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夹竹桃天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷玉兰  林仲桂 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):918-922,F0004
夹竹桃天蛾Daphnis nerii(Linnaeus)是夹竹桃上的重要害虫,具有间歇性爆发的特点。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生2~3代,以蛹在寄主附近的枯枝落叶层、表层松土及土壤缝穴中越冬。越冬代成虫于6月上旬出现,6月中下旬产卵。6月下旬第1代幼虫孵化;第1代成虫于7月中旬出现,7月下旬产卵。第2代幼虫8月上旬孵化,8月下旬至9月上旬幼虫危害最历害,9月中旬开始化蛹,化蛹持续到10月中旬。第2代蛹发生分化,一部分成为越冬蛹,另一部分则羽化为成虫。第2代成虫于10月上旬开始产下第3代卵。10月上旬第3代幼虫开始孵化,11月中旬第3代幼虫开始化蛹、越冬。  相似文献   

在宁夏银川利用室内自然条件比较观察了莱氏脊漠甲Pterocoma reitteri Frivaldszky和洛氏脊漠甲Pterocoma loczyi Frivaldszky的生物学特性。莱氏脊漠甲2年发生1代,以成虫和幼虫越冬,越冬幼虫于翌年6月下旬至9月上旬化蛹,羽化成虫7月上旬开始出现;洛氏脊漠甲2年发生1代,以成虫和幼虫越冬,越冬幼虫于翌年3月中、下旬出土活动,并在5月下旬至7月下旬化蛹,羽化成虫6月上旬出现。2种脊漠甲的幼虫在室内饲养条件下均有自相残杀的习性。  相似文献   

高建发  杜进琦 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):794-796
小红珠绢蝶Parnassius nomion Fischer von Waldheim在甘肃甘南1年发生1代。翌年5月上旬幼虫孵化,6月下旬开始化蛹,7月下旬至8月上旬,成虫开始羽化,8月中旬至9月上旬成虫开始产卵,该虫以卵越冬。  相似文献   

张丽峰 《昆虫学报》1959,(6):540-547
一、大叶黄杨尺蠖(Abraxas miranda Butler)是重要的园林害虫之一,为害卫矛科的两种植物,即:大叶黄杨与爬行卫矛。在中国分布于江苏、浙江、贵州及东北等地。 二、大叶黄杨尺蠖在上海一年发生三代,但在室内饲育可完成四代,以蛹在土中越冬。第一代成虫自4月上旬开始羽化,幼虫自4月下旬开始为害,至5月下旬进入蛹期。第二代成虫自6月上旬开始羽化,幼虫自6月中旬开始为害、直至8月下旬进入蛹期。第三代成虫自8月中旬开始羽化、幼虫自9月上旬开始至11月中旬进入蛹期。 三、根据室内饲养,成虫的寿命第一代雄虫平均7.8天,雌虫平均9.6天;第二代雄虫平均11天,雌虫平均15.4天;第三代雄虫平均9天,雌虫平均10天;第四代雄虫平均12天,雌虫平均14.5天。卵期第一代为14.5天,第二代8.6天,第三代9天,第四代12天。幼虫期第一代平均34.9天,第二代平均23.4天,第三代平均25天,第四代平均58天。蛹期第一代平均11.4天,第二代平均45.8天,第三代平均15.9天,第四代为越冬蛹。 四、成虫飞行力很弱,白天栖息在大叶黄杨树下或附近草丛中,晚上活动,趋光性不强。成虫羽化多在下午3—5时,羽化后即可交尾,一般交尾时间为6—7小时,最长可达11小时,交尾后7小时即行产卵,每一雌蛾可产卵360余粒。 五、幼虫共五龄,羽化后3、4小时就开始取食,受  相似文献   

沈阳地区国槐尺蠖发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏宝玲  柳丽婷  佟忠勇  宋菁 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1194-1200
通过室内饲养和田间观察,对国槐尺蠖Semiothisa cinerearia Bremer et Grey各虫态(成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹)特征进行了详细的描述。对国槐尺蠖的行为习性、生活史以及田间种群消长规律进行了深入的研究。研究结果表明,国槐尺蠖在沈阳一年发生3代,无世代重叠,以蛹在树下松软土壤中越冬。国槐尺蠖幼虫共有7龄,1~4龄取食量小,5龄以后食量大增,进入暴食期,取食量占全幼虫期的80%~90%,而且随着虫龄的增长,其存活率增加。国槐尺蠖幼虫发生期为5月到9月,6月上旬、中旬至7月下旬为幼虫为害盛期,9月以后种群呈递减趋势,老熟幼虫开始入土化蛹越冬。  相似文献   

记述了喙尾琵甲Blaps rhynchopetera Fairmaire各虫态特征,观察了其生物学特性.实验种群1月下旬至12月上旬产卵,卵期为8~15 d;幼虫期141~213 d,共9~13龄,第9龄以后,龄期较长;蛹前期8~14 d;蛹期12~24 d.成虫羽化24~92 d后性成熟,开始交配产卵活动,成虫期超过18个月.自然种群在昆明和曲靖1年发生1~1.5代,世代重叠严重;以不同龄期幼虫和成虫越冬,越冬幼虫于次年4月上旬开始化蛹,新羽化成虫于4月下旬至12月上旬交配产卵,成虫全年都能活动、产卵.该虫为夜出型、暂栖性土壤昆虫,喜潮湿阴暗的环境.成虫具有夜出习性、防御性和群聚性.  相似文献   

黄环绢须野螟Palpitaannulata(Fabricius)是小叶女贞(LigustrumquihouiCarr.)上新出现的一种害虫,严重危害小叶女贞叶片,造成植株枯萎、死亡,同时也危害金叶女贞(L.vicaryi)。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以蛹在土中越冬。越冬代成虫和第1、2代成虫分别于4月下旬、5月下旬和6月下旬出现。成虫产卵于嫩梢顶端叶片上,卵期3d,幼虫期9~12d。5月上旬和6月上旬分别是第1代和第2代幼虫盛发期,危害最重。越冬代成虫羽化期喷药是防治该虫的关键,在成虫期和幼虫期分别用40%氧化乐果乳油、50%辛硫磷乳油1000~1200倍或25%溴氰菊酯乳油2500~3000倍稀释液喷洒寄主叶面,可控制该虫危害。  相似文献   

戴贤才 《昆虫学报》1965,(3):274-284
大栗金龟(虫甲)是四川西北部重要农林害虫之一,幼虫为害青稞、小麦、豌豆、马铃薯、玉米、甜菜等作物及森林苗圃中的幼苗,成虫为害杉树、桦树、杨树等森林。1955—1963 年在炉霍虾拉沱进行了一系列的调查研究,查明大栗金龟(虫甲)在炉霍虾拉沱六年发生—代,幼虫越冬五次,成虫越冬一次。卵于7月下旬至10月上旬孵化为幼虫,卵期由于产卵时期的温度和土壤湿度不同而为45—66天。幼虫于10月中旬开始下降至40厘米以下越冬,第二年4月中旬开始上升至5—15厘米的土层为害;五次越冬后,于6月中旬至7月上旬在12—44厘米的土层中化蛹,幼虫期58个月强。蛹于7月下旬至9月上旬羽化为成虫,蛹期约两个月。成虫当年不出土,第二年5月上旬开始出土,中下旬最盛:出土后,飞往附近林缘杉树上取食交尾。5月下旬末,雌虫开始飞回田间产卵,成堆产在13—26厘米的土层中,每堆12—28粒。成虫于6月中旬至7月上旬死亡,成虫期约10个月。  相似文献   

克里角梢小蠹生物学特性及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克里角梢小蠹TrypophloeusklimeschiEggers为国内新记录种 ,近年来成为新疆杨 (PopulusalbawyPyramidalis)的重要害虫 ,在短期内可导致新疆杨死亡。该虫在新疆阿拉尔 1年发生 2代 ,主要以成虫在树干蛀盲孔越冬。危害部位集中于距地面高 40~ 2 0 0cm的主干。成虫出树活动 1年中有 3个高峰 ,即 :5月上旬至 5月中旬 ,7月下旬至 8月中旬 ,9月下旬。第 1代幼虫历期约为 3 0d。成虫出孔活动盛期是防治该害虫的关键时期。  相似文献   

跗粗角萤叶甲Diorhabda tarsalis Weise是甘草上的重要食叶害虫,成虫、幼虫危害甘草叶片及幼嫩组织。该虫在河北省保定1年发生3代,以成虫在土缝、洞穴或者枯枝落叶下面的疏松层中越冬。翌年4月下旬越冬成虫开始活动,4月下旬至5月上旬交配产卵,卵产于寄主根部10~15mm的疏松土层。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于5月中旬、7月上旬和8月上旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害,幼虫3龄。记述该虫的寄主、生活年史、发育历期、生活习性,并提出防治建议。  相似文献   

A nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) was isolated from a diseased larva of the smaller tea tortrix, Adoxophyes honmai, collected from a tea field in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Electron microscopic observations confirmed that A. honmai NPV (AdhoNPV) was a single-nucleocapsid type virus. The genome size of AdhoNPV was estimated to be 111.6 +/- 0.9kb (mean +/- SE) by restriction endonuclease analysis. AdhoNPV was also infectious to two other Adoxophyes species, the summer fruit tortrix Adoxophyes orana and Adoxophyes dubia. The LD50 values for neonatal, second, third, fourth, and fifth (final) instar larvae of A. honmai were determined as 61, 107, 688, 1,961, and 4,085 occlusion bodies/insect, respectively. Most of the infected larvae died 5-9 days after molting to the final instar, regardless of the timing of inoculation. However, when neonates were exposed to extremely high doses of AdhoNPV (greater than 100 x LD90), larval development was prevented and most of the larvae died in the first instar.  相似文献   

A small, nonoccluded virus was isolated from the granular hemocytes (=adipocytes) of moribund larvae of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, collected from almonds in northern California. The virus was readily transmitted perorally in laboratory tests and was highly pathogenic to neonate larvae; however, third- and fourth-stage larvae usually acquired attenuated infections that retarded growth and delayed mortality. Large paracrystalline viral arrays filled the cytoplasm of granular hemocytes of diseased larvae. Attempts to transmit the virus perorally to larvae of nine other species of moths were unsuccessful. The virus is isometric, about 25 nm in diameter, and contains single-stranded RNA. It has been designated “chronic stunt virus” (CSV) and tentatively assigned to the picorna-like viruses.  相似文献   

殷坤山  肖强 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):521-523
在16~26℃范围内5个恒温下的饲养结果表明,茶毛虫EuproctispseudoconspersaStrand1~7龄幼虫和整个幼虫期的发育起点温度分别为4.57,8.38,7.00,8.86,7.10,4.84,3.80,6.05℃,有效积温分别为114.45,80.94,91.28,82.23,94.54,117.83,129.46,722.95日·度。用这些结果分龄预测茶毛虫防治适期和茶毛虫病毒室内大量繁殖中幼虫的饲毒日期,与实际情况基本相符。  相似文献   

A virus was isolated from a diseased tipulid larva and identified as Tipula iridescent virus (TIV) on the basis of the size and morphology of the virion, the production of iridescence in vitro and in infected tipulid larvae, and a serological reaction between antiserum against the virus and an isolate of TIV.A stock of Tipula oleracea was bred in the laboratory. Subjection of larvae to several stress factors did not result in any evidence for activation of a latent virus. Healthy T. oleracea larvae did not develop iridescence when confined in petri dishes with either live TIV-infected larvae or with large amounts of their feces, although these feces were found to contain infective virus by injecting extracts into healthy larvae. It appears that the concentration of virus in the feces of infected larvae is not high enough for them to serve as a source of infection. It was shown that the cadavers of TIV-infected larvae can serve as a source of infection for healthy first- and fourth-instar larvae.  相似文献   

The tea slug moth Iragoidae fasciata (Lepidoptera, Eucleidae) is one of the main insect pests that attack tea bushes. A new nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) called Iragoidae fasciata NPV (IrfaNPV) was recently isolated from diseased larvae. An 11,626 bp fragment of the viral genomic DNA containing the polyhedrin gene and other 12 genes was cloned and sequenced. Gene comparison and phylogenetic analysis showed that IrfaNPV is a member of the Group I NPVs. However, the genomic organization of IrfaNPV is highly distinct. In addition, electron microscopy analysis showed that IrfaNPV is a single nucleocapsid NPV (SNPV). An inoculation assay showed that IrfaNPV is semi-permissive in the Trichoplusia ni cell line Tn-5Bl-4. Bioassays on lethal concentration (LC50) and lethal time (LT50) were conducted to test the susceptibility of I. fasciata larvae to the virus.  相似文献   

The transovarial transmission of Hyposidra infixaria nucleopolyhedroviruses (HyinNPV) in the tea looper caterpillar H. infixaria was investigated. H. infixaria larvae reared from eggs (surface sterilised) collected from a tea garden showed typical signs of nucleopolyhedrosis virus infection. The polyhedrin gene amplified from larvae confirmed HyinNPV infection and provided clear evidence of vertical virus transmission from parent to offspring (transovarial transmission). This study reveals important aspects of HyinNPV that could be exploited in biological control programmes; HyinNPV can persist in larval populations and be passed on to the next generation, and thus it may be useful for the long-term control of H. infixaria.  相似文献   

A granulosis virus infecting the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, has been identified, isolated and purified from diseased potato tuber moth larvae collected from potato fields in the highland basin Qa al-Boun of the Republic of Yemen. The granulosis virus was propagated by feeding potato tuber moth larvae with potatoes treated with a concentration of one granulosis virus-infected fourth instar larva to 5l of water (corresponding to an occlusion body (OB) concentration of 2 106 OB ml-1). Restriction enzyme analysis of viral DNA revealed that the isolated virus seemed to correspond to an isolate from the Lima region of Peru. A median LC 50 value of 7.3 104 OB ml-1 was calculated for a purified virus preparation. Different preparations of the granulosis virus were investigated for their persistence in the field on tubers and leaves. A purified virus preparation (PoGV) applied to potato tubers and exposed in the open had a half-life of 1.3 days. On leaves, the activity of granulosis virus spray deposits of an unpurified virus preparation (PoGV I) and of a glycerine-formulated preparation (PoGV II) also declined with exposure time. Mortalities of potato tuber moth larvae of 43% for PoGV I and 49% for PoGV II were recorded when first instar larvae were fed with potato leaves collected 2 days after treatment. After 8 days, 25.8% of the larvae had died from PoGV I treatment and 19.4% from PoGV II. Neither preparation displayed any effect 17 days after application.  相似文献   

Reproduction of nodavirus disease was performed by experimental infection of sea bass eggs during fertilization or at larval stage 4 with 2 genetically distinguishable nodavirus strains (Sb1 and Sb2) isolated from sea bass collected along the Atlantic and Mediterranean French coast. The pathogenicity of the virus strains was assigned after detection of the virus by ELISA and immunohistochemistry (IHC). The Atlantic (Sb1) strain was more pathogenic than the Mediterranean (Sb2) strain during the fertilization step whilst both strains were pathogenic following experimental exposure of 4 d old larvae. Virus lesions developed in the brain 4 to 6 d following experimental exposure. Experimental ELISA proved very sensitive for detecting the nodavirus in Sb1 or Sb2 experimentally infected larvae, as well as in naturally infected sea bass larvae collected in French hatcheries or in barramundi larvae reared in the Pacific area. The development of an ELISA specific for the 2 nodavirus strains isolated from the sea bass should be useful for the detection of the virus, in addition to other techniques recommended by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE).  相似文献   

A mutant of the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) with increased virulence in Trichoplusia ni larvae was isolated following replication of a random virus clone in the presence of 2-aminopurine. The LT50 of the mutant, designated HOB, was significantly shorter than those of either the wild isolate or parental clone of AcMNPV. Also, fifth-instar larvae infected with this mutant gained significantly less weight and consistently produced more virus occlusion bodies than larvae infected with the wild isolate or parental clone. No alterations in the in vitro replication of nonoccluded virions, occluded virus structural proteins, or DNA restriction endonuclease patterns were observed with the HOB mutant.  相似文献   

E. Olofsson 《BioControl》1989,34(3):373-380
Colonies ofNeodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) larvae infected by nuclear polyhedrosis virus were visited by parasitoids, predators, and scavengers. Six transmission pathways were studied in detail. Viable virus polyhedra (PIB) were isolated from external surfaces of parasitic wasps and faeces of tachinid flies, coccinellid larvae, and scavenging flies. Faeces of the scavenging flies remained infectious 9 months on foliage in the field. A bird fed on earthworms from contaminated soil passed infectious faeces. Raindrops on foliage below diseased larval colonies contained more than 108 PIB/ml. It was concluded that although there are numerous transmission pathways, only a few may be available at any one time. The stochastic nature of many pathways implies that the overall transmission rate is highly variable. These results are consistent with frequent observations of low transmission levels between larvae of the same generation.   相似文献   

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