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The development of innovative experimental approaches is necessary to gain insights in the complex biomechanics of swallowing. In particular, unraveling the mechanisms of formation of the thin film of bolus coating the pharyngeal mucosa after the ingestion of liquid or semi-liquid food products is an important challenge, with implication in dysphagia treatment and sensory perceptions.The aim here is to propose an original experimental model of swallowing (i) to simulate the peristaltic motions driving the bolus from the oral cavity to the esophagus, (ii) to mimic and vary complex physiological variables of the pharyngeal mucosa (lubrication, deformability and velocity) and (iii) to measure the thickness and the composition of the coatings resulting from bolus flow. Three Newtonian glucose solutions were considered as model food boli, through sets of experiments covering different ranges of each physiological parameter mimicked.The properties of the coatings (thickness and dilution in saliva film) were shown to depend significantly on the physical properties of food products considered (viscosity and density), but also on physiological variables such as lubrication by saliva, velocity of the peristaltic wave, and to a lesser extent, the deformability of the pharyngeal mucosa.The biomechanical peristalsis simulator developed here can contribute to unravel the determinants of bolus adhesion on pharyngeal mucosa, necessary both for the design of alternative food products for people affected by swallowing disorders, and for a better understanding of the dynamic mechanisms of aroma perception.  相似文献   

Aroma and flavour represent the key components of food that improves the organoleptic characteristics of food and enhances the acceptability of food to consumers. Commercial manufacturing of aromatic and flavouring compounds is from the industry's microbial source, but since time immemorial, its concept has been behind human practices. The interest in microbial flavour compounds has developed in the past several decades because of its sustainable way to supply natural additives for the food processing sector. There are also numerous health benefits from microbial bioprocess products, ranging from antibiotics to fermented functional foods. This review discusses recent developments and advancements in many microbial aromatic and flavouring compounds, their biosynthesis and production by diverse types of microorganisms, their use in the food industry, and a brief overview of their health benefits for customers.  相似文献   

Group A Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) is an important human pathogen that frequently causes pharyngitis. GAS organisms can adhere to and invade pharyngeal epithelial cells, which are overlaid by salivary components. However, the role of salivary components in GAS adhesion to pharyngeal cells has not been reported precisely. We collected human saliva and purified various salivary components, including proline-rich protein (PRP), statherin, and amylase, and performed invasion assays. The GAS-HEp-2 association ratio (invasion/adhesion ratio) and invasion ratio of GAS were increased significantly with whole human saliva and PRP, while the anti-PRP antibody inhibited the latter. GAS strain NY-5, which lacks M and F proteins on the cell surface, was promoted to cohere with HEp-2 cells by whole human saliva and PRP. The 28-kDa protein of GAS bound to PRP and was identified as GrpE, a chaperone protein, whereas the N-terminal of GrpE was found to bind to PRP. A GrpE-deficient mutant of GAS strain B514Sm, TR-45, exhibited a reduced ability to adhere to and invade HEp-2 cells. Microscopic observations showed the GrpE was mainly expressed on the surface of the cell division site of GAS. Furthermore, GrpE-deficient mutants of GAS and Streptococcus pneumoniae showed an elongated morphology as compared with the wild type. Taken together, this is the first study to show an interaction between salivary PRP and GAS GrpE, which plays an important role in GAS infection on the pharynx, whereas the expression of GrpE on the surface of GAS helps to maintain morphology.  相似文献   

When running, energy is lost during stance to redirect the center of mass of the body (COM) from downwards to upwards. The present study uses a collision-based approach to analyze how these energy losses change with slope and speed. Therefore, we evaluate separately the average collision angle, i.e. the angle of deviation from perpendicular relationship between the force and velocity vectors, during the absorptive and generative part of stance. Our results show that on the level, the collision angle of the absorptive phase is smaller than the collision angle of the generative phase, suggesting that the collision is generative to overcome energy losses by soft tissues. When running uphill, the collision becomes more and more generative as slope increases because the average upward vertical velocity of the COM becomes greater than on the level. When running downhill at a constant speed, the collision angle decreases during the generative phase and increases during the absorptive phase because the average downward vertical velocity of the COM becomes greater. As a result, the difference between the collision angles of the generative and absorptive phases observed on the level disappears on a shallow negative slope of ∼−6°, where the collision becomes 'pseudo-elastic' and collisional energy losses are minimized. At this 'optimal' slope, the metabolic energy consumption is minimal. On steeper negative slopes, the collision angle during the absorptive phase becomes greater than during the generative phase and the collision is absorptive. At all slopes, the collision becomes more generative when speed increases.  相似文献   

After swallowing a liquid or a semi-liquid food product, a thin film responsible for the dynamic profile of aroma release coats the pharyngeal mucosa. The objective of the present article was to understand and quantify physical mechanisms explaining pharyngeal mucosa coating. An elastohydrodynamic model of swallowing was developed for Newtonian liquids that focused on the most occluded region of the pharyngeal peristaltic wave. The model took lubrication by saliva film and mucosa deformability into account. Food bolus flow rate and generated load were predicted as functions of three dimensionless variables: the dimensionless saliva flow rate, the viscosity ratio between saliva and the food bolus, and the elasticity number. Considering physiological conditions, the results were applied to predict aroma release kinetics.Two sets of conditions were distinguished. The first one was obtained when the saliva film is thin, in which case food bolus viscosity has a strong impact on mucosa coating and on flavor release. More importantly, we demonstrated the existence of a second set of conditions. It was obtained when the saliva film is thick and the food bolus coating the mucosa is very diluted by saliva during the swallowing process and the impact of its viscosity on flavor release is weak. This last phenomenon explains physically in vivo observations for Newtonian food products found in the literature. Moreover, in this case, the predicted thickness of the mix of food bolus with saliva coating the mucosa is approximately of 20 μm; value in agreement with orders of magnitude found in the literature.  相似文献   

A parametric model was developed to describe the relationship between muscle moment arm and joint angle. The model was applied to the dorsiflexor muscle group in mice, for which the moment arm was determined as a function of ankle angle. The moment arm was calculated from the torque measured about the ankle upon application of a known force along the line of action of the dorsiflexor muscle group. The dependence of the dorsiflexor moment arm on ankle angle was modeled as r=R sin(a+Δ), where r is the moment arm calculated from the measured torque and a is the joint angle. A least-squares curve fit yielded values for R, the maximum moment arm, and Δ, the angle at which the maximum moment arm occurs as offset from 90°. Parametric models were developed for two strains of mice, and no differences were found between the moment arms determined for each strain. Values for the maximum moment arm, R, for the two different strains were 0.99 and 1.14 mm, in agreement with the limited data available from the literature. While in some cases moment arm data may be better fitted by a polynomial, use of the parametric model provides a moment arm relationship with meaningful anatomical constants, allowing for the direct comparison of moment arm characteristics between different strains and species.  相似文献   

Scaling of mandibular dimensions in male Old World monkeys was investigated. Mandibular condyle length, width, and area were regressed separately against body mass and mandibular length for a total of 14 species of Cercopithecoids. Scaling of mandibular depth and width against both body mass and mandibular length were also investigated. When results of regression analysis using the two different independent variables (body mass and mandibular length) were compared, there were significant pattern differences in scaling of cercopithecines versus colobines. Compared to body mass, male cercopithecines had relatively large mandibles (length, width, and depth) and also relatively large condyles (length, width, and area). However, compared to mandibular length, cercopithecines had relatively transversely thin and shallow mandibles and relatively narrow condyles. It is shown that a “biomechanical” interpretation of mandibular scaling patterns against body mass in Old World monkeys demonstrates only that cercopithecines have prognathic faces, an already well-known and well-documented condition. When the biomechanical effects of prognathic faces are controlled for (by scaling against mandibular length), it is shown that cercopithecines possess special adaptations in condyle length while colobines possess special adaptations in condyle width and mandibular depth and width. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of selecting a relevant reference variable in scaling studies where biomechanical interpretations are attempted.  相似文献   

Recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli usually leads to accumulation of the product inside the cells. To capture the product, cells are harvested, resuspended, and lysed. However, in cases where the product is transported to the periplasm, selective disruption of the outer membrane leads to much purer crude extracts compared to complete cell lysis, as only 4–8% of the native E. coli host cell proteins are located in the periplasmic space. A variety of different strategies to enable selective release of the product from the periplasm is available. However, in most of these studies cells are harvested before they are resuspended in permeabilization agent and no differentiation between leakiness and lysis is made. Here, we tested and compared different strategies to trigger leakiness. In contrast to other studies, we performed these experiments during cultivation and quantified both leakiness and lysis. In summary, we recommend incubation with 350 mM TRIS at constant pH for several hours followed by a mild heat treatment up to 38°C to trigger leakiness with only minimal lysis. This study represents a comparative summary of different strategies to trigger E. coli leakiness and describes a solid basis for further experiments in this field.  相似文献   

Isohumulones, the main bittering agents in beer, are decomposed by light-induced reactions, thereby leading to radical precursors on the pathway to lightstruck flavour formation. Excited flavins, formed on visible-light irradiation, readily interact with isohumulones, as well as with reduced and oxidized derivatives thereof. From identification of both volatile and non-volatile reaction products thus formed, feasible degradation mechanisms are proposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDMethylmercury (MeHg) is still considered a global pollutant of major concern; thus, it becomes relevant to investigate and validate alternative diagnostic methods to track early-life human exposure. This study aimed to evaluate the salivary parameters and to characterize potential mechanisms of oxidative damage on the salivary glands (SG) of offspring rats after pre- and postnatal environmental-experimental MeHg exposure.METHODSPregnant Wistar rats were daily exposed to 40 μg/kg MeHg during both gestational and lactation periods. Then, the saliva of offspring rats was analyzed in terms of flow rate, amylase activity, and total protein concentration. The SG of the offspring rats were dissected to perform the oxidative biochemistry analyses of antioxidant capacity against peroxyl radicals (ACAP), lipid peroxidation (LPO), and nitrite levels.RESULTSExposure to MeHg significantly decreased the ACAP, increased LPO and nitrite levels, decreased salivary flow rate, amylase activity, and total protein concentration.CONCLUSIONSaliva analyses can predict damages induced by early-life MeHg exposure and may be used as an auxiliary diagnostic method.  相似文献   

The synthesis of several 2-alkoxy-5-alkyl-tetrahydrofurans is of interest in our investigations of structure–function relationships of chiral flavour compounds. For the preparation of the enantiomeric acetals the unambiguous configurational assignment of the cis and trans series of these compounds is indispensable. By means of crystalline acetal derivatives the absolute structure of a model compound in the cis and the trans configuration is revealed by X-ray measurement and correlated with the corresponding cis and trans configurated aroma compounds. The first complete structure elucidation of the class of 2-alkoxy-5-alkyltetrahydrofurans has been carried out.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that morphological characters functionally related to mastication may be unreliable indicators of early hominid phylogeny. One hypothesis states that masticatory characters are highly prone to homoplasy. A second hypothesis states that such characters are likely to be morphologically integrated and thus violate the assumption of character independence implicit in all phylogenetic analyses. Evaluation of these hypotheses requires that masticatory features be accurately identified, but, to date, there have been relatively few attempts to test precisely which early hominid features are functionally related to chewing. This paper uses finite-element analysis to evaluate the functional relationships of a character--palatal thickness--that is one of several Paranthropus synapomorphies putatively related to mastication. A finite-element model of 145,680 elements was created from sixty-one 2-mm-thick CT scans of a Macaca fascicularis skull. The model was assigned the elastic properties of facial bone and loaded with muscle forces corresponding to the moment of centric occlusion during mastication. The model was constrained so as to produce a reaction force (corresponding to the bite force) at M(1). With a few exceptions, the strain patterns in the finite-element model compare well with those gathered from published and unpublished bone-strain experiments. The model was then modified to have a thick palate. The model was reloaded using an identical loading regime, and the strain patterns of the original and thick-palate models were compared. Although a thickened palate acts to reduce palatal strain, strains are elevated in other facial regions. This suggests that a thick palate would not have evolved in isolation as an adaptation to withstand masticatory stress. Rather, a thick palate may have evolved in concert with a suite of other facial features that share a stress-resistance function. This appears to be consistent with hypotheses positing that at least some facial features related to chewing evolved in an integrated fashion. More functional studies of other facial features are needed, as are formal studies of morphological integration.  相似文献   

Human saliva is an increasingly attractive medium for biomarker discovery due to its amenability to noninvasive and repeated sampling, ease of collection and processing, and suitability for single analyte or metabolomic measurements. Salivary biomarkers of oxidative stress reflect local and systemic pathologies and may inform on the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic responsiveness of numerous human diseases. However, for many of the disorders investigated, data reporting on alterations in salivary redox homeostasis are often highly conflicted across studies. We surveyed the available biomedical literature on this topic and noted significant discrepancies in the study designs, target populations, and operating procedures which likely contribute to the discordant data sets reported. Based on these observations, guidelines are provided to minimize interlaboratory variability in redox biomarker discovery based on human saliva.  相似文献   

This review provides a critical assessment of the applications of immunoaffinity columns for sample clean-up in the field of food safety. The performance of immunoaffinity columns are compared in terms of specificity, binding capacity and recovery, and commercial disposable columns are contrasted with home-made columns. Areas covered include multiple-use of columns, multiple-analyte columns, use with automated systems and validation of IAC methods. Publications illustrating the many varied applications of IAC for sample clean-up in the areas of mycotoxins, veterinary drug residues, pesticide residues, environmental contaminants and vitamins have been compiled, comparing extraction methods, achievable recovery, and illustrating the variety of end-detection methods that have been employed.  相似文献   

Major economic transitions typically entail changes in the availability of and purchasing power for different types of foods leading to long-term changes in the composition of the diet. Bulgaria, a former Eastern Bloc country, underwent a difficult and protracted transition from a centralized to market economy with acute economic crises and a much slower recovery of income levels than in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Using annual data from the Bulgarian National Household Survey, we study changes in the reported consumption of major foods (excluding alcoholic drinks) and their constituent macronutrients from 1985 to 2002, examining also the differences in dietary patterns between the period prior to and following the transition. The consumption of most major food items decreased, resulting in a fall in per capita energy consumption of 429 kcal/day (1.80 MJ/d), following the economic transition of 1991. As expected, the consumption of foods that were more expensive per unit of energy decreased greater than cheaper foods, -34% for animal products and -19% for visible fats, but only -10% for carbohydrates. These changes are related to the changes in income and market prices as well as the general negative trend in economic growth and hyperinflation in the mid-1990s. Thus, Bulgaria experienced a decrease in food consumption without significant changes in the dietary pattern following the economic transition of 1991. The fact that part of this decline may be attributed to continued economic challenges suggests that future transitions in the diet may be expected as economic development proceeds.  相似文献   


New trends of numerical models of human joints require more and more computation of both large amplitude joint motions and fine bone stress distribution. Together, these problems are difficult to solve and very CPU time consuming. The goal of this study is to develop a new method to diminish the calculation time for this kind of problems which include calculation of large amplitude motions and infinitesimal strains. Based on the Principle of Virtual Power, the present method decouples the problem into two parts. First, rigid body motion is calculated. The bone micro-deformations are then calculated in a second part by using the results of rigid body motions as boundary conditions. A finite element model of the shoulder was used to test this decoupling technique. The model was designed to determine the influence of humeral head shape on stress distribution in the scapula for different physiological motions of the joint. Two versions of the model were developed: a first version completely deformable and a second version based on the developed decoupling method. It was shown that biomechanical variables, as mean pressure and von Mises stress, calculated with the two versions were sensibly the same. On the other hand, CPU time needed for calculating with the new decoupled technique was more than 6 times less than with the completely deformable model.  相似文献   

The present research was undertaken to determine the effects of sexual dimorphism in the human pelvis and femur on the mechanics of human locomotion. The analysis was based on six biomechanical variables determined from 25 male and 32 female skeletal remains from the Dickson Mound site. Discriminant function analysis indicates that the mechanical variables which primarily contribute to dimorphism are the moment arm of the gluteus medius and the torque produced by the abductors at the hip. These mechanical aspects of hip function produce greater pressure on the femoral head in females.  相似文献   

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