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Five new species of Acanthobothrium (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) are described from the spiral intestine of the Freshwater whipray, Himantura chaophraya, in the Kinabatangan River in Malaysian Borneo. Based on criteria set forth in a previous categorization scheme for species of Acanthobothrium, these consist of 3 Category 1 species, Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp., Acanthobothrium saliki n. sp., and Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp.; a Category 8 species, Acanthobothrium etini n. sp.; and a Category 2 species, Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp.. Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp. differs from all Category 1 species in its possession of a horizontal band of weak musculature that divides the posterior loculus in half. Among Category 1 species, A. saliki n. sp. differs from all but Acanthobothrium southwelli in its possession of postovarian testes. It differs from A. southwelli in its possession of fewer testes and a greater number of proglottids. Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp. differs from the 25 other Category 1 species in a combination of overall size, muscular pad and hook shape, arrangement and number of testes, ovary configuration in cross section, position of ovarian isthmus, and genital pore position. Acanthobothrium etini n. sp. is distinguished from all 5 other Category 8 species in its lack of testes from the proglottid antiporal and postporal regions and in testis number. Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp. differs from the 35 other Category 2 species in its possession of fewer testes, postporal testes, or a greater number of proglottids. A key to Acanthobothrium species parasitizing H. chayophraya is presented. This represents the first report of Acanthobothrium from freshwater stingrays belonging to a family other than the Potamotrygonidae.  相似文献   

Examination of the spiral intestines of 44 freshwater stingrays, Potamotrygon motoro, from tributary rivers of the Parana River in Argentina, allowed for the collection of specimens of an undescribed species of Acanthobothrium. Acanthobothrium ramiroi n. sp. can be distinguished from all other congeners by the combination of the following characters: asymmetrical hooks (medial and lateral hooks conspicuously different in size and form, with axial prong of medial hooks stouter than abaxial prong), hook size (total length of medial hooks up to 242 microm, total length of lateral hooks up to 239 microm), bothridia not fused to the scolex proper at posterior ends, worm size (51-84 mm long), and the presence of a conspicuous vaginal sphincter. The new species is different from all other species of Acanthobothrium in freshwater potamotrygonids, except Acanthobothrium terezae, in having conspicuous asymmetrical hooks. The main differences that allow for the distinction between A. ramiroi and A. terezae include hook size, the way the bothridia are attached to the scolex proper, and the shape of the older gravid segments. The discovery of a new species of Acanthobothrium from a potamotrygonid extends our understanding of the diversity of the genus in freshwater stingrays in South America.  相似文献   

As part of a survey of parasites of elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, a second and final report of the diphyllidean cestodes resulting from the survey is presented. Of 43 species of elasmobranchs examined for parasites, 7 (Rhinobatos productus, Rhinobatos leucorhynchus, Myliobatis californicus, Myliobatis longirostris, Urobatis halleri, Urobatis maculatus, and Rhinoptera steindachneri) were found to host diphyllidean cestodes, all belonging to Echinobothrium. No species of either of the other 2 diphyllidean genera, Dirrachybothridium or Macrobothridium, were discovered. A greater diversity of diphyllideans was found in 1996 than in 1993. Two new species, Echinobothrium hoffmanorum n. sp. and Echinobothrium rayallemangi n. sp. are described from the spiral intestines of U. maculatus and R. leucorhynchus, respectively. Echinobothrium hoffmanorum is unique in its possession of the following combination of characters: 19-21 apical hooks in each dorsoventral group, 12-22 lateral hooklets in each group, 10-17 cephalic peduncle spines per column, 4-8 testes, 4-10 segments and eggs with a single filament. Echinobothrium rayallemangi is unique in its possession of the following combination of characters: 23 apical hooks in each dorsoventral group, 20-23 lateral hooklets in each group, 2-5 cephalic peduncle spines per column, 4-6 testes, and 4-6 segments. These 2 new species, together with Echinobothrium mexicanum and Echinobothrium fautleyae, brings the total number of diphyllideans known from the Gulf of California to 4. The survey of diphyllidean cestodes of the Gulf of California has resulted in a new host record for Echinobothrium for each of the host species mentioned above, with Rhinobatos and Urobatis representing new host genera and Urolophidae a new host family for Echinobothrium.  相似文献   

A new species of cestode, Yorkeria xiamenensis n. sp., is described from the spiral valve of Chiloscyllium plagiosum from coastal waters of Xiamen, China. It is the first record of Yorkeria in China. The new species is distinguished from all other species of Yorkeria by its possession of the following characters: the length of specimens, 15.8 mm; 63-95 proglottids; 71-85 testes per proglottid; large medial and lateral hooks in scolex; and eggs with 2 long polar filaments. The new species most closely resembles Y. parva Southwell, 1927 in the follicular vitellaria and similar ratio of lateral-to-medial hooks (1:2.15 vs. 1:2-2.5). However, Y. xiamenensis n. sp. has a longer strobila, more proglottids, a smaller ratio of pedicel to cephalic peduncle, larger hooks, more testes, and a different host.  相似文献   

Three new species of Merizocotyle Cerfontaine, 1894 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are described from the nasal tissues of stingrays collected off Borneo. Merizocotyle macrostrobus n. sp. is described from the dwarf whipray Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) collected in shallow waters off Sematan, Sarawak, Malaysia. This species can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by the morphology of the sclerotised male copulatory organ, which is long with many twists and loops. The vaginae of this species are also long and looped. Merizocotyle papillae n. sp. is described from the roughnose stingray Pastinachus solocirostris Last, Manjaji & Yearsley collected off Sematan and Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. It is distinguished from the other species of Merizocotyle by the morphology of the male copulatory organ, which is a sclerotised tube that expands slightly and then tapers at the distal end, and by the presence of papillae on the dorsal edge of the haptor. Merizocotyle rhadinopeos n. sp. is described from the whitenose whip ray Himantura uarnacoides (Bleeker) collected off Manggar, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It can be differentiated by the male copulatory organ, which is a short, narrow, curved, sclerotised tube tapering distally, and the path of the ovary, which runs anteriorly to the base of the o?type. We also provide details of new host and/or locality records for M. australensis (Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995, M. icopae Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989 and M. pseudodasybatis (Hargis, 1955) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995.  相似文献   

The genus Eutetrarhynchus Pintner, 1913 is revised. Eutetrarhynchus beveridgei n. sp. is described from the spiral intestine of the dwarf whipray, Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae), from the South China Sea off the Malaysian part of Borneo. The new species is characterised by a slender, elongate scolex, two oval bothria, muscular bulbs, retractor muscles inserting at the base of the bulbs, and the presence of gland-cells and prebulbar organs. The tentacular armature is typical heteroacanthous with heteromorphous hooks. Eutetrarhynchus beveridgei n. sp. is allocated to the genus due to its distinct segment morphology featuring two internal seminal vesicles and scattered testes occupying the complete intervascular space. It differs from congeners in its relatively small size, much smaller scolex regions and in the presence of a basal armature with a distinct basal swelling. Eutetrarhynchus cortezensis Friggens & Duszynski, 2005 is transferred to Dollfusiella Campbell & Beveridge, 1994, as D. cortezensis n. comb., on the basis of its segment morphology, with testes in a linear arrangement and the absence of internal seminal vesicles. A new generic diagnosis and a key for the identification of species of Eutetrarhynchus is provided.  相似文献   

A new cestode, Macrobothridium sinensis n. sp., is described from the spiral intestine of Platyrhina sinensis from coast of Xiamen, China. It is the first record of the order Diphyllidea in China. The new species can be distinguished from the 3 previously described species of Macrobothridium by the testes number (16-24 vs. 29-37, 27-46, and 5-6, in M. rhynchobati, M. euterpes, and M. syrtensis, respectively) and a single-row arrangement of testes; M. sinensis is most similar to M. euterpes in strobila length (1.77-6.23 vs. 2-4.5 mm) and number of segments (6-8 vs. 5-9). In addition, M. sinensis differs from M. rhynchobati and M. syrtensis in the strobila length, ovary shape, and number of apical hooks. The uterine pore is the first described in the Diphyllidea; thus, the present uterine pore can now be used to distinguish Macrobothridium from Echinobothrium and Ditrachybothridium in the Diphyllidae.  相似文献   

Tetrarhynchobothrium tenuicolle Diesing, 1850 is redescribed from the type-specimens collected from Raja clavata Linnaeus in the Adriatic Sea. T. striatum (Wagener, 1854) is redescribed from voucher specimens from the type host, Myliobatis aquila Linnaeus, from the type-locality, off Naples, Italy. The two species are very similar in tentacular armature, but are provisionally maintained as independent species, since the armature of T. tenuicolle cannot be fully described and because all available specimens of T. striatum are immature, limiting comparisons of potential differences in segment anatomy. T. setiense Dollfus, 1969 is treated as a synonym of T. striatum. Zygorhynchus borneensis n. sp. is described from Himantura uarnacoides (Bleeker) and H. pastinacoides (Bleeker) off Sabah, Malaysia. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the very small hooks present in the basal region and by the presence of a uterine pore. The metabasal tentacular armature of Didymorhynchus southwelli Beveridge & Campbell, 1988, described for the first time, is homeoacanthous and homeomorphous in form. However, it has a basal swelling with hook rows originating on the bothrial surface and terminating on the antibothrial surface of the tentacle.  相似文献   

Septesinus gibsoni n. g., n. sp. (Monocotylidae: Heterocotylinae) is described from the gills of the dwarf whipray Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) collected in marine waters off Sarawak (Borneo), Malaysia. Septesinus n. g. is distinguished from other genera in the Monocotylidae by a combination of characters, including a haptor with one central and seven peripheral loculi, the presence of a highly sinuous ridge surmounting all haptoral septa, four rounded accessory structures on the dorsal surface of the haptor, and the anterior region with two pairs of anteromedian and three pairs of anterolateral gland-duct openings. Septesinus n. g. is accommodated in the Heterocotylinae. Septesinus gibsoni n. sp. is described and fully illustrated, and a key to the genera of Heterocotylinae is provided. The composition of the ridges surrounding the mouth of a number of heterocotyline species and their usefulness as a taxonomic character are examined. The identity of four specimens of Monocotyle Taschenberg, 1878, also recovered from the gills of this host species, is discussed.  相似文献   

Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is described based on specimens obtained from a lesser dwarf shrew Suncus varilla minor collected in the Nyika National Park, Malawi. The new species is one of the smallest hymenolepidids known from African shrews and is morphologically closest to two other miniature hymenolepidids from African shrews, Staphylocystis loossi and S. khalili. The new species differs from both of them by a much smaller strobila size and fewer proglottids. The rostellar hooks in the new species are more numerous and smaller in size than in S. loossi. The rostellar hooks in R. gnoskei n. sp. are almost three times shorter than hooks in S. khalili. The hook shape in both S. loossi and S. khalili is substantially different from that in the new species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that the new species is close to Rodentolepis fraterna, a parasite of rodents. The new species clearly differs from R. fraterna by the much shorter strobila, larger hooks, relatively longer cirrus sac, rate of proglottid development, the number of eggs per proglottid and parasitism in shrews. Although the new species fits the current diagnosis of Rodentolepis, its generic allocation is provisional and will likely be revised in the future because the type species of Rodentolepis, R. straminea, belongs to a different well supported clade. Thus, a new genus needs to be established for the lineage that includes R. fraterna and R. gnoskei n. sp. However, this systematic rearrangement is not recommended until Staphylocystis pistillum, the type species of Staphylocystis, is included in future phylogenetic analyses. Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is the first tapeworm species reported from shrews in Malawi and the first species of cestode reported from S. varilla minor and any member of Suncus in Africa.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - A new cestode, Echinobothrium californiense n. sp., from the spiral intestine of Platyrhinoidis triseriata, taken in California waters is described. The new species is...  相似文献   

Helminths of the spiral intestine of neotropical freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygonidae) were examined in Peru for the first time. The stingrays examined for helminths included Paratrygon aiereba, Potamotrygon motoro, and Potamotrygon cf. castexi. Present in P. aiereba were the cestodes Nandocestus guariticus (Marques, Brooks, and Lasso, 2001) n. gen. n. comb., Rhinebothrium copianullum n. sp., Rhinebothrium sp. 1, Rhinebothroides sp., Potamotrygonocestus cf. fitzgeraldae, and 1 species each of Cucullanus and Rhabdochona. Nandocestus n. gen. is erected to house N. guariticus, which is formally transferred from Anindobothrium Marques, Brooks, and Lasso, 2001. The new genus is unique among phyllobothriids in its possession of circummedullary vitelline follicles and a submarginal genital pore, in combination with bothridia with a single apical sucker and marginal bothridial loculi. The helminths of P. motoro included the cestodes Paraoncomegas araya, Acanthobothrium peruviense n. sp., Acanthobothrium cf. ramiroi, Rhinebothrium sp. 1, Rhinebothroides sp. 1, Potamotrygonocestus sp., the nematode Brevimulticaecum regoi, a species of Cucullanus, and a species of the digenean superfamily Diplostomoidea. The helminths of P. cf. castexi included the cestodes P. araya, N. guariticus n. gen. n. comb., Acanthobothrium cf. peruviense, Potamotrygonocestus sp., Rhinebothrium sp. 1, Rhinebothroides sp. 2, the nematode species Echinocephalus daileyi and B. regoi, 1 species each of Cucullanus, Rhabdochona, and Procamallanus, and a species of the digenean superfamily Hemiuroidea. All taxa were examined via light microscopy; the cestode taxa were also examined using scanning electron microscopy. Each helminth species recorded in this study is a first report from Peru. The study suggests that the diversity and host specificity of the cestodes in potamotrygonid stingrays may be greater than previously thought. The known numbers of genera and species of tetraphyllidean cestodes parasitizing neotropical freshwater stingrays are now 6 and 22, respectively.  相似文献   

Two new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from the Persian Gulf, Echinobothrium persiense n. sp. from Rhinobatos punctifer Compagno & Randall and Echinobothrium hormozganiense n. sp. from Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg. E. persiense is the first record of a species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 from R. punctifer and these two new species increase the number of diphyllideans known from the Persian Gulf from one to three. The number of apical hooks of E. persiense (hook formula: {5-6 6/5 5-6}) is distinct from all other species in the genus except for E. affine Diesing, 1863, E. harfordi McVicar, 1976, E. bonasum Williams & Campbell, 1980, E. fautleyae Tyler & Caira, 1999, E. syrtense (Neifar, Tyler & Euzet, 2001) Tyler, 2006 (emend), E. chisholmae Jones & Beveridge, 2001, E. tetabuanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012, E. sematanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012 and E. weipaense Ivanov & Caira, 2012. Echinobothrium persiense can be distinguished from all other species of the genus with 11 apical hooks by a combination of the following features: armed cephalic peduncle, testes arranged in a single column, lateral hooklets arranged in two groups, U-shaped ovary, cephalic peduncle length (124-181 μm), genital pore and cirrus-sac position, and by having 10-14 spines per row on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium hormozganiense has a hook formula of {12-15 16/15 12-15} and is similar to E. musteli Pintner, 1889, E. notoguidoi Ivanov, 1997 and E. diamanti Ivanov & Lipshitz, 2006 by possessing additional spines between the rostellum and the bothria. It differs from E. musteli by having an H-shaped ovary and lateral hooklets arranged in two lateral groups, and the number of spines per row on the cephalic peduncle (18-21) readily differentiates it from E. notoguidoi (24-26) and E. diamanti (95-118). With these two new species, Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 now includes 45 valid species.  相似文献   

Three new genera of trypanorhynch cestodes from Australian elasmobranch fishes collected in the Arafura Sea, off the Northern Territory, are described. Fossobothrium perplexum n. g., n. sp. (Otobothriidae), from the spiral valves of Anoxypristis cuspidata (Latham) and Pristis zijsron Bleeker, is similar to the otobothriid genera Pseudotobothrium Dollfus, 1942 and Poecilancistrium Dollfus, 1929 in possessing bothrial pits and a band of hooks on the tentacle, but differs from all known otobothriid genera in having the pits joined by a prominent velum. Iobothrium elegans n. g., n. sp. (Otobothriidae), from the spiral valve of Himantura jenkinsi (Annandale), is placed in the Otobothriidae because it possesses bothrial pits, but differs from Otobothrium Linton, 1890 and other genera in lacking intercalary hooks between the principal rows and in possessing a chainette on the external surface of the tentacle in the metabasal region. Oncomegoides celatus n. g., n. sp. (Eutetrarhynchidae), from the spiral valve of Dasyatis microps (Annandale) and Himantura jenkinsi, resembles Oncomegas Dollfus, 1929 in possessing two bothria and a megahook on the bothrial surface of the basal armature, but differs in possessing an extra row consisting of four intercalary hooks formed by the overlapping of two intercalary hooks on the external tentacular surface between each of the opposing principal rows and is therefore an atypical heteroacanth.  相似文献   

A new echinonematine nematode, Linstowinema breve sp. n., from the small intestine of the dasyurid marsupial Anthechinus agilis is described. The species is distinguished from its congeners by the possession of the following suite of characters: small size; first and third row of cephalic hooks similar in size; second row larger; 13-15 rows of body hooks without undulating edges on the dilated cuticle of the oesophageal region; oesophagus terminating at the level of the 5th-7th row of body hooks; ten pairs of caudal papillae; a large pair of lateral ad-cloacal papillae extend into small lateral alae. Linstowinema larvae previously recorded from A. agilis may be the same species. A key to species of the genus linstowinema is provided.  相似文献   


Collections of rhinebothriidean cestodes (Platyhelminthes) from Australian batoid elasmobranchs revealed the presence of a number of new genera and species. Ruptobothrium louiseuzeti n. g., n sp. is described from the reticulate whipray, Himantura australis Last, Naylor & Manjaji-Matsumoto, from off the Northern Territory and Mixobothrium queenslandense n. g., n sp. is described from the green sawfish, Pristis zijsron Bleeker, from off north-eastern Queensland. Two new species of Rhabdotobothrium Euzet, 1953 are described: Rhabdotobothrium meridionale n. sp. from the southern eagle ray Myliobatis tenuicaudatus Hector from off South Australia and Rhabdotobothrium anoxypristidis n. sp. from the narrow sawfish, Anoxypristis cuspidatus (Latham) from off north Western Australia. A new species of Scalithrium Healy & Reyda, 2016, Scalithrium australiense n. sp., is described from the reticulate whipray, Himantura australis Last, Naylor & Manjaji-Matsumoto, from off northern Western Australia. Scalithrium smitii (Shinde, Deshmukh & Jadhav, 1981) n. comb. is reported from Australian waters for the first time in the black spotted stingray Maculabatis toshi (Whitley) from off northern Western Australia. New host and geographical records are provided for Stillabothrium jeanfortiae Forti, Aprill & Reyda, 2016 from the brown whipray Maculobatis toshi (Whitley) and the black-spotted whipray, Maculabatis cf. astra (Last, Manjaji-Matsumoto & Pogonoski) from Moreton Bay in southern Queensland.


Calliobothrium pritchardae n. sp. is described from the whiskery shark, Furgaleus macki (Whitley, 1943), collected from Young Rocks in South Australia. This species differs from the 7 other known species of Calliobothrium in its possession of 2 rather than 3 posthook loculi. It is a further distinguished from all other Calliobothrium species except Calliobothrium evani in its possession of asymmetrical hooks. The lack of an accessory piece between the bases of the axial hooks and medial axial hook bases that are longer than the lateral axial hook bases further distinguish the new species from C. evani in which an accessory piece is present and the relative lengths of the medial and lateral axial hook bases are reversed. Scanning electron microscopy reveals spiniform microtriches on the neck and proximal bothridial surfaces, filiform microtriches on the apical bothridial surfaces, and a combination of the 2 microthrix types on the distal bothridial surfaces. The extended bases of the axial hooks are densely covered with spiniform microtriches. In addition, the number of testes within worms decreases substantially in progressively posterior (older) segments. The generic diagnosis of Calliobothrium is emended to include this species with 2 rather than 3 posthook loculi.  相似文献   

Echinobothrium harfordi sp. nov. from the spiral intestine of Raja naevus in British waters is described and illustrated. The species most closely resembles E. affine as both possess two groups of eleven large apical hooks, but can be distinguished by fewer peduncle spines and by characteristics of the eggs. The intensity of infection in individual hosts was generally low, and although the incidence of infection was high in rays less than 35 cm in length, this fell towards zero in larger rays. The cestode showed a marked affinity for the first two tiers of the spiral intestine.  相似文献   

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