apoptotic genes Grp78 (Bip) in the small intestine wall and lung parenchyma. During experimental procedure the rats underwent 60 min of ischemia, caused by complete occlusion of the mesenteric arteria cranialis, with subsequent reperfusion and evaluation after 1 h, 24 h and 30 days (from R1, R24 to R30, respectively, each group n = 8). The gene expression levels were measured using RT-PCR followed by electrophoresis and visualization under UV. In the lungs we detected significantly lower level of expression Grp78 by 45 ± 6.9%. This suggests that ischemic attack and subsequent reperfusion did not promote ER stress in the lungs through induction of Gadd153 expression in the small intestine. There is still no effective approach to the treatment of affected ischemic intestine tissue, to stop the processes with could eventually lead to MODS. Therefore it is necessary to study changes in the damaged tissue at the molecular level and try to suggest possible therapeutic defined routes to the protection of tissue.  相似文献   

After evidencing the great importance of plants for animals and humans in consequence of the photosynthesis, several considerations on plant evolution are made. One of the peculiar characteristics of the plant is the sessile property, due especially to the cell wall. This factor, principally, strengthened by the photosynthetic process, determined the particular developmental pattern of the plant, which is characterized by the continuous formation of new organs. The plant immobility, although negative for its survival, has been, in great part, overcome by the acquisition of the capacity of adaptation (plasticity) to the environmental stresses and changes, and the establishment of more adapted genotypes. This capacity to react to the external signals induced Trewavas to speak of "plant intelligence". The plant movement incapacity and the evolution of the sexual reproduction system were strongly correlated. In this context, the evolution of the flower in the Angiosperms has been particularly important to allow the male gamete to fertilize the immobile female gamete. Moreover, the formation of fruit and seed greatly improved the dispersal and conservation of the progeny in the environment. With the flower, mechanisms to favour the outcrossing among different individuals appeared, which are essential to increase the genetic variability and, then, the plant evolution itself. Although the Angiosperms seem highly evolved, the plant evolution is not surely finished, because many reported morpho-physiological processes may be still considered susceptible of further improvement. In the last years the relationships among humans, plants and environment are becoming closer and closer. This is due to the use of the DNA recombinant techniques with the aim to modify artificially plant characters. Therefore, the risk of a plant evolution strongly directed towards practical or commercial objectives, or "an artificial evolution", may be hypothesized.  相似文献   

This essay traces the interlinked origins of two concepts found in Charles Darwin’s writings: “unconscious selection,” and sexual selection as applied to humanity’s anatomical race distinctions. Unconscious selection constituted a significant elaboration of Darwin’s artificial selection analogy. As originally conceived in his theoretical notebooks, that analogy had focused exclusively on what Darwin later would call “methodical selection,” the calculated production of desired changes in domestic breeds. By contrast, unconscious selection produced its results unintentionally and at a much slower pace. Inspiration for this concept likely came from Darwin’s early reading of works on both animal breeding and physical ethnology. Texts in these fields described the slow and unplanned divergence of anatomical types, whether animal or human, under the guidance of contrasting ideals of physical perfection. These readings, it is argued, also led Darwin to his theory of sexual selection as applied to race, a theme he discussed mainly in his book The Descent of Man (1871). There Darwin described how the racial version of sexual selection operated on the same principle as unconscious selection. He thereby effectively reunited these kindred concepts.  相似文献   

Andrew RL  Peakall R  Wallis IR  Wood JT  Knight EJ  Foley WJ 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1989-1998
Marker-based methods for estimating heritability and genetic correlation in the wild have attracted interest because traditional methods may be impractical or introduce bias via G x E effects, mating system variation, and sampling effects. However, they have not been widely used, especially in plants. A regression-based approach, which uses a continuous measure of genetic relatedness, promises to be particularly appropriate for use in plants with mixed-mating systems and overlapping generations. Using this method, we found significant narrow-sense heritability of foliar defense chemicals in a natural population of Eucalyptus melliodora. We also demonstrated a genetic basis for the phenotypic correlation underlying an ecological example of conditioned flavor aversion involving different biosynthetic pathways. Our results revealed that heritability estimates depend on the spatial scale of the analysis in a way that offers insight into the distribution of genetic and environmental variance. This study is the first to successfully use a marker-based method to measure quantitative genetic parameters in a tree. We suggest that this method will prove to be a useful tool in other studies and offer some recommendations for future applications of the method.  相似文献   

Honest signalling systems associated with mate choice should evolve when female fitness is tightly tied to the quality of her mate. Females are entirely dependent upon the quality of their mate in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linnaeus), since males undertake sole parental care of their offspring. Males of this species produce a bright red, carotenoid based nuptial signal. Here, we examine the honesty of the male signal as an indicator of male lipid reserves, an important component of male quality since the duration and intensity of male care is influenced by parental male lipid reserves. We manipulated dietary carotenoid and lipid composition to determine (i) if dietary lipid facilitated uptake of carotenoids and (ii) if the carotenoid based signal honestly signals male lipid stores. We found that dietary lipids did not influence the storage of carotenoids nor signal expression. We did not find support for the prediction that the red signal indicates lipid stores.  相似文献   

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