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In this paper, we discuss a two-age-classes dengue transmission model with vaccination. The reason to divide the human population into two age classes is for practical purpose, as vaccination is usually concentrated in one age class. We assume that a constant rate of individuals in the child-class is vaccinated. We analyze a threshold number which is equivalent to the basic reproduction number. If there is an undeliberate vaccination to infectious children, which worsens their condition as the time span of being infectious increases, then paradoxically, vaccination can be counter productive. The paradox, stating that vaccination makes the basic reproduction number even bigger, can occur if the worsening effect is greater than a certain threshold, a function of the human demographic and epidemiological parameters, which is independent of the level of vaccination. However, if the worsening effect is to increase virulence so that one will develop symptoms, then the vaccination is always productive. In both situations, screening should take place before vaccination. In general, the presence of class division has obscured the known rule of thumb for vaccination.  相似文献   

We present a novel SEIR (susceptible-exposure-infective-recovered) model that is suitable for modeling the eradication of diseases by mass vaccination or control of diseases by case isolation combined with contact tracing, incorporating the vaccine efficacy or the control efficacy into the model. Moreover, relying on this novel SEIR model and some probabilistic arguments, we have found four formulas that are suitable for estimating the basic reproductive numbers R(0) in terms of the ratio of the mean infectious period to the mean latent period of a disease. The ranges of R(0) for most known diseases, that are calculated by our formulas, coincide very well with the values of R(0) estimated by the usual method of fitting the models to observed data.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a herpesvirus which is the known agent for causing varicella (chickenpox) in its initial manifestation and zoster (shingles) in a reactivated state. The standard SEIR compartmental model is modified to include the cycle of shingles acquisition, recovery, and possible reacquisition. The basic reproduction number R(0) shows the influence of the zoster cycle and how shingles can be important in maintaining VZV in populations. The model has the typical threshold behavior in the sense that when R(0)1, the virus persists over time and so chickenpox and shingles remain endemic.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and is a major global health problem. HBV is the most common serious viral infection and a leading cause of death in mainland China. Around 130 million people in China are carriers of HBV, almost a third of the people infected with HBV worldwide and about 10% of the general population in the country; among them 30 million are chronically infected. Every year, 300,000 people die from HBV-related diseases in China, accounting for 40-50% of HBV-related deaths worldwide. Despite an effective vaccination program for newborn babies since the 1990s, which has reduced chronic HBV infection in children, the incidence of hepatitis B is still increasing in China. We propose a mathematical model to understand the transmission dynamics and prevalence of HBV infection in China. Based on the data reported by the Ministry of Health of China, the model provides an approximate estimate of the basic reproduction number R0=2.406. This indicates that hepatitis B is endemic in China and is approaching its equilibrium with the current immunization program and control measures. Although China made a great progress in increasing coverage among infants with hepatitis B vaccine, it has a long and hard battle to fight in order to significantly reduce the incidence and eventually eradicate the virus.  相似文献   

The diversion of disease carrying insect from humans to animals may reduce transmission of diseases such as malaria. The use of animals to mitigate mosquito bites on human is called ‘zooprophylaxis’. We introduce a mathematical model for Plasmodium vivax malaria transmission with two bloodmeal hosts (humans and domestic animals) to study the effect of zooprophylaxis. After computing the basic reproduction number from the proposed model, we explore how perturbations in the parameters, sensitive to the effects of control measures, affect its value. Zooprophylaxis is shown to determine whether a basic reproduction becomes bigger than an outbreak threshold value or not. Sensitivity analysis shows that increasing the relative animal population size works better in P. vivax malaria control than decreasing the mosquito population when the relative animal population size is larger than a threshold value.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis is transmitted and maintained in both a domestic and sylvatic cycle, whereby rats contribute to the spread of T. spiralis from domestic to sylvatic animals and vice versa. As a model for T. spiralis transmission in wildlife, we studied the potential of rats to act as a reservoir species for T. spiralis, by assessing experimentally its within-host infection dynamics, and simulating the between-host dynamics by a Monte Carlo approach. The distribution of parasite burden in individual rats is mathematically defined by roots of the dose response equation intersecting with the diagonal. In simulated between-host dynamics, up to 104 events of uninterrupted parasite transmission were observed. Histograms of parasite burdens per individual rat matched closely with the mixture of two gamma distributions, which were derived from the within-host infection dynamics. In conclusion, T. spiralis transmission persists in a population of rats when they cannibalize their own species. Rats should be included in the minimal set of wildlife species that maintain the life cycle of T. spiralis.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze an SIRVS epidemic model in which pulse vaccination strategy (PVS) is included. We are interested in finding the basic reproductive number of the model which determine whether or not the disease dies out. The global attractivity of the disease-free periodic solution (DFPS for short) is obtained when the basic reproductive number is less than unity. The disease is permanent when the basic reproductive number is greater than unity, i.e., the epidemic will turn out to endemic. Our results indicate that the disease will go to extinction when the vaccination rate reaches some critical value.  相似文献   

A generic theoretical model for biological control of foliar plant diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have developed a generic modelling framework to understand the dynamics of foliar pathogen and biocontrol agent (BCA) populations in order to predict the likelihood of successful biocontrol in relation to the mechanisms involved. The model considers biocontrol systems for foliar pathogens only and, although it is most applicable to fungal BCA systems, does not address a specific biocontrol system. Four biocontrol mechanisms (competition, antibiosis, mycoparasitism and induced resistance) were included within the model rubric. Because of the wide range of mechanisms involved we use Trichoderma/Botrytis as an exemplar system. Qualitative analysis of the model showed that the rates of a BCA colonising diseased and/or healthy plant tissues and the time that the BCA remains active are two of the more important factors in determining the final outcome of a biocontrol system. Further evaluation of the model indicated that the dynamic path to the steady-state population levels also depends critically on other parameters such as the host-pathogen infection rate. In principle, the model can be extended to include other potential mechanisms, including spatio-temporal heterogeneity, fungicide effects, non-fungal BCA and strategies for BCA application, although with a cost in model tractability and ease of interpretation.  相似文献   

Transportation amongst cities is found as one of the main factors which affect the outbreak of diseases. To understand the effect of transport-related infection on disease spread, an SEIRS (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) epidemic model for two cities is formulated and analyzed. The epidemiological threshold, known as the basic reproduction number, of the model is derived. If the basic reproduction number is below unity, the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable. Thus, the disease can be eradicated from the community. There exists an endemic equilibrium which is locally asymptotically stable if the reproduction number is larger than unity. This means that the disease will persist within the community. The results show that transportation among regions will change the disease dynamics and break infection out even if infectious diseases will go to extinction in each isolated region without transport-related infection. In addition, the result shows that transport-related infection intensifies the disease spread if infectious diseases break out to cause an endemic situation in each region, in the sense of that both the absolute and relative size of patients increase. Further, the formulated model is applied to the real data of SARS outbreak in 2003 to study the transmission of disease during the movement between two regions. The results show that the transport-related infection is effected to the number of infected individuals and the duration of outbreak in such the way that the disease becomes more endemic due to the movement between two cities. This study can be helpful in providing the information to public health authorities and policy maker to reduce spreading disease when its occurs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a deterministic non-linear mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of HIV and TB co-infection and analyze it in the presence of screening and treatment. The equilibria of the model are computed and stability of these equilibria is discussed. The basic reproduction numbers corresponding to both HIV and TB are found and we show that the disease-free equilibrium is stable only when the basic reproduction numbers for both the diseases are less than one. When both the reproduction numbers are greater than one, the co-infection equilibrium point may exist. The co-infection equilibrium is found to be locally stable whenever it exists. The TB-only and HIV-only equilibria are locally asymptotically stable under some restriction on parameters. We present numerical simulation results to support the analytical findings. We observe that screening with proper counseling of HIV infectives results in a significant reduction of the number of individuals progressing to HIV. Additionally, the screening of TB reduces the infection prevalence of TB disease. The results reported in this paper clearly indicate that proper screening and counseling can check the spread of HIV and TB diseases and effective control strategies can be formulated around ‘screening with proper counseling’.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the local bifurcations of a CTL response model published by Nowak and Bangham [M.A. Nowak, C.R.M. Bangham, Population dynamics of immune responses to persistent viruses, Science 272 (1996) 74]. The Nowak-Bangham model can have three equilibria depending on the basic reproduction number, and generates a Hopf bifurcation through two bifurcations of equilibria. The main result shows a sufficient condition for the interior equilibrium to have a unique bifurcation point at which a simple Hopf bifurcation occurs. For this proof, some new techniques are developed in order to apply the method established by Liu [W.M. Liu, Criterion of Hopf bifurcations without using eigenvalues, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 182 (1) (1994) 250]. In addition, to demonstrate the result obtained theoretically, some bifurcation diagrams are presented with numerical examples.  相似文献   

We present a sex-structured model for heterosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS in a community. The model is formulated using integro-differential equations, which are shown to be equivalent to delay differential equations with a time delay due to incubation period. The sex-structured HIV/AIDS model divides the population into a two sex-structure consisting of females and males. The threshold and equilibria for the model are determined and stabilities are examined. We extend the model to focus on the effects of condom use as a single-strategy approach in HIV prevention in the absence of any treatment. Initially we model the use of male condoms and further extend the model to incorporate the use of both female and male condoms. The model includes two primary factors in condom use to control HIV that are condom efficacy and compliance. The exposure risk of infection after each intervention is obtained. Basic reproductive numbers for these models are computed and compared to assess the effectiveness of male and female condom use in a community. The models are numerically analysed to assess the effectiveness of condom use on the transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS using demographic and epidemiological parameters for Zimbabwe. The study demonstrates the use of sex-structured HIV/AIDS models in assessing the effectiveness of female and male condom use as a preventative strategy in a heterosexually active population. Z. Mukandavire would like to acknowledge financial support given by the National University of Science and Technology through a Staff Development Scholarship. The authors are grateful to Eagle Insurance Company of Zimbabwe for financial support.  相似文献   

This paper presents a sex-structured model for heterosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS in which the population is divided into three subgroups: susceptibles, infectives and AIDS cases. The subgroups are further divided into two classes, consisting of individuals involved in high-risk sexual activities and individuals involved in low-risk sexual activities. The model considers the movement of individuals from high to low sexual activity groups as a result of public health educational campaigns. Thus, in this case public health educational campaigns are resulting in the split of the population into risk groups. The equilibrium and epidemic threshold, which is known as the basic reproductive number (R0), are obtained, and stability (local and global) of the disease-free equilibrium is investigated. The model is extended to incorporate sex workers, and their role in the spread of HIV/AIDS in settings with heterosexual transmission is explored. Comprehensive analytic and numerical techniques are employed in assessing the possible community benefits of public health educational campaigns in controlling HIV/AIDS. From the study, we conclude that the presence of sex workers enlarges the epidemic threshold R0, thus fuels the epidemic among the heterosexuals, and that public health educational campaigns among the high-risk heterosexual population reduces R0, thus can help slow or eradicate the epidemic.  相似文献   

We have developed a dynamic model for tuberculosis (TB) transmission in South Korea using a SEIR model with the time-dependent parameters. South Korea ranked the highest TB incidence among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2005 yr. The observed data from the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) shows a certain rise of active-TB incidence individuals after 2001 yr. Because of this sudden jump, we have considered two different periods for best fitting the model: prior to 2001 yr and posterior to 2001 yr. The least-squares fitting has been used for estimating model parameters to the observed data of active-TB incidence. Our model agrees well with the observed data. In this work, we also propose optimal treatment strategies of TB model in South Korea for the future. We have considered three control mechanisms representing distancing, case finding and case holding efforts. Optimal control programs have been proposed in various scenarios, in order to minimize the number of exposed and infectious individuals and the cost of implementing the control treatment.  相似文献   

A multi-type branching process with varying environment was used to construct a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model that captures the postantibiotic effect (PAE) seen in bacterial populations after exposure of antibiotics. This phenomenon of continued inhibition of bacterial growth even after removal of the antibiotic from the growth medium is of high relevance in the context of optimizing dosing regimens. The clinical implication of long PAEs lies in the interesting possibility of increasing the intervals between drug administrations.The model structure is generalizable to most types of antibiotics and is useful both as a theoretical framework for understanding the time properties of PAE and to explore optimal antibiotic dosing regimens. Data from an in vitro study with Escherichia coli exposed to different dosing regimens of cefotaxime were used to evaluate the model.  相似文献   

In this study we present a competition model between a non-chelator (e.g. pathogen) microorganism and an iron chelator microorganism (e.g. Pseudomonas fluorescens). This latter is a beneficial bacteria that can inhibit the growth of the non-chelator through its iron chelating capability. This phenomena of iron chelation is shown to prevent the pathogen from proliferating to numbers capable of causing disease. A mathematical model is formulated and used to study this competition. The model proposes a new and simple conceptual explanation of interactions. It is a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations. A qualitative analysis of the model for the batch case (no inflow or outflow from the system) is carried out and the global behavior of the model variables is studied. For the chemostat case, the equilibrium points were derived and their stability was performed through extensive numerical simulations. It is found that iron chelation is able to control the non-chelator microorganism growth under a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that β-lactam antimicrobials cause cell death through a mechanism that interferes with cell wall synthesis. Later studies have also revealed that β-lactams modify the autolysis function (the natural process of self-exfoliation of the cell wall) of cells. The dynamic equilibrium between growth and autolysis is perturbed by the presence of the antimicrobial. Studies with Staphylococcus aureus to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) have revealed complex responses to methicillin exposure. The organism exhibits four qualitatively different responses: homogeneous sensitivity, homogeneous resistance, heterogeneous resistance and the so-called ‘Eagle-effect’. A mathematical model is presented that links antimicrobial action on the molecular level with the overall response of the cell population to antimicrobial exposure. The cell population is modeled as a probability density function F(x,t) that depends on cell wall thickness x and time t. The function F(x,t) is the solution to a Fokker-Planck equation. The fixed point solutions are perturbed by the antimicrobial load and the advection of F(x,t) depends on the rates of cell wall synthesis, autolysis and the antimicrobial concentration. Solutions of the Fokker-Planck model are presented for all four qualitative responses of S. aureus to methicillin exposure.  相似文献   

A precise definition of the basic reproduction number, , is presented for a general compartmental disease transmission model based on a system of ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, if , then the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable; whereas if , then it is unstable. Thus, is a threshold parameter for the model. An analysis of the local centre manifold yields a simple criterion for the existence and stability of super- and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for near one. This criterion, together with the definition of , is illustrated by treatment, multigroup, staged progression, multistrain and vector–host models and can be applied to more complex models. The results are significant for disease control.  相似文献   

研究了一类具有隔离仓室和潜伏仓室的非线性高维自治微分系统SEQIJR传染病模型,得到疾病绝灭与否的阀值一基本再生数R0.证明了当R0≤1时,模型仅存在无病平衡点,且无病平衡点是全局渐近稳定的,疾病最终绝灭;当R0〉1时,模型存在两个平衡点,无病平衡点不稳定,地方病平衡点全局渐近稳定,疾病将持续.隔离措施影响着基本再生数,进而推得结论:适当地增大隔离强度,将有益于有效地控制疾病的蔓延.这就从理论上揭示了隔离对疾病控制的积极作用.  相似文献   

New habitat-based models for spread of hantavirus are developed which account for interspecies interaction. Existing habitat-based models do not consider interspecies pathogen transmission, a primary route for emergence of new infectious diseases and reservoirs in wildlife and man. The modeling of interspecies transmission has the potential to provide more accurate predictions of disease persistence and emergence dynamics. The new models are motivated by our recent work on hantavirus in rodent communities in Paraguay. Our Paraguayan data illustrate the spatial and temporal overlaps among rodent species, one of which is the reservoir species for Jabora virus and others which are spillover species. Disease transmission occurs when their habitats overlap. Two mathematical models, a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model, are developed for spread of hantavirus between a reservoir and a spillover species. Analysis of a special case of the ODE model provides an explicit expression for the basic reproduction number, , such that if , then the pathogen does not persist in either population but if , pathogen outbreaks or persistence may occur. Numerical simulations of the CTMC model display sporadic disease incidence, a new behavior of our habitat-based model, not present in other models, but which is a prominent feature of the seroprevalence data from Paraguay. Environmental changes that result in greater habitat overlap result in more encounters among various species that may lead to pathogen outbreaks and pathogen establishment in a new host.  相似文献   

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