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Helminths are reported for the first time from ermines (Mustela erminea) and martens (Martes americana) in Washington (USA). Among 22 adult ermines, 41% were infected by one or more of five species (Taenia mustelae, Alaria mustelae, Molineus patens, M. mustelae and Trichinella spiralis). Among 78 adult martens from three geographic localities, the prevalence was 83%. Nine species were identified (Mesocestoides sp., T. mustelae and T. martis americana, Euryhelmis squamula, M. patens, Baylisascaris devosi, Physaloptera sp., Soboliphyme baturini and T. spiralis). Trichinella spiralis occurred with a maximum prevalence of 50% in martens, but only occurred in 9% of ermines. Compression and digestion techniques provided a similar estimate of prevalence of T. spiralis, yet neither was entirely accurate in identifying all infected hosts. The species richness of the helminth community of martens in Washington was greater than that reported from other regions of North America.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of randomized, dose-response studies for proper evaluation of effective clinical interventions, there have been no dose-response studies on the effects of exercise amount on abdominal obesity, a major risk factor for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. One hundred seventy-five sedentary, overweight men and women with mild to moderate dyslipidemia were randomly assigned to participate for 6 mo in a control group or for approximately 8 mo in one of three exercise groups: 1) low amount, moderate intensity, equivalent to walking 12 miles/wk (19.2 km) at 40-55% of peak oxygen consumption; 2) low amount, vigorous intensity, equivalent to jogging 12 miles/wk at 65-80% of peak oxygen consumption; or 3) high amount, vigorous intensity, equivalent to jogging 20 miles/wk (32.0 km). Computed tomography scans were analyzed for abdominal fat. Controls gained visceral fat (8.6 +/- 17.2%; P = 0.001). The equivalent of 11 miles of exercise per week, at either intensity, prevented significant accumulation of visceral fat. The highest amount of exercise resulted in decreased visceral (-6.9 +/- 20.8%; P = 0.038) and subcutaneous (-7.0 +/- 10.8%; P < 0.001) abdominal fat. Significant gains in visceral fat over only 6 mo emphasize the high cost of continued inactivity. A modest exercise program, consistent with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control/American College of Sports Medicine (CDC/ACSM), prevented significant increases in visceral fat. Importantly, a modest increase over the CDC/ACSM exercise recommendations resulted in significant decreases in visceral, subcutaneous, and total abdominal fat without changes in caloric intake.  相似文献   

Endoparasitoid wasps inject venom along with their eggs to adjust the physiological and nutritional environment inside their hosts to benefit the development of their offspring. In particular, wasp venoms are known to modify host lipid metabolism, lipid storage in the fat body, and release of lipids into the hemolymph, but how venoms accomplish these functions remains unclear. Here, we use an UPLC-MS-based lipidomics approach to analyze the identities and concentrations of lipids in both fat body and hemolymph of host cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae) infected by the pupal endoparasitoid Pteromalus puparum. During infection, host fat body levels of highly unsaturated, soluble triacylglycerides (TAGs) increased while less unsaturated, less soluble forms decreased. Furthermore, in infected host hemolymph, overall levels of TAG and phospholipids (the major component of cell membranes) increased, suggesting that fat body cells are destroyed and their contents are dispersed. Altogether, these data suggest that wasp venom induces host fat body TAGs to be transformed into lower melting point (more liquid) forms and released into the host hemolymph following infection, allowing simple absorption and nutritional acquisition by wasp larvae. Finally, cholesteryl esters (CEs, a dietary lipid derived from cholesterol) increased in host hemolymph following infection with no concomitant decrease in host cholesterol, implying that the wasp may provide this necessary food resource to its offspring via its venom. This study provides novel insight into how parasitoid infection alters lipid metabolism in insect hosts, and begins to uncover the wasp venom proteins responsible for host physiological changes and offspring development.  相似文献   

The nematode Soboliphyme baturini Petrov, 1930, was found to represent a single species with a relatively broad geographic range across Beringia and northwestern North America on the basis of the assessment of molecular sequence data for adult and juvenile parasites. Refuted are hypotheses suggesting that several cryptic species could be partitioned either among an array of mustelid definitive hosts or across the vast region that links North America and Eurasia. Host specificity for this species is examined on the basis of a comprehensive list for definitive hosts, derived from new field surveys and existing literature for S. baturini. Only 5 mustelids (Gulo gulo, Martes americana, M. caurina, M. zibellina, and Neovison vison) appear to have significant roles in the life history, persistence, and transmission of this nematode. Soboliphyme baturini readily switches among M. americana, M. caurina, Mustela erminea, or N. vison at any particular locality throughout its geographic range in North America, although Martes spp. could represent the source for nematodes in a broader array of mustelids. Molecular analyses (243 base pairs of mitochondrial gene nicotinamide dehydrogenase [ND4]) suggest that hypotheses for host specificity across an array of mustelid definitive hosts are not supported. The life cycle of S. baturini is explored through a review of diet literature for 2 marten species, M. americana and M. caurina, and other mustelids across the Holarctic. Shrews (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) comprise >8% of prey for these species of Martes, suggesting their putative role as paratenic hosts. Juvenile nematodes found in the diaphragms of soricids are genetically identical to adult S. baturini found in the stomachs of mustelids at the same locations in both Asia and North America, corroborating a role in transmission for species of Sorex.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that generalist predators will switch to alternative prey when preferred foods are not readily available. Studies on the feeding ecology of the American marten (Martes americana) throughout North America suggest that this mustelid is a generalist predator feeding largely on voles (Microtus sp.; Clethrionomys sp.). We investigated seasonal and annual changes in diets of martens in response to the changing abundance of small rodents (Peromyscus keeni, and Microtus longicaudus) on Chichagof Island, Southeast Alaska, using stable isotope analysis. We hypothesized that martens would feed primarily on small rodents during years with high abundance of these prey species, whereas during years of low abundance of prey, martens would switch to feed primarily on the seasonally available carcasses of salmon. We also hypothesized that home-range location on the landscape (i.e., access to salmon streams) would determine the type of food consumed by martens, and martens feeding on preferred prey would exhibit better body condition than those feeding on other foods. We live-captured 75 martens repeatedly, from mid-February to mid-December 1992–1994. We also obtained marten carcasses from trappers during late autumn 1991 and 1992, from which we randomly sub-sampled 165 individuals. Using stable isotope ratios and a multiple-source mixing model, we inferred that salmon carcasses composed a large portion of the diet of martens in autumn during years of low abundance of rodents (1991 and 1992). When small rodents were available in high numbers (1993 and 1994), they composed the bulk of the diet of martens in autumn, despite salmon carcasses being equally available in all years. Selection for small rodents occurred only in seasons in which abundance of small rodents was low. Logistic regression revealed that individuals with access to salmon streams were more likely to incorporate salmon carcasses in their diet during years of low abundance of small rodents. Using stable isotope analysis on repeated samples from the same individuals, we explored some of the factors underlying feeding habits of individuals under variable ecological conditions. We were unable to demonstrate that body weights of live-captured male and female martens differed significantly between individuals feeding on marine-derived or terrestrial diets. Therefore, martens, as true generalist predators, switched to alternative prey when their principal food was not readily available on a seasonal or annual basis. Although salmon carcasses were not a preferred food for martens, they provided a suitable alternative to maintain body condition during years when small rodents were not readily available. Received: 1 May 1996 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

The seasonal availability of food resources is an important factor shaping the life‐history strategies of organisms. During times of nutritional restriction, physiological trade‐offs can induce periods of immune suppression, thereby increasing susceptibility to infectious disease. Our goal was to provide a conceptual framework describing how the endemic level bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) may be maintained in Yellowstone bison based on the seasonality of food resources and the life‐history strategies of the host and pathogen. Our analysis was based on active B. abortus infection (measured via bacterial culture), nutritional indicators (measured as metabolites and hormones in plasma), and carcass measurements of 402 slaughtered bison. Data from Yellowstone bison were used to investigate (1) whether seasonal changes in diet quality affect nutritional condition and coincide with the reproductive needs of female bison; (2) whether active B. abortus infection and infection intensities vary with host nutrition and nutritional condition; and (3) the evidence for seasonal changes in immune responses, which may offer protection against B. abortus, in relation to nutritional condition. Female bison experienced a decline in nutritional condition during winter as reproductive demands of late gestation increased while forage quality and availability declined. Active B. abortus infection was negatively associated with bison age and nutritional condition, with the intensity of infection negatively associated with indicators of nutrition (e.g., dietary protein and energy) and body weight. Data suggest that protective cell‐mediated immune responses may be reduced during the B. abortus transmission period, which coincides with nutritional insufficiencies and elevated reproductive demands during spring. Our results illustrate how seasonal food restriction can drive physiological trade‐offs that suppress immune function and create infection and transmission opportunities for pathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract Motorized recreation in North American wildlands is increasing, and technological developments in the power and range of vehicles has increased access to high-elevation habitats. The American marten (Martes americana) is vulnerable to this disturbance because martens, like other residents of high-elevation forests, are associated with remote wilderness conditions where the presence of motorized vehicles is a recent phenomenon. We evaluated the effects of vehicles at 2 study sites in California, USA, by comparing marten occupancy rates and probabilities of detection in areas where recreational vehicle use is legal and encouraged (use areas) with wilderness areas where vehicles are prohibited (non-use areas). We sampled vehicle occurrence in nearby use and non-use areas using sound level meters and determined marten occurrence using track and camera stations. We also included 2 secondary measures of potential effects of vehicles on martens: sex ratio and circadian pattern of activity. Martens were ubiquitous in use and non-use areas in both study sites, and there was no effect of vehicle use on marten occupancy or probability of detection. We predicted that females might be less common and martens more nocturnal in use than in non-use areas, but neither occurred. Martens were exposed to low levels of disturbance in our study sites. We estimated that a marten might be exposed to 0.5 vehicle passes/hour and that this exposure had the greatest effect on <20% of a typical home range area. Furthermore, vehicle use usually occurred when martens were inactive. We did not measure behavioral, physiological, or demographic responses, so it is possible that vehicles may have effects, alone or in concert with other threats (e.g., timber harvest), that we did not quantify. We encourage additional studies to determine whether other montane species that are year-round residents demonstrate the same response to motorized vehicles.  相似文献   

Phylogeography of Soboliphyme baturini , a nematode parasite in mustelids, is explored across Beringia. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 genes were evaluated from 37 S. baturini , representing 19 localities throughout Alaska, Canada, and Siberia. A total of 30 haplotypes was recovered and maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses support the recognition of a single species with a distribution extending from the Palearctic to the Nearctic. Within S. baturini , a host-specific partition in North America between Martes caurina and Martes americana was not identified. Instead, substantial geographic structure within S. baturini relates to the dynamic geological history of this northern region and especially the North Pacific Coast. Beringia and other coastal refugia along the western margin of North America played a large role during stadial maxima in the persistence and divergence of the parasite. Repeated events for biotic expansion and geographic colonization across the Bering Land Bridge and the Holarctic during glacial maxima in the Pleistocene appear to have facilitated at least two episodes of host-switching of this nematode among mustelids in populations now distributed in eastern Beringia.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 651–663.  相似文献   

Gobio lozanoi, from the River Febros northern Portugal, contained female Philometra ovata in the body cavity causing abdominal swelling. A mild chronic inflammation and some tissue necrosis were observed in infected fish. Significant correlations were found between occurrence of infection and host length, and gonado‐somatic index; and between intensity of infection and condition factor.  相似文献   

Parasites that are sexually transmitted (causing sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs) can have important effects on host population dynamics, but we know almost nothing for such parasites about constraints on fecundity and transmission. In this study, we have examined the effect of two potentially important constraints in one of the few empirically well-studied animal-STD systems, the ladybird, Adalia bipunctata , and its sexually transmitted mite, Coccipolipus hippodamiae . Using a factorial design, we manipulated: (i) within-host competition, by varying infection intensity; and (ii) host condition, by introducing dietary stress. Infection with C . hippodamiae significantly reduced ladybird survival whether or not diet was restricted, and restricting diet led to reduced survival regardless of infection status. Increased infection intensity and reduced host condition (dietary stress) both independently constrained per capita rates of parasite egg production and the development of infective larvae. Furthermore, when host condition was compromised, significantly fewer larvae were transmitted per adult mite during copulation. The effect of infection intensity on per mite transmission was more complex: there was no significant effect when hosts were fed normally, but when the ladybirds were nutritionally stressed higher infection intensity was associated with a slight increase in the numbers that were transmitted (despite the fact that mite fecundity was reduced under these conditions). These results indicate that host condition and within-host competition may both play an important role in shaping the epidemiology of the A . bipunctata – C . hippodamiae system, by influencing the parasite's basic reproductive ratio (R0) and the rate of epidemic spread. Our data also extend general insights into STD ecology, by highlighting the importance of constraints on disease dynamics that are likely to be widespread.  相似文献   

  1. Closely related predator species often share several prey items, making it hard to differentiate the effects on their feeding habits of variation in food availability and of competition. We hypothesised that we could overcome this obstacle by quantifying and comparing nutritional niches.
  2. We reviewed dietary studies that assessed the relative bulk of each food item, as either per cent biomass or per cent mean volume, in the diet of two closely related species, pine marten Martes martes and stone marten Martes foina, and calculated the nutrient profiles (intakes of protein, lipids and carbohydrates) of each diet.
  3. Both martens’ diets were tightly clustered (mean values: 47% of energy from protein, 39% from lipid, and 14% from carbohydrate). In allopatry, the nutritional niches of the two species did not differ, but in sympatry, the stone marten ate more carbohydrates and less protein than the pine marten. In allopatry, the protein intake of the stone marten remained high (45–52%) in very different habitats, from cultivated lowland to Alpine forests.
  4. Our data suggest that stone marten frugivory may, at least partially, be the result of interspecific competition. By analysing dietary data in the framework of nutritional ecology, we could compare the feeding requirements of pine martens and stone martens more effectively than by using classical estimates of trophic niche overlap at the food item level. This approach may help to shed light on the trophic relationships of other competing species.

A high fat diet fed ad libitum will promote breast tumorigenesis in rats while caloric restriction of the same high fat diet counteracts this promotional effect. The present study examined the effects of dietary fat and calorie intake on adipose tissue weight and fatty acid composition and on tumor incidence and development. The sites of adipose tissue chosen were the mammary fat pad, representing adipose tissue in the immediate location of the studied tumor, and the abdominal fat depot which in humans has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. High (20% corn oil) and low (5% corn oil) fat test diets were offered ad libitum and at 40% restriction levels. In agreement with prior studies, caloric restriction of both high and low fat diets led to marked decreases in tumor incidence (63 to 68% versus 21%), tumor burden (1.84 to 2.05 versus 0.37 to 0.43 tumors/rat), and tumor weight (7.1 to 11.9 versus 1.4 to 2.2 g) at the time of sacrifice (133 days post-DMBA). While final body weights were reduced in proportion to the level of caloric restriction (290 to 291 g versus 184 to 201 g), abdominal fat (8.8 to 9.2 versus 0.9 to 1.6 g), and mammary fat weights (3.1 to 4.1 versus 0.7 to 2.0 g) were reduced markedly in association with the decrease in tumorigenesis. While both tumor and mammary fat were enriched with linoleate reflecting the fatty acid composition of dietary fat, the ratio of arachidonic acid to linoleic acid was higher in tumor tissue than in surrounding normal mammary tissue in both the phospholipid (0.78 versus 0.18) and neutral lipid fractions (0.22 versus 0.03). These observations are consistent with the concept that increases in fat tissue mass in abdominal and mammary fat depots may mediate some of the promotional effects of high fat and high calorie diets. Restriction of dietary fat and calories to reduce body fat and strategies to modify the composition of stored lipids in fat depots may offer nutritional approaches to breast cancer prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

While competing males and choosy females may be common in animal mating systems, male choice can evolve under certain conditions. Sexual cannibalism is such a condition because of the high mortality risk for males. In mantids, female body condition is associated with male mate preference, with fat females preferred, due to at least two reasons: females in poor nutritional condition are likely to attack and predate males, and fat females can potentially increase the number of offspring. Thus, the risk of cannibalism and female fecundity can influence male mating behavior. In this study, we attempted to separate these factors by using the praying mantid Tenodera angustipennis to examine whether male preference for fat female mantids was based on avoiding sexual cannibalism (cannibalism avoidance hypothesis) or preference for female fecundity (fecundity preference hypothesis). The feeding regimes were experimentally manipulated to discriminate between the effects of female fecundity and female hunger status on male and female mating behaviors. We found that recently starved females more frequently locomoted toward the male, and that male abdominal bending was less intensive and escape was sooner from recently starved females. These female and male behavioral responses to female hunger condition may reveal male avoidance of dangerous females in this mantid.  相似文献   

Marten (Martes americana) carcasses were collected from trappers in three regions of Alaska. Stomachs were examined for the nematode parasite Soboliphyme baturini. Both prevalence and intensity of infection exhibited an increase from north to south. Prevalence was higher in adults (compared with juveniles) from the two mainland study areas. Prevalences in these two age classes were similar for the southeastern region. There were no sex-specific differences in prevalence. No pathologic changes were observed in the gastrointestinal tract. Impact of the parasite on either individual animals or populations was not detected.  相似文献   

J.-O. Helldin 《Ecography》1999,22(3):324-336
Winter diet, body condition, growth, reproduction, and age structure of pine martens Martes martes were studied during cycles in microtine density in south-central Sweden. I analysed 398 scats collected in winters 1988 89 to 1996-97. and 483 carcasses from martens trapped in winters 1989-90 to 1992-93. Microtines were the single most frequent prey category in the winter diet, and the consumption of microtines was correlated with microtine density. In the absence of microtines. pine martens increased the relative consumption of some alternative prey, most notably hares. Among adults, total food consumption, body condition, and reproductive success did not follow microtine density. Among juveniles, there were indications of lower total food consumption, smaller fat deposits, and higher trapping vulnerability, and among juvenile females also of lower body growth, when microtines were scarce. The data were, however, not consistent in this respect. I suggest that pine martens in the southern boreal region do not suffer from food shortage at microtine lows, and accordingly, that the demography of pine martens is independent of microtine cycles.  相似文献   

Owing to the rapid decline of the European mink (Mustela lutreola) in France, a national conservation action plan has been initiated, in which scientific research to improve understanding of the causes of the decline is one of the primary objectives. In order to investigate the possible role of Aleutian disease parvovirus (ADV) in decline of the species, a serologic survey was conducted from March 1996 to March 2002 in 420 free-ranging individuals of six species of small carnivores distributed in eight departments of southwestern France. Antibodies to ADV were detected in 17 of 75 American mink (Mustela vison), 12 of 99 European mink, 16 of 145 polecats (Mustela putorius), four of 17 stone martens (Martes foina), one of 16 pine martens (Martes martes), and three of 68 common genets (Genetta genetta). Seroprevalence was significantly higher in American mink than in other species. Seropositive individuals with gamma globulin levels >20% were observed in four European mink, four American mink, two stone martens, and one pine marten. Geographic distribution of positive animals indicates the virus has spread to all areas where European mink are found. Furthermore, a trend of increasing prevalence seems to appear in Mustela sp. sympatric with American mink. Although further investigations are necessary to evaluate the role of ADV in decline of European mink, evidence of the virus in the wild at the levels found in our study has implications for conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The ability of a herbivore to tolerate plant defensive chemicals may vary with the herbivore’s energetic state. We investigated the effect of body condition on the survivorship of individual mountain pine beetles, Dendroctonus ponderosae, exposed to host monoterpenes at concentrations comparable to constitutive and induced levels of defence using fumigant exposure. Body condition index was calculated as the residual mass after fitting the relationship between fresh weight and body size. Differences in survivorship among the four monoterpenes tested (α-pinene, myrcene, terpinolene and limonene) were small. Beetles with a higher body condition index survived high monoterpene concentrations better than those in poorer condition. There was no direct effect of sex, but positive effects of body size and fat content on survivorship favoured females, the sex that pioneers attacks on live trees. Higher body condition index corresponded to both higher fat content and fat-free body mass; the same conclusions about monoterpene identity and size-dependent or energy-dependent tolerance of high monoterpene concentrations held if fat or fat-free body mass were used in place of body condition index. This study highlights the need to consider insect body condition in understanding insect–plant interactions.  相似文献   

The present study sought to assess the combined effects of body composition and diet (level of feeding) on the postfertilization developmental potential of oocytes recovered from heifers using ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration and to relate oocyte quality to the metabolic status of these animals. By collecting oocytes on repeated occasions spanning several weeks, it was possible to assess the cumulative effects of changes in nutritional status on oocyte quality over this period. Twenty-four heifers of low and moderate body condition were placed on one of two levels of feeding (equivalent to once or twice the maintenance requirements of these animals). Oocytes were recovered at two defined time points within each of three successive estrous cycles and were matured, fertilized, and cultured to the blastocyst stage in vitro. The results show that the effect of feeding level on oocyte quality is dependent on the body condition of the animal, with the high level of feeding being beneficial to oocytes from animals of low body condition but detrimental to oocytes from animals of moderately high body condition. Furthermore, the effects of high levels of feeding on oocyte quality were cumulative, with blastocyst yields for relatively fat heifers on twice the maintenance requirement deteriorating with time relative to yields for relatively thin heifers on the same level of feeding. Finally, a significant proportion of the moderately fat animals on the high level of feeding were hyperinsulinemic, and we show, to our knowledge for the first time in ruminants, that this condition is associated with impaired oocyte quality.  相似文献   

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