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Neuronal correlates of Parkinson's disease (PD) include a shift to lower frequencies in the electroencephalogram (EEG) and enhanced synchronized oscillations at 3-7 and 7-30 Hz in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cortex. This study describes the dynamics of a recent physiologically based mean-field model of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical system, and shows how it accounts for many key electrophysiological correlates of PD. Its detailed functional connectivity comprises partially segregated direct and indirect pathways through two populations of striatal neurons, a hyperdirect pathway involving a corticosubthalamic projection, thalamostriatal feedback, and local inhibition in striatum and external pallidum (GPe). In a companion paper, realistic steady-state firing rates were obtained for the healthy state, and after dopamine loss modeled by weaker direct and stronger indirect pathways, reduced intrapallidal inhibition, lower firing thresholds of the GPe and subthalamic nucleus (STN), a stronger projection from striatum to GPe, and weaker cortical interactions. Here it is shown that oscillations around 5 and 20 Hz can arise with a strong indirect pathway, which also causes increased synchronization throughout the basal ganglia. Furthermore, increased theta power with progressive nigrostriatal degeneration is correlated with reduced alpha power and peak frequency, in agreement with empirical results. Unlike the hyperdirect pathway, the indirect pathway sustains oscillations with phase relationships that coincide with those found experimentally. Alterations in the responses of basal ganglia to transient stimuli accord with experimental observations. Reduced cortical gains due to both nigrostriatal and mesocortical dopamine loss lead to slower changes in cortical activity and may be related to bradykinesia. Finally, increased EEG power found in some studies may be partly explained by a lower effective GPe firing threshold, reduced GPe-GPe inhibition, and/or weaker intracortical connections in parkinsonian patients. Strict separation of the direct and indirect pathways is not necessary to obtain these results.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of evidence supports the idea that lipid rafts are involved in many cellular processes, including protein sorting and trafficking. We show that, in this process, also a non-raft lipid, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), has an indispensable function. The depletion of this phospholipid results in an accumulation of a typical raft-resident, the arginine transporter Can1p, in the membranes of Golgi, while the trafficking of another plasma membrane transporter, Pma1p, is interrupted at the level of the ER. Both these transporters associate with a Triton (TX-100) resistant membrane fraction before their intracellular transport is arrested in the respective organelles. The Can1p undelivered to the plasma membrane is fully active when reconstituted to a PE-containing vesicle system in vitro. We further demonstrate that, in addition to the TX-100 resistance at 4 °C, Can1p and Pma1pa exhibit different accessibility to nonyl glucoside (NG), which points to distinct intimate lipid surroundings of these two proteins. Also, at 20 °C, these two proteins are extracted by TX-100 differentially. The features above suggest that Pma1p and Can1p are associated with different compartments. This is independently supported by the observations made by confocal microscopy. In addition we show that PE is involved in the stability of Can1p-raft association.  相似文献   

Parkinsonism leads to various electrophysiological changes in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical system (BGTCS), often including elevated discharge rates of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the output nuclei, and reduced activity of the globus pallidus external (GPe) segment. These rate changes have been explained qualitatively in terms of the direct/indirect pathway model, involving projections of distinct striatal populations to the output nuclei and GPe. Although these populations partly overlap, evidence suggests dopamine depletion differentially affects cortico-striato-pallidal connection strengths to the two pallidal segments. Dopamine loss may also decrease the striatal signal-to-noise ratio, reducing both corticostriatal coupling and striatal firing thresholds. Additionally, nigrostriatal degeneration may cause secondary changes including weakened lateral inhibition in the GPe, and mesocortical dopamine loss may decrease intracortical excitation and especially inhibition. Here a mean-field model of the BGTCS is presented with structure and parameter estimates closely based on physiology and anatomy. Changes in model rates due to the possible effects of dopamine loss listed above are compared with experiment. Our results suggest that a stronger indirect pathway, possibly combined with a weakened direct pathway, is compatible with empirical evidence. However, altered corticostriatal connection strengths are probably not solely responsible for substantially increased STN activity often found. A lower STN firing threshold, weaker intracortical inhibition, and stronger striato-GPe inhibition help explain the relatively large increase in STN rate. Reduced GPe-GPe inhibition and a lower GPe firing threshold can account for the comparatively small decrease in GPe rate frequently observed. Changes in cortex, GPe, and STN help normalize the cortical rate, also in accord with experiments. The model integrates the basal ganglia into a unified framework along with an existing thalamocortical model that already accounts for a wide range of electrophysiological phenomena. A companion paper discusses the dynamics and oscillations of this combined system.  相似文献   

In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the interaction of three mutants, G3V, G5V and G10V, of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gp41 16-residue fusion peptide (FP) with an explicit palmitoyloleoylphosphatidyl-ethanolamine (POPE) lipid bilayer was performed. The goals of this work are to study the correlation of the fusogenic activity of the FPs with the mode of their interaction with the bilayer and to examine the roles of the many glycine residues in the FP in the fusion process. The results of this work corroborate the main conclusion of our earlier MD work of the WT FP and several mutants with polar substitution. These two studies provide correlation between the mode of insertion and the fusogenic activity of these peptides and support the hypothesis that an oblique insertion of the fusion domain of the viral protein is required for fusogenic activity. Inactive mutants interact with the bilayer by a surface-binding mode. The results of this work, combined with the results of our earlier work, show that, while the secondary structures of the wild-type FP and its mutants do not affect the fusogenic activities, the conformational flexibility appears to be an important factor. The active WT FP and its partially active mutants, G3V and G5V, all have significant conformational transitions at one of the glycine sites. They occur at Gly5 in FP-wt, at Gly10 in FP-G5V and at Gly13 in FP-G3V. Thus, a glycine site in each of these active (or partially active) FPs provides conformational flexibility. On the other hand, the inactive mutants FP-G10V, FP-L9R and FP-V2E do not have any conformational transitions except at either terminus and thus possess no conformational flexibility. Thus, the results of this work support the suggestion that the role of glycine residues in the fusion domain is to provide the necessary conformational flexibility for fusion activity.The glycines also form a “glycine strip” in the FP that locates on one (the less hydrophobic) face of the helix (the “sided helix”). However, whether this “glycine strip” is disrupted or not does not seem to correlate with the retention of fusogenic activities. Finally, although the FLGFL (8-12) motif is absolutely conserved in the HIV fusion domain, a well-structured motif stabilized by hydrogen bonding does not appear to be required for activity. In fact, hydrogen bonding in this motif was found to be missing in FP-G3V and FP-G5V. Both of these mutants are partially active.  相似文献   

Oral treatment of rats with either DDT or 1-benzyl-2-thio-5,6-dihydrouracil (BTDU) enhanced the elimination of intraperitoneally administered [14C]dieldrin. Both DDT and BTDU caused a severalfold increase in the urinary elimination of [14C]dieldrin. The increase in [14C]dieldrin elimination in the feces was less pronounced.  相似文献   



Photochemical internalization (PCI) is a modality for cytosolic release of drugs trapped in endocytic vesicles. The method is based upon photosensitizers localized in the membranes of endocytic vesicles which create membrane rupture upon light exposure by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), predominantly singlet oxygen (1O2).


The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-targeted immunotoxin (IT), trastuzumab–saporin, was evaluated in combination with PCI using TPCS2a (Amphinex®), a new photosensitizer approved for clinical use.


PCI synergistically enhanced the cytotoxicity of trastuzumab–saporin on trastuzumab-resistant HER2+ Zr-75-1 cells. The PCI effect was only observed when the IT was administered prior to the photochemical treatment (“light after” strategy), while administration of a non-targeted drug may equally well be performed after light exposure. Mechanistic studies showed reduced ligand-induced HER2 phosphorylation and receptor-mediated endocytosis after TPCS2a-PDT. Photochemical disruption of the cytoplasmic domain of HER2 was found to be induced by 1O2 generated both by photosensitizer located in the endocytic vesicles and in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.


Administration of the HER2-targeted toxin prior to light exposure is a prerequisite for successful PCI-mediated delivery of HER2-targeted toxins.

General significance

PCI of HER2-targeted toxins is demonstrated as a highly effective treatment modality which may overcome trastuzumab resistance. The mechanistic studies of the lack of PCI effect of the “light first” procedure is of outermost importance when designing a clinical PCI treatment protocol for delivery of HER2-targeted therapies.  相似文献   

The previously identified membranotropic regions of the HCV E1 envelope glycoprotein, a class II membrane fusion protein, permitted us to identify different sequences which might be implicated in viral membrane fusion, membrane interaction and/or protein-protein binding. HCV E1 glycoprotein presents a membrano-active region immediately adjacent to the transmembrane segment, which could be involved in membrane destabilization similarly to the pre-transmembrane domains of class I fusion proteins. Consequently, we have carried out a study of the binding and interaction with the lipid bilayer of a peptide corresponding to segment 309-340, peptide E1PTM, as well as the structural changes which take place in both the peptide and the phospholipid molecules induced by the binding of the peptide to the membrane. Here we demonstrate that peptide E1PTM strongly partitions into phospholipid membranes, interacts with negatively-charged phospholipids and locates in a shallow position in the membrane. These data support its role in HCV-mediated membrane fusion and suggest that the mechanism of membrane fusion elicited by class I and II fusion proteins might be similar.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the carcinogen N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene is converted by one-electron oxidants to a free nitroxide radical which dismutates to N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and 2-nitrosofluorene. The present study shows that the same oxidation can be achieved with horseradish peroxidase and H2O2. The free radical intermediate was detected by its ESR signal, and the yields of N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and of 2-nitrosofluorene were determined under a number of conditions. Addition of tRNA to the reaction mixture containing N-acetoxy-N-2-acetyl[2′-3H]aminofluorene yielded tRNA-bound radioactivity; addition of guanosine yielded a reaction product which appears to be N-guanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylaminofluorene. The latter compound has previously been identified as a reaction product of N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and guanosine. Preliminary attempts to demonstrate the formation of a nitroxide free radical or its dismutation products with rat liver mixed function oxidase systems were not successful.  相似文献   

We have studied the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) under oxidizing conditions with mitochondria-bound hematoporphyrin, which generates reactive oxygen species (mainly singlet oxygen, 1O2) upon UV/visible light-irradiation and promotes the photooxidative modification of vicinal targets. We have characterized the PTP-modulating properties of two major critical sites endowed with different degrees of photosensitivity: (i) the most photovulnerable site comprises critical histidines, whose photomodification by vicinal hematoporphyrin causes a drop in reactivity of matrix-exposed (internal), PTP-regulating cysteines thus stabilizing the pore in a closed conformation; (ii) the most photoresistant site coincides with the binding domains of (external) cysteines sensitive to membrane-impermeant reagents, which are easily unmasked when oxidation of internal cysteines is prevented. Photooxidation of external cysteines promoted by vicinal hematoporphyrin reactivates the PTP after the block caused by histidine photodegradation. Thus, hematoporphyrin-mediated photooxidative stress can either inhibit or activate the mitochondrial permeability transition depending on the site of hematoporphyrin localization and on the nature of the substrate; and selective photomodification of different hematoporphyrin-containing pore domains can be achieved by fine regulation of the sensitizer/light doses. These findings shed new light on PTP modulation by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We have identified a membrane-active region in the HCV NS4B protein by studying membrane rupture induced by a NS4B-derived peptide library on model membranes. This segment corresponds to one of two previously predicted amphipathic helix and define it as a new membrane association domain. We report the binding and interaction with model membranes of a peptide patterned after this segment, peptide NS4BH2, and show that NS4BH2 strongly partitions into phospholipid membranes, interacts with them, and is located in a shallow position in the membrane. Furthermore, changes in the primary sequence cause the disruption of the hydrophobicity along the structure and prevent the resulting peptide from interacting with the membrane. Our results suggest that the region where the NS4BH2 is located might have an essential role in the membrane replication and/or assembly of the viral particle through the modulation of the replication complex. Our findings therefore identify an important region in the HCV NS4B protein which might be implicated in the HCV life cycle and possibly in the formation of the membranous web.  相似文献   

In sea urchin embryos, specification of the secondary (oral-aboral) axis occurs via nodal, expression of which is entirely zygotic and localized to prospective oral ectoderm at blastula stage. The initial source of this spatial anisotropy is not known. Previous studies have shown that oral-aboral (OA) polarity correlates with a mitochondrial gradient, and that nodal activity is dependent both on mitochondrial respiration and p38 stress-activated protein kinase. Here we show that the spatial pattern of nodal activity also correlates with the mitochondrial gradient, and that the latter correlates with inhomogeneous levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species. To test whether mitochondrial H2O2 functions as a redox signal to activate nodal, zygotes were injected with mRNA encoding either mitochondrially-targeted catalase, which quenches mitochondrial H2O2 and down-regulates p38, or superoxide dismutase, which augments mitochondrial H2O2 and up-regulates p38. Whereas the former treatment inhibits the initial activation of nodal and entrains OA polarity toward aboral when confined to half of the embryo via 2-cell stage blastomere injections, the latter does not produce the opposite effects. We conclude that mitochondrial H2O2 is rate-limiting for the initial activation of nodal, but that additional rate-limiting factors, likely also involving mitochondria, contribute to the asymmetry in nodal expression.  相似文献   

SnO2 and SnO2 + Co-porphyrin solids were prepared from SnCl4 in propanol and hydrolyzed to sol. Thermal behavior of samples obtained at 110 °C was studied in the 20-600 °C interval by thermal analysis coupled with mass spectrometry for identification of released species. The original samples maintain residual Sn-OR, Sn-OH and Sn-Cl groups up to 350 °C. The sample doped with 1% Co-porphyrin differs for a significant presence of residual Sn-Cl species, accounting for SnCl4 release in the 300-340 °C range.119Sn solid state NMR analysis reveals disordered SnO2 species in the sample heated at 250 °C and non-uniform SnO6 units in the SnO2 + Co-porphyrin sample at 110 °C, due to persistence of Sn-OR and Sn-OH groups. This complexity is lost at 250 °C. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms all these data. The sensing efficiency of these materials versus alcohols is ascribed to the presence of an open, incomplete SnO2 structure, which is more pronounced in the Co-porphyrin-doped sample.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of anoxic stress on haemocyte immune response, specimens of Chamelea gallina were exposed to 24 and 48 h anoxia. To evaluate recovery capacity, clams were maintained, at the end of the anoxic phase, for 24 h in reoxygenated seawater. In this paper, activity and expression of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) were studied on haemocyte lysate and haemolymph. Reported results have shown that the anoxic stress changed strongly the response of C. gallina blood cells. Indeed, at the end of the anoxic phase in both experiments (24 and 48 h of anoxia exposure), SOD activity in haemocyte lysate decreased significantly with respect to the control, likely because of a decreasing superoxide anion generation in anoxia. Expression analyses were coherent with activity values.In the first experiment (24 h anoxia), reoxygenation determined an increase in activity of both Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD, but with values that remained significantly lower than those of the controls. It seems that after the applied anoxic stress, 24 h of recovery is not sufficient to restore pre-anoxic conditions. In the second experiment (48 h anoxia), SOD isoforms showed a different response during the recovery of animals. Cu/Zn-SOD activity dropped below the values showed by haemocytes of anoxic bivalves, while Mn-SOD activity values exceeded significantly those of controls. The different haemocyte response could be probably due to a further stress suffered by the clams because of a massive spawning during the reoxygenation phase. Therefore, the high values of activity shown by Mn-SOD during the recovery are likely to be due to the high inducibility of this isoform.In Cu/Zn-SOD expression analyses, two immunoreactive bands were highlighted in both experiments. The former (apparent molecular weight of 16 kDa) corresponds to the expression of SOD1 and the latter (apparent molecular weight of 28-30 kDa) could be attributed to EC-SOD (SOD3), a Cu/Zn-SOD isoform located in extracellular ambient and identified both in vertebrates and invertebrates. The strong SOD3 expression during anoxia exposure and the further spawning stress (second experiment) testified its inducibility in C. gallina haemocytes and haemolymph in response to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

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