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To investigate the evolutionary mechanism (host specificity vs. random searching) maintaining mimicry between cuckoo egg appearance and that of different European cuckoo Cuculus canorus hosts, we studied the level of mimicry between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs in different habitats in southern Finland by using ultraviolet-visible reflectance spectrophotometry. In the main habitat used by C. canorus for reproduction, eggs laid in nests of different host species differed in appearance. Host use by C. canorus was not related to the abundance of hosts, and the level of mimicry was not related to host abundance in the habitat. Furthermore, a close match between C. canorus egg appearance and that of host eggs within habitats was detected after removing the potentially confounding effect of host abundance. In the only two suitable host species nesting in trees (namely chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and brambling Fringilla montifringilla ) we detected changes in C. canorus egg appearance that paralleled those of the two host species. Thus our findings suggest the existence of a correlation between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs within different habitat types, and suggest that mimicry is maintained by strict host preferences by each C. canorus female when laying.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 57–68.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA markers were used to investigate parentage relationships in a population of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus . Thirty adults and 55 nestlings were genotyped at six loci from blood samples collected over a four-year period. To test whether each cuckoo female specialises in parasitising one single host species (Host Preference Hypothesis), the maternal relationships were used to record each female's host choice. The results supported the Host Preference Hypothesis since no female (N=3) was recorded to have parasitised more than one of four congeneric host species breeding in the area. In contrast, the males (N=4) did not show such specialisation since two of them sired offspring reared by different host species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA markers were used to investigate parentage relationships in a population of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus. Thirty adults and 55 nestlings were genotyped at six loci from blood samples collected over a four‐year period. To test whether each cuckoo female specialises in parasitising one single host species (Host Preference Hypothesis), the maternal relationships were used to record each female's host choice. The results supported the Host Preference Hypothesis since no female (N=3) was recorded to have parasitised more than one of four congeneric host species breeding in the area. In contrast, the males (N=4) did not show such specialisation since two of them sired offspring reared by different host species.  相似文献   

The obligate avian brood parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus comprises different strains of females that specialize on particular host species by laying eggs of a constant type that often mimics those of the host. Whether cuckoos are locally adapted for mimicking populations of the hosts on which they are specialized has never been investigated. In this study, we first explored the possibility of local adaptation in cuckoo egg mimicry over a geographical mosaic of selection exerted by one of its main European hosts, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Secondly, we investigated whether cuckoos inhabiting reed warbler populations with a broad number of alternative suitable hosts at hand were less locally adapted. Cuckoo eggs showed different degrees of mimicry to different reed warbler populations. However, cuckoo eggs did not match the egg phenotypes of their local host population better than eggs of other host populations, indicating that cuckoos were not locally adapted for mimicry on reed warblers. Interestingly, cuckoos exploiting reed warblers in populations with a relatively larger number of co-occurring cuckoo gentes showed lower than average levels of local adaptation in egg volume. Our results suggest that cuckoo local adaptation might be prevented when different cuckoo populations exploit more or fewer different host species, with gene flow or frequent host switches breaking down local adaptation where many host races co-occur.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory and empirical evidence both suggest that natural selection should favour maternal control of offspring sex ratio in relation to their ability to invest in the offspring. Generalist parasites constitute a particularly interesting group to test this theory as different females commonly utilize different host species showing large variation in provisioning ability. The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a generalist brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nest of many different passerine birds, but each female tends to specialize on one particular host species giving rise to highly specialized host races. The different host species show large variation in their ability to invest in the parasitic offspring, presenting an opportunity for female cuckoos to bias offspring sex ratio in relation to host species quality. Here, we investigate host-race specific sex allocation controlling for maternal identity in the common cuckoo. We found no evidence of any significant relationship between host race and sex ratio in one sympatric population harbouring three different host races, or in a total of five geographically separated populations. There was also no significant association between host quality, as determined by species-specific female host body mass, and cuckoo sex ratio. Finally, we found no significant relationship between individual cuckoo maternal quality, as determined by her egg volume, and sex ratio within each host race. We conclude that the generalist brood-parasitic common cuckoo show no significant sex-ratio bias in relation to host race and discuss this finding in light of gene flow and host adaptations.  相似文献   

中国大杜鹃的鸣声   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一直以来认为广布欧洲大陆和亚洲大陆的大杜鹃 ,其鸣声在地区之间无差异 ,而分布在亚洲的大杜鹃的鸣声至今未有系统的研究报道。本文以分布在中国北部的大杜鹃指名亚种和新疆亚种的广告鸣叫为主要研究对象 ,将其与在四川和云南省分布的大杜鹃华西亚种以及分布在朝鲜、日本、俄罗斯和英格兰的大杜鹃指名亚种的广告鸣叫进行了初步比较。在中国分布的大杜鹃有五种鸣叫类型。中国所有采集地大杜鹃的广告鸣叫都由两个音节组成 ,并且与英国分布种群的广告鸣叫很相似。各地大杜鹃的领域鸣唱呈现出个体质的高度保守性和数量性状的明显差异  相似文献   

Parasites require synchrony with their hosts so if host timing changes with climate change, some parasites may decline and eventually go extinct. Residents and short-distance migrant hosts of the brood parasitic common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, have advanced their phenology in response to climate change more than long-distance migrants, including the cuckoo itself. Because different parts of Europe show different degrees of climate change, we predicted that use of residents or short-distance migrants as hosts should have declined in areas with greater increase in spring temperature. Comparing relative frequency of parasitism of the two host categories in 23 European countries before and after 1990, when spring temperatures in many areas had started to increase, we found that relative parasitism of residents and short-distance migrants decreased. This change in host use was positively related to increase in spring temperature, consistent with the prediction that relative change in phenology for different migrant classes drives host-use patterns. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that climate change affects the relative abundance of different host races of the common cuckoo.  相似文献   

Using multiple logistic regression analysis, we investigated the influence of nest site characteristics, laying date and nest size in marsh warblers Acrocephalus palustris on the risk of parasitism by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus . Marsh warblers breed in more diverse and dense herbaceous vegetation than other cuckoo hosts investigated in comparable studies. The "perch proximity" hypothesis was supported as parasitized nests were situated closer to trees than non-parasitized ones. Furthermore, demonstrated for the first time in a cuckoo host, tree height was an important predictor of parasitism, with higher trees increasing the parasitism odds ratio. The "nest exposure" hypothesis was also supported since parasitized nests had a shorter stand of vegetation in the close vicinity than non-parasitized nests. However, visibility of the nest from the nearest potential cuckoo perch (cuckoo view) was not selected by the model, probably because most nests were well concealed. Laying date, height of nest above ground and the distance from the nest to the nearest edge of the vegetation were not important predictors of parasitism. Though smaller nests tended to be parasitized more frequently than larger ones, nest size only approached significance, making its importance unclear.  相似文献   

Meadow pipits (Anthus pratensis) normally accept mimetic cuckoo(Cuculus canorus) eggs laid in their nests. In field experimentsin which a mimetic or a nonmimetic model cuckoo egg was placedin meadow pipit nests, those hosts that were simultaneouslypresented with a cuckoo dummy mounted beside the nest showeda significantly higher ability to recognize and reject (normallyby desertion) the parasite's egg than those that were not presentedwith the dummy. In the present study we sought to answer thequestion of why meadow pipits do not always (i.e., even whenno cuckoo was visible) reject cuckoo eggs. The results fromthe field experiments provide support for a theory that two"brood parasite" stimuli (a cuckoo egg in the nest and a cuckoonear the nest) are necessary to induce the meadow pipits toreject cuckoo eggs. When the threshold for rejection had beenreached, the hosts reacted in a relatively short time afterthey were faced with the parasite stimuli. The results of theseexperiments also showed that a significantly higher rate ofrejection occurred earlier rather than later in the incubationperiod. A possible explanation for the higher rate of acceptanceof model cuckoo eggs among meadow pipits in Norway comparedto those in Britain is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary equilibrium hypothesis explains the existence of both acceptors and rejecters of brood parasite eggs within a host population as resulting from a balance between the costs of acceptance and the costs of recognition errors. In such equilibria conditional responses may play an important role. One such response that has been demonstrated in one common cuckoo Cuculus canorus host species is that first year, naive breeders accept parasitic eggs at a higher frequency than older and more experienced birds do. In the present study we tested whether this is the response in the bluethroat Luscinia svecica. We did not find any difference in rejection behaviour between first-year breeders and older birds. This finding is discussed in relation to recognition costs, cuckoo egg mimicry and the bluethroat's present status as a host. We conclude that the results are best explained by the evolutionary lag hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dozens of studies have documented that brood parasites are well adapted to a brood parasitic lifestyle but not all parasitism events are successful. Co-evolution between brood parasites and their hosts is a dynamic process so it is reasonable to expect that a female brood parasite may commit errors during egg deposition by laying her eggs outside the laying period of the host, with consequent impacts on her fitness. Using an extensive dataset from a long-term study, we evaluated egg-laying patterns and errors related to the timing of egg-laying in the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (hereafter ‘Cuckoo’). Specifically, we tested whether the Cuckoo avoids laying before or on the day of host clutch initiation to reduce the risk of rejection of parasitic eggs, whether laying errors will be more frequent in periods with a lack of active host nests, and whether the laying errors will be more frequent in periods with intense Cuckoo parasitism and a consequent lack of suitable host nests. We found that about one-third of Cuckoo eggs were laid on the host clutch initiation day or 1 day before, and the percentage of Cuckoo eggs laid decreased thereafter. Surprisingly, the probability of Cuckoo egg acceptance by the hosts was not affected by the egg-laying stage of the host clutch. Errors in the timing of egg-laying with fatal consequences (i.e. those precluding Cuckoo hatching because of laying in incubated or deserted clutches) were recorded in about 5% of cases. Only laying date of a Cuckoo egg had a significant effect on the probability of errors, which increased during the breeding season. This may be related to the higher number of deserted and incubated host nests at the site at the end of the breeding season. Errors in egg-laying may be attributed to young and inexperienced females but also impaired body condition or intraspecific competition may cause this behaviour. Future studies, which will test these possible explanations, will help to understand better the mechanism of co-evolutionary arms races and differences between host specialist and generalist brood parasites in various host–parasite systems.  相似文献   

Certain kinds of hosts are commonly regarded as being more suitable than other for rearing European cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) – insectivores that lay small eggs and have open, shallow nests – although empirical tests of cuckoo host selection are lacking. We analysed host use by the European cuckoo in 72 British passerines that are potential hosts and for which there was information available on life-history variables and variables related to cuckoo-host coevolution, such as rate of parasitism, rejection rate of non-mimetic model eggs and degree of cuckoo-egg mimicry of host eggs. The relative population size of the host species affected parasitism rate most strongly, followed by relatively short duration of the nestling period, and the kind of nest, with cuckoos selecting open-nesting hosts. However, the effect of the nestling period could be related to host body size and the kind of nest used, because hole-nesting species normally have longer nestling periods than open-nesters. We re-analysed the data excluding hole nesters and corvid species (species with larger body mass), but the results remained identical. The European cuckoo may benefit from selecting hosts with short nestling periods because such hosts provide food for their nestlings at a very high rate. When only those species known as cuckoo hosts were analysed, the variable that best accounted for the parasitism rate was duration of the breeding season. Therefore, availability of potential hosts in both time and space is important for cuckoos in selecting hosts. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

Egg rejection behaviour towards parasitic eggs was studied in a great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus population in central Hungary, which was heavily (about 65%) parasitised by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus . Clutches were experimentally parasitised during the egg-laying period with artificial, moderately mimetic cuckoo eggs or with conspecific eggs that were good mimics of the hosts' eggs. Great reed warblers rejected 76.2% of the artificial cuckoo eggs, mainly by ejection, but accepted most of the conspecific eggs (87.5%). Cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were rejected at a lower rate (32%). When, in addition to the egg mimicry experiments, a stuffed cuckoo was placed near the nest, accompanied by the recording of a female cuckoo call, hosts' rejection rate of the artificial cuckoo egg increased from 76% to 96%. The sight of the cuckoo, on the other hand, did not influence host's rejection behaviour when a conspecific egg was used in the experiment. A stuffed collared dove Streptopelia decaocto , accompanied by its call, was used as a control, and did not cause any increased rejection. Great reed warblers were more aggressive towards the cuckoo than to the dove dummy. When the cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were exchanged with artificial cuckoo eggs, we observed no increase in the rejection rate. We conclude that great reed warblers in our heavily parasitised population are capable of detecting brood parasitism in their clutch by identifying the parasitic egg. The efficiency of this identification depends mainly on the mimicry of the foreign egg. The sight of the cuckoo at the nest may increase rejection rate by stimulus summation, and this conditional effect is mainly affected by the degree of mimicry of the parasitic egg.  相似文献   

Some parasite cuckoo species lay eggs that, to the human eye, appear to mimic the appearance of the eggs of their favourite hosts, which hinders discrimination and removal of their eggs by host species. Hitherto, perception of cuckoo-host egg mimicry has been estimated based on human vision or spectrophotometry, which does not account for what the receivers' eye (i.e. hosts) actually discriminates. Using a discrimination model approach that reproduces host retinal functioning, and museum egg collections collected in the south of Finland, where at least six different races of the European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) coexist, I first assess whether the colour design of cuckoo eggs of different races maximizes matching for two favourite avian hosts, viz. the redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) and the pied wagtail (Motacilla alba). Second, I assess the role of nest luminosity on host perception of mimicry by the same two hosts. Phoenicurus-cuckoo eggs showed a better chromatic matching with the redstart-host eggs than other cuckoo races, and in most cases can not be discriminated. Sylvia-cuckoo eggs, however, showed better achromatic matching with redstart-host eggs than Phoenicurus-cuckoo eggs. Also, Motacilla-cuckoo eggs showed poorer chromatic and achromatic matching with pied wagtail-host eggs than Sylvia-cuckoo eggs. Nest luminosity affected chromatic and achromatic differences between cuckoo and host eggs, although only minimally affected the proportion of cuckoo eggs discriminated by chromatic signals. These results reveal that cuckoo races as assessed by humans do not entirely match with host perception of matching and that achromatic mechanisms could play a main role in the discrimination of cuckoo eggs at low-light levels.  相似文献   

There is at present considerable variation in the level of antiparasite defences among different host species of avian brood parasites, but in many potential hosts some individuals reject poorly matching parasite eggs. Here we present unique absence of egg discrimination behaviour backed up by a lack of egg recognition abilities in a suitable common cuckoo Cuculus canorus host, the skylark Alauda arvensis. Skylarks did not show any clear rejection response to experimentally added highly non‐mimetic foreign eggs in any behavioural context, even before they had started laying or when the whole clutch was exchanged with foreign eggs. This absence of antiparasite defence can be explained by the breeding habitat of larks consisting of largely treeless open landscapes where cuckoos have little access to the nests, thereby eroding the possibility of coevolutionary interactions. Our results are strikingly consistent with the spatial habitat structure hypothesis proposed to explain the occurrence and extent of avian host‐parasite co‐adaptation.  相似文献   

Passerines that are exposed to brood parasitism can evolve reduced intraclutch variation in egg appearance to facilitate recognition and rejection of the parasitic egg. This has been shown to be true for European passerine species that are assumed to have participated in an evolutionary arms race with the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). However, few investigations have been carried out with the aim of finding out whether there is a relationship between these two traits within a species. In this study, we compare the level of intraclutch variation in egg appearance and the rejection of an unlike parasitic egg within a population of reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. We parasitized reed warbler nests with an artificial non-mimetic cuckoo egg, and then monitored the reaction of the hosts. In 27 out of 48 nests (56.3%) the parasitic egg was rejected. The rejecter pairs had a statistically significantly lower intraclutch variation in egg appearance than the acceptor pairs. We discuss possible explanations for the observed relationship between rejection of unlike eggs and intraclutch variation in egg appearance within this population of reed warblers. The results are consistent with the evolutionary arms race hypothesis, but the intermediate rejection rate found in this population could also be maintained by an equilibrium between acceptors and rejecters due to rejection costs.  相似文献   

Capsule Cuckoos in Italy support the ‘host preference’ hypothesis.

Aims To identify the species parasitized in a Mediterranean area, in Italy; to quantify the frequency of parasitism on each host species; and to determine whether some species and/or habitat types are parasitized more than expected from a homogeneous distribution.

Methods Nest records dating from 1865 were compiled from literature, nest card programmes, and personal communication with ornithologists working in the region. Comparisons of parasitism frequencies were made among and within habitats for all cuckoo hosts.

Results The most frequently parasitized hosts were Great Reed Warbler, European Robin, Marsh Warbler, Redstart, and Reed Warbler. The highest number of parasitized species was in anthropic areas (15 host species), whereas wetlands supported the highest number of parasitized nests (471).

Conclusion Cuckoos select a different suite of hosts in Italy from those in continental Europe, but this was not always explained on the basis of different geographical distribution. Results support the ‘host preference’ hypothesis. We suggest further analyses to avoid over‐ or underestimates of parasitism on each host species when parasite preferences are examined.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo has several host-specific races, each with a distinctive egg that tends to match its host's eggs. Here, we show that the host-race specializing on reed warblers also has a host-specific nestling adaptation. In playback experiments, the nestling cuckoos responded specifically to the reed warbler's distinctive 'churr' alarm (given when a predator is near the nest), by reducing begging calls (likely to betray their location) and by displaying their orange-red gape (a preparation for defence). When reed warbler-cuckoos were cross-fostered and raised by two other regular cuckoo hosts (robins or dunnocks), they did not respond to the different alarms of these new foster-parents. Instead, they retained a specific response to reed warbler alarms but, remarkably, increased both calling and gaping. This suggests innate pre-tuning to reed warbler alarms, but with exposure necessary for development of the normal silent gaping response. By contrast, cuckoo chicks of another host-race specializing on redstarts showed no response to either redstart or reed warbler alarms. If host-races are restricted to female cuckoo lineages, then chick-tuning in reed warbler-cuckoos must be under maternal control. Alternatively, some host-races might be cryptic species, not revealed by the neutral genetic markers studied so far.  相似文献   

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