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A search of the Home Office index of notified drug addicts identified 1499 deaths during 1967-81, of which 226 (15%) were of therapeutic addicts--that is, patients who had become addicted during medical treatment with a notifiable drug--and 1273 (85%) were of non-therapeutic addicts. The crude mortality fell from 23.5/1000/year for the period 1968-70 to 18.4/1000/year for 1978-80. Altogether 416 addicts aged under 50 at notification died after 1972, which was 16 times the number of deaths expected in a population with a similar age and sex composition. A more detailed examination of the cohorts of addicts notified each year showed little variation between them in the first two years of follow up. Nineteen addicts (1.6%) had died by 31 December of the year of their notification and 39 (3.3%) one year later. These figures may be an indication of the clinical course of addiction. Most deaths of non-therapeutic addicts in which a drug was implicated (939 cases (74%] were due to medically prescribed drugs--barbiturates at first and later opiates such as dipipanone hydrochloride and dextromoramide. Heroin was implicated in only 65 (7%) of these deaths. The Home Office index is a valuable source for identifying drugs of abuse and serious problems of addiction. The fact that prescribed drugs are causing the death of so many addicts demands a response from the medical profession.  相似文献   

N S Rawson 《CMAJ》2000,162(4):501-504
BACKGROUND: The timeliness with which national regulatory agencies approve new drugs for marketing affects health care professionals and patients. An unnecessarily long approval process delays access to new medications that may improve patients'' health status. The author compared drug approval times in Canada, Australia, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. METHODS: Application and approval dates of new chemical or biological substances (excluding diagnostic products, and new salts, esters, dosage forms and combinations of previously approved substances) approved for marketing in the 5 countries from January 1996 to December 1998 were requested from the relevant pharmaceutical companies. Data on new drug approvals during the study period were also obtained from the national drug regulatory agencies in Canada, Australia and Sweden and from publications of the US Food and Drug Administration. RESULTS: A total of 219 new drugs were identified as being approved in at least one of the countries during the study period: 23 (10.5%) in all 5 countries, 23 (10.5%) in 4, 27 (12.3%) in 3, 42 (19.2%) in 2, and 104 (47.5%) in 1 country. By individual nation, 97 drugs were identified as being approved in Canada, 94 in Australia, 107 in Sweden, 55 in the UK and 123 in the US. Approval times in Canada and Australia were similar (medians 518 and 526 days respectively), but both countries had significantly longer approval times than Sweden (median 371 days), the UK (median 308 days) and the US (median 369 days). This pattern was consistent across all 3 years and for the 23 new drugs approved in all 5 countries during the 3-year period. Median approval times in Canada were similar in all of the reviewing divisions of Health Canada''s Therapeutic Product Program (539-574 days) except the Central Nervous System Division (428 days) and the Bureau of Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals (698 days). INTERPRETATION: Median drug approval times during 1996-1998 decreased by varying amounts from the 1995 values in all 5 countries. However, the median approval time in Canada continues to be significantly longer than the times achieved in Sweden, the UK and the US, and it remains considerably longer than Canada''s own target of 355 days for all new drugs.  相似文献   

Data on home treatment for patients with haemophilia A (factor VIII deficient haemophilia) were compiled for 1975 and 1976 from questionnaires answered by directors of haemophilia centres throughout the United Kingdom. There were 48 haemophilia centres in 1975 and 71 in 1976. The number of patients on or in training for home treatment increased from 267 to 488 in the two years, and a further 241 haemophiliacs were considered suitable for home therapy by the end of 1976. Apart from a small (but increasing) number of haemophiliacs on prophylactic treatment, most patients were on low-dose (250-500 units) on-demand regimens, using a mean of 20 000 factor VIII units per patient per year in 1976. An estimated 55% of the blood product used for home therapy in the UK in 1976 was imported from commercial sources. Despite the fact that the numbers of patients on home treatment have increased, so that about 60% of the potential population were receiving or being considered for home treatment in 1976, inadequacies in the service still remain. In some centres follow-up is clearly inadequate; about 15% of patients still rely on cryoprecipitate; and too little money has been invested in making the NHS self-sufficient in factor VIII production.  相似文献   

In England and Wales hospital admissions for childhood asthma almost trebled over the period 1975-81. This may have reflected a true increase in the incidence of acute asthma, a swing from primary to hospital care, or both. The trend was not due to a change in diagnostic fashion. Monthly admissions showed a pronounced seasonal variation with fewest admissions in winter, rising in spring and early summer to peak in the autumn. A deep admission trough was present in August. The monthly admission profile was very similar throughout England and Wales, suggesting that major "trigger" factors were responsible.  相似文献   

Stillbirth rates of triplet births in the whole of Japan were analyzed using vital statistics from 1975 to 1998. Stillbirths were registered at 12 weeks gestation or later. The stillbirth rate was significantly higher in like- than in unlike-sex triplets for 1975-1998. During the 23-year period the stillbirth rate decreased from 342 to 49 per 1000 total births for like-sex and from 195 to 54 for unlike-sex triplets. The decrease in the stillbirth rate in the 23- year period was greater in both like- and unlike-sex triplets than in singleton and twin births. Risk factors for stillbirth in triplets were like-sex, youngest or oldest maternal age groups, shorter gestational age and lower birthweight. It is recommended that the optimum period to give birth for triplet pregnancies is 34-35 weeks of gestation for Japanese women.  相似文献   

In order to measure output of medical research in the United Kingdom, the computerised database of Excerpta Medica was used to count the number of publications emanating from each centre of research based on a medical school in 1973-81. Data were amalgamated for the first four years (1973-6) and the final four years (1978-81) and the two sets of data were compared. Eight centres showed a substantial change (20% or more) between the first and second periods. In London three medical schools showed an increase in output and one showed a decrease in output. Elsewhere Leicester, Nottingham, and Southampton schools showed an increase and Bristol showed a decrease. The overall contribution of Cambridge did not increase over the decade but the proportion of clinical papers among those produced at Cambridge did increase. There are deficiencies in this type of exercise as all articles are treated equally, but probably some of these problems could be overcome in a more sophisticated analysis. Some measure of weighting of the importance of each paper needs to be devised.  相似文献   

A cohort of 3769 male anaesthetists resident in the United Kingdom between 1957 and 1983 was followed up for a total of 51,431 person years of observation. All subjects were fellows of the Faculty of Anaesthetists and held full registration with the General Medical Council. With all men in social class I being taken as the standard, the standardised mortality ratio among anaesthetists for all causes of death was 68 (95% confidence interval 59 to 77) and the standardised mortality ratio for all cancers was 50 (95% confidence interval 36 to 67). There was no significant excess mortality from lymphomas or leukaemias, but 16 of the 221 deaths in anaesthetists were due to suicide, giving a standardised mortality ratio of 202 (95% confidence interval 115 to 328). When anaesthetists were compared with all doctors the standardised mortality ratio for suicide was only 114, a nonsignificant excess. These findings confirm that the risk of suicide among anaesthetists is twice as high as among other men in social class I but suggest that the risk does not differ significantly from that among doctors as a whole. There was no evidence of a significant excess risk of cancer, and, in particular, the small excess of cancer of the pancreas reported previously could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

Indigenous populations in New World nations share the common experience of culture contact with outsiders and a prolonged history of prejudice and discrimination. This historical reality continues to have profound effects on their well-being, as demonstrated by their relative disadvantages in socioeconomic status on the one hand, and in their delayed demographic and epidemiological transitions on the other. In this study one aspect of aboriginals' epidemiological situation is examined: their mortality experience between the early 1980s and early 1990s. The groups studied are the Canadian Indians, the American Indians and the New Zealand Maori (data for Australian Aboriginals could not be obtained). Cause-specific death rates of these three minority groups are compared with those of their respective non-indigenous populations using multivariate log-linear competing risks models. The empirical results are consistent with the proposition that the contemporary mortality conditions of these three minorities reflect, in varying degrees, problems associated with poverty, marginalization and social disorganization. Of the three minority groups, the Canadian Indians appear to suffer more from these types of conditions, and the Maori the least.  相似文献   

BackgroundNorovirus (NoV) is the major cause of acute gastroenteritis across all age groups. In particular, variants of genogroup II, genotype 4 (GII.4) have been associated with epidemics globally, occurring approximately every three years. The pandemic GII.4 variant, Sydney 2012, was first reported in early 2012 and soon became the predominant circulating NoV strain globally. Despite its broad impact, both clinically and economically, our understanding of the fundamental diversity and mechanisms by which new NoV strains emerge remains limited. In this study, we describe the molecular epidemiological trends of NoV-associated acute gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand between January 2013 and June 2014.MethodologyOverall, 647 NoV-positive clinical faecal samples from 409 outbreaks and 238 unlinked cases of acute gastroenteritis were examined by RT-PCR and sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis was then performed to identify NoV capsid genotypes and to establish the temporal dominance of circulating pandemic GII.4 variants. Recombinant viruses were also identified based on analysis of the ORF1/2 overlapping region.FindingsPeaks in NoV activity were observed, however the timing of these epidemics varied between different regions. Overall, GII.4 NoVs were the dominant cause of both outbreaks and cases of NoV-associated acute gastroenteritis (63.1%, n = 408/647), with Sydney 2012 being the most common GII.4 variant identified (98.8%, n = 403/408). Of the 409 reported NoV outbreaks, aged-care facilities were the most common setting in both Western Australia (87%, n = 20/23) and New Zealand (58.1%, n = 200/344) while most of the NoV outbreaks were reported from hospitals (38%, n = 16/42) in New South Wales, Australia. An analysis of a subset of non-GII.4 viruses from all locations (125/239) showed the majority (56.8%, n = 71/125) were inter-genotype recombinants. These recombinants were surprisingly diverse and could be classified into 18 distinct recombinant types, with GII.P16/GII.13 (24% of recombinants) the most common.ConclusionThis study revealed that following its emergence in 2012, GII.4 Sydney 2012 variant continued to be the predominant cause of NoV-associated acute gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand between 2013 and 2014.  相似文献   

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