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Question: Do coexisting plant life forms differ in overall phenology, leaf traits and patterns of leaf litterfall? Location: Patagonian Monte, Chubut Province, Argentina. Methods: We assessed phenology, traits of green and senesced leaves and the pattern of leaf litterfall in 12 species of coexisting life forms (perennial grasses, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs). Results: We did not identify differences in phenology, leaf traits and patterns of leaf litterfall among life forms but these attributes contrasted among species. Independent of the life form, the maintenance of green leaves or vegetative growth during the dry season was mostly associated with leaves with high leaf mass per area (LMA) and high concentration of secondary compounds. Low LMA species produced low litterfall mass with low concentration of secondary compounds, and high N concentration. High LMA species produced the largest mass of leaf litterfall. Accordingly, species were distributed along two main dimensions of ecological variation, the dimension secondary compounds in leaves ‐ length and timing of the vegetative growth period (SC ‐ VGP) and the dimension leaf mass per area ‐ leaf litterfall mass (LMA ‐ LLM). Conclusions: Phenology, leaf traits and leaf litterfall varied among species and overlapped among life forms. The two dimensions of ecological variation among species (SC ‐ VGP, LMA ‐ LLM) represent distinct combinations of plant traits or strategies related to resource acquisition and drought tolerance which are reflected in the patterns of leaf litterfall.  相似文献   

The relationships between foliage permanence and flowering throughout the year were analyzed in 92 woody species of Cerrado vegetation categorized as either deciduous (DE), semideciduous (SD) or evergreen (EV). Flowering of DE, SD and EV species was investigated via three variables, measured over the course of the year: flowering duration (FLD), calculated as the number of months in flower in each species; flowering distribution (FDI), calculated as the number of species in flower per month; and flowering peak (FPE), defined as the four consecutive months yielding the highest number of species in flower. The months with the highest numbers of species in flower were October (52 species), September (50) and August (49). These months correspond to the period of transition from the dry season to the wet season. In the majority of species studied, seasonal climatic factors were strong enough to induce fruit formation in the dry season and seed dispersal in the following wet season, when sufficient water was available to support germination and plantlet growth. However, significant differences in FLD, FDI and FPE were found among the leaf phenological groups. High FLD in EV species is likely favored by the continuous input of resources from the year-round foliage. In contrast, DE species employ reserves of carbon, water and nutrients to form new leaves and flowers on a crown free of foliage at the end of the dry season. In DE species, their low FLD may reduce the impact of flowering on reserve consumption. SD species showed an intermediate level of foliage persistence, resulting in intermediate FLD values. In addition, SD species exhibited a different pattern of flowering distribution from those of DE and EV species. Many SD species have two flowering periods per year. The first period occurs when the crowns are full of leaves, in the middle of the dry season in June, similar to EV species. The second occurs when only half of the original foliage area is present, near the peak of the dry season in September, similar to DE species. Therefore, despite a strong influence of seasonal climatic conditions on the flowering behavior of DE, SD and EV woody species of Cerrado vegetation, these leaf phenological groups differ significantly in FLD, FDI and FPE.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify functional correlates of seedling leaf nutrient content among woody species and to characterise functional species groups with respect to leaf nutrient attributes. Seedlings of 81 woody species from the temperate zone of western Europe were grown in a standard laboratory environment with standard, near-optimal nutrient availability. Weight-based leaf N content (Nwght) was positively correlated with mean relative growth rate (RGR), but the correlation with mean RGR was tighter when leaf N was expressed on a whole-plant weight basis: leaf nitrogen weight ratio (LNWR). Area-based leaf N content (Narea) was not associated with mean RGR, but was closely correlated with the quotient of saturated leaf weight and leaf area. Weight-based leaf K content (Kwght) was a close correlate of the saturated/dry weight ratio of the foliage. Within the lower range, Kwght corresponded with growth-related nutrient attributes, but higher values appeared to indicate succulence or remobilisable stored water. Functional groups of species and genera could be distinguished with respect to seedling leaf nutrient attributes. Deciduous woody climbers and scramblers had consistently higher leaf Nwght, LNWR and (apparently) leaf Kwght than other deciduous species or genera, and shrubs had higher values than trees. These differences seemed due partly to variation in specific leaf area. Evergreens had consistently higher leaf Narea than deciduous plants, but there were no significant differences in weight-based leaf nutrient attributes between these two groups, possibly because of `luxury nutrient consumption' by the slow-growing evergreens. Another functional group was that of the nitrogen-fixing species, which had consistently high innate leaf Nwght compared to non-N-fixers. The ecological significance of the leaf nutrient attributes in this study is discussed by comparing the seedling data with those from field-collected material, and by brief reference to the natural habitats of the species. Received: 22 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

C. H. Lusk  P. B. Reich 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):318-329
It has been argued that plants adapted to low light should have lower carbon losses via dark respiration (Rd) than those not so adapted, and similarly, all species would be expected to down-regulate Rd in deep shade, because the associated advantages of high metabolic potential cannot be realized in such habitats. In order to test these hypotheses, and to explore the determinants of intraspecific variation in respiration rates, we measured Rd, leaf mass per unit area (LMA), and nitrogen content of mature foliage in juveniles of 11 cold-temperate tree species (angiosperms and conifers), growing in diverse light environments in forest understories in northern Minnesota. Among the seven angiosperm species, respiration on mass, area, and nitrogen bases showed significant negative overall relationships with shade tolerance level. Mass-based respiration rates (Rd mass) of angiosperms as a group showed a significant positive overall relationship with an index of light availability (percentage canopy openness, %CO). Rd mass of most conifers also showed evidence of acclimation of Rd mass to light availability. LMA of all species also increased with increasing %CO, but this response was generally much stronger in angiosperms than in conifers. As a result, the response of area-based respiration (Rd area) to %CO was dominated by ΔRd mass for conifers, and by ΔLMA for most angiosperms, i.e., functional types differed in the components of acclimation of Rd area to light availability. Among the seven angiosperm species, the relationships of leaf N on a mass basis (N mass) with %CO were modulated by shade tolerance: negative slopes in shade-tolerant species may be related to the steep increases in LMA of these taxa along gradients of increasing light intensity, and associated dilution of N-rich, metabolically active tissue by increasing investment in leaf structural components. Although N mass was therefore an unreliable predictor of variation in Rd mass along light gradients, respiration per unit leaf N (Rd/N) was significantly positively correlated with %CO for most species. This probably reflects variation in the proportion of leaf N allocated to protein and/or the influence of leaf carbohydrate status on Rd. Species shade tolerance differences were not significantly correlated with the magnitude of either ΔRd mass or ΔRd area, indicating that variation in acclimation potential of Rd is much less important than inherent differences in this trait. Acclimation of Rd mass to light availability appears to be a generalized feature of juvenile trees, and the important ecological trade-off is likely between high metabolic capacity in high light and low respiratory losses in low light. Received: 15 April 1999 / Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal patterns of stem diameter changes in evergreen and deciduous species of a tropical montane forest in the Central Himalayas (300–2250 m a.s.l.) were investigated in relation to leaf development. Ca. 75 % of the annual rainfall in this region occurs in a short period, from mid-June to mid-September and the remaining months are dry. It was assumed that changes in stem diameter are correlated with changes in water stress. Each evergreen species could be characterized by leaf longevity of about one year; each species showed pronounced summer leaf drop and simultaneous new leaf formation. Winter stem shrinkage was more pronounced in deciduous species than in evergreen ones. The deciduous species also showed a greater proportional loss of leaf mass (before abscission) than the evergreen species. Winter leaf fall in deciduous species was related to the pronounced stem shrinkage. The leaf fall enabled these species to control further water loss. Being more resistant to desiccation, the evergreen species retained their leaves throughout the winter but showed gradual loss of leaf mass, presumably in order to control water loss. In all species, leaf expansion was completed before the onset of the rainy season, when water stress was high. This strategy has definite advantages in a climate with a monsoon pattern of rainfall. Evergreen species, showing pronounced leaf drop in summer, have advantages over deciduous species; hence their preponderance in the region.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the functional coordination among hydraulic traits, xylem characteristics and gas exchange rates across three deciduous Euphorbiaceae tree species (Hevea brasiliensis, Macaranga denticulata and Bischofia javanica) and three evergreen Euphorbiaceae tree species (Drypetes indica, Aleurites moluccana and Codiaeum variegatum) from a seasonally tropical forest in south-western China. The deciduous tree species were more vulnerable to water stress-induced embolism than the evergreen tree species. However, the deciduous tree species generally had higher maximal rates of sapwood and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity (K S and K L), respectively. Compared with the evergreen tree species, the deciduous tree species, however, possessed a lower density of sapwood and a wider diameter of xylem vessels. Regardless of leaf phenology, the hydraulic vulnerability and conductivity were significantly correlated with sapwood density and mean vessel diameter. Furthermore, the hydraulic vulnerability was positively correlated with water transport efficiency. In addition, the deciduous tree species exhibited higher maximal photosynthetic rates (A max) and stomatal conductance (g max), but lower water use efficiency (WUE). Interestingly, the A max, g max and WUE were strongly correlated with K S and K L across the deciduous and evergreen tree species. These results suggest that xylem structure, rather than leaf phenology, accounts for the difference in hydraulic traits between the deciduous tree species and the evergreen tree species. Meanwhile, our results show that there is a significant trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and safety, and a strong functional correlation between the hydraulic capacity and gas exchange rates across the deciduous and evergreen tree species.  相似文献   

The basis for variation in leaf longevity of plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Any theory of leaf phenology must predict leaf longevity, leaf habit, leaf expansion and its timing among other variables. These phenological traits may be important keys to understand the response of trees to climatic change. Here I concentrate on and review two of these critical phenological traits, leaf longevity and leaf habit. Theories of leaf longevity were re-evaluated and leaf longevity is concluded to be optimized to maximize plant carbon gain. From this perspective, three points are predicted. Leaf longevity is short when the photosynthetic rate of the leaf is high, when the photosynthetic rate decreases rapidly through time, or when the construction cost of the leaf is small. These predictions are well supported by empirical as well as experimental results on various plant species. The theory, which is extended to seasonal environments, is general and applicable to seasonal as well as aseasonal environments. The theory simulated the bimodal geographic distribution of evergreenness.  相似文献   

4种高大树木的叶片性状及WUE随树高的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何春霞  李吉跃  孟平  张劲松 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5644-5654
为了解西双版纳北热带雨林高大树木树顶叶片性状对通道阻力增长引起的水力限制增强及高光和季节性干旱等气候条件的响应,对该区乔木浆果乌桕(Sapium baccatum Roxb)、思茅木姜子(Litsea pierrei var. szemois liou)、小叶藤黄(Garcinia cowa Roxb)及共生木质藤本黑风藤(Fissisfigma polyanthum (Hook. f. et Thoms.)Merr.)的叶片形态解剖结构、光合色素、水分利用效率(WUE)等随冠层高度的变化及种间差异进行了研究。结果表明:小叶藤黄和思茅木姜子的叶片(310.14、319.73 μm)和角质层(6.06、5.13 μm)都较厚、细胞较大(21.48、27.09 μm),光合色素含量则较低;黑风藤栅栏组织所占的比例最大、光合色素含量也最高,但叶片薄、WUE最低;浆果乌桕的WUE最高。随着冠层高度的增加,4种树木的叶厚、栅栏组织及角质层厚度、LMA、P/S和TPM/LT均增加、细胞变小,其中黑风藤的变幅最大。4树种的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量均随冠层的增高而减少,δ13C和WUE则随树冠增高而增大(黑风藤的变幅小于3种乔木);Δ则相反。上述结果表明4种树木冠层上部叶片偏向旱生结构和水分利用效率增加,暗示树顶叶片可能受到了水分胁迫,从而在结构上偏向于减少水分散失、功能上提高对水分的利用效率以适应水分亏缺;同时,随冠层增加光合色素含量减少,暗示其光合碳同化能力也降低。上述结果支持了水力限制假说中由于通道阻力增大引起树顶水力限制增强,大树可能会通过减少光和碳的获得而减慢树高生长的假设。  相似文献   

Differences in growth patterns between a deciduous species, Nothofagus pumilio, and an evergreen species, Nothofagus betuloides, were analyzed in Lago del Desierto, southern Patagonia, Argentina (49°01′ S – 72°52′ W). The relationships between the growth rate of these two species and variations in temperature, precipitation, and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) were also evaluated. We processed and analyzed 54 samples of N. pumilio and 48 of N. betuloides and developed two tree-ring width chronologies covering the periods of 1754-2014 and 1650-2014, respectively. The results from N. betuloides are especially important due to the small number of studies about this species in the area. Results indicate similarities between the tree-ring growth patterns of the two species. However, N. betuloides grew with a slower rate and had shorter periods of growth below average. We suggest that the particular growth pattern of N. betuloides is determined by its higher tolerance to stress situations and evergreen physiological characteristics. Significant correlations were observed between N. pumilio tree-ring growth and temperature from August-October of the previous year, and with the SAM index from December-January of the current year. N. pumilio did not show significant correlations with precipitation. Significant correlations were found between N. betuloides growth and precipitation from December-January of the previous year. As evergreen species have a more conservative response to temperature changes, N. betuloides growth was not significantly affected by temperature or by the SAM index. These results are encouraging and further studies could help improve our understanding of the relationship between the environment and species with different seasonality of foliage growth. Our study provides the first chronologies of N. pumilio and N. betuloides in the area and increases knowledge about the relationships between tree-ring growth and climate.  相似文献   

树木叶片的水力效率和安全性会对水分条件的改变做出一定的响应, 进而影响树木的生长和分布, 然而叶导水率(Kleaf)和叶水力脆弱性(P50)对不同水分条件的响应模式及其影响因素尚不清楚。该研究选取了晋西北关帝山和黑茶山两种水分条件下的8种树种, 测量其水力性状、叶片导管和形态性状, 比较两地不同树种的KleafP50的变化, 分析叶片水力效率和安全性之间的权衡关系, 并探讨叶片水力性状在不同树种及水分条件下的响应模式及其驱动因素。结果表明: 对同一树种而言, 湿润的关帝山叶最大导水率(Kmax)和P50均高于干旱的黑茶山; 对同一地区而言, 从在高水分条件下生长的树种到在易干旱环境生长的树种, KmaxP50均逐渐下降。KmaxP50、膨压丧失点水势(TLP)之间均存在显著相关关系。两地叶片P50与导管密度、导管塌陷预测值((t/b)3)、叶片厚度、比叶质量显著正相关, 与导管直径、叶面积显著负相关, 不同树种的KleafP50与叶导管性状的关系大于叶形态性状。同一树种的关帝山到黑茶山P50变化量(δP50)与比叶质量和叶干物质含量在两地的变化量显著正相关, 同一树种δP50与叶形态性状变化量的关系大于与叶导管性状的。以上结果表明: 随着水分条件变差, 叶片水力效率降低, 水力安全性提高, 不同树种叶片水力效率与安全性之间存在一定的权衡关系, 不同树种叶水力性状的差别受叶导管性状影响的程度大于受叶形态性状的影响, 同一树种叶水力安全性对水分条件变化的响应主要依靠叶形态性状的驱动, 树木在提高自身叶水力安全的同时增加了叶构建的碳投资。  相似文献   

Leaf and soil nutrient levels interact with and may each influence the other. We hypothesize that to the extent soil fertility influences the nutritional state of trees, soil fertility should correlate with summer leaf nutrient levels, whereas to the extent that trees influence soil nutrient levels, the quality of leaf litterfall should correlate with soil fertility. We examined these correlations for five sympatric oak species (genus Quercus) in central coastal California. Soil fertility, including both nitrogen and especially phosphorus, correlated significantly with summer leaf nutrient levels. In contrast, phosphorus, but not nitrogen, in the leaf litterfall correlated positively with soil nutrients. These results suggest that soil nitrogen and phosphorus influence tree nutrient levels and that leaf phosphorus, but not leaf nitrogen, influence soil fertility under the trees. Feedback between the soil and the tree for phosphorus, but not nitrogen, is apparently significant and caused by species-specific differences in leaf quality and not by litterfall quality differences within a species. We also compared functional differences between the evergreen and deciduous oak species at our study site. There were no differences in soil nitrogen and only small differences for soil phosphorus between the phenological types. Differences in leaf nutrient concentration were much more pronounced, with the evergreen species having substantially lower levels of both nitrogen and phosphorus. Evergreen species conserved more phosphorus, but not more nitrogen, than the deciduous species, but there was no consistent relationship between retranslocation and either soil nitrogen or phosphorus. These results do not support the hypothesis that evergreenness is an adaptation to low soil fertility in this system.  相似文献   

日本中部10种树木叶片中氮和磷的季节变化及其转移   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从叶完全展开到生长季结束,对常绿阔叶树种日本米储、具柄冬青、铁冬青、红楠和海桐及落叶阔叶树种袍栎、栓皮栎、日本朴、银杏和日本树五加的叶N和P含量进行了测定.结果表明,在整个生长季中,常绿阔叶树种中的日本米储和铁冬青的新叶和老叶的N和P含量呈现初期高、中期较低、后期上升的趋势;具柄冬青和海桐新叶的N和P含量的变化趋势与日本米储和铁冬青相似,而其老叶的N和P含量随季节推移而逐渐下降;红楠新叶和老叶的N含量呈现上升的趋势,其新叶和老叶的P含量则呈下降趋势;落叶阔叶树种的叶N和P含量随着时间的推移不断减少.各树种的N转移率为43%~75%,P为62%~84%.常绿阔叶树种的N平均转移率与落叶阔叶树种相似,而其P平均转移率大于落叶阔叶树种.所有树种的N平均转移率小于P平均转移率.  相似文献   

Leaf growth patterns were investigated in 11 evergreen (with leaf life-spans of just more than 1 year) and 15 deciduous species, occurring along an elevational gradient of 600–2200 m elevation in the Central Himalaya. Records were made of the leaf initiation period, leaf population dynamics, leaf expansion, leaf mass changes, leaf longevity and related parameters. Species of both groups produced leaves at similar rates during March to April, the driest period of the year. Species of both groups had approximately fully developed foliage during the warm, wet period (mid-June to mid-September) of the monsoon. However, significant differences were found at group level in other characters: shoot length (19.5 cm per shoot for deciduous and 11.7 cm for evergreen species); leaf population per 10 cm shoot length (4.7 vs 15.0); leaf area (107.9 vs 41.4 cm2/ leaf); specific leaf mass (106.9 vs 191.3 g/m2); and leaf mass loss after the monsoon period, being rapid and higher (31.6%) in deciduous species and slow and limited in the evergreens (26.2%). However, species of the two groups showed considerable overlaps in the values of above characters. The evergreen species of the Central Himalaya resembled the deciduous species of the region more than the multi-year leaves of clearly evergreen species. The evergreens bear leaves throughout the year, but like deciduous species bear the cost of annual replacement of old leaves by new leaves. They seem to outcompete deciduous species by producing annually a greater mass of leaves of low-carbon cost (per unit leaf mass), which is capable of conducting photosynthesis all year round. A situation of less marked contrast between favourable and nonfavourable periods, with respect to temperature, seems to favour the leaf characters of the evergreens.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific variation in hydraulic traits was investigated in nine Cordia (Boraginaceae) species growing in three tropical rainforests differing in mean annual precipitation (MAP). Interspecific variation was examined for the different Cordia species found at each site, and intraspecific variation was studied in populations of the widespread species Cordia alliodora across the three sites. Strong intra- and interspecific variation were observed in vulnerability to drought-induced embolism. Species growing at drier sites were more resistant to embolism than those growing at moister sites; the same pattern was observed for populations of C. alliodora. By contrast, traits related to hydraulic capacity, including stem xylem vessel diameter, sapwood specific conductivity (K(s)) and leaf specific conductivity (K(L)), varied strongly but independently of MAP. For C. alliodora, xylem anatomy, K(s), K(L) and Huber value varied little across sites, with K(s) and K(L) being consistently high relative to other Cordia species. A constitutively high hydraulic capacity coupled with plastic or genotypic adjustment in vulnerability to embolism and leaf water relations would contribute to the ability of C. alliodora to establish and compete across a wide precipitation gradient.  相似文献   

植物在长期的进化和发展过程中,通过与环境相互作用形成了适应环境的形态结构及生理特征,反映了植物适应环境的生态策略;在森林群落中,地形和土壤等的变异常导致生境的异质性,从而直接或者间接影响物种的分布格局。因此,在生境异质性较强的森林群落中,植物物种分布格局与其生态适应策略有何关系,是值得关注的问题。该文以鼎湖山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林20 hm2监测样地为平台,针对两种常绿优势树种罗伞树(Ardisia quinquegona)和光叶山黄皮(Aidia canthioides),对比研究了两种植物的叶片功能性状和水力结构特征在山脊、山坡、山谷三种不同生境中的生态适应策略,以阐明物种分布格局与其生态适应策略的关系。结果表明:罗伞树主要是通过调整叶面积(LA)、木材密度(WD)及渗透调节来适应不同生境;光叶山黄皮主要通过调整比叶面积(SLA)、WD及渗透调节,采取养分有效保存(低SLA,高干物质含量)及慢生长高存活的策略以适应不同生境,适应环境能力更强,尤其是在山脊和山坡生境;而且影响两个树种叶片功能性状和水力结构的主导土壤因子有所不同。研究结果说明罗伞树和光叶山黄皮对山脊和山坡生境比山谷更为适应,但在叶片功能性状和水力结构特征方面的生境适应策略不同。  相似文献   

以润楠属(Machilus) 7种植物成年个体为材料,对其进行生理指标测定,并对它们的叶片水分供需关系以及木质部纹孔特征和导水效率之间的关联进行分析。结果显示,润楠属7种植物相比原始被子植物具有更高的叶脉密度(VD),叶脉密度为9.8~14.1 mm/mm~2;气孔密度(SD)与叶脉密度呈显著正相关,说明叶片水分供需存在协同关系;气孔密度与气孔大小(GLC)呈负相关;气孔越大的叶片其膨压丧失点(TLP)的绝对值越低。枝条边材比导率(Ks)较低,为0.13~1.87 kg·m~(-1)·s~(-1)·MPa~(-1),且种间差异较大。叶脉和气孔密度均与边材比导率呈正相关。边材比导率与纹孔膜面积、纹孔口面积以及纹孔口长短轴比例相关性不显著。研究结果表明润楠属植物虽然叶脉密度较高,且木质部水分供应和叶片结构具有协同关系,但木质部解剖结构较为原始,导管多具梯形穿孔板,导水效率低,只能适应比较湿润的生境。  相似文献   

To improve establishment yield and carbon accumulation during reforestation, analyses of species adaptations to local environments are needed. Here we measured, at the individual scale, links between biomass accumulation and multiple-level tree traits: biomass partitioning, crown morphology and leaf physiology. The study was carried out on one- and three-year-old individuals of five tropical tree species assigned to pioneer (P) or non-pioneer (NP) functional groups. Among the species, Cedrela odorata, Luehea seemannii and Hura crepitans showed the greatest biomass accumulation. On our seasonally dry site, species performance during the first year was dependent on a greater investment in above-ground foraging, while performance after three years was mainly related to water relations. However, large biomass accumulations were not simply associated with an efficient water use but also with contrasting water uses, based on inter-specific relationships. Generally, greater carbon isotope discrimination (Δleaf) was related to greater allocation to roots. Species with high Δleaf generally showed high leaf potential nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE), suggesting that lower water use efficiency (WUE) increases the efficiency of photosynthetically active N. Also, PNUE was negatively correlated to leaf mass per area (LMA), implying that photosynthetically active N is diluted as total leaf mass increases. Finally, no distinction in measured traits, including biomass accumulation, was observed between the two functional groups.  相似文献   

Diurnal depression of leaf hydraulic conductance in a tropical tree species   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Diurnal patterns of hydraulic conductance of the leaf lamina (Kleaf) were monitored in a field‐grown tropical tree species in an attempt to ascertain whether the dynamics of stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 uptake (Aleaf) were associated with short‐term changes in Kleaf. On days of high evaporative demand mid‐day depression of Kleaf to between 40 and 50% of pre‐dawn values was followed by a rapid recovery after 1500 h. Leaf water potential during the recovery stage was less than ?1 MPa implying a refilling mechanism, or that loss of Kleaf was not linked to cavitation. Laboratory measurement of the response of Kleaf to Ψleaf confirmed that leaves in the field were operating at water potentials within the depressed region of the leaf ‘vulnerability curve’. Diurnal courses of Kleaf and Ψleaf predicted from measured transpiration, xylem water potential and the Kleaf vulnerability function, yielded good agreement with observed trends in both leaf parameters. Close correlation between depression of Kleaf, gs and Aleaf suggests that xylem dysfunction in the leaf may lead to mid‐day depression of gas exchange in this species.  相似文献   

植物叶性状的权衡关系反映了植物对环境的高度适应性及其在复杂生境下的自我调控能力,了解半干旱区城市绿化树种叶性状间的权衡关系,比较不同生长型(针叶和阔叶)树种异速生长的差异有助于进一步认识植物的进化机制。以兰州市典型绿化树种(13种针叶树和47种阔叶树)为对象,测量部分叶性状,采用标准化主轴估计和系统独立比较分析的方法比较不同性状间的权衡关系。结果表明:不同生长型树种叶面积、叶体积与叶片干重之间均为等速生长关系,针叶和阔叶树种间并无显著差异;叶厚与叶面积间为"此消彼长"的权衡关系,但并不显著;阔叶叶长与叶宽间异速生长斜率为0.764。兰州市典型绿化树种叶性状间的权衡可能是长期适应黄土高原特殊生境的自适应过程,也说明部分性状间存在协变关系,阔叶绿化树种的权衡表明其符合"快速投资-收益"特征。  相似文献   

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