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云南开远小龙潭动物群的性质及时代的进一步探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文在前人工作的基础上,结合新材料,对小龙潭动物群作了新的补充与论述.小龙潭动物群在组合面貌上与西瓦立克的 Chinji, Nagri 层动物群相近,动物群的时代不早于 Chinji 层而早于云南禄丰石灰坝动物群,为晚中新世.  相似文献   

简述早寒武世关山动物群的研究现状及重要意义。重点描述该动物群中一三叶形虫新属PanlongiaLiuetLuogen.nov.及其两个新种:即个体小、拥有等大的头甲和尾甲、边缘没有明显突出刺状物的PanlongiatetranodusaLiuetLuogen.etsp.nov.及头甲后侧和尾缘具刺的PanlongiaspinosaLiuetLuogen.etsp.nov.。三叶形虫在关山动物群中的首次发现为寒武纪生命大爆发以及古地理、古板块恢复的研究提供了有益的证据。  相似文献   

禄丰古猿地点的猪尾鼠类化石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文记述亚洲首次发现的猪尾鼠类化石。材料系1983年于云南禄丰古猿地点最晚中新世石灰坝组采集到的,计有代表两属三种——Platacanthomys dianensis sp.nov.,Typhlomysprimitivus sp.nov.和T.hipparionum sp.nov.的百余枚牙齿。文中除对新种的形态作了描述和对比外,还对猪尾鼠类的分类位置及系统发育作了探讨。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地北缘中中新世啮齿类   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文记述了新疆准噶尔盆地北缘,乌伦古河沿岸哈拉玛盖组中中新世动物群中的啮齿类,共三属四种.其中, Sinomylagaulus halamagaiensis gen. et sp. nov., Atlantoxerus junggarensis sp. nov. 和 A. giganteus sp. nov. 分别是 Mylagaulidae (圆齿鼠科)和 Atlantoxerus (阿特拉地松鼠)在我国的首次记录. Amblycastor tungurensis 的存在表明该动物群的时代大致为通古尔期,与欧洲陆生哺乳动物分期 MN 7-8 (Astaracian) 相当.  相似文献   

本文描述古蝉科化石2新属、6新种,即Liaocossushuegen.etsp.nov.,L.beipiaoensisgen.etsp.nov,L.exiguusgen.etsp.nov,L.fengningensisgen.etsp.nov,L.Pingquanensisgen.etsp.nov.,Miracossusingentiusgen.etsp.nov.。这批化石保存有完整的虫体标本,使作者能够进一步研究古蝉类化石的虫体特征。化石采于冀北和辽西晚侏罗世义县组地层中,保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

<正>禄丰古猿是1975年发现的,到上个世纪80年代初在石灰坝化石产地已经过了多次发掘。有关古猿、地层及动物群的研究不断有所报道,特别是1978和1980年相继发现了两具禄丰古猿的头骨,更使禄丰的工作举世瞩目。中、美学者对野外产地的互访1981年6月,美国著名人类学家皮尔比姆(D.Pilbeam)前来我所访问,因为他领导的一个团队,从上个世纪70年代初开始在巴基斯坦北  相似文献   

江苏泗洪下草湾组系我国现知中中新统中发现松鼠化石种类最多,材料最丰富的一个层位.采自松林庄、双沟和郑集的91件标本,代表了五个属、种松鼠,其中有飞松鼠二种, Parapetaurista tenurugosa 和 Shuanggouia lui, 花栗鼠一种, Eutamias sihongentis, 树松鼠一种, Plesiosciurus sinensis,以及一种很可能为地松鼠的松鼠未定属、种, Sciuridae gen. et sp. indet..本文对上述松鼠进行了描述和对比,初步讨论了它们与欧洲和北美一些松鼠的关系,并根据松鼠组合的性质,对该动物群的时代作了估计.  相似文献   

描述了安徽繁昌癞痢山塘口晚新生代裂隙堆积物中发现的松鼠类材料。化石代表松鼠亚科的4个族,共有5属6种,其中包括一个新属和两个新种,即树松鼠族的Sciurus sp.,花鼠族的Tamias sp.和Plesiosciurus zhengi sp.nov.,旱獭族的Sciurotamias wangi Qiu,2002和S.teilhardi Zheng,1993,以及巨松鼠族的Pseudoratufa wanensis gen.et sp.nov.。所研究的材料系混合地采自同一裂隙堆积的4个不同层位,化石的组分可能代表从早中新世至更新世的不同时段。繁昌的这一松鼠组合具有中国中南部晚新生代松鼠动物群的特色,并含有稀奇的Pseudoratufa属。该新属的牙齿形态显示了其树栖松鼠的特征,而且可以归入甚为稀有的巨松鼠族。其遗骸具有与该地点发现的古猿、硅藻鼠和河狸类化石相似的石化和堆积过程,似乎表明这些动物属于时代相同或较接近的群体,它们的共存也说明了繁昌地区在中新世时有过相对湿润的森林生境。  相似文献   

30多年来,中国新近纪堆积物中发现了大量的小哺乳动物化石,但一些种类的材料很少,而且仅在个别地点出现,在动物群中常以未定属、种记述。详细描述了4种罕见的啮齿动物,其中3种,泗洪豪鼠(Sayimys sihongensis)、亚洲别齿始鼠(Apeomys asiaticus)和新来鼠(未定种)(Neocometes sp.)发现于江苏泗洪早中新世下草湾组,一种,细小云南始鼠(Yuneomys pusillus)产自云南禄丰晚中新世石灰坝组。与欧亚或北美有关材料的比较研究表明,江苏泗洪标本无法归入相关属的任何已知种,因此被确定了两个新种(S.sihongensis和A.asiaticus);禄丰原归入Leptodontomys pusillus的标本与该属的特征不符,被指定为新属Ynueomys。泗洪的A.asiaticus和Neocometes sp.分别代表该属在亚洲和中国的首次记录;它们与S.sihongensis在亚洲远东地区的出现,增加了我们对这些稀有动物地理分布和欧亚古生物地理关系的知识。禄丰的新属Yuneomys与共生的Plesieomys和Heteroeomys属同为丘齿型始鼠类,可能都属热带或亚热带森林型动物;在禄丰动物群中缺少脊齿型始鼠类,与华北动物群的组成不同,似乎表明华南和华北始鼠动物群在中新世期间已有明显的分异,进而支持这一时期亚洲出现了不同生态区系的设想。  相似文献   

30多年来,中国新近纪堆积物中发现了大量的小哺乳动物化石,但一些种类的材料很少,而且仅在个别地点出现,在动物群中常以未定属、种记述.详细描述了4种罕见的啮齿动物,其中3种,泗洪豪鼠(Sayimys sihongensis)、亚洲别齿始鼠(Apeomys asiaticus)和新来鼠(未定种)(Neocometes sp.)发现于江苏泗洪早中新世下草湾组,一种,细小云南始鼠(Yuneomys pusillus)产自云南禄丰晚中新世石灰坝组.与欧亚或北美有关材料的比较研究表明,江苏泗洪标本无法归入相关属的任何已知种,因此被确定了两个新种(S.sihongensis和A.asiaticus);禄丰原归入Leptodontomys pusillus的标本与该属的特征不符,被指定为新属Ynueomys.泗洪的A.asiaticus和Neocometes sp.分别代表该属在亚洲和中国的首次记录;它们与S.sihongensis在亚洲远东地区的出现,增加了我们对这些稀有动物地理分布和欧亚古生物地理关系的知识.禄丰的新属Yuneomys与共生的Plesieomys和Heteroeomys属同为丘齿型始鼠类,可能都属热带或亚热带森林型动物;在禄丰动物群中缺少脊齿型始鼠类,与华北动物群的组成不同,似乎表明华南和华北始鼠动物群在中新世期间已有明显的分异,进而支持这一时期亚洲出现了不同生态区系的设想.  相似文献   

A bivalve fauna of Early Ordovician (late Arenig) age is described from the Hsiangyang Formation of the eastern part of West Yunnan, China. The fauna contains elements in common with Early Ordovician faunas of southern Gondwanan areas such as the Montagne Noire and Morocco and with those of Avalonia, together with several previously undescribed taxa. The following taxa are new: Biseriodonta simplex gen. et sp. nov.; Glyptarca sinensis sp. nov.; Trigonoglyptarca magna gen. et sp. nov.; Erhaiconcha xiangyangensis gen. et sp. nov.; Fasciculodonta impressa gen. et sp. nov.; Yunnanoredonia laevis gen. et sp. nov.; Daliella gen. nov.; Goniophorina ( Goniophorina ) contracta sp. nov.; Haidongoconcha radialis gen. et sp. nov.; Eopterinea aequiconcha gen. et sp. nov. The bivalve fauna includes the most diverse glyptarcid fauna and the earliest nuculanid and paracyclid known hitherto.   Eastern West Yunnan belonged to the Indochina terrane and it is concluded that the bivalve fauna represents a high-latitude assemblage and that the Indochina terrane should be considered a component part of the Peri-Gondwanan continent in the Ordovician; its bivalve faunas contrast with those of neighbouring terranes which have affinities with those of lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The rich fauna of Late Devonian (Late Frasnian) siliceous sponges from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland is composed of 15 species and 11 genera. Both astylospongid demosponges (lithistids) and hexactinosan hexactinellids are present. The following new genera and/or species are proposed: D regulara Rigby and Pisera sp. nov., Jazwicella media Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astyloscyphia irregularia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., A. turbinata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astylotuba modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoregulara cupula Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoramospongia bifurcata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Cordiospongia conica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleocraticularia elongata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P gigantia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Polonospongiadevonica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P fistulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Urnospongia modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., and Conicospongia annulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov. The investigated fauna contains the youngest astylospongiids known and the oldest well-preserved, and most diversified Palaeozoic hexactinosans. The sponge fauna constituted a significant element of a brachiopod-coral-sponge assemblage that inhabited a deep slope of the local Dyminy Reef structure, during its final phase of growth, in a clearly hemipelagic setting. This fauna is limited to the intrashelf depression within an incipiently drowned carbonate platform.  相似文献   

In this paper, five new pollen genera and twenty new pollen species of angiospermae from the Late Cretaceous of a certain basin in central China are described. Four new organ genera and their species include: Morinoipollenites normalis gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites minor gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites polyprojectus gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites rhombiformis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis ringens gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis, mikros gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis radiatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis sayangensis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis arciformis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollonites variabilis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollenites striatus gen. et sp. nov., Lythraites giganteus Yu, Guo et Mao gen. et sp. nov. Lythraites clavatus sp. nov., Lythraites dilutus sp. nov., Lythraites magnus sp. nov., Lythraites varrustriatus sp. nov., Lythraites pachyrrhachis sp. nov.; the new-form genus and its species are: Crassimarginpollenites reticulatus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimerginpollenites mirus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimarginpollenites psilatus gen. et sp. nov. The new pollen genera and their species described herein have been compared in some details with recent pollens and considered their affinity with such recent families as Dipsacaceae, Myoporaceae, Apocynaceae and Lythraceae. According to the age of the pollen-bearing strata, a preliminary discussion is made regarding to the taxonomy of the recent plants families with which our new described pollens are related. Hence, this study may provide some mieropalaeobotanical information for deciphering 'the phylogeny of these plants.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A diverse fauna of three-dimensionally preserved sponges is described from nearshore volcanogenic sandstones near Llandrindod, Mid-Wales. The fauna was preserved through early marginal silicification, in rare examples with silicification of soft tissue, and includes aspicular and spicular demosponges, hexactinellids, and a heteractinid. The fauna is largely endemic, with the following new species, genera and families erected: Onerosiconcha gregalia gen. et sp. nov., Ordinisabulo quadragintaforma gen. et sp. nov., Miritubus erinaceus gen. et sp. nov., Vadosifistula milvus gen. et sp. nov., Polycornua trescelestus gen. et sp. nov. (Pseudolanciculidae fam. nov.), P. entropus sp. nov., Palaeocallyoides improbabilis gen. et sp. nov., Reticulicymbalum tres gen. et sp. nov., Triactinella rigbyi gen. et sp. nov. (Triactinellidae, fam. nov.), Spissiparies minuta gen. nov., Brevicirrus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov., Pyritonema scopula sp. nov. (Pyritonemidae, fam. nov.) and Microastraeum tenuis gen. et sp. nov. In addition, Pseudolancicula Webby and Trotter is recorded outside Australia for the first time, although only as isolated spicules. The environment represented by this fauna has not previously yielded articulated sponges, and thus the apparent endemism may be misleading.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Twenty species of bivalves (14 new) and 14 genera (six new) are described from two localities in the Silurian, upper Telychian, Oktavites spiralis Biozone of Spain: Cardavia cathleenae gen. et sp. nov., C. hafi sp. nov . , C. stefani sp. nov.; Copenychia franta gen. et sp. nov., C. pristina sp. nov.; Stolidotus marco sp. nov.; Telycardia malinka gen. et sp. nov.; Silurinka vetula gen. et sp. nov.; Bolsopteria lentilka gen. et sp. nov.; Nennapteria ibericola gen. et sp. nov., N. ollicula sp. nov.; Actinopteria dakryodes sp. nov., A. isabelae sp. nov. and Dceruska hispanica sp. nov. They comprise two closely related communities, the Copenychia-Cardavia-Actinopteria Community and the Dceruska-Copenychia-Stolidotus Community, which belong to the Snoopyia Community Group. The occurrence of Dceruska Barrande, 1881, Dualina Barrande, 1881, Patrocardia Barrande, 1881, Silurinka , gen. nov., Slava Barrande, 1881 and Stolidotus Hede, 1915 in the Telychian of the Central Iberian Domain, Spain, supports palaeogeographical relationships with other Lower Silurian regions of north Gondwanan and Perunican Europe: the Carnic Alps (Austria), the Montagne Noire (France), Sardinia (Italy) and the Prague Basin (Bohemia), and also to Avalonia: the Welsh Borderland (Great Britain) and Baltica–Skåne (Sweden). These genera together with the new genera Cardavia, Copenychia (the earliest known representatives of the Silurian family Cardiolidae), Telycardia (the oldest known representative of the family Praecardiidae) and Silurinka belong to a Bohemian type of bivalve. Bolsopteria lentilka is closely related to Bolsopteria elliptica (Hind, 1910) from the Aeronian (middle Llandovery) of Scotland.  相似文献   

中国内蒙古中侏罗世脉翅目昆虫化石—新科(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立脉翅目昆虫化石新科———Grammolingiidaefamnov .,并描述该科化石 3新属 6新种 :Grammolingiaboigen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholingiarhoragen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholingiaeumorphagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholing iapolychotomagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Leptolingiajurassicagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Leptolingiatianyiensisgen .nov .etsp .nov ..给出了新科的属级检索表 ,描述的所有模式标本均采自于内蒙古自治区宁城县中侏罗世九龙山组地层中。标本分别保存在义县博物馆和首都师范大学生物系。本次发现再次表明目前关于脉翅目昆虫的认识仍然十分贫乏。  相似文献   

Abstract  A new family, Grammolingiidae of fossil lacewings is erected, of which 3 new genera and 6 new species are described and illustrated: Grammolingia boi . gen. nov. et sp. nov., Lithlingia rhra gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia eumopha gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Litholingiu polychotom gen. nov. et sp. nov., Leptolingia jurassica gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Leptolingia tianyiensis gen. noc. et sp. nov. A key to genera within this new family is provided. All specimens described were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. The present discovery demonstrates that present knowledge of the Jurassic Neuropetra fauna remains very poor. The fossil specimens are deposited in Yizhou Fossil Museum and Department of Biology, Capital Normal University, respectively.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of parasitic wasps from the family Scelionidae are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Pseudotelea gracilis Kononova, gen. et sp. nov. (subfamily Scelioninae), Pseudidris striatus Kononova, gen. et sp. nov., and Ceratobaeoides cornutus Kononova, sp. nov. (subfamily Baeinae). The new taxa are compared with representatives of the Recent fauna.  相似文献   

Abstract: A rich, diverse Permian ostracod fauna has been recovered from the red and grey, laminated shales and quartz‐rich shales of the Triassic Lercara Formation. Forty‐seven species have been identified, 13 of which are newly described here; they belong to 26 genera of which three are new: Anahuacia lercaraensis sp. nov., Aurigerites siciliaensis sp. nov., Bairdia portellaensis sp. nov., Cristanaria? katyae sp. nov., Fabalicypris gruendeli sp. nov., Lethiersa salomonensis gen. et sp. nov., Lethiersia sinusoventralis gen. et sp. nov., Portella trapezoida gen. et sp. nov., Siciliella elongata gen. et sp. nov., Siciliella infernespinosa gen. et sp. nov., Siciliella prima gen. et sp. nov., Siciliella quadrata gen. et sp. nov., and Siciliella spinorobusta gen. et sp. nov. The assemblages contain or are composed of palaeopsychrospheric forms, which are regarded as index fossils for deep environments. The bathymetry of the different associations in life is evaluated.  相似文献   

Six soil samples from natural and cultivated sites of Saudi Arabia were investigated for ciliate diversity, using the non-flooded Petri dish culture method, live observation, and silver impregnation. We identified 135 species, all new for the fauna of Saudi Arabia, of which seven were undescribed: Spathidium alqasabi nov. spec.; Enchelyodon alqasabi nov. spec.; Metauroleptus arabicus nov. gen., nov. spec.; Pseudohemisincirra arabica nov. gen., nov. spec.; Saudithrix terricola? Berger, Al-Rasheid and Foissner, 2006; Oxytricha arabica nov. spec.; and Erimophrya monostyla nov. spec. Based on Spathidium alqasabi, S. seppelti foissneri? Vd'a?ny et al., 2006 and S. seppelti etoschense? Foissner et al., 2002 are raised to species rank; for the latter, a new name is required to avoid homonymy: Spathidium fraterculum nov. nom. The new genus Metauroleptus, which possesses two long and two to three short ventral cirral rows, generates all dorsal kineties intrakinetally and produces caudal cirri exclusively in dorsal kinety 1. Metauroleptus belongs to the hypotrichs, while family classification remains doubtful. The same applies to the new hypotrich genus Pseudohemisincirra, which has frontoventral and transverse cirri, while buccal cirri and caudal cirri are absent. The number of species contained in Saudi Arabian soils, including sand dunes, is in the range reported from other regions of the earth, suggesting that ciliates are well adapted to dry habitats, possibly mainly by their ability to produce very resistant resting cysts, most surviving for a long time due to reduced metazoan predation.  相似文献   

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