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Structurally the ductuli efferentes of the hamster showed 2 distinct segments, a testicular and an epididymal. Both of these segments were lined by a pseudostratified epithelium, which showed basically non-ciliated and ciliated cells. In the testicular segment a 3rd type of oval dark cells was observed. The ultrastructural characteristics of these cells were presented and discussed in this report.  相似文献   

The nonciliated cells lining the ductuli efferentes presented three distinct cytoplasmic regions. The apical region contained, in addition to cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, two distinct membranous elements. The tubulovesicular system consisted of dilated tubules connected to the apical plasma membrane and subjacent distended vesicular profiles. The apical tubules, not connected to the cell surface, consisted of numerous densely stained tubules of small size which contain a compact, finely granulated material. The supranuclear region, in addition to a Golgi apparatus and ER cisternae, contained dilated vacuoles, pale and dense multivesicular bodies, as well as numerous dense granules identified cytochemically as lysosomes. The basal region contained the nucleus and many lipid droplets. The endocytic activity of these cells was investigated using cationic ferritin (CF) and concanavalin-A-ferritin (Con-A-ferritin) as markers of adsorptive endocytosis; and native ferritin (NF), concanavalin-A-ferritin in the presence of alpha-methyl mannoside, and horseradish peroxidase or albumin bound to colloidal gold for demonstrating fluid-phase endocytosis. These tracers were injected separately into the rete testis, and animals were sacrificed at various time intervals after injection. At 1 min, CF or Con-A-ferritin were seen bound to the apical plasma membrane, to the membrane of microvilli, and to the membrane delimiting elements of the tubulovesicular system. Between 2 and 5 min, these tracers accumulated in the densely stained apical tubules and at 15 min in the dilated vacuoles. Between 30 min and 1 hr, the tracers appeared in multivesicular bodies of progressively increasing density, whereas at 2 hr and later time intervals, many dense lysosomal elements became labeled. The tracers for fluid-phase endocytosis showed a distribution similar to that for CF or Con-A-ferritin except that they did not bind to the apical plasma membrane, microvilli, or membrane delimiting the tubulovesicular system. At no time interval were any of the tracers observed in the abluminal spaces. Thus, the nonciliated epithelial cells of the ductuli efferentes are actively involved in fluid-phase and adsorptive endocytosis, both of which result in the sequestration of endocytosed material within the lysosomal apparatus of the cell.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study of ciliated epithelial cells in the ductuli efferentes of young and adult hamsters has revealed that these cells possess dense granules, dense granule clusters, dense bodies and fibrogranular complexes as reservoirs or precursors for ciliogenesis. The dense granules are first seen in the centrosomal region. Later, many dense granules and dense granule clusters appear in the apical portion of the epithelial cells where, subsequently, dense bodies are also found. Finally, the fibrogranular complexes are formed in adults. Morphological evidence strongly suggests that cilia are formed from diplosomal centrioles, de novo centrioles, dense body centrioles, and fibrogranular complex centrioles. Ciliogenesis begins in the fourth day after birth and increases rapidly in the fifth day. After the sixth day, cilia appear to be generated mostly from dense bodies and the total ciliogenesis activities gradually decrease as the animal ages.  相似文献   

The effects of ligation of an isolated loop of the ductus epididymidis in the region of the caput were compared with those of the exfoliative lesion of the epididymis that follows administration of alpha-chlorhydrin to rats. Electron micrographs of the ductuli efferentes in both cases revealed early phagocytosis of apparently normal spermatozoa by the epithelial cells, followed at later intervals by invasion of macrophages and intraluminal phagocytosis. It is concluded that epithelial spermiophagy is a consequence of obstruction, whether mechanically or chemically induced.  相似文献   

Serial sectioning was used to determine the occurrence of ciliated cells, and a morphological technique was used to estimate the relative and absolute surface areas of apical and basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells lining the ductuli efferentes of the rat. It was found that the ciliated cells constitute 15% of the epithelial cells and occur as groups of mainly 1–3 cells which are distributed at random in the duct epithelium. For the non-ciliated cells it was estimated that the formation of microvilli by the apical membrane increased the surface area of that border by a factor of 37-fold. The average surface density of the basolateral membrane was 76% the surface density of the apical membrane. However, there was a 3-fold increase in surface density along the apicalbasal axis of the basolateral plasmalemma. In the Discussion, the ductuli efferentes are compared to their homologue, the proximal tubules of the kidney, in the rates of fluid transport and membrane adaptations of their epithelium.  相似文献   

The ductuli efferentes testis of the rat form a cord which is embedded in adipose tissue. The cord is anatomically differentiated into a proximal cylindrical region, the initial zone, and an ampulla, the coni vasculosi. The initial zone contains six or seven ductuli which leave the rete testis and run in a sinuous path, roughly parallel with one another. However, the ductuli in the coni vasculosi are more sinuous than in the initial zone and they anastomose; pairs join together to form ultimately a single, common ductulus efferens. Stereological studies of paraffin sections and electron micrographs showed that the differentiation of the ductuli into two parts can be recognized at tissue and cellular levels of organization. Stereological and micropuncture studies showed that the ductuli efferentes reabsorb most of the fluid leaving the testis and it was concluded that most reabsorption occurred in the initial zone. It was estimated that the rate of fluid absorption is greater in the ductuli efferentes than in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. The mechanism of fluid transport across the mucosa of the ductuli is considered in the Discussion. It is concluded that transport in vesicles and vacuoles could not account for the rate of fluid reabsorption and that the main mechanism of transport probably involves the coupling of water and active salt transport.  相似文献   

The role of Na(+) and Cl(-) in fluid reabsorption by the efferent ducts was examined by perfusing individual ducts in vivo with preparations of 160 mM NaCl in which the ions were replaced, together or individually, with organic solutes while maintaining the osmolality at 300 mmol/kg. Progressively replacing NaCl with mannitol reduced net reabsorption of water and the ions in a concentration-dependent manner, and caused net movement into the lumen at concentrations of NaCl less than 80 mM. The net rates of flux were lower for Na(+) than for Cl(-). In collectates, [Na(+)] was greater than [Cl(-)], indicating that Cl(-) transport is probably linked with another anion. Replacing either Na(+) or Cl(-) in perfusates (with choline and isethionate, respectively) while maintaining the other inorganic ion at 160 mM also reduced net rates of reabsorption in a concentration-dependent manner to zero when either ion was completely replaced. There were no significant differences in the osmolality of perfusate and collectate, and collectates contained a mean of 3.4 mM K(+), indicating a backflux of K(+) into the lumen. It is concluded that fluid reabsorption from the efferent ducts is dependent on the transport of both Na(+) and Cl(-) from the lumen (from a luminal concentration of at least 70-80 mM), and that Cl(-) transport is dependent on another anion. The epithelium is permeable to K(+) and has a higher permeability to a range of organic solutes (mannitol, choline, and isethionate) than epithelium in the proximal kidney tubules.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the epithelium lining ductuli efferentes in adult Equus asinus was studied. The epithelium is constituted of randomly distributed ciliated and non-ciliated cells extending from the basement membrane to the lumen. A third cellular type appearing to be in a degenerating state may also occur with variable frequency and is basally located. Mainly "non-ciliated cells" display ultrastructural and cytochemical features which can be related to strong resorptive activity; lysosomes and pigment granules, lipofuscinic in nature, are also present. Pigment masses exhibiting the same morphological and histochemical features fill the cytoplasm of degenerating cells. The results are compared with those obtained by previous authors in other Mammals and in Birds and are related to the functions commonly attributed to ductuli efferentes. The origin of degenerating cells, which are peculiar of Equidae, is discussed.  相似文献   

The apical region of nonciliated cells of the ductuli efferentes of the rat contains tubular coated pits (TCP) connected to the apical plasma membrane, apical tubules (AT) which occasionally show a partial coat, and endosomes which are often continuous with one or more apical tubules. To investigate the formation and fate of TCP and AT, a quantitative analysis was performed on the labeling indices of these structures at various time intervals (0.5-120 min) after a single injection of a tracer, cationic ferritin (CF), into the lumen of the rete testis. The labeling indices of both TCP and AT exhibited similar cyclical patterns, first reaching a peak at 25 min, then dropping to a minimum at 35 min, then rising to a second peak at 60 min. Since TCP were well labeled at 30 sec while AT were not, the tracer must rapidly enter TCP and thence AT. However, since tracer was virtually absent from the lumen by 30 min, it was not possible to reconcile the second peak of labeling index of TCP and AT by this mechanism. In another experiment, rats were injected once as before, injected again at 30 min, and then sacrificed at 30 min following the second injection. The results from this experiment showed that the labeling index of TCP and AT did not drop but was similar to that of the 60-min peak after a single injection. The interpretation is that there was recycling of tracer, which had already migrated from TCP to AT to endosomes, back to the apical plasma membrane via apical tubules. Moreover, when rats were injected once, injected again at 30 min, and sacrificed 3 min following the second injection, the labeling index for TCP and AT was significantly higher (P less than .05) than at the 30-min time interval after a single injection, indicating that recycled apical tubules were functionally capable of binding further CF. Morphological observations on images of transition between TCP and AT and the fact that AT were often found connected to endosomes suggest that TCP detach from the cell surface to give rise to AT, which in turn fuse to form endosomes. The kinetic analysis demonstrates in quantitative terms that a portion of the AT, which fuses to form endosomes, recycles back to the apical plasma membrane and contributes to the formation of new TCP.  相似文献   

We measured androgen receptors (AR) and 5 alpha-reductase activity (5 alpha RA) in the ductuli efferentes and epididymides from adult rhesus macaques. Tissue samples were either assayed biochemically for AR or stained immunocytochemically (ICC) with a monoclonal antibody against AR. To estimate 5 alpha RA, tissue microsomes were incubated with [1 alpha,2 alpha-3H]testosterone, and the [3H]dihydrotestosterone formed was quantified. We found significant regional differences in the levels of both 5 alpha RA and AR in the excurrent ducts. In general, both enzyme activity and AR levels were higher in the caput and corpus epididymis than in ductuli efferentes and cauda epididymis. With ICC, positive nuclear AR staining was detected in all epithelial cell types, whereas variable numbers of stromal cells were positively stained. Our data demonstrate that there are segmental differences in the concentrations of 5 alpha RA and AR in epididymis and suggest that there may be regional differences in the regulation of epididymal functions by androgen.  相似文献   

Summary Two days cultures of HeLa cells were stimulated for a short time with ATP and incubated in a solution of ferritin. The localization of the marker was studied after 15 min. The ferritin particles were encountered in smooth surfaced vacuoles, in the Golgi cisternae and vesicles, in dense bodies, multivesicular bodies and crystal-containing bodies. Ferritin was never observed in the nucleus, for this time of incubation. These observations are discussed in comparison with results obtained after an incubation in 3H-DNA.  相似文献   

Serum LH and FSH concentrations were measured in adult male rats. Blockage of the ductuli efferentes by surgical ligation or treatment with the anti-fertility drug alpha-chlorohydrin did not produce any changes in serum LH or androgen-dependent organ weights. Serum FSH in both groups was significantly raised by 4 days after treatment and remained so throughout most of the experimental period (42 days) but did not attain the values obtained in castrates. The gonadotrophin changes were accompanied by an initial increase in the weight and turgidity of the testes which then became flaccid and atrophied. These changes were similar but not identical after both treatments. Androgen secretion was impaired in adult rats treated with ethylene dimethane sulphonate; serum LH values were similar to those of 14-day castrates, and serum FSH was also elevated but not to the level found in the castrates. Ligation of the ductuli efferentes did not produce any further changes in concentrations of either hormone in spite of the retention of the testicular products within the testes as reflected by an increase in weight. The results are consistent with the view that changes in serum FSH after blockage of the ductuli efferentes are related to disturbances in the production of inhibin from the seminiferous epithelium rather than retention of inhibin with the testicular tubules.  相似文献   

We obtained the testes, ductuli efferentes, and epididymides from adult rhesus and cynomolgus macaques and examined these tissues for estrogen receptors (ER) with immunocytochemistry (ICC) and a sucrose gradient assay. Both techniques employed monoclonal antibodies prepared against ER, and both showed that high concentrations of ER were present OFFy in the ductuli efferentes. Moreover, all specific staining was confined to the nuclei of the nonciliated, absorptive epithelial cells. The quantity of salt-extractable ER in the ductuli efferentes (834 +/- 161 [SEM] fmol/mg DNA [n = 8]) did not differ significantly from the amounts measured with the identical assay in oviducts and endometrium of estrogenized female macaques. Testes and epididymides of macaques had no specific staining by ICC and barely detectable amounts by biochemical analysis (7 +/- 4 [n = 3], 8 +/- 2 [n = 5], 33 +/- 16 [n = 3], and 6 +/- 3 [n = 8] fmol/mg DNA for testis and caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis, respectively). The functional significance of the high levels of ER in the ductuli efferentes of macaques remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The 3-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus has been analyzed in thin and thick sections of nonciliated epithelial cells of ductuli efferentes of rat by use of low- and high-voltage electron microscopes and a stereoscopic approach. In thick sections of tissue impregnated with osmium, the Golgi apparatus appeared at low magnification as a continuous network forming a corona at the apical pole of the nucleus. At higher magnification and in thin sections of tissue postfixed with reduced osmium and stained with lead citrate or treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity, the following structural features were observed. In the longitudinal axis of the Golgi network there were alternating compact and noncompact zones. The compact zones were composed of 6-8 flattened, poorly fenestrated saccules in close apposition to each other and forming stacks. The noncompact zones were composed of a number of highly fenestrated and slightly distended saccules, which were continuous with and bridged the saccules of the compact zones. In the cis-trans axis of the Golgi apparatus the following compartments were observed: (a) On the cis face there was a continuous osmiophilic tubular network referred to as the cis element; (b) a cis compartment composed of 3 or 4 NADPase-positive saccules perforated with pores in register forming wells that contained small vesicles; (c) a trans compartment composed of 1 or 2 TPPAse-positive elements underlying the NADPase ones, followed by 1 or 2 CMPase-positive elements that showed a flattened saccular part continuous with a network of anastomotic tubules. These tubular networks curved away from the overlying elements, giving these elements a 'peeling-off" configuration. These elements referred to as sacculotubular elements were discontinuous along the Golgi network. This compartment also included shriveled trans-tubular networks detached from the overlying sacculotubular elements and seemingly undergoing fragmentation into vesicles and tubules. The structural features of the elements of the trans compartment were indicative of continuous renewal.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence from results of autoradiographic studies in mice indicates that nuclei of Sertoli cells and of epithelial cells in the ductuli efferentes contain receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3.  相似文献   

The objective of this research were twofold: 1) to determine if decreased spermatozoal longevity, a previously reported heritable trait in chickens, was attributable to spermatozoal passage through the excurrent ducts, and 2) to document the morphology of the testicular excurrent ducts from affected roosters. Though spermatozoa were viable at ejaculation, as evidenced by their exclusion of ethidium bromide, fertility after intravaginal insemination of spermatozoa from affected roosters was less (p less than 0.001) than that observed with spermatozoa from nonaffected controls, 37 +/- 2.3 versus 58 +/- 1.5%, respectively, over a 21-day egg-collection interval. In contrast, fertility after intramagnal insemination of testicular spermatozoa from affected roosters was equivalent (p greater than 0.05) to that of nonaffected controls, 47 +/- 2.2 versus 41 +/- 3.6%, respectively. After intravaginal insemination, neither type of testicular spermatozoa fertilized oocytes. The ductuli efferentes proximales from affected roosters were characterized by a greater luminal cross-sectional area as well as a diminished height and number of longitudinal epithelial folds (p less than 0.005). It was concluded that heritable decreased spermatozoal longevity in the chicken is not attributable to an inherent spermatozoal defect. Rather, the defect is acquired during passage of spermatozoa through the extragonadal ducts of the rooster.  相似文献   

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