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There has been an increased drive towards Evidence Based Policing in recent years. Unlike in other public sector services, such as health and education, randomised controlled trials in the police setting are relatively rare. This paper discusses some of the methodological and practical challenges of conducting a randomised controlled trial in the police setting in the UK, based on our experience of the Connect trial. This pragmatic, cluster-randomised controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of a face-to-face training intervention for frontline officers in comparison to routine training. The primary outcome was the number of incidents which resulted in a police response reported to North Yorkshire Police control room in a 1-month period up to 6 months after delivery of training.

Main text

The methodological and practical challenges that we experienced whilst conducting the Connect trial are discussed under six headings: establishing the unit of randomisation; population of interest and sample size; co-production of evidence; time frame; outcomes; and organisational issues.


Recommendations on the conduct of future randomised controlled trials in the police setting are made. To understand the context in which research is undertaken, collaboration between police and academia is needed and police officers should be embedded within trial management groups. Engagement with police data analysts to understand what data is available and facilitate obtaining trial data is also recommended. Police forces may wish to review their IT systems and recording practices. Pragmatic trials are encouraged and time frames need to allow for trial set-up and obtaining relevant ethical approvals.

Trial registration

ISRCTN Registry, ID: ISRCTN11685602. Retrospectively registered on 13 May 2016.

OBJECTIVE--To determine the efficacy of electroacupuncture in patients with fibromyalgia, a syndrome of unknown origin causing diffuse musculoskeletal pain. DESIGN--Three weeks'' randomised study with blinded patients and evaluating physician. SETTING--University divisions of physical medicine and rehabilitation and rheumatology, Geneva. PATIENTS--70 patients (54 women) referred to the division for fibromyalgia as defined by the American College of Rheumatology. INTERVENTIONS--Patients were randomised to electroacupuncture (n = 36) or a sham procedure (n = 34) by means of an electronic numbers generator. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Pain threshold, number of analgesic tablets used, regional pain score, pain recorded on visual analogue scale, sleep quality, morning stiffness, and patient''s and evaluating physician''s appreciation. RESULTS--Seven of the eight outcome parameters showed a significant improvement in the active treatment group whereas none were improved in the sham treatment group. Differences between the groups were significant for five of the eight outcome measures after treatment. CONCLUSIONS--Electroacupuncture is effective in relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia. Its potential in long term management should now be studied.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the proportion of acutely ill psychiatric patients who can be treated in a day hospital and compare the outcome of day patient and inpatient treatment. DESIGN--Prospective randomised controlled trial of day patient versus inpatient treatment after exclusion of patients precluded by severity of illness or other factors from being treated as day patients. All three groups assessed at three and 12 months. SETTING--Teaching hospital serving small socially deprived inner city area. Day hospital designed to take acute admissions because of few beds. PATIENTS--175 Patients were considered, of whom 73 could not be allocated. Of the remaining 102 patients, 51 were allocated to each treatment setting but only 89 became established in treatment--namely, 41 day patients and 48 inpatients. 73 Of these 89 patients were reassessed at three months and 70 at one year. INTERVENTIONS--Standard day patient and inpatient treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Discharge from hospital and return to previous level of social functioning; reduction of psychiatric symptoms, abnormal behaviour, and burden on relatives. RESULTS--33 Of 48 inpatients were discharged at three months compared with 17 of 41 day patients. But at one year 9 of 48 inpatients and three of 41 day patients were in hospital. 18 Of 35 day patients and 16 of 39 inpatients were at their previous level of social functioning at one year. The only significant difference at three months was a greater improvement in social role performance in the inpatients. At one year there was no significant difference between day patients and inpatients in present state examination summary scores and social role performance, burden, or behaviour. CONCLUSIONS--Roughly 40% of all acutely ill patients presenting for admission to a psychiatric unit may be treated satisfactorily in a well staffed day hospital. The outcome of treatment is similar to that of inpatient care but might possibly reduce readmissions. The hospital costs seem to be similar but further research is required to assess the costs in terms of extra demands on relatives, general practitioners, and other community resources.  相似文献   

R Moseley 《Cytopathology》2003,14(3):168-9; author reply 169

The therapeutic effect of simulated and real bilateral electric convulsion therapy was examined in a double-blind, randomised trial on 22 patients with a primary depressive illness. Each treatment was given twice weekly for three weeks and the results assessed by the psychiatrist using a visual analogue rating scale, nurses using a nine-point rating scale, and the patients themselves using the Beck Depression Inventory. With all three methods of assessment patients given the real treatment substantially improved (p less than 0.001), whereas those given simulated treatment showed little change. Three weeks after substituting real treatment for simulated, however, these patients were also significantly improved (psychiatrist''s rating p less than 0.001; nurses'' rating p less than 0.005; Beck inventory p less than 0.005). These findings confirm the value of electric convulsion therapy in severe depressive illness and strongly suggest that the convulsion is important for the therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the possible therapeutic role of omeprazole, a powerful proton pump inhibitor, in unselected patients presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. DESIGN--Double blind placebo controlled parallel group study. Active treatment was omeprazole 80 mg intravenously immediately, then three doses of 40 mg intravenously at eight hourly intervals, then 40 mg orally at 12 hourly intervals. Treatment was started within 12 hours of admission and given for four days or until surgery, discharge, or death. SETTING--The medical wards of University and City Hospitals, Nottingham. SUBJECTS--1147 consecutive patients aged 18 years or more admitted over 40 months with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mortality from all causes; rate of rebleeding, transfusion requirements, and operation rate; effect of treatment on endoscopic appearances at initial endoscopy. RESULTS--Of 1147 patients included in the intention to treat analysis, 569 received placebo and 578 omeprazole. No significant differences were found between the placebo and omeprazole groups for rates of transfusion (302 (53%) placebo v 298 (52%) omeprazole), rebleeding (100 (18%) v 85 (15%)), operation (63 (11%) v 62 (11%)), and death (30 (5.3%) v 40 (6.9%)). However, there was an unexpected but significant reduction in endoscopic signs of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients treated with omeprazole compared with those treated with placebo (236 (45%) placebo v 176 (33%) omeprazole; p less than 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS--Omeprazole failed to reduce mortality, rebleeding, or transfusion requirements, although the reduction in endoscopic signs of bleeding suggests that inhibition of acid may be capable of influencing intragastric bleeding. Our data do not justify the routine use of acid inhibiting drugs in the management of haematemesis and melaena.  相似文献   



Claustrophobia is a common problem precluding MR imaging. The purpose of the present study was to assess whether a short-bore or an open magnetic resonance (MR) scanner is superior in alleviating claustrophobia.


Institutional review board approval and patient informed consent were obtained to compare short-bore versus open MR. From June 2008 to August 2009, 174 patients (139 women; mean age = 53.1 [SD 12.8]) with an overall mean score of 2.4 (SD 0.7, range 0 to 4) on the Claustrophobia Questionnaire (CLQ) and a clinical indication for imaging, were randomly assigned to receive evaluation by open or by short-bore MR. The primary outcomes were incomplete MR examinations due to a claustrophobic event. Follow-up was conducted 7 months after MR imaging. The primary analysis was performed according to the intention-to-treat strategy.


With 33 claustrophobic events in the short-bore group (39% [95% confidence interval [CI] 28% to 50%) versus 23 in the open scanner group (26% [95% CI 18% to 37%]; P = 0.08) the difference was not significant. Patients with an event were in the examination room for 3.8 min (SD 4.4) in the short-bore and for 8.5 min (SD 7) in the open group (P = 0.004). This was due to an earlier occurrence of events in the short-bore group. The CLQ suffocation subscale was significantly associated with the occurrence of claustrophobic events (P = 0.003). New findings that explained symptoms were found in 69% of MR examinations and led to changes in medical treatment in 47% and surgery in 10% of patients. After 7 months, perceived claustrophobia increased in 32% of patients with events versus in only 11% of patients without events (P = 0.004).


Even recent MR cannot prevent claustrophobia suggesting that further developments to create a more patient-centered MR scanner environment are needed.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00715806  相似文献   

Of 1094 patients with a confirmed stroke admitted to Northwick Park, a district general hospital, 364 (33%) died while in hospital, 215 (20%) were fully recovered when discharged, and 329 (30%) were too frail or too ill from diseases other than stroke to be considered for active rehabilitation. Only 121 (11%) were suitable for intensive treatment. They and 12 patients referred direct to outpatients were allocated at random to one of three different courses of rehabilitation. Intensive was compared with conventional rehabilitation and with a third regimen which included no routine rehabilitation, but under which patients were encouraged to continue with exercises taught while in hospital and were regularly seen at home by a health visitor. Progress at three months and 12 months was measured by an index of activities of daily living. Improvement was greatest in those receiving intensive treatment, intermediate in those receiving conventional treatment, and least in those receiving no routine treatment. Decreasing intensity of treatment was associated with a significant increase in the proportions of patients who deteriorated and in the extent to which they deteriorated. Probably only a few stroke patients, mostly men, are suitable for intensive outpatient rehabilitation, but for those patients the treatment is effective and realistic.  相似文献   

The conventional Papanicolaou smear is associated with variable false positive and false negative rates, difficulties with interpretation and high unsatisfactory and suboptimal rates. Newer fluid-based methods such as the ThinPrep 2000 system (Cytyc Corp., Boxborough, MA) are said to overcome these difficulties. The aim of this study was to compare the conventional smear with the ThinPrep method in a busy, routine cytology screening laboratory setting. One thousand split samples were evaluated. Using ThinPrep, the results showed an increased sensitivity and a dramatic improvement in specimen adequacy, with a combined 17.2% reduction in 'unsatisfactory' and 'suboptimal' reports. Screening time per slide was also reduced to 3-4 min. In conclusion, we report an increase in sensitivity, a reduction in screening time and a dramatic improvement in specimen adequacy with the ThinPrep method.  相似文献   

Corticosteroids have the major role in the immunosuppressive treatment of patients who have received renal transplants. Despite their extensive use there is still debate about the appropriate dose that will prevent rejection of the renal allograft with the least morbidity. From March 1979 to November 1981 a randomised controlled trial of high (33 patients) v low oral dose (34 patients) of prednisolone along with azathioprine was conducted in recipients of first cadaveric transplants who had received a blood transfusion within six months of transplantation. The main difference in outcome between the two groups was a high incidence of some infections in the high dose group. Patient mortality, graft survival, transplant function, and number of rejection episodes were indistinguishable in the two groups, but rejection episodes tended to occur later in the high dose group. These findings suggest that the use of lower doses of corticosteroids soon after cadaveric renal transplantation does not jeopardise graft survival and results in lower patient morbidity.  相似文献   



To compare two approaches to the statistical analysis of the relationship between the baseline incidence of adverse events and the effect of medical emergency teams (METs).


Using data from a cluster randomized controlled trial (the MERIT study), we analysed the relationship between the baseline incidence of adverse events and its change from baseline to the MET activation phase using quadratic modelling techniques. We compared the findings with those obtained with conventional subgroup analysis.


Using linear and quadratic modelling techniques, we found that each unit increase in the baseline incidence of adverse events in MET hospitals was associated with a 0.59 unit subsequent reduction in adverse events (95%CI: 0.33 to 0.86) after MET implementation and activation. This applied to cardiac arrests (0.74; 95%CI: 0.52 to 0.95), unplanned ICU admissions (0.56; 95%CI: 0.26 to 0.85) and unexpected deaths (0.68; 95%CI: 0.45 to 0.90). Control hospitals showed a similar reduction only for cardiac arrests (0.95; 95%CI: 0.56 to 1.32). Comparison using conventional subgroup analysis, on the other hand, detected no significant difference between MET and control hospitals.


Our study showed that, in the MERIT study, when there was dependence of treatment effect on baseline performance, an approach based on regression modelling helped illustrate the nature and magnitude of such dependence while sub-group analysis did not. The ability to assess the nature and magnitude of such dependence may have policy implications. Regression technique may thus prove useful in analysing data when there is a conditional treatment effect.  相似文献   



Trachomatous trichiasis can cause corneal damage and visual impairment. WHO recommends surgery for all cases. However, in many regions surgical provision is inadequate and patients frequently decline. Self-epilation is common and was associated with comparable outcomes to surgery in nonrandomised studies for minor trichiasis (Methods and Findings1,300 individuals with minor trichiasis from Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia were recruited and randomly assigned (1∶1) to receive trichiasis surgery or epilation. The epilation group were given new forceps and epilation training. The surgical group received trichiasis surgery. Participants were examined every 6 months for 2 years by clinicians masked to allocation, with 93.5% follow-up at 24 months. The primary outcome measure (“failure”) was ≥five lashes touching the eye or receiving trichiasis surgery during 24 months of follow-up, and was assessed for noninferiority with a 10% prespecified noninferiority margin. Secondary outcomes included number of lashes touching, time to failure, and changes in visual acuity and corneal opacity.Cumulative risk of failure over 24 months was 13.2% in the epilation group and 2.2% in the surgical group (risk difference = 11%). The 95% confidence interval (8.1%–13.9%) includes the 10% noninferiority margin. Mean number of lashes touching the eye was greater in the epilation group than the surgery group (at 24 months 0.95 versus 0.09, respectively; p<0.001); there was no difference in change in visual acuity or corneal opacity between the two groups.


This trial was inconclusive regarding inferiority of epilation to surgery for the treatment of minor trichiasis, relative to the prespecified margin. Epilation had a comparable effect to surgery on visual acuity and corneal outcomes. We suggest that surgery be performed whenever possible but epilation be used for treatment of minor trichiasis patients without access to or declining surgery.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00522912 Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   



Trachoma causes blindness through an anatomical abnormality called trichiasis (lashes touching the eye). Trichiasis can recur after corrective surgery. We tested the hypothesis that using absorbable sutures instead of silk sutures might reduce the risk of recurrent disease among patients with major trichiasis in a randomised trial.

Methods and Findings

1,300 individuals with major trichiasis from rural villages in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia were recruited and assigned (1∶1) by computer-generated randomisation sequence to receive trichiasis surgery using either an absorbable suture (polyglactin-910) or silk sutures (removed at 7–10 days) in an otherwise identical surgical technique. Participants were examined every 6 months for 2 years by clinicians masked to allocation. The primary outcome measure was recurrent trichiasis (≥one lash touching the eye) at 1 year. There was no difference in prevalence of recurrent trichiasis at 1 year (114 [18.2%] in the absorbable suture group versus 120 [19.7%] in the silk suture group; odds ratio = 0.90, 95% CI 0.68–1.20). The two groups also did not differ in terms of corneal opacification, visual acuity, conjunctival inflammation, and surgical complications.


There was no evidence that use of absorbable polyglactin-910 sutures was associated with a lower prevalence of trichiasis recurrence at 1 year postsurgery than silk sutures. However, from a programmatic perspective, polyglactin-910 offers the major advantage that patients do not have to be seen soon after surgery for suture removal. The postoperative review after surgery using absorbable polyglactin-910 sutures can be delayed for 3–6 months, which might allow us to better determine whether a patient needs additional surgery.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00522860 Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

Forty patients with central retinal vein occlusion were allocated at random either to a treatment group given streptokinase followed by anticoagulatns or to a control group given no specific treatment. The two groups, which were each of 20 patients, were broadly similar in respect of clinical and laboratory values and similar in their initial visual acuity. At follow-up ("final" vision) the visual acuity in the treated group was significantly better than in the untreated group. Only one treated patient developed thrombotic glaucoma compared with four controls. Streptokinase may, however, have been responsible for vitreous haemorrhage (and permanent loss of vision) in three patients and hence probably has only a limited role in the treatment of central retinal vein occlusion.  相似文献   

Forty-five adult outpatients with endoscopically confirmed gastric ulceration completed a double-blind trial of either cimetidine (1 g/day) or placebo. After six weeks 18 of the 23 patients receiving cimetidine showed complete ulcer healing compared with only six of the 22 patients receiving placebo. The cimetidine group also had fewer days with pain than the placebo group but the difference was not statistically significant. Cimetidine therefore seems to promote healing of gastric ulcers without severe side effects, although its effect on pain is less pronounced than in patients with duodenal ulcers.  相似文献   

Twenty-four factories or other occupational groups, employing 18 210 men aged 40 to 59, were formed into matched pairs. One of each pair was allocated randomly to receive a five to six year programme of medical examinations and intervention to reduce the levels of the main coronary risk factors. Men at factories in the intervention group were given advice on dietary reduction of plasma cholesterol concentrations, stopping or reducing cigarette smoking, regular exercies for the sedentary and reduced energy intake for the overweight, and hypertension was treated. The programme was delivered mainly through existing occupational medical services, helped by a small central staff. Personal consultations were largely confined to men with a high risk of developing coronary heart disease. Changes in risk factors were assessed by regular standardised examinations of random samples of men. The spread of information by general propaganda proved easy, but a change in habits seemed to require personal contact. Small but significant reductions occurred, mainly in the high-risk group, but these were not sustained when pressure was relaxed.  相似文献   

In the hope of reducing perinatal risks associated with retardation of intrauterine growth a previously described two stage ultrasound screening schedule was evaluated by a controlled trial in 877 women with low risk single pregnancies. The two stages of ultrasound examination were an assessment of gestational age during early pregnancy followed by measurement of length from crown to rump and area of trunk at between 34 and 36 weeks'' gestation. The product of crown to rump length and trunk area was calculated. The sensitivity of this schedule in identifying in advance 94% of babies who were small for dates at birth, with 90% specificity, and the speed and simplicity of measurement confirmed the accuracy and feasibility of two stage ultrasonography as a screening procedure. The controlled trial did not, however, show any benefit from its routine application in these low risk pregnancies.  相似文献   

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