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Applying the mathematical circulation theory of Markov chains, we investigate the synchronized stochastic dynamics of a discrete network model of yeast cell-cycle regulation where stochasticity has been kept rather than being averaged out. By comparing the network dynamics of the stochastic model with its corresponding deterministic network counterpart, we show that the synchronized dynamics can be soundly characterized by a dominant circulation in the stochastic model, which is the natural generalization of the deterministic limit cycle in the deterministic system. Moreover, the period of the main peak in the power spectrum, which is in common use to characterize the synchronized dynamics, perfectly corresponds to the number of states in the main cycle with dominant circulation. Such a large separation in the magnitude of the circulations, between a dominant, main cycle and the rest, gives rise to the stochastic synchronization phenomenon.  相似文献   

Periodic predator – prey dynamics in constant environments are usually taken as indicative of deterministic limit cycles. It is known, however, that demographic stochasticity in finite populations can also give rise to regular population cycles, even when the corresponding deterministic models predict a stable equilibrium. Specifically, such quasi-cycles are expected in stochastic versions of deterministic models exhibiting equilibrium dynamics with weakly damped oscillations. The existence of quasi-cycles substantially expands the scope for natural patterns of periodic population oscillations caused by ecological interactions, thereby complicating the conclusive interpretation of such patterns. Here we show how to distinguish between quasi-cycles and noisy limit cycles based on observing changing population sizes in predator – prey populations. We start by confirming that both types of cycle can occur in the individual-based version of a widely used class of deterministic predator – prey model. We then show that it is feasible and straightforward to accurately distinguish between the two types of cycle through the combined analysis of autocorrelations and marginal distributions of population sizes. Finally, by confronting these results with real ecological time series, we demonstrate that by using our methods even short and imperfect time series allow quasi-cycles and limit cycles to be distinguished reliably.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are endogenous oscillations that occur with a period close to 24 h in nearly all living organisms. These rhythms originate from the negative autoregulation of gene expression. Deterministic models based on such genetic regulatory processes account for the occurrence of circadian rhythms in constant environmental conditions (e.g., constant darkness), for entrainment of these rhythms by light-dark cycles, and for their phase-shifting by light pulses. When the numbers of protein and mRNA molecules involved in the oscillations are small, as may occur in cellular conditions, it becomes necessary to resort to stochastic simulations to assess the influence of molecular noise on circadian oscillations. We address the effect of molecular noise by considering the stochastic version of a deterministic model previously proposed for circadian oscillations of the PER and TIM proteins and their mRNAs in Drosophila. The model is based on repression of the per and tim genes by a complex between the PER and TIM proteins. Numerical simulations of the stochastic version of the model are performed by means of the Gillespie method. The predictions of the stochastic approach compare well with those of the deterministic model with respect both to sustained oscillations of the limit cycle type and to the influence of the proximity from a bifurcation point beyond which the system evolves to stable steady state. Stochastic simulations indicate that robust circadian oscillations can emerge at the cellular level even when the maximum numbers of mRNA and protein molecules involved in the oscillations are of the order of only a few tens or hundreds. The stochastic model also reproduces the evolution to a strange attractor in conditions where the deterministic PER-TIM model admits chaotic behaviour. The difference between periodic oscillations of the limit cycle type and aperiodic oscillations (i.e. chaos) persists in the presence of molecular noise, as shown by means of Poincaré sections. The progressive obliteration of periodicity observed as the number of molecules decreases can thus be distinguished from the aperiodicity originating from chaotic dynamics. As long as the numbers of molecules involved in the oscillations remain sufficiently large (of the order of a few tens or hundreds, or more), stochastic models therefore provide good agreement with the predictions of the deterministic model for circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Stochastic evolutionary game dynamics for finite populations has recently been widely explored in the study of evolutionary game theory. It is known from the work of Traulsen et al. [2005. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 238701] that the stochastic evolutionary dynamics approaches the deterministic replicator dynamics in the limit of large population size. However, sometimes the limiting behavior predicted by the stochastic evolutionary dynamics is not quite in agreement with the steady-state behavior of the replicator dynamics. This paradox inspired us to give reasonable explanations of the traditional concept of evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) in the context of finite populations. A quasi-stationary analysis of the stochastic evolutionary game dynamics is put forward in this study and we present a new concept of quasi-stationary strategy (QSS) for large but finite populations. It is shown that the consistency between the QSS and the ESS implies that the long-term behavior of the replicator dynamics can be predicted by the quasi-stationary behavior of the stochastic dynamics. We relate the paradox to the time scales and find that the contradiction occurs only when the fixation time scale is much longer than the quasi-stationary time scale. Our work may shed light on understanding the relationship between the deterministic and stochastic methods of modeling evolutionary game dynamics.  相似文献   

Cell polarization is an important part of the response of eukaryotic cells to stimuli, and forms a primary step in cell motility, differentiation, and many cellular functions. Among the important biochemical players implicated in the onset of intracellular asymmetries that constitute the early phases of polarization are the Rho GTPases, such as Cdc42, Rac, and Rho, which present high active concentration levels in a spatially localized manner. Rho GTPases exhibit positive feedback-driven interconversion between distinct active and inactive forms, the former residing on the cell membrane, and the latter predominantly in the cytosol. A?deterministic model of the dynamics of a single Rho GTPase described earlier by Mori et al.?exhibits sustained polarization by a wave-pinning mechanism. It remained, however, unclear how such polarization behaves at typically low cellular concentrations, as stochasticity could significantly affect the dynamics. We therefore study the low copy number dynamics of this model, using a stochastic kinetics framework based on the Gillespie algorithm, and propose statistical and analytic techniques which help us analyse the equilibrium behaviour of our stochastic system. We use local perturbation analysis to predict parameter regimes for initiation of polarity and wave-pinning in our deterministic system, and compare these predictions with deterministic and stochastic spatial simulations. Comparing the behaviour of the stochastic with the deterministic system, we determine the threshold number of molecules required for robust polarization in a given effective reaction volume. We show that when the molecule number is lowered wave-pinning behaviour is lost due to an increasingly large transition zone as well as increasing fluctuations in the pinning position, due to which a broadness can be reached that is unsustainable, causing the collapse of the wave, while the variations in the high and low equilibrium levels are much less affected.  相似文献   

One of the simplest population biological models displaying a Hopf bifurcation is the Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with Holling type II response function as essential ingredient. In seasonally forced versions the fixed point on one side of the Hopf bifurcation becomes a limit cycle and the Hopf limit cycle on the other hand becomes a torus, hence the Hopf bifurcation becomes a torus bifurcation, and via torus destruction by further increasing relevant parameters can follow deterministic chaos. We investigate this route to chaos also in view of stochastic versions, since in real world systems only such stochastic processes would be observed.However, the Holling type II response function is not directly related to a transition from one to another population class which would allow a stochastic version straight away. Instead, a time scale separation argument leads from a more complex model to the simple 2 dimensional Rosenzweig–MacArthur model, via additional classes of food handling and predators searching for prey. This extended model allows a stochastic generalization with the stochastic version of a Hopf bifurcation, and ultimately also with additional seasonality allowing a torus bifurcation under stochasticity.Our study shows that the torus destruction into chaos with positive Lyapunov exponents can occur in parameter regions where also the time scale separation and hence stochastic versions of the model are possible. The chaotic motion is observed inside Arnol’d tongues of rational ratio of the forcing frequency and the eigenfrequency of the unforced Hopf limit cycle.Such torus bifurcations and torus destruction into chaos are also observed in other population biological systems, and were for example found in extended multi-strain epidemiological models on dengue fever. To understand such dynamical scenarios better also under noise the present low dimensional system can serve as a good study case.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of biomolecules such as molecular dynamics simulations are limited by the time scale of conformational rearrangements. Several sampling techniques are available to search the multi-minima free energy landscape but most efficient, time-dependent methods do generally not produce a canonical ensemble. A sampling algorithm based on a self-regulating ladder of searching copies in the dihedral subspace is developped in this paper. The learning process using short- and long-term memory functions allows an efficient search in phase space while combining a deterministic dynamics and stochastic swaps with the searching copies conserves a canonical limit. The sampling efficiency and accuracy are indicated by comparing the ansatz with conventional molecular dynamics and replica exchange simulations.  相似文献   

We present an empirical model of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal based on the construction of a stochastic limit cycle oscillator using Itô calculus. This formulation, where the noise influences actually interact with the dynamics, is substantially different from the usual definition of measurement noise. Analysis of model data is compared with actual EEG data using both traditional methods and modern techniques from nonlinear time series analysis. The model demonstrates visually displayed patterns and statistics that are similar to actual EEG data. In addition, the nonlinear mechanisms underlying the dynamics of the model do not manifest themselves in nonlinear time series analysis, paralleling the situation with real, non-pathological EEG data. This modeling exercise suggests that the EEG is optimally described by stochastic limit cycle behavior.  相似文献   

A stochastic dynamic population model for the complete life cycle of northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence, is described. Adult population dynamics from emergence to oviposition are based on a published single-season model for which temperature-dependent development and age-dependent advancement determine adult population dynamics and oviposition. Randomly generated daily temperatures make this model component stochastic. Stochastic hatch is 50+/-8%. A stochastic nonlinear density-dependent larval survival model is estimated using field data from artificial infestation experiments. A regional model of corn phenology is estimated to incorporate the effect of dispersal on adult mortality. Random daily weather is generated using parameters for Brookings, SD. Model performance is evaluated with deterministic simulations, which show that the population converges to zero unless adult mortality is reduced by the availability of corn pollen from the regional model of corn phenology. Stochastic model performance is evaluated with stochastic daily weather, egg hatch, and larval survival in various combinations. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate model responsiveness to each parameter. Model results are generally consistent with published data.  相似文献   

A stochastic metapopulation model accounting for habitat dynamics is presented. This is the stochastic SIS logistic model with the novel aspect that it incorporates varying carrying capacity. We present results of Kurtz and Barbour, that provide deterministic and diffusion approximations for a wide class of stochastic models, in a form that most easily allows their direct application to population models. These results are used to show that a suitably scaled version of the metapopulation model converges, uniformly in probability over finite time intervals, to a deterministic model previously studied in the ecological literature. Additionally, they allow us to establish a bivariate normal approximation to the quasi-stationary distribution of the process. This allows us to consider the effects of habitat dynamics on metapopulation modelling through a comparison with the stochastic SIS logistic model and provides an effective means for modelling metapopulations inhabiting dynamic landscapes.  相似文献   

Generalising a site-based stochastic model due to Royama, Solé et al. and Sumpter et al., we investigate competition in a single species with discrete, non-overlapping generations. We show that the deterministic limit of the dynamics depends on a few easily interpretable parameters only. Further, we discuss qualitative properties and limit sets of the corresponding difference equations, and we relate these to modes of competition. Moreover, a detailed analysis of stochastic effects in some relevant scenarios indicates that the behaviour of the stochastic model is very sensitive to further details of the model.  相似文献   

Blowing-up of deterministic fixed points in stochastic population dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We discuss the stochastic dynamics of biological (and other) populations presenting a limit behaviour for large environments (called deterministic limit) and its relation with the dynamics in the limit. The discussion is circumscribed to linearly stable fixed points of the deterministic dynamics, and it is shown that the cases of extinction and non-extinction equilibriums present different features. Mainly, non-extinction equilibria have associated a region of stochastic instability surrounded by a region of stochastic stability. The instability region does not exist in the case of extinction fixed points, and a linear Lyapunov function can be associated with them. Stochastically sustained oscillations of two subpopulations are also discussed in the case of complex eigenvalues of the stability matrix of the deterministic system.  相似文献   

Can noise induce chaos?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important component of the mathematical definition of chaos is sensitivity to initial conditions. Sensitivity to initial conditions is usually measured in a deterministic model by the dominant Lyapunov exponent (LE), with chaos indicated by a positive LE. The sensitivity measure has been extended to stochastic models; however, it is possible for the stochastic Lyapunov exponent (SLE) to be positive when the LE of the underlying deterministic model is negative, and vice versa. This occurs because the LE is a long-term average over the deterministic attractor while the SLE is the long-term average over the stationary probability distribution. The property of sensitivity to initial conditions, uniquely associated with chaotic dynamics in deterministic systems, is widespread in stochastic systems because of time spent near repelling invariant sets (such as unstable equilibria and unstable cycles). Such sensitivity is due to a mechanism fundamentally different from deterministic chaos. Positive SLE's should therefore not be viewed as a hallmark of chaos. We develop examples of ecological population models in which contradictory LE and SLE values lead to confusion about whether or not the population fluctuations are primarily the result of chaotic dynamics. We suggest that "chaos" should retain its deterministic definition in light of the origins and spirit of the topic in ecology. While a stochastic system cannot then strictly be chaotic, chaotic dynamics can be revealed in stochastic systems through the strong influence of underlying deterministic chaotic invariant sets.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis quantifies the dependence of system behavior on the parameters that affect the process dynamics. Classical sensitivity analysis, however, does not directly apply to discrete stochastic dynamical systems, which have recently gained popularity because of its relevance in the simulation of biological processes. In this work, sensitivity analysis for discrete stochastic processes is developed based on density function (distribution) sensitivity, using an analog of the classical sensitivity and the Fisher Information Matrix. There exist many circumstances, such as in systems with multistability, in which the stochastic effects become nontrivial and classical sensitivity analysis on the deterministic representation of a system cannot adequately capture the true system behavior. The proposed analysis is applied to a bistable chemical system--the Schl?gl model, and to a synthetic genetic toggle-switch model. Comparisons between the stochastic and deterministic analyses show the significance of explicit consideration of the probabilistic nature in the sensitivity analysis for this class of processes.  相似文献   

We formulate and analyse a stochastic epidemic model for the transmission dynamics of a tick-borne disease in a single population using a continuous-time Markov chain approach. The stochastic model is based on an existing deterministic metapopulation tick-borne disease model. We compare the disease dynamics of the deterministic and stochastic models in order to determine the effect of randomness in tick-borne disease dynamics. The probability of disease extinction and that of a major outbreak are computed and approximated using the multitype Galton–Watson branching process and numerical simulations, respectively. Analytical and numerical results show some significant differences in model predictions between the stochastic and deterministic models. In particular, we find that a disease outbreak is more likely if the disease is introduced by infected deer as opposed to infected ticks. These insights demonstrate the importance of host movement in the expansion of tick-borne diseases into new geographic areas.  相似文献   

A recurring problem in population biology - as well as other stochastic dynamical systems in biology, the physical and social sciences - is the distinction between the ‘true’ dynamics of a system and observational noise: i.e. can we from present data reliably infer e.g. biological mechanisms, or are signals swamped by noise.Here, we approach this problem using the canonical model for simple systems that exhibit complex behaviour, the logistic map. At each time-point noise is added, which allows us to study the long-term behaviour of a system which exhibits both non-linear dynamics and intrinsic noise.We show that the interplay between deterministic non-linear dynamics and simple Gaussian noise results in a perplexingly simple system when viewed statistically.In particular we show that for the case of Gaussian noise it is possible to derive at very reliable approximations for the time until the system has reached an absorbing state. This generic model allows us, for example, to study the life-time of molecular species involved in noisy feedback loops.  相似文献   

We consider the modeling process of a biological agent by combining the concepts of neuroinformatics and deterministic chaos. We assume that an agent observes a target process as a stochastic symbolic process, which is restricted by grammatical constraints. Our main hypothesis is that an agent would learn the target model by reconstructing an equivalent quasi-stochastic process on its deterministic neural dynamics. We employed a recurrent neural network (RNN), which is regarded as an adjustable deterministic dynamical system. Then, we conducted an experiment to observe how the RNN learns to reconstruct the target process, represented by a stochastic finite state machine in the simulation. The result revealed the capability of the RNN to evolve, by means of learning, toward chaos, which is able to mimic a target's stochastic process. We precisely analyzed the evolutionary process as well as the internal representation of the neural dynamics obtained. This analysis enabled us to clarify an interesting mechanism of the self-organization of chaos by means of neural learning, and also showed how grammar can be embedded in the evolved deterministic chaos.  相似文献   

The firing pattern of neural pulses often show the following features: the shapes of individual pulses are nearly identical and frequency independent; the firing frequency can vary over a broad range; the time period between pulses shows a stochastic scatter. This behaviour cannot be understood on the basis of a deterministic non-linear dynamic process, e.g. the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model. We demonstrate in this paper that a noise term added to the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model can reproduce the firing patterns of neurons very well. For this purpose we have considered the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the stochastic Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model. This equation has been solved by a new Monte Carlo algorithm. We demonstrate that the ensuing distribution functions represent only the global characteristics of the underlying force field: lines of zero slope which attract nearby trajectories prove to be the regions of phase space where the distributions concentrate their amplitude. Since there are two such lines the distributions are bimodal representing repeated fluctuations between two lines of zero slope. Even in cases where the deterministic Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model does not show limit cycle behaviour the stochastic system produces a limit cycle. This cycle can be identified with the firing of neural pulses.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of biomass in a marine ecosystem. A stochastic process is defined in which organisms undergo jumps in body size as they catch and eat smaller organisms. Using a systematic expansion of the master equation, we derive a deterministic equation for the macroscopic dynamics, which we call the deterministic jump-growth equation, and a linear Fokker–Planck equation for the stochastic fluctuations. The McKendrick–von Foerster equation, used in previous studies, is shown to be a first-order approximation, appropriate in equilibrium systems where predators are much larger than their prey. The model has a power-law steady state consistent with the approximate constancy of mass density in logarithmic intervals of body mass often observed in marine ecosystems. The behaviours of the stochastic process, the deterministic jump-growth equation, and the McKendrick–von Foerster equation are compared using numerical methods. The numerical analysis shows two classes of attractors: steady states and travelling waves.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms which occur with a period close to 24 h in nearly all living organisms originate from the negative autoregulation of gene expression.Deterministic models based on genetic regulatory processes account for theoccurrence of circadian rhythms in constant environmental conditions (e.g.constant darkness), for entrainment of these rhythms by light-dark cycles, and for their phase-shifting by light pulses. At low numbers of protein and mRNA molecules, it becomes necessary to resort to stochastic simulations to assess the influence of molecular noise on circadian oscillations. We address the effect of molecular noise by considering two stochastic versions of a core model for circadian rhythms. The deterministic version of this core modelwas previously proposed for circadian oscillations of the PER protein in Drosophila and of the FRQ protein in Neurospora. In the first, non-developed version of the stochastic model, we introduce molecular noise without decomposing the deterministic mechanism into detailed reaction steps while in the second, developed version we carry out such a detailed decomposition. Numerical simulations of the two stochastic versions of the model are performed by means of the Gillespie method. We compare the predictions of the deterministic approach with those of the two stochastic models, with respect both to sustained oscillations of the limit cycle type and to the influence of the proximity of a bifurcation point beyond which the system evolves to a stable steady state. The results indicate that robust circadian oscillations can occur even when the numbers of mRNA and nuclear protein involved in the oscillatory mechanism are reduced to a few tens orhundreds, respectively. The non-developed and developed versions of the stochastic model yield largely similar results and provide good agreement with the predictions of the deterministic model for circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

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