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有机污染物二氯二苯三氯乙烷(DDT)、三丁基锡(TBT)和2,3,7,8.四氯二苯并二嗯英(TCDD)因对水生生态系统的危害以及对人体健康造成的严重伤害而受到重视.本实验以模式生物原生动物嗜热四膜虫为研究对象,利用microarray技术筛选了在上述3种污染物下分别暴露24h后差异表达2倍以上的基因,并在geneontology功能注释的基础上,通过富集分析考察了这些基因涉及的主要功能,其中许多功能和多细胞生物中的报道相一致.随后,以TCDD中富集功能注释的基因为核心,通过CLR算法构建了TCDD相关基因的相互作用网络,依照功能将其划分为2个亚网络,并在此基础上推测了TCDD在四膜虫中的作用机制模型.结果显示,四膜虫具有成为在基因组水平研究毒物作用机制的单细胞生物模型的巨大潜力.  相似文献   

对中国热带农业科学研究院试验场7队割制为割阴刀、1/8树围四天一刀(1/8s↑d/4)的橡胶树品种PR107胶树不同高度树干进行膨压测定。结果表明,割胶前橡胶树树干膨压分布不均匀,割胶后膨压下降较少。说明胶树茎干膨压一直维持在较高水平是气刺微割排胶时间较长的原因之一。  相似文献   

Isolating high-quality RNA from latex of H. brasiliensis is a prerequisite to elucidating the molecular mechanisms of rubber biosynthesis and its regulation. Here, an improved protocol was developed for latex collection, transportation, storage, and RNA isolation. Compared with existing ones, our protocol eliminated liquid nitrogen for latex collection and subsequent low-temperature (-70 degrees C) condition for latex storage, making it more convenient and feasible when latex was collected in remote sampling sites, and latex storage and RNA isolation were conducted in poorly-equipped laboratories. Different methods (UV absorbance scans, denaturing gel electrophoresis, autoradiograph monitoring of cDNA synthesis) were used to confirm the high quality of the RNA prepared with this protocol, whose usefulness was further verified by several practical applications, including construction of one high-quality cDNA library, cloning of the full-length cDNAs of 3 novel Hevea sucrose transporter genes, and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of two rubber-biosynthesis essential genes and one sucrose transporter gene.  相似文献   

Upon centrifugation, rubber latex is divided into a layer of rubber particles, the cytosol, and the lutoid-body fraction, which is of vacuolar origin. One of the proteins isolated from the lutoid-body fraction is a protein with a molecular mass of 43 kDa, which has esterase activity on p-nitrophenylpalmitate and which shows significant sequence similarity with patatin, a vacuolar protein with esterase activity from potato (Solanum tuberosum). This protein is a major allergen in rubber latex products (Hev b 7) and can also be isolated from the cytosol fraction of rubber latex. The mature protein isolated from lutoid-bodies has no structural features expected for a vacuolar protein: the N-terminal methionine in the cDNA-derived sequence is cleaved off, the second residue is N-acetylated, and the C-terminal sequence is identical to that in the cDNA-derived sequence. Thus the patatin-like protein in Hevea brasiliensis is not a vacuolar protein, but may be associated with not yet characterized particles in the cytoplasm, which either sediment with lutoid-bodies or remain in the cytosol fraction, depending on the centrifugation conditions.  相似文献   

Wild and managed pollinators are the key component of biodiversity, contributing to important ecosystem services such as pollination and supporting human food security. Pollination by insects is a crucial component of the food chain that ensures the production of fruits and strongly affects the fruit quality, but the effect of insect pollination on fruit physiological and chemical parameters is largely unknown. The current study was conducted to determine the insect pollinators diversity and their relative abundance in the loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) orchard during 2017–2019. Further, the effect of insect pollinators pollination on the physiological and chemical parameters of fruit quality as compared to control pollinated flowers was investigated. The results revealed that a total of 22 species from 3 families (Apidae, Halictidae, and Syrphidae) were identified during the flowering season. The Apidae and Syrphidae were the most frequently observed families with major groups honey bees (67.89%) and hoverflies (21.57%), respectively. Moreover, results indicated that the fruit yield by the open-pollinated flowers (22.31 ± 0.34 kg/tree) was significantly higher than the control pollinated flowers (14.80 ± 0.25 kg/tree). Physiological and chemical parameters of loquat fruit differed significantly when fruits obtained from open-pollinated flowers as compared to control pollinated flowers. These results suggested that native insect pollinators play important role in the fruit quality of loquat. Hence, maintenance of appropriate habitat of native pollinators near loquat orchards is necessary to ensure good productivity and fruit quality.  相似文献   

橡胶树死皮病胶乳C-乳清差异表达蛋白质的筛选与鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
橡胶树死皮病(Tapping Panel Dryness,TPD)在世界各橡胶种植园普遍发生,给橡胶种植业带来严重的危害。为了更好地了解和阐明死皮病发生、发展的分子机制,本研究应用双向凝胶电泳技术(2-DE)比较橡胶树死皮株与健康株胶乳C-乳清蛋白质组表达的差异。采用固相pH梯度双向凝胶电泳分离橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清的总蛋白质,凝胶经考染显色后,用PDQuest7.40图像分析软件进行比较分析,识别差异表达的蛋白质。这些点经过胶内酶切后进行基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)分析获取肽质指纹图谱(PMF),Mascot软件搜索SWISS-PROT和NCBInr数据库鉴定蛋白质。结果:①橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清凝胶的平均蛋白质点数分别为1075±35和1134±27,其平均匹配的点数分别为982±38和1008±22,组内图像匹配率达91.89﹪和88.72﹪。②橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清组间的平均匹配蛋白点数为970±25。利用MALDI-TOF-MS质谱技术对40个差异明显的蛋白点进行分析鉴定,通过查询数据库鉴定了27个蛋白质。本研究建立了分辨率高且重复性较好的橡胶树死皮株与 健康株胶乳C-乳清的双向凝胶电泳图谱,并应用质谱技术鉴定了其中表达差异的蛋白质点,这些差异表达的蛋白质可能参与了死皮发生和发展的过程。  相似文献   

The physiological ecology of Prasiola stipitata was examined in situ from two supralittoral sites in the Bay of Fundy (Nova Scotian, Canada) during November 2011, when the population was undergoing major expansion. Photosynthetic parameters (effective quantum yield, ΦPSII, maximum quantum yield, Fv/Fm, and relative electron transport rate, rETR) were evaluated using chlorophyll fluorescence of PSII. A largely shaded and continuously moist population showed no change in ΦPSII from one hour after sunrise to sunset in which natural irradiance varied between 3 and 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1. High irradiance (up to 1800 μmol photons m?2 s?1) had no apparent negative impacts on either quantum yield or rETR, but high desiccation in the field reduced quantum yield to almost zero. When thalli were brought into the laboratory, no change in Fv/Fm was observed up to 60% dehydration; however, there was a steep decline in Fv/Fm between 60% and 85% dehydration. Thalli showed complete recovery of Fv/Fm within one hour of reimmersion in seawater after 2 days of desiccation. After 15 days of desiccation full recovery required 24 h and after 30 days of desiccation thalli showed only partial recovery. These observations confirm the adaptation to photosynthesis in high irradiances and the rapid recovery following extreme desiccation observed in other Prasiola species.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty-two cultures from the ARS Culture Collection and 10 cultures isolated from soil and water samples collected in Illinois were screened for their ability to convert agricultural oils to value-added industrial chemicals. A new compound, 7,10-dihydroxy-8-(E)-octadecenoic acid (DOD) was produced from oleic acid by a new strain,Pseudomonas sp. PR3 isolated from a water sample in Morton, IL. Strain PR3 is a motile, small rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium. It has multiple polar flagellae and is oxidase-positive. Strain PR3 grows aerobically and cannot grow anaerobically. The strain produces white, smooth colonies on agar plate and no water-soluble pigment. The yield of the product was greater than 60%. The optimum time, pH and temperature for the production of DOD were: 2 days, 7.0, and 30°C, respectively. Glycerol and dextrose support the growth of strain PR3, but the cells grown from the former failed to catalyse the conversion of oleic acid to DOD. The production of DOD is unique in that it involves a hydroxylation at two positions and a rearrangement of the double bond of the substrate molecule.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

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