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本文记了分别采自云南高黎贡山的栅蛛科栅蛛属Hahnia 2新种:垭口栅蛛,新种S.yakouensis sp.nov.和肾形栅蛛,新种S.reniformis sp.nov..垭口栅蛛后眼列前曲,交媾腔大,扁圆形,交媾孔1个,位于交媾腔下缘,交媾管粗,呈"人"字形下行分成2支再向两侧扭曲.纳精囊有一肓管斜向上伸出,鉴于上述特征而与Hahnia mridulae Tikader,1970不同.肾形栅蛛交媾孔2个,位于生殖厣腹面中央,纳精囊1对,大,肾形,插入器始于生殖球左下方,鉴于上述特征而与Hahnia xinjiangensis Wang et Liang,1989不同. Abstract: The present paper deals with two new species of the genus Hahnia collected from the Gaoligong Mountains Region of Yunnan Province, China: Hahnia yakouensis sp. nov., Hahnia reniformis sp. nov..  相似文献   

中国医科大学博士后科研流动站始建1995年。目前学校设有基础医学、临床医学和生物学3个博士后科研流动站。但由于每年国家财力有限,资助名额很少,在有限条件下建立、健全博士后制度,加强对博士后人员的培养,调动博士后人员的积极性是一项重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

遗传物质的发现者之一——麦卡锡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1944年,3位科学家艾弗里、麦卡锡和麦克劳德在DNA遗传本质方面的发现是20世纪最重要的发现之一,这个发现打开了生物学革命的大门,从而改变了人类对自然界的看法,这项研究还为1953年沃森和克里克DNA双螺旋结构的发现奠定了坚实的基础,但不幸的是3位科学家都未曾荣获诺贝尔奖.通过介绍麦克林·麦卡锡的科学研究,从而对这项发现的基本状况有一个基本的了解.  相似文献   

One and half centuries ago, Charles Darwin (1859) presented overwhelming evidence and argued that all life on the earth shared common descent, and "from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved". Ernst Haeckel (1886) and several of his contemporaries attempted to trace the pattern of descent among all extant and extinct forms in what Darwin referred to as "the great Tree of Life". Ever since then, systematists and evolutionary biologists have been exploring morphological, cytogenetic, chemical, developmental and molecular characters, and actively developing theories and methods to infer phylogenetic relationships among organisms from these characters. This endeavor has been especially stimulated by the rise of molecular biology and the emergence of computer science over the past 50 years. At the beginning of the 21st century, we are presented with an unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct the entire Tree of Life, and further, to study evolutionary processes and mechanisms in the context of a robust phylogenetic framework.  相似文献   

青宁生 《微生物学报》2008,48(3):I0001-I0002
魏曦,字东升,1903年12月25日出生于湖南岳阳一个小职员家庭,父亲任职于邮政局.1914~1921年他在家乡湖滨中学读书,毕业后考入长沙湘雅医学院,学习两年后曾参加北伐军,任第四集团军警卫团三等军医.后退出军队,在长沙广雅中学任教.1928年入设立在上海的中央大学医学院(1932年独立为上海医学院)学习,1933年毕业,获博士学位.  相似文献   

高黎贡山北段东西坡种子植物区系的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高黎贡山北段的东西坡由于在降雨量和热量分配等方面存在着显著的差异,致使东西坡在植物的种类、组成及区系特征等方面表现出明显的差异.东坡记载野生种子植物152科,580属,1475种及192变种(亚种),西坡记载野生种子植物162科,659属,1804种及186变种(亚种).东西坡种子植物科、属、种的对比分析表明:1)东西坡现代种子植物区系具有相同的历史渊源,但其区系联系减弱了,东西坡区系相似性程度,依科、属、种的顺序依次递减;2)西坡现代种子植物区系比东坡具有更为深刻的热带起源烙印.就科、属、种三个水平来说,东坡的热带成分低于西坡,温带成分高于西坡.许多典型的泛热带大科在西坡比东坡有着更为丰富的种类,其中有些泛热带科分子在东坡缺乏分布,而在西坡找到了合适的驻留之地;3)西坡现代种子植物区系与东喜马拉雅植物区系的联系比东坡紧密,而东坡与高黎贡山以东的区系联系比西坡密切,由于高黎贡山山脉的阻隔,近代植物物种的东西坡交流发生了障碍;4)西坡生态地理环境比东坡更有利于物种的生存、繁衍和分化,它既是古老成分的避难所,又是孕育新生成分的摇篮.  相似文献   

Sequences of the chloroplast ndhF gene and the nuclear ribosomal ITS regions are employed to reconstruct the phylogeny of Prunus (Rosaceae), and evaluate the classification schemes of this genus. The two data sets are congruent in that the genera Prunus s.l. and Maddenia form a monophyletic group, with Maddenia nested within Prunus. However, the ndhF data set is incongruent with the ITS data supporting two major groups within Prunus one consisting of subgenera Laurocerasus (including Pygeum) and Padus as well as the genus Maddenia and another of subgenera Amygdalus, Cerasus, and Prunus. The ITS data, on the other hand, support a clade composed of subgenera Amygdalus and Prunus and Prunus sect. Microcerasus in addition to a paraphyletic grade of subgenera Laurocerasus and Padus (and the genus Maddenia) taxa. In general, the subgeneric classifications of Prunus s.l. are not supported. The ITS and ndhF phylogenies differ mainly in interspecific relationships and the relative position of the Padus/Laurocerasus group. Both ITS and ndhF data sets suggest that the formerly recognized genus Pygeum is polyphyletic and that the distinction of the subgenera Padus and Laurocerasus is not supported. The biogeographic interactions of the temperate and tropical members in the Padus/Laurocera- sus/Maddenia alliance including Pygeum are shown to be highly dynamic and complex.  相似文献   

2007年10月13日至11月5日进行敦煌市湿地鸟类调查时,分别在南湖湿地与候鸟自然保护区及党河水库使用Leica apo77高倍望远镜观察到3种水鸟,在以往的文献资料中未见其分布于甘肃的报道,应为甘肃鸟类新纪录。笔者用500mm镜头分别拍下3种水鸟的照片。1.赤颈(Podiceps grisegena)2007年10月13日13:30时,在南湖湿地与候鸟自然保护区的阳关水库(渥洼池)记录到2只赤颈。当时水面上同时有凤头(P.cristatus)、黑颈(P.nigricollis)以及大量鸭类、潜鸭类游禽活动,赤颈体形较凤头小,而又明显比黑颈大。其中一只赤颈的…  相似文献   

瞬膜(nictitating membrane),又称第三眼睑,是一种保护眼球、防止灰尘的结构.鸟类的瞬膜位于眼眶的前眼角,为半透明的膜,其内缘具有一种羽毛上皮,借以刷洗角膜上的灰尘.在飞行时能遮覆眼球,以避免干燥气流和灰尘对眼球的伤害.由于瞬膜在鸟类睁眼的一瞬间迅速缩回前眼角,很难拍摄到.最近费了好大的周折,终于拍到了理想的鸡瞬膜照片,现予以发表供生物学界的同行共享(友情提示:如引用请注明原作者).  相似文献   

The dependence of exercise-induced hormone responses on sexual maturation was tested in a 3-year longitudinal experiment on 34 girls (aged 11–12 years at the beginning). Sexual maturation was evaluated by Tanners five-stage scale. Children cycled for 20-min at 60% maximal oxygen uptake once a year. Cortisol, insulin, growth hormone, β-oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone concentrations in venous blood were determined by radioimmunoassay procedures. Basal concentrations of growth hormone increased and of cortisol decreased when breast stage III was reached. Reaching breast stage IV was associated with an increase in basal concentrations of β-oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone. The exercise induced significant increases in concentrations of cortisol, growth hormone and β-oestradiol and a decrease in insulin concentration. At breast stage III the increase in cortisol concentration was to a lower level [467 (SEM 42) vs 567 (SEM 46)nmol · l−1] and growth hormone concentration to a higher level [29.4 (SEM 0.5) vs 12.8 (SEM 0.4)ng · ml−1], while the fall in insulin concentration was less pronounced [postexercise level 10.6 (SEM 0.9) vs 7.8 (SEM 0.8)mU · l−1] than in stage II. The magnitude of the cortisol response was reduced in the last stage of breast development (+42.1% vs +55.5% at stage II, +66.2% at stage III, and +50.0% at stage IV). The magnitude of β-oestradiol response was the lowest in breast stage IV (+15.8%) and the highest at stage V (+41.1%). The progesterone response became significant at stage IV and testosterone response at stage V. In conclusion, we found that reaching breast stage III was associated with altered responses of cortisol, insulin and growth hormone concentrations while the responses of the sex hormone concentrations became pronounced in the last stages of sexual maturation. Accepted: 17 September 1997  相似文献   


I seek to understand two dimensions in the evolution and practices of medical institutions in the USA. First, I ask, how and why do medical organizations limit, suspend, or redirect profit-oriented functions to abide by principles of altruism and still survive in a competitive market economy? Reaching out to poor and immigrant populations entails non-economic factors, including the deployment of religious and humanitarian narratives. Conversely, the extent and character of legislative actions supporting philanthropic endeavours is closely related to mobilization at the grassroots level. I investigate the ways in which community organizations bring about changes to support practices that confound, at least to some extent, market expectations and underscore the significance of political action to secure health care services on behalf of low-income populations, including immigrants.  相似文献   

刘彦梅  陈飞宇 《生物磁学》2011,(19):3728-3733
目的:初步了解了进口与国产医疗设备与耗材的发展状况和使用反馈情况,并对国内医疗设备与耗材行业的发展提供合理化建议。方法:通过对苏北地区某三级甲等医院设备科工作人员、医生、护士长、患者及患者家属进行调研或访谈,并以调研和访谈的统计结果为依据得出结论并提出建议。结果:技术成熟的中小型医疗设备或耗材,从质量、价格等因素综合考虑,国内产品优于进口产品,一定程度上得到了医务人员和消费者的认可。在高端大中型医疗设备与耗材方面,进口产品具有较大的技术优势。结论:国内医疗设备生产企业应当积极开展研发工作,提高产品的技术含量与质量,巩固自身在中小型医疗设备与耗材方面的优势,并努力在高端大中型医疗设备与耗材方面取得突破。  相似文献   

目的:初步了解了进口与国产医疗设备与耗材的发展状况和使用反馈情况,并对国内医疗设备与耗材行业的发展提供合理化建议。方法:通过对苏北地区某三级甲等医院设备科工作人员、医生、护士长、患者及患者家属进行调研或访谈,并以调研和访谈的统计结果为依据得出结论并提出建议。结果:技术成熟的中小型医疗设备或耗材,从质量、价格等因素综合考虑,国内产品优于进口产品,一定程度上得到了医务人员和消费者的认可。在高端大中型医疗设备与耗材方面,进口产品具有较大的技术优势。结论:国内医疗设备生产企业应当积极开展研发工作,提高产品的技术含量与质量,巩固自身在中小型医疗设备与耗材方面的优势,并努力在高端大中型医疗设备与耗材方面取得突破。  相似文献   

The Miocene Globigerina Limestone of the Maltese islands contains widespread omission surfaces with very different characteristics and origins.The terminal Lower Globigerina Limestone hardground (TLGLHg) formed during a period of falling sea level. Coccolith assemblages suggest shallowness. Sedimentary structures and trace fossil assemblages, indicate increasing frequency of storm events and erosional episodes, towards the surface. Calcite cementation which took place around Thalassinoides burrows and formed irregular nodules was followed by dissolution of aragonite. It is suggested that lithification was linked to microbial reactions involving organic matter.In contrast two later surfaces, the terminal Middle Globigerina Limestone omissionground (TMGLOg), which marks the Lower to Middle Miocene boundary, and the Fomm-ir-Rih local hardground (FiRLHg) both contain early diagenetic dolomite. Lithification took place in two phases. The dolomite is interpreted to have formed beneath the sea floor; it was subsequently exhumed and partially corroded as the precipitation of calcitic and phosphatic cements took place around burrows open to the circulation of sea water.  相似文献   

The contents of total lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid in intima and media of thoracic and abdominal segments of aorta from normal human subjects and rhesus monkeys were determined. An increase in total lipids in intima as compared to that of media was noted in both species. A comparison of lipid contents of thoracic and abdominal segments from both species revealed that abdominal segment contained significantly greater lipid. Further, human thoracic and abdominal aortic intima and media had higher content of cholesterol as compared to that of monkey aorta. The differences in lipid profile in aorta of these two species have been highlighted to provide a clue with respect to the differences in the prevalence and morphology of atherosclerosis as seen in monkey and man.  相似文献   

植物引种驯化研究概述   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
植物引种驯化是植物学的一个分支学科,该学科与植物的迁地保护和当地的经济建设紧密相关,属于应用基础研究的范畴。但有关理论和方法的研究至今仍显得比较零碎,不够系统,判断植物引种驯化成功的标准尚不够明确。本文就植物引种驯化的概念和意义、主要理论和方法、影响其成败的因子、途径和程序、判断植物引种驯化成功的标准等进行了综述和探讨,并提出了植物引种驯化的展望。  相似文献   

医德是医疗卫生领域精神文明建设的重要部分,也是调整医务人员与病人、医务人员之间以及与社会之间关系的行为准则。医德范畴是指人们对现代医务人员职业道德和医患关系的总结,它不仅概括了医生所应履行的职责义务,而且反映着一段时间内医患关系的本质。本文通过对医德范畴内,医生的权利和义务、责任和良心、功力和荣誉、审慎和保密四类问题的阐述,探讨当下医生在工作中应该保持何种心态,如何与患者进行沟通,以期更好地提供医疗服务。  相似文献   

In the chromoplast fraction and in the chromoplast-free fraction, obtained from Calendula officinalis ligulate flowers, the contents of individual free and ester-bound triterpene alcohols and sterols as well as the fatty acid components of the ester form were determined. It was shown that all sterols and triterpene monols in both forms occur in the two subtractions investigated, whereas all diols are localized only in the chromoplast fraction. The compositions of the fatty acids esterifying monols and sterols were similar to those esterifying diols in the chromoplasts. However, the fatty acids esterifying extra-chromoplast monols and sterols were different. This result indicates that triterpene monol esters are substrates for the biosynthesis of 3-monoesters of diols.  相似文献   

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