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Single cycles of hopping and climbing were investigated in Japanese Pygmy Woodpeckers Picoides kizuki using motion analyses on video. Body movements on substrate angled from 0-90 degrees were compared for every 10 degrees. The body was inclined forward during stance phase for both small and large substrate angles, and the inclination amplitude increased when the substrate angle increased. The tail was bent ventrally almost simultaneously to this body inclination, and its amplitude was apparently high at large substrate angles. Most of the gait parameters changed when the stride length increased. The minimum body-tail angle and most of the parameters representing body movements during stance phase changed when the substrate angle increased, probably because gravity pulled the birds further backward when they were moving on a steeper slope. These parameters showed a clear difference between the data on substrate steeper than 40 degrees and lower than 30 degrees. The abrupt changes in these parameters most likely mean that the motor pattern changed from hopping to climbing between these angles.  相似文献   

Demographic and reproductive data were analyzed for a period of 28 years in the females of a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques at Katsuyama, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. The overall mean, age-specific fecundity rates were 5.43% for 4-year-olds and 41.86% for 5-year-olds, increasing to a peak of 66.67% for 13-year-olds. Fecundity remained relatively high (52.31–54.24%) in 16–19-year-olds, but decreased sharply (45.45–17.86%) in 20–23-year-olds, and became very low in 24–26-year-olds. Females aged 27 years or more did not produce infants. The average age at first birth was 5.41 years. Births peaked in mid-May. The timing of the first births each year remained essentially unchanged during the study period, whereas the timing of the median and last births shifted towards the later part of the season. The mean interbirth interval for all females was 1.56 years. The value was 1.54 years for multiparous females and 1.29 years for females following infant loss. These intervals were significantly shorter than those for primiparous females, and females with surviving infants. The overall mean infant mortality within the first year of life was 10.2%. The value was 8.6% for 10–14-year-olds, and 7.5% for 15–19-year-olds. The timing of birth differed among the four female matrilineal dominance rank-classes. The female fecundity rates increased as a function of matrilineal dominance rank. It is suggested that all demographic and reproductive data should be analyzed in detail with respect to the group's history.  相似文献   

Varying chemically the structure of phospholipids in the region between hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments is expected to have a strong influence on the interaction with water and the phase behavior. This is studied in this work with the motivation to investigate these lipids as potential inhibitors of phospholipase A2. Thus the amide phospholipids L-ether-amide-PC (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), L-ester-amide-PC (1-palmitoyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and L-ether-amide-PE (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine) have been synthesized and characterized. The phase behavior and thermal transitions in buffer dispersions are examined by a combination of high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments between 10 and 80 degrees C at pH 8.9. The onset temperatures determined from DSC measurements agree well with the starting temperatures of changes in the repeat distance obtained by SAXS measurements. The phases observed are lamellar both below and above the main phase transition. The phase transition temperatures and enthalpies depend strongly on the substitutions in sn-1 position and head group structure. The lamellar repeat distance in gel and liquid-crystalline phases increases with increasing temperature for L-ester-amide-PC and L-ether-amide-PC, whereas the temperature dependence is opposite for the L-ether-amide-PE. The observed behavior is discussed and compared with that of DPPC and DPPE, indicating the strong dependence of hydration and phase behavior on head group structure.  相似文献   

The equilibrium constant of the reaction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) with the CysF9[93]beta sulfhydryl group of hemoglobin decreases by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude between pH 5.6 and 9. The reaction is coupled to the ionizations of two groups on the protein. At 25 degrees C one group has a pK(a) of 5.31+/-0.2 when hemoglobin is in its (tertiary) r conformation, typified by the thiolate anion form of CysF9[93]beta; this changes to 7.73+/-0.4 in the (tertiary) t conformation, typified by the mixed disulfide form of the sulfhydryl. The second group ionizes with a pK(a) of 7.11+/-0.4 in the r conformation; this changes to 8.38+/-0.2 in the t conformation. K(rt), the equilibrium constant for the r<-->t isomerization process, is 0.22+/-0.06. The standard enthalpy and entropy changes for the isomerization are DeltaH(o)(rt)=24.2 kJ mol(-1) and DeltaS(o)(rt)=68.8 JK(-1)mol(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

To investigate the properties of a pure liquid ordered (Lo) phase in a model membrane system, a series of saturated phosphatidylcholines combined with cholesterol were examined by variable temperature multinuclear (1H, 2H, 13C, 31P) solid-state NMR spectroscopy and x-ray scattering. Compositions with cholesterol concentrations>or=40 mol %, well within the Lo phase region, are shown to exhibit changes in properties as a function of temperature and cholesterol content. The 2H-NMR data of both cholesterol and phospholipids were used to more accurately map the Lo phase boundary. It has been established that the gel-Lo phase coexistence extends to 60 mol % cholesterol and a modified phase diagram is presented. Combined 1H-, 2H-, 13C-NMR, and x-ray scattering data indicate that there are large changes within the Lo phase region, in particular, 1H-magic angle spinning NMR and wide-angle x-ray scattering were used to examine the in-plane intermolecular spacing, which approaches that of a fluid Lalpha phase at high temperature and high cholesterol concentrations. Although it is well known for cholesterol to broaden the gel-to-fluid transition temperature, we have observed, from the 13C magic angle spinning NMR data, that the glycerol region can still undergo a "melting", though this is broadened with increasing cholesterol content and changes with phospholipid chain length. Also from 2H-NMR order parameter data it was observed that the effect of temperature on chain length became smaller with increasing cholesterol content. Finally, from the cholesterol order parameter, it has been previously suggested that it is possible to determine the degree to which cholesterol associates with different phospholipids. However, we have found that by taking into account the relative temperature above the phase boundary this relationship may not be correct.  相似文献   

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