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New data on the movements of tropomyosin singly labeled at alpha- or beta-chain during the ATP hydrolysis cycle in reconstituted ghost fibers have been obtained by using the polarized fluorescence technique which allowed us following the azimuthal movements of tropomyosin on actin filaments. Pronounced structural changes in tropomyosin evoked by myosin heads suggested the "rolling" of the tropomyosin molecule on F-actin surface during the ATP hydrolysis cycle. The movements of actin-bound tropomyosin correlated to the strength of S1 to actin binding. Weak binding of myosin to actin led to an increase in the affinity of the tropomyosin N-terminus to actin with simultaneous decrease in the affinity of the C-terminus. On the contrary, strong binding of myosin to actin resulted in the opposite changes of the affinity to actin of both ends of the tropomyosin molecule. Caldesmon inhibited the "rolling" of tropomyosin on the surface of the thin filament during the ATP hydrolysis cycle, drastically decreased the affinity of the whole tropomyosin molecule to actin, and "freezed" tropomyosin in the position characteristic of the weak binding of myosin to actin.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular inorganic phosphate on Na+ movements in dog red blood cells has been studied. As the phosphate concentration is increased from 0 to 30 mM, Na+ efflux increases by 2- to 3-fold and Na+ influx increases approximately 2-fold. This enhancement of Na+ fluxes by phosphate can be prevented by the addition of iodoacetate (1 mM), an inhibitor of glycolysis, or 4-acetamido-4′-iso-thiocyantostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (0.01 mM), which blocks anion transport, to the medium. The increases in Na+ movements are not caused by changes in cell volumes. These results suggest that phosphate must enter the cell to enhance Na+ fluxes and that the mechanism of action may be via a stimulatory effect on glycolysis.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on conduction velocity in human muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of variation of intramuscular temperature (T) on conduction velocity (CV) of the action potential along single human muscle fibers of the biceps brachii was studied in situ in 15 normal volunteers (mean age 39 years, range 21–62 years). Cooling was obtained by direct application of ice over a rectangular skin region including the stimulating and recording area. The intramuscular T was monitored by a needle thermocouple (copperconstantane). In all the 24 muscle fibers studied, a linear relationship was observed between CV and T. The slopes of the regression lines, ranging between 0.190 and 0.079 m/s, were positively correlated with the starting CV at 36°C ranging between 2.2 and 5.2 m/s. If conduction changes are expressed as a percentage of the basal CV at 36°C, the CV/T coefficient is the same for all the fibers and independent of the individual CV: 3.4% of CV/°C.  相似文献   

The effects of caldesmon and smooth muscle tropomyosin on the motility of myosin subfragment I (SI) modified by N-(iodoacetyl)-N'-(1-naphtyl-5-sulfo)-ethylenediamine (1.5-IAEDANS) was studied in myosin-, troponin- and tropomyosin-free rabbit ghost muscle fibers using the polarized microphotometry technique. It was found that the fluorescence anisotropy initiated by the 1.5-IAEDANS-SI arrangement in the fibers is higher in the presence of tropomyosin than in its absence. Caldesmon diminishes the fluorescence anisotropy of the fibers. Data from a kinetic analysis suggest that the motility of fluorophores in the presence of tropomyosin in thin filaments is markedly decreased. Caldesmon weakens the effect of tropomyosin on the fluorescent label motility. It was supposed that caldesmon and tropomyosin initiate conformational changes in myosin heads which are accompanied by loosening or strengthening of their bonds with F-actin, respectively. Caldesmon inhibits the effect induced by tropomyosin.  相似文献   

Summary The muscular layer of the fish oesophagus is made up exclusively of striated muscles, which form a circular and a longitudinal layer. The intestinal muscular layer of the tench, which is an exception among the vertebrates in this respect, consists of two layers of striated muscles and a layer of smooth ones. The organization of striated muscle fibres is described from the muscular layer of the alimentary canal in four species: the tench, crucian carp, gudgeon and stone-loach. The fibres of the oesophagus differ from each other in diameter, length of sarcomeres, glycogen content and, in the case of one species, organization of SR. On the basis of the organization of sarcomeres all the fibres examined must be counted among the slow-contracting ones (broad Z line). The sarcoplasmic reticulum is organized according to the Z type except for the fibres of the oesophageal muscles in which the SR represents the A-I type. Two types, en grappe and en plaque, of nerve endings have been observed. The presence of relatively large dense core vesicles seems to indicate their adrenergic origin.This work has been supported by the Polish Academy Sciences.  相似文献   

Structure of thick filaments in the chemically skinned fibre bundles of rabbit psoas muscle in a state of pseudorelaxation induced by adding 2 mM pyrophosphate (PP) and of PP-mixture with 40% ethyleneglycol to the bathing rigor solution was studied with the help of X-ray diffraction technique. Reduction in the isometric rigor tension by about 50-70% in a state of pseudorelaxation is accompanied by significant changes in the relative intensities of a number of meridional reflections, indicating that in situ the structure and location of S-2 segment may be regulated by the structural changes in the acto S-1-complex during its cyclic interaction with ATP.  相似文献   

We recently reported a new class of inhibitors of the chymotrypsin-like serine protease NS3 of the hepatitis C virus. These inhibitors exploit the binding potential of the S' site of the protease, which is not generally used by the natural substrates. The effect of prime-site occupancy was analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis-mass spectrometry. Generally, nonprime inhibitors cause a structural change in NS3. Binding in the S' site produces additional conformational changes with different binding modes, even in the case of the NS3/4A cofactor complex. Notably, inhibitor binding either in the S or S' site also has profound effects on the stabilization of the protease. In addition, the stabilization propagates to regions not in direct contact with the inhibitor. In particular, the N-terminal region, which according to structural studies is endowed with low structural stability and is not stabilized by nonprime inhibitors, was now fully protected from proteolytic degradation. From the perspective of drug design, P-P' inhibitors take advantage of binding pockets, which are not exploited by the natural HCV substrates; hence, they are an entry point for a novel class of NS3/4A inhibitors. Here we show that binding of each inhibitor is associated with a specific structural rearrangement. The development of a range of inhibitors belonging to different classes and an understanding of their interactions with the protease are required to address the issue of the most likely outcome of viral protease inhibitor therapy, that is, viral resistance.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that ischemia, reperfusion, and the generation of free radicals are major etiological factors in the progression of bladder dysfunction after partial outlet obstruction. In vitro studies demonstrated that the magnitude of contractile dysfunction following exposure of bladder smooth muscle to hypoxia followed by re-oxygenation was related to the level of lipid peroxidation indicating that membrane lipid peroxidation participated in the contractile failure induced. Recent studies demonstrated that incubation of isolated strips of bladder smooth muscle with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) result in progressive contractile dysfunctions and is associated with progressive increases in MDA (peroxidation product). The current study investigates if feeding rabbits a diet high in vitamin E protects the bladder from the effects of in vitro H2O2. Sixty-four male New Zealand White rabbits were separated into two groups: The rabbits in group 1 were fed a normal diet (28 rabbits) whereas the rabbits in group 2 were placed on a diet enriched with -tocopherol (36 rabbits). After 3 weeks on the normal or high E diet, each rabbit was anesthetized and the bladder excised and cut into 6 isolated strips of bladder detrusor. Each strip was mounted in individual 15 ml baths containing oxygenated Tyrode's solution. The contractile responses to field stimulation (FS), carbachol, and KCl were determined. The strips were washed and exposed to one of the following concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2): 0% (control), 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0% for a period of 1 h. At the end of the hour each strip was washed free of H2O2 and a second set of contractile responses were performed and compared to the first set. At the end of the experiment, each strip was frozen and stored at –70°C for analysis of malondialdehyde (MDA) as a measure of peroxidation. In both groups, H2O2 produced similar dose dependent decreases in the contractile responses to all forms of stimulation. In the normal-diet group H2O2 produced a dose dependent increase in MDA formation, whereas in the high E group there were no increases in MDA at any concentration of H2O2. Feeding rabbits a diet high in vitamin E protected the bladder smooth muscle from peroxidation, but had no significant effect on the contractile dysfunctions mediated by direct incubation with H2O2.  相似文献   

The effect of sustained paired pacing, extracellular Ca2+ concentration and of the rate of steady-state single pacing on the length-tension relations in the isolated papillary muscles of right ventricles of rabbit hearts was investigated. We found that full range change of contractile force (CF, from close to zero to maximal) may be obtained by means of the change of the resting muscle length by 10-15% of Lmax (the length at which CF is maximal). This change brings about the shift of the thin filaments of the sarcomeres along the thick ones by one sixth of their length. The only effect of all the applied interventions could be reproduced by multiplying CF at each length step by some coefficient. Neither of them did change the basic pattern of length-tension relations. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the basic mechanism of length-tension relations is the change of sensitivity of contractile system to the sarcoplasmic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

A possibility of binding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPhDG) in frog (Rana temporaria L.) skeletal muscles was studied by measuring its solubilization in 0.15 M KCl and by its presence in isolated actomyosin. Using a 0.15 M KCl solution, more GAPhDG was extracted from intact muscles and muscles treated with heat at 38, 42 and 46 degrees C for 15 min than in a non-electrolyte medium. Actomyosin isolated from muscles reveals GAPhDG activity which cannot be removed by actomyosin reprecipitation. In myosin-, troponin- and tropomyosin-free single glycerinated muscle fibres (ghost fibres) GAPhDG absorption to F-actin was shown. It is suggested that under thermal injure of muscle cells, the increase in GAPhDG binding with thermolabile proteins of actomyosin complex may occur.  相似文献   

The effect of maternal nutrition level during the periconception period on the muscle development of fetus and maternal–fetal plasma hormone concentrations in sheep were examined. Estrus was synchronized in 55 Karayaka ewes and were either fed ad libitum (well-fed, WF, n=23) or 0.5×maintenance (under-fed, UF, n=32) 6 days before and 7 days after mating. Non-pregnant ewes (WF, n=13; UF, n=24) and ewes carrying twins (WF, n=1) and female (WF, n=1; UF, n=3) fetuses were removed from the experiment. The singleton male fetuses from well-fed (n=8) and under-fed (n=5) ewes were collected on day 90 of gestation and placental characteristics, fetal BWs and dimensions, fetal organs and muscles weights were recorded. Maternal (on day 7 after mating) and fetal (on day 90 of pregnancy) blood samples were collected to analyze plasma hormone concentrations. Placental characteristics, BW and dimensions, organs and muscles weights of fetuses were not affected by maternal feed intake during the periconception period. Maternal nutrition level did not affect fiber numbers and the muscle cross-sectional area of the fetal longissimus dorsi (LD), semitendinosus (ST) muscles, but the cross-sectional area of the secondary fibers in the fetal LD and ST muscles from the UF ewes were higher than those from the WF ewes (P<0.05). Also, the ratio of secondary to primary fibers in the ST muscle were tended to be lower in the fetuses from the UF ewes (P=0.07). Maternal nutrition level during the periconception period did not cause any significant changes in fetal plasma insulin and maternal and fetal plasma IGF-I, cortisol, progesterone, free T3 and T4 concentrations. However, maternal cortisol concentrations were lower while insulin concentrations were higher in the WF ewes than those in the UF ewes (P<0.05). These results indicate that the reduced maternal feed intake during the periconception period may alter muscle fiber diameter without affecting fiber types, fetal weights and organ developments and plasma hormone concentrations in the fetus.  相似文献   

The effect of electrostimulation of fast (EDL) and slow (SOL) rat muscles on the orientation and mobility of fluorescent probes rhodamine-phalloidine and 1.5-IAEDANS (N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulpho-1-naphtyl)-ethylenediamine), located in various parts of actin molecule, has been studied by polarized microfluorimetry techniques. Muscles were stimulated at 20 Hz with the pulse width of 0.3 msec, some muscles were treated for 6 h during the first day, the other muscles for 6 h a day during the next 4 days before glycerinization. Then muscle fibres freed by the extraction of myosin, tropomyosin and troponin (ghost fibres) were used. It was shown that the binding of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) to actin induced the changes in polarized fluorescence of the fibres. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the formation of actomyosin complex in stimulated muscles resulted in increasing the angle between the thin filaments and the emission dipole of rhodamine-phalloidine, as well as in decreasing the mobility of this dye. In the experiments with the 1.5-IAEDANS label, the angle of the emission dipole decreased, while the label mobility increased. It was suggested that the orientation of domains in actomyosin complex changes following the electrostimulation to affect both the conformational state of F-actin in thin filaments of ghost fibres and actin-myosin interaction.  相似文献   

Summary The smooth muscle of rabbit portal vein was studied by electron microscopy with particular emphasis on the mechanical linkage between the muscle cells and on the distribution of connective tissue.The media of this vein is composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers which are orientated almost perpendicularly to each other. The muscle of the inner circular layer shows very irregular contours with much branching and anastomosing of the cytoplasmic processes, which often make membrane contacts with neighbouring cells to form an extensive network of cytoplasmic processes. The muscle cells of the outer longitudinal layer are arranged in densely packed bundles and are spindle-shaped, with no branching processes. Opposing dense areas from neighbouring cells, with variable gap distances (30–100 nm) and close membrane contacts (intermediate junctions) with a gap of 11 nm were observed in both circular and longitudinal muscle layers.In the terminal regions of muscle cells in both circular and longitudinal layers a specialized anchoring structure was present which was closely related to extracellular elastic tissue. Muscle cells in the longitudinal layer showed the most elaborate structure, the tapering end of the muscle cell showing a honeycomb-like structure penetrated by columns of connective tissue compounds. The functional implications of these structures are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of sarcomere length and stretching on the tension and the rate of ATP splitting was studied using small fiber bundles from glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle. The rate of ATP slitting was determined by measuring ADP production, while the tension development in response to a contracting solution (at pCa 5.3) was recorded in the same preparation. The isometric tension developed by the preparation decreased when the sarcomere length was increased. The decrease of tension development was accompanied by a decrease in the rate of ATP splitting. If a preparation exerting steady isometric tension was stretched by 5--10% at a velocity of 0.1 mm/s, the rate of ATP splitting was increased after stretching, while the steady isometric tension attained after stretching was also higher than the initial value. The extent of the excess ATP splitting caused by stretching decreased with increasing sarcomere length. These results suggest that the rate of the interaction cycle between actin and myosin molecules may increase as a result of stretching.  相似文献   

Early (1 and 24 h) after X-irradiation with a dose of 0.21 C/kg changes occurred in the acceptability of the polypeptide chain parts of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase for the effect of trypsin. The analysis of the results of studying the structural and functional properties of a hydrophobic fragment of this enzyme in the control and after irradiation permitted to define the part of the Ca-ATPase polypeptide chain that provided ion selectivity of the fragment.  相似文献   

The elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle in which troponin C (TnC) was partially extracted were investigated by sinusoidal analysis in rabbit psoas muscle fibers. The effects of MgATP and phosphate on the rate constants of exponential processes were studied at 200 mM ionic strength, pCa 4.20, pH 7.00, and at 20 degrees C. The results were analyzed with the following cross-bridge scheme: [formula: see text] where A is actin, M is myosin, S is MgATP, D is MgADP, and P is phosphate (Pi). When TnC was extracted so that the average remaining tension was 11% (range 8-15%), K1 (MgATP association constant) increased to 7x, k2 (rate constant of cross-bridge detachment) increased to 1.55x, k-2 (reversal of detachment) decreased to 0.27x, and K2 (= k2/k-2: equilibrium constant of cross-bridge detachment) increased to 6.6x, k4 (rate constant of force generation) decreased to 0.4x, k-4 (reversal of force generation) increased to 2x, K4 (= k4/k-4) decreased to 0.17x, and K5 (Pi association constant) did not change. The activation factor alpha, which represents the fraction of cross-bridges participating in the cycling, decreased from 1 to 0.14 with TnC extraction. The fact that K1 increased with TnC extraction implies that the condition of the thin filament modifies the contour of the substrate binding site on the myosin head and is consistent with the Fenn effect. The fact that alpha decreased to 0.14 is consistent with the steric blocking mechanism (recruitment hypothesis) and indicates that some of the cross-bridges disappear from the active cycling pool. The fact that the equilibrium constants changed is consistent with the cooperative activation mechanism (graded activation hypothesis) among thin-filament regulatory units that consist of troponin (TnC, Tnl, TnT), tropomyosin, and seven actin molecules, and possibly include cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Insulin (100 U/ml) stimulated protein synthesis and PGF2 release in isolated rabbit muscle, but had little effect on the rate of protein degradation. The effect of insulin persisted for at least 5 h after removal of the hormone. Indomethacin, added at the start of the incubation, inhibited the stimulatory effect of insulin on protein synthesis and PGF2 release, but did not block the binding of iodinated insulin. When added 2 h after insulin, indomethacin did not inhibit the stimulation of protein synthesis but completely inhibited the increase in PGF2 release. The results suggest that the stimulation of protein synthesis by insulin is mediated by metabolites of membrane phospholipids but that these changes are involved during the phase of response that immediately follows the binding of insulin to its receptor.  相似文献   

1. The mechanical behaviour of intrafusal muscle fibres during fusimotor stimulation and passive stretch was observed directly in muscle spindles isolated from the cat tenuissimus muscle. 2. Mammalian intrafusal muscle fibres are of three functional types. Most spindles contain one slow nuclear bag fibre, one fast nuclear bag fibre, and four or five nuclear chain fibres. 3. Contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres is characterized by a long latency and very slow initial velocity, whereas the latency for the other intrafusal fibres is short and the inital velocity rapid. The mean time for maximum contraction (at 75 Hz to 100 Hz) and relaxation is significantly longer for slow nuclear bag fibres (0-8s) than for other intrafusal fibres (0-5 s). The contraction time of fast nuclear bag fibres is sometimes longer than that of nuclear chain fibres but the mean values are not significantly different; a difference in the time to attain 90% contraction is more obvious. 4. At low stimulation frequencies (10 Hz) contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres and in most fast nuclear bag fibres is smooth whereas nuclear chain fibres exhibit marked oscillations. Single stimuli elicit small local twitches in nuclear chain fibres and occasionally in fast nuclear bag fibres but produce no visible effect in slow nuclear bag fibres. 5. Maximum contraction of slow and fast nuclear bag fibres at body temperature is attained at a stimulation frequency of 75 Hz to 100 Hz, whereas a frequency of 150 Hz or more is required for maximum contraction of nuclear chain fibres. At 50 Hz at body temperature contraction in nuclear bag fibres is at least half the maximum, whereas in many spindles nuclear chain fibres show only a very small contraction at this frequency. 6. Contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres occurs at one or two discrete foci, most of which lie in the intracapsular region beyond the end of the fluid space. Weak contraction extends the primary sensory spiral by a small amount (2%-8%) at a low velocity (5%-10%s-1). When the fibre is passively stretched the spiral opens and then creeps back to about 75% of the extension at the end of the stretch due to yielding in the poles of fibre; creep is complete in 0-5s to 2-5s. 7. Contraction in fast nuclear bag fibres also occurs at one or two discrete foci, most of which lie in the intracapsular region beyond the end of the fluid space. Shortening of sarcomeres at the foci and extension of the sensory spiral are, however, up to eight times greater (up to 25%) than in slow nuclear bag fibres, and the velocity of stretch of the spiral is three to eight times greater (25%-40%s-1). Fast nuclear bag fibres exhibit little or no creep following passive stretch. 8. Contraction in the nuclear chain fibre bundle is localized to the intracapsular region, centered on a point in the intracapsular region between 0-9 mm and 1-6 mm from the spindle equator. Maximal contraction stretches primary and secondary sensory endings by 15% to 20%, at 30% to 40% s-1...  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure and arrangement of mitochondria in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the rat were examined under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of cytoplasmic matrices by means of the Osmium-DMSO-Osmium procedure.Beneath the sarcolemma, spherical or ovoid subsarcolemmal mitochondria show accumulations. The mitochondria are numerous and large in size in the red fibers, intermediate in the intermediate fibers, and few and small in the white fibers. Paired, slender I-band-limited mitochondria were located on both sides of the Z-line and partly embraced the myofibrils at the I-band level; they occurred in all three types of fibers. In the intermyofibrillar spaces, numerous mitochondria formed mitochondrial columns. These columns were classified into two types: 1) thick mitochondrial columns, formed by multiple mitochondria each with an intermyofibrillar space corresponding to one sarcomere in length, and 2) thin mitochondrial columns, established by single mitochondria corresponding to one sarcomere in length. In the red fibers mitochondrial columns were abundant and the ratio of the thick and thin columns was almost the same, while in the intermediate fibers most of the columns belonged to the thin type. The white fibers displayed rare, very thin columns.  相似文献   

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