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Phycoerythrobilin and phycocyanobilin are covalently attached to the apoproteins of phycoerythrins and phycocyanins. One linkage consists of an ester bond between the hydroxy group of a serine residue and the propionate side chain on one of the inner pyrrole rings (probably ring C). The other linkage is a labile thioether bond between a cysteine residue and the two-carbon side chain on pyrrole ring A. This side chain and both of the α-positions of the ring A are in the reduced state. This constitutes an important structural revision, since, in the structures currently accepted for the phycobilins, the two-carbon side chain on ring A is depicted as an ethylidene grouping and this has been regarded not only as a very characteristic feature of the phycobilins, but also as a probable structural feature of the chromophore of phytochrome, largely on the basis of other analogies with the phycobilins. The ethylidene-containing structures apply instead to artefact forms of the pigments released from the apoproteins by treatment with hot methanol. Cleavage of the ring-A linkage involves an elimination reaction releasing the cysteine residue and generating a double bond in the ring-A side chain. During cleavage in methanol the direction of the elimination is towards the ring, generating the ethylidene double bond. Since this is linked to the conjugated system, the methanol-released pigments differ spectrally from the native phycobilins. During acid-catalysed release of the pigments, the elimination apparently goes in the opposite direction, generating a double bond at the outer position of the side chain. Since this double bond is not linked to the conjugated system, the acid-released pigments remain spectrally identical with their protein-bound counterparts.  相似文献   

The hepatic output of triacylglycerol and cholesterol from very-low-density lipoprotein (VLD lipoprotein), and the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase were compared in the isolated perfused rat-liver preparation and in the intact rat. The output of triacylglycerol and cholesterol from VLD lipoprotein by the perfused liver was stimulated by oleate concomitant with stimulation of hepatic microsomal hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase activity. In the intact animal treated with Triton WR-1339, the magnitude of secretion of triacylglycerol and cholesterol from VLD lipoprotein coincided with the diurnal rhythm of hepatic hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase activity, which was maximal at 24:00 h and minimal at 12:00 h. These observations suggest that the stimulation of the reductase and of the secretion of cholesterol from VLD lipoprotein by non-esterified fatty acids, as observed with the isolated perfused rat liver preparation in vitro, may also be an important physiological mechanism in vivo. Hepatic cholesterogenesis may be stimulated under conditions conductive to the secretion of the VLD lipoprotein, the primary transport form for triacylglycerol in the postabsorptive state.  相似文献   

PEB (phycoerythrobilin) is a pink-coloured open-chain tetrapyrrole molecule found in the cyanobacterial light-harvesting phycobilisome. Within the phycobilisome, PEB is covalently bound via thioether bonds to conserved cysteine residues of the phycobiliprotein subunits. In cyanobacteria, biosynthesis of PEB proceeds via two subsequent two-electron reductions catalysed by the FDBRs (ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductases) PebA and PebB starting from the open-chain tetrapyrrole biliverdin IXα. A new member of the FDBR family has been identified in the genome of a marine cyanophage. In contrast with the cyanobacterial enzymes, PebS (PEB synthase) from cyanophages combines both two-electron reductions for PEB synthesis. In the present study we show that PebS acts via a substrate radical mechanism and that two conserved aspartate residues at position 105 and 206 are critical for stereospecific substrate protonation and conversion. On the basis of the crystal structures of both PebS mutants and presented biochemical and biophysical data, a mechanism for biliverdin IXα conversion to PEB is postulated and discussed with respect to other FDBR family members.  相似文献   

Li  Wenjun  Ma  Chengbo  Ge  Baosheng  Zang  Fan  Qin  Song  Lin  Jian 《Journal of applied phycology》2021,33(3):1673-1683
Journal of Applied Phycology - Phycoerythrobilin (PEB) is a special pigment in red algae and cyanobacteria that plays an important role in capturing light energy. As a natural non-toxic pigment...  相似文献   

Humic-like acids (HLA) were extracted from compost at the beginning and after 70, 130 and 730 days of maturation in order to be investigated for their ability to induce the transformation of 2,4,6-trimethylphenol under irradiation at 365 nm. The rate of 2,4,6-trimethylphenol phototransformation in the presence of HLA (25 mg l(-1)) varied within HLA 0相似文献   

Phycoerythrobilin is a linear tetrapyrrole molecule found in cyanobacteria, red algae, and cryptomonads. Together with other bilins such as phycocyanobilin it serves as a light-harvesting pigment in the photosynthetic light-harvesting structures of cyanobacteria called phycobilisomes. The biosynthesis of both pigments starts with the cleavage of heme by heme oxygenases to yield biliverdin IXalpha, which is further reduced at specific positions by ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductases (FDBRs), a new family of radical enzymes. The biosynthesis of phycoerythrobilin requires two subsequent two-electron reductions, each step being catalyzed by one FDBR. This is in contrast to the biosynthesis of phycocyanobilin, where the FDBR phycocyanobilin: ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PcyA) catalyzes a four-electron reduction. The first reaction in phycoerythrobilin biosynthesis is the reduction of the 15,16-double bond of biliverdin IXalpha by 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PebA). This reaction reduces the conjugated pi -electron system thereby blue-shifting the absorbance properties of the linear tetrapyrrole. The second FDBR, phycoerythrobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PebB), then reduces the A-ring 2,3,3(1),3(2)-diene structure of 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin to yield phycoerythrobilin. Both FDBRs from the limnic filamentous cyanobacterium Fremyella diplosiphon and the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH8020 were recombinantly produced in Escherichia coli and purified, and their enzymatic activities were determined. By using various natural bilins, the substrate specificity of each FDBR was established, revealing conformational preconditions for their unique specificity. Preparation of the semi-reduced intermediate, 15,16-dihydrobiliverdin, enabled us to perform steady state binding experiments indicating distinct spectroscopic and fluorescent properties of enzyme.bilin complexes. A combination of substrate/product binding analyses and gel permeation chromatography revealed evidence for metabolic channeling.  相似文献   

Elsinochrome A (EA) is one of the important perylenequinonoid photosensitizers (PQPs); however, its photophysical and photochemical properties were given less attention in comparsion with other PQPs. In view of the successful use of quantum chemical methods, especially time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT), in investigating the photo-physicochemical characters of various photosensitizers, we attempt to explore the photophysical and photosensitive properties of EA by theoretical methods. Firstly, the absorption spectra and lowest-lying T(1) excitation energy of EA were estimated by TD-DFT calculations. Then, the photosensitizing mechanisms of EA were explored. It was found that EA can photo-generate (1)O(2) through energy transfer in both benzene and DMSO. However, EA gives birth to O(2)(.-) only in DMSO, and it is E(A)(.-) generated from autoionization reactions that is responsible for the O(2)(.-)-generation, which gains some deeper insights into the photosensitive behaviors of EA.  相似文献   

UV irradiation (270–390 nm, 20 min, I = 3.2 W m?2) of deaerated biopterin solution containing electron donor (Na2-EDTA) led to the formation of 7,8-dihydrobiopterin (H 2 BPT), which, when excited, underwent reduction to form 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (H 4 BPT). Protonated molecules of H4BPT were resistant to oxidation by O2 both in the “dark” incubated and UV-irradiated solutions at pH below 3.0. The rate of H4BPT oxidation dramatically increased at pH above 3.0, and, then, up to pH 10.0, it did not change, showing no dependence on UV irradiation. At the initial stage (5 min) of H4BPT oxidation in neutral solution, UV irradiation stimulated the accumulation of quinonoid 6,7-dihydrobiopterin (q-H 2 BPT) in addition to H2BPT. UV irradiation of H2BPT induced its oxidation to biopterin and unidentified products.  相似文献   

The photochemistry of human hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood and blood serum (lambda = 254-578 nm) was studied, using spectrophotometric methods. The Hb photochemistry is a complex set of photoreactions leading to successive photoconversions of Hb forms: from oxy- to met- to deoxy- and, finally, to carboxy-form. The photodestruction of Hb and the photoreactions involving other serum proteins were found to occur simultaneously. In the blood Hb photomodifications are localized directly in erythrocytes. The conditions necessary for the photo--induced rupture of erythrocyte membranes and the subsequent release of Hb into the blood plasma, were determined. Although the general characteristics of Hb photochemistry are the same for model systems and for native conditions, there are some distinctions in the effectiveness of the photoconversion. It seems likely that the observed effects are due to the antioxidant properties of the serum. These properties may be the cause of the inhibition of blood photohemolysis upon irradiation (lambda greater than or equal to 300 nm).  相似文献   

The thermodynamic and spectral properties of the photochemical reaction center components of Heliobacterium chlorum have been examined. The primary electron donor bacteriochlorophyll has Em,7 = +225 mV, and the ‘primary acceptor’ Em,10 = −510 mV. The former has an EPR signal in its oxidised form near G = 2.0025, ΔH = 0.95 mT, reminiscent of the properties of the primary donor in bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll a. The ‘primary acceptor’ has properties similar to those of the iron-sulfur cluster acceptors of green sulfur bacteria. H. chlorum contains a c-type cytochrome (Em,7 = +170 mV) that donates electrons to the photooxidised primary donor with . The reaction center of H. chlorum is thus very similar to that found in representative green sulfur bacteria, but the cellular architecture and photopigments of this group are quite distinct from those of H. chlorum.  相似文献   

Formation of fluorescent proteins was explored after incubation of recombinant apo-subunits of phycobiliprotein R-phycoerythrin with phycoerythrobilin chromophore. Alpha and beta apo-subunit genes of R-phycoerythrin from red algae Polisiphonia boldii were cloned in plasmid pET-21d(+). Hexahistidine-tagged alpha and beta apo-subunits were expressed in Escherichia coli. Although expressed apo-subunits formed inclusion bodies, fluorescent holo-subunits were constituted after incubation of E. coli cells with phycoerythrobilin. Holo-subunits contained both phycoerythrobilin and urobilin chromophores. Fluorescence and differential interference contrast microscopy showed polar location of holo-subunit inclusion bodies in bacterial cells. Cells containing fluorescent holo-subunits were several times brighter than control cells as found by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. The addition of phycoerythrobilin to cells did not show cytotoxic effects, in contrast to expression of proteins in inclusion bodies. In an attempt to improve solubility, R-phycoerythrin apo-subunits were fused to maltose-binding protein and incubated with phycoerythrobilin both in vitro and in vivo. Highly fluorescent soluble fusion proteins containing phycoerythrobilin as the sole chromophore were formed. Fusion proteins were localized by fluorescence microscopy either throughout E. coli cells or at cell poles. Flow cytometry showed that cells containing fluorescent fusion proteins were up to 10 times brighter than control cells. Results indicate that fluorescent proteins formed by attachment of phycoerythrobilin to expressed apo-subunits of phycobiliproteins can be used as fluorescent probes for analysis of cells by microscopy and flow cytometry. A unique property of these fluorescent reporters is their utility in both properly folded (soluble) subunits and subunits aggregated in inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

Synthesis, photochemistry, and biomolecular caging properties of a new chromophore namely 3-nitro-2-naphthalenemethanol are described. This chromophore is photoexcitable with photons in 350-400 nm range and in several solvents including aqueous medium. On irradiation, it gives the expected nitroso-aldehyde photoproduct with high quantum yield (0.6-0.8). Further, it can be conveniently coupled to the amino residues of immunoglobulin (IgG) using diphosgene. Irradiation of the resulting IgG-nitronaphthyl chromophore bioconjugate at 380 nm causes photorelease of IgG as evidenced by Protein-A affinity binding studies. The bioconjugate showed low level of binding to Protein-A. However, the binding increases after irradiation and, thus, modifies the Fc site of the IgG. Electrophoresis studies of the irradiated bioconjugate show that IgG does not undergo fragmentation or molecular weight change under the irradiation conditions. Thus, 3-nitro-2-naphthalenemethanol can be used as a photocaging agent under physiological conditions at wavelengths, which does not cause significant damage to the biomolecule. The work provides new directions for the development of organic chromophores for biomolecular caging applications.  相似文献   

Photolabile derivatives of bile acids (8-10 and 13) were synthesized via silver (I) oxide promoted selective etherification of 3alpha-hydroxyls. Quantitative production of the parent cholic acid was detected from the photolytic mixture of 3-NB-CA (8) in Tris buffered solution. Interestingly, the unexpectedly stable nitroso-hemiacetal intermediate (14) was detected when the photolysis was conducted in methanol. The enzymatic analysis using 7alpha-HSDH showed 8 and 9 could serve as caged bile acids that might be able to regulate certain biological processes upon UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Addition of phycoerythrobilin (PEB) to apophycocyanin at pH 7.0 resulted in covalent adduct formation. The adduct showed absorbance maxima at 575 and 605 nm and fluorescence emission maxima at 582 and 619 nm. Analysis of bilin peptides obtained upon tryptic digestion of the adduct showed residues alpha-Cys-84 and beta-Cys-82 to be the sites of bilin addition. The product of PEB addition at the alpha-Cys-84 site was shown by 1H NMR analysis to be a dihydrobiliviolinoid peptide-linked pigment differing in structure from that of the naturally occurring PEB-adduct by the presence of a double bond in between C2 and C3 of ring A. At the beta-Cys-82 site both a dihydrobiliviolinoid and a PEB adduct were obtained. Biliverdin also formed a covalent adduct with apophycocyanin with a lambda max of 669 nm. These results show that the spontaneous in vitro addition of bilins to apophycocyanin does not exhibit the site selectivity of bilin addition observed in vivo. This offers the opportunity to form novel semisynthetic phycobiliproteins.  相似文献   

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