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Extra- and intracellular responses of neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex to repetitive mechanical stimulation of the vibrissae at different frequencies were studied in unanesthetized curarized adult cats. Unlike responses to electrical stimulation of the combined afferent input (the infraorbital nerve) spike discharges of neurons in response to vibrissal stimulation can reproduce rather higher frequencies of stimulation and their initial character changes more often in the course of the repetitive series. Most cortical neurons were characterized by limitation of the area of their peripheral receptive fields with an increase in the frequency of adequate repetitive stimulation. A group of cortical neurons was distinguished by its ability to respond to high-frequency stimulation and to generate burst discharges. Comparison of the frequency characteristics of spike responses of these cells and of inhibitory synaptic action in other cortical neurons led to the conclusion that this group of cells thus distinguished may be inhibitory cortical neurons. The role of interaction between excitatory and inhibitory processes arising in cortical neurons during repetitive stimulation of different areas of their receptive fields is discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 164–171, March–April, 1982.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of somatosensory cortex (SI) in the control of orofacial movements during eating.We identified perioral and tongue projection regions of the cat SI and destroyed cells in one region by injecting kainic acid. The effects on orofacial behavior were then studied over a period of 4-6 weeks. Cats with unilateral lesions in the perioral region (PL-cats) dropped food from the contralateral side of the mouth in the early phase. Failure in erection of the contralateral whisker hairs during masticatory movements and delay of the masticatory start were observed throughout the experimental period. Furthermore, in the late phase, PL-cats showed prolongations of the masticatory and food intake periods, which were accompanied by the increase in the number of swallows and chewing cycles. Cats with unilateral lesions in the tongue region (TL-cats) showed the prolongation of the masticatory period in the early phase, which was accompanied by the increase in the number of swallows and chewing cycles. TL-cats did not show the prolongation of the food intake period and failure in erection of the contralateral whisker hairs. In both PL- and TL-cats, masticatory and swallowing rhythms were normal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of somatosensory cortex (SI) in the control of orofacial movements during eating. We identified perioral and tongue projection regions of the cat SI and destroyed cells in one region by injecting kainic acid. The effects on orofacial behavior were then studied over a period of 4-6 weeks. Cats with unilateral lesions in the perioral region (PL-cats) dropped food from the contralateral side of the mouth in the early phase. Failure in erection of the contralateral whisker hairs during masticatory movements and delay of the masticatory start were observed throughout the experimental period. Furthermore, in the late phase, PL-cats showed prolongations of the masticatory and food intake periods, which were accompanied by the increase in the number of swallows and chewing cycles. Cats with unilateral lesions in the tongue region (TL-cats) showed the prolongation of the masticatory period in the early phase, which was accompanied by the increase in the number of swallows and chewing cycles. TL-cats did not show the prolongation of the food intake period and failure in erection of the contralateral whisker hairs. In both PL- and TL-cats, masticatory and swallowing rhythms were normal.  相似文献   

Responses of neurons without spontaneous activity ("silent") to prolonged stimulation of the mesenteric nerves were studied in cats anesthetized with chloralose (65–70 mg/kg) and immobilized with flaxedil. The results showed that neurons of the association and primary projection areas are characterized by habituation to prolonged stimulation of visceral nerves. The rate of development of habituation depends on the parameters of stimulation and on the cortical region studied. Habituation developed more rapidly in the association area and was slower to develop at the focus of maximal activity of the second somatosensory area. The special features of cortical habituation during visceral stimulation are discussed.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 412–418, September–October, 1979.  相似文献   

A comparative study of neuronal response in separate cortical columns of the somatosensory cortex (the barrel field area) was made in unanesthetized partially curarized white rats under various circumstances: during passive deflection of immobile vibrissa, unhindered volitional sweeping movement of the vibrissae, and during movement induced by stimulating the motor cortex and facial muscles. Differences in the response of the same neurons emerged under these different experimental situations. Different groups of neurons — responding before, during, and after volitional vibrissa movements were observed. Such response is thought to be triggered by different afferent trains reaching cortical column neurons from sources including the motor cortex, the vibrissa follicle receptors, and facial muscles.Institute of Neurocybernetics, State University, Rostov-on-Don. State University, Simferopol. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 235–242, March–April, 1990.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of vimentin in the gerbil inner ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cells containing immunoreactive vimentin-type intermediate filaments (IF) were identified in paraffin sections and whole-mount preparations of the gerbil inner ear. Most connective tissue cells showed positive immunostaining, although one unusual class of stromal cell lacked vimentin. Several different types of epithelial cells contained high levels of vimentin. In the cochlea, Deiters' cells, inner phalangeal cells, Boettcher's cells, some outer sulcus cells, and the intermediate cells of the stria vascularis showed strong immunoreactivity. Strial basal cells exhibited weaker and less consistent staining. Neither inner nor outer hair cells were stained. In the vestibular system, hair cells with a morphology and location more characteristic of type I than of type II cells showed strong immunostaining for vimentin. Supporting cells in vestibular neurosensory epithelium stained with less intensity. These results were surprising because epithelial cells in vivo only rarely express vimentin-type IF. Although the functional significance of vimentin remains to be established, its presence in some but not other highly specialized cell types provides an excellent marker for investigating the lineage and morphogenesis of the complex inner ear tissues.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the facial region of the first somatosensory cortex (facial SI) and facial region of the motor cortex (facial MI), as the basis of orofacial behaviors during ingestion of fish paste. Area M in the ventral cortex of the cruciate sulcus that was defined as part of the facial MI by Hiraba et al. (1992 and 1993), showed various facial twitches evoked by intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) and recorded many mastication-related neurons (MRNs). Many MRNs in area M had receptive fields (RFs) in lingual, perioral and mandibular regions. The 60% value of activity patterns of MRNs (n?=?124) recorded in area M of normal cats, were the pre-SB type (the sustained and pre-movement type) that showed increased firing prior to the start of mastication and then tonic activity during the masticatory period. MRNs recorded in area M of cats with the facial SI lesion, showed a noticeable decrease in MRNs with RFs in the perioral and mandibular regions and with activity of the pre-SB type. These results strongly suggest that blocking facial SI sensory inputs evoked by mastication interferes with the relay of important facial sensory information to area M required for the appropriate manipulation of food during mastication.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the facial region of the first somatosensory cortex (facial SI) and facial region of the motor cortex (facial MI), as the basis of orofacial behaviors during ingestion of fish paste. Area M in the ventral cortex of the cruciate sulcus that was defined as part of the facial MI by and, showed various facial twitches evoked by intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) and recorded many mastication-related neurons (MRNs). Many MRNs in area M had receptive fields (RFs) in lingual, perioral and mandibular regions. The 60% value of activity patterns of MRNs (n = 124) recorded in area M of normal cats, were the pre-SB type (the sustained and pre-movement type) that showed increased firing prior to the start of mastication and then tonic activity during the masticatory period. MRNs recorded in area M of cats with the facial SI lesion, showed a noticeable decrease in MRNs with RFs in the perioral and mandibular regions and with activity of the pre-SB type. These results strongly suggest that blocking facial SI sensory inputs evoked by mastication interferes with the relay of important facial sensory information to area M required for the appropriate manipulation of food during mastication.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have revealed that face primary somatosensory cortex (SI) as well as face primary motor cortex (MI) play important roles in the control of orofacial movements in awake monkeys, and that both face MI and face SI neurons may have an orofacial mechanoreceptive field and show activity related to orofacial movements. Since it is possible that the movement-related activity of face MI neurons could reflect movement-generated orofacial afferent inputs projecting to face MI via face SI, the present study used reversible cold block-induced inactivation of the monkey's face SI to determine if face MI neuronal activity related to a trained tongue-protrusion task, chewing or swallowing was dependent on the functional integrity of the ipsilateral face SI and if inactivation of face SI affects orofacial movements. The effects of face SI cold block were tested on chewing, swallowing and/or task-related activity of 73 face MI neurons. Both task and chewing and/or swallowing-related activity of most face MI neurons was independent of the functional integrity of the ipsilateral face SI since SI cold block affected the movement-related activity in approximately 25% of the neurons. Similarly, unilateral cold block of SI had very limited effects on the performance of the task and chewing, and no effect on the performance of swallowing. These findings suggest that movement-induced reafferentation via face SI may not be a significant factor in accounting for the activity of the majority of ipsilateral face MI neurons related to trained movements, chewing and swallowing.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have revealed that face primary somatosensory cortex (SI) as well as face primary motor cortex (MI) play important roles in the control of orofacial movements in awake monkeys, and that both face MI and face SI neurons may have an orofacial mechanoreceptive field and show activity related to orofacial movements. Since it is possible that the movement-related activity of face MI neurons could reflect movement-generated orofacial afferent inputs projecting to face MI via face SI, the present study used reversible cold block-induced inactivation of the monkey's face SI to determine if face MI neuronal activity related to a trained tongue-protrusion task, chewing or swallowing was dependent on the functional integrity of the ipsilateral face SI and if inactivation of face SI affects orofacial movements. The effects of face SI cold block were tested on chewing, swallowing and/or task-related activity of 73 face MI neurons. Both task and chewing and/or swallowing-related activity of most face MI neurons was independent of the functional integrity of the ipsilateral face SI since SI cold block affected the movement-related activity in approximately 25% of the neurons. Similarly, unilateral cold block of SI had very limited effects on the performance of the task and chewing, and no effect on the performance of swallowing. These findings suggest that movement-induced reafferentation via face SI may not be a significant factor in accounting for the activity of the majority of ipsilateral face MI neurons related to trained movements, chewing and swallowing.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠家庭动态变化所导致的社群压力是一个很少被描述的现象。本研究测定了72只长爪沙鼠的一些生理参数,包括器官重(肝脏、肾脏和脾脏)和血液的生化指标(胆固醇、甘油三酯、葡萄糖和丙氨酸转氨酶)。此外,对家庭内攻击过程中动物的全血细胞数变化也进行了检测。以家庭为单位,所有动物被置于半圈养的实验室条件下,自由取食和饮水。家庭内被攻击的雄性个体的腹下腺显著减小(Mann-WhitneyU-TestU=48.0,P=0.04)。以绝对体重和去脂体重校正后,受到攻击个体的肝脏重量也显著高于未受攻击的个体(肝脏绝对重量Mann-WhitneyU-TestU=169,P=0.02;肝脏相对重量即占去脂体重的百分比U=166,P=0.02),但肾脏重量则显著低于未受攻击的个体(绝对肾脏重量Mann-WhitneyU-TestU=183.5,P=0.04;相对肾脏重量U=137,P=0.005)。被攻击个体的白细胞(U=11.0,P=0.02)和血小板(U=6.0,P=0.004)都显著增加。同时也发现分解作用产生的代谢物有所不同。被攻击的个体具有较高的胆固醇含量(U=13.5,P=0.005)和较低的丙氨酸转氨酶含量(U=13.0,P=0.006)。结果表明家庭内的攻击行为是直接针对那些地位较低的成员,导致其能量物质的释放增加,同时激活了免疫系统以应对由于攻击导致的身体损伤的增加。  相似文献   

In select Helicobacter pylori-infected populations with low gastric cancer, nematode coinfections are common and both helicobacter gastritis and filariasis are modeled in gerbils. We evaluated gastritis, worm counts, tissue cytokine gene expression levels and Th1/Th2-associated antibody responses in H. pylori and Brugia pahangi mono- and coinfected gerbils. H. pylori-associated gastritis indices were significantly lower 21 weeks post-infection in coinfected gerbils (p ≤ 0.05) and were inversely proportional to worm counts (r2 = ?0.62, p < 0.003). Additionally, IFN-γ, IL-1β, CXCL1, IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA levels in the gastric antrum reflected a significant host response to gastric H. pylori and as well as systemic filariasis (p ≤ 0.05). Despite increasing worm burden (p < 0.05), gastritis progressed in coinfected gerbils (p < 0.03) becoming equivalent to H. pylori-infected gerbils at 42 weeks (p = 0.7). Pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator mRNA levels were notably downregulated in B. pahangi infected gerbils below uninfected control values, suggesting hyporesponsiveness to B. pahangi. Consistent with an increasing Th1 response to H. pylori, IgG2a (p < 0.01), IL-1β (p = 0.04) and CXCL1 (p = 0.006) responses significantly increased and IL-4 (p = 0.05) and IL-10 (p = 0.04) were decreased in coinfected gerbils at 42 weeks. Initial systemic responses to B. pahangi resulted in attenuated gastritis in coinfected gerbils, but subsequent filarid-associated hyporesponsiveness appears to have promoted H. pylori gastritis.  相似文献   

Interactions of acoustic and somatosensory evoked potentials were studied in the anterior suprasylvian gyrus of the cat. The interactions showed dynamic changes and were susceptible to different kinds of influences. The interactions could be influenced by synchronous activation of the acoustic and somatosensory inputs with 2 Hz frequency, or by elevating the stimulus frequency. Interactions could be influenced by amphetamine and gamma-glutamyl-taurine, drugs known as capable of influencing the arousal level of the brain. The antagonists of amphetamine prevented this effect. Drugs acting on the cortical GABA-ergic system proved also to be decisive in the interactions of evoked potentials of different origins. In some experiments unit activity was recorded parallel with evoked potentials.  相似文献   



Neuronal activity in cortical areas regulates neurodevelopment by interacting with defined genetic programs to shape the mature central nervous system. Electrical activity is conveyed to sensory cortical areas via intracortical and thalamocortical neurons, and includes oscillatory patterns that have been measured across cortical regions.


In this work, we review the most recent findings about how electrical activity shapes the developmental assembly of functional circuitry in the somatosensory cortex, with an emphasis on interneuron maturation and integration. We include studies on the effect of various neurotransmitters and on the influence of thalamocortical afferent activity on circuit development. We additionally reviewed studies describing network activity patterns.


We conducted an extensive literature search using both the PubMed and Google Scholar search engines. The following keywords were used in various iterations: “interneuron”, “somatosensory”, “development”, “activity”, “network patterns”, “thalamocortical”, “NMDA receptor”, “plasticity”. We additionally selected papers known to us from past reading, and those recommended to us by reviewers and members of our lab.


We reviewed a total of 132 articles that focused on the role of activity in interneuronal migration, maturation, and circuit development, as well as the source of electrical inputs and patterns of cortical activity in the somatosensory cortex. 79 of these papers included in this timely review were written between 2007 and 2016.


Neuronal activity shapes the developmental assembly of functional circuitry in the somatosensory cortical interneurons. This activity impacts nearly every aspect of development and acquisition of mature neuronal characteristics, and may contribute to changing phenotypes, altered transmitter expression, and plasticity in the adult. Progressively changing oscillatory network patterns contribute to this activity in the early postnatal period, although a direct requirement for specific patterns and origins of activity remains to be demonstrated.

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