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孕酮作为一种甾体激素,在哺乳动物雌性生殖活动的调控中起着关键作用。孕酮的生理功能依赖于核孕酮受体介导的基因组效应和膜孕酮受体介导的非基因组效应,这两种效应共同介导了孕酮在各种雌性生殖活动中的不同作用,包括排卵、胚胎植入、妊娠维持、分娩启动和乳腺发育等。近年来,通过基因芯片技术筛选出大量的孕酮下游靶基因,但至今未能在这些基因的启动子区域上找到传统意义上的孕酮响应元件,故推测核孕酮受体调节下游靶基因转录活动的方式可能不同于传统的类固醇核受体。基于目前最新的研究成果,文章综述了在哺乳动物雌性生殖活动中,孕酮受体介导各种生理效应的分子机理。  相似文献   

细胞凋亡与哺乳动物生殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多与细胞凋亡有关的基因产物与哺乳动物的生殖过程紧密相关,细胞凋亡在雄性缪勒氏管的正常退化,精子发生过程中正常精子的产生,卵泡闭锁,黄体退化,着床前胚胎发育,着床过程中滋养层侵入子宫内膜上皮,子宫内膜蜕膜退化及母体-胎儿免疫耐受等过程中起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2021,21(4):100568
This minireview will briefly outline the basic knowledge concerning the provenance, biological active constituents of ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba, L.) and its general health effects. Ginkgo has been shown to affect female reproductive functions: it can affect ovarian folliculo- and oogenesis, embryogenesis, promote ovarian granulosa cell apoptosis, reduce their proliferation and the release of ovarian hormones. Usually, ginkgo extract mainly suppresses, but its constituents like amifostine, leuprorelin, quercetin and kaempherol can promote ovarian functions. This may indicate the existence of anti-reproductive ginkgo constituent(s), such as ginkgolide B and allopregnenolone which, like ginkgo extract, can promote ovarian cell apoptosis and suppress ovarian follicullogenesis and oogenesis. Ginkgo effects could be mediated by an action on brain functions, ovarian steroidogenesis, oxidative processes, intracellular regulators of ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis and GABA receptors. Ginkgo and its molecules, ginkgolide B and allopregnenolone can be useful for prevention and treatment of reproduction-related disorders like ovarian cancer, ovarian ischemia and menopausal syndrome. On the other hand, its constituents amifostine, leuprorelin, quercetin and kaempherol could be potentially applicable as biostimulators of female reproductive processes in human and veterinary medicine and animal production. Nevertheless, application of ginkgo is still limited by insufficient or contradictory knowledge concerning its active constituents, characters, targets and mediators of its action and their functional interrelationships. Impact of ginkgo action on reproductive organs other than ovaries remains largely unknown. Addressing these issues with proper animal and clinical studies could help to understand the distinct efficacy and consequences of medical application of ginkgo.  相似文献   

De Blasio BF  Laane M  Walmann T  Giaever I 《BioTechniques》2004,36(4):650-4, 656, 658 passim
A new method combining optical and electrical impedance measurements is described that enables submicroscopic cell movements to be monitored. The cells are grown on small gold electrodes that are transparent to light. This modified electrical cell-substrate impedance sensor (ECIS) allows simultaneous microscopic recording of both growth and motility, thus enabling cell confluence on the electrodes to be systematically correlated to the impedance in regular time intervals of seconds and for extended periods of time. Furthermore, the technique provides an independent measure of monolayer cell densities that we compare to calculated values from a theoretical model. We have followed the attachment and spreading behavior of epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney strain I (MDCK-I) cell cultures on microelectrodes for up to 40 h. The studies reveal a high degree of correlation between the measured resistance at 4 kHz and the corresponding cell confluence in 4- to 6-h intervals with typical linear cross-correlation factors of r equaling approximately 0.9. In summary, the impedance measured with the ECIS technique provides a good quantitative measure of cell confluence.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation from all sources under appropriate conditions leads to cell death and tissue damage. It is used in cancer treatment under the assumption of a higher radiosensitivity of the fast dividing tumor cells as compared with adjacent host tissues. The radiosensitivities of proliferating host tissues like bone marrow and gastrointestinal lining epithelium are dose limiting. Since these host tissues and many tumors show circadian and other periodicities in their cell proliferation, the timing of radiation treatment according to host and/or tumor rhythms is expected to improve the toxic/therapeutic ratio of the treatment. The experimental data on the chronobiology of radiation exposure show circadian rhythmicity in radiation response after whole body irradiation in mice and rats with highest toxicity in light-dark 12h:12h synchronized animals during their daily activity span. Bone marrow toxicity as well as gastrointestinal epithelial damage show circadian rhythms in part due to radiation damage to the stem cells involved and especially in the intestine also due to damage to the microvasculature. Chronoradiotherapy of malignant tumors seems promising, alone or in combination with response modifiers, provided the host and potential tumor rhythms can be monitored.  相似文献   

斯钙素与哺乳动物生殖的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li WG  Luo YR  Wang KY 《生理科学进展》2003,34(3):275-277
斯钙素(stanniocalcin,STC)是一类首先在硬骨鱼类发现的糖蛋白激素,其生理作用在于调节钙磷稳态。近年来在入和哺乳动物组织中也发现存在有STC,并且以旁分泌方式参与机体的多种生理功能。本文综述了近年来哺乳动物胚胎发育、妊娠及哺乳期间STC基因在卵巢内的表达,早期胚胎植入过程中STC基因在子宫内膜的表达,以及人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)对STC分泌的调节作用及其作用机制。研究表明,新生个体的STC基因表达首先出现在卵巢的膜细胞内,随后出现于卵巢基质的间质细胞和内膜细胞;但STC基因的表达产物STC却聚积于卵母细胞和黄体细胞内,提示STC参与卵母细胞的成熟过程。胚胎植入、妊娠、分娩与哺乳期间卵巢内STC基因表达量的动态变化行为,提示STC在哺乳动物生殖过程的各个环节均发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a common epigenetic modification, and the current commonly used methods for DNA methylation detection include methylation-specific PCR, methylation-sensitive restriction endonuclease-PCR, and methylation-specific sequencing. DNA methylation plays an important role in genomic and epigenomic studies, and combining DNA methylation with other epigenetic modifications, such as histone modifications, may lead to better DNA methylation. DNA methylation also plays an important role in the development of disease, and analyzing changes in individual DNA methylation patterns can provide individualized diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. Liquid biopsy techniques are also increasingly well established in clinical practice and may provide new methods for early cancer screening. It is important to find new screening methods that are easy to perform, minimally invasive, patient-friendly, and affordable. DNA methylation mechanisms are thought to have an important role in cancer and have potential applications in the diagnosis and treatment of female tumors. This review discussed early detection targets and screening methods for common female tumors such as breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers and discussed advances in the study of DNA methylation in these tumors. Although existing screening, diagnostic, and treatment modalities exist, the high morbidity and mortality rates of these tumors remain challenging.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is one of the essential trace metals which are necessary in maintaining the functioning of living organisms. The current knowledge on the role of copper in animal reproduction is presented in the article. Our studies have shown that complexes of copper (Cu(2+)) with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) are even more effective in the release of LH than native GnRH. Moreover, Cu-GnRH is more potent in inducing in vivo release of FSH than LH. Copper complexes with GnRH interact with GnRH receptors (GnRHR) and modulate intracellular signaling in the gonadotrope cells of the anterior pituitary. Copper plays also a significant role in maintaining normal fetus development in mammals.  相似文献   

Reproduction is an event that requires the coordination of peripheral organs with the nervous system to ensure that the internal and external environments are optimal for successful procreation of the species. This is accomplished by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis that coordinates reproductive behavior with ovulation. The primary signal from the central nervous system is gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which modulates the activity of anterior pituitary gonadotropes regulating follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release. As ovarian follicles develop they release estradiol, which negatively regulates further release of GnRH and FSH. As estradiol concentrations peak they trigger the surge release of GnRH, which leads to LH release inducing ovulation. Release of GnRH within the central nervous system helps modulate reproductive behaviors providing a node at which control of reproduction is regulated. To address these issues, this review focuses on several critical questions. How is the HPG axis regulated in species with different reproductive strategies? What internal and external conditions modulate the synthesis and release of GnRH? How does GnRH modulate reproductive behavior within the hypothalamus? How does disease shift the activity of the HPG axis?  相似文献   

前列腺素(PG)是一类二十碳脂肪酸的衍生物,作为细胞间信号分子广泛分布于各种组织。PG受体按结合特异性和不同的生理、药理作用可分为EP-FP等型,EP受体又可分为四种亚型。它们者是与G蛋白偶联的跨膜蛋白。PG及其受体在哺乳动物生殖过程中发挥着着急而复杂的调节作用。卵泡产生的PG是排卵所必需的;PGF2α参与黄体退化;各种PGE受体胚胎着床过程中特异性表达;PG在分娩过程中也是必不可少的。  相似文献   

This review focuses on cultivation of mammalian cells in a suspended perfusion mode. The major technological limitation in the scaling-up of these systems is the need for robust retention devices to enable perfusion of medium as needed. For this, cell retention techniques available to date are presented, namely, cross-flow filters, hollow fibers, controlled-shear filters, vortex-flow filters, spin-filters, gravity settlers, centrifuges, acoustic settlers, and hydrocyclones. These retention techniques are compared and evaluated for their respective advantages and potential for large-scale utilization in the context of industrial manufacturing processes. This analysis shows certain techniques have a limited range of perfusion rate where they can be implemented (most microfiltration techniques). On the other hand, techniques were identified that have shown high perfusion capacity (centrifuges and spin-filters), or have a good potential for scale-up (acoustic settlers and inclined settlers). The literature clearly shows that reasonable solutions exist to develop large-scale perfusion processes.  相似文献   

HCO(3)(-) plays critically important roles during virtually the entire process of reproduction in mammals, including spermatogenesis, sperm capacitation, fertilization, and development of early stage embryos. Therefore, the acid-base balance in the male and female reproductive tracts must be finely modulated. The fluid milieu in the epididymis is acidic, containing very low concentration of HCO(3)(-). In this acidic low HCO(3)(-) environment, mature sperm are rendered quiescent in the epididymis. In contrast, the luminal fluid in the female uterus and oviduct is alkaline, with very high concentration of HCO(3)(-) that is essential for sperm to fulfill fertilization. HCO(3)(-) transporter of solute carrier 4 (SLC4) and SLC26 families represent the major carriers for HCO(3)(-) transport across the plasma membrane. These transporters play critical roles in intracellular pH regulation and transepithelial HCO(3)(-) transport. The physiological roles of these transporters in mammalian reproduction are of fundamental interest to investigators. Here we review recent progress in understanding the expression of HCO(3)(-) transporters in reproductive tract tissues as well as the physiological roles of these transporters in mammalian reproduction.  相似文献   

In a healthy body, ROS (reactive oxygen species) and antioxidants remain in balance. When the balance is disrupted towards an overabundance of ROS, oxidative stress (OS) occurs. OS influences the entire reproductive lifespan of a woman and even thereafter (i.e. menopause). OS results from an imbalance between prooxidants (free radical species) and the body's scavenging ability (antioxidants). ROS are a double-edged sword – they serve as key signal molecules in physiological processes but also have a role in pathological processes involving the female reproductive tract. ROS affect multiple physiological processes from oocyte maturation to fertilization, embryo development and pregnancy. It has been suggested that OS modulates the age-related decline in fertility. It plays a role during pregnancy and normal parturition and in initiation of preterm labor. Most ovarian cancers appear in the surface epithelium, and repetitive ovulation has been thought to be a causative factor. Ovulation-induced oxidative base damage and damage to DNA of the ovarian epithelium can be prevented by antioxidants. There is growing literature on the effects of OS in female reproduction with involvement in the pathophsiology of preeclampsia, hydatidiform mole, free radical-induced birth defects and other situations such as abortions. Numerous studies have shown that OS plays a role in the pathoysiology of infertility and assisted fertility. There is some evidence of its role in endometriosis, tubal and peritoneal factor infertility and unexplained infertility. This article reviews the role OS plays in normal cycling ovaries, follicular development and cyclical endometrial changes. It also discusses OS-related female infertility and how it influences the outcomes of assisted reproductive techniques. The review comprehensively explores the literature for evidence of the role of oxidative stress in conditions such as abortions, preeclampsia, hydatidiform mole, fetal embryopathies, preterm labour and preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. The review also addresses the growing literature on the role of nitric oxide species in female reproduction. The involvement of nitric oxide species in regulation of endometrial and ovarian function, etiopathogenesis of endometriosis, and maintenance of uterine quiescence, initiation of labour and ripening of cervix at parturition is discussed. Complex interplay between cytokines and oxidative stress in the etiology of female reproductive disorders is discussed. Oxidant status of the cell modulates angiogenesis, which is critical for follicular growth, corpus luteum formation endometrial differentiation and embryonic growth is also highlighted in the review. Strategies to overcome oxidative stress and enhance fertility, both natural and assisted are delineated. Early interventions being investigated for prevention of preeclampsia are enumerated. Trials investigating combination intervention strategy of vitamin E and vitamin C supplementation in preventing preeclampsia are highlighted. Antioxidants are powerful and there are few trials investigating antioxidant supplementation in female reproduction. However, before clinicians recommend antioxidants, randomized controlled trials with sufficient power are necessary to prove the efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in disorders of female reproduction. Serial measurement of oxidative stress biomarkers in longitudinal studies may help delineate the etiology of some of the diosorders in female reproduction such as preeclampsia.  相似文献   

D W Brann  V B Mahesh 《FASEB journal》1991,5(12):2691-2698
Corticosteroids, ACTH, and stress can exert inhibitory and facilitory effects on reproduction. The purpose of this review is to reconcile the divergent effects of corticosteroids on gonadotropin secretion based on recent work in the area. Whether stimulation or inhibition of gonadotropin secretion is observed appears to depend on two important variables: 1) length of exposure, and 2) background of estrogen priming. The acute administration of ACTH and certain corticosteroids to estrogen-primed animals brings about the release of LH and FSH. Corticosteroids have also been shown by some investigators to cause selective release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) both in vitro and in vivo. This selective facilitation of FSH release by corticosteroids may explain many deleterious effects on reproduction observed after adrenalectomy, and it may have relevance in explaining the beneficial effects of corticosteroids in inducing ovulation in anovulatory patients suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome. Finally, evidence is presented which suggests that adrenal steroids may participate in initiation and synchronization of the preovulatory LH and FSH surge, as well as the secondary FSH surge seen on estrus in the rat.  相似文献   

Heat stress can have large effects on most aspects of reproductive function in mammals. These include disruptions in spermatogenesis and oocyte development, oocyte maturation, early embryonic development, foetal and placental growth and lactation. These deleterious effects of heat stress are the result of either the hyperthermia associated with heat stress or the physiological adjustments made by the heat-stressed animal to regulate body temperature. Many effects of elevated temperature on gametes and the early embryo involve increased production of reactive oxygen species. Genetic adaptation to heat stress is possible both with respect to regulation of body temperature and cellular resistance to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

A survey of the literature related to hormonal control of reproduction in female heteropterans reveals many common features. Juvenile hormone secreted by the corpus allatum is the principal hormone governing vitellogenesis. Feeding and nutrition affects egg development via juvenile hormone secreted by the corpus allatum, which is under inhibitory control from the brain. Information about feeding reaches the brain via a humoral route. Similarly, mating increases egg production by altering the degree of inhibition of the corpus allatum by the brain, although the nature of the mating stimulus and the route by which the stimulus reaches the brain remains uncertain. There may be one or more stimulatory factors acting on the corpus allatum. Progress in identifying controls on the corpus allatum is hindered by our ignorance of the identity of the juvenile hormone(s) acting in Heteroptera. Ovulation and oviposition are under the control of a myo-active peptide from the brain, and its release is governed by hormonal inputs from both mating and the ovary. The ovarian input appears to consist of ecdysteroid. A role for ovarian ecdysteroid in controlling the corpus allatum remains uncertain. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:443–453, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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