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目的:了解鸡西市医疗机构消毒效果状况,加强对辖区内医疗机构消毒质量管理,预防和控制医院感染的发生。方法:依据《消毒技术规范》(卫生部2002年版)对我市17家医院消毒物品采样,进行消毒效果检测。结果:17家医院消毒总合格率为97.44% (991/1017),其中室内空气一项市直医院合格率92.05%(81/88)低于区级医院100%(11/11)(x~2=77,P<0.005);室内空气、物体表面、医务人员手、使用中消毒剂、无菌器械、污水合格率分别为93.43%(128/137)、98.79%(244/247)、97.97%(290/296)、100%(73/73)、97.62%(246,252)、83.33%(10/12),污水合格率明显低于医务人员手(x~2=9.77,P<0.0031)、物体表面(x~2=14.43,P<0.0031)和使用中消毒剂(x~2=12.46,P<0.0031)。结论:本市医院消毒情况以污水合格率偏低,室内空气、物体表面和医务人员手不同程度地存在细菌超标现象,存在院内感染的威胁。  相似文献   

陈薇 《蛇志》2016,(3):345-347
正白内障是一种最常见的致盲性眼部疾病,目前唯一有效的治疗手段是行白内障摘除手术和人工晶状体植入术。细菌性眼内炎是白内障手术的罕见并发症,发生率仅在0.048‰~0.68‰[1],但预后较差,可造成视力丧失甚至需摘除眼球。许多研究表明,细菌性眼内炎的致病菌主要来源于眼表周围[2]。因此,术前对结膜囊进行充分的准备对预防细菌性眼内炎有显著的作用。本文就白内障术前结膜囊清洁  相似文献   

目的:调查医院公用电话污染情况,比较两种不同消毒液对公用电话的消毒效果。方法:分别对公用电话听筒、话筒及手柄(打接电话时手握部位)在未消毒和A组用复方新洁灵、B组用"84"消毒液消毒后分别涂抹采样做细菌培养。结果:未消毒前电话听筒、话筒及手柄细菌污染率A组为96.7%、B组为93.3%,A组用复方新洁灵、B组用"84"消毒液消毒后做细菌培养均符合卫生学标准要求,经x2检验,P<0.01,差异具有统计学意义。结论:未消毒前电话听筒、话筒及手柄细菌污染率90%以上,而复方新洁灵和"84"消毒液对医院公用电话均可以用来消毒,两种消毒剂的消毒效果无明显差异,临床可根据具体情况选用。  相似文献   

目的:为了解和分析我国医院图书馆的现状,为医院图书馆进一步向规范化、合理化、现代化的发展提供客观的依据.方法:采用中国图书馆学会医院图书馆委员会统一编制的"中国医院(学)图书馆情况调查表"对上海市医院图书馆进行问卷调查.结果:对回收的数据做了总体情况、文献资源、设备、年度经费、信息资源利用、数字资源建设、资源共建块享和信息素质教育八个方面汇总分析和归纳总结.结论:图书馆工作人员中54.90%具有中高级职称,由于资源共享医院图书馆的信息资源有较大程度的拓展,但经费不能适应资源价格上涨幅度,有的图书馆硬件设备需要改进.  相似文献   

蔡菁 《微生物学杂志》2008,28(2):110-110
本次调查对象为鞍钢所属五所综合医院,其中包括鞍钢铁东医院、鞍钢立山医院、鞍钢铁西医院、鞍钢长甸医院、鞍钢曙光医院。监测对象主要是室内空气、物体表面、医务人员手、使用中消毒剂以及压力蒸汽灭菌器等。所有采样均在消毒处理之后与进行工作之前进行。  相似文献   

在系统阐述医院感染监测体系的构建原则基础上,建立了符合当前医院实际情况的医院感染监测体系结构。在对体系结构中各构成要素及相互关系进行分析,提出了系统化的医院感染协同监测思想,从而提高医院对感染监测的整体效能,降低医院感染率,为提高医院整体医疗水平奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

目的 探讨循证干预在中央空调通风系统消毒管理中的应用.方法 在对医院中央空调运行管理现状调查的基础上,充分利用先进的科学技术及经验,对中央空调通风系统管理实施循证干预.结果 医院中央空调系统管理存在诸多薄弱环节,新风机房符合规范要求的占42.9%;出风口存在真菌菌斑的占61.3%;对于中央空调管理存在认识肓区的员工占69.1%;由此针对中央空调系统的设施管理、人员培训和卫生管理,实施循证干预并加以改进.结论 建立在有充分科学证据的基础之上循征干预措施,是提高中央空调通风系统消毒管理质量,保障医疗安全的有效手段之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨消毒供应中心质量管理与医院感染的相关性。方法:2010年7月至2013年7月期间,对我院消毒供应中心实施规范性质量管理前后,无菌检验合格率及医院感染发生率,进行观察和比较。结果:与实施前相比,消毒供应中心实施质量管理后,无菌检验合格率明显提高(99.8%vs 97.1%),医院感染发生率显著降低(1.03%vs 4.33%),P0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论:消毒供应中心实施有效、规范的质量管理,显著降低医院感染的发生率,值得临床广泛推广。  相似文献   

AIMS: To establish a laboratory model to compare the effectiveness of detergent-based disinfection procedures for reducing cross-contamination risks during handling of contaminated chicken. METHODS AND RESULTS: During handling of chickens, artificially contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis PT4, the organism was widely spread to hands, cloths, and hand- and food-contact surfaces. Hygiene procedures were assessed on the basis of their ability to reduce the number of recoverable salmonellas to <1 CFU. Although detergent-based cleaning using a typical bowl-wash routine without rinsing produced some risk reduction (from 100 to 61.4% of contaminated surfaces), it was insufficient to consistently restore surfaces to a hygienic state. By combining detergent-based cleaning with a rinsing step or with hypochlorite at 500 ppm (of available chlorine) some further reduction in microbial risk was achieved, but was not considered satisfactory for food hygiene purposes. By contrast the risk reduction produced by hypochlorite at 5000 ppm was highly significant and was sufficient to reduce the number of contaminated surfaces to 2.9%. CONCLUSIONS: A key step in achieving a hygienic state through detergent-based cleaning is rinsing but even this will not produce a 'hygienic' result for difficult surfaces such as the chopping board or the dishcloth. Disinfectant compounds should be considered in order to reduce the potential for foodborne cross infection within the home environment. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Although tests are available to determine the performance of disinfectants, there are no quantitative procedures available to compare the risk reduction achieved by disinfection with that produced by detergent-based procedures. This study describes a reproducible laboratory method which can be used to differentiate the effectiveness of different hygiene procedures for reducing cross-contamination risks during food handling.  相似文献   

S cott , E. & B loomfield , S.F. 1985. A bacteriological investigation of the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures for toilet hygiene, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 59 , 291–297.
The bacterial contamination of hospital and institutional toilets and toilet areas which were cleaned daily was investigated. The effect of daily disinfection with hypochlorite or a quaternary ammonium product, or with a continuous-release hypochlorite disinfectant system, based on the chlorine-releasing agent trichloro-isocyanuric acid, was determined. The continuous release system produced substantial and sustained reduction in contamination of the toilet itself (water, toilet bowl and rim) and some reduction in contamination of sites surrounding the toilet (seat, floor, and air). By contrast, although daily disinfection produced some reduction in contamination compared with daily cleaning, the reductions were less than that associated with the continuous release system and indicated the inadequacy of daily disinfection and/or cleaning for toilets where effective procedures are required.  相似文献   

The bacterial contamination of hospital and institutional toilets and toilet areas which were cleaned daily was investigated. The effect of daily disinfection with hypochlorite or a quaternary ammonium product, or with a continuous-release hypochlorite disinfectant system, based on the chlorine-releasing agent trichloroisocyanuric acid, was determined. The continuous release system produced substantial and sustained reduction in contamination of the toilet itself (water, toilet bowl and rim) and some reduction in contamination of sites surrounding the toilet (seat, floor, and air). By contrast, although daily disinfection produced some reduction in contamination compared with daily cleaning, the reductions were less than that associated with the continuous release system and indicated the inadequacy of daily disinfection and/or cleaning for toilets where effective procedures are required.  相似文献   

Detergent washing, drying and chemical disinfection for decontamination of cleaning cloths was investigated with cloths contaminated by use in the domestic environment. Detergent washing produced only limited reductions in microbial contamination and cloths then stored at room temperature for 24 h showed increases in contamination due to multiplication of residual survivors. For effective and consistent decontamination of cloths, detergent washing followed by drying at 80 degrees C for 2 h was required. Hypochlorite and phenolic disinfectants produced significant reductions in contamination, but chemical disinfection may be unreliable where cloths are heavily contaminated.  相似文献   

Detergent washing, drying and chemical disinfection for decontamination of cleaning cloths was investigated with cloths contaminated by use in the domestic environment. Detergent washing produced only limited reductions in microbial contamination and cloths then stored at room temperature for 24 h showed increases in contamination due to multiplication of residual survivors. For effective and consistent decontamination of cloths, detergent washing followed by drying at 80°C for 2h was required. Hypochlorite and phenolic disinfectants produced significant reductions in contamination, but chemical disinfection may be unreliable where cloths are heavily contaminated.  相似文献   

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