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Summary Conditions of growth are described which lead to the formation of a dense capsule aboutCellulomonas flavigena and provide data which suggest that, although accumulated as an extracellular structure, it may function as an energy reserve. The capsule is formed when the bacteria are cultured in a minimal medium containing an excess of one of several carbohydrates. The bacterial cells which are encapsulated are also densely aggregated. The capsule is not formed and the cells are not aggregated when the bacteria are cultured in complex growth media. The transfer of aggregated cells to a medium devoid of carbon and energy source results in disappearance of the capsule and disaggregation of the cells.  相似文献   

Summary A polysaccharide is synthesized byCellulomonas flavigena strain KU when it is cultured in a synthetic medium which uses ammonium salts as a nitrogen source and contains an excess of a carbon and energy source. Production of the polysaccharide begins in late log phase and reaches a maximimum during stationary phase. In batch cultures it may be produced in yields of up to 9 g dry polysaccharide/liter of culture. It is not secreted into the growth medium but rather remains associated with the cells, resulting, apparently, in their aggregation. When such aggregated cells are extracted with dilute sodium hydroxide solutions the polysaccharide is solubilized. Neutralization of supernatant fluid of such extracts results in sedimentation of the polysaccharide which may then be purified by extensive washing with water. The polysaccharide is insoluble in water, alcohols or acetone, but dissolves in concentrated formic acid, dimethyl-sulfoxide, and dilute sodiumor potassium hydroxide. Thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of hydrolysates indicated that it is a polyglucan. When resuspended in water at concentrations of 2–3% it forms a stable hydrogel.  相似文献   

Cellulomonas flavigena KU produces large quantities of an insoluble exopolysaccharide (EPS) under certain growth conditions. The EPS has previously been shown to be a glucose polymer and to have solubility properties similar to curdlan, a β-1,3-D-glucan produced by Alcaligenes faecalis var. myxogenes 10C3K. Furthermore, EPS purified by alkaline extraction stains with aniline blue, a dye specific for curdlan-type polysaccharides. However, EPS-producing colonies of C. flavigena KU do not stain on aniline blue agar as do those of curdlan-producing bacteria. These facts prompted a more thorough structural analysis of the EPS. Here we report that purified EPS is indeed identical to curdlan in primary structure, but that the native form of the EPS may differ from curdlan in physical conformation. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 200–203 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000277 Received 19 February 2002/ Accepted in revised form 20 May 2002  相似文献   

Three xylanases (Xyl1, Xyl2 and Xyl3) were purified and characterized from the culture supernatant of Cellulomonas flavigena grown on sugar cane bagasse. The enzymes were purified by affinity chromatography and gel filtration and had masses of 63 kDa, 17 kDa and 35 kDa, respectively, as measured by SDS-PAGE. All enzymes were active against 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronoxylan and xylan but had no cellulase activity with CM-cellulose, an important characteristics in biobleaching processes. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Summary A cellulolytic bacterium was isolated from leaf litter. Its nutritional characteristics and most of its morphological features closely resemble those of ATCC # 482, which is considered to be the type species ofCellulomonas flavigena (Stackebrandt and Keddie in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology). However, when stationary phase cells from cultures using a minimal medium containing an excess carbon and energy source are compared, a very prominent morphological difference is manifest. Phase contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy indicate the presence of large swollen polar structures in the type species. The absence of such structures from the new isolate and the production of large amounts of an extracellular polysaccharide indicate that it is a new strain ofCellulomonas flavigena.  相似文献   

A Tween-80-degrading novel marine Bacillus strain, N10, has recently been isolated in Alexandria University, Egypt. The taxonomic position of this endospore forming bacterium was investigated on the basis of fatty acid analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Comparative computer database analyses revealed that the bacterium is a Bacillus subtilis strain. The gene encoding the small acid-soluble protein gamma-type (SASP-B), sspE, was successfully utilized in this study as a tool for discrimination between the two B. subtilis subspecies W23 and 168. Based on the alignment of 16S rRNA sequences and analysis of SASP-B relatedness, it has been demonstrated that the novel marine B. subtilis strain N10 is more closely related to the B. subtilis reference strain W23 than to 168. The strain, N10, has been deposited in the Bacillus Genetic Stock Center (BGSC) and assigned the accession number 3A17.  相似文献   

Since diethylstilbestrol (DES) interrupts endocrine systems and generates reproductive abnormalities in both wildlife and human beings, methods to remove DES from the environments are urgently recommended. In this study, bacterial strain J51 was isolated and tested to effectively degrade DES. J51 was identified as Pseudomonas sp. based on its nucleotide sequence of 16S rRNA. The quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase were identified to be involved in DES degradation by MALDI–TOF–TOF MS/MS analysis. In the presence of 40 mg/l DES, increase of the genes encoding quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase in both RNA and protein levels was determined. The HPLC/MS analysis showed that DES was hydrolyzed to a major degrading metabolite DES-4-semiquinone. It was the first time to demonstrate the characteristics of DES degradation by specific bacterial strain and the higher degradation efficiency indicated the potential application of Pseudomonas sp. strain J51 in the treatment of DES-contaminated freshwater and seawater environments.  相似文献   

A thermophilic Bacillus strain NG80-2 growing within the temperature range of 45–73°C (optimum at 65°C) was isolated from a deep subterranean oil-reservoir in northern China. The strain was able to utilize crude oil and liquid paraffin as the sole carbon sources for growth, and the growth with crude oil was accompanied by the production of an unknown emulsifying agent. Further examination showed that NG80-2 degraded and utilized only long-chain (C15–C36) n-alkanes, but not short-chain (C8–C14) n-alkanes and those longer than C40. Based on phenotypic and phylogenic analyses, NG80-2 was identified as Geobacillus thermodenitrificans. The strain NG80-2 may be potentially used for oily-waste treatment at elevated temperature, a condition which greatly accelerates the biodegradation rate, and for microbial enhancing oil recovery process.Lei Wang, Yun Tang and Shuo Wang contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

By treatment of a wild-type strain of Cellulomonas flavigena with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine at 150 g/ml, mutants PN-7 and PN-10 were obtained, which produce 1.38 and 1.5 times more carboxymethylcellulase than the wild strain when cultured in a batch system with sugar cane bagasse as the sole carbon source. These mutants also exhibited higher specific growth rates compared to the wild strain. From a second mutagenesis of mutant PN-10, mutant PN-120 was obtained in continuous culture. This mutant was able to use a larger portion of sugar cane bagasse than did the wild-type and therefore its biomass yield was also higher. The mutant showed a specific growth rate on sugar cane bagasse threefold higher than the wild strain.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. strain JF8, which was isolated from compost, utilizes naphthalene and biphenyl as carbon sources at 60 degrees C. Biphenyl grown cells of strain JF8 barely degraded naphthalene while naphthalene grown cells did not degrade p-chlorobiphenyl, suggesting the existince of two independent degradation pathways. Isolation of JF8N, a mutant strain which can not utilize biphenyl as a carbon source while retaining the ability to utilize naphthalene, supports this hypothesis. Biphenyl grown cells of strain JF8 can degrade several polychlorinated biphenyl congeners including tetra- and pentachlorobiphenyl. bph and nah probes from mesophilic organisms failed to hybridize to strain JF8 DNA.  相似文献   

Cellulomonas flavigena strain KU (ATCC 53703) is a cellulolytic, Gram-positive bacterium which produces large quantities of an insoluble exopolysaccharide (EPS) when grown in minimal media with a high carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Earlier studies proved the EPS is structurally identical to the linear β-1,3-glucan known as curdlan and provided evidence that the EPS functions as a carbon and energy reserve compound. We now report that C. flavigena KU also accumulates two intracellular, glucose-storage carbohydrates under conditions of carbon and energy excess. These carbohydrates were partially purified and identified as the disaccharide trehalose and a glycogen/amylopectin-type polysaccharide. A novel method is described for the sequential fractionation and quantitative determination of all three carbohydrates from culture samples. This fractionation protocol was used to examine the effects of C/N ratio and osmolarity on the accumulation of cellular carbohydrates in batch culture. Increasing the C/N of the growth medium caused a significant accumulation of curdlan and glycogen but had a relatively minor effect on accumulation of trehalose. In contrast, trehalose levels increased in response to increasing osmolarity, while curdlan levels declined and glycogen levels were generally unaffected. During starvation for an exogenous source of carbon and energy, only curdlan and glycogen showed substantial degradation within the first 24 h. These results support the conclusion that extracellular curdlan and intracellular glycogen can both serve as short-term reserve compounds for C. flavigena KU and that trehalose appears to accumulate as a compatible solute in response to osmotic stress.  相似文献   

苯酚降解菌的分离及培养特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋波  邓晓皋 《生物技术》2002,12(6):15-16
对南充市郊炼油厂活性污泥进行富集,驯化筛选得到2株能以苯酚作为唯一碳源和能源生长的菌株,编号为S1,S2,两菌株可耐10,000mg/L左右的苯酚浓度,实验得出其最佳生长条件为pH7-8,温度25℃-30℃,在适宜条件下,对苯酚有较好的降解能力,而且苯对两菌株的生长表现为抑制作用。  相似文献   

The worldwide contamination of cereals, oilseeds, and other crops by mycotoxin-producing moulds is a significant problem. Mycotoxins have adverse effects on humans and animals that result in illnesses and economic losses. Reduction or elimination of mycotoxin contamination in food and feed is an important issue. This study aimed to screen soil bacteria for degradation of zearalenone (ZEN). A pure culture of strain CK1 isolated from soil samples showed most capable of degradation of ZEN. Using physiological, biochemical, and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis methods, CK1 was identified as Bacillus licheniformis. Addition of 2 ppm of ZEN in Luria–Bertani (LB) medium, B. licheniformis CK1 decreased 95.8% of ZEN after 36 h of incubation. In ZEN-contaminated corn meal medium, B. licheniformis CK1 decreased more than 98% of ZEN after 36 h of incubation. In addition, B. licheniformis CK1 was non-hemolytic, non-enterotoxin producing, and displayed high levels of extracellular xylanase, cellulase, and protease activities. These findings suggest that B. licheniformis CK1 could be used to reduce the concentrations of ZEN and improve the digestibility of nutrients in feedstuffs simultaneously.  相似文献   

Cellulomonas flavigena (Kellerman and McBeth 1912) Bergey et al. 1923 is the type species of the genus Cellulomonas of the actinobacterial family Cellulomonadaceae. Members of the genus Cellulomonas are of special interest for their ability to degrade cellulose and hemicellulose, particularly with regard to the use of biomass as an alternative energy source. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. This is the first complete genome sequence of a member of the genus Cellulomonas, and next to the human pathogen Tropheryma whipplei the second complete genome sequence within the actinobacterial family Cellulomonadaceae. The 4,123,179 bp long single replicon genome with its 3,735 protein-coding and 53 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   

Summary The gene encoding the inducible cell-associated amylase activity was cloned on a 1.5kb Pst1 fragment into pUC8 in E.coli giving the recombinant plasmid pJA 871, and subcloned onto a shuttle vector, pJA85, and transferred into Cellulomonas flavigena AP1(amy-). Expression was observed in both organisms with increased levels being observed from the recombinant in Cellulomonas compared to the parent strain. The 1.5kb fragment was reoriented in pJA871 and the same level of expression observed in both orientations. Tn1000 insertions into the cloned fragment revealed the location of the coding region. Nucleotide sequencing of both ends of the cloned fragment revealed one open reading frame preceded by a putative control region.  相似文献   

G A Rufo  Jr  B J Sullivan  A Sloma    J Pero 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(2):1019-1023
We have isolated and characterized two minor extracellular proteases from culture supernatants of a strain of Bacillus subtilis containing deletion mutations of the genes for the extracellular proteases subtilisin (apr) and neutral protease (npr) and a minor extracellular protease (epr) as well as intracellular serine protease-I (isp-1). Characterization studies have revealed that one of these enzymes is the previously described protease bacillopeptidase F. The second enzyme, the subject of this report, is a novel metalloprotease, which we designate Mpr. Mpr is a unique metalloprotease that has been purified to apparent homogeneity by using both conventional and high-performance liquid chromatography procedures. Mpr has a molecular mass of approximately 28 kilodaltons on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a basic isoelectric point of 8.7. The enzyme showed maximal activity against azocoll at pH 7.5 and 50 degrees C. Mpr was inhibited by dithiothreitol and a combination of beta-mercaptoethanol and EDTA. Activity was moderately inhibited by beta-mercaptoethanol and EDTA alone as well as by cysteine and citrate and only marginally by phosphoramidon 1,10-phenanthroline and N-[N-(L-3-trans-carboxyoxiran-2-carbonyl)-L-leucyl]-agmatine. Mpr was not inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. In addition, Mpr showed esterolytic but not collagenolytic activities. Our studies suggest that Mpr is a secreted metalloprotease containing cysteine residues that are required for maximal activity.  相似文献   

Using a semi-continuous enrichment method, we isolated two thermophilic bacterial strains, which could completely degrade abietane resin acids, including dehydroabietic acid (DhA). Strain DhA-73, isolated from a laboratory-scale bioreactor treating bleached kraft mill effluent at 55 degrees C, grew on DhA as sole carbon source; while DhA-71, isolated from municipal compost, required dilute tryptic soy broth for growth on DhA. DhA-71 grew on DhA from 30 degrees C to 60 degrees C with maximum growth at 50 degrees C; while, DhA-73 grew on DhA from 37 degrees C to 60 degrees C with maximum growth at 55 degrees C. At 55 degrees C, the doubling times for DhA-71 and DhA-73 were 3.3 and 3.7 h, respectively. DhA-71 and DhA-73 had growth yields of 0.26 and 0.19 g of protein per g of DhA, respectively. During growth on DhA, both strains converted DhA to CO2, biomass, and dissolved organic carbon. Analyses of the 16S-rDNA sequences of these two strains suggest that they belong to two new genera in the Rubrivivax subgroup of the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria. Strains DhA-71 and DhA-73 are the first two bacteria isolated and characterized that are capable of biodegradation of resin acids at high temperatures. This study provided direct evidence for biodegradation of resin acids and feasibility for biotreatment of pulp mill effluent at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

A yeast strain AEH was isolated from oil contaminated soil and identified by analysis of 18S and 26S ribosomal DNA sequences asPichia anomala. Strain AEH was capable of degrading naphthalene, phenanthrene and chrysene, singly, and benzo(a)pyrene in combination. The yeast degraded 5.36 mg naphthalene l?1 within 2 days, and 5.04 mg phenanthrene l?1 and 1.54 mg chrysene 1?1 within 10 days. When a mixture of the four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was treated at a concentration between 2.98 mg l?1 and 6.89 mg l?1, degradation rates were delayed for naphthalene and phenanthrene (3.79 mg l?1 and, 4.20 mg l?1 within 10 days, respectively), but enhanced for chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene (3.37 mg l?1 and, 1.91 mg l?1 within 10 days, respectively). In a binary system, all of the other 3 PAHs could be utilized as the carbon source for the cometabolic degradation of benzo(a)pyrene with naphthale ne as the best one.  相似文献   

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