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Making use of existing fences as ready-made exclosures, this study aimed to assess the long-term effects of cattle grazing on forest margins. Results indicated: 1) that cattle browsing and trampling has an impact on vegetation species composition, structure and regeneration; 2) that the effects of a particular grazing regime may take many decades to dissipate; and 3) that the impacts of cattle change with stock intensity. Some plant species appeared to be highly palatable to cattle and only occurred on sites without cattle. Such species included pate (Schefflera digitata), broadleaf (Griselinia littoralis), pigeonwood (Hedycarya arborea), supplejack (Ripogonum scandens), mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus), milk tree (Streblus heterophyllus), lancewood (Pseudopanax crassifolius) and hen and chickens fern (Asplenium bulbiferum). A small group of plants appeared to regenerate better under cattle than in their absence, particularly mountain horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) and prickly shield fern (Polystichum vestitum). A few species were encouraged by cattle at one site but suppressed by them at another: kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides), wheki (Dicksonia squarrosa), Coprosma rhamnoidesand Blechnum fluviatile. The impact of cattle on most other plant species was not discernible. The results of this study, while somewhat equivocal, indicate that future grazing licences in South Westland should restrict stock to low numbers and be confined to already modified sites where damage to conservation values would be minimal.  相似文献   

Discussed in the present paper are evolutionary trends of important morphological characters of Deutzia, systematic position of several closely related genera, geographical distribution and characteristics of floristic elements. Finally the classificatory revison of the genus is made and a key to species is given. As a result, evolutionary trends of the important morphological characters in Deutzia are suggested; petals from imbricate to valvate, stamens from indefinite to definite, filaments from edentate to dentate, ovary from half-inferior to inferior. Therefore, the section Neodeutzia with valvate corolla and infinite stamens with edentate filaments should be included in this genus. The sections Neodeutzia and Mesodeutizia seem to be better considered as primitive taxa, while the section Deutzia advanced one. There are 52 species of Deutzia in China , which are grouped into two sections ( Sect. Mesodeutzia, Sect. Deutzia), four subsections (Subsect. Deutzia, Subsect. Grandiflorae, Subsect. Stenosepalae, Subsect. Cymosae)and 17 series. Sixty- five species are so far recognised in the genus Deutzia. They are mainly distributed in E. Asia and disjunctively in N. America. China is therefore an area the richest in species of Deutzia in the world, making up 80% of the total species of this genus. The greatest concentration area is in Sichuan (23 species), Yunnan (21 species), Hubei (12 species) and Shanxi (10 species), this is boundary area between Sino-Himalayan subregion and Sino-Japanese subregion, where occur abundant species (including 39 endemic species) and diverse taxa (2 section and 4 subsection). Based on these facts it is proposed that the present center of distribution and differentiation of Deutzia be in the southern part of the Hengduan Mountains, the Qingling Range and C. China.  相似文献   

贡嘎山是横断山脉海拔最高的一座大山,是研究山地植物多样性和海拔分布的理想地区。为了探讨贡嘎山地区石松类和蕨类植物多样性组成及海拔分布特点,该研究基于野外考察、标本采集鉴定及文献考证,对贡嘎山地区石松类和蕨类植物进行统计和分析。结果表明:(1)贡嘎山地区有石松类植物3科4属25种,蕨类植物有23科56属291种。(2)主要的珍稀濒危植物有6种,分别是高寒水韭(Iso tes hypsophila)、松叶蕨(Psilotum nudum)、桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa)、小叶中国蕨(Aleuritopteris albofusca)、玉龙蕨(Polystichum glaciale)和扇蕨(Lepisorus palmatopedatus)。(3)优势科为鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)75种、水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)56种、凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)54种和蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)37种;优势属为耳蕨属(Polystichum)45种、鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris)24种、蹄盖蕨属(Athyrium)24种和瓦韦属(Lepisorus)19种。(4)区系以温带成分为主,有286种(93.77%)。随着海拔的上升,石松类和蕨类的物种多样性逐渐增加,2000~3000 m海拔段的物种多样性最高,为20科46属192种,3000 m以上物种多样性逐渐下降,4500 m以上仅分布有4种蕨类植物。此外,该研究还发现,随着海拔的升高,中国-喜马拉雅成分逐渐增加。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The variety of interactions between human cultures and herpetofauna is the subject matter of Ethnoherpetology, a subdivision of Ethnozoology. In the semi-arid region of Brazil, many reptiles interact with human communities because of their utility or because of the risks they represent. These interactions have obvious implications for the conservation of reptiles from this region.In this context, ethnoherpetology studies are crucial because they serve as subsidies for guiding strategies for the handling and conservation of reptiles. This paper presents ethnozoological and taxonomic informations of hunted reptiles in the semiarid region of Brazil and analyse the implications on conservation that are related to the interactions between people and reptiles in this region. Taxonomic keys to identifying recorded reptiles are provided. Records of humans interacting with 38 reptile species that belong to 31 genuses and 16 families have been found. The groups with the largest numbers of recorded species were snakes (18 species), and this group was followed in number by lizards (13), chelonians (4), and crocodilians (3). The reptiles that were recorded may be used for the following purposes: medicinal purposes (24 species), food (13 species), ornamental or decorative purposes (11 species), in magical/religious practices (10 species), and as pets (10 species). Some species (n = 16) may have multiple uses. Furthermore, more than half of the species (n = 19) are commonly killed because they are considered potentially dangerous. Strategies for conserving the reptiles of the Brazilian semi-arid region must reconcile and integrate human and conservation needs.  相似文献   

青藏高原及其毗邻地区拟步甲共7亚科47族268属1950种(亚种),以拟步甲亚科Tenebrioninae(842种)为最多,然后依次为伪叶甲亚科Lagriinae(377种)、漠甲亚科Pimeliinae(372种)、树甲亚科Stenochiinae(143种)、菌甲亚科Diaperinae(139种)、朽木甲亚科Alleculinae(76种)和弗甲亚科Phrenapatinae(1种)。青藏高原及其毗邻地区拟步甲的区系组成突出中日界成分(54.10%),其与世界其他动物地理区系的关系以东洋界+中日界共有成分最多(17.16%),其次为古北界+撒哈拉-阿拉伯界(10.82%)。青藏高原拟步甲突出青藏区成分(62.33%),与西南区关系最直接(19.14%),蒙新区次之(7.12%)。基于青藏高原及其毗邻地区拟步甲的区系特点,讨论了其作为一个独立的动物地理区的可能性。  相似文献   

We present a multi-trait approach to identify potentially vulnerable species of Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies), collectively referred to as EPT, to the impacts of climate change (CC). The “climate change vulnerability score” (CCVS) is an aggregation of six autecological traits that are known to be associated with vulnerability to CC: endemism, micro-endemism, temperature preference, altitudinal preference, stream zonation preference, and life history. We assigned a vulnerability score (0 – invulnerable to 6 – highly vulnerable to climate change) to 1940 EPT species and discussed the applicability of the index at three spatial scales: (1) continental (Europe), (2) state (the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia) and (3) a river basin (the Ruhr River). We identified 157 EPT species (ca. 8%) as highly vulnerable to climate change (CCVS  4), including 95 species of caddisflies, 60 species of stoneflies and two species of mayflies. These are mostly found in France and Italy (52 species each), Spain and Slovenia (36 and 34, respectively), and Austria and Switzerland (30 species each), of which 95 are caddisflies, 60 stoneflies, and 2 mayflies. Using data collected in routine regional sampling we show that although no endemic EPTs were found in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, eight species can still be identified as relatively vulnerable to CC (CCVS of 3). Almost all of these species are occurring in the ‘mountainous’ regions of the state (>200 m a.s.l.), the Sauerland and the Eifel. The upper reaches of the Ruhr catchment have been found to be relatively rich in vulnerable species, including several locally rare species. This index can assist conservationists to identify “hotspots” in terms of climate vulnerability and climate change refuge areas that can be considered for protection or the application of restoration measures at a local and regional scale. Nevertheless, not all species have complete autecological information, which hinders our ability to fully recognize the areas of priority. To further stabilize and enhance the applicability of this method, it is essential to fill these knowledge gaps in the future.  相似文献   

Armillaria is a primary root rot pathogen of tea (Camellia sinensis) in Kenya. The main species presently described in this country are A. mellea and A. heimii. A survey covering fourteen districts of Kenya was carried out and forty-seven isolates of Armillaria collected. Cultural morphology, rhizomorph characteristics, somatic incompatibility and features of basidiomata were used to characterize the isolates, together with molecular analysis based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the intergenic spacer (IGS) regions and sequence of the IGS region. It can be concluded that two Armillaria species were present and they were different from A. mellea. The first group was morphologically similar to A. heimii but this was contradicted by the molecular data, suggesting that A. heimii could be a complex of several species. The second group was different from the first and morphological and molecular data strongly suggest that it could be a new Armillaria species.  相似文献   

In this study, 4 Penicillium species (17 strains) were classified on the basis of metabolite profile (chemotaxonomy) by using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization ion trap-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS), gas chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometry (GC-IT-MS) and multivariate statistical analysis. The LC-ESI-MS-based dendrogram was similar to the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-based dendrogram, in that Penicillium oxalicum was separated from the other 3 species. Moreover, vermiculidiol, meleagrin, oxaline, glandicolin A and B, and secalonic acid D were identified as metabolites that enable discrimination of Penicillium species by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). Evaluation of the species-specific metabolites produced by P. expansum, P. echinulatum, and P. solitum revealed that the 3 species differed from each other. On the other hand, GC-IT-MS-based dendrogram revealed that P. expansum was clearly classified separately from the other 3 species, and this result correlated with the antioxidant activity of the 4 species: P. expansum had a higher radical scavenging activity than the other 3 species. The metabolites produced in higher amounts in P. expansum were gluconic acid (12, 29, 33); andrastin A (16), B (15), and C (17); chaetoglobosin C (14), a class of sugar (31, 32); and salicylic acid (28). The results of this study demonstrated that metabolite-based chemotaxonomy could be used not only as a classification method but also as a tool for evaluation of species-specific activities.  相似文献   

During a random survey of entomopathogenic nematodes in the provinces of Sichuan and Gansu (eastern Tibet) in 2004, soil samples from several sites were collected and tested for the incidence of entomopathogenic nematodes. A new species was collected in this survey and it is described herein as Steinernema cholashanense n. sp. Steinernema cholashanense n. sp. is characterized by morphology and morphometry of the IJ and male. For the IJ, the new species can be recognized by the average body length 843 microm, esophagus length 125 microm, H%=39% and E%=81%. The lateral field pattern is 2, 5, 7, 4, 2. The male of the first generation is characterized by spicule shape and length and especially with prominent velum and the presence of a mucron on both generations. The average body length of the IJ of S. cholashanense n. sp. (843 microm) is shorter than that of S. oregonense (980 microm), S. kraussei (951 microm) and S. litorale (909 microm), similar to that of S. feltiae (849 microm), but longer than that of S. weiseri (740 microm), S. jollietti (711 microm) and S. hebeiense (658 microm). Esophagus length of the new species (125 microm) is closer to that of S. jollieti (123 microm) but longer than that of S. weiseri (113 microm) and shorter than that of S. oregonense (132 microm), S. kraussei (134 microm) and S. feltiae (136 microm). E% of the new species (81) is similar to that of S. kraussei (80), but smaller than that of S. jollieti (88), S. weiseri (95), S. oregonense (100) and S. feltiae (119). Spicule head length of the new species is almost the same as its width, this character is similar to that of S. kraussei but it is different from this species by its prominent velum. The new species can be recognized further by characteristics of sequences of ITS and D2D3 regions and cross hybridization with closely related species, S. feltiae, S. kraussei and S. oregonense.  相似文献   

蔡静  何家庆 《广西植物》2010,30(2):224-232
首次详细记录了鹞落坪国家级自然保护区模式地植物及其命名过程,并介绍保护区内具有较高观赏价值的乡土木本植物186种,隶属于53科104属,其中观花树木类50种;观形树木类37种;观果树木类18种;观叶树木类15种;树桩盆景与盆花类15种;行道树类21种;垂直绿化类25种;观赏竹类5种。对观赏特性和园林用途进行了初步探讨,以期为城市绿化及相关研究与资源利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The diversity of the aquatic and strictly riparian beetles of the Philippines is reviewed. A checklist (with 317 species and subspecies) of the aquatic and riparian Coleoptera of the Philippines is provided for the first time herein. This checklist covers the following families (number of species and subspecies in parentheses): Hydroscaphidae (1), Gyrinidae (15), Dytiscidae (65), Noteridae (4), Haliplidae (2), Hydraenidae (15), Hydrochidae (2), Spercheidae (1), Hydrophilidae (72), Scirtidae (49), Elmidae (23), Dryopidae (2), Psephenidae (16), Eulichadidae (1), Limnichidae (20), Heteroceridae (5), Malachiidae (5), Lampyridae (15), Nitidulidae (4). A total of 201 species and subspecies (63%) are considered to be endemic to the Philippines. Aquatic/riparian beetle genera and families that are still unrecorded but likely to occur in this country are briefly discussed. Based on estimates at the genus level, it is concluded that about 850 aquatic and riparian species can be expected to occur in the Philippines. The implication of the Philippine biogeographic history for this diversity is discussed. The potential of aquatic/riparian beetles as bioindicators is briefly examined. The dilemma of aquatic invertebrate conservation is analysed and priorities for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Fungi cause diseases in a variety of marine animal hosts. After a thorough review of published literature, we identified 225 fungal species causing infections of 193 animal species, for a total of 357 combinations of pathogenic fungi and marine animal hosts. Among the 193 animal host species, Chordata (100 species, 51.8 %) and Arthropoda (68 species, 35.2 %) were discovered to be the most frequently reported hosts of fungal pathogens. Microsporidia (111 species, 49.3 %) constitutes over half of the described pathogenic fungal species of marine animals, followed by Ascomycota (85 species, 37.8 %), Mucoromycota (22 species, 9.8 %), Basidiomycota (6 species, 2.7 %) and Chytridiomycota (1 species, 0.4 %). Microsporidia primarily parasitize marine arthropods and Teleostei fish, while Basidiomycota are primarily known to cause respiratory diseases of marine mammals. Ascomycota has a diverse host range, from mammals, fish, crustaceans, soft corals and sea turtle. Few Mucoromycota and Chytridiomycota were reported to infect marine animals. Fungal diseases documented in this review likely represent a fraction of fungal diseases in the ocean, where it was estimated to be inhabited by 2.15 million animal species. Intensification of aquaculture practices, global warming and marine pollution may increase fungal disease outbreak of marine animals. All the topics mentioned above will be discussed in greater details in this review.  相似文献   

Exotic species and clonal species are more competitive than co-occurring species, and several plant traits have already been identified to contribute to their superior competitiveness. In this study, 13 functional traits of 36 weed species were analyzed to determine if there was generalizable difference among these species. The results indicated that species origin significantly affected fluctuating asymmetry of width (FAW), specific leaf area (SLA), and total dry mass (TDM), with exotic species showing a higher FAW and TDM but a lower SLA. Adaptive reproduction had a significant effect so that FAW and FAA tended to be higher for non-clonal species, but RMF and R/S ratio tended to be higher for clonal species. Meanwhile, the response of these traits to species origin and reproduction was altered by their interactive effect. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) ordination indicated an extremely positive relationship with all leaf traits and TDM, in exotic species, but a similar relationship with SLA, TDM, and Slw in clonal species. Clonal invasive species tended to have higher TDM, while non-clonal invasive species tended to have higher FA.  相似文献   

Gümüş BA  Neubert E 《ZooKeys》2012,(171):17-37
This paper reports on results of several collecting trips of the authors in Turkey. In the course of this research, a long-lasting question was addressed. It could be proven that the nominal species Bulimus frivaldskyi L. Pfeiffer, 1847 is closely related to Meijeriella canaliculata Bank, 1985, and thus this species is shifted from the genus Ena Turton, 1831, to the genus Meijeriella Bank, 1985. Meijeriella canaliculata Bank, 1985, could be recorded from Turkey for the first time. The nomenclatural situation of the species Euchondrus septemdentatus (Roth, 1839) vs. its replacement name Euchondrus borealis (Mousson, 1874) is discussed. A new arrangement of the species formely comprised in the genus Zebrina Held, 1837 is presented, and the genera Rhabdoena Kobelt & Moellendorff, 1902, and Leucomastus A. Wagner, 1927 are re-established. The following species and subspecies new to science could be described: Vitrea gosteliisp. n. (Pristilomatidae), Turanena demirsoyisp. n., Euchondrus paucidentatussp. n., Rhabdoena gosteliisp. n. (all Enidae), Metafruticicola kizildagensissp. n. (Hygromiidae), and Assyriella thospitis menkhorstissp. n. (Helicidae). For several other species, new distribution records are listed.  相似文献   

The 11 nominal species of the Deropristiidae, belonging to the genera Deropristis (three species), Pristicola (one species), Skrjabinopsolus (five species) and Cestrahelmins (two species) were re-evaluated for a phylogenetic and biogeographical analysis of the group. Skrjabinopsolus elongatus (Madhavi, 1974) (= S. indicus Gupta & Ahmad, 1976, S. kurotchkini Parukhin, 1976), S. sanyaensis Shen, 1990, Deropristis paurosoma Wang, 1989 and Cestrahelmins Fischthal, 1957, do not belong to the Deropristiidae. The genus Opisthodiplomonorchis Madhavi, 1974 is resurrected for its type-species, O. elongatus (= S. elongatus), and D. paurosoma is also transferred to this genus. Species of Opisthodiplomonorchis occur in polynemid fishes of the Indo-Pacific. Five nominal species thus comprise the Deropristiidae, i.e. S. armatus Ivanov in Ivanov and Mrygin, 1937, S. manteri (Cable, 1952), D. hispida (Abildgaard, 1819), D. inflata (Molin, 1859) and P. sturionis (Little, 1930), which corresponds to the original composition of the family. A comparison of Skrjabinopsolus from acipenserids in North America and Europe revealed variability in morphological characters considered diagnostic in the past (body size and position of the ovary and testes). Based on the morphology and biology, the two species of Skrjabinopsolus can be considered incipient species. A phylogenetic analysis of the redefined Deropristiidae indicates that Deropristis and Pristicola may form a monophyletic group with Skrjabinopsolus as the sister taxon. The biogeography of the Deropristiidae suggests an origin and distribution associated with the formation of the North Atlantic basin. Freshwater and marine/estuarine origins for the family are equally parsimonious possibilities. A freshwater origin can be traced at least to Cretaceous Laurasia followed by a drift-vicariance separation and subsequent association with North Atlantic drainages. Support for a marine ancestry of the Deropristiidae is indicated by the biogeography of its sister taxa (outgroups in this study) and of its hosts, and is also consistent with an Atlantic origin. The deropristiids evidently originated and speciated within the Acipenseridae in the Atlantic region, with a host switch into Atlantic Anguilla spp.  相似文献   

生物多样性的编目和分类以及生物多样性监测是全球生物多样性研究的两个核心内容。物种编目是了解物种多样性的基础, 只有掌握物种分布格局及物种与环境的关系, 才能为物种监测和科学管理提供依据。作为浙江种子植物研究的“家底”, 本文在《浙江植物志(新编)》编研的基础上, 系统整理了浙江种子植物的物种名录。结果显示, 浙江共有种子植物212科1,469属4,430种, 其中野生植物有190科1,085属3,347种。所含种数多于100种的科有禾本科(285种)、莎草科(216种)、菊科(186种)、蔷薇科(153种)、兰科(126种)、蝶形花科(109种)和唇形科(108种); 含20种以上的属有15属, 包括薹草属(Carex, 126种)、刚竹属(Phyllostachys, 44种)、悬钩子属(Rubus, 44种)、冬青属(Ilex, 35种)、蓼属(Polygonum, 34种)、珍珠菜属(Lysimachia, 32种)、铁线莲属(Clematis, 31种)、景天属(Sedum, 28种)、槭属(Acer, 26种)、荚蒾属(Viburnum, 26种)、飘拂草属(Fimbristylis, 26种)、蒿属(Artemisia, 25种)、堇菜属(Viola, 22种)、葡萄属(Vitis, 21种)和山矾属(Symplocos, 21种)。其区系特点主要反映在: 物种丰富, 其科属组成多样; 保存了较多古老孑遗植物; 地理成分多样, 联系广泛, 由热带向温带过渡; 中国特有科2科、中国特有属45属、浙江(准)特有种近500种(含亚种和变种), 珍稀濒危植物丰富, 96种为国家重点保护植物; 外来植物多, 入侵风险大, 有些种已形成明显的危害。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether an edge effect could be observed in the structure and composition of phlebotomine assemblages in five forest fragments on S?o Luís Island. The study also investigated whether there were any differences in species along the forest edge-to-interior gradient and in species richness and abundance between the fragments studied. To capture the insects a transect was defined in each fragment, and eight light traps were set up at 15 m intervals from the edge. Phlebotomines were found in all fragments, and a total of 2972 specimens (1188 males and 1784 females) belonging to 24 species were collected. Of these, the most abundant was Lutzomyia antunesi (Coutinho), followed by Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima), L. infraspinosa (Mangabeira), L. flaviscutellata (Mangabeira), L. claustrei Abonnenc, Léger & Fauran, L. wellcomei (Fraiha, Shaw & Lainson), L. sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte) and L. paraensis (Costa Lima). No significant differences were observed in the number of individuals or species along the edge-to-interior gradient. However, a higher distribution of some species in certain regions of the forest could be observed graphically. There was no correlation between fragment size and the number of species or individuals.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 1996, we conducted a study of the hymenopteran parasitoids of macrolepidopteran larvae in the George Washington National Forest (GWNF), Augusta County, Virginia, and the Monongahela National Forest (MNF), Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Macrolepidopteran larvae were collected from canopy foliage and from under canvas bands placed around tree boles. A total of 115 macrolepidopteran species and 5,235 individual larvae were reared. Forty-two percent (2,221) of the larvae were gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lymantriidae). A total of 43 primary and secondary (hyperparasitoid) hymenopteran parasitoid species were reared from 46 macrolepidopteran species. Hymenopteran families represented included Ichneumonidae (23 species), Braconidae (19), Eulophidae (6), Perilampidae (1), and Trigonalidae (1). We reared 41 and 28 parasitoid species from the GWNF and the MNF, respectively, with 19 species reared from both forests. Many parasitoid species were collected infrequently, suggesting that they are relatively rare on the sampled hosts. The introduced species Cotesia melanoscela (Ratzeburg) (Braconidae), and Euplectrus bicolor (Swederus) (Eulophidae) were among the most commonly reared parasitoids, the latter reared from native hosts. The four most commonly reared native parasitoids were Meteorus hyphantriae, Riley (Braconidae), Microplitis near hyphantriae (Ashmead) (Braconidae), Aleiodes preclarus Marsh & Shaw, and Euplectrus maculiventris (Westwood) (Eulophidae). A total of 53 new hymenopteran parasitoid-macrolepidopteran host records were documented. Results from this study will be used to evaluate long-term treatment effects of regional applications of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, and the gypsy moth fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper on hymenopteran parasitoids of macrolepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   

We use a two-species model of plant competition to explore the effect of intraspecific variation on community dynamics. The competitive ability ("performance") of each individual is assigned by an independent random draw from a species-specific probability distribution. If the density of individuals competing for open space is high (e.g., because fecundity is high), species with high maximum (or large variance in) performance are favored, while if density is low, species with high typical (e.g., mean) performance are favored. If there is an interspecific mean-variance performance trade-off, stable coexistence can occur across a limited range of intermediate densities, but the stabilizing effect of this trade-off appears to be weak. In the absence of this trade-off, one species is superior. In this case, intraspecific variation can blur interspecific differences (i.e., shift the dynamics toward what would be expected in the neutral case), but the strength of this effect diminishes as competitor density increases. If density is sufficiently high, the inferior species is driven to extinction just as rapidly as in the case where there is no overlap in performance between species. Intraspecific variation can facilitate coexistence, but this may be relatively unimportant in maintaining diversity in most real communities.  相似文献   

The composition and seasonal variation of the ichthyoplankton community in a shallow tidal channel in Cadiz Bay was studied for 5 years (1984 1988), taking fortnightly samples with a conical tide-strained net (0.5 mm mesh). Thirty-nine species belonging to 21 families of teleosts were caught. Four species ( Pomutoschistus microps Kroyer, Atherina hoyeri Risso, Liza rumuda Risso and Lizu a lira Ia Risso) totalled more than 90% of the annual ichthyoplankton abundance. Three species, assumed to be permanent residents, dominated the number offish (837%), and were represented by all their developing stages; 26 species (66.7%) were temporary residents, contributing 17.2% to the total abundance and were represented only by early developing stages; the remaining 10 species were classified as rare. Monthly numbers of species and individuals showed seasonal variation with a main annual peak in spring and in late spring-early summer, respectively. The diversity (H') and evenness (S) indices of this community were low (0.13 to 1.83 and 0.03 to 0.71. respectively), with higher values in winter and late summer, and both were significantly correlated with the log-transformed density of temporary residents (r = 0.43 and 0.41, respectively; P<0.0l) and permanent residents (r=−0.75 and −0.79, respectively; P<0.01). Multivariate classification analysis of samples revealed that similar cyclical changes were taking place in the structure of this ichthyoplankton community every year; three periods could be differentiated: (1) a cool period of low fish density but relatively high diversity; (2) moderate temperature and salinity with high numbers of species and density but low diversity and (3) a warm period of moderate diversity and fish density.  相似文献   

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