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Gastrulation in the mouse: the role of the homeobox gene goosecoid.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Mouse goosecoid is a homeobox gene expressed briefly during early gastrulation. Its mRNA accumulates as a patch on the side of the epiblast at the site where the primitive streak is first formed. goosecoid-expressing cells are then found at the anterior end of the developing primitive streak, and finally in the anteriormost mesoderm at the tip of the early mouse gastrula, a region that gives rise to the head process. Treatment of early mouse embryos with activin results in goosecoid mRNA accumulation in the entire epiblast, suggesting that a localized signal induces goosecoid expression during development. Transplantation experiments indicate that the tip of the murine early gastrula is the equivalent of the organizer of the amphibian gastrula.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene goosecoid is one of the first genes expressed in the organizer region of vertebrates and specifies future dorsal regions along the anterior/posterior axis of the embryo. Goosecoid (gsc) expression marks the posterior end of the anterior/posterior axis and might be a good marker to visualise early events in embryonic axis formation and differentiation processes in the epiblast at the onset of gastrulation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate gsc expression in porcine embryos. For this the homeobox containing region of the porcine gsc was isolated using RT-PCR. The sequence of the PCR product appeared to be highly homologous to the sequence in the mouse, human, and chicken. We concluded that the isolated region represents part of the porcine gsc messenger. Relative levels of gsc expression were estimated in porcine embryos from day 9 to day 12 of pregnancy. Gsc was expressed in embryos of all ages and localisation on one side of the embryoblast was demonstrated with in situ hybridisation on whole- mount embryos at day 10 of pregnancy. In embryos collected at day 13 of pregnancy gsc expression was localised anterior to the primitive streak. The correlation between embryo size and level of gsc expression was low. Levels and pattern of expression varied within and between litters collected at similar days of pregnancy. It is concluded that gsc expression can be used as an early marker of differentiation and to describe embryo diversity in the pig.  相似文献   

Formation of the head during vertebrate embryogenesis has been one of the most-studied topics in development, probably because we are such cephalized beings ourselves. Early experimenters found that the head is induced during gastrulation by Spemann's organizer. In 1999 we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the discovery of the organizer by Spemann and Mangold, a group of cells in amphibia that secretes powerful signalling molecules. Recently, advances have been made in identifying candidate head inducers. Not surprisingly, these inducers act in familiar molecular pathways, namely transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and WNT signalling.  相似文献   

Antagonizing the Spemann organizer: role of the homeobox gene Xvent-1.   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified a novel homeobox gene, Xvent-1, that is differentially expressed in the ventral marginal zone of the early Xenopus gastrula. Evidence is presented from mRNA microinjection experiments for a role for this gene in dorsoventral patterning of mesoderm. First, Xvent-1 is induced by BMP-4, a gene known to be a key regulator of ventral mesoderm development. Second, Xvent-1 and the organizer-specific gene goosecoid are able to interact, directly or indirectly, in a cross-regulatory loop suppressing each other's expression, consistent with their mutually exclusive expression in the marginal zone. Third, microinjection of Xvent-1 mRNA ventralizes dorsal mesoderm. The results suggest that Xvent-1 functions in a ventral signaling pathway that maintains the ventral mesodermal state and antagonizes the Spemann organizer.  相似文献   

Suramin, a polyanionic compound, which has previously shown to dissociate platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) from its receptor, prevents the differentiation of neural (brain) structures of recombinants of dorsal blastopore lip (Spemann's organizer) and competent neuroectoderm. Furthermore, the suramin treatment changes the prospective differentiation pattern of isolated blastopore lip. While untreated dorsal blastopore lip will differentiate into dorsal mesodermal structures (notochord and somites), suramin treated dorsal blastopore lip will form ventral mesoderm structures, especially heart structures. The results are discussed in the context of the current opinion about the mode of action of different growth factor superfamilies.  相似文献   

The events which happen after transplantation of organizer material into a Triton germ are explained by the action of formative cells. As example the first steps of in vitro mesonephrogenesis are filmed. The sequences show that the locomotion of the relatively sluggish epithelial cells is accomplished by the activity of fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The body plan of Xenopus laevis can be respecified by briefly exposing early cleavage stage embryos to lithium. Such embryos develop exaggerated dorsoanterior structures such as a radial eye and cement gland (K.R. Kao, Y. Masui, and R.P. Elinson, 1986, Nature (London) 322, 371-373). In this paper, we demonstrate that the enhanced dorsoanterior phenotype results from an overcommitment of mesoderm to dorsoanterior mesoderm. Histological and immunohistochemical observations reveal that the embryos have a greatly enlarged notochord with very little muscle tissue. In addition, they develop a radial, beating heart, suggesting that lithium also specifies anterior mesoderm and pharyngeal endoderm. Randomly oriented diametrically opposed marginal zone grafts from lithium-treated embryos, when transplanted into ultraviolet (uv)-irradiated axis-deficient hosts, rescue dorsal axial structures. These transplantation experiments demonstrate that the entire marginal zone of the early gastrula consists of presumptive dorsal mesoderm. Vital dye marking experiments also indicate that the entire marginal zone maps to the prominent proboscis that is composed of chordamesoderm and represents the long axis of the embryo. These results suggest that lithium respecifies the mesoderm of Xenopus laevis embryos so that it differentiates into the Spemann organizer. We suggest that the origin of the dorsoanterior enhanced phenotypes generated by lithium and the dorsoanterior deficient phenotypes generated by uv irradiation are due to relative quantities of organizer. Our evidence demonstrates the existence of a continuum of body plan phenotypes based on this premise.  相似文献   

The grafting experiments of Spemann and Mangold have been a textbook classic for years, but as with many conclusions from experimental embryology, the idea that the dorsal lip of the blastopore ;organized' the early patterning of the embryo has sometimes come under question. In their 1983 paper in JEEM, Smith and Slack extended these classical experiments in newts to the now-standard amphibian model Xenopus laevis. By using injected lineage tracers, they distinguished the fates of graft and host, and showed unambiguously that the organizer is responsible for neural induction and that it dorsalizes the mesoderm.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis embryogenesis is controlled by the inducing activities of Spemann's organizer. These inducing activities are separated into two distinct suborganizers: a trunk organizer and a head organizer. The trunk organizer induces the formation of posterior structures by emitting signals and directing morphogenesis. Here, we report that the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling pathway, also known to regulate posterior development, performs critical functions within the cells of Spemann's organizer. Specifically, the FGFR pathway was required in the organizer cells in order for those cells to induce the formation of somitic muscle and the pronephros. Since the organizer influences the differentiation of these tissues by emitting signals that pattern the mesodermal germ layer, our data indicate that the FGFR regulates the production of these signals. In addition, the FGFR pathway was required for the expression of chordin, an organizer-specific protein required for the trunk-inducing activities of Spemann's organizer. Significantly, the FGFR pathway had a minimal effect on the function of the head organizer. We propose that the FGFR pathway is a defining molecular component that distinguishes the trunk organizer from the head organizer by controlling the expression of organizer-specific genes required to induce the formation of posterior structures and somitic muscle in neighboring cells. The implications of our findings for the evolutionarily conserved role of the FGFR pathway in the functions of Spemann's organizer and other vertebrate-signaling centers are discussed.  相似文献   

The Homez gene encodes a protein with three atypical homeodomains and two leucine zipper motifs of unknown function. Here we show that during neurula stages, Xenopus Homez is broadly expressed throughout the neural plate, the strongest expression being detected in the domains where primary neurons arise. At later stages, Homez is maintained throughout the central nervous system in differentiating progenitors. In accordance with this expression, Homez is positively regulated by neural inducers and by Ngnr1 and negatively by Notch signaling. Interference with Homez function in embryos by injection of an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide results in the specific disruption of the expression of late neuronal markers, without affecting the expression of earlier neuronal and early neurectodermal markers. Consistent with this finding, Homez inhibition also interferes with the expression of late neuronal markers in Ngnr1 overexpressing animal cap explants and in Notch inhibited embryos. In gain of function experiments, Homez inhibits the expression of late neuronal markers but has no effect on earlier ones. These data suggest a role for Homez in neuronal development downstream of proneural/neurogenic genes.  相似文献   

Recent revisions to the Xenopus fate map challenge the interpretation of previous maps and current models of amphibian axial patterning (Lane, M.C., Smith, W.C., 1999. The origins of primitive blood in Xenopus: implications for axial patterning. Development 126 (3), 423-434.; Lane, M.C., Sheets, M.D., 2000. Designation of the anterior/posterior axis in pregastrula Xenopus laevis. Dev. Biol. 225, 37-58). We determined the rostralmost contributions to both dorsal and ventral mesoderm concomitantly from marginal zone progenitors in stage 6 embryos. Data reveal an unequivocal rostral-to-caudal progression of both dorsal and ventral mesoderm across the pre-gastrula axis historically called the dorsal-ventral axis, and a dorsal-to-ventral progression from animal-to-vegetal in the marginal zone. These findings support the proposed revisions to the fate and axis orientation maps. Most importantly, these results raise questions about the role of the organizer grafts and organizer-derived BMP antagonists in the "induction" of secondary axes. We re-examine both phenomena, and find that organizer grafts and BMP antagonists evoke caudal-to-rostral mesodermal fate transformations, and not ventral-to-dorsal transformations as currently believed. We demonstrate that BMP antagonism evokes a second axis because it stimulates precocious mediolateral intercalation of caudal, dorsal mesoderm. The implications of these findings for models of organizer function in vertebrate axial patterning are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have begun to unravel the sequential cell-cell signalling events that establish the dorsal-ventral, or 'back-to-belly', axis of vertebrate animals. In Xenopus and zebrafish, these events start with the movement of membrane vesicles associated with dorsal determinants. This mediates the induction of mesoderm by generating gradients of growth factors. Dorsal mesoderm then becomes a signalling centre, the Spemann's organizer, which secretes several antagonists of growth-factor signalling. Recent studies have led to new models for the regulation of cell-cell signalling during development, which may also apply to the homeostasis of adult tissues.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid teratogenicity: the role of goosecoid and BMP-4.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retinoic acid (RA) plays a pivotal role during vertebrate development, both as morphogen and as potent teratogen. While RA function in axial development has been extensively studied, little is known about the genetic control of RA teratogenicity. The knockout of the homeobox gene goosecoid in the mouse revealed similarities to RA induced embryopathy. We show that RA treatment of mouse gastrula embryos in vitro and of E10.5 embryos in utero led to a rapid but transient down-regulation of goosecoid expression. Repression was dependent on retinoid X receptors (RXR). BMP-4 was repressed by RA-treatment as well, both in embryos and in F9 teratocarcinoma cells. Our data suggest that both goosecoid and BMP-4 function as mediators of RA teratogenicity in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

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