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利用脉孢菌生物钟体系,研究了色噪音对其进行诱导所产生的日夜节律振荡信号及其内信号随机共振的行为.结果表明,色噪音的相关时间对该体系内信号随机共振的强弱起较大的影响作用.当无外信号存在时,色噪音的相关时间对体系内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,且随相关时间的增大,抑制作用增强.当外信号加到体系中时,由于相关时间和外信号的协同作用,相关时间不仅对其内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,而且还影响内信号随机共振峰的数目,即随相关时间的增大,可使单峰随机共振变为随机双共振.存在最佳的外信号频率使体系的内信号随机共振强度得到最大的增强,而其他频率的外信号却起抑制作用.色内噪音和色外噪音相比,前者对该体系进行诱导所得的内信号随机共振强度比后者的更强,而且体系对前者更敏感.另外,存在极限的噪音强度使白噪音和色噪音对该体系内信号随机共振的影响差异得以消失.所得结果可为治疗生物钟紊乱综合症提供理论依据,同时可更好地理解其他节奏机理,如心脏搏动节奏、呼吸节奏以及荷尔蒙水平的波动节奏等.  相似文献   

The large (l) and small (s) isoforms of FREQUENCY (FRQ) are elements of interconnected feedback loops of the Neurospora circadian clock. The expression ratio of l-FRQ vs. s-FRQ is regulated by thermosensitive splicing of an intron containing the initiation codon for l-FRQ. We show that this splicing is dependent on light and temperature and displays a circadian rhythm. Strains expressing only l-FRQ or s-FRQ support short and long temperature-compensated circadian rhythms, respectively. The thermosensitive expression ratio of FRQ isoforms influences period length in wt. Our data indicate that differential expression of FRQ isoforms is not required for temperature compensation but rather provides a means to fine-tune period length in response to ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Expression of the circadian rhythm gene timeless was investigated in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.), and was found to vary with time of day, instar of diapause, and latitude of origin. The temporal pattern of timeless expression differed between the two diapausing instars and was significantly higher in southern (38-40 degrees N) than in northern (50 degrees N) populations, when diapausing instar was held constant. Expression of timeless is therefore both developmentally and evolutionarily variable. This result provides the first example of a latitudinal difference in the expression of timeless, suggesting that, along with evidence from other insects, timeless has the potential to affect photoperiodic response and its adaptive evolution in temperate seasonal environments.  相似文献   

PvLHY and Lhcb expression has been studied in primary bean leaves after exposure of etiolated leaves to two or three white light-pulses and under different photoperiods. Under the tested photoperiods, the steady-state mRNA levels exhibit diurnal oscillations with zenith in the morning between ZT21 and 4 for PvLHY and between ZT4 and 6 for Lhcb. Nadir is in the evening between ZT12 and 18 for PvLHY and ZT18 and 24 for Lhcb. Light-pulses to etiolated seedlings induce a differentiated acute response that is reciprocally correlated with the amplitude of the following circadian cycle. In addition, the clock modulates the duration of the acute response (descending part of the curve included), which according to the phase of the rhythm at light application extends from 7 to 18 h. This constitutes the response dynamics of the Phaseolus clock to light. Similarly, the waveform of PvLHY and Lhcb expression during the day of different photoperiods resembles in induction capability (accomplishment of peak after lights-on) and duration (from lights-on phase to trough) the phase-dependent progression of acute response in etiolated seedlings. Consequently, the peak of Lhcb (all tested photoperiods) and PvLHY (in LD 18:6) attained in the photophase corresponds to the acute response peak, while the peak of PvLHY during the scotophase (in LD 12:12 and 6:18) corresponds to the circadian peak. Thus, the effect of the response dynamics in the photoperiod determines the coincidence of the peak with the photo- or scotophase, respectively. This represents a new model mechanism for the adaptation of the Phaseolus clock to light.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented a circadian cycle in juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in the long-winged, flight-capable morph, but not in the short-winged flightless morph of the cricket Gryllus firmus. One rapid and reversible inhibitor of in vitro JH biosynthesis by the corpora allata (CA) in crickets is the neuropeptide Phe-Gly-Leu/Ile-amide type of allatostatins (ASTs). To investigate the possible role of allatostatin regulation of the morph-specific circadian cycle of JH production, the quantity of this type of AST in the nerves within the CA was determined by the density of anti-AST-immunostaining in confocal images using the Image J program. The density of immunostaining was inversely related to the rate of JH biosynthesis: Immunostaining in the CA was high and did not differ between morphs early in the photophase when the in vitro rate of JH biosynthesis is low and equivalent in the morphs. However, during the end of the photophase, when the rate of JH biosynthesis rises dramatically in the flight-capable morph, but not in the flightless morph, immunostaining was significantly lower in the flight-capable compared to the flightless morph. These results indicate that morph-specific differences in delivery of AST to the CA and its probable release likely regulate the morph-specific circadian pattern of JH biosynthesis. Also, the negative correlation between AST density and JH production provides evidence for predicting the periods of altered release of these rapid-acting paracine regulators of JH biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Fetal calf serum (FCS), which is mitogenic for the pathogenic protozoaT. cruzi, inhibits cAMP production in basal and forskolin-stimulated epimastigotes. It also activates phosphoinositides hydrolysis yielding diacylglycerol and inositol phosphates (Ins-P). Ins-P production is enhanced by AlF4-, GTP or --methylene-GTP, thus implying G proteins mediation in the phenomenon. An enzyme with phospholipase C activity which may be involved in the phospholipid metabolism was partially characterized.  相似文献   

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