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【目的】大葱在贮藏期频繁发生镰孢菌腐烂病,损失严重。明确该病害病原种类对病害防治具有重要意义。【方法】利用组织分离法对采集自甘肃省兰州市(区)蔬菜市场的16份大葱贮藏期镰孢菌腐烂病病样进行病原物的分离、纯化培养,经单孢分离后根据形态学特征,再结合r DNA-ITS、EF-1a(tef)基因序列分析的方法进行鉴定。【结果】共分离得到80株镰孢菌,经鉴定分属3个种,即层出镰孢菌(Fusarium proliferatum)、尖孢镰孢菌(F.oxysporum)和燕麦镰孢菌(F.avenaceum),其中层出镰孢菌为大葱镰孢菌腐烂病的优势致病菌,分离频率为52.50%。对兰州白葱不同部位进行致病性测定,结果表明层出镰孢菌对大葱鳞茎的致病力最强,而燕麦镰孢菌对大葱鳞茎的致病力最弱。【结论】3种镰孢菌作为该病害的病原,属国内首次报道。 相似文献
【目的】对寄生茶小绿叶蝉的丝状真菌进行鉴定和分生孢子培养研究。【方法】采用形态特征比较和转录间隔区(ITS)序列构建系统树进行分析,分生孢子培养通过单因素筛选和正交试验进行产孢条件优化。【结果】根据形态特征比较和系统发育分析表明,该真菌为渐狭蜡蚧菌Lecanicillium attenuatum ZareW.Gams。最优产孢条件(质量体积比)为:蛋白胨2%,麦芽糖1%,蚕蛹粉1%,氯化钾0.05%,磷酸氢二钾0.1%,七水硫酸镁0.05%,琼脂1.5%,蒸馏水1 000 m L,25°C。【结论】通过形态特征比较和分子序列分析表明,罹病茶小绿叶蝉上的真菌为已知种——渐狭蜡蚧菌,并对该菌株进行了产孢条件的优化。研究结果为该菌株应用到茶小绿叶蝉的生物防治研究提供基础资料。 相似文献
膨孢组镰孢菌Fusarium在自然界中广泛分布。该组包括4个种:木贼镰孢菌F.equiseti,藨草镰孢菌F.scirpi,长脚镰孢菌F.longipes和紧致镰孢菌F.compactum。这4个种均产生腹背不平行弯曲的大孢子。分离获得并描述了其中的3个种。木贼镰孢菌F.equiseti是镰孢菌中最常见的种之一,它产生典型的腹背不平行弯曲的大孢子,大孢子的顶细胞和足跟状基细胞明显伸长,菌落因缺乏红色素而呈黄褐色。藨草镰孢菌F.scirpi是比较少见的种类,它的典型特征是在典型的十字形产孢细胞上产生大量的小型分生孢子。由于它在PDA培养基上容易发生小孢子缺乏型的变异,因此,常常被错误地鉴定为木贼镰孢菌F.equiseti。长脚镰孢菌F.longipes的大孢子最容易与其他种的大孢子区分,它的顶细胞和基细胞均极度延长。当长脚镰孢菌F.longipes菌落因为变异而失去产生红色素的能力时,也容易与木贼镰孢菌F.equiseti混淆。基于该组大孢子的典型特征,作者将锐顶镰孢菌F.acuminatum排除在该组之外。 相似文献
不同接种浓度、发酵时间、菌株和基质对蜡蚧轮枝菌固体发酵的产孢量都有显著影响,而对孢子活力的影响不明显,萌发率均在90%以上.在5至7天内,随发酵时间的延长产孢量有明显增长;7至10天则变化不大;15天时产孢量和孢子活力均显著降低.随接种孢子浓度每增加1倍,菌株(VLFNL95-01)发酵的产孢量平均提高15.6%,浓度加大至32倍则提高71.9%.3个菌株比较,VLFNL95-01产孢量明显高得多.不同固体基质发酵的结果有显著差异,产孢量最高的(正交3号配方)比其次的(黄豆饼粉+玉米碎粒+磷酸盐)就提高了95.1%. 相似文献
【目的】从青海大骨节病区小麦麦穗中分离的内生真菌中筛选产T-2毒素的菌株,并研究影响其合成该毒素的条件。【方法】采用种子胚芽抑制试验和抑菌试验从分离所得的菌株中筛选产毒菌株;利用薄层层析和高效液相检测待测菌株产物,复筛出产T-2毒素的菌株。通过显微形态学观察及ITS序列分析对筛选出的菌株5-5m-1进行鉴定。应用单因素筛选方案研究固体培养时间、温度以及液体培养转速、初始p H等对其产T-2毒素的影响,并采用正交试验进一步优化。【结果】菌株5-5m-1的显微形态与梨孢镰孢菌(Fusarium poae)相似;ITS序列分析显示,该菌株与F.poae的相似度也较高。其产T-2毒素的最佳条件为:玉米固体培养基、日温25°C/夜温15°C、光暗交替。【结论】5-5m-1菌株为梨孢镰孢菌,培养条件对其产T-2毒素能力有很大影响。实验结果将为进一步研究T-2毒素产生的机制和防止真菌毒素污染提供参考。 相似文献
采用AGI-30生物采样器收集鸡舍空气样本,同时采集鸡舍中饲料、积尘、土壤和饮用水在内的环境基质样品。采用形态学方法对分离获得的镰孢菌菌株进行鉴定,利用tri5-PCR技术对镰孢菌菌株中产单端孢霉烯族毒素的菌株进行检测,目的是探明鸡舍环境中镰孢菌种类的分布特征和产毒菌株。结果表明,从采集的50份样品中分离获得139个镰孢菌菌株,鸡舍空气和基质中的优势菌株均为Fusarium verticillioides;在各基质中,土壤中镰孢菌总浓度最高,为4×102–1.35×104CFU/g,其次为饲料和饮用水;采用tri5-PCR技术筛选到42株tri5阳性镰孢菌菌株,其中以F. graminearum所占比例最高。研究明确鸡舍中镰孢菌种类及其分布特征对鸡只疾病控制及保障人类和动物的健康具有重要意义。 相似文献
普通菜豆是人类主要食用豆类之一,其营养价值高、栽培面积大。镰孢菌枯萎病是普通菜豆典型的土传病害,给普通菜豆生产带来严重损失。水杨酸(SA)被认为是诱导植物抗病反应的重要信号分子之一,参与植物的过敏反应(HR)和系统获得性抗性反应(SAR)。本研究通过不同植物激素处理普通菜豆BRB-130,结果表明,SA处理普通菜豆叶片使植株根中SA的含量升高,并显著提高植株对枯萎病原菌FOP-DM01菌株的抗性。SA诱导普通菜豆根组织中苯丙氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶活性及过氧化氢的含量显著升高,从而诱导普通菜豆产生HR和SAR。因此,SA作为普通菜豆抗病信号途径中重要的化学激活因子,能够显著提高普通菜豆对枯萎病原菌的抗病性,为发展环境友好型化学农药提供新的思路。 相似文献
Elisa M. Miguélez Begoña Rueda Carlos Hardisson Manuel B. Manzanal 《FEMS microbiology letters》1997,157(1):103-107
In this paper we present an ultrastructural study of spore formation in aerial vs. substrate mycelia of Streptomyces carpinensis. Both mycelia initiated spore formation at nearly the same time of colony development but exhibited different patterns of spatial localization of sporulation: spore formation took place throughout the aerial mycelium whereas in the substrate mycelium was confined to a narrow zone at the bottom of the colony. The ultrastructural changes leading to spore formation, however, were quite similar in both mycelia, differing only with respect to the outer components of the sporal wall. Spores formed in the aerial mycelium were covered by a thin sheath whereas the spores formed in the substrate mycelium were covered by an amorphous electron-dense material. 相似文献
【背景】香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种(镰刀菌)是香蕉产业的致命威胁。已有研究表明土壤pH值越高,香蕉枯萎病发病率越低,但是现有pH值对镰刀菌影响的研究大都是用强酸强碱调节pH值,pH值没有缓冲体系保护,而且尚未检测试验终点时介质的pH值。此外,关于pH值对香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种(Foc4)影响的研究尚不系统,难以用于指导生产实践。【目的】为系统地了解土壤酸碱度对Foc4生长的影响。【方法】在pH 3.0-11.0之间设定9个pH值梯度,模拟酸性到碱性土壤pH值条件,于室内培养条件下系统研究pH值对Foc4生长、产孢、孢子萌发的影响及其生长过程对环境pH值的影响。【结果】弱酸性至中性环境(pH 5.0-7.0)最适宜于香蕉枯萎病菌的生长、产孢和孢子萌发。弱碱性处理(pH8.0和pH9.0)孢子平均萌发率较弱酸性环境处理(pH5.0和pH6.0)下降了73.1%。与pH 6.0酸性处理相比,pH 8.0和pH 9.0处理的产孢量分别下降了52.3%和68.1%。【结论】香蕉枯萎病菌Foc4生长和萌发过程会产酸,但是在缓冲体系液体培养基中,除了pH 9.0和pH10.0处理终点培养液pH值分别下降了0.34和0.27个单位外,其它处理起始和终点的pH值无差异。说明在缓冲体系液体培养基中的研究结果可以反映环境pH值对Foc4生长和萌发的影响。在作物可以生长的pH值范围内(pH5.0-9.0),碱性和微碱性条件(pH8.0-9.0)能明显抑制Foc4生长、产孢和孢子萌发。 相似文献
B. Kiran 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(9):849-855
Aqueous and solvent extracts of seeds of P. corylifolia were evaluated for antifungal activity by poisoned food technique against eight important phytopathogenic species of Fusarium commonly associated with maize seeds. Antifungal activity was observed in both aqueous and solvent extracts. Petroleum ether extract showed highly significant activity against all the Fusarium species. F. graminearum was highly susceptible, while F. lateritium was least susceptible. The antifungal activity increased with increasing concentration of the extract. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of the aqueous extract for F. graminearum was 15% and for F. equiseti, F. moniliforme, F. semitectum and F. solani it was 40%. Total inhibition was not observed in the case of F. lareritium, F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum. The results of the study are of immense value in the management of seed borne phytopathogenic species of Fusarium known to cause significant yield loss in maize. 相似文献
Woranovicz-Barreira SM Gorin PA Sassaki PL Marcelli MP Iacomini M 《FEMS microbiology letters》1999,181(2):313-317
Xylitol possesses anti-bacterial effects on pneumococci in vitro. To study the effect in vivo, the nostrils of 80 rats were inoculated with pneumococci. Intervention groups (n = 20) received either a xylitol diet or xylitol nasal sprays. The control groups were on a normal diet or had saline sprays. After 3 days, a quantitative bacterial culture and a PCR were done from the mucosal suspension. Neither the mean colony-forming unit counts nor the PCR counts differed statistically significant between the xylitol and control groups. Thus, we found that xylitol had no significant effect on pneumococcal mucosal colonisation. 相似文献
Colonies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibit sectors that were shown to be located at specific intervals within the colony. Maxima in the distribution of sectors
were observed every 5 mm as measured from the center of the colony. These maxima correlated with changes in the expansion
rates of colonies. The absolute average number of sectors per colony was higher for colonies grown at higher temperatures.
These results increase our understanding of colony pattern formation.
Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 7 April 1999 相似文献
Wilt of Psidium guajava L., incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii and Fusarium solani is a serious soil-borne disease of guava in India. Forty-two isolates each of F. oxysporum f. sp. psidii (Fop) and F. solani (Fs) collected from different agro climatic zones of India showing pathogenicity were subjected to estimate the genetic and molecular characterisation in terms of analysis of microsatellite marker studies. Out of eight microsatellite markers, only four microsatellite markers, viz. MB 13, MB 17, RE 102 and AY212027 were amplified with single band pattern showing the character of identical marker for molecular characterisation and genetic identification. Microsatellite marker MB 13 was amplified in F. oxysporum f. sp. psidii and F. solani isolates. Product size of 296 bps and 1018 bps were exactly amplified with a single banding pattern in all the isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. psidii and F. solani, respectively. Microsatellite markers, viz. MB 17, RE 102 and AY212027 were also exactly amplified with a single banding pattern. MB 17 was amplified in F. oxysporum f. sp. psidii isolates with a product size of 300 bp. RE 102 and AY212027 were amplified in F. solani isolates with the product size of 153 bp and 300 bp, respectively. Therefore, amplified microsatellite marker may be used as identifying DNA marker. 相似文献
Protosporangium is described as a new genus of the mycetozoan order Protosteliida, with 3 new species: P. bisporum, P. fragile , and P. articulatum . The genus is characterized by minute, mostly 2-4-spored sporangia borne on long, slender, flexuous stalks. The spores produce flagellate cells (typically 8 per sporangium) during germination. The trophic stage is holozoic and uninucleate to plurinucleate but never reticulate. Plurinucleate protoplasts segment into uninucleate (sometimes binucleate) prespore cells that culminate to form sporocarps in the manner characteristic of protostelids. 相似文献