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Infectious disease of livestock continues to be a cause of substantial economic loss and has adverse welfare consequences in both the developing and developed world. New solutions to control disease are needed and research focused on the genetic loci determining variation in immune-related traits has the potential to deliver solutions. However, identifying selectable markers and the causal genes involved in disease resistance and vaccine response is not straightforward. The aims of this study were to locate regions of the bovine genome that control the immune response post immunisation. 195 F2 and backcross Holstein Charolais cattle were immunised with a 40-mer peptide derived from foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). T cell and antibody (IgG1 and IgG2) responses were measured at several time points post immunisation. All experimental animals (F0, F1 and F2, n = 982) were genotyped with 165 microsatellite markers for the genome scan.


Considerable variability in the immune responses across time was observed and sire, dam and age had significant effects on responses at specific time points. There were significant correlations within traits across time, and between IgG1 and IgG2 traits, also some weak correlations were detected between T cell and IgG2 responses. The whole genome scan detected 77 quantitative trait loci (QTL), on 22 chromosomes, including clusters of QTL on BTA 4, 5, 6, 20, 23 and 25. Two QTL reached 5% genome wide significance (on BTA 6 and 24) and one on BTA 20 reached 1% genome wide significance.


A proportion of the variance in the T cell and antibody response post immunisation with an FDMV peptide has a genetic component. Even though the antigen was relatively simple, the humoral and cell mediated responses were clearly under complex genetic control, with the majority of QTL located outside the MHC locus. The results suggest that there may be specific genes or loci that impact on variation in both the primary and secondary immune responses, whereas other loci may be specifically important for early or later phases of the immune response. Future fine mapping of the QTL clusters identified has the potential to reveal the causal variations underlying the variation in immune response observed.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of determining the number of matched sets in 1 : M matched case-control studies with a categorical exposure having k + 1 categories, k > or = 1. The basic interest lies in constructing a test statistic to test whether the exposure is associated with the disease. Estimates of the k odds ratios for 1 : M matched case-control studies with dichotomous exposure and for 1 : 1 matched case-control studies with exposure at several levels are presented in Breslow and Day (1980), but results holding in full generality were not available so far. We propose a score test for testing the hypothesis of no association between disease and the polychotomous exposure. We exploit the power function of this test statistic to calculate the required number of matched sets to detect specific departures from the null hypothesis of no association. We also consider the situation when there is a natural ordering among the levels of the exposure variable. For ordinal exposure variables, we propose a test for detecting trend in disease risk with increasing levels of the exposure variable. Our methods are illustrated with two datasets, one is a real dataset on colorectal cancer in rats and the other a simulated dataset for studying disease-gene association.  相似文献   

Power calculations for matched case-control studies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
W D Dupont 《Biometrics》1988,44(4):1157-1168
Power calculations are derived for matched case-control studies in terms of the probability po of exposure among the control patients, the correlation coefficient phi for exposure between matched case and control patients, and the odds ratio psi for exposure in case and control patients. For given Type I and Type II error probabilities alpha and beta, the odds ratio that can be detected with a given sample size is derived as well as the sample size needed to detect a specified value of the odds ratio. Graphs are presented for paired designs that show the relationship between sample size and power for alpha = .05, beta = .2, and different values of po, phi, and psi. The sample size needed for designs involving M matched control patients can be derived from these graphs by means of a simple equation. These results quantify the loss of power associated with increasing correlation between the exposure status of matched case and control patients. Sample size requirements are also greatly increased for values of po near 0 or 1. The relationship between sample size, psi, phi, and po is discussed and illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis for matched case-control studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P R Rosenbaum 《Biometrics》1991,47(1):87-100
A sensitivity analysis in an observational study indicates the degree to which conclusions would be altered by hidden biases of various magnitudes. A method of sensitivity analysis previously proposed for cohort studies is extended for use in matched case-control studies with multiple controls, where slightly different derivations and calculations are required. Also discussed is a sensitivity analysis for case-control studies that have two distinct types of controls, say hospital and neighborhood controls, where the two types may be affected by different biases. For illustration, the method is applied to five case-control studies, including a study of herniated lumbar disc in which there are three types of cases, and a study of breast cancer with two types of controls.  相似文献   

Exact inference for matched case-control studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K F Hirji  C R Mehta  N R Patel 《Biometrics》1988,44(3):803-814
In an epidemiological study with a small sample size or a sparse data structure, the use of an asymptotic method of analysis may not be appropriate. In this paper we present an alternative method of analyzing data for case-control studies with a matched design that does not rely on large-sample assumptions. A recursive algorithm to compute the exact distribution of the conditional sufficient statistics of the parameters of the logistic model for such a design is given. This distribution can be used to perform exact inference on model parameters, the methodology of which is outlined. To illustrate the exact method, and compare it with the conventional asymptotic method, analyses of data from two case-control studies are also presented.  相似文献   

Association studies are traditionally performed in the case-control framework. As a first step in the analysis process, comparing allele frequencies using the Pearson's chi-square statistic is often invoked. However such an approach assumes the independence of alleles under the hypothesis of no association, which may not always be the case. Consequently this method introduces a bias that deviates the expected type I error-rate. In this article we first propose an unbiased and exact test as an alternative to the biased allelic test. Available data require to perform thousands of such tests so we focused on its fast execution. Since the biased allelic test is still widely used in the community, we illustrate its pitfalls in the context of genome-wide association studies and particularly in the case of low-level tests. Finally, we compare the unbiased and exact test with the Cochran-Armitage test for trend and show it perfoms similarly in terms of power. The fast, unbiased and exact allelic test code is available in R, C++ and Perl at: http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/software/fueatest.  相似文献   

S E Vollset  K F Hirji  A A Afifi 《Biometrics》1991,47(4):1311-1325
We compare six methods for constructing confidence intervals for a single parameter in stratified logistic regression. Three of these are based on inversion of standard asymptotic tests--namely, the Wald, the score, and the likelihood ratio tests. The other three are based on the exact distribution of the sufficient statistic for the parameter of interest. These include the traditional exact method of constructing confidence intervals, and two others, the mid-P and mean-P methods, which are modifications of this procedure that aim at reducing the conservative bias of the exact method. Using efficient algorithms, the six methods are compared by determination of their exact coverage levels in a series of conditional sample spaces. An incident case-control study of lung cancer in women is used to further illustrate the differences among the various methods. Computation of coverage functions is seen as a useful graphical diagnostic tool for assessing the appropriateness of different methods. The mid-P and the score methods are seen to have better coverage properties than the other four.  相似文献   

Data analytic methods for matched case-control studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D Pregibon 《Biometrics》1984,40(3):639-651
The recent introduction of complex multivariate statistical models in matched case-control studies is a mixed blessing. Their use can lead to a better understanding of the way in which many variables contribute to the risk of disease. On the other hand, these powerful methods can obscure salient features in the data that might have been detected by other, less sophisticated methods. This shortcoming is due to a lack of support methodology for the routine use of these models. Satisfactory computation of estimated relative risks and their standard errors is not sufficient justification for the fitted model. Goodness of fit must be examined if inferences are to be trusted. This paper is concerned with the analysis of matched case-control studies with logistic models. Analogies of these models to linear regression models are emphasized. In particular, basic concepts such as analysis of variance, multiple correlation coefficient, one-degree-of-freedom tests, and residual analysis are discussed. The fairly new field of regression diagnostics is also introduced. All procedures are illustrated on a study of bladder cancer in males.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Zheng G  Li Z 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1124-1131
Using unphased genotype data, we studied statistical inference for association between a disease and a haplotype in matched case-control studies. Statistical inference for haplotype data is complicated due to ambiguity of genotype phases. An estimating equation-based method is developed for estimating odds ratios and testing disease-haplotype association. The method potentially can also be applied to testing haplotype-environment interaction. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has good performance. The performance of the method in the presence of departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is also studied.  相似文献   

Sample size for individually matched case-control studies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R A Parker  D J Bregman 《Biometrics》1986,42(4):919-926
The standard formulas used to calculate sample size for an individually matched case-control study assume a constant probability of exposure throughout the pool of possible controls. We propose new formulas that allow for heterogeneity in the probability of exposure among controls in different matched sets. Since matching factors are suspected of being confounders, they are expected to divide the total population into subgroups with different proportions exposed. Thus, the assumption of homogeneity of exposure among controls, made by the currently used formulas, is inconsistent with the assumptions used to design a matched study. The proposed formulas avoid this inconsistency. We present an example to illustrate how heterogeneity can affect the required sample size.  相似文献   

We propose a conditional scores procedure for obtaining bias-corrected estimates of log odds ratios from matched case-control data in which one or more covariates are subject to measurement error. The approach involves conditioning on sufficient statistics for the unobservable true covariates that are treated as fixed unknown parameters. For the case of Gaussian nondifferential measurement error, we derive a set of unbiased score equations that can then be solved to estimate the log odds ratio parameters of interest. The procedure successfully removes the bias in naive estimates, and standard error estimates are obtained by resampling methods. We present an example of the procedure applied to data from a matched case-control study of prostate cancer and serum hormone levels, and we compare its performance to that of regression calibration procedures.  相似文献   

Kim I  Cohen ND  Carroll RJ 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1158-1169
We develop semiparametric methods for matched case-control studies using regression splines. Three methods are developed: 1) an approximate cross-validation scheme to estimate the smoothing parameter inherent in regression splines, as well as 2) Monte Carlo expectation maximization (MCEM) and 3) Bayesian methods to fit the regression spline model. We compare the approximate cross-validation approach, MCEM, and Bayesian approaches using simulation, showing that they appear approximately equally efficient; the approximate cross-validation method is computationally the most convenient. An example from equine epidemiology that motivated the work is used to demonstrate our approaches.  相似文献   

Rosenbaum PR 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):456-464
Huber's m-estimates use an estimating equation in which observations are permitted a controlled level of influence. The family of m-estimates includes least squares and maximum likelihood, but typical applications give extreme observations limited weight. Maritz proposed methods of exact and approximate permutation inference for m-tests, confidence intervals, and estimators, which can be derived from random assignment of paired subjects to treatment or control. In contrast, in observational studies, where treatments are not randomly assigned, subjects matched for observed covariates may differ in terms of unobserved covariates, so differing outcomes may not be treatment effects. In observational studies, a method of sensitivity analysis is developed for m-tests, m-intervals, and m-estimates: it shows the extent to which inferences would be altered by biases of various magnitudes due to nonrandom treatment assignment. The method is developed for both matched pairs, with one treated subject matched to one control, and for matched sets, with one treated subject matched to one or more controls. The method is illustrated using two studies: (i) a paired study of damage to DNA from exposure to chromium and nickel and (ii) a study with one or two matched controls comparing side effects of two drug regimes to treat tuberculosis. The approach yields sensitivity analyses for: (i) m-tests with Huber's weight function and other robust weight functions, (ii) the permutational t-test which uses the observations directly, and (iii) various other procedures such as the sign test, Noether's test, and the permutation distribution of the efficient score test for a location family of distributions. Permutation inference with covariance adjustment is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Asymptotic distribution for epistatic tests in case-control studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu T  Thalamuthu A  Liu JJ  Chen C  Wang Z  Wu R 《Genomics》2011,98(2):145-151
We propose a statistical model for dissecting a multilocus genotypic value into its main (additive and dominant) effects and epistatic effects between different loci in a case-control association study. The model can discern four different kinds of epistasis, additive × additive, additive × dominant, dominant × additive, and dominant × dominant interactions. To test each kind of epistasis, a χ2 test statistic was computed for a two by two contingency table derived from combined genotypes in both case and control groups. We derived an analytical approach for estimating the asymptotic distribution of the χ2 test statistic for epistatic tests under the null hypothesis, with the result being consistent with that from Monte Carlo simulations. The new model was used to analyze a case-control data set for candidate gene studies of stroke, leading to the identification of several significant interactions between causal SNPs on this disease.  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates how existing theory to assess spatial clustering based on second-moment properties of a labelled point process can be adapted to matched case-control studies. The null hypothesis that cases are a random sample from the superposition of cases and controls is replaced by the hypothesis that each case is a random sample from the set consisting of itself and its k matched controls. We compare the proposed test with other tests of spatial clustering, and describe an application to data on childhood diabetes in Yorkshire, England.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian approach to analyze matched "case-control" data with multiple disease states. The probability of disease development is described by a multinomial logistic regression model. The exposure distribution depends on the disease state and could vary across strata. In such a model, the number of stratum effect parameters grows in direct proportion to the sample size leading to inconsistent MLEs for the parameters of interest even when one uses a retrospective conditional likelihood. We adopt a semiparametric Bayesian framework instead, assuming a Dirichlet process prior with a mixing normal distribution on the distribution of the stratum effects. We also account for possible missingness in the exposure variable in our model. The actual estimation is carried out through a Markov chain Monte Carlo numerical integration scheme. The proposed methodology is illustrated through simulation and an example of a matched study on low birth weight of newborns (Hosmer, D. A. and Lemeshow, S., 2000, Applied Logistic Regression) with two possible disease groups matched with a control group.  相似文献   

We consider matched case-control familial studies which match a group of patients, called "case probands," with a group of disease-free subjects, called "control probands," using a set of family-level matching variables. Family members of each proband are then recruited into the study. Of interest here is the familial aggregation of the response variable and the effects of subject-specific covariates on the response. We propose an estimating equation approach to jointly estimate the main effects and intrafamilial correlations for matched family studies with a continuous outcome. Only knowledge of the first two joint moments of the response variable is required. The induced estimators for the main effects and intrafamilial correlations are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. We apply the proposed method to sleep apnea data. A simulation study demonstrates the usefulness of our approach.  相似文献   

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